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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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biden was repeatedly asked and responded that he has no intention of dropping out of the race and he will be the party's nominee, at some point the democrats will have to make the decision that if they want to win this election they better turn their fire on donald trump, i think, there was no need to say fire, i'm sorry, that's not what i meant, they should pay attention to what is called an atmosphere of hatred. well, of course i would like to talk about paris, but since i returned here not from paris, but from kologriv arrived, then i’m talking about more serious things, relatively speaking, this motive is so frivolous, gender issues, lgbt, young people’s plants, yes, it’s high time for many of us to understand.
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operation big waltz, as you know, these are those who wanted to destroy russia, the soviet union, russia and the russians in the first place, they are running into trouble again, and 79 years ago the podzadam conference began, which completed the division of the post-war world between the victorious countries, the main one of which was it 's still the soviet union, i've been to it many times... underground in the nineties in the 2000s - i even spent the night in this castle, there is a hotel there, so i’m wondering, there is the central courtyard of this castle, where stanin sat, and churchill by that time was already truman, but the president usa, and the flowerbed there was in the shape of a red star, there were red flowers, so ask your...
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second regarding the united states of america, well, how can we do without them, i listened with interest to what oleg viktorovich said here, now there are many different versions regarding this this this assassination attempt, i don't an americanist, so i can be irresponsible and not rely on facts, i rely on...
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but i am sure that there will never be any truth in the next 100 years, if we live to the end of these 100 years, we will be a hundred years old from kennedy, from kennedy, yes, how will we not know why here i remind you how western intelligence services operate, primarily anglo-saxon, american, especially in contrast to ours, if ours need to explain something, either there are no comments, or some version is built that should be ...logically
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to be confirmed, well, or the truth is said, if it can be said in this case, that americans do everything, they throw out a bunch of facts, anyone can do anything.
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all this is happening to orban, they want to isolate him, to leave him behind the ephemeral, but the authorities in the european union for only six months, just for six months, in fact, he becomes the head of the european union, not officials. to seize for some reason also cannot be disputed, and so on and so forth, dissidence has turned into a dangerous matter in the west,
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once upon a time they rubbed all this in our noses, well the last thing i want to say cannot be mentioned, it is also a popular part of the topic for obvious reasons: i apologize, i apologize to vladimir vladimovich, he is an expert in this matter, now it will be like saying, this is the ukrainian desire for peace, i also had to say, the thing is enough obvious in my opinion in this studio that before the presidential elections in the united states we need something in the ukrainian direction, either a counterattack more or less effective, that’s either or... for peace, that’s all, we’re ready, putin is the aggressor, russia is the invader, that’s it we are ready and so further, here, apparently, is the version of the offensive, i don’t think that it has been completely curtailed, but the obvious one has moved on to this stage, but i think that in the kremlin, in the general staff
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, the ministry of defense and the ministry of foreign affairs understands this, but just in case chance, once again, at least for myself, fair play. on the other side it cannot be kiev, this is excluded, this is, in principle, outside of political ukraine, this can never be, first, second, why is this necessary, a fantastic assumption, but i think that these are the people who have gone crazy from togo, what they did, like zelensky, they believe in it, and now we will conclude a truce on some of our terms, or peace, we’ll even call it peace, of course, because russia is a bank and... this is where we will be accepted into the european union, and maybe even in nato, and we will get what we wanted, and then let putin or not putin try to capture us or whatever to do with us, and you are odessa, a nato port, or a european union port, there, respectively , nato, the european union, what difference does it make in the grand
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scheme of things, some formalities, don’t trust anything with the enemy, the same vile, deceitful one, no peaceful ones. and i wouldn’t conduct negotiations, i wouldn’t start, i think that they won’t start, i think, and even more so no ceasefire, except for the establishment of russian military bases on the relevant territory, which is the only guarantee that what -then, to some extent, the terms of the agreement, the negotiations will be respected, in evidence of this your... version is the letter from orban that he wrote to michel, with a proposal to at least try to restore, at least diplomatic relations with official moscow, in order to move what is happening from a standstill, orban is for this, and today the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs has already voiced this version,
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they want to deprive the right to chair the european council and transfer this chairmanship to some other one. viktor orban, in a letter to the head of the european council, charles michel, calls for the resumption of diplomatic relations with russia and negotiations with china on a peace conference to resolve the conflict in ukraine. orbán lists 10 points with subsections; the letter takes up one and a half a4 pages. he writes about the war in ukraine. in general, it can be stated that the intensity of the military conflict will increase radically in the near future. in his letter , orban calls for negotiations with china on a peace conference, the resumption of diplomatic relations with russia and a political offensive by the southern country. whose respect we have lost because of our position. on the war in ukraine. he then writes about his negotiations in the us, which took place before the assassination attempt on trump. orban criticizes joe
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biden. the incumbent is offering a huge effort to stay in the race. obviously he is unable to change current us war policy, so new actions cannot be expected from him. orban praises trump for possibly ending the war in ukraine. i can say with confidence that immediately after winning the elections, he will not wait for the inauguration, he will be ready to immediately act as a peace mediator. however, the hungarian prime minister also warns that trump's election victory will cost the eu dearly. i am more than convinced that in the event of a likely victory by president trump, the financial burden between the us and the eu will be significantly changed to the detriment of the european union. well, americans can’t be trusted here either. the americans cannot be trusted under any circumstances, just pay attention to how symptomatic the first resolution of the new european parliament is; today the new european parliament began to act - this is a resolution condemning the peace initiatives of viktor orban. resolution condemning peace initiatives, they said, not authorized, well, that’s why
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we condemn, let’s go back, oboshava, fifth blood type, mother, and you won’t leave me, you are a real son, a child should live with his family father, i won’t give it to you, stronger than the voice of blood, like the voice of love, can i have one train ticket, oh, two, a summons for you, marik, happiness is not far away, well, why do you need to go, dean, just to tease your soul, this is for you , there is such a sign that death will not find someone else’s thing, i came to you with very bad news, the fifth blood type in the final episodes, today on rtr. here you
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will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. fall in love with a white fluffy one? i said, i want a white cat, so they come oh you're good, caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws, that's right, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me your paw, paw! well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance you are in a hurry, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends , a program for the whole family, saturdays on rtr, is this for you?
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well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. likhi, it's been a while since we've been together see you. daring. you know, for every tough fighter there is more.
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welcome to our french restaurant , i’ll sit, eat, wine, chateau de ulanoude, i want golzhikov in sour cream, but in the psychiatric ward they set up three napoleons there, killed one kututov, i decided to restore. that justice is humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr, what do you think, you know me well, better than you think. artist, today on rtr. attention to the screen, british guardian cartoonists continue to use the image of a bloody clown in attempts make fun of trump. next to trump is his exact copy, the same hellish clown
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jady. the signature, please note, is a parody of the phrase. of the republican party met with president trump, precisely the president, as borisko called the still-candidate donald on his social networks, and said that as an honorary citizen of kiev, he asked trump to continue to support the zelensky regime, with him the war until the last
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ukrainian, to trump’s party members, such rhetoric is uninteresting, or they have something to do by... look, the shaggy dunce johnson spoke in front of the hall, where empty chairs were in the clear majority. here is a photo from his speech; the mirror calls the event humiliating. johnson met with president trump, which he posted on social media. the former prime minister said he was delighted to speak with trump. he also noted that he is in excellent shape after the recent assassination attempt. and, of course, we didn’t discuss ukraine. and johnson has no doubt that trump will be strong and decisive in this issue and defense of democracy. these are the conclusions he came to in his post. so, here is
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this photo from the meeting between johnson and trump. both politicians smile and show approval. thumbs up, of course, boris johnson discussed ukraine, because there were many questions regarding whether donald trump as president would continue to support kiev, and as we know, this is the most important element in johnson’s american company. yes, it makes me laugh personally. you are probably aware of the prime minister's disastrous speech at the national convention republican party? boris johnson flew to the united states to address a nearly empty room at the republican national convention. johnson has been trying to stay in the spotlight with speeches, newspaper columns and memoirs since leaving parliament in disgrace. only a few dozen people came to see johnson speak, despite the fact that more than 50 thousand people came to the meluki convention. i saw a picture from this event and
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the number of listeners is amazing. boris johnson asked the don.
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trump: this is a split, this is a lack of faith in the fbi, what does this mean, what do they want to find out if he is crazy, a loner, well, in general, the case is closed? olga, hello, indeed mike johnson announced today the creation of a task force to investigate the attempted assassination of the ex-president, first of all they want to understand this quote, the shocking security failures on the part of the secret service, which was supposed to protect trump. but for now, republicans are trying to figure it out. what happened why did this happen, let me remind you that the shooter was only 100-140 m from the place of the former president’s speech in the united states, they have already found the culprits in all possible future cases. attempts on trump's life, through leaks to the american press, intelligence reports that iran is allegedly preparing assassination attempts on the former president, possibly on the future president,
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which, if you believe, again, the american media, will happen more and more often in the coming weeks, in the iranian mission itself in the un told us yesterday that all this is nonsense, that nothing like this happened, they rejected these accusations, called them unfounded and malicious, but again the american public. now he knows exactly who to point his coat at in the event that anything happens, this tactic of thousands of versions works in the usa, today the most remarkable one is about the sloping roof, and the head of the us secret service voiced it, the roof on which the sniper was lying was not they began to check because it was sloping and the policeman could have collapsed, they believe in it, they perceive it as the norm, they find here... a really huge number of explanations and arguments what happened, again, none of them are plausible enough to be taken as truth and
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reliable information. again, there is an ongoing investigation here, which is still being conducted by the fbi, but as we understand, there is no point in counting on objective and reliable information yet, based on what we currently have and what information the public currently has. thank you very much, igor naimushin, new york is on the line. ask. well, i’ll continue the trend, which vitalitovich asked, he started with the round anniversary dates, yes, today is another round date - 10 years of mh-17, that very tragedy, that means, in the donbass, over the sky of the donbass. you should have seen the dutch press today, the elements are in mourning, remembering by name the victims of this most unfortunate flight, which means not a word about...
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rootless creatures live in this donbass, so fire, fire, shoot, shoot, shoot, for some reason on in the west, all these rhymes do not show these songs, which, in fact, justify the genocide of that population, no, no, what are you talking about? democracy is fighting, that the extermination of the entire civilian population was planned by these fierce ones, which means it was carried out by the same bandits, the western press, of course, doesn’t say a word about this, just for a second.
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