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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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after the performance, you rush everything, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polunchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. nine ammunition depots in usu immediately destroyed our units in all directions of the special operation. and our air defense systems intercepted the french tactical missile scalp in the sky over donbass. fsb officers
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prevented a terrorist attack in the donetsk people's republic, it was planned according to instructions ukraine. we got off the plane with the russian flag. our soldiers, freed from ukrainian captivity, were brought to moscow. we're glad we came. many thanks to everyone who organized this exchange. biden's coronavirus is one of the main topics of foreign media. and donald trump may weaken the dollar if he wins the election. they created the first supersonic and are producing the latest fighter. the komsomolsko-on-sea aviation plant turned 90 years old. so, nine ammunition depots destroyed our units in all directions of the special operation. kherson areas, with the help of drones, they burned another paladin self-propelled gun. after an accurate strike , the american gun caught fire, and then the ammunition detonated. there, russian factories turned positions in the ssu into ruins. i dropped it on fortified ground. seven guided
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bombs at once, in the western direction , hail crews destroyed a concentration of military personnel, the formations of the kiev regime were hit with rockets, in the central sector of the front, drone operators demonstrated their skill, directing an attack copter directly into the dugout. air defense systems intercepted in the sky over donbass. french tactical missile scalp worth a million dollars. the pantsir c1 complex, which reliably covers the sky within a radius of 20 km, worked on the target. report by vesti war correspondent vadim topalov. the pantser system deployed here in the donbass steppes violated the plans of the militants of the kiev regime; an expensive cruise missile launched at russian strategic targets is now nothing more than a pile of plastic and scrap metal. there's a million dollars at our feet, it's true dismantled.
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system from traveling to combat position, it deploys in 15 minutes, the thirty-ton complex can hit targets with both missiles and a thirty-millimeter gun, this particular complex showed itself during the repulsion of the so-called ukrainian counter-offensive in the kherson direction. my unit worked for absolutely all purposes, for absolutely everything that was used. the whale has a wealth of combat experience behind it. georgian-abkhaz conflict syria, now defending the sky here in the special operation zone for... served in the police, there is
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length of service, i could calmly sit not behind the wheel of this complex, but at home, in civilian life, raise my grandchildren, but the military registration and enlistment office came on its own, decided to help the army, hello to the krasnodar region, everything is fine with us, everyone is happy, victory will be ours, the enemy will be defeated , although the calculation of the complex can carry out a variety of... political, trade, economic and current issues of cooperation in the energy sector became the main topics of a telephone conversation between vladimir putin and crown prince mohammed bin salman al sauda. the parties highly appreciated the friendly relations between russia and saudi arabia, which are based on principles.
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agreed to maintain contacts at various levels. moscow and washington held closed consultations on the ukrainian issue. sergei lavrov spoke about contacts at the expert level behind closed doors. at a large press conference at the un, the head of our foreign ministry noted that these contacts did not bring significant results. and to end the conflict, the west only needs to stop supplying weapons. report by alexey golovko. the work of the russian foreign minister at the un invariably arouses great interest among the world media, and after the end of the security council, journalists have the opportunity to ask him any question. at the end of his working trip, sergei lavrov holds a large final press conference. after
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the minister’s brief report on two days of work , questions immediately arise: will russia participate in the second, so-called peace summit, as zelensky suggests, but our country still does not see any practical sense in this. course set.
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the creation of a government of national unity would have been carried out, and it consisted of preparing early presidential elections; if it had been carried out, ukraine would now be within the borders of 1991.
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liberated, but we cannot leave people who voted for returning to russia, but under the yoke of a regime that exterminates everything russian. the us press asks: now that trump's chances of winning have increased after the unsuccessful assassination attempt, is russia ready to cooperate with him as the us president? no matter what he was in the mood, it was during the trump presidency that the sanctions war began, very much. obama started it for the sake of fairness, let’s say, but under trump there were more sanctions, both economic and diplomatic, but at that time, as i already said, there was a dialogue
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between us and washington at the highest and highest levels, now there is no such dialogue, one of the days of work the council for the un under the russian chairmanship was devoted to the situation in the middle east, it cannot... that they want to provoke them, provoke them into the full-scale involvement of hezbollah, and the purpose of such a provocation, as analysts suggest, is to involve the united states directly in participating with its armed forces in this conflict.
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sergei lavrov answered questions from reporters for almost an hour and a half; as expected, next time in the work of the united nations, he will take part in the fall of this year, during the general assembly of the united nations. paratroopers who parachute into the most inaccessible areas. two an-26 and yak-40 aircraft were involved in the fire extinguishing effort. the fire engulfed about 1. obiykhsky district of the republic, to the nearest villages, to the fire there was only 5 km to go to the district center 10. thick smoke covered the entire neighborhood. due to abnormal heat, a natural fire broke out in the rostov region; in the azov region, dry grass is burning over an area of ​​several hectares. and in the krasnodar region. they are assessing the damage over the past few days, five major fires have been extinguished there, the worst occurred near novorossiysk,
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the burned forest, according to experts, will take more than 200 years to recover. more than 200 ideas to improve the quality of life in sakhalin region, new horizons were presented at the quality of life conference of the same name. hundreds of specialists from different regions were involved in the development of projects. the results of the work were announced today. families, a dynamic economy, and technology relate to improving people's health, supporting leadership and a comfortable and safe environment. quality of life, today the idea was voiced that cities and villages have changed, this is cleanliness, this is for the people, for the people, entrances that have been renovated. yards for people, which are renovated, for the people , public space, which
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is renovated, facades are made, on which there are murals, this is yuzhno-sakalinsk, where a million flowers are planted, this is also for the people. unique hydrological structures are being erected on sochi embankment; horizontal breakwaters should protect coastal infrastructure from storms and beaches from erosion. every year this problem becomes more acute and does not help. in this labyrinth of welded structures there is a way out of the most frightening dead end of modern sochi, the wave is already for many decades , the coastline has been taken away from vacationers, centimeter by centimeter at a time. the protective frame is the basis of new hydraulic structures at the sea embankment. unprecedented measures to support our beaches. build two breakwaters 90 m long, 90 cm wide and
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1 m high above sea level. hundreds of tons of stones are transported daily from the shore to the engineering platform at sea, a super-stable substrate for new breakwaters. we will move away from the pile of reinforced concrete, that is, the coastal zone will take on a natural appearance, behind the breakwaters we will observe the cape between the breakwaters, we will have such a small bay. environmentalists have hope that these are man-made reefs. will give rebirth to the entire ecosystem around, an increase in biodiversity here on these beaches, at these depths, in general, you could see seahorses and local shrimp in my soviet childhood. studies have shown the safety margin of such structures to be at least 100 years. for the growing tourist flow in sochi, a very important calculation; almost 8 million people now fly to the black sea both in summer and winter guests per year. in the midst of the summer holiday season. everyone has access to the seaside embankment, despite the work, the updated embankment
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will more than double in size and the pebble strip will also expand. if you don’t take care of protective structures now, very soon vacationers will simply have nowhere to sunbathe, bulk pebbles are washed away in one or two storms, and the sea simply pushes existing groins to the surface. the project, which has become unique for sochi, may in the future become an example for everything krasnodar region. pavel melnik and nikita kalchenko, news! from sochi. today , the komsomolsko-on-sea aviation plant is 90 years old, and the legendary enterprise has been named after yuri gagarin for more than half a century. during this time, 13,000 aircraft of various types were built there; designers, engineers and workers created the first supersonic su-7, the su-17 bomber and the su-27, which became a legend. it was the komsomolsk plant that was entrusted with the state mission of serial production of the fifth generation fighter su-57. peaks today's front-line aviation, you are looking at the news, this is what we will talk about further in our
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program: fsb officers carried out a terrorist attack in the donetsk people's republic, details of the special operation, our soldiers released from ukrainian captivity were delivered to moscow, and donald trump may weaken the dollar if he wins the elections , about this not only immediately after the advertisement, stay tuned.
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on rtr.
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is. there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, smiya caster is the oldest profession in india, they say
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it’s done right bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a strange murder, someone hit her on the head more than once, no, but i have nothing to do with it, your name is in her notebook, damn, what look at rtr, listen, beauty, can you treat me to some tea, hello, good evening, this is grisha, and this? raya, when will he return? yes, it’s hard to say, she’s at a pregnancy consultation, it’s week six, no less, well, remember what happened a month and a half ago, and raya knows everything. raya, i decided that this
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would be my first gift, i’m sorry, i ’ll probably go anyway. today on rtr, who we are, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what is our value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, nothing they are afraid, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, i will not retreat from anything, i will still do what i do, than... the fight for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world , for our past, i understand that
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such responsibility is on me - this is my path, this is my... life, my destiny. life and destiny, from monday to friday, on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. fsb officers today prevented a terrorist attack in the donetsk republic. department operatives detained a russian citizen with a polenta, who planned to set fire to the local courthouse. the suspect was recruited and trained by ukrainian nationalist formations after the crime. crime, she was going to leave for territory controlled by the kiev regime to join a terrorist organization. a criminal case has been opened, the detainee is already confessing. tonight, 95 of our soldiers released from ukrainian captivity flew to moscow for rehabilitation and treatment. the day before they were exchanged for the same number of military personnel in the ssu through
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the mediation of the united arab emirates. about returning home, report by alexander katsuba. a military transport aircraft carrying russian military personnel released from ukrainian captivity freezes on the runway of an airfield near moscow. one home for 95 of our soldiers is getting closer every minute. the long-awaited most important call to family and friends for the first time in several months. well, that’s it, i’m in the mood, thank you for stopping by, my release, i love you, kiss you, i think we’ll meet soon. in ukrainian dungeons they do not stand on ceremony with prisoners. i i don't.
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our military handed over the same number of captured ukrainian armed forces soldiers to the ukrainian side. the sensations are still unclear. we are just in kiev, then a bus, a bus, a bus, a plane, a bus, we still don’t understand. dolsk, ural and siberia. the seats in the cabin were occupied quickly, army-style, and they were now just a stone's throw away from home. buses go to moscow to medical institutions of the ministry of defense, where our
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soldiers will receive the necessary medical psychological assistance. alexander katsuba, pavel meer and ivan zamorin, news! ukrainian military commissars will now begin to guard the colonists right at the exit of the country. the border service was informed about the tightening of measures. who themselves cannot cope with the flow. there are already patrols in the cities, the fleet of vehicles continues to shrink, minibuses, which until recently took people from the street and took them to the recruitment center, are burning one after another, two more cases were recorded in odessa. the ministry of defense announced the interim result of the mobilization campaign in the register of 4.5 million people liable for military service; the vast majority updated their data remotely. against this background, recruits for advanced.
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establish a single air defense shield over the countries of the old world and transform the european military with such promises ursulov fondeen goes to the elections. save industry donald trump, if he wins the election, could weaken the dollar, writes the new york times. the newspaper calls this a new era for the american currency. the former
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us leader believes that a strong dollar is as dangerous for the country as a weak president. at a crucial moment, when biden is being called upon to withdraw from the race, the head of the white house canceled all events due to the coronavirus. details at denis davidov. biden does not have the strength to get out of the car, just as he does not have masks. having passed a positive test for covid, he barely gets out of the suv. mr. president, how are you feeling? i feel good. but i can’t believe it, looking at how the eighty-one-year-old us president boards the plane. for convenience, a short ladder is deployed, but it is with great difficulty that he conquers these 13 steps. he is flying home to delaware for self-isolation, but was supposed to speak at a conference in las vegas. unfortunately. i just spoke on the phone with president biden, and he shared his deep disappointment at not
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being able to be with us. he just tested positive for covid. the white house doctor reported biden had a runny nose, cough and malaise. there is no temperature, he is vaccinated and revaccinated against covid. the bullet couldn't stop trump, but biden was just stopped by the virus. the republican party nominates a candidate and kisses his butt, while biden kicks his democratic party's butt. the hosts of cnn, loyal to the democrats, are losing their temper at the convention. ladies and gentlemen, meet the next president of the united states, donald trump. there’s still the same bandage on his ear, there’s a bunch of guards behind him, he goes out
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into the hall in the evening. listens not only to colleagues, but also to relatives. trump's seventeen-year-old granddaughter kai created a sensation. i was at school on saturday when i heard he had been shot. a lot of people put my grandfather through hell and he's still standing. the evening for the republicans turned out to be a family-friendly one. jady vance, who is running with trump as vice president, introduced gathered their mother. vance in his speech talks about a new path for america, in his words, with the arrival of...
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joe biden to withdraw from the presidential race. the statement by a high-ranking democrat, biden going on sick leave, all this does not seem to be an accident. the day before, the owner of the white house said: he will leave the race if he develops some kind of disease, the doctors will tell him to stop. denis davidov, polina fedorova, lead. the investigation into the assassination attempts on trump is causing more and more confusion. the new details are completely discrediting security forces. i wandered alone near the stage and it was filmed by one of the participants. according to abc news, suspicious behavior was noted at the entrance with metal detectors, but he was allowed to hide in the crowd. as cbs
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news found out. after the elimination of the criminal, the internet even compared how they protected the ex-president of the united states and the head of venezuela in 2018 during an attempted attack on madura from a drone; several security forces immediately covered him with armored sheets. today on our tv channel there is a continuation of the medical melodrama bahar named spring. after a successful recovery from a serious illness, the main character decides to resume
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her career as a doctor, which she had once abandoned. for the sake of the family, who will help her overcome all obstacles, new episodes immediately after the day's news. and another series on the daytime air of our tv channel, immediately after the 60 minutes program, an action-packed detective artist. well, the news continues to follow developments in russia abroad. stay with us. in the lnpr, specialists from a repair company have invented a new ground-based drone; it took the fighters about a month, now the vehicle is being tested, what it is intended for, svetoslav dolgachev will tell you in more detail. in these shots.


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