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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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new poisonous insects have appeared, including the pelopea wasp, this is a southern wasp that preys on spiders. the wasp is absolutely gigantic in size; the consequences of human bites are unpredictable. thanks for watching, bye. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the studio of deniz polanchukov and most importantly by this hour. the ukrainian mig-29 was destroyed in the special operation zone. russian pilots attacked strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. there is
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a million dollars at our feet, albeit in disassembled condition. russian air defense systems intercepted in the sky in the donbass the french strategic missile scalp. in ukraine they are desperately looking for recruits, military commissars continue chaos on the streets. hungarian prime minister viktor orban is trying to change the opinion of the west, but europe is not listening to him. biden's coronavirus is one of the main topics of the foreign media, and donald trump may weaken the dollar if he wins...
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in the special operation zone. during the day , units of the southern group of troops actively advanced and improved the position along the front and 74 aircraft-type drones were destroyed region near maksimilyanivka, katerynivka, chasov yar and verkhnekamsk of the donetsk republic. in the kherson region , another paladin self-propelled gun was burned with the help of drones. after a precise strike, the american gun caught fire, and then the ammunition detonated. there are russian factories there too. or positions in the ssu in ruins. seven guided bombs were dropped on the fortified area at once. in the western direction , hail of rockets hit the formations of the kiev regime. and in the central sector of the front, the copter operators demonstrated their skill by directing strike drone right into the dugout. one of the fighters showed particular courage. he crept up to the enemy dugout. and threw
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an anti-tank mine there, destroying the ukrainian armed forces crew. air defense systems intercepted a french tactical missile scalp worth a million dollars in the sky over donbass. the pantsir c1 complex, which reliably covers the sky within a radius of 20 km, worked on the target. report by vesti military correspondent vadim topalov. the pantsir system, deployed here in the donbass steppes, disrupted the plans of the militants of the kiev regime, released by russian strategic... object , an expensive cruise missile is now nothing more than a pile of plastic and scrap metal. there is a million dollars at our feet, albeit in disassembled condition. this is a french -made scalp missile, here we see the corresponding designation; this ammunition was shot down thanks to our air defense. the crew was led by an experienced commander , call sign whale, and together we dismantled the electronic guts of the downed rocket. heads, the most important thing is to find their head. well,
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head off from it, that is, all these microcircuits everything has already been given away, our specialists have already studied everything, the shell is a reliable system, it deploys from traveling to combat position in 15 minutes, a thirty-ton complex can hit targets with both missiles and a thirty-millimeter gun, this particular complex proved itself during the repulsion of the so-called ukrainian counter-offensive in the kherson direction, my unit worked on absolutely all targets, absolutely on everything that was just... used. the whale has a wealth of combat experience behind it. georgian-abkhaz conflict, syria. now he protects the sky here, in the special operation zone. awarded the order of courage for services to the fatherland. in just over two years, he trained about thirty crews. driver mechanic alexander, served in the police for a long time before the svo. i have length of service, i could calmly sit not behind the wheel of this complex, but at home, in civilian life, raising my grandchildren, but the military registration and enlistment office came on its own and decided to help the army. hello, krasnodar.
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head of the federal customs service valery reported to vladimir putin today to support the participants of the special operation and their families pikolev. at the meeting in novogoryuva they discussed the work of customs in new regions, modernization, and expansion of border checkpoints . the president noted a significant increase in collections, including due to the introduction of digital technologies. the federal customs service is fulfilling the task; in the first half of this year, almost 500 billion more tax fees and payments were transferred compared to the same period last year, effective customs control is growing, automation is increasing,
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throughput is increasing, all federal tasks set by you and the government of the russian federation are increasing, including through the introduction of digital technologies. customs service as a whole were fulfilled. assistance to the russian armed forces is one of the highest priorities for the service. we organized immediate clearance of goods for enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the ministry of defense. this month i visited donetsk and lugansk customs. we spoke with both staff and family members fighters, about the problems that concern them now, of course, all of them have been taken under control and will be implemented in the near future. the federal customs service of russia has organized assistance to svo participants in employment and professional development. and if we talk about employment, then in the near future we will make changes to our internal order in order to expand the health requirements for the category of sso participants, so that they have greater opportunities to occupy positions as employees in the federal customs service of the russian federation.
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such an order will be issued soon. the fire on the territory of the lyukmensky nature reserve in yakutia was localized; it took rescuers more than two weeks to stop the fire. but there are still several large khachags operating in the republic, with more than 2.0 specialists fighting them. two an-26 and yak-40 aircraft were involved in the fire extinguishing effort. yes, and this is yekaterinburg. a powerful downpour with large hail hit the city; the storm wind tore off the cladding of a house under construction , causing a short circuit. motorists and pedestrians are forced... to force water obstacles; in tyva , a bridge on one of the intercity highways could not withstand the water pressure; in order to bypass this section of the road, drivers will have to make a detour of 800 km. payments to participants of the zemsky doctor and zemstvo felcher program moving
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to new regions will be doubled. mikhail mishusin spoke about this today at a government meeting. the prime minister noted that more than a billion rubles are provided to support rural medical workers. areas, including 350 million allocated to this year. we are creating conditions for more competent specialists to come and work there, including implementing the zemsky doctor and zemsky felsher programs, under which medical workers are provided with one-time payments. on behalf of the head of state, we will increase their amount for those who move to work in new russian regions to 2 million rubles. doctors and, accordingly, to... unique hydrological structures are being erected on sochi embankment, horizontal breakwaters should protect the coastal infrastructure from storms, beaches from erosion. every year this problem
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becomes more acute; even the annual filling of soil does not help. all work is planned to be completed during the holiday season next year. pavel melnik with details. in this maze. welded structures are a way out of the most frightening dead end of modern sochi. for many decades now, the wave has been taking away centimeters from the shore from vacationers. the protective frame is the basis of the new hydraulic structures of primorskaya embankment. unprecedented measures to support our beaches. two need to be built a breakwater 90 m long, 90 cm wide and 1 m high above sea level. hundreds of tons of stones are transported daily from the shore to the engineering platform in the sea, a super-resistant substrate for new breakwaters. we will move away from the pile of reinforced concrete, that is, the coastal zone will take on a natural appearance, we will have a cape behind the breakwaters, and we will have a small cove between the breakwaters. environmentalists have
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hope that these man-made reefs will give rebirth to the entire ecosystem around them. increasing biodiversity here on these beaches. at these depths it was generally possible to see. in my soviet childhood , seahorses and local shrimp. studies have shown the safety margin of such structures to be at least 100 years. for the growing tourist flow in sochi. a very important calculation: almost 8 million guests a year now fly to the black sea both in summer and winter. at the height of the summer holiday season, everyone has access to the seaside embankment, despite the work being carried out, the updated embankment will more than double in size and the pebble strip will also expand. if you don't do it protective structures now, very soon vacationers will simply have nowhere to sunbathe, the bulk pebbles are washed away in one or two storms, and the sea simply pushes the existing groins to the surface. which has become unique for sochi, in the future may become an example for the entire krasnodar region. pavel
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melnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. today, the komsomolsk -namura aircraft plant is 90 years old, and for more than half a century the legendary enterprises have been named after yuli gagarin. during this time, 13,000 aircraft of various types were built there, designers, engineers and workers created the first supersonic su-7, the su-17 bomber, which became a legend. victory in the elections, about this not only immediately after the advertisement, stay with us,
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blood type fifth, mother, and you will not leave me, you are a real son, the child must live with his own father, i will not give him to you, the voice of blood is stronger, only the voice of love, can i have one train ticket, oh two. you have a summons, marik, happiness is not far away, well, why do you need to go, dean, just to tease your soul, this is for you, there is such a sign, from someone else’s thing death will not find you, i came to you with very bad news, blood type 5, final episodes today on rtr.
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made a guess, and i guessed, plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case. “she ’s kind, she’s warm-hearted, but it’s okay , the babulnik will bloom on our hammer, our cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemy blooms, on saturday on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, without formation, i am very
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i’m glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in white, look, here mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves in a pile, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told. i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much was still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now i just have to fulfill everything. i all give up with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, you married, it's true, nastya, let's talk, which one should you take on friday, i really need it.
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help, we'll figure out something, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn't say, i 'd like to take your portrait, do you mind , yes, tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i, of course, am a romantic kura. last chance. on friday on rtr.
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you are watching the news. we are continuing production. a new blow to the civilian population in the belgorod region today. car for which was driven by a woman, as a result of the explosion, the car crashed into the fence of a private house and caught fire, according to the administration, the driver was not injured, three people who were nearby at the time of the attack were injured, one of them was taken to the hospital, two more received medical assistance on the spot, in just one day , two residents were killed and eight more were injured in the region as a result of ukrainian attacks. fsb officers. today we prevented a terrorist attack in the donetsk republic. department operatives caught a russian citizen red-handed, who was planning set the local courthouses on fire. she was recruited and trained by nationalist forces. after committing the crime , she was going to leave for the territory controlled by the kiev regime to join a terrorist organization. a criminal case has been opened. and in veliky novgorod
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, a local resident was detained, who is suspected of treason and working for the main intelligence department of ukraine. in the fsb, the saboteur contacted kiev curators and passed on information to them about military units and the military-industrial complex enterprise, where he himself worked, now he faces life imprisonment deprivation of liberty. ukrainian military commissars will now begin to guard draft dodgers right at the exit from the country; border service workers who themselves cannot cope with the flow spoke about the tightening of measures. the patrols' vehicle fleet continues to shrink; at night , military commissar's vehicles were burning again, and there was water.
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updated your data remotely. against this background , the rada is desperately looking for recruits for the front line. in the first reading, a law on amnesty for those who left a part without permission was adopted. and in lvov, soldiers of the ss galicia division are beckoning from a poster to the front. refer to national feelings, the designers for some reason decided through a reminder of the battle of 1944 under the fords. true, it was in this battle that the collaborators suffered a crushing defeat from the red army. the ukrainian conflict will not be resolved on the battlefield and the only option is negotiations, this opinion was again expressed by the hungarian prime minister. viktor orban is now in britain for the european political community summit. his main goal is to convince his partners to change the war rhetoric to the prospects for a settlement, but while the west does not listen, it continues to insist on
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the militarization of europe, despite the crisis and devastated arsenals. report by alexander khabarov. blanheim palace is where winston churchel was born. the british government chose this estate near oxford as a meeting place within the european political community. leaders from 47 countries were invited to britain. the ukrainian conflict is in the spotlight today. the new british prime minister kim starmer expressed his sympathy for vladimir zelensky with hugs. for of the european political elite is as much a ritual as the obligatory passages about the russian threat. our first priority today is to reaffirm our strong support for ukraine. against this backdrop, the appearance of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán in blenheim aroused great interest. european partners publicly criticize him for his peacekeeping visits to moscow and beijing. the european commission threatens to boycott hungary. orban does not intend to give up his position, and
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before the start of the meeting he once again stated that the only way to resolve the ukrainian conflict is negotiation. there are many countries supporting the war. they believe they can destroy the russians militarily. but i do not think so. i believe there is no solution to this conflict on the battlefield.
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censorship, that’s your policy, ms. fondeen. in her policy statement, ursula vonlein promises further militarization of europe. she proposes to create the post of european commissioner for defense. we have a responsibility to do everything necessary to protect our european citizens. defending europe is europe's duty. so i believe that now the time has come to build a real european defense union. we all know very well that our defense spending is too low and ineffective. britain has its own interest in this development of events. london would like to be able to access european defense orders. at the same time, a discussion is inevitable about how to build relations with the united
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states if donald trump takes the presidency there again. there will be no joint statements or communiques following this meeting. alexander khabarov, anna lvova, news, uk. russia sees no point in participating in the next so-called peace summit. in ukraine, such a statement was made by sergei lavrov at a conference following a trip to new york at a saba meeting. according to the head of our foreign ministry, this initiative was imposed on the world exclusively by zelensky and is based on unacceptable approaches. the course has been taken to push through at any cost the so-called zelensky plan, which has a pronounced form of an ultimatum. if we talk about peaceful efforts, for some reason everyone talks about this burgenstock. and... nobody talks about china's initiatives, of which there were several, at the beginning of this year, later, china put forward its proposals, china, brazil, many
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other countries that joined them, are in favor of convening a conference on the basis of principles that will be acceptable to all parties, we will, of course , look very carefully at the wording, and we will put in this document safeguards against... repeated, dishonest, non-negotiable interpretations, which this story is full of, which i i tried to tell you briefly. lavrov said that on the ukrainian issue, moscow and washington held closed consultations at the expert level; the head of our foreign ministry noted that these contacts did not bring significant results, and in order to end the conflict with the west , it is enough to stop supplying weapons to the states themselves, in the meantime. identified a new shortage while sending military aid to ukraine. according to the pentagon auditor's report, about $20 million disappeared without a trace. under suspicion, not this time
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as much as kyiv, as much as washington. the money was intended for american defense contractors who carry out routine repairs of nato equipment, but in reality no one carried out the stated list of work. to replenish lost financial reserves, save industry. donald trump, if he wins the election, may weaken the dollar, the new york times writes about this. the newspaper calls this a new era of american currency. the former us leader believes that a strong dollar is as dangerous for the country as a weak president. in decisive moment, when biden is called to withdraw from the race, the head of the white house canceled all events due to the coronavirus. denis davidov has details. biden does not have the strength to get out of the car, just as he does not have a mask, having passed a positive test. covid, he barely gets out of the suv. mr. president, how are you feeling? i feel good, but i can’t believe it, looking at the eighty-one-year-old president of the united states boarding
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the plane. for convenience, a short ramp is deployed, but he has great difficulty conquering these 13 steps; he flies home to self-isolation delaware, but was supposed to speak at a conference in las vegas. unfortunately, i just got off the phone with president biden and he shared his deep disappointment that he couldn't be with us. i just tested positive for covid. the white house doctor reported biden had a runny nose, cough and malaise. there is no temperature, he is vaccinated and revaccinated against covid. the bullet couldn't stop trump, but biden was just stopped by the virus. the republican party nominates a candidate and kisses his fifth point, and biden is kicking the butt of his democratic party. the hosts of democratic-loyal cnn are losing their temper at the republican
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national convention. there, without... unnecessary modesty, 4 months before the elections, trump is announced as the next president of the united states. ladies and gentlemen, welcome the next president of the united states, donald trump. there's still the same bandage on his ear, and there's a bunch of guards behind him. he goes out into the hall in the evening and listens not only to his colleagues. but also relatives, trump’s seventeen-year-old granddaughter kai created a sensation. on saturday i was in school when he heard he had been shot. a lot of people put my grandfather through hell and he's still standing. the evening for the republicans turned out to be a family-friendly one. jady vance, who is running with trump as vice president, introduced his mother to the crowd. vance talks about america's new path in his speech. according to him,
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with the arrival of trump in the white house, in the united states. the campaign headquarters of trump and vance refused to agree on a date for the debate of vice presidents, republicans told them it was unclear who democrats will nominate as the second person in the race, mocking kamala haris, who, if biden leaves, could become a presidential candidate, and the likelihood of such an outcome is becoming more and more obvious. a few minutes ago, congressman adam.
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noticed the suspect, matthew crooks himself left a threatening message on one of the gaming platforms before opening fire. an hour before the incident, he examined the rally site, wandered alone near the stage, and this was filmed by one of the participants. according to abc news, suspicious the behavior was noted at the entrance with metal detectors, but they allowed him to hide in the crowd. as cbs news found out, between the first warnings about a man with a weapon at the scene. users are amazed how it was possible not to notice a man with a rifle and a ladder who had walked hundreds of meters to a guarded building, although what can you expect from the police who were barely climbing over the fence at the time of the shooting. but the fbi employees themselves cleaned the roof after eliminating the criminal. on the internet they even
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compared how the ex-president was guarded. usa and head of venezuela. in 2018, during an attempt to attack maduro from a drone, several security forces immediately covered it with armored sheets. strengthening relations with our country and developing inter-parliamentary dialogue are being discussed today in nicaragua. on instructions from vladimir putin, the speaker of the state duma arrived there. in monago, vyacheslav volodin will represent russia at the ceremonial events dedicated to the forty-fifth anniversary of the sandian revolution. except. after the evening broadcast of vesti on our tv channel, do not miss the continuation of the family saga, fifth blood type starts at 21:20. we continue to monitor developments in russia abroad. stay with us.


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