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tv   Pryamoi efir  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:31pm MSK

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compared how the ex-president of the united states and the head of venezuela were guarded. in 2018, during an attack attempt, maduro used a drone and several security guards covered it with armored sheets. strengthening relations with our country and developing inter-parliamentary dialogue are being discussed today in nicaragua. on instructions from vladimir putin, the speaker of the state duma arrived in monago; vyacheslav volodin will represent russia at the ceremonial events dedicated to the forty-fifth anniversary.
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tests, what it is intended for, svyatoslav dolgachev will tell you in more detail. on in this footage of a copter testing a new ground-based drone, a tracked drone is carrying cargo to... the new drone was invented by specialists from the repair unit of the military grouping center; the creation of the machine took a little over a month. a ground-based drone can carry half a ton of ammunition or food, and the drone can also be used to evacuate the wounded. two people can easily fit here, even three if desired. the range of the machine is up to 2 km. an engine from a moped is installed inside, it allows you to reach speeds of up to twenty. caterpillars borrowed
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for a motorized towing vehicle, the craftsman made the body themselves, the electronics are based on the base of a toy car, this bullet itself is a toy car, like a gas car, left and right, everything starts from here too, it turns out that they put the automation there, so it works on it, plus they added servos, the servos turn out to be powerful, they regulate all this control, a fighter with the call sign bashkir became the first pilot. test sample before serving in the army was an ordinary auto mechanic, now one of the inventors of new technology victories, left, left, left, next to the pilot of the ground drone there is always a uav operator from above correcting the actions of his partner, i am his eyes, because otherwise, his visibility is zero, i see everything, but he sees only partially, in the development of the device about ten people participated, the platoon commander praises the soldiers for their ingenuity and productive work.
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this is the sorcerer’s call sign, he worked together with the hat, this is their brain work, that is , they thought about everything, solved all the issues, and vakha and berkut, they were already doing more manual work, that is, the mechanical part was performed, the first tests were successful, the drone withstood mortar fire and delivered supplies to a conditional position, work on the experimental equipment will continue, the repairmen plan to increase the range of the drone to 4 km, a prototype of a wheeled platform is also in development . svyatoslav dolgochev, nikolay pyrkh, alexander khvastov, vesti lugansk. soldiers of the famous pyatnashka brigade arrived in chelyabinsk. the military visited the enterprise where they produce drones, a community center that helps veterans talked to young people at an exhibition of captured weapons with volunteers at the local military registration and enlistment office. report by daniil antonov. the international brigade fifteen has been working in the combat zone for more than a year now.
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that is why the soldiers ended up in the capital of the southern urals; this visit is a kind of gratitude for the contribution of the region. our goal is naturally informational, the chelemen region represented by the leadership in the person of fighters from the region, they are very widely represented in the zone svo, our unit directly, that is, a lot of things come from the region to lbs.
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are to blame, the radical nazis explain, you had to volunteer at 18 and choose your place of service yourself. who is stopping you from making your informed choice, preparing, communicating, choosing the unit in which you want to serve, why wait until the military commissars pack you up. former president yushchenko, the same one who once was the first to send ukraine to nato, took it upon himself to advertise the mobilization. that's right, that's right so.
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i understand that for those sitting in bunkers in kiev , the situation looks completely different, i understand that our budget is empty, but it is empty because it is shamelessly stolen by government officials during the conflict, and this is not corruption, this is some kind of looting. according to the constitution, the ukrainian parliament should have more power than the president. parliament appoints
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most ministers and previously played a key, independent role, but lost it during this war. it is clear that in the hall no more than a third of all deputies are occupied exclusively by their own affairs in that... for the decentralization of energy, where? why isn't parliament doing this? because the leadership of parliament is on tour and what is happening now is criminal inaction. but without electricity , shelves with perishable products have already begun to be closed in stores in poltava, rallies in odessa are blocking roads, they do not have time to repair energy facilities, because up to a third of specialists in the industry have been mobilized. andrey grigoriev, sofia melnichenko, diana fitisova. the fsb declassified the interrogation protocols of a german general, one
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one of those who took part in the parade of the vanquished exactly 80 years ago. then almost 60,000 german prisoners were marched along the streets of moscow. report by elena erofeeva. at the very beginning of the war , hitler declared that before he blew up the dams , flooded leningrad, and then wiped moscow off the face of the earth, he would hold a parade of selected life guards on red square, which he would lead.
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and so every night, the nazis deprived us of our childhood, we had absolutely no childhood, ten-year-old rima stood in the front row and silently looked at these pitiful remnants the invincible army of the wehrmacht, 57,000 captured in the first two weeks of operation bagration, casually dressed, many even also deep-voiced, but we were deep-voiced, we didn’t have any honest special shoes, we watched with hatred as children. the significance of operation bagration, according to military historians, is not inferior to the battle of stalingrad.
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in 69 days, the red army liberated belarus, part of the baltic states and reached the borders of poland. the task was set by hitler and the joint command of the wehrmacht to create such a powerful shaft on this vertical of belarusian large cities defensive, not criminal, each of these cities actually became a cauldron from which we... were captured in the wholesale extermination of the jewish population, in the mass deportation
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of soviet citizens for forced labor to germany. all communists and soviet activists were shot without trial on the spot. the wehrmacht is covered in war crimes no less than the ss, isd. historians come to the conclusion that somewhere from 60 to 80% of the wehrmacht military personnel, no matter what, from officer to private, but not all. involved in war crimes. later, the generals of the wehrmacht, hammann and erdmann sdorf were sentenced to death by hanging, but on july 17 forty they walked in the general ranks of the defeated. here are cards for those prisoners of war who walked under escort through the streets of moscow. it was carried out secretly, this operation, so probably not all military personnel even knew why they were taking prisoners of war. it was powerful propaganda. government designed for hitler's berlin for the allies. western journalists were invited to the big waltz
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and diplomats. their reaction was also preserved in the archives at lubyanka. the spectacle of german prisoners of war in moscow, which the germans shouted that they had destroyed, is very pleasant, but it is still more pleasant to see the germans dead. i knew the german army well , the germans themselves, as a nation of proud and proud people, but today it was not the army that marched, but troops of animals. this. the demonstration is very characteristic in that it shows the massive disintegration of the german army. i expected everyone to throw stones at the germans. think how much calm, how much nobility. too much they are sociable people, they are drawn to friendship with other peoples. the very next day, july 18 , an article was published in the english newspaper time's with a photo on the front page. daily oker described the fascists as unshaven, gloomy, with their heads down. the article was published in an american publication. the western world saw and heard who would end this war
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and emerge victorious 10 months later. elena erofeeva, olga alenkin, natalya novgorodova. the police began an investigation after a complaint from the parents of fifty students at a theater studio in new moscow. her the manager promised the children summer tours and a vacation at sea, but he spent the money collected for the trip on a betting table, and this is not the first time. dmitry blinnikov will tell you more. we are generally in great shock, very outrageous, the upset residents of new moscow lost large sums of money, their children, students of the theater studio were left without.
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that no one was going anywhere, he didn’t even buy tickets, and refused to return the money. my family suffered for 125,000, and there is a family who suffered 3000, 200 each. evgeniy yasentsev was trusted by both children and parents, and he himself showered with compliments. may your life be beautiful, like all wonderful flowers. it has now turned out that he embezzled 2.5 million rubles from last year’s tour. it turns out that this amount was not paid. we were checked into a hotel, we stayed, left and didn’t even know what was unpaid there, we managed to find yasentsev, he admitted that he was addicted to gambling and lost millions of rubles on betting, that is , some kind of esports bets, but these , that is, they sat on the phone and constantly played, in the administration of the cultural center where she worked
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the theater studio themselves are shocked by this unpleasant story, i told my parents about it behind my back, we were deceived. no less than parents. the director assures that she knew nothing about her subordinate’s machinations, but this does not reassure the parents. the management of the cultural center did not know what not just their employee, but their artistic director was doing. this cannot but be alarming. it is known that evgeny yasentsev was fired from the cultural center, and the police conducted an investigation. on this fact , a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in part two article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation, fraud. investigators are looking into it, but most of the children’s holidays are ruined, those families who have money will still be able to go to the sea, but the rest will have to stay in the city. dmitry blinnikov, andrey yurchuk, ilona agasieva, tatyana popova, lead. relatives of patients who are in intensive care will be able to find out information about the condition of their loved ones from sms. 19
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large hospitals in moscow will send out such messages daily. so call the hospital yourself now you won't have to. anastasia letvinova found out how the notification service works, how much it is in demand. doctors constantly monitor the patient’s condition in intensive care, record all changes and write a report on each patient in the morning. it is this information that relatives now receive in the form of sms messages. messages that are sent every day at 9:00 a.m. describe the status at 6:00 a.m. for this day. if the condition allows, the patient himself can tell the doctors to whom to send the message, if.
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what is the conclusion: the dynamics are positive, without changes in dynamics or negative dynamics? from such a message this morning, galina sadykova learned that her husband timur had finally come to his senses after a serious operation, the dynamics... are positive, which is naturally very pleasing, here is breathing, pulse, yes, in the sixty-seventh hospital, the intensive care unit is open, that is, even the most severe patients can be visited by their loved ones every day; of course, galina came right away.
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children's hospitals have not yet been connected to the sms alert system, but in the capital's clinics , children do not lie in the hospital alone, the doors of the intensive care unit are open to parents day and night. this is an opportunity. being with your child exactly when it is convenient for the family, this is certainly informing about all the deteriorations that occur with the baby immediately, and many parents, of course, do not go home at all, they are with their babies around the clock, we are in intensive care, the fourth day, the intensive care unit is open 24/7, if parents have the opportunity, they can sit with the child all day, there is a room for parents there . rest there and sleep. in reanimation the most seriously ill patients are lying and the news about their state of health may not always be good, so clinical psychologists now work in the departments to provide
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assistance to relatives, everyone whose loved one is in intensive care now has quick access to information about his condition, in electronic meth card, in the form of sms messages, a personal conversation with a doctor, or simply being nearby in the intensive care ward. anastasia letvinov, anastasia roif, lead. the capital's court sentenced members of the group, which had been involved in thefts of gloomy apartments. after the death of the owners, the criminals registered the square meters in the name of imaginary heirs through a notary they knew and resold them. we managed to prove 23 episodes, but as alexander karpov found out, this is far from the end of the high-profile case. unprecedented sentences of up to 13 years in prison were given to members of the werewolf notaries gang led by igor zagrai. they stole the apartments of dead muscovites. igor, will you say anything in your defense? receiving information about gloomy
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real estate objects that interested them, they looked for imaginary heirs, produced false passports and documents on kinship, then received a certificate of inheritance; fraudulent actions were committed with 23 real estate objects. hundreds of apartments may be stolen, because the capital's notary has formed his own group. 12 years ago, unfortunately, already in 2014-15 , the city property department knew about the fraudulent actions of notary zagrai, because zagrai issued an inheritance certificate based on a fake court decision. igor zagrai got burned in the case of olga balashova. after the strange death of her disabled brother's wife, olga discovered that his apartment was occupied by a family named ginasyan. what right do you have to prevent who you are coming from? who are you coming to him genosyan explained that a will was written now in the twelfth year for their family
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by my now deceased relative, and a renunciation of inheritance rights was formed, certified by zagra, a renunciation of whose name, from his brother, a visa for graya was on the will, and this document was allegedly signed by his disabled brother victor, who was paralyzed after a stroke, according to... an examination , he is incompetent, here is the notary igor zagrai himself leaving the seized apartment, thank you, they explained that they live here all their lives, they are looked after, how - it’s true, no, it’s not true, when you started telling the truth, you were threatened, naturally, who, genosyan himself, verbally threatened that they would remove me, and now the employees of the guardianship department leave the hospitable mr. gennasyan in his hands. weighty bags, guardianship officers issued guardianship to gennasyan, and what did she give to the gennasyans? apika above him? yes, just like anything else,
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they began to represent his interests. however, olga managed to regain custody through the court . she took her brother and wrote a complaint to the investigative committee. it was after this that igor zagrai and six of his assistants were arrested; a total of 20 sat in the dock . as kidnapped, they will be reclaimed by the city property department from the last acquirers, that is, the verdict is not the end of the story and certainly not happy en.
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civil trials could drag on for years and it remains to be seen what the outcome will be. alexander karpov, ilya novikov, oleg dobin. news. the oldest gachina school in the suburbs of st. petersburg will be opened after restoration. the historical building of the 19th century was badly damaged; it had to be strengthened, all communications changed and the former façade restored. the renovation has been going on for 3 years already, but they promise to complete it by the fall, and the difficult transformation from a soviet school back into a royal one. when children enter here on september 1, they will be immersed in the atmosphere of the 19th century. unlikely on the day of knowledge, but definitely before the end of the year. the administration of the gachchinsky district assured that the contractor will be in time. in classes the walls are already being painted and the cellophane is being removed from the massive oak doors. the one who studied will not know. inside there is a complete transformation. during tsarist times, the soviet school here turned back for more than a century. bringing back the layout and
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atmosphere. we will also make a carpet for the entire corridor, so that it is a single space with vaults and in a historical image, but here there is no need for imitation, tiles are found by workers in the same design, but with a different palette. now all the shades are hard to see under a layer of construction dust, but after the restoration they will be rich blues, beiges and browns. about the existence...
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of plaster, and underneath there were rotten beams, it turned out that the building was bursting at the seams, when we had already started work and began to dismantle the parapets, we had a percentage there - replacement of parapets was 70%, we had to completely dismantle the entire parapet, the estimate changed, the delivery date was pushed back, twice, the second time the opening date was influenced by the order of the ministry of education with new standards, the main reason for the delays that arise here is parallel... construction with redesign, with the advent of new fire safety standards, fire safety standards, access control systems, that is, low-current systems, as well as ventilation. 600 children, as before the renovation, will study in the renovated school; the historical walls no longer allow them to accept how to build a swimming pool, but two stadiums will appear in the courtyard, and new disciplines are on the schedule. olga skripkina, sergei tamyuk, sergei vasiliev, news from the leningrad
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region. on vacation... 156 cows are walking along the road in an organized column, another 15 are being transported in the back of a car, not pregnant women, it’s a difficult, important day for both farm workers and animals, the cows are worried. the herd makes a journey of almost 6 km long before it crosses the bridge and comes out to... where the ferry awaits them. it's hot in renmar right now. the cows cannot stand the stuffiness and climb into the water. such a long journey is stressful for animals. they will be able to relax and gain strength in the telviski meadows. there is a better food supply there. that is why cows have been sent there for 20 years. the cows set sail on two barges at once. employees go on the journey with them
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agro-industrial company. we have a summer camp there, milking is organized, people, cows will fast there, people will work, in total approximately 15 people go with the herd, in the coming months the cows of the nenets agro-industrial company will spend time on pastures near the village of telvisko, shepherds will watch them every day and veterinarians, the cows will return to the farm in the fall, but for now they will enjoy the sun and green meadows,
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kitochka, just like that, give him a good soak in boiling water, so i washed him, since he warmed the walls, i will do the same again, well, you can three times. depending on the volume of the teapot, tea warms in the cold, relaxes in the heat, the hot drink of the russian sebryaks was always pure, at the beginning of trade with china they drank knocked down, boiled honey with spiced water, infusions from medicinal plants, currant leaves, raspberries, oregano, meadowsweet ivanchay, with the opening of the great tea route it passed near the moscow highway, siberian old-timers, cheldons, were the first in russia to brew chinese herbs, because of their special love for tea they were called chaydons, they will not let a person go without tea, uncivilized, impolite refuse tea from the old-timers of siberia, but the childons themselves drank up to 10 glasses, they even built houses close to each other, so that they would sit down and pass tea to each other from window to window. they drank tea as a snack,
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a purely russian tradition, they served on the table not only sweets, pies, kolaches, berries, pork, steamed beetroot carrots, but pickles, sauerkraut, tea with such sourness was already a siberian idea, that’s how they inflated itself... boot, you see, you see, it turns out that the fur works so well, here we will heat it with cones, the samovar was called the soul of the house, it was cherished, given as a dowry, passed down by inheritance, this design is a purely russian invention, inside there is a pipe, a kind of firebox , coals, shavings, pine cones were thrown into it, under the influence of heat the water quickly heated up, it cooled down slowly, you could drink hot tea for several hours, samovars were produced in huge quantities of all kinds of shapes, and were sold, including to the east, to iran and turkey. i went to antalya and saw it in a window a store selling carpets and several samovars. i came in and asked, so they started
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asking turk what kind of samovars they were? he says: i’m a fan of collecting these samovars, he says, our turkish ones are written, this is what i’m saying, batashov is written, this is a russian samovar, he says, wow, i, he says, didn’t know, i thought it was ours production. tatyana bulavina’s family still uses a samovar to this day. a few years ago, they emigrated abroad using their roots and russian traditions, he doesn’t forget. i wanted everything, first home, to home cherry orchard, we bought a russian samovar, and now we’ve learned how to melt it, that’s it, now we’re looking at how to really do it, how to do it correctly. siberians laid down another tradition of having conversations while drinking tea, this is how they learned news, solved issues, made acquaintances, which is why... there was a special attitude and special love for tea, which after more than three centuries remained unchanged. irina yakubova, vitaly kudryavtsev, host novosibirs. a new attraction of sevastopol, the historical and archaeological park is preparing to open. project new chersonese,
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located on the site of the ancient city in which prince vladimir, equal-to-the-apostles was baptized, includes several museums: christianity of byzantium, crimea and new russia. the park will welcome its first visitors by the end of this month. report by yana cherbata. this is not only in russia, there is nowhere else in the world. the new chersonese, which is being built on the site of a suburb, an ancient city, amazes with its scale. and in its very heart is a unique, first-ever temple park. services here will be held outdoors. designs that seem light and airy, they will soon look like a garden, a place of future worship against the backdrop of the dome that crowns the first museum of christianity in history, 31 m in diameter, exactly. like the hagia sophia in constantinople. the format will be very modern. we find ourselves in the middle of actions, we find ourselves in the middle of events, in the middle of the life of prince vladimir, in the middle of the life of christ and in the middle of what christianity gave to russia. here you can literally
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touch history. the sacred land, where in 988 prince vladimir was baptized, followed by the whole rus. now this place is a reflection of the greatness and continuity of byzantine culture, which can be read even in the smallest details. khersanez is a whole complex of a dozen buildings, for example, this grandiose structure, the museum of crimea and new russia, which will tell the history of these lands from the most ancient times. the scenery immerses you in different eras, the ancient city, the creation of the black sea fleet and the two defenses of sevastopol, and nearby there is an amphitheater and youth centers. the reconstruction quarter looks exactly the way the ancient city was seen back in chersonesos at the time of its baptism. prince vladimir, and even the paving stones here are historical. the red carpets will be laid out. 4 million finds, the largest excavations in the history of the peninsula, now you can see how ancient khersanez lived, exactly where the artifacts were found, the grave of a hero or
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the founder of the city at the entrance to the largest museum of antiquity in southern russia. this is probably the only object in history that was built around the objects that will be exhibited in it, the building was built first,
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i heard how it sounds, moreover, there are still people alive who once learned to play it, still upset, but the tuning will not matter, each antique thing has its own provenance, in other words, history, it is known that the owner of the house ivan labanov bought this piano, whose family turginev described in many of his works and repeatedly visited their home, ivan lobanov had eight children. and the youngest of them, olga, the grandmother of alexander petrov, who in the sixties of the last
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century learned to play it, and of course, recognized this instrument. i don't just remember this instrument is 7 years old. during the years of studying at the first children's music school named after kolinnikov, which is located on the first posadskaya street, i studied, studied, and passed exams on this instrument. now alexander petrov lives in the city of korolev, but often visits oryol. i’m very glad that the instrument ended up in the writer’s museum, because without a doubt, this piano has seen a lot in its lifetime, including classics of russian literature. the difference between the first child, brother valerian and the last child, how since my grandmother, olga ivanovna labanova, was 18 years apart, then my grandmother, unfortunately, did not find ivan sergeevich, here is valerian, his ivange... at
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one time, this instrument ended up with the director of the regional museum, researcher and writer antonina goltsova, later it fell into other hands. she said that the piano was very heavy, the house was very small, and asked him to bury it until someone interested took it to some interesting museum. we moved it, set it up, my small office space, she’s there was. a covered film was received, it was preserved and waited for its time, its appearance to the public. the emergence of the general public is yet to come. pianos need to be tuned. by the way, the museum contains many memorabilia of the labanov family. for many years, good ties of friendship connected the museum workers, our predecessors, the descendants of the labans. and thus, this unique collection was assembled bit by bit. and in 2010.
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30 women’s
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health centers will be opened in the capital, this is a new format of antenatal clinics, where doctors and there will be more patients. snt near odintsovo is flooded with sewage from the neighboring cottage community; according to a court decision, this flow should have been blocked long ago. scrap gold worth 5 million rubles. they tried to smuggle out contraband through sheremetyev, who ordered this valuable cargo to enter one of the best theaters in moscow for free. open rehearsals at the stanislavsky and nemirovich danchenko theater. in total there are currently 30 under reconstruction. transfer to open two more centers for women’s health, obstetric gynecological care to a new one the standard began about a year ago, now in one of the buildings specialists consult, conduct examinations and treatment, and also deliver births.
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anastasia makhina will tell you how the new medical institutions differ from regular antenatal clinics. princess, as the parents call their baby, is only 2 days old, she. one of the 500 babies who were born at the women's health center, her mother ksenia spent a long time choosing a place to give birth to her daughter. during my first pregnancy, i traveled to different places, which means i had to have an ultrasound done in one place, therapy in another place, it was quite inconvenient, that’s why yes, i chose this particular women’s clinic, the women’s clinic center, purposefully, everything is in one place, the women’s health center, the new moscow standard of obstetric and gynecological care, digital ... you won’t find this in a regular antenatal clinic. the result is uploaded to the electronic medical record on the same day ; a gynecologist can advise you to see this study. and this is the cardiotography room, here with the help of five devices assess the condition of the fetus. and during
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this time, while the patient reaches the doctor’s office after the examination, all the results will be uploaded to her electronic device. card, by the way, you can contact the center not only by appointment, you can come to an appointment for consultation, examination, ultrasound examinations, in an emergency, who needs help, first, this is not only for pregnant women, but also for women who need medical help . the first women's health center opened about a year ago, and a new seamless path of management has now been developed pregnancy, a clear and detailed algorithm for all examinations. we want to shape. a new standard, taking into account the new culture of communication between doctor and patient, so that every woman who is preparing to become a mother understands what studies and screenings need to be done, how often to visit the doctor, why these studies are necessary, so that she can already plan a visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist and
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conducting research. not only the patients have become comfortable; the doctors themselves note the convenience. the doctor has the opportunity to devote more attention to the patient. nikitskaya, malaya bronnaya, bolshaya dmitrovka, newspaper lane and a number of adjacent streets, speridunevsky, voznesensky and srednikislovsky lanes will temporarily become two-way, and it will not be possible to use bicycles and
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scooters on the festival grounds. residents of the garden community for the fortieth anniversary of october near odentsov are asking the prosecutor's office. to help implement a court decision, according to which the sewer drains from the neighboring cottage community must be blocked; the sewers near the houses are flooding vegetable gardens poison the air and well water, why they are not in a hurry to correct the situation, dmitry blennikov found out. it seems that this is a river, but in fact it is sewage that flows in an endless stream through the village under the windows of residential buildings. yes, the water level is rising, it’s overwhelming everything, our areas are completely flooded. the stench spreads over the odentsovo snt on the fortieth anniversary of october. and it’s not just dachas here. many people live all year round and have already forgotten what it is like to breathe clean air, and they are also afraid that sewage may wash away local cemetery. there will be graves at a distance of 20 m from our fences. and this, excuse me, is corpse poison. this has been going on for 3 years now
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since the yudenskie dachas cottage community was built nearby. houses were built there , but cleaning facilities were either forgotten or they decided to save money on them. they brought the pipes to the neighboring snt and began to drain the sewerage, wells were dug there, pipes were made inside, but unfortunately, normal settling tanks, these same normal treatment facilities simply do not exist there, the waste in the gardening community all the soil in their gardens is saturated, summer residents are afraid to collect water from wells, the muddy smell is unpleasant, you smell it, of course, you feel it, you can’t convey it with a camera, so well, we buy these eggplants endlessly. we carry it on ourselves, if you use only purchased water, a decent amount comes up per month; a family spends several of these plastic canisters per day, well , taking into account that you need to cook compote and soup. you have to cook everything, and it’s just hot, two or three. residents of the village hired a lawyer, sued and won. owner of land in cottage
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the village pledged to stop the drainage. the administration of the adentsovo district helped us a lot ; the defendant undertook to dismantle the sewage system by june 1, 2024. a month and a half has passed since the deadline, everything in the village is still the same. the stinking river continues to flow. on the phone the owner, whose last name is zaichik. residents of snt do not believe the promises and ask the prosecutor's office to help implement the court decision. dmitry blinnikov, sevola savichev, yes, yes. news. in moscow, police seized more than 70 kg of psycho-cadaveric substances. the cargo that arrived
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from abroad, two residents of the capital received it at the pick-up point on pererva street. inside each parcel they found plastic bags with red and white capsules. according to the detainees, they needed to package the capsules and then distribute them to other addresses. they received all instructions via messenger from an anonymous curator. according to the detainees, the drugs were intended for subsequent sale in the city. both were detained and charged with illegal trafficking in potent substances, and a search is now underway for their accomplices.
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says, this womanizer false dmitry, wrote to her on a dating site, after several months of romantic communication he proposed, no, not marriage, to start a business on cryptocurrency, after 3 months he withdrew money from my crypto wallet, without passwords, and without access to this wallet, i still don’t know how, a criminal case has been opened, damage is 3 million rubles. as it turned out, romance was just a screen for deception, but even after that... the relationship business did not end, casanovo turned to blackmail, offered to transfer me he gets another 50,000 dollars so that our
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correspondence does not end up on social networks. we call dmitry voloshin, at least that’s how he introduced seyana, to find out how money disappeared from her account, he talks as if nothing had happened. so tell me, how is it that you stole money from my crypto wallet, so you sleep peacefully, i say, but not me. yana decided to share her story to warn others, because hundreds of users of dating sites fall for such deception schemes, for example, natalya is almost trying to get her 8 million back year, her fiancé promised to send her a suitcase in euros, a happy future together, she just had to pay for the shipping, he says, she was under hypnosis, you expected that you would still receive this money, so well, yes, like he said that this i made money here and there.
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russia, international legal assistance, it has a certain limit, most often it is used for serious and especially serious crimes. in this case, when we are talking about fraud, it is still quite difficult to prove that it is really a crime took place, it is very difficult to talk about prospects here. psychologists warn that those who are looking for a serious relationship are unlikely to turn conversations into financial channels a few days after meeting, so you need to be seriously wary of...
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more than half of the total amount of work has already been completed, among the main tasks is the modernization of engineering communications, renovation storm drainage and heating networks. in addition, the road surface on the central alley will be tidied up, flower beds will be arranged in the recreation area, and comfortable benches will be installed. and lanterns in historical style. residents of the dmitrovsky district of the capital are seeking restoration of the voskhod cultural house, built almost 90 years ago, a building that... “is collapsing, there is a fear that it will be demolished for commercial development, is there a chance that voskhod will survive and be reborn, marina gromova found out. see sunrise complex, covered with construction fabric, covered with tree crowns, hidden behind a flimsy dirty gray fence - a symbolic place for residents of the dmitrovsky district is slowly being destroyed.
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no one lets me in. at their meetings, this question comes up, everyone promises, everyone says something, this is where it all ends, under the building grid of amazing beauty there is a facade, contrasting white columns, keystones and oval windows on red brick. in the sixties, i assume there was a major renovation, and then this beauty appeared, which we all saw on the facade of the building. the house of culture was built in 1935 not in moscow. then it was a regional village of a car repair plant, and here it is...
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a sign that the headquarters was located at this place krasno-bolyanskaya division, that is, instead of a ready-made monument of architecture, history, just a sign, put the sign aside, in 2018 the residents were promised to restore the cultural center, but 6 years have passed and nothing, we have a creative community, and professional artists, led by the director of the moscow art theater named after chekhov, nikolai lavremovich skorik, here you can create a children's theater studio and a professional theater at a decent level. and for children to come here, practice fencing, dance, stage movement, stage speech. at the gate a stern warning, the object is under guard, but there are gaping holes in the fence, there is garbage, broken glass all around, the sunrise has survived the great patriotic war, the nineties, and local residents really don’t want to think that its sunset will come right now. marina gromova, timofey felileyev and pavel letnikov, lead.
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hello, dean, this is lyuda, hi, oh, lyuda, hi, and i was already worried. dean, the thing is that i searched, but i didn’t find my passport in the apartment, listen, i looked everywhere, i even got into your suitcase, but i don’t know where it could be, most likely kosatkin sent it directly her to the general headquarters, what should i do now, wait, little girl, and i’ll try to find out how you can get a passport and a pass if your husband is on a business trip, okay, thank you, then i’ll wait for your call, yes, yes , okay, dina, of course, yeah, bye. are you upset? yes, they can’t find my passport, and i can’t go home without it. are they waiting for you to come home? who, if not a secret? my parents are waiting, although they
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are divorced, my friend is waiting. well? are you going to the airport or to your parents? i'll go to my parents first. if you see it. okay, i'll see i'll pass it on. bye then.
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ice up. “hello, i was almost late, yura asked me to come to zaks to pick you up with us, he will return early from work today, will you stay with us a little, dad is very worried about you, you really want to go to the cinema, yes, come on, or you go with yura, eh? laris, larisa, everything will be fine with you, everything will be fine, dina, believe me, everything will be fine, and
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what you just had to go through only makes you stronger, but i’ll tell you what, don’t fuss, live at least a little as a human being, well , live, of course, peter will take you to your germany. maybe he won’t take it, although, who knows what the hell, it’s true, but listen, while he’s here, use it, personally, i don’t blame people like you, really, what’s waiting for you at home? work from morning to night, queues, wait, you’ll wait a little longer, believe me, i
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didn’t flick my eyes back and forth a lot, but people like st. petersburg.


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