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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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this only hardens you, but i ’ll tell you this: don’t fuss, live at least a little with a person, well, live, of course, peter may not take you to his germany, although who the hell is kidding, really, but listen, while he’s here. .. use it, i personally don’t blame people like you, it’s true, what awaits you at home, work from morning till night, queues, wait, you’ll get some more time, believe me, my eyes darted here and there a little, but people like peter are among ours no, i haven’t. if you don’t love me,
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why did you lure me in, just natasha, i didn’t do it on purpose, it just happened that way, it just seems to me that i confused gratitude with love, it happens, he did so much good for me, yes, he is so sympathetic, and you are a fool, a complete fool, mom, and uncle? your husband? no, he's my friend. mom, won't you leave me? well, what did you come up with? lof, we are here temporarily, just, just uncle peter invited us to visit. do you like it here? yes, but i’m afraid that uncle peter will say, the real son stays, and not...
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the real one should go on, what did you come up with? come on, come here, what a fool you are, and you are a real son.
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“i’ll wait for you on the street, aunt natasha, you need to call peter, don’t, you need to, otherwise come to me, i live not far away, i’ll distract you now, and you’ll sneak through, and then they won’t find me in the yards, dina, no , i have to go, aunt, natasha, that i’m a criminal running around the yards, dina, as if only criminals were punished, and oh-oh-oh-oh, put the children with me, peter will return, he’ll run to his bosses to bother him, he’s valuable to them, cadre, not bullshit, will help you figure out what is being done, and what, did you take an oath to zakse, and aunt, natasha, don’t worry so much, everything will be fine, i’ll be quick, come on, girl. where did mom go? let's go.
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hello. yes, yes, come in, hello, hello, take a seat, thank you, i’m listening to you, obvasheva dina, husband’s last name, kosatkin, kosatkin, i’m listening, you know
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, it happened, but i understand, okay, continue, please, you understand, i... i never loved my husband, why did you get married then? after the hospital i went to get water 2 km in one direction and 2 km in the other, and if you walk at a fast pace, then in general it’s not that case,
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so you got confused with someone who? how is peter? you know, i wanted to make a statement, peter has nothing to do with this, he is not guilty of anything, he is a foreigner, but at least you understand what will happen to you for this. so, write what, where, when, the devil knows what it is,
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shame! well, let me go home, i’ll come right away and file for divorce, you and your spouse will sort it out yourself. and i will not allow a stain on the reputation of the unit, so now we quickly answer the questions, how many people knew about your connection with a foreigner, surname, rank, who decided to come to me, how
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he decided, you yourself called me, were n’t you the one who sent me the letter. so this is not for me, this is for comrade general, his handwriting, this is down the corridor straight to the right, thank you.
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come in, hello, abasheva, hello, hello, come in, sit down, please, thank you, you are like that. young, i didn’t expect it, i don’t even know how to start, because you are a professional in your field, i’m just like a student, but promise, let this stay between us, so what is this? fables. why,
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you know, i write fables under a pseudonym, i send they are regularly sent to the newspaper, but they are returned to me. without printing for some reason without explaining the reasons, i found out the address of your unit through the editorial office , called sushko on duty, said that i wanted to meet with you, i really liked your poems, my poems, they touched me, wait, i don’t understand, but how do you know my poems? wait, is this... your poems or whose? yes, these are my poems, you won
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first place in a poetry competition, poems about your homeland, didn’t pavlov send you a copy? i don’t even know who pavlov is? pavlov is a literary consultant for this newspaper, so could you look at your fables. with joy, oh, well, okay, you read, and i’ll go out for now, yes, here’s a man, caring, handy, will propose marriage, without even thinking about refusing, already...
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you’ve already come to the point of getting a loan, what a high relationship, and what you don’t like it, but this grisha of hers, an afirist swindler, i know, why was he silent, they decided to catch him red-handed from the bank with live bait, in heaven? raya knows everything, i will definitely reflect this couple, i have dreamed all my life of hearing exactly these words, tomorrow at rtr, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh good one, to caress
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the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my shoulder, with a parrot flies into the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i should feed the hamster, you’re in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, hello, i'm arseny, what's your name, what's next? will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday. daughter, where is the world coming to?
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are you so calmly ready to accept that our son is dating trolleybus drivers? bus? there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor. my son is your daughter, why don’t you like him? yes, that's all of me. the family is not happy, we played to spite our parents and that’s enough, maybe you are to spite us, but i’m not, oh, things are under one roof, on saturday rtr, dear editor-in-chief, writes to you from the winner of the “poems about the homeland” competition. i... remember very well how difficult it is for beginners to make their way to readers and with all my heart
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i sympathize with beginners, please help the author in publishing, i have no doubt that your main readers, soldiers, will be happy to get acquainted with his work, i’m here a little corrected, little editor. corrections, nothing changed, you have a very good style, i liked a lot, oh yes, i also wrote a letter of recommendation to the editor, maybe this will help somehow, but you sit down, sit down. yes, indeed, it has become much better, comrade general, yes, can i make a small request, yes, please understand, i urgently need to go home, and my passport is at your headquarters, it takes a very long time to issue a pass, there is no way to help, write an application for mine
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name, tishchenko viktor ivanovich. in connection with, well, let’s say, admission to college, don’t think that i’m so arrogant, my last request, you know, there are no tickets at all, not at all, can i have one ticket for the train, oh, two, excuse me, as soon as the general asked, everything is...
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rocks, let this be our little secret, and kasatkin, what should i tell him? kosatkin, tell me that everything will be fine with lyova, and that i will send the divorce papers as soon as possible, you write to me as soon as you get there, be sure, happily, bye , goodbye, wow, i barely got it to bed, so come on. what if father wants to take lyova away? he won’t want to, he’s used to me not being there. well, shall we sit down on the path? come here. op. dina, god bless you, god bless you. yes, they left when
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20 minutes ago, a military vehicle took them to the station, she left something, a note, a letter, a note.
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what it is? why are you being a bully? i the birds are shopping, like this, and we are like this, yes, like this, leva, take the stroller, uh-huh, well, sasha, let's go,
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where are you, reckless soul, why are you burning everything behind you, not running away from your fire, you you run after someone else’s shadow, further and further, and along the way you lose, like an ash, a magic spell, not your shoes. where are you from your youth, where are you fearlessly, without a road, without looking back, not sorry for anything for this sweet, for a short moment when you are young, when you are still
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carelessly winged, you don’t know what’s ahead, where are you in a hurry, where are you going, because you yourself are speeding along the way, a brown bag, leather, a suitcase, brown. asenka, stay with your grandmother for now, i ’ll come soon, we’ll play, draw, okay, i didn’t understand, or what? but we agreed that they were going to see them off at the airport, so i’m going to see them off, let’s sit down, please, how
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can this be, stop the car, please, sleepyhead, control yourself, i didn’t say goodbye, and neither did asya with your mother. what are you doing, mar? not everything works out in a human way, not in a human way. he parked the car like some kind of terrorist, it’s small, it’s still a human way to say goodbye. write everything to my mother in a letter, all your farewell words. mom, why is he like that, sonya.
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how old are you, now he’ll get the hang of it and tell you everything, but why didn’t you send a telegram, and where is your husband? well, that’s how we are for now, well, lef, let’s go and look at the apartment, i think a lot has changed here, sasha, let’s go, mom, it’s very beautiful, beautiful, yes, yeah, mom, why is it difficult to rent an apartment here? and what translates you? no, not everyone, mom, i left my husband,
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that is, well, that is, we’re getting a divorce, we’ve arrived, mom, everything’s fine, i’ll get a job, sashka will go to nursery soon, leva will go to school. why did you take this with you? mom, be quiet, what's quiet? well, who will take you with two? well, okay, alone, i can help there in the end, but this stranger, mom, he’s mine, that’s it, closed the topic, cheated, who? well, husband, ah, yes. every day, you worry, no,
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well, there’s tea brewed there, yes, i’ll pour it, how’s dad doing? moved to another city, closer to her parents, yeah, what an old fool, how much well, he will be years old when the girl grows up, and where did this yuri yuryevich come from, yuri yurievich, yuri, your stepfather larisa, okay, pilot, mom, did you take him away from the second one, what ’s her name, lelya, yes lelya she let him go herself, well, you
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give it to me. and yura works on the sports committee, and where did you meet? dancing? dancing? mom, are you kidding me? what kind of dances? i got pregnant before i got married. you, then i married your dad, but yura never found out that you were his daughter.
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and now you’re together again, mom, mom, that’s, that’s very good, that’s, you don’t even can you imagine how good it is, mom, dad knows about me, although he still suspected before you were born. and annie, yes, she knew, she doted on you, i miss her so much, that’s it, that’s your whole reaction,
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mom. come on, let’s not say anything to dad, so many years have passed, no need, what are you hiding from me, otherwise you didn’t know who you were marrying, she will always interfere in your affairs, sailor, premiere from monday on rtr. “who we are, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what is our value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something inside, there is such a chill, anything can happen, do not retreat from anything, i will still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never change yourself , i don’t have that every year.
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this is my life, my destiny. life and destiny, with such responsibility on me - this is my way, monday to 5. look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement sign, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign up , look, look, maybe we can go to my place? just
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watch a movie, welcome to our french restaurant, i’ll sit, have some food, wine from the chateau de ulanude, i want elzhikov in sour cream, and what did you do in the psychiatric ward, there were three napoleons killing one kututov, i decided to restore historical justice, humor, humor, humor on saturday on... rtrashava, my girl, listen, what an infection you are, not
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a single letter, not a word. for all the time, well, forgive me, please, i’ll correct myself, obbasheva, you have become just an amazing woman, those legs, those legs, my god, they look like artificial ones, oh! and how i miss you, my dear, such things happen in life: people come together, separate, and such unexpected combinations arise, yes, combinations, all my life i dreamed of having a sister, only for it to be a twin, it definitely came true, one might say, indirectly an idiot’s dream, you and i were even born practically on the same day. aren't you happy? i'm glad, laris, mom said you 're getting married again, oh, to this cretin, or what? whom? yes, well, i beg you, can you imagine, there’s a great movie on one channel, moronic football on another, and you know how
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it ended, well, ours won, i hope not, i went to watch his neighbor’s great movie, moreover, he also turned out to be a critic, but at least i finished watching the film. and marik didn’t show up, he showed up, i said that you got married, there was no need, where are we going, you ’re free, yes, i’ve already put these ones to bed, just from the road, who are these, children, who are you, aren’t you two? gave birth, well, you can say so, only with a difference of 6 years, and that is... the eldest child is the child of your man, well, not mine, another, but it doesn’t matter, somehow everything is very confusing, yes, please, ice cream, like the good old ones, thank you,
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thank you, well, where are you applying again, well, how can i tell you, i’ve already changed my mind about applying to chemistry, i can’t beat it, you understand, the pedagogical competition there is not so crazy, especially for the correspondence department. and the photographs, by the way, were lying around somewhere, i really need to see what i’m losing, my dinka, can i try it, i miss you, hmm, the ice cream is excellent, mine is better,
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like in childhood, yeah, let me try, well, yours tastes better? let's change, here, here, hello, hello, here's my friend, she just arrived, and she flew in, one might say, she also wants to apply for absentee documents to you, unfortunately, the deadline for submitting documents ended a week ago, and we know, uh-huh , so you have all the documents, uh, the only thing missing is a medical certificate, no, well , you can’t do it without a certificate, hmm, maybe you can talk to the vice-rector? where is he now? busy, he has a lecture, thank you, let's go, you're welcome, hello, comrade vice-rector,
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vice-rector, my name is dina obasheva, the general himself sent me to you, which general, here is my ticket, i arrived this morning, this means that everything happened last night, and i wouldn’t want everything to collapse because of some stupid certificate. are you coming? yes, i came with a great desire to study. yes, your last name is obasheva? obasheva, dina ruslanovna. ambasheva. yes. you will be included in the list of applicants, but you must receive a medical certificate this week. thanks a lot. before dates.
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where are the children? they're already asleep, mom, mom is in the kitchen, yeah. well, you should talk to her, ask how
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she’s doing, how sashenka is behaving, anfis, don’t worry, the main thing is don’t put pressure on her, give us time, sit, eat, eat, eat, i, oh, it would be good, but i haven’t walked with the children yet,
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of course, as always, how did you settle in this apartment, oh, lariska, how nice it is, no, really, for 40 rubles new furniture, new furniture, a kindergarten nearby, a school for lyovka, we will soon go to first grade, oh, dinka, how smart you are, and oh, okay, if i had my own apartment, that’s a different matter, so calm down, the settings said they’ll give it, so they’ll give it, yeah, you’ll wait for them, it’s easier to join the cooperative, they’ve put everything in, yes, they’ve put everything in, here’s a pen, pencils, eraser , that's it, go to bed, get up early tomorrow, it's already 13, handkerchief, handkerchief, i put you down, that's it, good night, sleep, my dear, the main thing is to listen carefully, and if there is... something is unclear, just raise your hand and ask, yeah, you know that rhyme, 28
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rabbits, rollerblading, past us to first grade, wearing the same caps, wearing the same shirts, identical pants, each with the same book under his arm, passers-by are surprised at how similar they are. and again i had a schizophrenic dream, as if i was sculpting my own blood from plasticine, but i sculpted her, her head, her mouth to her ears, so that she smiled, i looked, and the corners of her lips were downward, i again went to her, what a horror, you need to change, right, hey, new girl, come here, take a rest, who is forcing you to work? for such a salary, sit down, sit down, we'll have
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a smoke, we've been smoking like this before, so sit down, don't want to smoke, eat an apple, nah, yeah, thank you, why didn’t you go to kindergarten, according to your specialty, but here in the construction department they promised me a cooperative? uh-huh, oh, i can’t, and you believed it, but they promised that she has two children, which means they’ll give it, they’ll give it, of course they’ll give it, then they’ll catch up and put it on top, it’s like with yours, oh, girls, that means ambassador, tall, thin, mother-of-pearl car, i ’m thinking, give him the go-ahead, throw everything away, ambassador, yes, from the country of brine, it’s better to live alone. you know, with your mother-in-law, dune, you could do it with your mother-in-law, i don’t know, i don’t have a mother-in-law,
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i’m lucky, but there’s a husband, and there’s no husband, oh, hello, hello, oh, i almost broke all my legs before i got to you, this is my mother, and hello, hello, hello, and we’re having a break here. i just received a letter for you, yes, yes, now, come on, come on, from my ex-husband, probably, right? wow , i wonder if he’s writing, is he asking
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to come back, or does he want to take lyova away? no, mom, it's not him, it's one. a foreigner, asking for marriage, asking for marriage, with children, with children, listen, this is love, oh, how i’ll miss sasha, yes mom, what are you saying, i’m not going, he of course he’s good, kind, but i don’t love him, we have different blood types, what are you talking about, dean, what blood, what... blood type, fifth, well dean, this doesn’t happen, it happens, only i have the only one , he, who has him, the only one, and where is he your only one,
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no, but that has its own reasons, mom, “listen, i’ve been wanting to ask for a long time, remember, you once told me that you once gave birth on the train, do you happen to remember when it was, at least approximately, your father died on february 13, which means february 14 sixty-six, you and i were on this train, we were going to a funeral, well..." i knew it, now i’m waiting for this newborn, yum-yum-yum, oh, fell, fell, like young life, normal .
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as lariska says, what are we going to keep silent about? are you probably offended by your mother and me? no, yuri, i’m sorry, but i just don’t know how to pretend to be something. well, some kind of feelings ? i’ve had the same father all my life, and i love him very much, i understand, leva, leva, that nothing hurts, nothing
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else, but i was just scared, thank you, yeah, well? so you are, huh? july 28 at rtr, a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships from all fleets and flotillas of the country. glory to the russian navy. hooray! live broadcast from st. petersburg. the main naval parade is on july 28, naval day. made a wish, and i guessed plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone
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should be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, well, nothing. blasphemy will bloom on our hammer, our cherished desire will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemer blooms, on saturday at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train. will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, what is the correct way?
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and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr, we will decide everything ourselves, i wouldn’t think it would work out, you are now threatening employees in performance, artist, on monday on rtr. “it was with such difficulty that i got tickets for this evening at the artillery school, and you don’t want to wear a burqa for the day, you’re a recluse, but i
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can’t stand the military, and in general i demobilized, that’s enough, no one is dragging you to the legislative office by force, you’ll rest , you’ll have fun, what’s wrong here, what fun is it when everything is known in advance, well , we’ll get there, well, we’ll stand along the wall, we’ll start, we’ll start talking about something , someone will come up and ask us to dance, then he will. 15 more times will do, still knitting then accompany him home, i stand with him in the entrance, make excuses, vasya, you’re so good, but you understand, i love someone else, why vasya, well, vasya, petya, grisha, what’s the difference, maybe it’s just a tail, no, i don’t like it , go with the loose ones.
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there is a fight in the entrance of mayakovsky street, building 23a, first entrance, come quickly.
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hey, hey, hey, where are you going, be quiet, now the militias will come, they won’t, it was you who called the police, yes, me. well, actually, i don’t even have a phone, so you were joking, or what? joked, okay, go, those two have already left, i’ll probably stand there for a while, okay, well, actually, i have two brothers sleeping in the room, boxing champions, and i’ll be quiet, let them run away, they’re so eager to smoke. to death, probably, it’s impossible, yes, well, let’s go to the kitchen,
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just be quiet, otherwise you’ll wake up your brothers, why do you do this, you’ll know a lot, you’ll soon grow old, instead of an ashtray, yeah, do you have a tube? what is it? what about a paper case? no, she belongs to me, and it’s so long, yes, round, uh-huh, well, since it was like that, i took a calendar with naked girls to one labuk, well, so as not to remember, do you need something? when it was? i remember now, and then we threw with a labukh, but celebrated. dembel, so that means it was autumn, yeah, the end of september, 2 years,
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exactly. 2 years ago, one month, that’s how much, and remember the route, of course, the fifth. please pass me the ticket, don’t push me, please, girl, i was pushed ahead, i didn’t do it of my own free will, why the hell should i go out, excuse me, please, i don’t know. why are you so interested? it’s just that you and i were on the same tram back then. yes. i have a good one memory on the face. you're lucky with your memory. eh, the phone was showing something, maybe she couldn’t wake up her brothers? well, here's another time to wake up the brothers. they would push your friends like that, they would cripple them, and then they would also be in prison for them. it must hurt. ok. i’ll go, otherwise
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the athletes will wake up, they won’t understand a damn thing, well, that’s it, look, he’s careful there, there’s a hole in the fence. well done, i'm flying, hold it tight! we also
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loved to fly a kite in the orphanage? yes, i grew up in an orphanage, didn’t you know? no, i did not know, your parents died, do you know anything about them? well, not much, just what grandma told me, yura, he’s trying to fish, can you tell me? yes, now, great! well done, i'll help you now. well, shall we run it again? mom, maybe you can draw dad on a tank? draw. mom, why doesn't dad live with us? lev, well, when we moved, i asked you who you want
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to live with, me or dad? you chose me, and i? i changed my mind, now i want to have a dad, and i and you too, and what can you do and marry your dad, but in order to to marry a person, you need to love him, and you love him, love him, otherwise the boys say that i don’t have a dad, that i ’m making everything up, about the tank, and about the shoulder straps, why should i take you to my dad? how cunning, am i going to live without my mother? mom, mom, you’re offended, yes, lof, i’m not cunning, i just can’t marry your dad, oh well, i ’ll marry you myself when i grow up, don’t you
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love me? which, can you imagine, does not tolerate any destruction at all, the elephant in the cartoon breaks the fence or the bear someone sits on the house, immediately starts to roar, uh-huh, listen, and you, when you married levka’s father, you already had sanya , who was the father, a fireman, a heroic man, i’m at his mother’s... room i was filming, well, i burned out at work, or what? no, we even wanted to get married, but his mother was against it, she believed that i had fraudulently entered their family, got pregnant on purpose, in general, i was tired of all this, i was offended and left, well , that’s right, but i just gave birth to such a boy looks like you're not going to the artillery dance
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do you want to go because of this fireman? no, i just like to dance at home, alone, i know that. you know, i remembered, not to the village, not to the city, of course, remember, we once again came to visit marik, well, with volotka, remember, well, volotka played records, i went to dance with him, and marik went into the kitchen to make tea, but volodya shoves me in the side, says, look at how dinka looks, he’s waiting for him, as if he’s afraid that he’ll never come back, they’re waiting for him, as if it all happened yesterday, yes, as if 100 years ago all this it was, it was the body, the body, yes, mm,
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the body, here is the body, and these are the ears, yes, ears, uh-huh, this is the horse, oh, grandma, the horse, the horse, the horse likes to walk along... what is it? do you have a summons, marik, where are they inviting you? military registration and enlistment office? and why are you so worried? that’s right, i’m a reserve officer, a military translator by profession. will you go to the wuna, dad? this is a military secret. yes. mom, it's okay, it's most likely. just military training, mom, mom, i bought condensed milk, dean, are you walking, where are you, even on
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sundays i can’t find you at home, so i i work part-time at the coven, wiener and i are doing renovations in the apartment, but why do we need money, they won’t give us a cooperative today or tomorrow, and why are you moving furniture, or what? well, yes, you have to, dean, do you want to get a hernia, and i thought she was sitting in a cafe with her friends, i thought she might meet at least someone, and you, dean, well, you ’re ruining your health, you understand that , oh, mom, okay, don’t worry, i’ll find another job, i’m already tired of it myself. lida, won’t you introduce me to your sister, you said that you have her she works as a masseuse, but do you have sciatica? no, i promised my mother not to put any weight on me, do you think she will teach me massage, but lyubka, of course she will learn,
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lyubka yes, the main thing is to pay more, she will teach you the wrong thing, we will tell the patients that you are my trainee, okay, yeah, love, tell me how much i owe you for tuition, oh, whitewash the ceiling in my house and we’ll be even, okay. otherwise you won’t question the lid, okay, latissimus, trapezoidal, m, take my place, come on, come on, don’t strain your fingers, you'll get tired quickly, oh, girls, they didn't warn me that i would serve as a visual aid, well... live calmly, this is a trainee, come on, come on, okay, smoother, smoother, smoother, grab more, okay,
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relax your muscles, that's it, you can get dressed. when should i come next time? never, how do you want us to understand your words? i have a husband, he’s coming back from prison tomorrow,
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he’s very jealous, that’s what he was in prison for, well, no , no trial, thanks, hey, what about the money? oh, yes, please, i’ll bring the dacha now, just a minute. your change, i would like some water, my head is spinning, but of course. now,
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thank you.
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what's wrong with you, mom, i read a book, it's a sad book, how are things at school? five respect. you’re my smart girl, retusya said, you were robbed, some guy with osteochondrosis, keep in mind, i only sent aunts to you, but i know, it was probably one of my former clients who recommended it, yes, i’m at my i only accept verified ones at home, although of course, where are they verified, you will immediately find them, he stole a lot, bastard, a lot, old. don't remember, well
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okay, don’t worry, i have one woman, she’s healthy, she just takes care of herself, get a massage, 10 days, 200 rubles, you take it, 200, i’ll take it, of course, that’s okay, hmm, thank you, well, there are two clients a day, and i’m a single girl who earns money using a completely different method, a miracle machine and neva, what kind of miracle machine is this,
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here you go, thank you very much, you helped me out a lot, oh, take the money in your pocket, all the best, don’t go outside on the roadway go, and i need to go to the stop, go through the courtyards, there is a las, you will go out to the playground, from there to square, through it to the road, i understand, uh-huh, ah... goodbye, so 45, i suggest making the neckline v-shaped, it seems to me that this will lengthen the neck, v-shaped, it’s like, well, it’s a triangle, like yours, mm, yeah, yeah, i ’ll do it beautifully, i’ll tie it with a hook, like this, around the edge, on the bottom too, it’ll be good, let’s raise the arms, yeah. and so 140,
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i suggest making a loose cut, let’s not invent anything, but it will be good, it seems to me that it will lengthen the figure, just straight, and uh-huh, uh-huh, good, can i have a mushroom one? puree with meatballs, good, great, seryoga, oh, hello, what fate, yes, i entered the material as i did, nothing, tashkent sends me for an internship, but why to tashkent? your second, please, and there is the turkestan military district, well, you understand what this means, of course, i understand, i read your article about international debt.
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listen, if i had written what i saw and felt there, i would definitely have been fired. therefore, i had to write that our limited contingent is building hospitals, orphanages, military doctors are taking care of families afghan women, marik, why do you need this, well, your wife is a doctor, your mother is a doctor, well, let them fuss, by the way, i divorced my wife, why, well, yes, you had love for...
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like jumping rope, this is legless, but by the way, you know how long it took me to run the hundred-meter dash, i don’t remember now, listen, girls, i heard this from our crown molder, how’s his kuzovkino or something? well , kuzovkino troyne was born, so i
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heard on tv that they promised to give him a four-room apartment, and also a cooperative for him the other day they should have, but why does he need this cooperative now, if it’s so free, and what about our chairman? local, the one who just happens to have this empty apartment really likes knitted things, right? ok, you can give me some advice, but what? you can’t help it, you won’t come, come on , you have golden hands after all , it turned out very beautifully, yes, in my opinion, it even somehow suits me, uh-huh, uh-huh, okay, well... well, that’s it it seems to be in place, yes, all the papers are in order, yes, yours, you will need to bring another 500 rubles.
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this, this is not for me, but for some comrades, so that there is no noise, yeah, i understand, well, that’s it, by friday we’ll draw up all the documents at once and... you’ll immediately pay the bank, the first payment for the cooperative, well, that’s all for now, bye, thank you, 18 hours a day you’re pouring in, but you want to get rid of your debts as quickly as possible, and relax like a human being, there’s still not enough clients, even though there are advertisements on the poles, don’t worry, another client will come soon. she teaches you wisdom, who will teach me wisdom? sveta kolepatova, i called her myself, she just sat down when she found out what pennies you charge for work, will you open it? yes, i’ll tell you, it’s probably her. you need to sell at
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a flea market, so tell me, how much yarn does it take you to make one dress? oh, well, it takes about 600 grams. 600, yeah, so 600 g for 5 rubles, a total of 30, 30, for the work you charge 50, the dress costs the customer 80 rubles, on a shirt such a dress can be sold for 130, guess what, 130, but where will i get the yarn, thank you, at least he brings me clients, listen, you surprise me, abasheva, but today i ’ll bring you one woman for the holanter section? knit her a kitten for free, well, she will fill you with this yarn of all colors and shades, we ’ll go for a walk, and where are the sashas for shoes? mom, look, i like it, very much, listen, well, this is
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a work of art, try it on, ting, what are you doing, mom, this is for you, no, i know that you really need money, you’ll buy it for an apartment, mom, here you go i knitted this jacket especially for you, please, beauty, your color. it will suit you very much, fabulous, i really like it, really, thank you, daughter, thank you, girls, good lipstick, good, girls, not good.
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of course, of course, can i open it, thank you very much, no need, alyosha here, how much is it, 240, listen, well, i have 200, you see, i don’t have enough at all, listen, give me 230 and this watch, it cost 30, agree, why do i need your old stuff, no, 240, okay, thanks, let's go, well, wait, alyosha, let's take the seller's goods and go to you, you
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have money at home, but i'll re-borrow, thanks, let's go, let's go, no, i’m not going anywhere, no, okay, thanks guys, wait, i heard you’re missing 10 rubles, take it, he’s in shock, thank you girl, oh, we found it, and i ’ll add a replacement tape for you, great, where am i, where can i look for you, where can i pay you back, yes, it’s nonsense, no need, no, i’m serious, well, if you want , i’m here every sunday from 6 am, thank you, girl, you don’t know what you’ve done for us, and lesha is a typewriter, like a cowboy without a horse, he’s a fantastically promising journalist, oh well, good, what kind of skin, thank you.
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come see us again, thank you, definitely, hello, hello, hello, girls, who are you visiting? well, who knows? of course, here’s your friend, a person we know from labor protection, he says hello to you, he said that you have a shortage of what you can get, oops, there’s oilcloth for chamomile to show, well, dear, why do we need oilcloth, we need condensed milk, we need stew , buckwheat, what are you talking about, what, what kind of stew, we are stewed from... we were glad we didn’t see it, hoy, oh well, so, i’m generally silent about condensed milk, yes, but the shoes, and
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the cosmetics are imported, there are swimsuits, girls, are you crazy, or what? no, okay, girls, i’ll pour out a kilogram of buckwheat, i’ve filled a jar of stew, girls, that’s it. mom, look at the tank. oh, give me a tank, we’ll take a tank too. it's not enough, right? why am i lying or what? hey, what grade did you give birth to him in? i gave birth in the sixth. in our country, you know, everyone gives birth early, she thinks we are old-timers. where is this? we have? well , where in india you don’t see it, or what? are we indian? here, you know, as is customary in india, when a girl turns 8, she gets married right away, i personally have five, she has less, but have you read robin tagore? i can’t, you girls are funny, okay, so... girls, swimsuits there are yugoslav ones, yugoslav ones, mom,
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lovely, 25 rubles, plus a top five, show, let's, well... here, look, girls, beauty, what a beauty with cups, oh my gods, such cool swimsuits, i i couldn’t find anything like this anywhere, i ’ve been dreaming about something like this all my life, come on, storekeeper, larisa, if i buy a house here, i’ll live here, what kind of labor protection, what kind of india, how can i look people in the eye, not too old, friend, everything will be okay, i figured it out, here it is, oh, here it is. mom, come, the fence will have to be fixed, be careful, the general store is nearby, yeah, the well is also two steps away, a vegetable garden, an orchard,
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cherry trees, apple trees, yes, we see that it’s beautiful, yes, the house is generally serviceable, your bathhouse is clean, but why are you selling it to grandma? yes, it’s hard for me to come every weekend, but i take my mother to the city, but i don’t have the strength anymore, but there are assistants, yes there are assistants, we all live in the city, and my daughter lives, her husband is actually the boss, yes, he makes good money, lada , and my daughter is already expecting her second child, there will be a great-granddaughter, right? and you can’t lure them here with a bell, i ’ll treat you to some tea now, ma, what year was the house built, in 1912, a long time ago in general, but don’t worry, we will look after the house, look, look after the house, otherwise it will die, it won’t die, it won’t die,
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i hope for you, we sing the best wedding songs, this is for you, well, you got some sleep ? gentlemen, pay attention a moment. today is a big day, a big holiday. we haven't
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seen each other. daring. you know, for every cool fighter there is an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for my words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade is just on the platform. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the bulge, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many will there be a family of eight, a family and eight, how many, who is at
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work, a lot and loudly says, if you answer, then with humor. to cut down oak, not to pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry is a headache kit, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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dean, would you like me to find you a phone number, marika? yes, i can only get marik’s phone number myself. for what? come on, i know that you love him, if he only finds out that you are here, he will fly to you, rush to you. larisa, why is this necessary, to live in two families, to wander from one to another, and what can i do, wait at the window, i don’t want to, i woke up, yes. yes, yes, mark, mom,
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you’ve lost weight! wait, who is asya with? you just don't worry, the kindergarten is now at its dacha in the moscow region, i visit every sunday, it’s amazing there, the forest, the river, today the department bell rings just before dawn, samygri borisovich, and i just fell asleep at night, fly, they ask for a symposium on a business trip, korotkova got sick, her i will hand you the report at the airport, where, i ask. in tashkent, here i finally woke up, mom, listen, when you arrived, where did you stop? i
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came straight to you from the airport, i was afraid that you were studying, but my hotel is somewhere nearby, the clerks would have known, i would have baked pies, mom, oh, thank you, mark me for 4 days. they sent me for 4 days, i miss you so much, i can’t dream, listen, mom, and today i’m leaving on a business trip, where, oh, mom, to garmanistan, a conference on the topic of whether the sun of a new day will rise in garmanistan or not , some say , will come, others say, no, to afghanistan, mark’s business trip, you know, the topic is acute, burning, they say you can’t do without translators, it seems to me that translators will only
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confuse everything, a conference, yes mom, i’m exaggerating everything as usual, even not a conference, right? it’s just an ordinary trip, they want me to accompany one official, maybe i’ll have to be completely silent the whole way . when you fly out tonight, mom, mom, good morning, hello, let me help you, thank you, come on, oh! and i brought you 10 rubles, which i owe you, and i have already completely forgotten, here you go, thank you, here, yes, maybe you
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can write some note about your flea market, customs, morals, rituals, point out the shortcomings, even not i know, i never take notes ... but you know what, girl, let's 120, so 120, persuaded, i'll take it, so, young man, what's the matter, i should have bought it earlier, there was no point in thinking here for half an hour, so, girl, wrap it up, let's take it, what kind of bad luck is this,
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my wife asked for something red a long time ago, well buy her a portvel, she will be happy, it’s a very new model, you ’ll ruin me, hang out, how’s she doing, is she interested in this mistake now? i’ll explain, you just don’t give her anything, take exactly 120 rubles here, you can count it, thank you, wear it with pleasure, thank you, okay, okay, good luck. thank you you're welcome, a good start to the working day, yes, by the way, he lied about his wife, one is like a moon walker on the moon, by the way, my name is alexey, dina, very nice, yes, me too, dina, what do you usually do after sunday workdays, for example, this evening, tonight i go home, cook dinner, for
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how long? people, for three, of course, that’s what i knew, the tram usually gives you lucky tickets, in life, oh well, by the way, don’t be shy about sending your poems, otherwise we ’ll print all sorts of crap, okay, thank you, bye goodbye, chernobrovkin, alexey grigorievich, goodbye, dina. so that the soldiers would not be knocked off the trail, he gave the command to attach a piece of bandage to everyone’s backpack, it’s dark in the mountains at night, you can’t see the devil, and there’s a white square in front of your eyes, okay, but what about the wounded, the wounded are dragged on themselves, the dead are also carried before the first platforms
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so that the helicopter could pick them up. so some bastards use it for a thrill, and they pour water into it, it turns out that they could save, but due to the fact that there is no pyramid, this becomes unrealistic, well, yes, in the worst case, the load is 200, in best disabled for life, thank you, at least they provided tourniquets, otherwise at first there were complete amputations, young man, they don’t smoke in the box with equipment, excuse me, write in your newspaper that the soviet soldier is the cheapest in the world.


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