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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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okay, but what about the wounded? they drag the wounded, the dead too, to the first landing area so that a helicopter can pick them up, for example, soldiers are given a pyramidol in individual bags, so some bastards use it for a thrill, and they pour water there, that is, it turns out that they could have saved, but from -due to the fact that there is no pyramidol, this becomes unrealistic, well, yes, at worst, the load is 200, at best, disabled for life, thank you, at least they provided tourniquets, otherwise at first there were complete amputations. young man, do not smoke in the equipment box, excuse me, write in your newspaper that the soviet soldier is the cheapest in the world, the country can be proud, landing in 5 minutes,
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hello, chara, fuchara, you can’t, why, ugh, young, even stupider, hello, little girl, forgive me, dear dina, for not answering your new year’s greetings, she got so twisted. i wanted my life, that i still can’t come to my senses, i divorced andrei, i should have gotten a divorce long ago, rather than live like this, a month after dean’s divorce, i got married, and you know, finally i’m happy, and my husband dina, a worthy man, you didn’t see him at the time, and to be honest, you didn’t want to see him, you guessed, of course, dina, that i married kosatkin, we recently bought a car, and so everything is fine with us, i can’t even believe it, i’ll never be able to give birth to one misfortune, and without children i myself understand what kind of family it is, thank you. dinochka,
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who supported gleb in difficult times , raised lev as her own. we will be grateful to you all our lives. but his own father, dean, is his own father. and besides, you shouldn't doubt that i love leva too. dinochka, my golden one, you, of course, have become attached to lyova, and i cry when i write these lines, but, but you are kind, fair, you will arrange everything , explain everything to him. soon we will be transferred to another unit. i'll let you know when we arrive. we’re thinking about taking lyova to the sea first, but...
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mom, i got into a fight with vadik. he started first, but can we still go for a walk? we need to go to the nursery to pick up sashka, your czech shoes were torn in holantirey, we need to buy new ones, do you remember aunt lyuda, our neighbor from the military camp, who who has fish in the aquarium, yes, who has fish, she married your dad, but i didn’t know, well, i didn’t know either. they want to take
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you in, what about you? i'm not here, they want to take you to the black sea. let's go to the black sea ourselves, you, me and sashka. we’ll definitely go, only when sasha gets a little older we’ll go. but i got into a fight, we’ve already made up, wow, hello, hello, what happened, i’m running straight from work to you, let’s feed you, you’ll be roasting in pots, i’ll be roasting pots, what the hell, are they stunned, or what? write such a letter, you i legally adopted luva, that’s not the case...
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that’s the point, we need to do this urgently, my dear, we need to do this urgently, are you crazy, how are you going to do this now, it’s too late, you’re now officially divorced with his own father, yes, i understand, but what should i do? now, what to do, i don’t know what to do, they’ll take him away, oh-oh-oh, you get alimony, well, i received it a long time ago, at first i didn’t even understand that he was sending a light one, i wanted to send it back, well, i left the book put it, well what can i tell you, legally, all rights are on their side, wait, but the boy’s opinion is not taken into account in court, why... is it taken into account, of course, only if he is 10 years old, and his parents are getting divorced, then it is taken into account, larisa, well, what to do, yes, yes, i don’t know, although there is one option,
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talk to this people, convince her that leva will be better off with you, why force a boy into a family where he will feel bad, you said, she’s a good woman, but she doesn’t seem to be bad , she’s unhappy, well, that’s already... the main thing is don’t say anything to him now, don’t traumatize the child, that’s what i said, how not to say it, that’s what i said, so of course you give it to me, what he answered to you, he said that we’ll go south ourselves, what else will he say, well, that’s it. the marquis thanked the king with a respectful bow for the honor shown to him, on the same day he married the princess, puss in boots became a famous nobleman, and from then on he hunted mice only occasionally for his own pleasure. that's it, now go to bed, are there dolphins there? where, well, in this stupid sea, is there, probably only far away, from the shore
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it’s not visible, but if you go on a boat, i don’t know, levushka, if you go on a boat, you can definitely see it. dolphins, frolicking, what, well, who are frolicking, frolicking, good night, baby, good night, mommy, yes, there are, there are, i’m saying, government troops of the democratic republic, together with parts of tsarondoy, no, no, police, police , yes, the soviet artillery has now forced the dushmans to capitulate, capitulate, you’ll translate it before the morning, i won’t finish this material yet, you’ll start with these, but throughout the province pact of dates, dushmans are going over to the side of the government troops, no, they are not lagging behind,
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i saw how two hundred tulips were loaded, that boxes with coffins were on the plane, and afghanistan was entering a new phase, right? creative life, yes, in the name of freedom and equality, moscow itself, that again, yes, i studied there at the school, vladislav, you can just vlad, mark, and, mom, i don’t have any legal rights. dean, i'll ask yuri. and what does yura have to do with it, is he a lawyer? mom, i need a lawyer, it’s better to find me a good lawyer for civil affairs, just don’t worry, dean, do you hear, well, they’ll take the child away, well , the father and the child will leave for the sea, well, what’s going to happen, don’t you understand that if they take him away from me, no one will give him back to me, dean, don’t yell at me, i’m not yelling, i
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just don’t know what to do, where to go, who to contact, now a second, what kind of noise is there, yes, they’re taking lyova away from dina, her father wants... to take her away , she officially divorced him? yes, but this is bad, because an unmarried woman will not be able to establish, well i told you, don't get a divorce, dean, well, you never listen to me, only a married woman can adopt a child, god, well, i 'll get married, if only that's the case, you say he's already married, your ex, how him, kosatkin, and what does kosatkin have to do with it, i ’ll marry someone else, girl, you have to have a conscience, someone else, why are you crazy, so where will you find him, forgive me, please, and hello? married, dina, can you hear me, no, what is it, mom, i’ll call you back, marry me, that is, marry i, uh, from what article, i really need it, please, like this, and i’m also a
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single man, you have a ring on your finger, so, you agree, i’ll pay, who do you even take me for here, girl, please vacate the cabin, what's the matter, huh? i was joking, excuse me, i need to make one more call, you know, this is too much, excuse me, this doesn’t fit into any gates. glad to see you, hello, hello, sit down, thank you, and you brought poems,
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poems, what kind of poems, but no, no poems, no worry, but i’m not worried, something happened to you, i don’t even know how to say it, well, tell it like it is, i have such a problem, i urgently have to get married... get married, no, don’t think anything like that , i just have a child, and i want to adopt him, but single women are not allowed, only married women, where did you get him from, this is the son of my ex-husband, i was officially married, my husband was my daughter-in-law, and we divorced, the child remained with me, of course. so, now, now,
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hello, oleg evgenevich, hello, chernobrovkin is bothering you, listen, so situation, a woman, young, was married to a widower. then they got divorced, her husband’s child stayed with her, wants to adopt her, are there any options, it’s all clear, what was needed before, is there something of substance, yes, very, dean, how old are you, 20 already, and levese , 20, leo 7, in the sense of the child, okay, i understand, thank you, i understand, bye, dean, the situation is as follows, and the difference between the adoptive parent and the adopted parent must be at least 18
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years old, so whether you are married or not, unfortunately, has no role plays. well, thanks, yes no problem, i'll go, goodbye. dina, excuse me, can you leave me your phone number? i do not have a phone. well, where do you live? on the street, on the street, god, on his street. mayakovsky. 23 a, 23 a, yes. goodbye. alyosha. oh, is it possible?
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okay, you can't do that, dean, mom, just find out if she's there or not. dinochka, you’re not yourself, you’ve never been like this, i’m very worried about you. mom, i’m okay, everything’s fine, don’t worry, just, just call aunt emmy and tell her i’ll come so she can meet me. will you come with your fiance? mom, s what groom? dean, well, maybe that's it for now. dean, dean, if, if you still want
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a husband, then i agree. thank you, alyosha, you are a true friend. and here was another case, once we went at night, square, height, everything in order, climbed in, dug in, set up machine guns, morning, motherfucker. they climbed that mountain, and another two hours later at the height that the turntables were supposed to occupy, and you say, yeah. so well, for a bold experiment, listen, but it’s true that in the helicopters they force parachutes to everyone, yeah, they calm down the authorities, in the mountains the parachute, like a poultice for a dead person, will smear on the stones like snot, what are they thinking about here.
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fake, uh-huh, hi guys, hello, does anyone have any smokers, the bumper on the mini was blown up, two soldiers and the captain were killed, a third had his legs torn off at the knee.
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after that batch i see everyone dead, my mother sent me the photographs, just like they were in an envelope, they’re just lying there, i can’t take them out, i’m afraid, i don’t look in the mirror at all, i shave thoroughly, maybe it will pass when i get home, or maybe it will pass? dinochka, you can change your first
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and last name in your passport, if it doesn’t sound good, you can change nationality if one of the parents is different. nothing can be changed at birth, thank you, i have a friend over there, she told me that one woman asked to change her age in the opposite direction, they refused, but you, but it’s in the passport, in the certificate about making a woman 6 years older, with this i ’ve never encountered this at all, dean, aunt, well, there are cases when a person’s documents are burned, he urgently needs... a new birth certificate, you ’re helping him, right? dinochka, calm down, your mother warned me that you are a little nervous, which means they burn, well, in a fire, something else, come on, what happened, i need a new birth certificate, and as quickly as possible, i must be 6 years older, i understood that , why, well, i have
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a son and they want to take him away from me. you would falsify documents for the sake of your daughter, i can’t give it to lev, okay, write a statement saying that you lost your birth certificate and passport, write that you were burned in a fire, fill out the form, thank you, i’ll tell you in the end. some woman about thirty came perm, a little out of control, well, i wrote the application and date of birth with errors, i was negligent, well, i’ll get a reprimand, if anything happens, well, everything is fine with you,
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come with me. girl, close the door, there will be no reception today, hello, this is for tea, i literally have one question, but this is superfluous, well, ask your question quickly, i want to adopt a child, girl, how old are you, 26, oh, oh why do you need a child, he is my little boy, his mother died. when he was born? that's it, that changes things, i at first i thought you wanted to take it from the children’s home, i was surprised, so the father should write a statement that he doesn’t mind, i understand. you know, the fact is that his father and i are already divorced, okay, and what am i talking about, well, what to do in this situation, what to do with the child, well, leave
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him to his father, you’re not even his stepmother now, take him , but i don’t want to give him away, then i don’t even know what city his father lives in, his father ran away, found a fool, left his child and ran away, well done! the father should be deprived of paternal rights, the child should be given to the grandfather house, he has no other relatives except his dad, no other relatives, but i won’t give him to the grandfather’s home, well, honey, well, they’ll take him away from you, well , judge for yourself, you’re no one to him, his mother died, his father is on the run, the state is now obliged worry about him, i understand everything, but there is no need to deprive my father of his rights, he regularly pays alimony later, that’s it, alimony seems to be big, what does alimony have to do with it, i put it on... let’s dance, no way, thank you, goodbye, tea, coffee,
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his child, everything, but i can’t live without him, i bless him, premiere on rtr. bring some things will be necessary, and some things, what is this, this is legal, what are you doing there, really, that’s enough for me, my daughter maryana will light up, my business, the sailor from monday on rtr, “catch, fish, big or small , well , in general, you chose the right place,
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have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, we try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant" ? fiction, can science be understood, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts your spirits, that’s for sure. food formulas on saturday on rtr. tse is married, it's true.
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nastya, let's talk about which one to take on friday. i really need help. we'll come up with something. what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says that he loves you, nastya, you would like it, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn’t say it, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind, but tell her about yours feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i, of course, stupid, romantic, last chance, on friday, on rtr, yes, ima maksimov, but
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still nothing will work out, so how can you tear up my statement, dinochka, you’re sure, but thank you very much anyway, but what child, are you going to give him away? well, no, of course, i won’t give it away, i’ll think of something, don’t worry, goodbye, goodbye. girl, hello, can you tell me where dina lives, and why do you need dina? well, how did we meet, i would like to continue communicating, how do you know the address? well, dina herself and gave. the devil knows that in every passerby
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there is a hamlet, a dream, i mean, don’t listen to me, i’m her friend, let’s go, i ’ll accompany you, yeah, well, thank you, here, come in, dean, alyosha, hello, how are you doing with me found it, so you yourself gave me your address, i from... forgot it, but i’m moving, far away, can’t be seen from here, larisa, alyosha, alyosha, tell me, do you have a car, calm down, no, no, well, that’s bad, i’ll have to call a taxi, there are a lot of problems, it’s expensive, and my friend ivan, remember, we saw him then too, he has, but it’s inconvenient, inconvenient to sleep on
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the ceiling, and tomorrow with... we need, no, tomorrow morning he’s working, unfortunately, so after work, well, well, great, that’s it, one less problem, so , let's have a drink, guys, i still have to go to the editorial office, well, the editorial office will wait, if with me, please tell me where, where, where is yours, where is lyukha, children in a safe place, children, children. with the mother, the children with the mother, what did you decide about adoption, did you learn anything? nothing comforting, well, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, we won’t give up the children, what are you talking about? you're moving so that they don't find you, she bought a house, everyone has already moved out, without any problems at all, without trading, only no one should know the address at all, not a single soul, your husband might just be wanted by everyone, oh, well, under , while this statement is already changing your mind about taking the boy, we have thought through everything,
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thought through everything. i didn’t receive any letter, it came to the post office not registered later, then any idiot can get this letter from this mailbox, and then leva is on vacation, why can’t we go to the dacha with the children there to the village, we are not hiding from anyone, we are not deceiving anyone, we are not hiding from anyone, we are not hiding from anyone, dina, you are great, well done, thank you.
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in the newspaper, he works at the newspaper and is silent, so we have dina, you know what kind of poet, come on , i’m just telling you, print all sorts of soviet flags, banners, print her, haven’t you read what poems she writes, i told her, dina doesn’t it’s just carrying, why don’t you carry it, so spend the children, spend the children, they are written by hand, you accept the price, i will retype it, i already have a typewriter, where they send you, mark, it’s really bad now, but i know, i was warned, you were supposed to return to tashkent, and i already wrote a letter to my mother, i thought you’d send it closer, well, nothing, an unexpected delay, i’ll come to tashkent soon. “this is for you, yes, well, why do you need it, there is
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such a sign, death will not find someone else’s thing, hold it, listen, you have them in your name, no need, but what, the sergeant alone engraves in the rim, everything he wants to write, for special merits, yeah!" why do i think that we can deceive her, say, death will come for you, there is an inscription on the clock to vladislav nazarov, some kind of bullshit, she’ll turn around and leave, okay, let’s sit down on the path.
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yeah, listen, take my watch as a souvenir, i also have a sign, two tops, and according to this sign i should live a long time, okay, i ’ll buy myself a new one, take it, take it, take it, it ticks, just don’t put it in boiling water, well, that's it , it's time, let's not say goodbye yet. go ahead, i'll go alone.
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fuchara, ugh, good dog. tell me, do you know deno abasheva from this apartment? young with two children? yes, oh, i don’t know, maybe she went where? we came the day before yesterday, yesterday this evening and this morning, well, no one opens it. well, maybe you ask around in the yard, okay. sashka, you ’ve grown so much, and he’s quite big. hello.
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i mean, let’s not give a damn about everything, we’ll go to the sea without a break, and then you’ll meet us there , by chance, lyudmila, we’ve been stuck in this wonderful city for three days now, i have a vacation once a year, i haven’t really had a vacation for five years, that’s one thing, something else, quietly, i should rage, i know what to do, the mother needs to find her using the information, the mother should know where her daughter and grandson are, yes, maybe, well, maybe, so what did you see there? mom, there is such
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a huge football field, like a stadium, he also promised to take me fishing with him, me and his nuk, but i haven’t met him yet, well, you will meet him again. i found it in the attic, now we’ll test it, sashka, what are you doing there, come on, lef, sashka is giving you something, and what wish would you make,
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to go to the sea to see live dolphins, with dad, no, with you and sasha, only later, when he grows up. he'll grow up soon, we'll go soon, yes, yes, come here, oh, look what a samovar we have, and i feel that he's already it’s warming up, come on, put it on, oh, oh, there’s smoke, oh, wow, now we’ll drink tea, yes, yes, with a pie, hello, can i see dina, but dina doesn’t live here anymore, where does she live? she
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lives on mayakovsky street, come in, i was on mayakovsky street, no one opens the door there, uh-huh, i don’t know, maybe she vasilyeva left, now anfis, here dinu asks, do you know where she is? hello, hello, who are you, ladies? we were friends, then we corresponded, so i happened to be passing through your city and decided to visit, she no longer lives in this city, she has moved far away. i married a military man, why , well, i don’t remember, well, six months ago a year ago, to a military man, to a foreigner, wealthy, and you don’t have an address, no, we quarreled, i was against their marriage, of course, thank you, goodbye, goodbye . “her mother lied all over, you understand, she looks into
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her eyes and lies, this husband of hers is already dumbfounded by such lies, why should she lie to her, gleb, well, how do i know, maybe she really married a foreigner, you yourself said that she there i was confused with someone, yes, i remember the license plates on his car, wait a minute, when was the last time you sent her a transfer, i don’t remember, it’s been a long time? about six months ago, i got confused, forgot, it’s not good, but you isn’t the money taken from her salary, but she didn’t apply for alimony, i did it on my own initiative, by the way, i calmly sent it to her mother-in-law, almost regularly, that means i didn’t send it for six months, and you generally understand that she can deprive you of your paternal rights , for what? for forgetting about your own child, out of sight and out of your heart. listen, ice, sit down, don’t rush around,
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let me put myself in order, yes, yes, he’ll tell me in court, for the first 6 years he never visited the child, then he got married, left me, left the service, then they lived together for a month, did not take care of the child, when... they divorced, i didn’t send any money, not a penny, but i sent , i say again, i sent, dadina won’t even sue, she’s afraid, her mother is lying, because dina isn’t going to give us the leva, she received the letter, that’s a fact, she got scared and left somewhere... then, but where, wait a minute, her mother's husband
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said something, you know, that's the name something rural, like a surname, ivanova, no, kuznetsova, vasiliva, vasilyeva, i remembered, uh-huh. good morning, are you visiting someone? hello, yes, i came to see my friend, they told me that she rents a house here, no, no one rents a house here, we all have our own people living here, well, i don’t know, maybe... we already have our own, your name is dina, don’t you know,
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indira gandhi, no, dina, obasheva, well, yes, it’s me and her name is indira, the second rabendronata kogora is funny girls, so she’s here, dina indira, well, yes, you’ll go on the right side to the last house, thank you, tell her that you brought cottage cheese, i’ll leave it for her, okay, okay. sit here, i’ll call you, and you’ll stay there for a long time, as long as necessary, i’ll stay as long as possible, we agreed on both ends, that’s all, and if i wait all day, we’ll add more, soon leva will come from fishing, bring us fish, and we let's cook some flour, shall we? uh-huh, hi, look, like this,
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once, it shoots, if you press your finger, people, but lyova wants to live with me, dean, you set him up like that, a child should live with his own father, what have you done, dear, dear, not everyone who is dear, beloved, kosatkin loves him, yeah, i’m more than sure that... kosatkin needs him only because you persuaded him, but i want a child, and what’s wrong with that? well, if you want, adopt, there are plenty of children who have neither a mother nor a father. dean, do you know what you're saying? don't shout, sasha is sleeping with me. the child lives with a stranger, and at this time he will adopt a stranger, i’m not a stranger, an outsider, rather you, i’m his father’s wife, of course, don’t shout, but the fact that you forced lema to call herself mom, this doesn’t mean anything at all, i didn’t force you, and you know that very well, and what does it have to do with it anyway, the important thing is that he feels loved, don’t worry, i ’ll love you and i’ll
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take care of him no less, i tell you i won’t give it away, but whoever asks you, dina, well done, is it a village committee or what? and now you ’re going to give me a performance with hysterics here? you know what, i don’t have time to talk to you here! let's pack levi's things, we have a taxi waiting! hello lion! mom, look what a machine gun my dad brought me, how he brought his machine gun, it shoots bursts, just don’t shoot at home, hold on! people, please come out, we need to talk to the left one, but a taxi is waiting for us quickly! sit down, lion, your dad and aunt lyuda want to take you to the sea, but i don’t want to go without you, but you will really like it there, you won’t even have time to get bored, the sea is
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so salty, salty, i will write you letters, bring me smooth stones like candy canes, smooth like candy canes and shells. and shells and starfish, will you eat? i’ll go, i’ll pack your things, levka, what, mom, i love you very much, and i love you too, come here, son, my son!
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sleep, haven’t you heard, mark disappeared, he was supposed to fly in and didn’t arrive, you need to put it on better, something happened there, i called tashkent, but he wasn’t found, neither among the dead, nor among the wounded, they said they weren’t killed identify, they said, get ready, go to your room, play, seryozhenka, what if i go there, i, i, what if i call, go to the military registration and enlistment office, ask to be sent there, because i’m a doctor, doctors are needed there, i would look for him among the wounded, let me come visit you on sunday, yes, like asya, don’t suck everything is very good, if it weren’t for her, i would go crazy, help me, damn it, everyone, help, you
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hold on, you just need to hope that he’s alive, you know, how can you not hope, i ’ll try to find out something on my own channels, well, i’m unlikely to find out more than you hope. here you are at home, come on in, thank you, i’ve just stopped by three times already, it’s still not you , i was just running past, i thought, maybe you’re home, it was, but we were at the dacha, look what i have. what have you already printed? funny, go to the kitchen. fine. tea, coffee, so i brought champagne to celebrate your debit,
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well, if you’re against it, of course, no, why don’t i mind, let’s have a drink, come on, but i have pearl barley porridge with meat, cheesecakes with raisins, i’m not hungry. dean, i want to drink to your victories, you will have many more victories, this is already clear, in general, don’t despair, okay, yeah, let’s drink to the brothershaft, you can have a drink without the brothershaft. well, yes,
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sashka is kind of restless today, he could barely get him to sleep, lyovka also didn’t sleep well before, and then... i don’t want to leave, but if you ’re tired of me, you can kick me out, alyosha, please don’t call me by my last name, ok dean, i really want to help you, but i don't know what to do to make it easier for you. “lyosh, you are very good, really, but you and
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i have different blood types, you understand, yes, hush, sasha, sasha, sasha, sasha, sasha, hush, sasha, sasha, hush, what is this, what is syushka, syushka, hush, what happened to us again, hush
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, how many more, two more, the guys were unlucky, because they were already flying to tashkent
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, get out, stop sanding, he doesn’t listen, he doesn’t want to get out of the water . pulled it out, right? i’ll pull it out, i don’t want, i don’t want, i don’t want,
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dad, i don't want, i don't want. dad, dad, i want to go swimming again, dad, let me go when we go home, but i’m already tired of the sea, i want to go to mom, do you want ice cream, look, i’m selling it over there, whatever you want, clumbers, people, well, what kind of ice cream, it’s already there, do you want it to go down at all, or something, i want a popsicle, lef, well, really, let’s have more, now... i want ice cream, so no ice cream, if i said no, that means no, okay , i won’t repeat it, that’s it, no need, no need for any whims, that’s it, leva, lef, just
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think of some kind of ice cream, leva, lef, so to be upset about some piece of ice, leva, let's buy some cake, leva, there are gazebos nearby selling cakes, cool, eclair, basket, cool, let's have an eclair and a basket together, leva, leva, come on, this one on top, put it here, well done, everything fell apart, hello, hello, where’s dina? so she has an exam, come on, but i thought she would ask larisa, but no, they both have an exam, for sure, of course, it completely slipped my mind, but how you
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cope here, like sashenka, is wonderful, well... thank you, you really helped us out, you're welcome, thank you, goodbye, uh-huh, oh, i have a lot of sixes, listen, dean, that young man who sat with sasha today, you've known him for a long time, he's handsome young man, dahis, tell me, tell me, he made a very favorable impression on me, mom, we’re just friends. and i would just eat him, and the neck, did you notice what kind of neck he has, and what kind of neck does he have? well, larisochka here believes that a man’s dignity is determined by his neck, but it’s interesting what kind, well, what kind, those same aunt anffes the most, yes, well, you will also say, yes, oh, what
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a good day it is today. i don’t have one, and the session was closed, yes, well done, girls, oh, mom, i forgot to tell you, go away, i want to go to the kasatkins, they were transferred, now the unit is nearby, only 6 hours by train, why do you need to go, din , well, just to tease my soul, mom, i just want to make sure that everything is okay with the left one, that’s all. hello, irin, here is this young adventurer, they took him off the train, he doesn’t want to say his last name, his first name, and he doesn’t want to talk at all.
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pavlova, irina ivanovna, a lion, but by patronymic, just a lion. okay, what point did you intend to get to? i will not say. did someone offend? look, leo, you can remain silent. your parents have probably already reported it to the police. an hour earlier, an hour later. they will be informed that you are here. we need to make our work a little easier. just everything. can the police find my way home? of course. i want to go to my mom, i’m almost there. if i didn't want to go to the toilet, no one would notice me. i was lying on the top shelf behind the mattresses. will you take me? we'll take you, or will mom come for you? send her a telegram,
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she will come. so you didn't run away from home? no. not from home, from an orphanage? no, i have a mother and a brother, and they lured me by sea, and after the sea they brought me to their place, i don’t want to live with them, i want with... with my mother, who are they, gypsies, a mysterious story, and my mother has a phone number ? we don’t have it, grandma has it, dictate, phone number, grandma’s and mother’s name, hello, anfisa pavlovna, uh, yes, yes, it’s me, police lieutenant pavlova is worried about what happened? your grandson is with us now, he says, that he was kidnapped by gypsies and that he escaped from them, what can you say about this?
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oh, my god, gypsies, yes, gypsies, he said so, he said so, well, forgive me, but this seems to be a mistake, a mistake, well, he just speaks to me, but not so well yet, but where is dina? leva's mother? wait, was lyova kidnapped? oh, i thought you were talking about the younger one? where is he now? in a branch at the railway station. so, my husband and i will come and pick him up now. mom, leva, i miss you so much,
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the bandaging officer on duty is listening, hello, i was told that a child was found, yes, he was and child, he was taken off the train, yes, he was taken off the train, excuse me, please, but if the child’s name is lyova, then this is our child, yes, lyova, we will come and pick him up. no, this is not the one, ours, he was found, as he was found, but where is he now, now with his mother, where else should he be, since he was found, of course, goodbye, we will sort everything out ourselves, in the meantime, no matter what happens, you are now you threaten employees during execution, artist. on monday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into
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the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely faceless we make three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing. we want to transform. radiator wart object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality , as you look, let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, hello, i'm arseny,
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what's your name? what's next? will you be with me in ride the bus all day? on saturday. daughter, where is the world coming to? i’m so calmly ready to accept that our son is dating a trolleybus driver, a bus driver, there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor, my son and your daughter, what doesn’t suit you about him, and their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played around evil to parents is enough, maybe you are evil, but i’m not, oh, things are under one.
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dina, open the door, can’t you hear someone ringing, hello, hello, hello, anfis, hello, larisa, sorry. but for housewarming i won’t come to you, what happened, nothing, so, on the wrong foot, i got up again, but he’s a bastard, he borrowed 17 rubles from me, he left me, he promised that we’ll sign soon, but he has a wife in the sergach, wait, i'm already confused, who are you talking about now, it doesn't matter, i forgot to tell you, a week ago i met someone in a tavern, tserepach, money, restaurant, flowers, i'm in debt myself, what are you, uh, listen,
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you're not be upset, oh well, don't give a damn about him, come alone, what's the difference, well, like me, here you are alone, alone, here i am alone, like you imagine, well, yes, call one of your exes, or go and meet someone, but what? well, listen, it’s a no-brainer, if you go out into the street to shoot men, what’s the idea, let’s go to your place, call alyoshka, let him... call all his friends, we’ll arrange a show for you, and what will you choose the most beautiful? well, by the way, you know, i’ve always thought, that’s where such a remarkable mind comes from in such a small head, well, let’s go, let’s go, okay, van, okay, come on, get well, come on! like this. sergey, who
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this? don't know. oh, a few days ago i met a business traveler. well, it’s true, i knew him before, but it’s shapushno, it’s very convenient for me to call. yes, we are not bosom friends. yes, well, suddenly he comes, call, why is it difficult for you? yes, he’s not there, probably, what should we do at the hotel, maybe he left altogether? well, he left, he left, call me. i don’t know, call, come on, uh-huh, everything will be fine, hello, oh, yes, hello, black-browed people are on the line, yes, hello, yes, okay, listen, this is the situation, i was invited to vasily today, but i have to go alone... kinda boring,
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so i decided to invite you, yeah, he’s flying out the day after tomorrow morning, say that we ’re hanging out until the morning, yeah, we’ll see you off, novosel’s address is green 33, green 33, apartment 102, at seven, that’s it, let’s see you then, we’ll wait then, come on, great, he’ll come, what are you doing?
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you, dinochka, thank you, yes, dinochka, for you, dinochka, for you, dear, for you and what.


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