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tv   Pyataya gruppa krovi  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 10:15pm-11:06pm MSK

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and this, this is petya, petya is generally a hammer, he married the daughter of an ensign while the army was waiting for him, so that’s it, there’s not a single normal guy here, you know what, let’s go burn them in the yard, and let’s go, yeah, i’m talking about your ward, who had injections, i thought that they could be a consequence of taking some kind of psychotropic drugs or drugs, well, it seems like her age is somehow too late to take dope, yeah, she’s either out of her mind, or... something influenced her
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consciousness, but this is only a guess, of course, it will be possible to say more accurately after examination, this is a blood test of your mother, in which traces of drugs were found, and i suspect that it was you who gave them to her, but so that she is more willing to believe in your horror stories, tie them, these are drugs and i am waiting for an explanation. young man, you have been detained several times on suspicion of drug distribution, and i think that my colleagues from the department will be very interested in this case. eh, what are you saying, what kind of management? this time, andryusha, you will come to me as an accomplice in murder. what murder? i'm not involved at all, that's
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she’s everything, it’s all her, she’s the one who slipped the drugs to her mother and she killed the fortune teller, i only found out later, it’s all her, i just stop, nigga, cops, hide the shukerts, oh, healthy, neighbor, and here we thought of hell and in short we decided to do the wiring through the box. well, so as not to damage the wall and so on. grisha, dinner is ready. i'm on my way now, cutlets, just as i ordered. cutlets. neighbor, let's go have dinner, shall we? let 's go, let's go, i'll treat you. thank you, i'm already invited to dinner. maybe there really is some kind of curse on us? maybe. and after that, don’t believe in magic. come on, into magic. and you do you know why a fortune teller? she was so stubborn, she
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saw an ampoule with drugs on the table, stole it, and then she said, drive away the money, otherwise i’ll hand you over to the cops, that just like that and somehow like that, so i decided to get ahead of her while she gave me meth she didn’t give up that i was trying to convince my mother... that there were drugs in my house, she took drugs , besides, my mother then went to the rose and everything worked out, it’s just that god himself told me to set her up, to set up my own mother, but what’s the difference, mother, no mother, well, yes, yes, your mother said about the same thing about her sister.
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go on, what to continue, i went to the quarry, took a stone, took a ribbon, went to the rose, tell me, this is all for the sake of the apartment, for the sake of freedom, the apartment has nothing to do with it, mother has already lived her life, you know, as she likes to say, the sick should not interfere with healthy things. these are her words. liznka, pass me the salt, please.
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why don't i tell you the hell? vitenka, there’s no need at all, it’s all very good. it’s delicious, you see, it’s amazing how lisa cooked everything perfectly, well, i had time, a lot of time, while you’re there with your people, and the chicken will burn, it’s fine, they’ll figure it out on their own, that’s for sure in front of guests, and you also teach me in a manner, you understand what i’m doing, the fact that they swear is not scary, it’s scary when...
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yes, that’s just me in general, yeah, in general, well, well, if at all, i’ll tell you this, if there is love, then everything else, oh, so i’ll arrange, decent behavior, permerelians, these people say,
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oh, yes, i guess i’ll go, oh, yes, go already, come on , we will decide everything ourselves, go, no matter what happens, you are now threatening the law enforcement officers. the ox is shaking, i'm shaking the walls, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are leaving this room completely without faces, making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object. it will be full and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams
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will become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. hello, i'm arseny. and you the name of? what's next? will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday. daughter, where is the world coming to? so calm, are you ready? hello, that our son is dating trolleybus bus drivers, there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of neighbors and neighbors, my son and your daughter, what doesn’t suit you, and their whole family doesn’t
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suit me, they played to spite their parents and that’s enough , maybe you are evil, but i am not, about things under one roof. on saturday to rtr, i’ll go, damn it, the initial letter came off, i’ll sew it on, but no need, i’ll do it myself, oh! here you go.
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ready, uh-huh. thank you, well, see you tomorrow, goodbye, something is wrong, you don’t like the fact that i’m in my
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apartment, using my own money, doing renovations, this is my apartment, i want to destroy everything here, but you’re not destroying the apartment, you are ruining your life, what do you need, should i look at you? “instead of solving the problem normally, you destroy everything and rush into new relationships like crazy, you speak beautifully, vladimir petrovich, you should write books, because the relationship is absolutely unpromising, you’re doing all this with me too they arranged it when they couldn’t deal with your mishan properly, you know what? it's none of your business, okay?
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let's talk, neighbor! close the door, he'll rob you. wow, what branded equipment do you have, yes,
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my dad taught me not to skimp on tools, i was a simple district policeman, but he believed that a man should be able to do everything at home with his own hands, i said something, no, i just my father was also a local police officer, that’s it. in general, we have so many coincidences with you, fathers, fate, you are alone, i am alone, but you will still have everything, you still have everything ahead, young, beautiful, smart, if she were smart, she would have gotten married already, don’t tell me, maybe that’s why she hasn’t gotten married yet, because she’s smart, because you don’t want to marry someone, by the way, that’s also a coincidence, i’m exactly like that well, okay, i came to find out how long you still have today, otherwise i have to go to work in half an hour, no, well, if you need to, go, of course, are you afraid that they ’ll start rummaging through the closet? no, of course i trust you, but that’s it, then there’s no problem,
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i’ll go get some cable in the meantime, and in the evening, by the way, until what time do you work? until 5, and well, that’s it, that means at 17:15 i’ll be at the threshold of your house with a cable in my teeth and i’ll work for the evening, grisha, just don’t be offended, heaven, why should i be offended, well, i understand that you ’ve only known me for two days , is there a lot of mazuri out there? you’re doing everything right, i’m telling you, you’re smart, uh, i’m sorry. and where is rome palma, he just left, we are waiting for the orderlies, so what
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do we have here, a blow with a blunt object, there is not enough hammer, there is no hammer, there is no owner either, we will look for workers, there are no workers, hello, i live next door through wall, he’s been doing everything himself for six months, yeah, tell me, but the deceased had conflicts with one of the neighbors, and the whole entrance wanted to kill him, and the neighbor too, and when he
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comes home from work in the evening, he drills and then hammers something, and the weekend is generally in the morning. everyone went to him and complained, yes, yes, yes, here they are, absolutely, in general, the spitting image, hello, hello, what do you have here, vikin, heir or heiress, it is still unknown, boy, 3200, 57 cm, calls sashka, when he grows up, he will become a famous basketball player or physicist, that's for
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i’ll marry him, heaven, of course it’s none of my business, but yours.
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what do we take? two caps means two pairs of socks. yaroslav ptushko, co-owner of the bogatyrskaya construction store. there's a whole folder of complaints here. he made the whole house sick with his renovations. did you go to see him? repeatedly. i was fined three times. it didn't help. he even
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called me to the police station. he will promise, and then he will continue to deliver. wow, even complaints. they wrote obscenely, this is a complaint from his neighbor, ignat vaskoboynikov, he promises to break the cockerel’s head if we don’t take action. here are the complaints from the murdered ptushko. voskoboynikov broke into his apartment and promised to kill him. the root saves about 10 years, no less. go to the store today, check, they definitely won’t sell you beer without a passport, hello, sorry, paradise, i didn’t buy the cable, the store is closed, as if it’s closed, it’s still day, that’s what the owner says, they screwed him, the water is closed, so let's see you tomorrow, grisha,
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grigory, wait, grigory, it's just some kind of count, come in, let's go in, just be careful, we haven't seen the owner since yesterday evening, he doesn't answer the phone, here's a weapon. now he will carry parcels to prison all over the house, in gratitude for the joke. i don't understand what's going on here?
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excuse me, excuse me, but you don’t know when the store will open, it’s desperate, you need to buy cable, we’re closed, the owner died, come back tomorrow, are you feeling bad? then accept my condolences that you are not because of him, a lot of honor. birdie was even more evil, the one i don’t feel sorry for is him, i just got involved with the wrong guy, it all takes so much energy, who went out with you, yes, if you knew how much i understand you, i have the same thing is happening, there are a lot of nerves, but definitely. nothing, i should have left him a long time ago, uh-huh, he exhausted my soul, but he was just using me, no need,
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thank you, i’ve had this since birth, i’m used to it , so what do you need, what kind of cable is there, how much, it’s all written here , around three o’clock, come, we’ll think of something. “thank you, of course, we fought, but how could we not argue with him, i’m a musician, i need a creative, calm atmosphere, i tried to talk to him, but he just sent me, he didn’t laugh yet, what happened yesterday, so he... "with a hammer for two hours hammered, i went up to him, well, they yelled at each other, i couldn’t stand it, pushed him, grabbed a hammer on the head of the bale, and now in more detail and with
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details, and that’s all, in general, he took the hammer back to himself, he’s such a bastard, a hammer drill turned it on, i had to go to the internet cafe, i talked to the producer, there’s a hammer drill, when did you get home? in the morning, the guys and i rented a gym at the school for the night, spent the whole night stocking up there, in the morning everyone crawled home, yes, i think so, and when i was leaving for the cafe, someone came to see him, you guessed it, so he finally drilled stopped, well, the voices were so loud. they were arguing, a woman’s voice, it looks like, you know, like the lead singer, who, the musical group is like,
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what, you don’t know, we are forced to detain you until your alibi is confirmed. maybe you heard something after all , you heard, but because of this bastard i wear earplugs at home , i didn’t hear anything, yes, that’s another thing, they killed him, thank god, let the damned vadoo burn with his drills, that’s it so.
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stand. who are you, what are you doing here? quartered by the police? i am a friend of the deceased and him business partner, nikitin, my last name is valery, we have a construction store together, forgive me, i didn’t want to do anything like that, i just had no choice, but what didn’t you want to do? where did you get the keys to the apartment? he gave them to me himself a long time
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ago, but what were you doing with him? i needed a folder with the latest contracts with suppliers, it was urgently needed, and after ptushko’s death, his share of the business will go to you? no, his mother, and ptushko’s mother is probably an old woman, weak and timid, and will easily give up her share if pressed. yes listen, i have nothing to do with it. “yes, i didn’t completely and completely give up on this business, yaroslav had his work assignments, i had mine, i don’t need more, i wouldn’t have pulled it off anyway, yeah, i understand, where were you last night, with your woman , we were together all evening, all night, ask her, we’ll definitely ask, nix, the cops have come, don’t open it, zhora, i’m silent, what did they hit him with?”
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it's similar in shape to a hammer, but it's not a hammer, at least not the kind you found on the musician, yes, i love it was confirmed with him, you'll have to wax letting go, that’s not all, this is stuck to the firebox of the dead man. i don’t remember something about parrots in his apartment, girls, hello, hello, hello, and where did raya go, damn it, i wanted to get a haircut, and what am i doing for you, no, no, thank you, i only trust heaven with my wealth ,
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ouch. it would be something to trust, so calm, calm, while you are there, heaven, when will she return, but it’s hard to say, she’s at a consultation on pregnancy, on whose pregnancy, hers, on whose else, mom, dear, what are the prices? sorry, girls, thank you, of course, but i have so many clients for i won’t cut my hair all my life. that’s it, okay, i’ll say, there is a cheaper way, but it’s a secret, otherwise they’ll fire me. i know the most productive donor in our clinic, the result is 100%. i have already recommended him to my friends, everyone is very happy, the breed and quality, everything is with him.
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are you girls stunned, are you selling me a horse? so everything will be very correct, well , yes, well, listen, well, imagine that this is just a medical procedure, you don’t even have to talk to him, or maybe he ’ll send me this whole matter by mail, you know what, you you can’t live with this donor, nothing, you’ll be patient for 5 minutes, and the child will remain for life. “this is his phone number, and for a long time did you, yana stanislavovna , work as an accountant in the bogatyrskaya construction store? see, you know where? i’m not afraid, and i’ll win this case, but you
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won’t.” you don’t know anything, the cockerel was killed in his own apartment. killed? wait, how did they kill? successfully. your earrings are cute, you can see, yes, you didn’t lose the feather, fawn, fawn, but they barely got rid of it. although how they got rid of it, she filed a lawsuit against them, and you also know that it’s strange, really, it’s very strange, because yaroslav, a couple of days before the murder , asked me for this yana’s contact, he decided to make peace, maybe, what, what if
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she hit him on the head, and she’s like, she, you know , she has no brakes, she might be somewhere, i’m a little busy right now, i’m asking, thank you for the cable, it helped a lot, yes, good luck to you, goodbye, you should ask the guys from the store, he wasn’t sane at all, that’s it time he found fault with me, then the report was not in the form, then the numbers were not the same, the ink was not at all the color he fired you for? yes for being late, twice i was only 5 minutes late , that’s all, let’s go according to the article, goodbye, but you came and killed him, oh, but that’s not necessary, i came and killed him, yes, i was with him
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a few days ago, he himself didn’t call, wanted me to look at the papers of some supplier, a sewer, it seems, but for my help he promised to reinstate me at work, what kind of papers are they, you never saw them, i came to him, and he said that he had changed his mind, the driver does not want to wash his dirty laundry with the security service. and you left? not really, of course, i went to him across the whole city like a fool, at first i yelled at him, only then i left, that’s all, well, when i was leaving i stumbled into some box and fell, but the feather may have flown off. “excuse me, district police officer, kostyukov lives here, kostyukov, well, yes, yes, yes, he’s not there, why
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do you need him, you know, he detained me today for killing a bird, and no, no, don’t be alarmed, i’m not a murderer, they let me go , i’m just a neighbor, you know, there’s noise from the cockerels in the apartment, from the dead man, i don’t believe in god, but suddenly this little bird has returned from the other world and will now to take revenge on all of us, and i’m his first enemy, you ’re a musician, you’ve seen enough horror films, and you’re already uneasy about how... he’ll take revenge, i don’t know, but there was already a very terrible knock, well, now it’s quiet , quietly, but before that he was definitely sad, so, minor, knock-knock, knock-knock, knock-knock, knock,
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knock, knock, knock, that's enough, on the day when he was killed there was exactly the same knock , knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, like a coffin lid, knock, stop making me afraid, well, i have a rich imagination, i can’t help it, and by the way, my name is ignat, rais, damn it, here it is again. “quiet, and also a rocker, i thought you were brave,
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yes, the investigation is over, the ghost hunters are going home, what if this reborn patusko knocks out of habit? since he called you an accountant, please, thank you, then we need to look for accounting documents, like this, and the company he mentioned, the construction exchange, is most likely a gasket through which the illegal money was laundered, now our guys are checking it, so why did he call me, this is a good question, i have an answer to it: i was not involved in money laundering.
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kutushko himself, and his partner valery, it seems, uh-huh, so he called you to figure it all out, and also these, like this, uh-huh, oh, hold on, hold on, that’s not all, like this, hold on , yeah, that's all, well, put it down, put it down. don’t hold it, uh-huh, here are the people, phew, thank god, i got caught, congratulations, i achieved it with... what are you talking about? or did raika achieve this? see,
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don't be dark, come on! don’t be so dark, i know that raika is pregnant. so, come on, don’t slow down, otherwise the champagne will thaw. was he drunk or something? or will i sober my head? i'm sober i definitely wasn’t, i was drunker, i haven’t had a drink for a month, but if heaven is in consultation. this is week six, no less, come on, remember what happened a month and a half ago, and damn, i forgot the documents at the cockerel, well, how can i tell you,
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well, i thought it was an erotic dream, volodya, this is reality, where is it? they, maybe we should go have a drink out of grief, let’s go now, now i’ll find the papers, let’s go, these are some papers, something about finance, listen, but... that is, she lied, it’s the accountant, and i let her go,
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i’ll go, and you have you already taken the black folders, or what? blacks, well, they stood here, one of them nikitin was still coming then. you will transfer the money to zhana immediately after the result occurs. this is after the maternity hospital, or what? my result is your pregnancy. i don't have any cutoffs. usually one visit is enough. still, sometimes you are not alone, but very rarely. and in this case, i give the client a discount.
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if you wish, donor, assistant, especially since you will have to sign a paper stating that there are no claims for alimony, here you go, look. wow, you have a serious approach, of course, serious, i have three higher educations, here are the diplomas, please, look, i’m completely healthy, here are all the certificates, tests, look, look, my teeth are also in perfect order, okay, yeah, who’s
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the killer? did you detain him? so what do we know today? the deceased ptushko fired his accountant, yana, with a scandal a couple of weeks ago, but literally a few days before his death, he completely unexpectedly called her and made an appointment with her. the gypsies shot us an arrow, but when it arrived, he said that he had changed his mind, and i quote: i don’t want to wash dirty linen in public. what do you think can be concluded from this? which? very simple. the documents found directly related to his friend and business partner, that is, you.
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look, i don't know about any documents. even about those that were in the black folder, which you wanted to take away after his murder, because of which. you came again, you stole from a sealed apartment, there are no more black folders, there is a blue one, but there are no black ones, you just tried in vain, build an exchange, yes, don’t you think, without that folder we will dig up everything we need, we know the name, the rest is a matter of technology , we will take out all your dirty laundry and study it, so that it was in vain that you killed your comrade, he was doing repairs, he was trying, and you hit him on the head with a hammer with a hammer... listen, i had nothing to do with it, i didn’t kill yarik, it was i who was at home that night, lilya will confirm, she is an interested person, she can say anything to your defense, yes, i was poisoned by vodka, i got a burnt one too, i could barely walk even in the morning, i had to go to the hospital, have my blood tested, well, honestly, i don’t kill yarika, i felt bad, everything,
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everything, from now on, everything you say can be... used against you, i recommend a sincere confession, an exclusive, a meeting with this world-famous astrologer, viewers of our program have been waiting for more than a year, vedic astrologer rami black will answer the main questions about the future for the first time, we must survive this summer, because mars has such a strong influence, live broadcast tomorrow on.. . r this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big
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day for us, a big holiday, uh, it’s been a long time since we ’ve seen each other, derzhski. look, good morning, my loved ones, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also a desire, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche caen after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t
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understand, you borscht horseradish, what did you do, how come could you? on sunday on rtr. the squirrel was crazy. “apparently, oh, but i still got myself vaccinated, just in case, so
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there’s nothing to worry about, gleb, let’s have a drink before the procedure, and under no circumstances, are you supposed to do everything in a clear, unclouded consciousness with full awareness of the process, i don't i want you to later say that there were connections, but what kind of bullshit is this?” no, well, if of course you can’t live without alcohol, then i agree, just don’t get too drunk, otherwise it will be hard for me, it seems like a decent restaurant, but they can’t set the table straight, knocking, knocking, minor chair, raya, raya, i have to go, raya, wait, if it’s expensive for you, i ’ll make a discount wait, i really need this money, my wife and i are paying off the mortgage, raya, so. are you also married, well, yes, but what, my wife
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understands and approves of me, i do good business, high relations. don’t leave yet, but i want to spoil your mood, these are blood tests from your valery, remember, he said that he went to donate blood because he felt bad the morning after the murder, well, many people feel bad the morning after the murder, they found residual traces of sleeping pills in the blood in large doses. with the vodka that he drank, it’s strange that he didn’t die at all, so he would
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n’t have crawled to the toilet even if he wanted to, let alone to someone else’s apartment, petrov, why did you turn off the phone, but my phone was dead, and you to me what do you also want to ruin the mood, on the contrary? excuse me, but why do you need me? is there anything i can do to help valery, you will really help me, then i will do everything in my power, great, sit down, let’s think together about the question of why the killer didn’t take the folder with important documents right away after the murder, because it was this folder that served. crime, you are the investigator here, not me, the whole point is that the killer did not
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know which folder was needed, there was no time to look, later he came here again and took all the black folders, in one of which there were much needed documents, there are witnesses, and now the last question, who wanted to help valery so much that they were even ready to kill for him? do you suspect me, i killed a bird, what nonsense, i don’t even intend to answer this, i’m sorry, you can’t move to that chair, the sofa is an important thing, doc, i’m sorry. well, how do you prove this? 5, 4, 3, 2, one,
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one, one, uh-huh, what are we waiting for? zero, in, there was exactly the same knock in the minor key of 100 poods, and i thought it was a ghost, it was the neighbor downstairs, he heard the knock of your cane in murder night, were you there?
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