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tv   Pyataya gruppa krovi  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 11:05pm-12:01am MSK

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well, how do you prove this? five, four, 3, 2, 1, one. one, and what are we waiting for ? this is from us and from your valery, so... you were here 2 days
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ago, you took all the black folders, your cane, we will give it for examination, there are probably microparticles of blood left on the knob, how you probably love your nikitin, but murder not a single person has done it yet happy, the little bird wanted to report... from the construction exchange to the police, that night i put sleeping pills in valerie’s alcohol, why? valera is very jealous, if he woke up, no me, in a word, i waited until he fell asleep and went here to the cockerel, i wanted to persuade him to hush up the matter, but he began to shout at me, kick me out, pushed me, then a toolbox tripped and fell, i hit him once, everything... happened somehow
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by itself, then he didn’t move anymore, and i left, it turns out that the repair played a role in life the murdered man has his role, a crappy role, really, but we did a good job today, i need it urgently, see you tomorrow, as far as i remember, volodya was going to get ready for pizza today, so we won’t see him until tomorrow, for pizza, why, that’s the point revealed, well, he probably wants to relax for the last time, considering everything that awaits you and him in the future, nothing awaits us, but it awaits me, ah... hormones,
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i'm sorry for keeping you waiting, yes, the main thing is in vain , why in vain, we agreed, you come, i bring the cable, i bought it, no matter what, he was no longer in the apartment of the murdered man. it means the police, i’ll quickly, okay, come in, forgive me, so what else do you need from me, or you didn’t understand that i don’t need your services, i understand, i’m good, i’ll explain it in plain text, my child will be born only from love, and not from the procedure. bye, wait, i
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’m different, listen, i didn’t give up today, because i found the cable with such difficulty and sowed it somewhere, but i’m just about this, here it is your skein, and you are my savior, and i i forgot in the cafe, but in the cafe, what a good person after all, you too, you know, if you still, you’ll change your mind, “i’ll even do it for you for free, just don’t tell your wife, thank you, here i brought it, sorry, while i’ve rummaged through all the police, bye...” i ran away, okay, one
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kind person found it and returned it to me, well, today i think , it’s too late to do anything, tomorrow. damn, can you imagine, the last bus has just left, i ’m renting a room in the village from a granny i know, okay, i’ll go catch a bomb, if anyone agrees to go there, but where are you going to go for the night, look, live in a neighbor’s room, neighbor, and neighbor , how should i put it to you, on duty? until zast he’ll show up, let’s go, i’ll let you in, well, in principle, i can lie down on the stools in the kitchen, grisha, tell me
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honestly, you understand castles well, even a fool can understand castles like this one. only this seems to be illegal, under my responsibility, sorry, everything will be fine now, raya, yes, i decided that this would be my first gift to the baby, thank you.
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vladimir petrovich, what’s wrong, where did you come from on my head, so that you fail, he left and now will never return, fuck him, since he doesn’t appreciate such a woman, he’s a blockhead and a sheep, how can you talk about him like that to say, you don’t know him at all, look, he brought you to tears, the best woman in the world, you understand. he and the ram, you know, but he doesn’t love you, it’s clear that if he loved you, he wouldn’t behave like that, in short, i don’t really know how to speak, and now is not a very suitable moment, but you know, i’m like i just saw you, i loved you with all my heart and soul, so marry me, yes, yes, marry
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me, you will never cry for me, well, well, really, but if only from happiness, i understand that it's all kind of ridiculous quickly, but on the other hand, why wait, well... anyway, i ’ll never meet a woman like you again, so what will be your positive answer?
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raya, hello, hello, how are you feeling, i’m not dizzy, let me give you a ride, otherwise in your situation, you know, you need peace, in what
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situation, well, well, in this very thing, oh well, everyone already knows everything, don’t pretend , then the girls told me everything. the girls said, uh-huh, petrov, stop creating gossip, i’m not pregnant, oh well, well, i need a suit. please or or upset, listen, leave me alone with your kostyukov, and anyway, i’m getting married, i decided that this would be my first gift, i’m sorry, i guess that’s all. i’ll go tomorrow, as soon as i saw you, i loved you with all my heart, with all my soul, marry me, this
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grisha of hers, a swindler, a swindler, i know, why i was silent, they decided to take a match from the bank for live bait, on raya, raya knows everything , continuation, watch tomorrow, you!
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radion, meet me, this is my mother, marina arkadi. yes, nice, very nice, i would never have thought that you were a mother, more like a sister vasilisa, thank you very much, well, where, when vasenka, why did you hide the fact that you have such a charming young man, but somehow there was no case, yes, i only recently met radion, although i hope that our relationship will develop into something more. i also hope it’s immediately clear that you are wonderful, what are your future plans? in what sense? mom
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means, how are you and i going to spend the evening? you understood me correctly, daughter, we will have dinner and then go to the cinema, maybe you would like to join us? no no, no, it’s time for me to go home, cook dinner, and you take your time, walk, talk, enjoy, there will be free time, and i ask you to visit us, thank you for the invitation, well, i’ll take this opportunity to deviate, all the best, daughter , don’t miss him, goodbye, i don’t need to see him off, goodbye. van, well, you’re still angry with me because of that story, you’re not flattering yourself, van, you
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’re refusing me, how smart you are, you want to show your character, well, okay, that’s very correct, but i’m not saying goodbye to you, because i’m still i'll be back, van, see you later, thank you, that you played along with me. now i hope she will leave me alone. by the way, i was sincere when i told your mother that i was looking forward to continuing our acquaintance. now you are her hero. always happy to help, please contact me. by the way, i will be glad if you also play along with me. in terms of? my dad regularly blows my mind and wants to marry me as soon as possible. i swear i'm tired of fighting back. if you could go to him with me, he would be just as happy as your mother and would be happy, leave me alone for... some time, i understand you very well, i’ll go with pleasure, thank you, i’ve been wanting to ask for a long time,
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why do you wear a ponytail? i don’t know, it’s convenient, i’m used to it, although that’s a different matter. well, that’s it, our plan was a success, vasilisa and radion are cooking in the cafe, and i delicately left, marinka, you’re just a giant. i don’t understand how you managed to do this? well, to be honest, i have absolutely nothing to do with it, they somehow got to know each other, you just need to tell vaska that when she marries him, so that she aims the bouquet right at me, she doesn’t care, but i chance it will be, don’t tell me, sir, they just met, our task now is to keep them together, just how to do it, you
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know, she can throw a pipe in the fort, we need to control her somehow, i can talk. with her subtly and delicately, oh, i know your delicacy, you yourself need to be controlled, well then let’s let irishka come to her, they are sisters after all, they must share, no, no, no, irochka, now there’s no time for that, well then i don’t know, maybe just strain riga, riga, yeah, well, what did she want in as a result, we didn’t have time to talk, you know, radion came, i introduced them and... mom immediately ran away, maybe she was afraid that you would figure them out? no, i would have understood, look, she was so stunned, she even began to stutter, that she didn’t call again, no, and what does that mean, it means that radion odobin is a candidate, oh, friend, now you definitely won’t get away with it, she’s probably i’ve already married you in my mind, especially with this hairstyle like
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a princess, oh well, she just let her hair down, but did she appreciate the birthmark? so this is his idea, that is, consider that he is in our pocket, your mother can drink champagne, it’s unlikely, and in general it’s so difficult to please her, and how long did she see him, 2 minutes, and anyway, i myself don’t yet understand how much i like him, why wait, here he is a prince, i’ll grab it , run, no, katya, i can’t do this, i need time, well then you’ll sit in business until you retire, vasya, okay, let’s go, listen, but... there wasn’t any emergency at work after i left, but there was one thing , and you are silent, well, it can’t be called an emergency, it’s just that some kind of fifa came to our fimce, such a colorful business one, and what i wanted, i didn’t i know, but our lyuska is all exhausted, she is like a wounded animal in the corridor, poor lyuska, poor thing, i’ll arrange it tomorrow, she will
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know how to choke people with her pheromones, good morning, how are you, young one? yes, little by little, vasenka, and how are you, but it’s okay, you started coming home late from work, you’re always alone, well, there’s a lot of work, but i’m sitting late in the circuit, okay, i’ll run, oh, what about work, my personal life you see, she even changed her hairstyle. yeah, and twice she was picked up by someone, but what is he like, and how do i know, he drops her off at a neighboring house, i can’t see no way, we now know where to sit, exactly, after you fixed this door, it began
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to close very slowly, and now various yard cats are leaking into the entrance, and you know, they scream, shit, stink, wait, well, you yourself asked to fix the little ones, because the door was rattling, who asked, i personally didn’t ask you for anything, and now i ask you, return everything back, please, otherwise we’ll just die from these cats if we do as it was , then your neighbors will again inundate us with requests to fix the door back, what kind of neighbors, i don’t know any neighbors, by the way, from which apartment they asked to fix the door, this is the information,
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yes, listen, we need to complete the entire amount of work for the last month, it’s still kostya’s tails left, so don’t delay, there people are waiting for money, yes, okay, i understand, ivan, today is the salary, it’s somehow simple in front of the team, well today... advances are not salaries, so i’ll arrange it another time, oh well, the excuse is accepted, but that’s me i remembered that after applying it, wait 15-20 minutes, so well, a minute passed. three, well let's wait to be sure, lesya, hi, oh, hi, well, have there been any applications from residents? but no, according to your honor, nothing, if anything happens,
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i whistle, oh, and this is those perfumes from the catalogue, well, to which men are like flies, like bees, mosses you know what they fly to, yeah, well, and how. .. effect, is it worth buying? it’s worth it, but, you know, the perfume is no longer there, it’s all sold out, it just appeared, but you’re still trying, i snatched the last bottle of food, it’s a pity, uh-huh, okay, we’ll manage somehow on our own, only if it appears, you tell me , well i i’ll be happy to buy a bottle, okay, i ’ll put you on the waiting list. should i still try it? andrey gennadievich, good morning! good morning, sergey petrovich, good morning, i
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'm late, you are punctual as always, but there is no tea, coffee, i'm from a business breakfast, by the way, dmitry ivanovich was there, greetings from him, thank you, thank you, dmitry ivanovich, by the way, conveyed to me the essence of your question briefly, yeah, but i would like to know more specifically, my company is belkinfarma. hello again, are you here yet? well you you know me, i’ll come running at dawn for the sake of business,
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what did you decide about rizhsky? it’s okay, i don’t know him, i don’t trust him, and in general it seems to me that we’ll get screwed, but he’s the only suitable option, don’t you want me to take on vasilisa? paradise, don’t put pressure on me, i have to think, well, you’ll think for a long time, he’s a psychologist. he can find out everything about the relationship between vasilisa and rodion, and moreover, he can set her on the right path. okay, okay, i convinced you. go to your rizhsky and carefully, raya, just very carefully. you i understand, persuade him to work for us. but first find out, also very carefully, whether he leaked us to vasilisa? then all our efforts will be in vain. hello! “you can, you can, of course, if it’s what you have, i’ll sit down, well, listen, this is the thing, i’m
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about to spend money for genka kuchina, well, i mean, i go to calls, well, you know, he has a wife, a child, and marya dmitrievna refuses to write down these calls for him, help me, but somehow, talk to her, since, well, why mess with this bureaucracy, yes, well, i just feel sorry for genka, but he has a child, a wife, he, by the way, the boy is very similar to you." he’s as big-eyed as you, i’m very happy, since his boy looks like me, you’re a wonderful friend, but the conversation with marya dmitrievna, it’s very short, that’s who she ’ll write the order for, he’ll give him money, but what should we do then, since, well, there’s higher mathematics, listen, it means that everything you get for the kuchina, then you’ll give it to gena, you’ll remember, yes, exactly, thank you for thinking about it, but for nothing. , hello everyone, oh, it’s you that i need, vasya, how great it is that you have such a hairstyle, since, tell her she’s coming, yes, yes, great, great,
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okay, i’ll go, no, no, no, i have something to do with you, modik is coming , let’s have some fun, hey, what are you up to, and then i’ll tell you. olechka, here’s another document for you to sign, my hand is falling off, come on, come on, sign, this is the job, you can’t do anything, so it won’t work, by the way, when you meet with kuprin, in an hour, it’s very good, they announced a tender, for major repairs, and maintenance of the cultural center, very good budget funds, only our company is a little there, according to some doesn’t fit in the points, administrative building, volodenka, not our profile, so... i want you to convince, kuprian, to change the conditions for participation a little, hmm, what, well, there are a few qualified workers there, some codes need to be changed , i see, you
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think that i’m just... “a goldfish, but i don’t care in what way you convince him, i want the project to be ours, we have a problem here, a resident brought a defective faucet, i picked up the documents , recently changed faucets, and it turned out that this not ours, well, yes, but he’s not ours, he came with ours, and he said that he bought his own, that his style suited the bathroom better, so i didn’t resist, i installed his faucet, where did it go? well, this happened under konstantin, and konstantin said that he would write it off himself. why then didn’t you indicate in the work order that the faucet was replaced at the request of the apartment owner? well , yes, but the work was done, and i did not indicate which displacement, kostya
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asked so, well, of course. hello lucy, hello, wow, what happened just now, that nothing, the smell of pleasant perfume, yes, but what about the hoop, here, i say, look, edik, what are you looking at, go where you were going, ivan nikolaevich, you can, and what do you have, you're the bomb today. thank you, kol, ivan nikolaevich, lyus, what are you doing in the evening? maybe we can go somewhere, huh? sorry, i’m not bothering you, no, if i’m bothering you, i can, well, stand at the door, but what are you talking about, that’s not what i’m after at all, ivan nikolaevich, i have a question. lyoch, you still haven’t answered me, maybe we’ll go to the cinema or a cafe, take your hands off, since, uh-huh, can't you see, we're talking. lucy, i don’t see anything except you. look, it's
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true. nice, really, but understand, i have a workplace, i’m working, the working day is still going on, so this is something you can do outside of working hours and not in my office, and we do this after hours in a non-working office, listen , get out of here, both of you, let's go, let's not irritate nikolayvich, let's go, lyusenko, lyusenko, let's go quickly for a few words, lyusenko, please, let's go, lyusenko, lyusenko, if you want, i 'll give you something, if you want, let's go we’ll go to the crimea to stay, where everything is inclusive, well , lyusa, please, just let me invite you to the evening, and you’re sick? lezka, don’t listen to anyone, you have the best perfume, where do you look, at me, i say, look, you hear where you look, what’s wrong, here’s a man, a caring, handy man, who will propose marriage, without even thinking about refusing, has already proposed, refused, look at rtr, i didn’t sleep all night, i kept imagining you in a wedding dress, i can’t wait to see you, i too,
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take a bank loan with me, you’ve already got something to do the loan has arrived, what a high relationship, and what don’t you like, and this grisha of hers, a swindler , a swindler, i know why he was silent, they decided to take him red-handed from the bank with live bait, in heaven, heaven knows everything, i will definitely reflect this in the credit, all my life i dreamed of hearing exactly these words, tomorrow on rtr, mother-in-law from around the corner! frightens the son-in-law, the son-in-law is scared, mother, mother-in-law, well, call it that, otherwise claudia egorovna, mother won’t teach you anything bad, but these were flowers, the husband says, dear, before the wedding you said that you can cook, you can clean potatoes, the wife, and how they peel them, like a tangerine or like a banana, a parade of humor, sunday on rtr.
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made a wish, and i guessed plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone should be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, but nothing.
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in information technology in housing and communal services, i’m entitled to a separate room, i’ll buy you a ticket , let’s fly together, let’s live, i’m already looking forward to it. i’m powerless, you already have too many orders, the competition is open, budgetary funds, if we make changes to application, then they will begin to suspect something, what should we do, well, bring the office into compliance with the requirements for the tender or
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refuse to participate, by the way, one of these days you will install a new computer system for recording applications, i will test it, i’m divided, to whom as not you first. thank you, you are very sweet, everything i can, really, everything, i ’ll go, wait, no, no, no, no, no, but i don’t believe that he can’t do anything, maybe, well then they’ll start wondering why , and if they start digging, i’ll admit, you quarreled with him again, right? no, but it can't he can influence this situation with the tender, it happens that we are all in trouble, we don’t even have the necessary licenses, then i will make sure that our company meets the conditions
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of the tender, i’ll take the license for myself, you will deal with the constituent documents, come on, come on, come on, don’t waste time, come on, i’m thinking, the most important thing is discussing outside the house, then what’s the point of our wiretapping? i’ve already thought about this, i need to make a remote wiretapping so that you guys are very busy, looking at what you need, but yesterday i was on market, i was talking with one saleswoman, she started repairs, well, she needs new wiring , so she asked me to find someone more reliable, maybe you’ll take it, why not take it, well, yes, well, great, she’s a very good woman, well and earn extra money.
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i wonder what business you have with sergei petrovich? sergei petrovich suggests that we
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use this drug in our center. well , that’s good, andryusha, you ’ll finally get involved in scientific activities, write a doctoral dissertation, and defend yourself. i’m already a professor, marish, have you forgotten? ah, well, yes. but it will add fame to your name in scientific circles, there will be new sponsors, isn’t that great? i'll think about it? well, of course, i’m daydreaming, everything will be as you decide, i’ll always have the last word, or maybe tea? no thanks, how about a snack? nina prepared a light salad, celery with wheat sprouts, a very nice fluffy food for... “i’m not hungry, thank you, marina, go lie down, i’ll still work, okay, yeah,
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old man, hello, hello, the houses are now , i thought it was you, date, i’ll come, well, well, how see, not a date, huh? no, no, hello, no, we didn’t agree with him today, and somehow i don’t want to call myself, he’s a man, yes, let him call himself, that’s right, finally you listen to me, what i tell you, never we need to call first, right, yeah, what are we going to do, well, i'm off, aledik, right? sit, i’ll defrost the dumplings, cook them, maybe
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dinner, but yes, great, well, at least we’ll eat. we asked council employee konstantin gulyaev to talk about the new computer system for receiving applications. konstantin. good afternoon. yes. firstly, this modern. secondly, it's convenient. now a person will no longer need to dial the remote control and wait indefinitely for the dispatcher to finally answer his call. we came up with that too. konstantin, please tell me how i could send a request, say, to call an electrician? the application can be submitted from any computer, tablet, or
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mobile phone. the application immediately goes to the website, is instantly processed by the system, and the system sends it to the required department. tell me what to do if if there is a system failure or, for example, a lack of internet, what to do in such a situation? inga, well, anything can happen in life, we are not immune from anything, that is why we are launching the system in test mode to find out all the pros and cons. with an aquarium that is on display, along with a fish, put it in the entrance of our
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model house, assign a specially trained person to it who will feed the fish, and what will this give us? advertising for you, aesthetics for us, it’s still an exhibition piece, especially since there’s a chip on the side, we’ll we understand that they won’t buy it, but your space will be freed up, you can update your assortment, well, again, free advertising. in principle, this is possible, it’s probably good, then you think about it, and i’ll call you later, thank you, yeah, that’s it, my song is asleep, the smart system has arrived, when should i write a letter of resignation, or pankov will fire me himself, tamarochka, no one will fire you, yeah, that’s what i believed, i only have 4 years left until retirement, where am i going now, firstly, this is an experiment. we will test the system, then it will be
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bring it to mind at the top, and secondly, how long will it take before our entire office is computerized, well, let’s say, well , what should i do if i don’t own your computer, but i’ll teach you, believe me, it’s easier than knitting, oh, all this is not good, oh, not good, oh, that’s for sure, yet... i’m drawing myself again, you’re worried, something’s happening, i’m trying to somehow control myself , here and well done, you have a family, there is someone to switch to, and fifa, who came to ufimtsev and is a journalist from television, probably she came about reporting, probably. nanotechnologies are successfully
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taking root in all sectors of the domestic economy, so the city housing and communal services began to attract high-tech services. that’s it, seryozha, go to the studio, and then i’ll come and edit it. hello darling. oh, i see you're filming again? yes, we are glorifying your office. do you have permission to film? of course, i have all the signatures. seals from the city hall from the council, do you want to take me with your bare hands? yes, i don't think about you at all. yeah, it’s understandable, you’re angry, you’re still breathing unevenly towards me, don’t be fooled. vanyush, well, i don’t care in case, i’ll have to come here again, because i didn’t get a couple of shots, i was so bothered by your love. vasilvich is not a pushover, she is a very good person, a professional, a charming woman. and what does vasilisa have to do with it? if i'm not mistaken, the duck's name was tamara. by the way, it's lunch time, maybe we should go have lunch? i have sandwiches with
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me, so can you treat me too? of course, i understand that sometimes i am too frank. but you don’t use your clients’ words against them, do you? no, of course, that is, everything is honest, the secrets of confession? i i value my reputation. thank god, that means i can trust you. what is it this time? i was brought here by concern for vasilisa’s fate. the girl so needs your participation. i would ask you to guide her on the right path, to take yourself, so to speak, to guide her destiny. you attach too much importance to my humble self. no, no, listen, she and that boy i told you about before, they met on their own without our participation, love at first sight, imagine, well, rejoice, we are rejoicing, but we wouldn’t want it that way vasilisa pulled some kind of trick out of inexperience, so i ask you, please explain to her how to behave with
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a man so as not to scare her off, okay, i ’ll try, i’ll talk to her, ask her questions. by the way, she missed the last lesson, oh, now there’s a reason, i’ll bring her to you today, look, we’re so tense, yeah, and did you notice that the finns don’t pay attention to this fifa, it’s all your pheromones, you i got him hooked on them, he doesn’t look at others at all, he looks at me... he looks, yes he looks, he looks at the quiet guy when you don’t see, seriously, yes, seriously, why do you need him, you have school, he was going to take you to the crimea, don’t be afraid, he’ll soon drag you to the zakstvo, oh well, the idiot, he’s broken free, and you just wanted it, the guy’s just gone crazy because of your pheromones, well, the fims are still
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holding on like that, holding on, although in principle, lucy, you don’t need him, you don’t need him at all, let this madam spud him, right? she suits him better, forgive me? vasya, hi, well , how about we work together like in the good old days? are you glad? and i’m happy, oh kostya, i'm glad i found you, can you come to me? we need to discuss a couple of issues, let's go, i 'm not saying goodbye, you can, but vasilisa, ivan told me that you are the highest professional, well, tell me what housing and communal services are , what they eat it with, what inga is doing here, your work,
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what do you mean , why did you bring her here? van, you are a funny person, they called the council and asked me to help with the filming, i agreed, how did i know that they had come here to ingu? you see, this is a huge structure with a lot of work, yeah, and to understand these problems, you need to immerse yourself in them and live with them for a day, or even more, but you can literally tell me in a nutshell, no, well, it won’t work in a nutshell, you... come on monday and cook with us in this boiler. yes, it seems to me that for a real journalist it is very important to dive into the essence of the matter, so to speak. yeah, i'll come. what else do you know about them? married? who's the wife? is this
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a tv bitch? come on, no, you just killed me, i thought he was my wife. now it’s clear why he decided to visit us to shoot a report, but no, i’m not upset, i ’m ready to kill myself against the wall, but it’s better to kill her so that she doesn’t stand in my way, lyus, light, i ’ll call you back, lyus, this is for you, kohl, i said, get away from me, well, i, i have pure intentions, you understand the russian language, do n’t pester me anymore, i don’t need anything from you, get out of here, i love you, i don’t care... i’ll shut my mouth, that’s an ambush, the perfume definitely works, but it doesn’t open for the one who needs it. exhibitions, where? radiona, i didn’t even know that you had friends of your own
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galleries, well, yes, yes, i probably still don’t know a lot about you, like wine and cheese, so you’re an exhibition of wine and cheese, modern art, yes, that is, your friend decided that this would somehow smooth out the effect of modern art , yes? well, okay, let's go, see you in the evening, vasenka, it's okay that i'm impromptu like that, yes, come in, sit down, how many times should i ask you not to call me auntie, how are you doing, you look like a million, thank you, mom says that you’ve made a friend, but we’ve only known each other for a couple of days, but oh well, listen. i met rizhsky today, he he’s very worried that you don’t attend his seminars, he says that maybe he’s offended you with something, let’s go see him tonight,
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but auntie, and i, unfortunately, don’t do anything today, how upset he’ll be, i promised him, let me go see him this week, what are your plans, are you going somewhere with your new friend, yes, well, of course, you can’t offend a friend, please promise me that... you’ll find time for rizhsky, i promise , aunt rai, what are you doing, aunt, aunt, good health, come here, come on, drown, oh, hello, here meet your future assistants, mikhail, nikitushka, hello, oh, guys, it’s so good that you... agreed, repairs are such a troublesome business, it’s okay, we can handle it somehow with four hands, yeah, listen, and this is
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lariska what is there today, or what? oh, larisa is now in a technical school, she ’s studying to be a seamstress with me, god willing, she’ll go to college, she’s such a good girl, but the teaching is very good, it’s light, so what about the repairs, mistress, when to start, even if you come tomorrow, look at the scope of work, all the wiring is there. it is necessary to change, yes, the wiring is, it’s easy, especially since i have access, i ’ll write you the address now, you come straight tomorrow morning, look, oh, how much do your services cost? and you’ll take the potatoes, and oh, listen, i forgot, give me five kilograms, but where? no matter how many potatoes you eat every day, you don’t pour them out of potatoes, you know, how many dishes can be prepared, yes how many, pureed until fried, oh, experts, i
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also watched this movie, potato pancakes, and these like them, potato pancakes, but vasilisa nothing not she was talking about radion, he’s silent like a partisan, but she has some kind of date in the evening, and i’m sure that with him, mm, if only she had enough sense to grab hold of him and marry her, yeah, damn, i can’t control this process, the whole head is busy now with irochka’s wedding, so as not to fall through, listen, let’s make the belousovs pay for half of the wedding, then they definitely won’t go anywhere, well, heaven, ugh, how petty, how vulgar, well, okay, then let’s remind the people of their engagement , this is an idea, we need to think about it, andrey... with his dad radiona is planning something there, ella loves charity, and this will be my counterattack, what, i’ll organize an evening to raise money
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for andrey’s clinic, yeah, i’ll invite the whole press , i’ll remind about irochka vadim’s wedding, and then i’ll combine belkin’s business with andrey’s clinic, and let's announce this evening... she keeps track of everyone through the peephole, who came out, who came, she slammed the door against the peephole, when the door began to close more quietly, it became
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difficult for her to spy, but how... you never guess what will come into this woman's head, let's hide nothing from her we won’t, let her write everything as it is, okay, so we laugh at ninka, she’s a real benefit, she’ll feed us and give us a hack, it was toni who almost sent us away for forgiveness, nina knows how to negotiate, well, that’s
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what she has her tongue without bones is not news, it’s work done with her hands. you have to be able to, so she can, well, you have to wait a long time for the result, i tell her, now there are apples, when the product is ready, she’s in no way, let her get it, you can’t speed up the natural fermentation process, and the main thing is to hide it in your pantry under lock and key and don’t check the degree of readiness, or you can make a moonshine still to speed it up, you don’t think he suggested it. she refuses, she says, her method is the most correct, she doesn’t admit what the method is, she’s mysterious among us, minkata, sorry, and who is this among us, but i have no idea, he’s been meeting her for a long time, i don’t know why you’re interested, suddenly
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vasilisa is suddenly so major. yes, andlyushenka, your favorite with cherry, thank you, dear, maybe something else, but what, no, enough tea, thank you, yeah, listen. "darling, one came to my mind, i think it’s a good idea, let’s organize a charity evening to raise funds to modernize your clinic and present this new medicine at it, it ’s necessary, useful, but i don’t know yet, marin, it’s too early to talk about it, yeah, well, in principle, you are not against a charity
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evening, well, charity is a good evening, you need to consult with '. i have a lawyer on vacation for another week, so let’s wait, okay, okay, okay, okay, then i won’t interfere, work, work, come in, come in, don’t be shy, vadik, vadik, they’ve come to see you, tell me i can't accept them, are you sure? “maybe you’ll turn around after all? irka, what are you doing here, mitka called you or something? no, i.


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