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tv   Vasilisa  RUSSIA1  July 19, 2024 2:40am-3:26am MSK

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on july 28, there will be a grandiose naval parade on the russia tv channel. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships from all fleets and flotillas of the country. glory to the russian navy. hooray. live broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. july 28th. on navy day. at 11:00 on the
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rossiya tv channel, let's start, let's go with a smile, morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. good morning, hello, july 19th is here lena nikolaeva, vladislav zavyalov, but soon there will be more of us, yeah, there will be more of us, yes, indeed so, but for now heat, july is more on the thermometer, only early mornings and air conditioners, glory gives a feeling of pleasant coolness, there is also the sea, but there is not enough for everyone, what are we saying here,
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in the north it is clear that people are tired of the heat. when they are released, she will feel fresher, masha borisova surrenders. hello, here's more. i hinted that today is july 19th, moscow river day is celebrated. but, of course, the weather is not for walking, although whoever likes it, if anyone likes to walk in the rain, then this is it, until the middle of the day it will rain in moscow, and the weekend will also be short-lived and rainy in places. and in general, i i think this is very good, because it will bring down this heat a little. and there will be a slight
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cooling, which we are all really looking forward to, this atmospheric front, it is going to the east, it will also start raining on the volga, if we talk about coolness, in siberia on sunday there will be a cold snap in the south, and tomorrow it will still be so stuffy, there will be thunderstorms , rains, well, in the north of siberia it’s generally 12°, that is, if anyone wants to cool off in norelsk, now i’ll tell you in detail. the situation in the atmosphere over southern russia will change little; here it is still sunny, only over the caucasus mountains may pockets of cumulus rain clouds appear, carrying short showers of thunderstorms. the temperature is significantly warmer than usual, 34-39 during the day, and in some places up to 42°. sea water off the coast of crimea on the black sea coast 25-28. in the middle volga region , pockets of heaping rain clouds and short-term downpours from thunderstorms will form.
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the thermometer will not allow the temperature to rise above 25:30, in the southern part 28-33. the cyclone that broke into northwestern russia over the weekend will continue to spoil the weather in the region. on the main the cloudy field of ichles is concentrated over the southern regions, so the temperature contrasts, north-south, will be smoothed out, here the noon hour is 21:26. the frontal sections of the cyclone will destabilize the atmosphere over central russia, so that here too the sky will be covered with caps of thunderclouds. the prevailing daytime temperature is 23-28, black soil up to 28-33. in the urals, due to the atmospheric front , showers are expected, in some places with thunderstorms and gusty winds. the worst weather in the region is expected on sunday, during the day it will be 20-25, on saturday it will be 3-4° warmer. in south unstable weather will continue in siberia; pockets of heaping rain clouds will again form during the day, bringing showers and thunderstorms. the heaviest precipitation will occur in the west
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of the region, so during the day it will be cooler here, 21:26, in the east the air will be able to warm up to 24-29, in the south of the far east it will also be noisy in places. thunderstorms, but they will not prevent the sun from warming the air in the continental coastal areas on the banks of the amur until 26:31 on the coast of the sea of ​​japan until 21-26. thank you, we talked about yakutia at the very beginning, that people began to visit, yes, sakha yakutia, because it is the most comfortable there, especially in winter, friends, i can recommend the resort 45, minus, it feels great. that in the baltic sea there is also wonderful resort weather now, and even the water is 20°. yes, take advantage of the tips, thank you to the weather, thank you, thank you, the golden collection from azer tea is a breath
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of luxury in every cup, start your morning with different flavors of wonderful black tea, morning is time to brew azer chai, welcome to our french. manually, the computer once stood on the table steve jobs, and now it will be put up for auction, one of the first 200 copies that the founders of apple created in the garage, for this lot, which is still in working order, they expect to earn $800,000, that’s 73 million rubles, well, just in
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case , computers were created in 1976, in appearance it resembles a typewriter with a small screen, for that time it was a colossal breakthrough, like... the units have become very valuable collectibles, one of them was sold 10 years ago for $1 million, but there’s a queue behind old people will pay no less than new smartphones, most likely they will pitch tents, the price has now dropped to 800,000, but if you have extra money, you can spend it on a comfortable flight, for example, airlines have come up with a useful service, additional seats, how much does such a pleasure cost, christina found out sorokina. almost 40% of air travelers have no difficulty falling asleep. on airplanes, the rest, in order to get ready for a sound sleep, need to read a book, watch a movie or put on earplugs to sleep comfortably, well, the pillow is cool, that’s the best, it all depends on the people, one needs a lot of comfort, his neck hurts here, it hurts there, but i really haven’t flown for 8 hours, i don’t know, but those who have flown long
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distances know how hard it is to spend many hours in a seated position, so airlines have come up with a way for passengers to relax on the way, namely to buy one or more seats in a row... this service is provided at the time of passenger check-in; airport check-in specialists determine from a map of seats the availability of these free seats and block and after after making payment, the passenger passes, while the prices for services are almost always fixed, for example, on ural airlines planes you can block one or two seats for two or 3,000 rubles. accordingly, on flights from... there is a similar function, but for each additional seat you need to pay the cost of an adult ticket without airport taxes. aeroflot offers to buy an entire block of three or four seats, while providing a sleeping set, mattress, sheet, pillow, blanket and business class amenity kit. true, for different carriers the service may
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not apply to all flights, so you should carefully study the information on the company’s website. the service is now available on flights operated by long-haul wide-area aircraft . and for example, i can give you the far east, this is vietnam, this is thailand, this is mali, colombo, more and more directions. it is worth noting that the special offer with the purchase of additional seats is valid for economy class passengers, by the way, even several seats in the main cabin of the plane will cost less than buying just one ticket in business, for example, flights from moscow to khabarovsk, in savings can cost from 41. rubles with sleeping places, while premium class travel options... experts warn, however, the number of users of the service may be limited by the demand for a particular flight, especially during the holiday period , when the aircraft is at maximum capacity, all seats are purchased. it is, of course, more profitable for an airline to sell each seat individually than to sell a certain segment. in addition, at
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there is another nuance to such services: food on board is provided only for the main passenger seat, so, alas, it will not be possible to get a double or triple portion of lunch. the admission process for universities and colleges is in full swing on the state services portal, which is being developed under the national project of the digital economy; school graduates can not only submit an application. there is an opportunity to find a future employer. conclude an agreement with him on targeted training, what are the benefits of this approach? we'll tell you now. this will be a three-dimensional model of pasha, just like 3d pasha. even during the summer holidays, students at south ural university continue their studies. the 3d modeling laboratory is working on a personal protective equipment project. a cast of the human body, it can help us create some kind of shell for this body. for example, i don’t know, coating, body armor, a course
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project increasingly carried out in the laboratory is a real order from the enterprise, students who want to devote themselves to science can take part in the mega-grant program of the national project science and universities, smart a greenhouse, a slag recycling system at the dronadrome production are just some of the student projects nominated for competition this year. there are some cases when a student came to the laboratory, worked in it for 2-3 years, and already in the fourth year he was directly involved in the grant, that is. earned money with his own mind, it is now possible to start a career in production from the first day of study by concluding a targeted training agreement with one of the university’s partner enterprises. such a student is not only guaranteed employment, he even work responsibilities and earnings can plan. we build a career trajectory in advance and introduce the applicant to this trajectory so that there is an understanding of how he can develop during the period of study, what awaits him upon graduation? one more important thing. at the current admissions company , you can submit documents to the admissions committee through the state services portal; this is especially
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convenient when the educational institution is located in another city. the portal guarantees the confidentiality of transmitted data, and simply provides a comfortable interface and developed support system. it was like this, when i applied through the websites of the institutes themselves, they answered quickly, but constantly asked to change the documents, although everything was beautiful, but through government services they immediately accepted, you type it in, everything is shown to you, and this is all done through government services. total amount. applications to universities submitted through government services have already exceeded 1 million. you can also submit documents through the portal to more than 3,700 institutions of secondary vocational education, including colleges and technical schools of the federal project professionalism, national education project. over 450 thousand such applications have already been accepted for the current admissions campaign for government services. here the guys fully practice all the actions that the locomotive crew develops in the process of driving a train. from starting a locomotive to emergency communication with... future drivers can ride on three-dimensional computer simulators along any section
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of the country's railways and consolidate their skills in the cabin of a real locomotive. the future employer will provide equipment, an experienced instructor, and pay money. students admitted by the target contract is paid a stipend from the employer. the guys have the opportunity to get a preferential mortgage, payments, everything possible, sick leave is paid for them. by the end of the training, they are already clearly standing on their own two feet. by the way, from this year you can conclude an agreement on targeted training not only before entering, but during the process of studying at colleges and universities, and thus ensure yourself guaranteed employment in the future and an enviable social package as a student. well, next is an extended day group in every school, but will there be teaching staff when we will discuss the more than serious requirements for after-school teachers. “here’s a man, caring, handy, he’ll propose marriage without
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even thinking about refusing, he’s already proposed, she refused, look at rtr, i didn’t sleep all night, i kept imagining you in a wedding dress, i can’t wait to see you, me too, tomorrow with me to the bank , take out a loan, you’ve already gotten around to getting a loan, what a high relationship, what don’t you like, and this one is her grinch”? fraudster, swindler, i know, but why was he silent? decided to take it red-handed from the bank with live bait, on raya, raya knows everything, i will definitely i will reflect in this report, all my life i dreamed of hearing exactly these words, today on rtr, we sing the best wedding songs.
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made a guess, and i guessed it, plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for themselves. actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, well, nothing, the blasphemous flower will bloom on our thresh, my cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemous flower blooms, on
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saturday on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, it is possible without formation, i am very i’m glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, then mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told. when everyone is at home with timur kizikov on sunday at rtr, why did they come in large numbers? and
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the yakut bull sheep, which were transported to the magadan region 6 years ago under a population restoration program, have settled in well, have already produced offspring, 28 calves, now there are 50 animals on the island, bull sheep are free-grazing and attract tourists. starting in august , a guest house overlooking dawn bay will be prepared for visitors. but in addition to watching animals, you can go on a boat tour and look at marine mammals: whales, dolphins, and beluga whales. they also organize fishing trips for the red book stellers for the guests, i basically wanted to immediately pack my suitcase and head to magadan, suitcase magadan station, please, not an interesting destination, but by the way, you can find activities to your liking closer, here are the farmers in in the leningrad region they rent and then buy out lands that had been abandoned for many years; alexander had to
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literally reclaim these fields from the swamp, now lush grass grows here. which is used to feed cows, goats and horses. the man himself managed to change several professions until he realized that he wanted to be a farmer and live in his small homeland in the village of druzhnoselye. the farmer first rented a plot of 60 hectares in a simplified manner without bidding, and 3 years later he bought it back at a price much lower than the cadastral value. and if there are no claims for the use of such land plots, then the plots can be purchased. the option of purchasing agricultural land is valid at, let’s say, a reduced price, this has been the case in the leningrad region for about 4 years, but previously it was used mainly by large agricultural holdings, now small farms are increasingly interested in a field overgrown with weeds and shrubs - these are agricultural lands that have not been used much years, in each region there are thousands of hectares
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of abandoned plots, in the leningrad region they want to return as many of these as possible to circulation lands. sukhanov is an experienced agronomist, he grew potatoes, grain crops, raised bull sheep, now he is preparing hay for sale, the land always had to be rented, the plot purchased at a discounted price became a serious help in the farm. this field, where we are now , apparently hasn’t been cultivated since the seventies of land reclamation, i plowed it last year in the pleasant autumn, i plowed up such things that they clearly have a reclamation origin for about 40 years, it’s not... of course , farmers prefer territories that are closer to st. petersburg have more potential buyers for agricultural products, but recently demand has been growing in areas remote from the northern capital, in the volkhov, luga and vyborg districts. it is planned that annually, through the mechanisms of simplified lease and purchase of plots , at least 17 hectares of land will be returned to circulation. well then,
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eco-friendly serving. when natural plates. spoons will finally replace this harmful plastic, we’ll tell you after the news, we’ll discuss what kind of bahar you have there, what it’s for you are hinting, it means there is nothing like that between you, a bahar named spring, premiere, today at 15:00, right? joe biden fell ill with covid, fellow party members are trying to persuade him to leave the presidential race. an attempt to overthrow the government is what they call the violent protest of students in bangladesh.
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the police have not yet been able to quell the confrontation. the news will tell about the main studio of vera tarasova. hello. a ukrainian mig-29, three hamer guided bombs, six khaimar rockets and 74 aircraft-type drones were destroyed in special operation zone. within 24 hours.
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tax collections, compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is increasing, automation is increasing, throughput is increasing, and is increasing, including through the introduction of digital technologies. assistance to the russian armed forces is one of the highest priorities for the service. we organized immediate clearance of goods for enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the ministry of defense. the federal customs service of russia has organized the provision of assisting svo participants in finding employment professionally. formation, and if we talk about employment, then in the near future we will make changes to our internal order in order to expand the health requirements for the category of fso participants, so that
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they have greater opportunities to occupy positions as employees in the federal customs service of the russian federation, such an order will be issued in the near future, vladimir putin also drew attention to the situation with the provision of housing for customs officers at in the far east, according to pekalev, funds for...
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kuti was localized; to stop the fire, it took rescuers more than 2 weeks; in just one day, another two dozen fires with an area of ​​almost 60,000 hectares were extinguished. several large outbreaks are still active in the republic; aviation has been involved in extinguishing them; the most difficult situation remains in three regions where the flames are raging near populated areas. the cause was dry thunderstorms. and a powerful downpour with large hail hit yekaterinburg. storm winds ripped the siding off a house under construction caused a short circuit. motorists and pedestrians are forced to cross water obstacles. precipitation in the city will not stop until the end of the week. in avtyva , a bridge on one of
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the intercity highways in the republic could not withstand the water pressure ; the downpours do not stop. in the united states , the republican convention is ending in the city of miloki, the culmination of which will be the keynote speech of presidential candidate donald trump. now it is the leader in popularity in all states. these are the results of the latest public opinion questions. pro-trump sales. more than ten people were killed and about 500 were injured. this is the result of the confrontation that has been going on for several days in bangladesh; the majority
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of the protesters are students. the country has very high unemployment; they are unhappy that the supreme court decided to restore the employment quota for a certain category of citizens, namely for relatives of freedom fighters, these are those who participated in the 1971 war of independence. on thursday, police in dhaka used gas and rubber bullets and the government ordered a mobile internet shutdown in an attempt to quell the demonstrations. above military helicopters are circling the capital, armored vehicles have appeared on the streets. bangladesh's ruling party has called the protests an overthrow attempt. legitimate authority. in france, in preparation for the olympics , security measures are being strengthened in the center of paris. the areas around the seine embankments are surrounded by fences. access to the venue for the opening ceremony of the games will be strictly limited. the authorities are afraid of possible terrorist attacks and are ready to take the toughest measures to ensure everything goes perfectly. at the same time , the police are ordered to be as friendly as possible. interior minister gerald dermanen
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ordered that employees. supported the image of france, did not look at mobile phones and did not chew gum. 35,000 police and 18,000 military personnel will be deployed to ensure security. don't switch. participants of the svo and their relatives can receive free higher education. a new direction in the fatherland defenders fund only. appeared, but is already in demand. our film crew found out where the tomsk fighters go, their loved ones, and ilina zakharenko’s report. vyacheslav samchenko’s attitude towards learning is the same as in life: he came, he saw, he conquered, wow, he lost part of his leg, in these pictures he is already recovering from surgery. now he is studying for a master's degree at the capital's university, and was also able to qualify for the presidential program time of heroes, they told about the legal foundations of the structure of our
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state, including great attention. in actions that have leadership qualities , the heroes select participants for their combat leadership abilities, and while vyacheslav is thinking about how to combine two trainings, yana yakovleva listens to one lecture after another, in at a calm pace. her goal is to improve her managerial competence, open another beauty salon, and also become a worthy example for her daughter. yana has already organized a women's club for psychological support. management and entrepreneurship are directly related to my work. i am at home. i watch video tutorials, take classes, tests, solve everything. you can get a free higher education with the defenders of the fatherland fund at any university in the country, preferential places, admission without exams and even in an unofficial admissions office companies, everything for fighters and their loved ones, the russian personnel service helps with career guidance. professional testing will help you decide on your specialization. for the most part , svo participants are not very different from the applicants who are now competing for places in universities across
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the country. and... they want to become lawyers, go into entrepreneurship or public service, and also devote themselves to creativity, for example, design. the service is in great demand, more than 50 tomsk residents are already studying, some of them have chosen local universities veterans and family members are eligible for free training. any format of training is also possible, you can study full-time , you can study by correspondence, you can study remotely. to become a university student, you need to pass a preliminary test, and then submit documents and wait for your application. queues for enrollment. elina zakharenko, evgeniy tyurunov. news tomsk. all news is always available on the media platform. look in the application or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start.
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let's. let's smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, most importantly, good! hello, well , to make it more interesting for you, we have more fun changing morning hosts russia, like days on the calendar, i just found out that it seems that it’s not thursday, friday, today we somehow immediately have more fun, here’s one day ahead, this is and summer weekend, for now we’ll tell you that very soon we will be spreading butter on bread in the morning, of course, butter, but out of thin air, it sounds like science fiction, but us startups have created a recipe for cooking.
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a synthetic analogue of this dairy product: they took carbon dioxide from air and hydrogen from water, and by heating and oxidation they started the process of forming a product very similar to oil. case, people participating in blind tastings could not distinguish the taste of a laboratory product from a real one, the idea impressed billionaire bill gates so much that he decided to invest in the project, the creators are not going to stop there, they promise to produce ice cream, cheese in the near future, yeah, and here i am practiced as a child, there was no money for butter, and we just ate bread with air, just like that, but in continuation of the theme of air, to help the environment it will be banned. students are clearing yet another forest edge after someone's copious barbecue. plastic
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can take up to 700 years to decompose, so it needs to be removed as soon as possible and it is best, of course, for the plastic to go straight into containers and into the raw materials. annually. in the world , about 300 million tons of plastic are turned into waste, the triangle in it is a five, this is polypropylene. today, science knows seven generally accepted variations of plastic, and some of them they are not yet amenable to further manipulation. we take disposable dishes that say bioplastic, it may not be bio at all, when some kind of wood chips were rolled inside the plastic product, it seems that yes, wood is used perfectly, but if the wood decomposes, then this plastic itself is the basis, it... will not go away, such a marketing trick is just a ploy to mislead the gullible consumer, however, the share of the environmentally conscious population in the country is only growing from year to year and has already exceeded 85%. with i will gladly refuse disposable tableware, disposable tableware is harmful.
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it’s easy to refuse, but what can you replace with disposable plates and cups? can't you take a porcelain set out of town? south ural scientists seem to have found a way out of the situation. our wheat bran is like kneading barley into dough. wheat and oats are the main ingredients for future biodegradable tableware, at the heart of all heat pressing at temperatures above 100°. we were able to create a component that is absolutely natural, natural, and strictly speaking, it is something close to modified starch. once in the ground, all this raw material will disappear in a month without consequences for nature, however, while an industrial boom in russia has emerged in the more familiar production of paper tableware. for example, in the tver region there is an enterprise producing food containers. plans to exceed the level of 1 billion units of production per year by the fall. our cookware provides 100% sealing of seams and also has an advantage over plastic in terms of thermal conductivity. business recently disposable tableware
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increasingly prefers from cardboard and cellulose. however, experts advise against cutting off the shoulders. the hygienic properties of plastic are such that it would simply be quite reckless to forget about it. we need to make a certain reasonable balance. on the one hand, on the other hand, all efforts must be directed precisely to fighting waste plastic, which is really a problem. it would be wiser to limit the use of those types of plastic that cannot be recycled, leaving long-lasting varieties, yes and industry will not be able to transfer all its capacity overnight to just the production of paper products. however, the trend is inexorable; by 2030, 17 items of various plastics will be banned in russia. but very soon. by the new school year , all schools should have extended day groups, where children can do homework, eat, go for a walk, wait for their parents, they promised, but is everyone ready for this and most importantly
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, will there be teachers for these groups, but it turns out that the requirements , which are laid down in the pro-standard, can supplemented by the schools themselves, at their discretion, often these requirements look, to put it mildly, excessive, let’s discuss this with our guest, a member of the committee’s expert council. well, all over the country, well, probably somewhere the vacancies are closed; the vacancies are not closed yet, of course, and somewhere they are not closed, but in general you are right in
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that the volume that needs to be known and for those people who will carry out a fairly simple function of childcare seems a bit overwhelming and can't be done alone for a specific person, everything that is written here... in this professional standard, because on the one hand these are very vague phrases, on the other hand it depends on the general education organization what exactly it puts into these phrases, in one single one it studies the individual abilities and inclinations of children , you can make a list like this.
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comes down to just supervision, in which
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case what you say could well be appropriate, the question is simply that this should be allowed from the point of view of regulations, maybe at least after the first years, work has already been done within the framework of the law that has come into force, it will be corrected, it will be written more and more clearly, the methodological recommendations that the ministry of education issues, it has several methodological recommendations, including those related to the provision of activities within the framework of the extended day service, it is possible there , i think we will continue to make changes taking into account... how practice shows, how this is being implemented throughout the country, yeah, we’ll probably talk about this more than once, thank you, after-school programs in schools, we we spoke with a member of the expert council at the state duma committee on family protection issues of paternity, motherhood and childhood, alexandra marova, all the best to you, i understand that you like the other, hot premiere, tell me how you had dinner with chegla, great, she’s wonderful, i really do. .. i want to stay with you, how rengina feels, i wonder
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why everyone asks me, why do you immediately turn pale? bahar named vesna, today at 15:00 on the russia channel. love for fat at the genetic level, literary taste is inherited almost in the same way as appearance, say danish scientists. they conducted extensive research and found out that genetics can determine from... he knows exactly which books are the most interesting.
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good morning, i immediately want to please you with this book. i really like this series “russian culture” in general. mirror of shadows, selected poem by valery bryusov. this man will remain in russian culture forever. listen: you are a woman, and in this you are right. from time immemorial it has been adorned with a crown of stars. you are the image of a deity in our abysses, we are for you we are drawn by an iron yoke, we serve you, crushing the rock, and we pray for your answer. valery bryusov, mirror of shadows, selected poems, just some kind of gift. the 150th anniversary of the birth of nicholas roerich will be celebrated in early october. and here is the book. lyudmila shapushnikova from the series the life
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of remarkable people nicholas roerich and igor mikhailov wrote a book about khamenguy, look how young, handsome, and about roerich i would add that he of course left us a huge legacy of books and paintings, this pact alone is worth it, what a pact peace, about protection cultural values, not only in war, but in peacetime, good books. the author of this book is a soviet naturalist writer, in august he will be 60 years old, but his books are still relevant because they are very kind. and light. georgy skribitsky, my childhood friends and artist sergey yarovoy. listen to how skrebicki wrote. i looked around and my soul felt so good, so joyful, in every flower that blossomed on rotten logs, in every green branch i felt so much freshness
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and young, healthy strength. they reached out to the sun, they wanted to live, and with all their appearance they spoke of triumph. a life that can withstand the most difficult tests: withstand and win. read this book at home, with the whole family, in turns and out loud. and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy. july 28 at rtr, a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes everyone's ships. lots and flotillas of the country, tactical groups of military vessels will pass along the waves of the neva and the gulf of finland under the glorious st. andrew’s flag, from anti-sabotage boats to nuclear submarines. the baltic wind will fill the sails of proud sailing barges and frigates.
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the most breathtaking shots from the most unexpected angles, an unforgettable triumph of valor, bravery and... beauty! glory to the russian navy! hooray! live broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. july 28th. on navy day. on rtr. i want to inspect your nets because dolphins are dying in them. what? premiere on rtr. only once was a dolphin caught and released. zora, bring us some fish. and who is this? crazy sailor with katya rosul. she doesn't go with the flow. getting ready to leave. let's. she
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is chasing a dream. help. people rowing a motorboat. i turn around. i lost my head. well, you don’t understand, do you? well, if you are really ready to accept me as i am, and you are a sailor from monday on rtr, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh you’re good, caress the obstinate one. likes to grab a claw there, so tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, welcome a stray, to my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for
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their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you're in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you're in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, hello, i'm arseny, what's your name, what's next, you'll ride the bus with me all day, on saturday, daughter. will roll world, you are so calmly ready to accept that our son is dating trolleybus and bus drivers, there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor, my son and your daughter, why doesn’t he suit you, and
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their whole family doesn’t suit me ?


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