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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 19, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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well, here, of course, i think that if this is not a made-up story with coronavirus, then it should have been made up, or if he really got sick, then of course it will be extremely strange if biden doesn’t take advantage of this situation, because of course we need to change the agenda, we need to change the agenda days, there are 3 months left, and they have no option other than to nominate in their place, which means vice president kamila haris, to jump off, to jump off, of course, and thus their vice president,
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with labor and again a shortened ladder, under a long biden is not able to climb the ladder at all. the washington post reports that former us president obama believes that biden needs to think about the viability of his candidacy in the election, well, that is, i’m directly merging biden. the dialist publishes his so-called victory speech. a speech with which he could exit the race with dignity or at least somehow. look. our publication was able to obtain a draft victory speech, compiled by major democratic donors and designed to allow joe biden to exit the presidential race with dignity. in this speech donor listed 11 points biden could make to the party and nation before stepping aside. among them are such formulations as the most important. save the soul
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of america. i believed that i could do this job. it became clear that a majority of americans wanted a younger person to fill the position. the speech comes as top democratic leaders plead with the embattled president to drop out of the race. recent events have become a disgrace for the president and for the party. i'm not sure there could be anything more humiliating, said the experienced democratic party strategist. but the democrats, in connection with well-known events due to the coronavirus, and not because of demensa, which is separately stated by the publication, the new york times, postponed the nomination of joe biden as a candidate for president of america. the newspaper, citing sources, writes that online voting for biden's candidacy has been postponed from next week to the first week of august. if joe biden recovers,
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well, this all looks final it’s indecent if he recovers, and if he doesn’t recover, what will happen to him, what are they even hinting at. now about london, where zelensky will find his peace, maybe he won’t, we showed this map, if missiles are installed in severomorsk, then they... will reach the territory of the entire once great britain, absolutely all cities are at gunpoint, and manchester, both birmingham and london , of course, draw attention to themselves, valery zaluzhny, who meets zelensky, he simply glows, like a copper shackle, he understands that they are again retreat. that defeat is ahead, that it will
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only get worse, but he no longer has anything to do with this at all; he lives beautifully in the british capital. orban, after visiting russia and ukraine, told the head of the european council that the intensity of the conflict would radically increase in the near future. he also presented the report at an event in london. you think that they don’t understand you, because it’s a long, very long way, why, why are there more war-war countries, they believe that they can destroy the russians by military means, but i don’t listen, i’m trying to explain, you know what i think, because i believe that there is no solution to this conflict on the battlefield, they hope for it, but i don’t, i don’t believe it at all, because i know the russians, i know the soviet union, i know the ukrainians , i represent a neighboring country, i know everything. you
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know it takes time. in general, of course, he also has enough endurance and courage; he placed his bet on donald trump. you have to understand that this event in london, everyone at this summit-gathering is opposed to viktor orban, but he still came to it journalists attacked, and he said: “this is my position, i know the context.” you don’t understand the issue, really handsome, please, we are analyzing the situation with joe biden, but in the uk, although the prime ministers are younger, the degradation is noticeable, each new british prime minister is stupider than
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the previous one, look, these are our pranksters who call leading british politicians, and there is the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, that is, very serious figures, the same cameron is a former prime minister, by the way, but his they are tricking them like, excuse me, a child who begins to preen there for a video camera, and then, in fact, thinking that ukrainian politicians are talking to them there, to give out these or those, well, in fact, state secrets, if we are talking about principled approaches in britain , so... the current prime minister is so cheerful with glasses, well , in fact, like, you know, biden, who - let's say, only in better physical condition, but deputy lugovoi will not let you lie that britain, in principle, , this
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today the main evil in the world is not only the colonial former power, but also the englishwoman, who has been crap for the last 500 years, in this regard. of course, if we talk about how the military-political configuration will develop, we must understand that if, of course, god forbid, some, well, such a not very favorable scenario of military-political aggravation in europe occurs, we must also put i set myself certain decisive goals. in this case, i’m not speaking from the point of view of some kind of propaganda or intimidation, the situation is this: that we must think extremely rationally and pragmatically if britain is one of the main adversaries.
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well, hostilities begin, which means that our medium-range missile system, for example, the same rubezh complex, located somewhere in the forests of northwestern, northwestern russia, strikes back at the british base of fosley, while the submarines of the russian northern multi-purpose fleets are tracking that british missile carrier, which at that moment is on combat patrol, demonstrative flogging british lion, tear out the nuclear... fangs, then let them puff up, run around, that they will be without nuclear weapons, an insignificant medium-sized european power, of course, this is not a very good scenario, it is military, but in conditions when there is such massive pressure when britain, along with germany and
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france, acts as the main engine of the war, the russian general staff and the main operations directorate should review the scenarios for possible military operations. with nato, we don’t need war, we don’t strive for it, but if the enemy imposes such a situation on us, in our plans, we must set ourselves decisive military-political goals, not frighten the british civilians there, that we will strike the cities there, london, let them live, develop, but tear out nuclear shreds from the british lion and let this kirmermer is jumping further around london and shaking his fists, in general, of course, we must be perfectly aware of the main idea, now london’s task is to try to put pressure, and other western countries, on russia in different directions, so i also emphasize, only a rational, calm reaction, there is no need
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to scare anyone, we need to understand how the enemy will act and how we will react to it, if the deployment of american coral missiles in germany becomes inevitable, and the process has obviously started, we need to calmly now accept at least a few decisions, we talked about the fact that iskander does not violate the agreement on ... germany, which prevents us from making a decision on the release of a new missile for iskander with an increased range. this will be a response. we are deploying missile systems, the line, launch range up to 5 km. therefore, in the east, in the west, in the south of russia, those systems should appear that we will act as...
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various means of camouflage, and for this they can change the deployment, they can use the enemy, who mainly uses a satellite constellation to reveal the current location of our complexes, will it is impossible to track them in real time, therefore there will always be... the potential for a retaliatory strike, which will deter the united states, great britain, france, and germany from the first aggressive strike on russia, because a retaliatory strike will not only be worked out, but calculated in detail and implemented in a short time, we need to prepare our army for new military-technical realities, calmly develop the medium-range missile component, if this is inevitable today, and most importantly, promising application plans.
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recently we have not ruled it out either; this is , of course, an important clarification from the ministry of foreign affairs of our country. look, sergei alekseevich shrepkov. if representatives of the federal government of germany believe justified to begin some escalatory measures under the pretext of what we have in the kaliningrad region, which means we will react in terms of compensatory measures. in the manner we deem most appropriate. russia needs to consider several possible response options,
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given the combined capabilities of nato countries at internal costs. this is not a threat to anyone, it is a way to find the most effective, including from a cost point of view, algorithm for responding to changing challenges. we'll be back in a minute. july 28th. on rtr: a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships from all fleets and flotillas of the country. tactical groups of military vessels, from anti-sabotage boats to nuclear submarines, will sail along the waves of the neva and the gulf of finland, under the glorious st. andrew’s flag. the wind in the baltic will fill the sails of proud, sailing barques and frigates. the most dizzying shots, the most unexpected angles, an unforgettable
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triumph of valor, courage and beauty. glory to the russian navy, hurray! straight broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. july 28th. on navy day on rtr. made a wish, and i guessed plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, everyone should be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted,
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i love you, i want to be with you, when the bogulnik blooms, on saturday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general , you chose a suitable place when you didn’t think about why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins. science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, mm, yes, yes, yes, and again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts
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the mood, that’s for sure, formulas. on saturday on rtr, we will decide everything ourselves, no matter what happens, you are now threatening the employees at work, artist, on monday on rtr, we will sing the best wedding songs.
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so, a master class on changing shoes is demonstrated by time magazine, after the assassination attempt on trump, the publication puts up an iconic photograph on the cover of the latest issue. after 4 days , the editors changed their minds, changed the cover, now the photo shows the podium as the sniper saw it, the question is, what unites us? the answer is probably obvious, hatred of trump and fear of him, potentially. trump. another trump card in the deck of trump and
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vence, the future, possible vice president is against sending american troops to ukraine. we are transported to the united states of america meluki on a direct link, not just a city where
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a meeting of the republican headquarters, the republican congress, will take place today. how is it not name, well, the very hall where donald trump, the chief of our american bureau, will soon appear, dmitry melnikov is on direct line, dima, hello, tell us what we are waiting for, hello olga, well, we are actually at the home stadium of the local milwacky bucks team, which all these days has been the home of the republican convention, the republican convention, now the final preparations are being made here before the key one. events, and today is the fourth day, today the candidate is expected to speak here from the republicans of donald trump, now behind me you can see the podium from which he will address the delegates today at the meeting, which, as he said earlier, he completely rewrote after that tragic assassination attempt, if before the shooting in pennsylvania trump was going to devote his speech to attacks , but the democrats have their money on
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biden, then now, and according to reports, the delegates are expecting something from him, let’s say, more... uniting all 3 days of the previous ones, he was present here, although he remained silent, of course, this fueled the intrigue, now the main question is what trump will tell america, will he talk about the assassination attempt, will he blame his political opponents for this, what is certain is that today he will formally officially accept the decision of the congress, the one that took place on the first day, his candidacy will be nominated to official candidates for president from the republicans, and of course, unlike the democrats, where with the candidates... there is complete confusion and vacillation, here the republicans have complete unity at this congress. you probably saw all the days that passed, how he was greeted, with bandaged ear, many here are also in support. they put fake bandages on trump's ears so that how else can you support your candidate if not to look just like him? and of course, it is possible that he may mention
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biden’s covid here. in general, of course, this news about a positive test for covid shows the whole carnival quality, if you like, of the current election campaign, first the assassination attempt on trump, then this sudden covid of the president. one way or another, the latest rumors, and these are not the first rumors, say: what exactly this weekend, biden may withdraw his candidacy, but let me remind you that we have heard these rumors almost every day, starting with biden’s memorable, to put it mildly, not very successful performance at the debate with trump, whether covid happened or not, and here many suspect that this may be such a political technology move, on the one hand, of course, it gives the democrats the opportunity to make at least some decision , try to somehow... convince in some way , they noticed that even secret police officers biden, who, as we saw, is in very poor physical shape, many services helped him raise his leg so that he
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could get into his car, so this covid and his isolation may help them somehow convince him after all withdraw from the elections, provide an opportunity for other candidates, and this is first of all, of course, according to all the polls and all the inside information that the press is now publishing, this could be... how she can oppose trump now no one can really say for sure it’s now difficult to guess what will happen next in this election campaign, which already simply resembles a full-fledged festival, but still 80% of americans, this is the latest poll, hope that biden will agree to withdraw his candidacy as a presidential candidate, well, i’ll assume that’s the case how things are going now, that an attempt on...
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outside one’s country during the war, well , it seems to me that this does not honor the general, but a general meeting a four-time draft dodger, a person with generally dubious legitimacy, but this i think it’s a real shame, the very idea that was voiced by zelensky in britain about the exclusion of hungary from the eec and nat, it seems to me that this very much caresses, caresses the british ear, of course, the british have long been systematically working against reducing germany's influence there in the european union. to destroy the european union, to build some kind of unification on the basis of these ruins of the european union, that’s all, these are all the goals of the task that the british have been setting for a long time and
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working on them very, very systematically. britain in general, it is, if not the first, then not the second in the issue of influence on ukraine, not in the issue of financing, in matters of financing at the end of the list, but on the issue of influence on the political elite of the country, it is, if not the first, then... not the second, and zelensky, who is visiting britain, i think he is solving there, in fact, the main, key task for himself in the conditions in which he finds himself, this is a question of his personal safety, this is a question of his personal safety, in general i want to say , the assassination attempt on trump changed if not everything, but a lot, look how everyone has practically reoriented towards trump, but just a couple of days ago medvedchuk personally wrote a letter to trump, i ’ll be honest at first... johnson and trump, his position on
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ukraine is known to us, petro poroshenko’s attempt together with his fellow deputies, go to attend the republican party convention. arseniy yatsenyuk, you will be surprised, a person subject to the law on mobilization from... on rtr.


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