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tv   Bakhar  RUSSIA1  July 19, 2024 3:00pm-5:00pm MSK

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perhaps the stars are still more for the democrats, but i am praying for trump, i’m even trying to understand, maybe there is a third person in this race, who will come as far as the democrats, then it will be very bad for russia and ukraine even first of all, just now , it’s just that now the second democrat is kamala harris, vice president of the united states of america, and many astrologers see a woman at the head of the united states, well, it will be bad, if there is a woman, it will be very bad for both russia and ukraine, all that the stars say, 60%, which is possible, but you know about it. women, yesterday i watched an interview with astrologer nadezhda koroleva, she has a very unusual forecast, attention, wife, obama’s wife, everyone assumes that she will run for the presidency, this is a black woman who should replace, i think that black a woman could be his vice-president, deputy prime minister, who should be actively engaged...
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she is really aggressive, some kind of offended, maybe a woman, she would not be very much under control, but he, yes, he really uses strong power influence, well, it’s amazing how similar your forecast is, it’s just that there is a strong influence of venus and the moon, it says that it’s probably a woman, that’s all i can say, many astrologers say that after the us presidential elections, there will be mass riots in the states in november , yes, yes, this period may be very difficult for america, but america is doing well. down now, this is
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astrologically obvious, i said this 5-7 years ago in russia, i remember, for me, what this means, well, economically and politically , first of all, and spiritually, any nation, any a country is defined by the values ​​that it shares, those values ​​that are now being imposed on children and students, they are simply terrible, no state can exist like that, the family is consciously destroyed, the family is consciously destroyed, well, even the smallest ones. but it’s better to slowly leave it, it ’s just that it’s made so cleverly that when the world is bad, everyone goes to america, but the dollar itself will slowly be electronic, i recommended leaving, again, if you switch gears somewhere six months, a year ago in gold, buy more land, because in it is now controversial to invest in electronic currency, because electronic currencies.
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they will be, but those that exist now, they can change very much in 2-3 years, that is, if we invest in electronic currency now, we can lose all our money, depending on which one, but you can lose it, that is, saving in you can’t store it in dollars, well, i recommend land, just land, not apartments, but it’s land that has reasonable gold and so on, but the russian ruble, i don’t know, i just looked at it, it’s not that bad, right? no matter how strange, i don’t know how your words relate... from the point of view of modern economics, there is a certain imbalance, a certain systemic, well, not a mistake, overlap associated with the activities of the planet uranus, in particular, when, well, more or less , the economy is associated with fixed assets listed, where is the amount of production, the number of people, the amount of means of labor, well, according to marx it was balanced plus or minus, now it is in a wild imbalance, so even if the states there get rid of some. their additional activities,
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their budget is not stitched together, the entire current economy is an expansion of the us dollar economy, the yen, the hong kong dollar, the canadian dollar, the australian dollar, the euro, the pound - these are all dollars, they know that this thing will burst sooner or later, and the dollar pyramid is on explodes before our eyes, no matter how strange and hard it is to believe, because everything has been predicted there for years, but sometimes, when all sorts of configurations of pluto aquarius comes once every 300 years, it’s in the chart... there are patterns there, in short, the dollar system is bursting, this is happening now according to the map, yes, it’s happening right now, yes, according to the map according to the news, the real economy, not the golden billion, tastes much more than it produces, and in order to bring it into some kind of divine form, it needs to collapse by 2/3 the standard of living of the population, and how relations between russia and the usa will develop further, well, the usa, again, in 2-3 years it will be a different country, but for now , not too much. well, while
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the conflict is going on, first of all , america itself will suffer from this, oddly enough, because this is the influence of rahu, there mars, this is not very good for america, for ordinary americans, so now it is very important who ... because if the dollar will last for 2-3 years, that means the country will still be there for some time, there may be one country, but it is completely divided inside, that is, this is still quite a high probability, but in my opinion for russia, this is again what i said 15 years ago, it is better to maintain healthy relations with
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europe, as far as possible, with the east, that is, china, korea, india, especially, in what year will america decide to pivot? us face, and we will be able to interact normally, in 2-3 years not earlier, but here it is very interesting, you know, this is the period of jupiter, because from divine logic it is a little different there, russia, for example, is now benefiting from sanctions, because that agriculture has begun to revive, unnecessary products are no longer supplied, many things are closed, cultural, in quotes , cultural exchange, and what kind of cultural exchange could there be in western europe and the usa now, well , to be honest, that is, from an astrological point of view, sanctions are fine. how will our relations with europe develop? with europe it’s also not so clear; oddly enough, poland scares me. a blow to russia, it could just be from poland. for some reason, there is a danger for russia through poland in the next year or two. we want to show you your prediction about famine that
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you made several years ago. if you want to live longer in this body, then have a house in a village somewhere, have a supply of food, and so on. i'm pretty sure it's hunger. will differ among western countries, restrictions in supplies, droughts will lead to serious disruptions, also with food, it is better not to live in the city, it is better to live somewhere in nature, with your own source of water and so on, this is what i recommend to you, and i am almost sure i analyzed today, back in march 2022 you said that ukraine could cause hunger throughout the world, now the united nations organization confirms the threat of world hunger, what will happen next, what do you see? well then , the prisons, then after i said, the northern military district began, grain supplies from ukraine, they decreased, problems began, it’s very interesting here, in fact, it’s not even just
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that, well, supplies are being disrupted, i think you are now seeing over these 2-3 years, at least in canada, in the states, in europe i was just now, but especially in the states in canada , prices for food have risen very much, very, no, for example, i was about 5 years ago, well, i lived in canada 5 years ago, there was a much better selection of fruits and vegetables, much cheaper, now they are restrictions, but what’s most unpleasant is hunger, you know, again, if we take it from a position vedic astrogia, if you take, for example, some kind of pizza, where there are a lot of chemicals, i don’t know, cheap cheese and so on, it’s a harmful product, it’s not like that, it’s also to some extent like hunger, because we should eat healthy depending on what kind of food we eat. our physical, mental and spiritual health depends on this, so now food is increasingly poisoned in the usa, canada, in many supermarkets up to 80 food products are gmos, plus they are full of chemicals, even the so-called organic ones biofruits, vegetables, they just have more or less
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normal nitrates, that is, food, it is becoming more and more artificial food, artificial food, we are threatened by this artificial food, hunger, to one degree or another, too, yes... we have to be careful, but if you look, in moscow, well, there is a lot of artificial food, we need to get away from this, artificial food, gmos and so on are one thing , hunger is another thing, this is a problem of a different scale, and in many countries there will be famine , but russia is not in too much danger, but again but hunger, if we take vedic astrology, it means the strong influence of rahu, that people will be forced to eat artificial chemical products, this is a danger, and a person will degrade physically. russia and canada are two countries that will not be too affected by water famine, we are now talking about
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drinking water, about drinking water, about good drinking water, in some european countries it is still good, canada and russia, almost all of them are doing poorly, what is the situation in the usa - the regions, in africa in general, well... this, by the way, is already visible, asia, well, even in china, can you be more specific about what kind of water famine this is, this is how it will happen, yes, i just understand, i’m trying to astrological ancient indian language. for example, in france, i looked six months ago, there was an unfavorable influence of the moon and i just started reading the news on seiniri, well , the main river because it’s like the capital river through it, there’s a lot that it now has almost millions of tons of chemicals accidentally released there something like corpses, that is, similar problems, what? but
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we remember that there before the olympics everything they said that the hay is very clean, they will drink from it, macron even promised to swim there, so that but you said that the safest countries are russia and canada, canada is a country of lakes, we also have the great baikal and a lot of other things, that is lakes saved us will be saved by lakes and underwater springs and rivers. since we have now touched on the topic of france, there will now be an olympics there, which the whole world is watching, everyone is already afraid of some kind of terrorist attacks, how will the olympics go, in general france, especially paris, has very bad stars, then what can i to say, this is the emigration policy, wars, this is what the civil war said, especially in the capital city in france, that it will now intensify, crime, it will be very...
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they said a very important thing, that is, the arctic will soon be flourishing garden, well, not so soon,
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but it will happen, the climate will change, the arctic will intensify, this is predicted in the ancient indian vedas, in what years do you see this, when will this happen, 5, 10, 30 years, this will all begin actively, but now the division is already beginning and it is important for russia to grab her piece that belongs to her, in principle, that is, in 10 years we will not have to go to the arctic station, but there will be forests there. i wanted to go to spain on vacation, so we’ll go to the arctic, i wanted to go to the komi republic, and i’m very interested in what will happen to the northern regions of our country, because this is also the arctic, the arctic region, the arkhangelsk region, the komi republic, what will happen there, there will be warming climate, strengthening economic, and so on, especially close to the arctic ocean and so on, this there will be a strengthening, in the vedas it was predicted by ancient india that this will be the revival of a new civilization, even, that is, varkuta will become a resort, but not just a resort, but the climate will become much more favorable. yes, well, that is, because of this climate change , those regions where there used to be constant snow and
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cold, now it will be warm on the contrary, we recently had all over russia in may, when it was already warm, even in june there were snowfalls, snowdrifts knee-deep, it has already begun, yes, yes, it has already begun, but again there is a strong influence rahu, the influence of saturn, part of mercury, this is according to the stars, behind this there is someone , this is man-made, that is, there is someone behind this, this is what we call, i just for the sake of... interest began to study and speaking to modern language, it seems that there is a so -called climate weapon, because it is artificial, rahu, it is always artificial, and it is not just something that we have. cars, the fact that we threw away a lot there is not such a strong influence, but this is that there is a certain climate weapon, someone is behind it and is trying, this is the kind of country controls this climate weapon, or everyone has it, well, at least russia would do well to develop it, well, look, i consulted quite influential people in dubai, they told me that
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in dubai they bought this certain technology , how to cause rain, hail and the fact that they had this... artificially recognizes this, this is the crazy flood in the arab emirates, this is a consequence of use, these snowfalls in june all over russia, this is also possible, yes, possible , and you say, but according to the map, yes, yes, it’s artificial, that is, it’s worth it when the influence is rare, saturn, mercury, specifically rahu, it says that well, someone’s intelligence, someone is doing this, it’s not just something natural change, everything you wanted to know about your future from the world- famous... to celebrate the half-century anniversary, unique footage, a chronicle of construction and komsomol life
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, a story of heroism and love, in the studio the heroes of the famous brigade alexandra bonder. malakhov will be on the russia channel soon, you’re married, it’s true, nastya, let’s talk, take your hand away today. “i really need help, we’ll come up with something, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you would like that, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn’t say it, i’d like to make yours portrait, you don’t mind, tell her about your
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feelings, you’re like that, forget nastya, i’m, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance, today on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because in their power, beauty and history, conquer, the order is ready to explore, nature, mother, dear, simply ! incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers, try it, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this
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world is worth seeing, spell. snake is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, did you get enough sleep?
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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for his own words, a hero of his time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform, we look, the mother-in-law is scaring her son-in-law from around the corner, oh, the son-in-law is scared, mother, mother-in-law, well, call it that, otherwise claudia egorovna, mother of the bad won’t teach, but these were flowers, the husband says: honey, before the wedding you said that you could cook, can you clean?
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everything is connected and there is definitely life on almost all planets, only it can be in other dimensions, but there is life on a plate, this is all reality, i grew up in this, because my uncle is professor alexander dubrov, a soviet biophysicist, his books have been translated into 50 languages, and he was still studying in soviet times, and my youth occurred with close communication with him, he was 100% sure that there are aliens, they are coming, he had evidence, this it was, he directly traveled through these. in places, he communicated with people, but he also studied people with parapsychological extra abilities, when he directly showed me, i remember a photograph, he personally saw that some
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chinese man was given a package in his ear, he reads everything, there is a woman looking at this, yes, on plenty they begin to bend, and he was 100% sure that there are aliens, some of them will even live among us, that is, they are already among us, perhaps, yes, astrologically, this is so, when contact occurs, in fact.
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the issue with mineral resources, everyone knows that nothing is inexhaustible, something will probably run out someday, maybe you will predict some new deposits, somewhere else they will find something else, but this is the information i sell, we we’re not asking for exact coordinates, but what will happen to gas, oil, gold, in russia? they will find, in china still...
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we will already have a different life, volcanoes will get stronger starting from this year, many territories will be flooded, volcanoes, part of europe, there will be some kind of volcano, or something that spews hot water, but i think it was a volcano, but in america they have been waiting for the eruption of the yellowstone volcano for many years, which could wipe out states from the face of the earth, will this happen in the future? well, the next 5 years, no, when you move from canada to russia, well, when you invite. yes, yes, let's move on, let's move on to your questions, because they, of course, as always, a lot, yes, please, hello, i heard that in connection with...
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yes, please, yes, please tell me, we recently survived all the coronavirus, and we are still experiencing its consequences, and what awaits ours in the near future, these are the dangerous new diseases that will appear, and if they appear, how can we protect ourselves and our loved ones, but again the very strong influence of rahu is artificial, that is, people create for themselves, and well, these viruses, i think , it’s no secret, artificial, which dig. there will be more and more diseases, so we need to strengthen our immunity, spend as much time in nature as possible, because rahu harmonizes the influence of rahu with nature most of all, natural and nature, and do yoga, gygong, these are natural remedies, natural exercises, because rahu comes first
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the queue is harmonized and... have a calm mind, that is, learn to live here now, and less, that’s why big cities will be dangerous, because there will be all these artificial diseases, artificial viruses, so to speak, but should we wait a pandemic similar to the coronavirus pandemic, the same in scale, maybe, unfortunately, maybe not, not necessarily in scale, but it will look like it will be, but the moon will be involved, the moon is children, already at the end of this year next year, children the suffering may be weak, because now...
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there are people who are not even billionaires, they received some benefit during covid and so on, that is, if we live harmoniously, we can somehow live them harmoniously at all times and even rise to a new level, you need to trust the universe, live more on nature and revive your relationships,
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try not to judge anyone. give, because in the beginning there was a word, and the word was god, if en masse we stop swearing, insulting, rudeness, even this has a very strong effect, it affects the change of fate, we will stop doing evil, hating someone, other countries, other people , this changes the energy and changes what is happening in the world, the stars influence these main events, now children influence, now artificial viruses, but how we get through it depends on each of us, and society, which will choose the path. a certain development and therefore now what is called vedic astrology is a demonic influence, it affects eastern ukraine, russia, because this is a country where there are a lot of truly spiritual people, these countries, ukraine, kazakhstan, you know, there is part of the baltic states, well, the russian-speaking population there is also strong, which is why it is very important to get rid of fears, trust in god, simply fulfill your duties, develop what
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jesus said, love for god. a lot of things they will just go away. from our viewers, of course, there are still a lot of questions for you, but unfortunately, the time of our program has come to an end, thank you very much, hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit is live. we start with new personnel, the use of our aviation, the most powerful three-ton aerial bomb. fab-3000 destroys the position of the armed forces of ukraine in volchansk. this is already the kupinsky
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direction. the russian aerospace forces are covering the trenches with bandera’s supporters, massively dropping high-explosive bombs. the video shows four explosions at once. in the frames of objective monitoring of the lesion of the supporting the ukrainian armed forces point in the uchasovo yara forest belt, after arriving at fap-500, it was completely destroyed, 25 soldiers in the ukrainian armed forces were killed. western propaganda is outraged by zelensky’s bloody feast in krynki. the new york times calls the operation futile. the kiev regime is trying to keep it on the left bank of the dnieper at any cost.
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each exercise is a test, small targets, shooting from awkward positions, adjusting the sight to adjust for the wind, at the training ground in the rear , brave group instructors turn recruits into masters of accurate shooting, holding their breath, a blow from the heart, fire. practical training with dragunov minnow targets at a distance of 100 m to 1 km, the real challenge is shooting from high-precision weapons, which allows you to hit targets at a distance of over one and a half
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km, around the clock and in absolutely any weather, and well in the centers. well done! ballistics, terrain awareness and tactical medicine. an obligatory part of the training is theory: after an express course, fighters go to the enemy. yes. and this is the south donetsk direction of the special operation. the crews of su-25 attack aircraft are preparing for combat flying out to work on ukrainian fortifications. in position. the ukrainian armed forces are rushing 80 unguided s-8 missiles. as a result of the hit, several dugouts and mortar crews were destroyed at once. attack aircraft perform anti-missile maneuvers and return to the airfield. in this footage
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, su-34 fighter-bombers destroy strongholds in volchansk with winged bombs. black clouds of smoke rise above positions on the kupinsky front. different trajectories and almost simultaneously achieve their goals, and here the fighters of the center group are smoking bandera’s followers out of the forest plantations, the second, the second, load one shell, load, the second, fire one shell.
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on account of drone operators, another american bradley infantry fighting vehicle the drone ends up in the gunner's operator's compartment. lancets stage a raid on a ukrainian tank.
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it can also be used to hit targets on russian territory, in this way we can try to compensate for the lack of ballistic cruise missiles, of which we currently have only a limited number. in the dnepropetrovsk region, 60 km from the front, the target of our military becomes radar station, after the attack, anti-ship missiles.
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aerospace forces pilots and mortar crews mow down enemy positions in the kharkov sanitary zone. the main task is to prevent the enemy from organizing new firing points for attacks on the russian border. ukraine sent reserves to kharkov. it is reasonable to believe that if a new offensive is launched, the diversionary maneuver should ensure that the ukrainian reserves that have recently been deployed to the area will be pinned down in a way that the ukrainians cannot match. drunk, ukhilyan loses consciousness and is taken away
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in an ambulance. hard footage from the ukrainian capital, a thirty-five-year-old woman, due to the refusal of the tsk to grant a deferment to her husband, sets herself on fire. right now she's in the hospital with burns on 80% of her body. and this is a video from the dnepropetrovsk region. the sending of a recruit to the front is disrupted by a caring woman. what kind of chaos is going on, you tell me, this is the law, in the usa more and more people are convinced of trump’s triumph in the november elections, the publication gives absolutely incredible survey results, almost half of those surveyed, 49% believe that donald will defeat biden, this... these are the highest, highest levels of support that
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trump has ever had in history. the previous record was 41%. that is, immediately plus eight points. the economist magazine also has no doubts about the success of the republicans on the cover of the latest issue of trump and his nomination for the post of vice president, senator wen. the headline is where they will take the us. on the last day of the congress. after the assassination attempt, trump, literally basking in the glory of his glory, spoke a lot about how and where he was shot from. very willingly, shouted to the crowd his signature triple fight, that is, fight, declared that he personally.
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he tore his t-shirt on his chest. for the first time , milania's wife appeared in public wearing a sexy red tight suit and red lipstick. lipstick perfect locks, milania said that donald is the most caring for her personally and will become just as caring for america. all this was, of course, as effective as possible. tucker carlson said on stage that even a corpse could become president of the united states.
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god forbid, alluding to biden. i will tell you what happened, and you will never hear it from me again, because it is too painful to remember. the election campaign was going very well and i started to go up the stage, the crowd greeted me, they were happy. i began my speech decisively and loudly with a feeling of joy. behind me on the right was a diagram that showed data on border crossings when i was in power, the numbers were excellent and in order to look at the diagram, i began to turn my head to the right, i was already ready to turn it some more, and i'm glad i didn't, then i heard a loud buzzing sound
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and felt something hit my right ear hard. i said to myself: wow, what was that, it’s definitely a bullet. then i raised my hand to my ear, and my hand was sprinkled with blood, blood was everywhere, i immediately realized that the matter was serious, that we were under attack. the bullets continued to whistle overhead, at that moment the brave guys from the special services rushed the scene, yes, they rushed. there was blood everywhere but i felt safe because god was on my side. i shouldn't have been here today, i shouldn't,
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thank you, i shouldn't have been here today, but i'm standing on this stage now, thanks to the almighty lord god. i raised my right hand, looked at the thousands and thousands of people waiting with bated breath, and began to shout: fight, fight, fight. our resolve is unwavering, our goal is unwavering, and that is to create a government that will serve the american people better than...
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and they tried to assassinate the next president of the united states. enough. and i say guys, let trumpism run wild. let trump come to power again, let trump make america great again. after the assassination, everything changed, everything, this convention has changed, the country has changed, the world has changed, and donald trump is changing. he became not just a party candidate, a former or future president, he became a leader of the nation. and
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it hates to say it, but it's also true that you can take, i don't know, a dummy, a dead person and make him president. you could, you could, i'm just saying it's theoretically possible. a leader is not a title, it is something organic. you can’t just call someone a leader. a leader is the bravest person. trump's entire project is the return of democracy to the united states. now politicians are stepping over the prostrate bodies of their own drugged citizens in order to send money to some other country. our supreme commander is not asking our military to protect our country or the lives of our own citizens. no, this is all for ukraine. it's too much, it's offensive, it's like pointing the middle finger in the face of every american, this is a very clear message.
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joe biden’s campaign headquarters also realizes trump’s popularity; they suddenly began stealing republican slogans. in this footage, congresswoman joyce beat promises that the democrats will make america great,
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and politically, let's make america great again, as trump personally famously invented. biden's official nomination has been delayed due to covid. the new york times reports that online voting was supposed to take place next tuesday, a new date possible date of. beginning of august, the same newspaper quotes the words of people from biden’s inner circle. joe realizes that he may not win, perhaps he will quit the race. one such source said bluntly that it would not be a surprise if biden makes an announcement soon and introduces vice president kamela haris as his new nominee. according to abc news. joe has already asked for a poll to see how voters would feel about their choice of candidate, kamel
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hinds. speaker of the house of representatives johnson said in this regard that if the democrats and true, they will replace their candidate, this will be a violation of the traditions of american laws. a challenge has been launched on the internet: who can last longer? biden or lettuce, that is, whether joy will leave the race. before the salad spoils, the period is 10 days. 2 years ago, if you remember, in a similar duel with cabbage, strass lost, and was removed from the post of prime minister of britain. biden's chances of winning a duel with kale are estimated at 30%. elon musk just published a mocking post: biden goes to...
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hesitant biden returned to delaware to to move away from covid and perhaps make a decision that he has resisted until now. the president's covid diagnosis has forced him to withdraw from the campaign in person, as leading democrats increase pressure to persuade him to resign. leading democrats believe the pressure is building so much that the president could quit this weekend. i think the next question is whether he can stay. president for the next 6 months. active political campaigns are not dying from covid, but they may die with biden.
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will biden survive a head of lettuce? 10 days, the countdown has begun. yes, better. there are numbers that simply can't be ignored, but the sobering message he received yesterday from convention leaders and his biggest fundraiser was simple: we're losing, you're losing, and soon we won't have any money because the donors are gone. one thing that has always struck me about biden's public comments is that the commander in chief likes to rant about how untrustworthy in his opinion are.
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about 110 innings before the arm gets tired and starts to fail. there is no shame in bowing to the crowd when your arm is tired. there is a real danger for the team when you ignore statistics. a staggering number of americans want president biden out of office. 70% think he should go so democrats can choose someone else. that's surprising, but what's even more surprising is that 65% of democrats agree. biden was looking forward to these numbers, here they are. it is very important to note where biden is now, he is sitting at home, he is not surrounded by voters, people who say: “we support you, we are with you.” i don't know if the change of scenery when he's not on the campaign trail will affect him. now, if joe biden leaves, he will be replaced by vice president kamala haris or perhaps another democrat.
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it's risky for more and more democrats to support biden. they 'll be sending biden fishing very soon. democrats hope biden will support open process to open convention for vice president harris and several other candidates in chicago to select the democratic nominee for president. it is believed that vice president harris is already eyeing potential presidential candidates to travel to chicago with a full list of candidates, including one possible candidate, andy bashir, governor of kentucky. possibly pennsylvania governor shapira, other possible candidates being talked about include gavin newm, california governor, possibly gredhim whitmer is vice president again. almunda writes that there is panic in kiev due to the rise of trump and the very idea that j.d. vance could become vice president,
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which he also believes publicly. will never go. provenza zelensky said he doesn’t understand what’s going on at all, and also said he wasn’t offended when biden called him putin last week. like, well, it doesn’t happen to anyone. the main thing is, allow me to hit russia. scholz refused him the day before, right at the summit in london.
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nato will not shoot down russian targets over ukraine either. donald trump said last year that he believed he could end this war within 24 hours if he met with vladimir putin. you very confidently state that you will get an end to the war between russia and ukraine in 24 hours. yes, i would settle within 24 hours. what do you think of it?
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i don't mean that his ideas will make us pay for it, but if he decides to do it in 24 hours, then the easy way here is to make us pay because it is.
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no, he just made a mistake, to be honest, it doesn't mean anything to me, we we need very strong support from
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the new uk prime minister, we need a solution for longer range weapons to use, we need it, we just want to respond, precisely to their targets, from where they are attacking us. how will this war end and how soon can it happen? are you considering returning the ukrainian territories that you had before 2014 and then this will be a guarantee of peace for you? this will depend solely on partners who will put pressure on russia, so that russia agrees to sit down and think about ending the war. this does not mean that all territories will be conquered.
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will increase, putin will go on the offensive, and he will have to give up not four regions, as now, all of ukraine, so it is better to agree to the current plan,
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kevesebb pénz jut a gazdá, now his chairmanship of the eec council is going to be partially boycotted, and such a reaction is completely exaggerated. i think it’s right that he started this dialogue. dear president, the following is a brief assessment of my recent discussions with leaders
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ukraine, russia, china, turkey and president donald trump, as well as several proposals for your consideration. the general consensus is that the intensity of military conflict will increase radically in the near future. i have personally become convinced that the warring parties intend to plunge even deeper into... the conflict, and none of them wants to take initiatives for a ceasefire or peace negotiations. there are three global players that can influence developments: the european union, the united states and china. we so. also should consider turkey as an important regional player, as the only successful mediator between ukraine and russia since the outbreak of hostilities in 2022. china will only take a more active role if the chances of success of its actions are close to achievable. according to them, at the moment this is not the case. the incumbent is working hard to stay in the race. it is obvious that he is not capable of changing the current us war policy, so he cannot be expected to start a new policy. as we have already seen many times. in
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recent years, in similar situations , the bureaucracy without political leadership will continue to follow the same path. during my discussions with president trump , i came to the conclusion that foreign policy would play only a small role in his re-election campaign, which is dominated by domestic issues. therefore , we cannot expect any peaceful initiatives from him before the elections. however, i can confidently say that soon he will not wait for the inauguration to win the elections, immediately will be ready to act as a peace mediator. i am more than confident that with the likely outcome of president trump's victory, the proportion of financial time between the us and the eu will significantly change in a direction unfavorable for the eu, meaning financial support for ukraine. i propose to start discussing the following proposals: and an initiative to hold high -level political negotiations with china on the modalities of the next peace conference. b) while maintaining current high-level political contacts with ukraine, the resumption of direct diplomatic contacts with russia , the restoration of such direct contacts. in
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our political communication c) launch a coordinated political attack on the global south, whose understanding of our position on the war in ukraine we have lost, leading to the global isolation of the transatlantic community. i am the only one in europe who talked to both sides and wrote my report in which i said that both parties do not want peace. both sides believe that they can win, that time is on their side and that continuing the war would give them an advantage. and, of course, one day they will take place.
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be prepared for the war to drag on for 10 years, and notes the paradox of the situation, the more convincingly the west shows its readiness for a long war, the faster it can end, everything is fine, war is peace, and preparation for war, apparently, is desire for peace, the head of the european commission is guided by the same principle... the russophobe announced the transformation of the european union into a defense alliance in the next five years. the new european one turns out to be a copy of nato. sami eurosoldiers are already ready for war. german underwear shows nato forces training at a training ground in germany. the exercises take place in conditions as close to combat as possible. the experience of the ukrainian war is taken into account. there, at
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the training ground, american tomahawks are waiting, which will finish off to moscow, kazan and st. petersburg. vnitrossii said the day before that our response could be nuclear, among other things. we are talking about deploying medium-range missiles in the kaliningrad region, and, say, in severomorsk, then all of britain and the entire european union. realistically, we have a large training ground here where we can train with our neighbors and comrades. together with 13 nato countries , they are training to stop the enemy from the east. the unit trains for 10 days under difficult conditions. in principle, we can perform surgical operations
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of any scale here. brothers and sisters, you will fight with me and the answer. military training ground, it is realistic in battle that drones will not notice you, we are seeing the same thing now in ukraine, this is a war of drones, so how safe is such a command post, to be honest, not for long, as soon as the point is established, the threat becomes real, accordingly, we take precautions by camouflaging the vehicles, in general we
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always try to hide in a wooded area, however, yesterday we also entered into a firefight with drones, of course, drones can conduct reconnaissance and then attack the main command post. this is the first surgical assistance provided by our comrades here in the exercise. what you see here is an unscheduled separation assistance with eight treatment points. four surgical departments and two surgical teams can be seen in the background. on the left is the intensive care unit, on the right are the units for the wounded with milder
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injuries. what you see here is a team that naturally takes advantage of the breaks when we don't have patients to train with. the exercise program also has training groups that we can use for these purposes. day before yesterday. a tragic accident occurred at the test site, as a result which killed a young dutch officer. our condolences to the relatives of the soldiers in his unit. the exercises continue anyway, the generals talk about great success, despite the accident . if we have to send our armies east, all 32 countries will be faced with the question: who will defend my capital, and the answer is: they will. the olympic committee has published the final list of russian athletes who will be allowed to compete under a neutral flag at the games in paris. the document contains 15 names, seven tennis players, three cyclists, three rowers, a swimmer and a trampoline player. everyone will compete exclusively
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in individual competitions. russians are prohibited from demonstrating any connection with their country. there is no flag, no anthem, no st. george's ribbon. nothing, well, that is, russian athletes are considered second-class citizens unworthy of competing, and here is an unusual situation, it became known that the olympic committee, you won’t believe it, was much more tolerant about the fact that the dutch beach volleyball team will be perform stephen vandevelde, pedophile. who raped a twelve-year-old girl, the pervert was officially convicted, served the required 4 years in prison, he admitted to raping a child, and then returned to big-time sports
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this year and qualified for the national team. the dutch volleyball federation stated that they were aware of his dark, perverted... past , but stephen served his sentence and was completely reintegrated. in the olympic village in paris, the experiment was not appreciated and they asked to separate the pedophile from normal athletes. van de velde spoke out against the promised appeal to the sports court, apparently for violating the rights of pedophiles. the biggest controversy looming over the summer olympics is the dutch olympic committee's decision to allow a convicted athlete to compete in beach volleyball.
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smashed to smithereens, even his own lawyer and newspaper headlines described him as a sex monster, this is essentially the end of a career. and now, 8 years later, he has not only achieved impressive results as a volleyball player, but has also been selected to participate in olympic games in paris. and not everyone sees this as a problem. the netherlands, on the contrary, stated that they fully support his participation. they say that he has changed, that he is married and is the father of a child. and that's where the story ends. however, in one interview, he in no way ... showed not only repentance, he stated that it was wrong to label him a pedophile. yes, a shocking incident, this is
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a serious moral issue. is there room for reintegration and rehabilitation? this is a matter for the dutch olympic committee. could have nothing to do with it. the dutch obviously believe that there is no reason to refuse, now they have done what they have done. i'll give you a few quotes: he meets all the qualifying criteria, whatever that means. following an intensive, professionally supervised program. every olympian must sign a document called the declaration of rights and responsibilities of athletes. and the seventh point requires them to serve as role models, just as a convicted rapist can be a role model. read the concept of the olympic ideal, which has existed since 1894 of the year. basically it's faster higher stronger. a couple of years ago it was updated to be more modern to include the words together. faster, higher, stronger together. in my opinion, there are also moral issues in education. this
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situation begs the question. this corresponds to the olympic ideal, so they believe. the dutch olympic committee's decision to allow a twenty-nine-year-old athlete with a criminal record into the paris games was met with much criticism. however, the committee is now forced to take additional measures and is reported to have forces the volleyball player to live separately from his dutch fellow athletes. the committee took this step after discussion. representatives of the committee also added that they hope that this decision will contribute to a feeling of calm among the participants of the games, they are completely stupid, of course, pedophiles are allowed, israelis are allowed, despite the outright genocide in the gas sector, but the russians are not allowed, long live, as is local democracy , freedom, equality? brotherhood and the like and so on , the olympics are taking place in paris, we are going to the front
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let's move forward, we're in direct contact with a war correspondent, alexey gavrish, alexey, hello, let's start with the toretsk direction, you've returned from there, we'll record the progress, yes, hello, unfortunately, right now there are no serious big successes over the past 24 hours in the direction of the segment, the main progress was in the new york area, also known as novgorodskaya. serious battles are also taking place near toretsk itself, these are the settlements of southern friendship, kirova, our aviation is actively working, artillery is actively working, positional battles are taking place on the approaches to the city itself and there have been no serious advances yet, except , i repeat, in new york, they occupied a school building there, which was also a major stronghold of the vsushniki, this provides a further opportunity for advancement, i think that it will develop more strongly in the near future. because, taking into account the fact that there were no advances now, but our artillery worked very actively all night,
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aviation worked in the morning, and i think that until the end of the day this work will not stop, it will only continue and intensify. alexey, how can you explain the seething associated with krynki, the ukrainians retreated from the krynki a long time ago, now there was some kind of massive analysis of the bloodthirstiness of the events, there they did not achieve any success in the kharkov direction, although they used all the reserves that they could use, and
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they tried to make some kind of indicator for the nato summit, say that here we are now moving forward, everything will be fine. but it didn’t work out, they tried to counterattack again, they got hit in the teeth again, they retreated, now they need some kind of new media picture, since they really don’t have enough reserves anymore, and we see that in the same kharkov direction, now practically no new military personnel are being introduced into battle, also their front is collapsing in the toritsky direction, in the chasovyarsky direction, and the ukrainian armed forces cannot achieve any victory on the front line, so they are trying to make these media victory, just like they are shelling our cities, shelling civilians, passing it off as...
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to break the russians in the sky, he needs at least 128 f16 fighters, 128 fighters is a lot or a little, especially keeping in mind that blinken said the day before that ukraine would receive six in the summer, that is, he asks for 128, but they give him six planes, what can six planes do? i would say how much? no matter what he asks for, in any case , he will not receive the quantity he asks for, and even if suddenly there were a lot of them, these planes need to be maintained, we need qualified pilots who can fly them, we need sites, airports, which they can be repaired, refueled with everything else, for ukraine now this is completely impossible, the use airfields of other countries, i think no one will allow this either, because then other countries will also expose themselves to serious
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danger, and not even from our military personnel, who will destroy equipment that will fall into... the sky over ukraine, even from on the part of these same inexperienced pilots, who themselves can fall on the city or simply destroy this equipment, i cannot say that six planes are many or few, but in fact, taking into account our superiority in the air, these six planes i i think they will be destroyed in the first hours of being in the airspace, again , there is now a lot of information that most likely the planes that will be delivered are those that have already been written off, that is , they have probably already spent their flight life, they are simply sent, roughly speaking, to the last path. showing in this way that the west is with you, we are providing you with support, take planes, and also literally today, yesterday i read some news that ukraine will be supplied with so-called wooden drones, this seems to be quite serious news for me, because underestimating this type of machine is completely wrong, i have seen a huge number of similar aircraft that are literally
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assembled on the knees, from scrap materials, from slats, from pinoplex, from anything , in fact, it all depends on... what carrying capacity this machine will have and how far it can fly, because modern technologies make it possible to create , for example, a drone from scrap materials an aircraft type that can cover distances of hundreds of kilometers and carry payloads of over 5 kg. and this is already quite serious, especially taking into account the fact that this problem in any case needs to be voiced in many sectors of the front, we have not yet fully created everything with the rap, and the rap is not working at full capacity, not as we would like, therefore...
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types or existing models need to be considered quite seriously, because these are possible new control frequencies, possibly some new control systems, and at the first appearance, you need to quickly develop new rep systems that will effectively destroy them. thank you, military correspondent alexey gavrish, on direct communication from the zone of the special military operation, the beggar zelensky is spending his second day in the city of london, he has just arrived. to a meeting at downing street, where the new british prime minister, keir starmer, was waiting for him. red carpet remark that zelensky became the first foreign guest to come to downing street since keir starmer's re-election. well, that's how they are now
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ukraine's achievements. malik, i ask with pleasure. the united states of america, over the last few days everyone has been discussing, well, there are two main news feeds: firstly, this is, of course, the republican congress. and unity, rallying of the republicans around the candidacy of donald trump, on the other hand, on the contrary, complete discord and split in the camp of the democrats, yes, that’s why there is such an absolute contrast, the republicans seem to think that everything is going perfectly, yes, there was an unsuccessful assassination attempt, there thank god for trump, but it’s nothing very bad it didn’t end with an outcome, but his ratings have grown, he is receiving a huge wave of donations, well, the four-day republican convention, in general, can be called quite successful, yes, that is, we see that... all trump’s opponents spoke at it, including nicky haley, ronada santis, everyone came out in support of trump, that is, there was a certain unity of both the republican elite and the republican base,
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that is, republican voters, but at the same time, as we see, yes, they invited many characters to this very convention previously, the republicans especially did not like, for example, trade union leaders, that is , this is obviously an attempt to work for the working class of the united states, to split the electoral coalition with a democrat, which, in principle, i think that the republicans can really... succeed, because we we see now that trump’s ratings have really increased among those groups of voters who traditionally vote for democrats, and indeed there are also the working class, hispanics, african americans, i think he will work with young people, given the choice of a vice-presidential candidate, quite young, and thirty-nine-year-old jady vance, and so on, union members, that’s why it’s clear that, of course, the republicans are taking advantage of all the problems of the democrats, trying to overcome this shaky coalition of minorities, in general - that’s completely different...
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question, but as if the speech was not bad precisely from the point of view of unity, and we see yes, again it will work out or not , how much of course the situation now contrasts, or rather contrasts with each other friend trump and his vice president jady vance, and if vance is, i think that under trump he will play the role of such a bad cop who will constantly pump up, increase the degree of culture wars in the united states, and arrange a confrontation with the democrats, then... at the same time, against his background, he can act as such a good policeman who will try to reconcile everyone, calm him down, and so on. again, whether it will work out or not is the question, but i think that
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how they will strive for this, well, against this background, yes, the democrats are in discord, that is, we we are, of course, seeing a countless number of rumors over the past few days that, in general, the entire establishment of the democratic party is dissatisfied with biden’s condition, calling on him to resign, even nancy pilosi and baracca even seem to be talking about this unofficially. obama and chuck schumer, the leader of the democratic majority in the senate, that is, all such major players. another thing is that you need to understand, yes, that they are not talking about this publicly, and all this is heard and reaches us at the level of informational stuffing into the press. so i would still, at the moment, i would not completely write off biden’s grandfather . yes, the decision rests with him, yes, there is pressure, well, in general, the biden family has shown over the last 3 weeks that they want to go to the end, and they fully admit that they will still go to the end. despite all this pressure, of course, the sponsors are dissatisfied there, and many of the major players, well, plus you still need to understand that indeed many democrats are already determined that even there, in the event
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that biden is not there change, he will go will go to these elections, even if he loses, as if life does not end there, but we will continue to work for the congressional elections in '26, for the presidential elections in '28, and so on, that's why, as if in spite of that there really is a possibility of biden being replaced, perhaps we will see something like that in the coming days, right? i would not say that it is, of course, guaranteed, especially since the longer this whole bacchanalia drags on among the democrats, yes, the more simply legal ones appear obstacles that prevent biden from being replaced, well, simply because the registration of a candidate in many states ends in august, for example, on the seventh in agaya, and further down the list, plus the question arises of who will control the huge election budget of the biden company , yes, there are 230 million dollars, because except for him , legally, no one, as if to control this very budget, has not gone anywhere, the question is who has ...
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as if the list of representatives of the biden team is well known to everyone, yes maksimovna biden yes and these guys really don’t want to give up their powers, they don’t want to kind of step away from power, perhaps this pressure will lead to something after all.
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roy cooper, the governor of north carolina, gretkin whitmer and gavin newson have already refused, and from these three figures they will still try to choose vice president kamali haris in order to somehow change the situation in their favor, given that trump’s choice of trump’s jady vance, yes, indeed, i think that i have weakened the position of the democrats and displaced the position of the republicans, but at the same time, yes, we of course, we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves and
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fail to win in november and will have to drop out of the race, bowing to the growing demands of many concerned members of his party. one person close to him warned that the president had not yet made a decision to quit the race after three weeks of persistently arguing that there would be little to force him out of it. but another person said reality was setting in and that it would not be a surprise if mr biden made a statement of support for the vice president soon kamela haris as his replacement. some people close to mr. biden said. former speaker of parliament nancy pilossi decided to take such a serious step, new state polls showing his path to victory in the electoral college has become much more distant and a boycott of key party donors. discussions among mr. biden's advisers have reached the point where they are weighing the best timing and other details for an announcement if the president decides
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to renege on his...
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whom biden represents, with regard to biden, i agree that it’s too early to write off grandpa, despite the fact that he may have that very deep state, interests, and dementia, but grandpa is cutting the chip. grandfather says, let’s do a survey, how do americans feel about or support or trust kamala haris, in general, what kind of functionality did kamala haris have during these 4 years of biden’s presidency? for example, i don’t know, you know, i get the
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impression that this is such a scary girlfriend with a beauty who definitely should be in order to look somehow, well, more or less, let’s say, handsome in this configuration against her background, but of course, well, because i, for example. for 4 years i still don’t know, i can’t answer the question of where kamala haris showed herself in what ways and in general what issues in the united states of america she oversaw, well, there’s just some person sitting there who constantly laughs, that’s more nothing, absolute emptiness, i'm sure these polls will show that she has much less chance of defeating biden, oh, or rather trump, than biden, this conflict between family and the democratic party, it’s at the forefront and i ’m sure that...
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it’s stacked against him, you know, i can understand him, he’s in such a state, that’s all , never, not even in his worst nightmare could have imagined that the situation in the world could develop in such a way that he would find himself in such a situation, here he is wandering the streets of london for 2 days, you think he is resolving ukrainian issues there, i am convinced that he is resolving his personal issues there.
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so, this war, confrontation, it opened the eyes of many, in fact, that it turns out that america is not a very democratic country, and there may be assassination attempts there; it turns out that europe, which would have been, seemed to be assembled by consensus, can
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afford to simply throw out someone who disagrees from its circle, yes, deprive him of the right to vote and so, this is how the whole world works, thank god that we understand this today now, and i think we will draw certain... conclusions from this and we will become much stronger and understand more about how this world works and what’s wrong with it do next. inclusive has really reached the point of madness within the framework of protecting the rights of a pedophile, it’s somehow awkward to even talk about, within the framework of protecting the rights of a pedophile, they allow a pedophile to participate in the games , they appeal to the slogans of the french revolution, but i’ll say it again, the olympics are in france, therefore freedom, equality, brotherhood. some say: equality, brotherhood, in relation to the pedophile, which is called until then, but russians are not allowed, we will return. tea and coffee,
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let's dance, oh, bless you, the premiere is on rtr, some things will need to be translated, and some things, this is legal, what are you doing there, that's enough for me, really, little maryana light up, my business, sailor, from monday on rtr.
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made a wish. and i made plans, hopes, dreams,
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everything changed at once. i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions. something is wrong in her case. she's kind, she's warm-hearted. and the blasphemous plant will bloom on our hammer. your cherished wish will definitely come true. i love you, i want to be with you. when the blasphemer blooms on saturday on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea was drunk, how much tells stories. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. and i begin. zakharov, and
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for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i’m like a man who is a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home... with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr, a man was killed there, you called an ambulance, maybe he’s still alive, he’s not there, and where he? look at rtr, how is he, the district police officer, uh-huh, nothing, we haven’t had anything yet, we decided to wait until the wedding, you need to change something in your life, get armed tonight, damn it, misha, actually i'm volodya. raya knows everything, this is not life, these are
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kolyhane jets, continuation, watch on monday on rtr. trump's shooter, thomas matthew crooks, registered with the pennsylvania republicans online, it is learned, using an encrypted email address, he did so. another week before the convention, abc news reports. fbi in the investigation has already interviewed 200 people, but crooks' motives are still unclear. speaker of the house of representatives johnson said that the classified details of the assassination attempt are even more disturbing than those voiced publicly. he did not specify what he was talking about; this is a state secret. in this regard, republican senators in... look, they launched a real hunt for the director of the so-called
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secret service - when they noticed her at the national convention of the party, the legislator turned the woman.
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before the start of the rally at 6:09 in just 2 minutes before the shots are fired, the snipers on the roof turn towards the building on which the shooter is perched. the next minute they begin to move towards their position and take up their weapons. at the same time, witnesses notice the shooter on this building, outside the security perimeter. he stands on his feet at a distance of about 120 m from the former president.
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intelligence officers surround trump. intelligence agencies are now investigating how the shooter managed to get so close to hitting the former president. former president donald trump met with the intelligence director in camberly cheatle to discuss the assassination attempt made on him during a rally in pennsylvania. the meeting took place tuesday at the former president's hotel in milwaukee and came as republicans demand cheatle's resignation. classified. some of the attempts on donald trump's life are even more disturbing than what has been announced so far, it is completely unforgivable. there were serious failures in the work of the secret services, this is clear to everyone, the director of the secret service chitel should resign, but she did not shows interest in this, so i called the white house this morning
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and said president biden needs to show leadership to fire her. we are transported to washington, united.
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quietly at the mercy of authoritative democrats, including such as barack obama, pilosi, and hakim jeffries, who believe that the battle has already been lost and it is necessary to nominate a new candidate. what do donald trump's chances look like? publicly, he looks like a winner, a real hero, we have already brought here, t-shirts, caps, a real cult. personality, and well, look, america is really different , and - of course, you might get the impression, if you watched the convention in milwaukee, that all of america is simply behind donald trump. indeed, his attempt on his life, and it increases his chances
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of getting closer to the white house, but on the other hand, if you look at what is now... they say, for example, tv channels like cnn, and his speech yesterday is the best, what happened to the democrats over the past two weeks, one commentator said, the fact is that donald trump had a very good an opportunity for uniting america, if he had offered the americans not trump 1:0, but trump 2:0, who unites the americans, who does not blame the parties for any mistakes, that’s exactly what calls for unity, but he lasted the first 10 minutes, and then the same narratives that existed before began, so the real presidential... company begins, and president joe biden may not have received his nomination yet, but trump already has it in
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his pocket, so we’ll see how everything happens , but for now i think the chances are donald trump 50x50. thank you very much, ekaterina moore on the america-washington direct link, all of this, of course, really looks like a parade, a carnival, a circus, a film, or some kind of series. you look, you really don’t understand what’s action-packed, maybe there will even be a performance, everything seems to have already happened, please, when zelensky asks to be allowed to fire long-range weapons on the territory of the russian federation, here we need to clarify a little, in fact, he asks that those countries that supplied weapons gave the command to their combat crews, which...
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when she was the minister of defense of germany, they were so impressed that it was she who was turning the eu into an appendage of nato, that’s the madam, but her success with the german army, we all know, yes, there was some kind of combat-ready combat unit, one of the best in europe, now this is something like that there in pink stockings italy in a corset, yes, when they have the main reports about the achievements of the army, it’s about how another transgender person was very well accommodated in barracks, how happy he is to live there. for but i don’t know what gender he is, here, but at the same time they show us that as many as 5,000 or 6,000 germans in the bundeswehr, these
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are preparing for war with russia, they are preparing seriously, well, apparently they are not watching our reports daily, yes, that every day ukraine, its armed forces on the line of combat contact lose two 2,500 people, what are these 5,000 people for 2 days, is this the entire german army? which is preparing for war with us, yes, well, it somehow looks frivolous, but the fears that come from the outside look serious america, their state debt was concerned that somehow the russians reacted strangely to their desire to deploy missiles in europe, and how else could they react, this is a direct threat to the russian federation, we understand that the flight time of such missiles will be reduced, in nuclear, non-nuclear, are we going to check every missile? it is clear that they place them there in order to infuriate not europe, but primarily the united states of america. and when we look at this,
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most of all, of course, i feel a little sorry for the europeans, they don’t understand that when they they signed this to nato communications, they actually signed their own death warrant, but the americans will not leave, well, let’s go back again, all the nuclear forces in nato will be controlled by the united states. if the united states thinks that those missiles that will fly from europe towards the russian federation, god forbid, yes, that they will not get anything, let it remain for both those who fired and those who made the decision, this is probably why they are so worried, well, as they say, everyone will get hurt, of course we have one it’s such a funny song, remember, there’s a slow rocket floating away into the distance, so they need to listen to it more often, it talks about both america and europe, here. missiles, unlike the americans, who for some reason began to call their ballistic missiles hypersonic, we have different
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hypersonic years, the flight time to europe is 5-7 minutes, five to london and 7 minutes to lisbon, to america, well, about that much well, how long if you fly from europe to us, well , of course, we will shoot down these missiles, it’s unlikely that the americans will be able to, with such with the discord that they have in the country when... there is no unity, they are not yet able to do something comprehensible, to adopt the right programs, except for those that allow large sums of money to be laundered, especially if they start knocking down after 8 pm, when uba...
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from anti-sabotage boats to nuclear submarines, the baltic wind will fill the sails of proud sailing barques and frigates, the most dizzying shots from the most unexpected angles, an unforgettable triumph of valor, the courage of beauty. glory to the russian navy, hurray! straight broadcast from st. petersburg, chief! naval parade on july 28, navy day at rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen,
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just a minute, attention, we have a big day today, well, you know, for every cool fighter there will be an even cooler one, in them fell in love, who am i dear to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero, of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on the platform, look, catch, fish, big or small, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people consider fats, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be
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healthy, let’s try m... the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can it be beneficial ? be pleasant, fantastic, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, m, m, yes, yes, yes, and again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their own diet not only. tasty, but also healthy, and it lifts your spirits, it exactly, food formulas, on saturday on rtr, you’re married, it’s true, nastya, let’s talk,
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which one to take, today. i really need help, we’ll figure out something, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you would like that, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn’t say, i’d like to take your portrait , do you mind? you tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i, of course, am a fool, romantic, last chance, today on rt, we sing the best wedding songs, he opens, i am with all the foolishness, my love, marry me. ..
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there is a massive outage of windows right now all over the world. has already affected the functioning of airports, in the usa alone at least 130 flights have been cancelled , more than 200 flights have been delayed, and european airlines turkish air are experiencing problems. an original solution to the problem was found in india, where boarding passes at airports are now filled out manually; all the data is simply written in pen. german newspaper reports that because computers stopped working, hospitals in
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germany and the netherlands are postponing operations, and clinics are refusing to admit patients. thanks for watching. bye. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio of denis polanchukov and the main thing by this hour: american bradley has turned into a burnt pile. our film crew together with the russian one.


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