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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  July 20, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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maybe i can somehow cheer you up, all your words were lies, all declarations of love, our dreams about the future are lies, i beg you, don’t leave grisha, okay, i give you a week to find your father. .. what nonsense? of course not. you need to meet a woman in your family. or maybe i've already met her? katya, no, they said they came from you. you betrayed us too. from love to hate. on friday on rtr. he doesn’t need to make an appointment, it’s a joke, he
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’ll come to your house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train the right way walking on ice, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, sleeping, that’s how a child sleeps , but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, today tomorrow on rtr. tea, coffee, let's dance,
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bless, premiere on rtr, translate some things will be necessary, and some things, this is legal, what are you doing there, i really, well, that’s enough, little maryana , lighten up, my business. sailor from monday on rtr. today a new expedition of the floating university starts from arkhangelsk to the arctic. researchers and students, 45 people in total, aboard professor molchanov's ship, will explore for a month and a half. current near the shelf and
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the continental slope of the polar seas, elena yurieva accompanied the ship on exciting and educational voyages. one is working everyone else is watching, but this only happens on the shore. soon all members of the expedition will have to work for the benefit of russian science. what is needed for brainstorming: meat, vegetables and fruits. professor molchanov loaded the ship with all this in abundance. the students also prepared thoroughly. scientists from the institute of geosphere dynamics do not need this, the entire trip, they will study the polar ionosphere and how it affects... radio waves, when
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some active events occur on the sun, well , radio communications are bad, high hopes for the expedition is entrusted to biologists, the polar regions are sensitive to natural climate changes, and this is especially felt when studying microplankton, a very important element of ecosystems, because microplankton is the basis of the productivity of the ecosystem, it determines what animals, fish and then humans will eat next, in work after all. there will be a lot of 12 -hour days, but there will be time for music. varvara krolenko took her guitar with her. not everyone reads books by looking through the porthole. we work a lot, we don’t have any kind of connection, no internet, we need to fill our leisure time with something. there are 19 scientists on board from different universities across the country, and they took with them 26 students who dream of making a discovery. this year , 2,500 people applied to participate in the floating university program, each of them.
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new at the kipis life enterprise , metal is melted. every day, thousands of carpenters work hard in hot shops, supplying their products to the related industry. thus, at the inakievo metallurgical plant, one of the oldest industrial enterprises in south russia , one of the blast furnaces started working with redoubled force. ovens. after a major overhaul
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, cast iron output increased by 30%. additional jobs have appeared. and at the donetsk steel plant this fall the production of s' will begin again in full force. the volga region resource is provided by the head of the region, vyacheslav fedarishchev. this center with an area of ​​8.00 m2 was built in just 2 years. this resource is abundant enough in a short time. created this object. there is unique equipment here, mostly domestic, which allows us to process up to 300,000 tons of waste
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that comes here. the former workshop in talyat has been operating for 15 years, a modern approach was required. with the commissioning of new lines, the selection of secondary resources will more than double. the complex allows us to automatically sort all plastics, polyethylenes, pet bottles, you know that this is the most problematic waste that does not decompose, so it allows us to completely extract almost everything in the mode, the second point is that we have pet recycling here - bottles, we recycle polyethylene, that is, we generate, let me emphasize again, 47 tons of waste per year be drawn into secondary circulation, which will reduce the burden on the environment. the new complex was built as part of the ecology national project; the center will serve about 800 residents. taglyati, zhigulevsko, as well as the stavropol region. nadezhda sviridova, mikhail vodovozov, vesti samara. the tourism opportunities of the khabarovsk territory were appreciated by investors from the chinese delegation. visited the hiktsir ski resort. the entrepreneurs expressed their readiness
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to bring the first group here this winter, but in order to attract even more guests from asia, there is an urgent need to build tourism infrastructure. i found out if i’m ready to invest in chinese business. mrs. hong, brushing aside the far eastern gnat, does not lose interest in the beauties of hikqir, she is the director of a travel company in the very south of the prc, where there is no snow, and is also a large investor, so she immediately takes a closer look at the area, assesses the scale of the territory on which grandiose construction can be launched, here you can build everything, a hotel, a cafe, a restaurant, a site in the future, we have it just for development it’s coming, that is, now we ’ll go up around it. then sub-development comes for the development of the ski resort, that is, we have a development prospect - this is around 360 hectares, while the hiktsir ski complex was launched only this season, it does not reach the status of a resort, the slopes have been built, the ski lift is nothing else, when the season ends, here
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and in the summer it’s beautiful, they closed on april 6, you need a hotel to stay overnight, in the future, more than one, to have a snack, not just to drink tea, to answer the far eastern cuisine for full board, the chinese say, not enough points. chips, all this, in addition to the natural far eastern nature, beautiful landscapes, mountain slopes, will attract tourists. we are interested in a year-round format of cooperation: the place is interesting both in winter and summer, beautiful, nature, our tourists will be interested in this for sure, so we will consider it, because if we invest, we need to understand how the money will be returned. but the fact that, especially chinese southerners , will come here, guests of hikqir do not even question the fact that the mountain range has good tourism potential. china, russia. the most friendly side, we want and they also want to come here with russian companies, we need to start working with russian companies, the mountain of friendship, that’s what it’s already been called, the chinese are interested in tourism, this is now green taiga here, in winter
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you can clearly see from the ski slopes not only khabarovsk, at a glance, is the eastern pole of the kapr, our closest neighbor is fuyuan, so here at the foot of khiktsir in advance. from the first tourist group from the middle kingdom will come here this season, so far only the winter. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, news khabarovsk. the investigative committee opened a criminal case into the accident. with trolleybus saratov. the moment of the accident was caught on surveillance cameras. at the intersection of 50th anniversary of october avenue and tekhnicheskaya street, a trolleybus, an emergency services truck and a passenger car collided. 11 people were injured, passengers of public transport and a truck driver. nine people were hospitalized, one of them in serious condition. investigators are looking into who is to blame for the incident. irkutsk scientists are working on a cure eternal youth, so he calls it. a drug that slows down the aging process, a substance that contains silene, is now undergoing
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preclinical trials, when it can be put into mass production, and what effect can be expected from the new development of domestic chemists, daniil shershen found out. all the secrets of chemistry in this laboratory are depicted on the boards, compounds, formulas, in places, question marks, it is clear that scientific research has continued for many days and is still going on, now they are working on a slowing agent. this remedy will probably not smooth out wrinkles, but it can prolong the youth of the body. experimentally, chemists have identified the positive effects of selenium-containing substances on the cardiovascular system, liver and immunity. the information is still being added. they exhibit dual activity, they simultaneously stimulate the immune system and at the same time reduce inflammatory processes and the level of oxidative stress. that is , compounds that do both at the same time practically do not exist at the moment, so they are very promising. well this is just one direction. scientists say the chance of finding a substance with such properties is 1%. and now that a potential
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anti-aging agent has been found, chemists are subjecting it to numerous preclinical tests, looking for a way to eliminate possible negative side effects. and if, let’s say, this molecule has successfully passed the first stage, then the phase of so-called clinical trials begins. as a rule, this path takes from 10 to 14-15. scientists say selenium has already proven its benefits in several countries around the world, for example, finland, with the help of so-called selenization, managed to increase average life expectancy by 10-15 years, while residents of russia are experiencing a shortage of this substance. daniil sharshen, roman ryutin, lead irkutsk. the museum and temple complex new chersonese, which is preparing to open in the coming weeks in sevastopol, was shown to representatives of crimean travel companies. antique. we
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are now in the byzantine quarter of khersanes. pottery workshops, a winemaker's house, an ancient manor and a mint. just so ancient prince vladimir saw the city. all these buildings, these four buildings of the quarter, they were made according to documents that were collected by archaeologists, as if with consultations of scientists there, that is, with all the points. but naturally they will be applied in a modern format, the reconstruction quarter is part of a grandiose project, an ancient city that is gaining a second life. one of the symbols of almost any ancient city is the amphitheater. there, in ancient times, people gathered to watch the performance. there is also such a place in the new hersanes. griffin arena accommodates 1200 spectators. and the first performances have already taken place here. arttek members saw the famous production of griffin, very close to the museum arena. in front of you is a tombstone stella, it says ariston, the son of ariston, this is some
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noble citizen, he has a scroll in his hands, apparently this is an official. the structure lay untouched underground for almost 2,000 years, the tombstone and columbarium are a sensational find, there is nothing like this anywhere else in the entire northern black sea region, the restoration of st. vladimir’s cathedral is also part of the revival of the ancient cities on the holy land. the service will be held right in the center of the temple. people will be around and see everything that the priests are doing, and there in the east, where altarik nastas is usually located, there is a font that can baptize people with complete immersion. ancient khersanez is a special sacred place where in 988 prince vladimir adopted christianity, hence the origins of our culture and faith. the historical and archaeological park connects the ancient city and the new chersonese from one dome to another, opposite st. vladimir's cathedral, and this is the first in history. museum of christianity for the museum of christianity, at the moment , almost all the work has already been completed,
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the exhibitions are now being filled, all the equipment is being exhibited, and soon it will welcome its visitors. you can say unique here about every object, the grandiose scale of this is not found anywhere in the world, this is a complex of youth centers and museums of a new generation, they immerse you in the history of crimea, christianity or byzantium and amaze with the realism of the exhibition and the first temple park in history. an open-air service will be held here this summer. yana shcherbaty and andrey terentsev, lead sevastopol. this concludes our issue, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available. on the media platform , look in the application or on the website see you.
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on april 11, 1957 , long lines lined up at the soyuz-print kiosks, almost everyone was asking for the newspaper pravda. on this day , several pages of the main organ of the central committee of the cpsu were given over a whole block of articles and messages with a title uniting all publications. the largest in the world. then there were details that in dubna, a city little known at that time, the most powerful synchrophasatron in the world was launched, with its help it was already possible to accelerate a proton to an energy equal to 8.3 billion electron volts, but this is not the limit, the silchrophasatron will produce a world record energy of 10 billion
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electron volts, this will allow soviet science to take a huge step forward. in the study of elementary particles as the foundations of the universe. it is interesting that the synchrophasatron itself was launched a month earlier, telling the truth, and to be completely accurate, late in the evening of march 15th. but they did not dare to talk about this until the energy of the accelerator exceeded the energy of the then leading american synchrophasatron in berkeley, after which the soviet union became the first country in the world with the largest and most powerful accelerator. in the world, it was the dream of vladimir veksler, the famous soviet physicist who created the synchrophasatron, and he realized this dream, and the country received a unique installation for science, with the help of which a sensational discovery was yet to be made. it all started.
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government to support the proposed project, it was decided to complete the construction of the cyclotron that had already begun, work on which had stopped due to poor funding and lack of experienced personnel, but at the same time , scientists realized that the design of the cyclotron would not allow splitting the proton as it should, which is exactly what physicists were trying to achieve, then vladimir veksler, who studied this problem more deeply than all his colleagues, proposed building... the most progressive research facility for that period of time: the synchrophasatron. synchrophasatron is a resonant cyclic accelerator for studying the most diverse properties of particles , the interaction of these particles at high energy levels. in other words,
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to deeply study the microworld, you need to break protons into small parts and see what is inside. it sounds simple, but hacking a proton is an extremely difficult task. the first soviet synchrophasatron required an area equal to the area of ​​a hockey stadium. the diameter of just one magnet, an integral part of the device, reached 60 m, and its weight turned out to be more than 36 tons. these parameters are included in the guinness book of records. what's going on inside this? device: in it, protons are accelerated through a tunnel to enormous speeds, after which they are directed towards a target. upon hitting this target, the particles scatter into small fragments. a modern analogue of the synchrophasatron, the large hadron collider, built in switzerland, operates on approximately the same principle, only
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there the particles are accelerated in opposite directions, they do not hit a static target, they collide with each other. when the synchrophototron was created, one of the tasks what scientists wanted to solve was to discover elements that were superior in efficiency to enriched uranium. and being less harmful and easier to dispose of. nuclear energy needed this. but the cold war and the arms race prioritized the goals that had to be addressed with the help of the synchrophasatron first. in this regard, the installation was created top secret. scientists hoped, and the military hoped that the device would create a perfect one. theory of nuclear forces, but this theory is absent to this day, despite the fact that technical progress has stepped far forward, not everything turned out to be so simple, although
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vladimir veksler, until the very last days of his life, hoped that his brainchild would be able to carry out a revolution in physical science, he carried out all his life coup, dissatisfied with his stepfather, vladimir veksler ran away from home, and he was born and lived in zhitomir. somehow, the fugitive ended up in moscow and came under a raid on street children. not wanting to admit who he is, so as not to be sent back home, wexler becomes a pupil of the orphanage of the lunacharsky commune. such communes for street children were created throughout the country. they developed the same rules of conduct.
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existence, but were fanatically interested in the everyday aspects of their professional, social and scientific problems. wexler's working career began in a textile factory; he got a job as an apprentice electrician. immediately showed rare intelligence, independently, without any diagrams or drawings, assembled a radio receiver, the factory management quickly drew attention to the talented boy and gave him a komsomol permit to study at the faculty of electrical engineering, plekhanov institute of national economy. later, vladimir veksler ended up in the scientific department of the moscow energy institute. in 1931, he received an engineering degree and got a job at the all-union electrotechnical institute. in 1935 wexler became
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a candidate of sciences. this is another revolution in his life. he becomes the head of the laboratory, knows perfectly the physics of x-ray radiation, and also knows methods for measuring this intensity. in 1939 there was another coup. wexler - doctor of sciences. at this time he was already working at the physics institute of the ussr academy of sciences. there he ends up in the atomic nuclear laboratory. wechsler's measuring instruments, created by him earlier, are perfectly suitable for experiments on the study of elementary particles of cosmic rays. with them began the epic with accelerators, cyclotrons, synchatrons and... one might ask, what does this have to do with these cosmic rays? it turns out that this is a unique natural
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a source of high ultra-high energies, making it possible to study the processes of transformation of elementary particles and their structure. many physicists were of the opinion that cosmic rays consist of electrons, either to confirm this or to disprove the hypothesis. the institute sent an expedition to the caucasus. wexler was immediately appointed leader of this group. the results of measurements on elbrus made it possible to expand our understanding of the composition of cosmic radiation. in particular , a large number of secondary particles, slow mesons, were discovered. meson is a compound elementary particle responsible for confining protons and neutrons. in atomic nuclei. during the great patriotic war, the physics institute, like other academic ones.


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