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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  July 20, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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syoma works as a security guard, this is his conscious choice, he considers this profession a noble one, syoma has been guarding the bathhouse for three days. vasenka, vasya highness, come to me, this is some kind of love, it’s just love, usually, this is what love looks like, so short. you love me so much, this is how you show love, everyone should learn to do this, of course, it was delicious for you, yes, delicious mouse, i feel so sorry for these mice, for some the mouse seems to be drinking pickle juice, it’s very funny, so to whom they lightly salted, you have a lizard here, stupid cats here, lizard. run quickly, run, baby, roy,
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my good one, roy, that's a good girl, roy, well done, he dug badly, you're going to dig the next one, come on, roy, roy, i say, roy, roy, roy, lord, he's running, what can we do without him? here he dug up something, his property is being dug, everyone is doing something without him, today my dear cats are tired, they worked a lot, they dug up the whole garden, planted spinach, rukal, dill, hilled currants, gooseberries, here is the proof , gooseberry leaves, that’s why they’re sleeping so sweetly now without their hind legs, i don’t dare wake you up, i respect, over, you love the dacha, of course, okay, lie, no, really, seriously, yes, come on, tell me about your dacha life, well, i’m... in the village, first i help
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my grandmother in the morning, what time is it in the morning at five i hope, well no, around 12:00 in the morning, well, this is real metropolitan life, and after that i immediately go for a walk with my friends, but what else to do in the summer, it’s great, there’s a river, of course, great , you know, owners of cats and cats come to us, and some say that they, for example, want their cats and cats they don’t let them out into the street and don’t allow them to walk on the ground so that you don’t get infected or get sick, in general they sit in their apartments, in extreme cases they go out onto the balcony, and this is for you, this is... i understand, it’s not at all scary, well done, everything, now, come to me, come to me, please, everything is like home, wait, everything is like home, our youngest is a bully, he wanted to kill this huge cat, it’s very funny, come on, tell me, you’re not afraid why are we not afraid to release cats onto a clean land, because they are animals, they have instincts, they have to. connect with nature, and we are people,
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we have tamed them, they keep us company, but we are not merciful to them, so i allow my cats to see nature and live in nature, grass, earth, air, rain to feel, well, i really like your approach , it seems to me that this is very fair, thank you very much for such an attitude, i understand that your love for cats is inherited, because you have a long family history with relationships with cats; your grandmother had 12. yes, they lived in their own house , then, when my grandmother was old, she moved into an apartment, moved in with all the cats, the cats had a hierarchy, on the top floor of the chest of drawers were their beloved, noble, fat, wealthy boyar cats, really, yes, yes, beloved, on the second the strays ate on the shelf, but those with registration, they ate what... and the top shelf was given, but what did
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the people eat? and the jaw - these were cats that came from the street, warmed up, went back to eat, they ate well too, but they got a piece of minced meat, a piece of meat only the favorite cats, no, the bottom ones got stew with buckwheat, oatmeal with meat, fish cakes, everyone ate well, for some reason i remember this hierarchy from childhood, this favorite cat sat on top, to whom everything was given. delicious fiction, do you support the same hierarchy in your family? well, no, but in fact they have their own hierarchy, because since he was starving and spent a lot of time in the wheat, he was found by children, nadenka’s friends, and he was just a skeleton with skin, bad ears, and he ate for six months, it’s scary, he ate even bread, and he took anfis’s food from vasya, he just now got full, but now he doesn’t take it away, tell me how... you found this cat?
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well, we went to the neighboring village on a bicycle, well, more precisely, my friends went, and by chance in the field we heard the squeak of a cat, such a small lump was lying in the grass and... they found him, took him to our village, and we went to all the houses, looking for him house, in the end we took it from my grandmother, then we took it, thank you very much for your kind heart, i want to say that we are preparing surprises for all guests, and you know, i think that when we to get acquainted with my next guests, it would also be fair to talk about the hierarchy, seriously, there will really be a lot of them, i ’m sure you’ll appreciate it, but there is one difficulty, yes, i think that we’ll probably... have to hide the cats, that's all, i want you to meet the evstegneev family and their parrots right now, please, hello, oh, hello, hello, hello,
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artyushenka, artyushenka, let's go, come on, baby, hurry up, my businessman, come on, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up , let's! push, push, push, push, push, push, my good girl, well done, go, smart girl, amazing, our second athlete, hot girl, hurry up, come on, spin my bunny, hurry up, let's go, let's go, just like that, hurry up, come on, come on, come on, hurry up, spin, spin, spin, smart girl my, hurry up, twist, twist, come on, come on, come on, come on, well done, good girl, good girl! here they love to play basketball, artyushenka, come on, let's go, quickly, bring my little bunny, quickly, throw it, throw it, well done, and morkulenka, morkulenka, quickly, quickly, let's go, bring it, bring it, quickly my golden one, quickly, bring it, throw it,
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just like that, a three-pointer, well done, now we ’ll show you a juggle with your feet, yeah, yeah, hot chick. and george is your star, as i understand it, just lie down now, oh god, it can’t be, twist, twist, twist my golden, well done, well done, smart girl, just like that, this is amazing, this is just amazing, romeo, our star too, romulus, my golden stone, to dad, quickly, oh, smart girl, dad, well done, wings, wings, wings, pen, pen, like this, this is amazing, thank you very much, please join us, i really want to go into detail, with pleasure, you can
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someone for me, this is our only girl besides me, will agree to sit, i’m ready, my beauty, oh, oh, she’ll go. listen, i would like to draw your attention separately, after your charges perform this or that trick, you don’t give them a treat, you kiss them, please tell me about this, what’s the secret, what’s the trick, all of our tricks , rehearsals and work take place in a playful manner, no bait, they work and train on a full stomach, as he says.
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worked in the circus, my, we are used to working since childhood, you circus performers met at the circus, circus, yes, we met on tour, like our parents, and mine and his also met on tour, you live with your pets, yes, yes, in the same house, in the same apartment in one house, how is your life organized, everything revolves around our son, our parrots, the whole daily routine, life is built only, life with parrots, please tell me how your day goes, just as soon as i come home from school . let's talk about the morning, about the morning, and about the morning, but he doesn't get him, he runs away, yes, as soon as i come home from school, all my favorite parrots immediately run to me, this is his fan, they run or fly, who runs, who flies, who is capable of what, we immediately go
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- kiss, lie around, then immediately homework , here rusya often brings me pencils so that i can do my homework with her. pens, pens, notebooks, listen, but is your apartment or house somehow arranged in a special way so that nothing harms the birds there? well, as they say, they always do harm the first year, when they first appear, this is...
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i have two dogs in my family when when summer comes, we always have a problem where to place them in case we go on a trip, what do you do? . we even go on vacation with us, we go with them, you travel with parrots, we hook up a caravan, we have a house for the future, but tell us how it works with your pets, how do you train them correctly, or is this not a very correct word, yes why, well, our training is dash upbringing, upbringing, how you raise them, just like him, like a son, love and affection in a different way, yes, here we are, what they show, we try to take it. so guys, how’s my styling,
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please tell me, everything’s okay, okay, it’s gotten better, yes, it’s gotten better, and what’s their favorite food, by the way, um, they, of course, love it, of course it’s forbidden, but it’s not allowed , that sweet, sweet, cheese, but how do they know what the chips look like, i don’t know, well, you just take a pack and run to another room, we hide so that we eat forbidden, we are hiding like real children, yes, thank you very much for taking the time to come to us, we have it, we wanted to show, we have another son, you didn’t bring everyone, we have one in our little place, yes , i’m curious, let’s bring him here, go get him, i’ll go, let’s wait, let’s go, listen, and you can understand their speech, of course, what he says, they speak perfectly, archie, where’s mom, ma, they say, mom, sleep it's time, here we come, oh, what is it? this is
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moses the palm cockatoo. i've never seen anything like this. hello. and you just show it or moses can do something else. no, he doesn't know how to do anything yet. we've only had him for a short time, he's just getting used to it. this is his first appearance - debut. what a handsome man. never saw. make a wish. ahh, i'm completely shocked. it's as if you and i were kidnapped. this is truly a great impression, i don’t want to let anyone go empty-handed, quickly bring gifts to the studio for my friends, yes beloved, beloved, thank you, i ask for you, thank you, thank you very much, we will continue, oh, wait, wait, i can kiss you? she looks, yes, good
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proposal, yes, you can, she’s already falling asleep, yeah, she’s looking at us like that, you can afford this, my lips don’t stretch out like that, then probably on the second date, that’s all, we ’ll continue, thank you guys, tea, coffee. let's dance, i bless the prime minister on rtr, some things will need to be translated, and some things, what are you doing there, that's enough for me, marya, my business, the sailor from monday on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call,
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possible without formation. i'm very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo and i'm starting. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people. how many secrets? everything is fulfilled, everything is surrendered with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, we don’t have princes in the city, i bet you’ll sit before you wait, let me invite you to dinner,
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or maybe i can? when to cheer you up, all your words were lies, everything declarations of love, our dreams about the future are lies, i beg you, don’t leave grisha, okay, i’ll give you a week to find the father, start filling out documents for the child, you really have a crush on this katya, what nonsense, of course not, you need to meet your family.
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french restaurant, i’ll sit and eat, chateau de ulanuda wine, i want elzhikov in sour cream, and what did you do in the psychiatric ward, there were three napoleons, they killed one kututov, i decided to restore historical justice, humor, humor, humor, today on rtr. in the section i want to introduce today one of the most popular cat breeds in the world. in literature, it was vividly presented by the chishirsky cat, in our studio, zeus himself will have to pay attention to it. ladies and gentlemen, we have a british cat in our studio with his owner,
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tatyana koznacheeva, please meet him. tatyana kaznacheeva. breeder of a british shorthair cat, member of a large philinological club, tatyana, hello, hello, very glad to see you, please take a seat, it’s great that you took the time to come to us, we have a world champion with us, yes a champion world, according to the wcf system, it’s amazing, well , let’s start with the main thing, the cheeks, i’ll show you, tell me, please, so... it’s necessary, yes, this is a feature of the british breed, yeah, i understand, i know that you have an amazing dating story with this breed, because they gave you the first kitten, they gave it to me, in 2010, i returned from the uk, and my relatives, well, my relatives gave me a blue cat, how surprising that you met the british breed in russia, i really
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love the british breed, for what? she's powerful, look. well, how can you not love her, this is true, this is true, listen, when we talked to you about the fact that this is a world champion, you made a clarification that this is a certain world championship, yes the system, he is the world champion according to the wc system, the title is given for life, but i understand correctly that in order to win this competition, zeus just needs to come and lie down, he can lie down, yes, but in order to win, yes, he must meet the breed standard, and what kind of standards does the breed have, by the way? you know, let's probably... answer these questions, and i i’ll ask an expert from our program to answer. so, we have a philinologist in our studio, marina litvina. please give her a round of applause, she's ready for us. marina litvina, international category expert judge for all cat breeds, world cat federation. phenologist, biologist, specialist in the field of immunology,
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president of a large philinological club. hello, marina. hello, thank you very much for coming to us, welcome, we started talking about what breed standards the british have, i think it’s time to tell you about it, a huge body, very powerful with medium-length , very powerful limbs, that is , if we describe a briton, then it is short, powerful, rounded, these three epithets are practically applicable to the whole body, he seems to be a heavyweight, and his head is large... . of course, cheeks, but cats only have cheeks, yeah, cats don’t have cheeks like that, they have a softer outline, these pikes, of course, they acquire this with age, well, like
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all of us, okay, please tell us how. this breed appeared, it is one of the most old breeds, at the first exhibition in england, which was in 1891 at the forfstal palace, of course, the british were the most numerous breed, well, actually this breed. descended from ordinary farm large cats, the most famous color, i think everyone knows this, is blue or gray, that is, large gray cats, with yellow eyes, yes, yes, well, of course, orange is better, but with yellow, yes, they were like that, but then people made the breed, they began to bring in something of their own, yeah, new colors, eye color, uh, coat, muzzle length, power, this everything has already appeared thanks to philinology and breeding. let's talk about keeping these cats, is it any different from keeping an ordinary yard cat? if you
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get a purebred cat, for example, in this case, a white color with such a dense coat, it is like a cowtail, this is wool, of course, you want a beautiful animal to walk around the house, this is true, which means you need to take care of the fur, comb out the honey. the fur must be washed, by the way, there is an opinion that washing cats is harmful, nothing like that, moreover, after all, there is a common opinion that cats do not like water, they treat water very well if you train the kitten, yeah, and if you wash the kitten and the cat regularly, then there will be much less hair in the house, it will be washed away, the excess hair is dead, which is delayed, but the only thing is that you need to use special means, this is a must. don’t talk, you need to show, with your permission i’m announcing right now, well , let me call it a fashion show of the british, you’ll see with your own eyes what they are like, well
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, let’s start, i’d like it to open our show: the world champion, we are all the more familiar with him, so here’s zeus, let’s welcome him again, so, a white briton , looks like a soft cloud, here he is zeus, as he was sitting on our sofa, so he’s sitting on hands, apparently he feels good. so, the next cat is fyodor. hello, fedor, this time it’s a classic lilac color. please pay attention to the bright, as we said, orange eyes, full of self-confidence i must say, a very beautiful combination, my friends, keep your posture, please join us european champion, numerical rings and shows, well, classic blue color, very nice to meet you, simpler name, cat
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misha, let's look at him, hello misha, this is a lilac bicolor, and the colors give the impression that misha is a sympathetic and gentle cat, this really so, bravo, a real king, a cat named king in an unconventional red color for a british person, please pay attention to heterochromia, a rare feature not only among cats, but among people, let me just say, he has eyes different colors, that's the thing, lord, what names everyone has, zeus, king, only fyodor, only fyodor and misha, fyodor and mishka, our guys, the next one, a chocolate cat named cupid, shows us himself in all his glory. attention, blue eyes, this is also a great rarity for a briton, here he is, completing the fashion show, the chocolate
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sapphire turtle, guys, i’m not crazy, it’s still a cat, it’s only in its color, and look at its look, it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away , yes, these are all possible colors for the british, no, of course, these are not all possible colors, but we... are like a group of colors, you see, from zeus to the blue cat there is a solid color, here on the bear it was interrupted, she was interrupted, and it is called bicolor, two colors, for the british breed, here are the last three animals, this a completely new color of the breed, they are still practically not recognized anywhere, but breeders are already working on them, and this is a very interesting new gene, the last cat is chocolate, there is practically no white on it, and one... blue eye on a blue eye, famous russian saying , of course it’s very beautiful, it looks so far unusual, but i hope that over time this will all be accepted, how much does a kitten cost,
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guys, well... i’ll touch the champion while there is such an opportunity, guys, gifts for everyone who took part in our shooting, thank you very much for you found the time and most importantly, persuaded your pets to take part in our program, this is very valuable to us, thank you very much.
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made a wish, and i guessed, plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she she’s kind, she’s warm-hearted, it’s okay, blasphemy will bloom on our hammer, i’ll cherish it. the wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemer blooms, today on rtl.
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we will decide everything ourselves, in between, no matter what happens, you are now threatening the enforcement officers, artist, on monday on rtr. do you know what true friendship is? this is when, in times of hunger and shortage , you ask friends abroad to bring food for the dog. this, by the way, is a real , non-fictional story from the life of vladimir sterzhakova. he is visiting us today along with his pet. please meet me.
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vladimir alexandrovich sterzhok. russian theater and film actor, member of the union of cinematographers of the russian federation, honored artist of the russian federation, played more than 200 roles both on stage and on screen. hello, i’m glad to meet you, i was yesterday that you were visiting me today, thank you very much for coming, most importantly, you didn’t come alone, quickly introduce me to yours. i see an already elderly friend, yes, this is my beauty, who will say that this is not so, this is a beauty, yes, this beautiful sima, it was very nice to meet you, this is my love, i hope that it is mutual, because i catch myself thinking that when i go after a hard shift, from filming, with the desire to see a creature that sincerely awaits my arrival, because her eyes glow with some kind of happiness, she even
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hid her phone, because i ’m talking on it, not to her, she took the phone into her den, and she buried it there with her nose, because that’s how we are and how many years? sima will be 13 years old, 13 years old, this is a decent age, but i see that the eyes are already they let me down, yes, my eyes let me down very much, and i’m walking, i’m stomping like that, she, she’s following my, as if stomping, well, i whistle, she walks like that, and now i practically don’t say anything, but age, we have another problem, what a problem, cats are making fun of us, what’s the matter, tell me, sima has been participating in our selection for 13 years. and there these grandmothers are feeding the cats, yes, but it’s like she was driving them away, that’s it, now she doesn’t see anything, they, these cats solved it, they know how, they guess when sima goes out for a walk, they are sitting, but
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there are not enough cigarette butts, the urkogans are like that, well, she feels them, well, she doesn’t see them, so the tears are flowing, where are these, and these are there, well, such... funerals as if they were sitting, but for this sima has you, tell me how you got her, it means that i have a boy and a boy at home, now they are already 25-20 years old there, we had such a lusha since panelin, well, when she left , the guys immediately asked that they need to take the dog, well, these vows, that we will feed, we will walk, we will to honor, they both swore there, i said that i was more spaniel to take. i won’t, because this wound in my heart is very big, they sat down at this computer, they chose for a long, long time, and what breed to take, so they decided to choose a sim card, this sim card, the sim card chose us, and when we arrived at this
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nursery , a strong carpet, she came to us, the first, i want to return to the very story with which i introduced you, about how you asked your friends to bring food for their dog from abroad, it was just about lusha. look, as i understand it, everyone at that time asked for a cassette recorder, two-cassette players, there were advertisements, i’m changing my apartment in the center of moscow for a japanese vcr and tv, that was so, of course, but i said, i won’t make money, i’ll unload carriages, but so that my dog ​​eats normally, and they bring me this fifteen-kilogram food, i’m like rich. well, i was working in the theater back then, i think you’re crazy or something, completely, i say, i can’t, but, on the other hand, all the veterinarians, what about simka, what about lusha they say hollywood, it’s true, by the way, if
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you can’t see it, please pay attention to the dog’s teeth, absolutely amazing teeth, i didn’t know all of them, no porridge, no buckwheat, nothing there, dry food, what’s natalia for 13 years? well, probably not bad, i think that she’s just a model, sit, sit, i ’m going to be angry now, what is this, she asks for forgiveness, give a star here, i’m a star, forgive me, calm down, calm down, calm down, oh, here’s her photo, here she is, my little bird, here she’s still just a puppy, you see her, he’s still sitting like that, yes, yes, yes, yes, here we are in the village. we were driving, i want to touch on one more fact, your biography, because you once worked in a circus, oh, i worked in a circus, this is what you did there, this is such a legendary story, this is some kind of fairy tale, zoven fell ill then grigoryevich martirasyan, remember
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, he came out with shrugin, nikulin, and he announced the numbers, he got sick, lost his voice, lydia ivanovna samoilova called me, and at that moment you had just entered the theater, yes, yes.
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i went to the circus arena for a whole week, announced the numbers, the ale parade, there were bears and monkeys. there are three performances on weekends, the day off is tuesday, it was so touching when all the circus actors came to me and said: well, i love you too, what are you talking about?
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and we came to oleg nikolaevich efremov to ask me off, and he already said, he always smoked, for a long time he couldn’t understand why just like that again, but sterzhakova went to the circus, he said, yes, well, that’s where he belongs, like that story, in the end you were accepted into the circus family, accepted, that means, when zavan grigorievich recovered. we had it covered table, armenian such incredible these things, the last toast, the wishes were such that vova jan, you are now ours, know that you always, even with the most sold-out performances, have two seats, i take advantage of this, bravo, amazing experience, amazing story, thank you very much, listen, we have prepared for you a small, well, let’s say, surprise, or something, yes, but... before this surprise appears in the studio, i suggest hiding sim behind the scenes,
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because anything can happen , i ’ll ask you to stay, now i’ll just show you, yes here you have such applause, and i have sima, sima, sima, come on, a monument to me, come on, what a pleasure it is to watch a man and a dog who know each other well and love each other, absolutely amazing, thank you. for these emotions, well, to your own eyes, but in order for him to be invited to a special guest, and after a while you will get to know him, you will see a surprise, yes, listen, we are specially for seeing, you must first guess who it is, we have five tips for you, ready, five hints, i'm so stupid, yes, five hints, okay, facts, house, sound, food and surprise, we start with a hint called facts, now we listen to the zoologist, he will talk about what kind of animal this could be, listen , the historical homeland of these animals
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is africa and southeast asia, they can communicate using ultrasound. females have a special sensor in their crest that detects the cavalier's sound over many distances. these animals are very careful and can predict natural disasters. because of their loud voice they are used as guard animals. the body of these animals is covered.
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ostrich okay, let's look at the next clue, which is called house, now on the screen, you will see where this animal lives, look, well, i see the tracks of a crocodile, i wonder where he buried his eggs, so, uh, and there the unfortunate fisherman came out , which, yes, in order to bring it to the wigwam, what is there, so that the eggs are stronger, more nutritious, he... ate, such a terrible story, our
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working versions remain the same: crocodile and ostrich, we are moving well, okay , let's, the next clue is called sound, remember this soviet cartoon about a flying crocodile, it seems to me that it’s from there, well , maybe let’s go back to the ostrich version, right? obviously there's a cool sound there, but it 's not, oh my god, where are the crystals, crystal is the brain of 18 g, what kind? by the way, i want to give you a little hint, because you noticed an unpleasant voice, but the only thing that confuses me, me, is that they live somewhere in africa in asia, they don’t live with us, so i kind of live with us live, they can yes, maybe, maybe it will be easier if
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we bring the following clue into this studio right now, we will find out what this animal eats? my friends, these are frogs, living frogs, little frogs, maybe this is our tourist, lost in the jungle, running wild, yes, it’s hard with these fleet-footed ones, but this is easy to catch, vladimir, but i don’t agree with you, our tourist doesn’t eat frogs , i know what kind of tourist eats frogs, french, look, my friends, yes, it was clearly a beach. sand, yes, i didn’t see any barbecue fire pits, what is it? there was, who could it be, living on the beach, eating frogs, with a terribly unpleasant voice, that means you ’re sitting like this with your eyes closed, i’ll ask you to
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take out the next clue, okay, vladimir, don’t move, don’t peek, okay , okay, this hint is called a surprise, now everything at once. attention bird of india, i want to remember this empty look for the rest of my life, meet our guest, and his owner, of course, too, igor konichev, please, peacock, oh
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my god! but there was no such version, no, i i respect this, this beauty, i respect, well, welcome, thank you very much for being here, everything has grown together, india, frogs, explain to me just one thing, that’s what confused me, crystals are where and what , right now i’ll explain to you what kind of crystals, hello, hello, what kind of crystals, crystal? perhaps it was meant that these scales on their feathers are very reminiscent of crystals, perhaps about this, but something directly crystalline, i think, is unlikely, an incorrect question, i protest, and we can call chugarev right now, put him on speakerphone, or we can pet
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him, i and the back side, the side of the palm , he’s good, yes, handsome, handsome, what a scary beak you have, yes, yes, he’s already he’s old, they usually tell him about everything, maxim, this is dmitry shepeleev, we ’re filming now and we’re sorting out your riddle about the crystals at pavlin, come on, call me back, it turned out quite strictly, yes, okay, we’ll wait, as i understand it this is a classic color for a peacock, it’s called blue indian peacock, blue indian peacock, and what other peacocks there are left on our planet.
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this same friend can calmly endure -20 for some time, well, it’s clear that he won’t be able to spend the night, but he frolics wonderfully in the snow, as i understand it, a tail is only for boys, and, of course, he doesn’t threaten with his tail, this one... to attract the attention of the female, that is, he reveals his tail, or rather, it’s not a tail, it’s correct to call it the rump, they have a tail, so let’s turn our backs towards the viewer. let's, of course, so, this is what it looks like, the tail is these, these hard feathers, the rump is all
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the rest, and it turns out that the females just pay attention, come up, hello, hello, and here he is, it turned out that evolutionary development turned out that way, that color, gradient, exactly, i apologize, excuse me, zoologist, it’s important, right? which are in the feathers on his tail, the crystal structure of the feather, and you know that, as usual as guests, they are not candidates
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of some biological, zoological sciences, yes about the breaking of light in the peacock's tail, but i think that out of 20 million, maybe one knows this, i am the winner. maxim, thank you very much, come visit, bye, bye, bye, bye, i declare vladimir the winner of this vector, bravo, quickly bring gifts to the studio, this, of course, is for peacock, and this is for your four-legged pet , thank you very much, please, applause for my guests, thank you very much, it was very nice to meet you , thank you for your time. well, you must admit, time passes completely when you are with friends. imperceptibly for today the time has come to an end,
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but we will see you at the same time, in the same place, i will be waiting for you, see you, bye. live you will see white tunics and bright banners, ships of the russian fleet covered in glory, glory to the russian navy, hurray, watch a film about lovers at sea, nakhimovtsy. comrades nakhimovites, we will be happy to welcome you.
11:00 am
russia honors its fleet, russia congratulates its heroes, july 28, all day. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis palanchukov studio and most importantly o'clock. our troops destroyed 24 strong points and about 80 more field artillery positions in the ukrainian armed forces. the concept of limited usefulness is a thing of the past, as the general staff of ukraine admitted in raids throughout the country.


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