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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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you think, yes, what is happening behind the fence does not interest you, neither does your neighbor, and he, by the way, is focused on import substitution, yes, it sounds loud, but we are talking about high- quality small things for construction, washers, bolts, latch bolts of various types, in short, the market is inaccessible, it has already purchased equipment, but cannot expand, the territory is small, squeezed on all sides, how do you know, i’m curious, and i also want to be useful, so what are you hinting at the workshop?
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therefore, you will be my deputy for economics, which is real, go ahead, deputy for economics, enjoy, rita, you left so quickly, i have a tight schedule, you know, but i have good news, and i’m happy for you, i only have lunch in an hour, i’m in a hurry.
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and now that’s where he’s gone, that’s right, that’s right, they’re jumping over their heads, you’re at the door, he’s at the window, oh, vasily, he was begging for a salary, he’d be nice, nothing good, that’s it, come on, come on, go to work, why talk to you? , i ask you to come to the table, sit down, i can talk to you about what you wanted, arseniy sergeevich, arseniy sergeevich, if you are on business, speak. if not, i'm in a hurry, i have to get off the flight, reed, no it’s necessary, you misunderstood everything, let ’s talk normally, listen, you don’t have to interfere with your sandwich, no, what, suddenly, i understand, you have nothing to do with me, all the best, arseniy sergeevich, rizochka, now i’ll pour you some tea, herbs from the caucasus, my grandmother brought me, they’re delicious. why have you
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already gone to work? and what not? we have a corner with you, maybe they hit us on the hands? yes, wait, they slapped you on the wrist, did they let you out of the police? but what about? why keep an innocent person in a cage? these are these who go around cleaning each other's faces, yes, but why me? you yourself asked to be arrested, then valeriaevna...
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it happens that it’s expensive to pay for an apartment, you’ll live with me, there’s enough room for everyone, so we’re standing there, run, pack your things, run, thank you very much, i’m quick, i was young too, you seriously decided to leave home, where while you’re staying with a friend, and then i’ll earn some money and rent a place for myself, and... don’t be stupid, yes, let me help you sell these unfortunate paintings, you’ll return the money to your father, he ’ll forgive you, everything will be fine, yes no need i forgive him, i’m tired of everyone treating me like i’m some kind of person, you’re because of her, to whom you’re trying to prove something, to yourself, and then to her. that's it, lis, connections, but you can
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keep the picture for yourself, and for your parents? what can i say, where is the janitor's room, you know, run, get settled, gloomy and i will be there soon, gloomy is my dog, thank you. why are you standing? is it? yeah, run, what are you looking at, i’ll live for now, look, ritk, admit, because of you, that
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’s what else. well, well, here’s another thing, travel sheets for the last 3 years, that’s it, that’s it, i want to do it analysis, okay, i'll bring it tomorrow, yeah, thank you, vasily, great, oh, we have a veteran in bed, fyodor fedorovich, how's life, young, and as usual, after the flight home, from home to the flight, and why did you come , you miss me, yes, give it to me, i think i’ll go.
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legally, what are you doing there, it ’s true for me, well, that’s enough, little maryana light up, my business, a sailor from monday on rtr, altai, a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region. picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred
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mountain, where according to legend you can find the entrance to shamvala, belukha is the highest point in siberia and the cradle of the great. thai river, kotun. a pearl among the mountains, lake teletskoye. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. alisa, grisha's mother, was my close friend, but she died recently. i promised her that i would take care of grisha. you will not need anything, there is enough room in my house for all of us. hello, where is oleg borisovich?
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tonight oleg borisovich died of a massive heart attack. if you let me, i will always be by your side. aleksanov’s heir, that ’s why he so urgently draws up documents for his paternity, he needs money, not a child, katya, no, i’m his father, and i will decide where he will live, with whom he communicates with whom he is friends, i, not you, from love to hate, on friday, nart, come on... thank you, do it yourself, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, oh, by the way, cool, right in the spirit of abstract art, do you understand painting, well, what do you, for example, think about malevich’s square, well, it’s cool, a good
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move, everyone sees what they want to see, whoever doesn’t see anything, just doesn’t say anything, so the artist was kidding, and all the people fell for it, in fact, it was a little different, yeah, the absolute dominance of color, the transition from object art to pure art, yes, uh, suprematism, yes, so you, where are you? i got enough of it all, and while i was waiting for the boss, i listened to all sorts of smart transmitters on the radio, that’s all, well, that’s it, you can eat whatever you want look at my father’s gallery, i have time, yes, i have plenty of time, let’s go, let’s go, well, dima of some important thing...
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she’s somehow not herself, she’s become prickly, so what am i doing, you see her more than me, so maybe you know something, but there’s one here, he’s not breathing smoothly towards her, well, he’s good, hard-working, and how she feels about him, it seems to me, she likes him too, yes, but he’s waiting for the first step, so i say to the woman, properly, he went, got dressed, took flowers, a ring forward with a song, young people,
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young people, i wouldn’t have driven them too much, i myself, the better, maybe i was waiting, but i didn’t know, that you don’t mind, all of you guys are the same, but if i you. i’ll call you a date, you’ll go, and you’ll call me and find out, let’s go and make you some tea, dude, he’s so good. oops, ler, why come,
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please explain, it would be nice if the coffee here was good, you invited me to enjoy nature, to be in the sun, yeah, to breathe. air, further, that you and i only see it in pictures, and life passes by, feelings become dull, no romance, that’s all, but i’m quite serious about romance, you stopped noticing me altogether, well, it’s enough that my wife and mother-in-law have already noticed you, and by the way, you’ve already had your eye on the victim, which victim? lover, with whom my wife and mother-
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in-law are looking forward to the said dinner on saturday, well, you ’ll be there, ler, you and i have already agreed on everything, so let’s go without any sudden movements on everything else, but don’t worry so much, until saturday something- i'll think of something, that's good. “hello, hello, listen, you seem to know about the laws, but there is a little, yeah, listen, i wanted to ask you what kind of vacation after the wedding supposed, supposed, article 128 of the labor code, yeah, 5 days at your own expense, well, the norm, 5 days plus. time off, i definitely have three days off, i think she has no less, so
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that’s at least a week anyway, you can even have a little honeymoon, are you planning to get married, don’t worry, we’ll invite you to the wedding, everyone we'll go for a walk in the car park, rita! what are you doing, leave me alone! what are you doing? come on, tell me! yes, i love her, she goes for eight. who? is it yours? yes. he is now going to ask them for her hand and heart. or
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ask for a hand, but offer a heart? i don't know. how to properly, correctly, to get married, to get married - this is not to get married, so, run for the flowers for the ring, but first in the shower, the main thing for you is to get to the dorits first, otherwise she, foolishly, will say to her vase yes, it’s lost, she won’t marry me it will go, but we’ll see, i was also afraid of getting laid when i was young, she was from... the most beautiful village in our village, but she didn’t even look at my side, so i proposed, and she said yes, so where is she now, and that’s another story, anyway, money for there is no ring, my father blocked the card, the salary
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is such that i can’t afford a bouquet... enough, hold it, then we’ll settle the matter, what is this? what are you, a crazy millionaire? well, i dismissed it. here’s the hint, thank you, i’ll give it all away, i really will, first as a debt, so let’s repeat it one more time, you’re married, no children, we ’ve been dating, we’ve been dating for 5 years, what nonsense, 5 years, well, let it be 10,
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no, it’s stupid that we’re still in this state, i agree. kostya, dear, let’s go and wait for us, yes, lerochka, you are a miracle, okay, that’ll do, good afternoon, good afternoon, please, come in, come in, sergey, konstantin, it’s very nice. and this is from lerochka and me, so to speak, to the table, wonderful, thank you, my wife, good afternoon, good afternoon, i’m very glad to see you, thank you very much, where did you get it, are you jealous, this is my neighbor, we were yesterday we met, i volunteered to help, it’s a nightmare, what are you whispering about, come on in, ler,
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come in, what are we whispering about, what, about work, of course. you can’t imagine life without her, and guilt and don’t forget to say that you love her, they say , emotions, women love her, let’s go, what if she be a man. i’m grumbling, i’m even stronger, so you, vasily, you know,
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the sweet one has come, yeah, i see, well, rita will be here soon, yeah. uh-huh, and she knows that you have such intentions, so to speak, well, i’ve liked her for a long time, so, here, i thought, the woman is right, so she took a bouquet, a ring forward with a song , well , just like you and your mother discussed the other day, yes, i’m not talking about him, i didn’t mean that at all, in general, in general, oh, well, to the operative, yes, yes, konstantin, and
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you bought valeria's apartment, it's so sweet, they paid dearly, oh, you know, terribly expensive, more than 20, but kostya is so generous, yes, you see how embarrassed he is, he never thinks about money at all, he only thinks about feelings, right? yes, oh, my mother came, she brought milk, hello, my mother, tamara pavlovna, meet me, my mother is konstantin, hello, very nice, yes , you are sitting, sitting, sorry for being late, and katyusha, eh...” i need to talk to you, consult, let's go, excuse me, well,
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well, he couldn't buy her an apartment, he's an artist, an ordinary artist, what a an artist, and an ordinary artist, but not married, lives in our neighboring entrance, on the same site, here with this one, and this..." you understand, judging by his situation in the apartment there is nothing at all, were you in his apartment, well, yes, but he’s painting my portrait, i’m his muse, mom, katya, mom again, lera, let’s come here, please calm down, but we agreed, control yourself, you’re visiting, and to hell with these guests, lord, can
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i find out what’s going on here, and we’re leaving, we need to be alone, what is he saying, he’s drunk, he’s talking some nonsense, well, lera, let's go, calm down. hey, can you, so that in a minute there will be no you, your mistress and this clown, i don’t understand, leave in an amicable way, or i’ll kick you out myself. yes, the situation, oh, and this is definitely it, alit,
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come here, guests are waiting for you here, grandfather, your favorite bread was not there. what is this guy doing here? came to get married, one or the other? why are you here? it seems to me that you and i are everything. rita. i love you, marry me,
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then will you open it? looks like you prepared in advance, well maybe i got ready, i kept waiting for the door of my apartment to open, you will come in, say that you are staying forever, your day has come, you are finally free, well... congratulations, it’s a pity i can’t share the joy of this with you about how it is, that's all for now.
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give, ritka, two suitors in one fell swoop for seryozha, i was the only one who missed everything, yes, nothing, you kicked the door out, shut up, she kicked one out, the second one left, well, i don’t know, they both jumped out of the entrance like they were scalded, why do you need vaska - i don’t like it, but it’s normal guy, simple, reliable, dim, and archeny? also a groom anywhere, zoe told how he pinned your kharitonov, competent, really, valera, everyone was given a salary, you got your job back, dad, okay, we ’ll sort it out with you later, rit, well, i understand, vaska is like family to us already, well, you’re still like a grandfather, rita, why is she so crazy that
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he’s her? which one? yes, which one? why so sad? what difference does it make to you? did your mother kick you out of the house? well, maybe it’s for the best, we should have separated a long time ago, you shouldn’t have done this, it’s almost impossible got along? yeah, before i was born you lived in
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the world, stop it! you know, what she was like, wow, i saw her for the first time, she danced adeta in the graduation performance at the ballet school, you told me this already 40 times, she was so ethereal, almost transparent, her eyes were crazy, i fell in love, this means that love cannot be eternal, a philosopher is a crapshoot. not in this, she was an aristocrat, you know, a noblewoman in everything, well, in general , i rose because i was stretching, stretching to fit in, well, i was somehow puffing myself up, i was puffed up, i overstrained myself, i lost my temper, in general, i was carried away by my son, an aristocrat, a davarian woman, and her father was a tractor driver, well, unless of course, tomka ekaterina is not lying from me, i’m grigorievich, wait a second, and...
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first of all, you what does this have to do with it and how do you know all this? after all, what does it mean, what does it have to do with it? i am the father of katerina, ilyishna and the husband of tamara pavlovna, though the former, by the way, tomka’s father was a blacksmith, so you don’t even remember about this noble family, so you’re a grandfather, or something, my, stand, today is a beautiful day, get rid of from all secrets.
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our janitor, great, she’s still small , yes she was, please tell me, you were small, obviously she was, but she doesn’t recognize you, so, dear janitor, go, you know where, well, no, no, ilya, tom, here you go you were always loud-mouthed, but i finally found it. i wanted to see my daughter, see my grandchildren, i have the right, i’m going, of course, i can’t drink alone. and
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where, excuse me, it’s none of my business, no, nothing, it’s her own fault, throw away the glass, i still would like to know the whole story from the very beginning, daughter, well... why bring up the past, i want to know, but what can i tell you, you were a year old when your mother ran away with a visiting geologist and the village never liked her, and then after me she was married four times, and i knew that everything was fine with you, i have an army friend who is a big shot in organs, so he kept reporting to me, did you get married? no, i still have a stamp in my passport that says i’m married to citizen tamara polina sheremet, so you’re still my wife, well, tamara
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pavlovna, you give, and what are you doing here, what are you doing here, huh? we are aware, there from here, reed, well, you ate properly, it’s painful to watch here, look, you’ve been wandering around somewhere hungry all day. i’m not hungry, for some reason i don’t even look at the food, i’d rather eat a cucumber, like this every day, continuous transfer of food to nothing, dimka ran away somewhere, now you
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’re leaning on the bottom, but where are the potatoes? yes, well, forgive me, he really doesn’t want potatoes, now dimka will come and eat everything up, it seems he has nothing to worry about, i’ll go lie down, it’s not from nerves, i’ve also gone crazy, i can’t take anything down cuts, and if not from nerves, oh, potato, i missed something again, yes, things are going on, so ritka threw out the number, went like this... like the right girl, on you, maybe someone will already tell you, but ritka, you , don’t pay attention, it’s not finished, it’s just sketches,
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it’s me for myself, but no, can i still take a look, well, of course, of course, and what do you know about painting, well... i’ve finished planing, wow, stroganovka, and now, and now i sell art objects, did you come to blackmail me, did he know everything about me? i guess i came to ask for money, oh, stupid you, tomka, are as stupid as you were, you remain the same, i really need your money, i bought a pasyak here,
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i established the production of varinitsa, so citizen, i... let you live, i can, but where are you going, and i guess, for now, with i’ll live like a grandfather, arseny, mom, i don’t know what you’re talking about, but even if this is so, i’ll figure it out myself. you 'll figure it out, at your age you already have everything you need for life, except brains, that's why all the troubles happen, grandfather is right, what were you
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thinking, what are we going to do now, do you even know who the father is, this is my personal business, and even if i'm pregnant, it's me, not you, that's it, we closed the topic, you'll... dig yourself out, i'll leave the house, and where were you looking, the only sister, his... hello, i have something to do with it, you need to keep an eye on the girl all the way until she gets married, you're your own sister , you wish for such a life, i wish, dad, that no one would blow her mind, that’s what i wish, thank you, bon appetit, lisa, lisa! hey, what are you doing? it’s okay, they lived so well, it’s
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on you, first arseny left home, now his mother kicked his father out, it’s impossible to be at home, yes, but things are not going well for us either, and you don’t want to go to your brother? i can because it's yours my sister turned me off, and instead of sympathizing, well, well, what did you talk to him at length, but you didn’t say anything, he just fell in love with her, well, just like he fell in love, he’ll stop loving her, no, he’s serious , i know him well, since... he went against his father, he left the house, i don’t have enough of this,
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if you want, if you want, i’ll be your brother, a relative has been found, maybe a relative, rita may be pregnant from your brother, so get ready, you and i will soon be aunt and uncle. seriously.
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who told you, what does dima say? hello, grandfather. come on, you can just ilya grigorievich, okay, ilya grigorievich, but i, hold on, why did you come? rita is pregnant, what are you doing? liza told her brother, she told me, it’s good, it’s...
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not with us, but with me, where did you get the idea that this is your child? we will decide everything ourselves, go ahead, no matter what happens, you are now threatening employees during execution, artist, on monday on rtr.
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made a wish, and i made plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, nothing, blasphemy will bloom on our hammer, our cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you. when the blasphemous flower blooms today on rtr,
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it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get a good night’s sleep here, so cheer up. thank you, i didn’t let you back, katya, ler, forgive me, stop it, and forgive me too. something carried me away, i don’t know, i probably don’t know how to lose, it’s as if i set myself a goal, to take you away from the family, and then you left, i i woke up, and are you going somewhere? well, yes?
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i thought that you wouldn’t want to see me anymore, what the hell? stop it, what are you talking about, we have a new exhibition coming up, can’t you just take me and leave me like that, well, well, in the sense of take away from me, lord, my tongue is like wood, well, in short, ler, well, yes, you remain my assistant, yes, yes, oh, great, then listen, this... bring me a fresh shirt, please, oh.
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something is happening, everything is fine, uh-huh, normal, i see, tell me, mom, did you raise your son yourself, rita. can not be it, my god, you, my god, who the father is, it doesn’t matter, vaska, exactly, then look, he ’s been ignoring you lately, but
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he didn’t give you a pass before, so vaska, how... it makes a difference, well, what a difference the difference is, if it were arseny, he is as reliable as flint, you would be behind him like behind a stone wall, i wish i had met such arseny in my time, and he would not have abandoned the child, but i don’t want him to be with me because of the child, i don’t need anything, mamzo, that’s all, thank you, i ’ll sort it out myself, really, myself!
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ilyusha, otherwise hello, hello, hello, here i am i brought you sandwiches, otherwise it’s been a sweep here in the morning, you want to go hungry, but my work is like this, and work, let ’s sit down, relax, have a snack, otherwise he’s looking skinny, huh? not thin, but wiry, then i was like this all my life, or i forgot, stubborn, that you can’t turn you around, thank you, frown, come here, to yash, arseny, you took after me, yeah, my genes, huh? yeah, eat, eat, this is lucky, i stopped by, i didn’t raise my daughter,
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yeah, i didn’t raise my grandchildren, yay, here’s a great-grandson, i’ll raise it myself, yes, we still have to live to see our great-grandchildren it’s necessary, but as for spring, it’s just a stone’s throw away, that’s all. how long until spring, so you and i have a new addition, i mean in our family, what a new addition, what are you weaving, but the fox didn’t tell you, but she’s an infection and lisa isn’t picking up the phone, so let’s
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calm down again, i i’m telling you, liza is pregnant from our neighbor, i think their name is dimka, but this is some kind of nonsense, this is what, what nonsense, ilya just told me, don’t believe me, go ask him yourself, yes, i’ll go figure it out myself, well there you go go figure it out yourself, katya, i’m with you. arseny, well, wait, tell me, if a girl gets pregnant, and her boyfriend refuses, there is a law to hold him accountable, but why are you silent, or should you first wait until the child is born, do an examination, then go ahead? to court. “zoya doesn’t need to do anything, mom, we ’ll figure it out ourselves now without any examination, i actually haven’t told you everything yet,
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so you ran away yesterday, you were afraid of responsibility, you didn’t run away, but left, it’s a pity.” what did he do wrong, what a child , yours, iridin, what are you, yes, she and i didn’t even kiss once, i went, the main thing is fruit. now she needs more vitamins, let’s go to the market, and we’ll send dimka to the store after, and we’ll send your dimka ourselves soon, you know
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where we’ll send it, i don’t understand, hello, hello, and since you obviously already know that our lisa i’m pregnant, i wanted to discuss this matter with you, who is lisa, aren’t you confusing something, lady, but we’re not confusing anything, mom, calm down, lisa is my daughter, she’s dating your son dmitry. she, by the way, told ilya and arseny that she’s pregnant, she, apart from your son, what ’s his name, dimitri, hasn’t met anyone else lately, we understand, oh, well, congratulations, you’ll soon become a grandfather twice, why is it twice, is she expecting twins, i so, arseny, don’t rush, don’t rush, wait, let’s, let’s sort everything out intelligently, grandma, calm down, i need
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to get to rita, rita’s not at home, she told you everything yesterday. no, not everything, listen, rita is pregnant from me, rita and i will have a child, but i can’t find her anywhere, not on work, nowhere, doesn't answer calls, i need to think of something, rita, rita! i’m grigorievich, the last time we were here with her, come on, come on, come on, what did you bring, come on, it’s her scarf.
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this is rita, he was on it in the morning, he found it gloomy in the water, where, where, like small children, the water in... call the rescue service, everything will be fine, they managed to help us, katya, so seryozha, calmly, i didn’t come sort things out, don’t touch me, we have an emergency, a neighbor’s girl has disappeared, and that, well, we have to find her, she’s meeting with our son, arseny, at their place
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there will be a child, like this, like this, we have to find her, turn on all your connections, call, lord, why call, mark needs to call, which is necessary, now, what is her name, what is her name, well, there is a name, no, margarita valeryevna slyuskina, she’ll come back, i’ll tear out her legs so that she’s healthy, her legs, don’t croak either, okay, well, i called, that means they didn’t find the body, so there’s hope, what kind of body, well, in the pond, this is for your freak, this is your freak, my daughter, you’re a creature, he assured you or something, you beast, 2:1, you again, please,
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we came to write a statement from the girl, i know, her father came, he came and they brought him, it’s unprincipled, so let him write a statement, don’t forget to describe the signs, i’ll name the signs, the men can’t, they don’t have the same eyes, you see , look, height, height, that means a little lower than me, no, no, a little taller than me, the same, russians,
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yes, let's go, valer, where, detainees, stand still, tears are behind me, and you, boilers, stay. but he refused to identify himself, so he had to be detained, so to speak, until his identity was clarified, well, young lady, you stand here, and you there, it's so quiet.
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uh-huh, and the signature is on the bottom right, your missing item was found, please, rita, we were so worried about you, we were looking for you, and why did you all come running? do you have a bruise? toma, toma, so calm, only without hands. a citizen protected the swans in the park from hooligans. they
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tried to break the swan houses. here's the result. this is how i see you, and we were looking for you everywhere, we were so excited, maybe we found your scarf on the shore of the pond? did you think this? what were you thinking? yeah, now, you don’t have the kind of family to jump into trouble, let’s go home, rit, wait, i love you, and you love me too, sen, i don’t know, but what i don’t know is that you and i will have a child, i’m so happy that i don’t even have words, i don’t think we have ... it turns out, what a fool, hello, so my sister, and this explains a lot, well, we are so different, why are we different, come here, grandfather, this is my
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grandfather, he is a tractor driver, hello, and my great-grandfather is a blacksmith, yes, mom , yes, so proletarians of all countries, unite, well... that's it, that's it, just don't forget to tell your fathers, and we 'll tell you, otherwise everything has already been decided, but we'll say, as soon as they come out, yes, yes, here you are, be careful, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, ilya grigorievich, now you'll sit down again, that's it, that's it, that's it , that's it, i'm leaving.


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