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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 21, 2024 8:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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so that this temple would be very beautiful, very beautiful, so that it would be a temple, and a park, and a place of prayer, and a place, yes, the beauty of god’s garden, there will be these pergalas, which will be covered in grapes and roses in a matter of days, which we have been growing for 2 years. a spiritual educational center has now been erected on the black sea coast; the idea of ​​its creation was voiced by vladimir putin during a trip to sevastopol in 2015. somewhere not far away you can find a good place. so as not to interfere naturally. center of christianity. and this center is getting ready open your doors. already before the end of july, but
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before erecting the building, 24 hectares of land were examined by archaeologists. during the excavations, which became the largest in the history of the ancient city, archaeologists discovered more than 6 million finds here, an incredible figure. among them, there are such large structures, for example, heroon, the grave of the supposed founder of ancient khersanes, and a large number of such small fragments of ceramics. they do not represent museum values, but neither do they. here in new khersanes they found application. millions of small pieces of pottery and amphorae line the paths in the reconstruction quarter. in khersanes , the city was recreated exactly as prince vladimir saw the ancient polis. the stone houses will house a pottery workshop, a mint , and a winery and estate. now builders are engaged in interior decoration, working with materials that have lain underground for 2,000 years, the same fragments of ceramics. well, it really shakes you from the realization of what you are working with. more.
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in hersanes, a three-story building was erected around it, the largest in the south of russia, a museum antiquity and byzantium. exhibits of the now open khersanez-tavrichesky museum will also be moved here, in one of the halls - a diarama, the moment of the baptism of prince vladimir. here we see the back of a warrior, and he is walking with a weapon, and he is also going to be baptized. when we unfold it to the end, we will see that this same warrior, he is already walking towards us, having already crossed himself and holding a candle. construction of an archaeological park.
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mosaic specialists are returning the temple to its historical appearance, we see the work of hundreds of artists, mosaicists, restorers, so far we have not yet made an exact calculation, but according to our fathers, this is much more than 50 million mosaic modules, instead of white walls there are sky-blue colors and the faces of saints, the lower temple has also changed, services will now take place in the middle of the hall, the baptismal font has become open, a new khersanez - this is not just an archaeological park, the builders built an entire city. 12 buildings, including youth
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centers and museums of the new generation, the history of crimea and new russia in different eras, from ancient khersanes, the creation of the black sea fleet of sevastopol, and to the present day, hundreds of the exhibitions , the scenery here, striking in its realism, is intertwined with modern technologies, here the task is to immerse, there will be color effects, sound effects, that is, we seem to find ourselves completely at that time, yes, when the people of sevastopol heroically for...
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nikita mikhalkova pesogon . dear friends, i welcome you to our next episode of our author’s program bissagon tv, well, first of all, as expected, as usual, i want to report that... our previous program on channel russia 1 on channel russia-24 on social networks, vkontakte, telegram, odnoklassniki, zen, rutube and so on, more than eleven, almost 12 million people watched, and this is very important for us, well, as you
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yourself understand, a big joy. our program will be called extravagantly, as you understand, it will be called with light steam, or who saw bastrykin. why did yulia taratuta, a journalist from the tv channel dozhd, see alexander ivanovich bastrykin in the bathhouse? look, it’s hard to say whether this is a coincidence or a natural development events, but birkovich and petrichuk call nikita mikhalkova the driving force behind the case. i
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have already told you that several of my interlocutors claim that it was mikhalkov who brought to the top the most effective complaint against berkovich. in the old days, putin visited... besagon’s name day, he had the opportunity to personally convey a petition for friends, ask for himself personally, but now putin has reduced personal meetings, so mikhalkov reported the bad director to the head of the investigative committee, bostrykin. it happened in a bathhouse, where mikhalkov often meets with bastrykin, to discuss the fate of russia. as one of my interlocutors says, mikhalkov’s denunciation was intricately tailored; he was not complaining about the play finist yasnyi sokol, but about the anti-war poems of zhenya berkovich. they turned out to be the most resonant civil manifesto of the first year of the war. look, what you just saw was watched by several hundred thousand people. and so i want to address them specifically, because i think this is an interesting observation. i won’t
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dwell on the fact that i never took a steam bath with alexander ivanovich bastrekin, although i love him. with whom and for whom are you talking, but it’s wrong to consider everyone an absolute redneck who doesn’t understand anything, but it’s wrong to use words without understanding their meaning, without understanding their meaning, look, the word
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denunciation, what does it mean, denunciation is when someone... then he writes to someone, to someone who... completes secret illegal actions, right? what a denunciation, when berkovich’s play has been on since the twenties, her poems are read, published, what a denunciation, against whom, what she does and has done, everyone could see, but no, mikhalkov reported on berkovich, the lie is annoying, annoying, it all looks stupidly incompetent. absolutely at the basis of all this is contempt, and strangely enough, in addition to contempt for those to whom you speak, in addition to contempt for those about whom you speak, you also despise your profession, you do not master it
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, therefore you despise it, but on the other hand , just this attention to me, to our program, and therefore to you. my dear viewers, this attention means that what we say, what worries us, how we we think it annoys these people, huh? irritates, and i am very glad that this irritates them, it means that we are going the right way, this is a significant trend, here i will give you another example, so to speak, no one is paying attention to my person, listen to the short text, i watched it on the cable channel five evenings yesterday nikita mikhalkov, the final scene is on tv, it’s emotional...
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it would end, if only there was no war, do you remember with what words the heroine of lyudmila gurchenko repeated this film, they cut off this ending on tv, in a soviet film 1978, made by... dnyansky, i became interested, and we checked, yes, indeed, on that day
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my film was shown on television for five evenings, it was shown on the cable channel morsfilm golden collection, and this film was shown in full, this is the one fragment that rodnyansky writes about: tomorrow is sunday, you can go to zvenigorod, it’s very beautiful there, i really haven’t been there yet. but they say it very beautifully in arkhangelsk, i haven’t been to the court yet, but sashenka, if only there wasn’t a war, if only there wasn’t a war, one more question, the cable any television, does it have a name? where are you deliberately lying or did those countries that showed the film on some
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mysterious cable tv violate copyright and cut off the ending? and why? maybe precisely because they want to prove to the world that only we want war, not them, but we, we, who suffered more than anyone in the world from this horror of our patriotic second world war, that’s interesting, here... let’s follow this chain biographical alexander radnyansky, who has worked on russian television since 2002 year, who produced a lot of films as a producer about our lives. you probably know these films, but that’s not what we’re talking about now. he left russia in 2022. and only later, when he had already left, we suddenly learned that he never had russian citizenship, that it was his own. the book is being published by the producer, which was published long before 2022,
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he calmly told how his channel in ukraine, which he managed or owned, i don’t know now, i don’t remember, 1+1, created in 1995, shaped the views of ukrainians. quote from the book: the new country was supposed to speak your own language on our channel. the presenters deliberately spoke with a slight english accent, emphasizing their europeanness; it was our viewers who made up the majority of those who later went to the maidan in kiev and onto the streets throughout ukraine, and so on. it is quite natural that after mr. radnyansky left, he became an agent for... on, but the rest of the time he was no different, that’s the mood with which he lived
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and worked in russia, a most popular person, an influential person, a person who received there are a lot of foreign prizes, a golden globe in the united states, well, just as a quick illustration, his mood after 2014, you are required to make a choice, like any person. well, this was already such a red line that it didn’t even make me want to talk about this topic. you know, it was very difficult after 14, i admit, because it was clear that the war had begun. but you can’t, and you kind of ended up there, but for many reasons, it’s very difficult to talk about it now, you understand perfectly well what it really is it looks, well, bad on the part of a huge number of people to whom you treat well, i understood perfectly well that my mother was no longer alive, for my mother to be alive, she would have eaten me alive, if she had known about it, but this exactly, i mean the force
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of circumstances there, fixation on a certain kind of things, but... not because it was so good there, simply because there were responsibilities, there were people, a company, circumstances that were connected, loans, necessities , are there any unfinished films, well, in short, i i came up with some kind of answer to the question that i live, i make honest films, i made all my sharpest companies since i was fourteen, the same leviothan, the same dislike, the same dilda, the same unclenching fists, the same mother i’m at home , i tried to do this, this man for many, many years. worked very successfully and made money in our country, hating it, he practically did the same thing that the yeltsin center does, poisoning people, especially children, with his cartoons about our country, dirty, bloody, terrible, mediocre, slavish, in
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all the films that rodnyansky produced, which were called high arthouse, this... i repeat once again, this word, it is key, this is contempt for those people about whom he is talking, but he will tell me what is better, this soviet landrin, this whole social propaganda, yes, no, no, no, i am against lies, against falsehood, against locking, i am against all this, but for me it is very important, as a viewer, how the one who makes the picture relates. performance, no matter, or writing a book, to his compatriots, about whom he speaks, he sympathizes with them, he feels, in russian orthodoxy, one of the most important words, sadness, joy, joy from communication, from the feeling of nature, from
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children, from parents, joy, where is this joy, how can you... experience joy where you hate everything around you except yourself, good, the film, the viewer, the screen, the creators, the actors, the plot, here’s an hour and a half or two, it doesn’t matter, you sat there, watched it, it’s over, what do you leave with, i, as a viewer , must understand what you love , you, artist, what do you love, understanding that?
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soviet cinema was different, there were opportunistic paintings, and false paintings, that ’s all true, but there were masterpieces, and so, probably, based on the attitude towards masterpieces, towards the best paintings of the soviet union, the ministry of education proposed making remakes of famous soviet paintings, these are alexander nevsky, and kortik, the fate of a person, hot snow, flying... a proposal for the film adaptation of historical
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works on a historical theme for children and teenagers to help preserve... the works are being remade in a modern way, that’s right, well, there’s no other way read, i absolutely, i have no interest or desire to interfere in the relations between the ministry of education and the ministry of culture. the significance of what they offer, what outraged the people, well
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, who can replace bandarchuk in the final scene or in the scene where he drinks vodka on the first occasion in the film the fate of a man, or who can on the level of nikolai cherkassov, who played einstein alexander in the film nevsky, alexander nevsky. who can reach him, despite the fact that even on the order, on the state award, the order of alexander nevsky, nikolai’s profile was embossed cherkassov, because no one saw alexander nevsky, but as an image, he remained in the consciousness of the people exactly the same as nikolai cherkasov in this film. on the other hand, how can we understand that this, in my opinion, is quite reckless, says the famous, very famous producer and general director.
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any other country, just remember this one example, there was such a minister of foreign affairs, andrei kozyrev, this was in the nineties, he was minister from 1990 to 96, this is such a vivid example collapse, i know from personal example, we flew together to america, somewhere in the nineties, chernomerdin took me with him, we flew for many hours, well, how long does it take to fly to america, all this time the minister ... of russia's early affairs read, you know that there was neither tolstoy, nor dickins, and not even a newspaper, he was reading a collection of odessa
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united states richard nixon, who asked kozyrev, who at that time was the minister of foreign affairs, he asked him what the interests of new russia were, to which kozyreev replied: one of the problems of the soviet union was that we...were stuck on national interests, now we think more about universal human values, as we know universal human values, multiculturalism, tolerance, yes, but if you can, the russian foreign minister says to the former president of the united states, but if you can tell us how to define national interests, then i
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will help you. very grateful, of course, nixon, to put it mildly, was dumbfounded by this answer and as a result formulated his attitude towards kuzrev in one word: slug, that is, between by the way, once again the importance of a person in history, such a person as kozyrev, when american advisers sat in a white house on two floors, wrote us laws and wrote us a constitution, by the way, when... we lost our sovereignty, with his direct participation little man, the soviet union of beloveshskaya pushcha was falling apart. thanks to him, russian-speaking residents of the republics of the soviet union immediately became non-citizens. when we are for the modest charm of the bourgeoisie, for porcelain smiles, pats on the shoulder, calmly betrayed the warsaw pact, their
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warsaw pact allies when we withdrew. troops from germany, from the baltic states, when without asking for anything in return, without even asking to be rebuilt instead of the barracks that were in these countries, they built here, no, an open field, when the baltic states, the baltic states, all created with the money of the russian taxpayer, today turned into a pack of angry balloons, kozarev is an example, there were many like them, there were many like them, they did it. what had to be done as a traitor and received asylum abroad for west, for example, lives today in miami, now they will tell me conspiracy theories, what kind of conspiracy theories, facts, just facts, for example, and what kind of conspiracy theories can be discussed when we find out that this year the new free parliament is meeting in warsaw from june 22 to 25
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russia in which i participate. revolutionary actions within russia, the use of force against putin’s murderers, their financiers and propagandists is morally justified and necessary for victory, that is, through terror. this is proposed by people who had everything from this government, while at her feeder. and in parallel with the forum, june 24. austrian politician günter
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fellinger makes a call to the world. look, we won the cold war by arming the taliban in afghanistan so they could. defeat the soviet union, we must do the same today by arming the russian internal armed opposition based on islam to destroy russia. see how the interests converge, on the one hand, to incite migrants, helping them to think that russians are stupid, stupid, illiterate, untalented. and so on and so on further, on the other hand, give the russians a reason to live under the slogan, beat the migrant, save russia, the game is done, the game is done, what do we
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get as a result, we get a constantly burning russian house, we need to throw firewood into this inferno all the time, what do they and they do, but on the other hand there are...
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settings, according to our data, 13% of those who come to us, as if to build something, just to work, to work on a construction site, let's be honest, they don't come here to work, and to receive the benefits of the russian federation, through residence, yes, through obtaining citizenship, citizenship can be obtained in 3 months, on the other hand, our compatriots, who for various reasons found themselves... outside the russian federation, for years, being russian, for years cannot obtain citizenship of the russian federation. tell me, can the presence of these facts allow the desire of a russian
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person, a citizen of russia, to resist this? of course, exactly the same as if russians behaved this way in the countries from which the emigrants came. fair, fair, and that dead end, that is, migrants they are committing outrages, the russians are resisting, the goal has been achieved, but in order to avoid this, what is needed, it is necessary for the state, the authorities, the laws to deal with these issues seriously, not on paper, isn’t it? and the state duma is working, it decides on new offenses for which migrants are expelled from russia, 20 more articles of the code of administrative offenses have been added there, through the efforts
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of the president they began to streamline the rules by which relationships are built with those who come to receive a russian citizenship, what did we see? look, this is a message from the ministry of education and science of the russian federation, the average... study now, which means that until recently our country has been home to a huge number of people who have not passed the test of loyalty to the country they came to, and the new law adopted did not
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will affect, because they are already citizens of the country, and this is how a huge number of people who are citizens of the russian federation live, without feeling, understanding and not loving this country, so tell me what is wrong with them is different?
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there is no migration policy as such in the russian federation, there is a response to some specific specific situations, some people think that they need to get a workforce, they are brought in in a completely uncontrolled manner, and everything that is written in the law , there are good norms related to language, for example, yes, this is all a fiction, because no one implements this, why is it not enforced?
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money, the problem is one thing: a huge cash flow, unaccounted for, and since this because there is money behind this, huge amounts of migrants are involved, this is financing the same extremism, financing all kinds of ethnic communities there, fraternities and everything else, but how are the values ​​of our constitution implemented in our laws? well , if you import people, even based on some kind of economic expediency, but these people must share some values ​​of society, at least they must agree with them or must be prepared for the fact that they accept these values ​​as a given , the problem of migration is not that these people want to live with us according to some kind of their own rules. the problem is that they want to live here instead of us. have you
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ever heard of rubber flats? well, you probably heard it. look, this woman, tatyana kotlyar, registered in vobnensk, this is the kaluga region. since 2009 , in my two apartments, listen carefully, there are 10,593 foreign citizens, that is , approximately two people per city. normal, of course her activities are not a secret to anyone, as many as seven criminal cases have been opened against her according to article 322.2 of the ukrf, the punishment is only a fine, which he is not going to pay, she will collect this money by announcing a collection, and i, of course, these 450 thousand that are required to pay the fine, they are not in my pocket or savings book. so i am announcing a collection
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of funds to pay the fine, she will collect them, because what she does is called human rights activities, as this mantra is familiar to us, this is a magical combination of words, as we know what sometimes hides behind this, no, there are people who really do this are engaged, they really defend human rights, but there are those who hide behind this, just look at the headlines of our russian... newspapers, look, what a gift mrs. kotlyar is to the west, she is a heroine, just think about it, in 2005 she was nominated for the nobel prize peace prize, she was among thousands of outstanding women on the planet, for what, for the fictitious registration of migrants, well what? no, i understand, of course, there are refugees who need help, of course. so this is true, but this is something completely different and
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the argument of those who who defends just these rubber apartments, they say that you understand, it is more convenient to track the activities and lives of people when they live, as it were, nearby in one place, damn it, you seriously want to convince me that it is possible to find someone living in two places in one place.. we create them ourselves, and in order to prevent this smoldering fire from burning the country, the government must make balanced, mature, competent and effective decisions, because the adoption of a law without its implementation
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means nothing, absolutely the same applies to education reform, to people. for which idols... no, they were not taught that they could know, well, at least even about the main religion of the country in which they live, about orthodox christianity, if in textbooks and history, we talked about this, from more than 300 pages four are highlighted by christianity, even the president is concerned about this, listen to what he says, here is the leader. of this center today he told me with regret, they conducted research, but in schools, and the majority, that means, of high school students, whoever they want to be, bloggers, bloggers, vector antonovich,
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they want to be bloggers, not scientists, you know, this is all a matter of today, of course, the day before yesterday it was even worse... it was still unknown who, that is, it is known who they wanted to be, now i want to remind you of a mother’s monologue from one of our past releases, listen, guys, maybe i’m wrong, but today i ’m just seething with indignation all day long, it’s a shame that whoever you invited to this international economic forum as a speaker...
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that sber made him its youth face, as soon as i look into the eyes of my twelve-year-old to a son who will tell me, mom, why am i studying, why am i trying to achieve something, if i put on women’s panties and they make me the face of sberbank and i’m invited to the st. petersburg economic forum, guys, what are you talking about? what are you doing to our youth, what are you doing to our country?
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where, when the pride of the country is not confirmed by anything, in search of nature 20 years ago we walked along the volga and saw this, we traveled a lot getting off the ship, and this is also not just training, it’s also this is an understanding of the rhythm of life in the country, which i personally, as a person, need not in order to write a script, not in order to remember the picture, remembering chekhov, but in order to always keep within myself that image, not always partial, not always beautiful, not necessarily evoking a feeling of joy and pride. sometimes these are very scary scenes, these are scenes of devastation, misfortune, these are scenes
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in which you see how people don’t give a damn about their homeland, about everything that is beyond the fence of their personal lives, but that. from ships along the volga they just throw these bags of garbage overboard and it doesn’t occur to anyone that this is an abomination, this is wrong, this is an insult to yourself, this is an insult to your river, which flowed under ivan the terrible, under boris godunov, under kolet, under alexander nevsky. under adam and eve, this, this, this is offensive, let's clean up the country, just stupidly, let's clean up the country, that's not why our ancestors built all this. so that we just stupidly, just like that, stupidly turn into ruins. i address these words to myself,
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absolutely equally as to others. only in 2018, when this horror became more intense, was a project called the improvement of the wave adopted, for which 127 billion rubles were allocated at the first stage in the same year. now... what the inspectors saw with their own eyes is shocking, this is what the sewage treatment plants, built according to a federal project and never operational, look like in a new
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nekauz in the yaroslavl region, next to it there is a pipe from which a waterfall of sewage flows directly onto the ground, the smell is corresponding . treatment plants, which were built for 142 million rubles, which will never be work because it was done incorrectly, so everything is running smoothly for us. the volga river runs, runs and goes further, within the framework of the project we have already traveled to 13 regions of the country, many regional heads say in one memorized phrase: “the state expertise missed everything, the ministry of construction approved everything, the money was received, somewhere the construction is still not completed, where -it was completed, but there were no specialists with experience working with the new expensive equipment, and the local authorities did not bother to invite experts to train the staff.
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these are people, heroes, i also want to call them, they completed their tasks, here are their names, otradny city, samara region, roman platonov, thank you, this is the nizhny novgorod region, honest vorsma, alexey kirillov, thank you, i know what you are looking at, board nizhny novgorod region, kozmodemyansk, mikhail kozlov, thank you, sergey narcisovich ilyin. he has been working at the water utility in cherepovets for sixty-eight years. guys, vologda region, low bow to you, you
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gave people who live on the banks of the volga a chance to believe that change is possible. a the rest, what? and the rest are waiting for another 500 billion, which should be allocated in 2025 . they will, of course, also be mastered. and so we did with pride.
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this is russia, the largest country in the world in size. raw material supplies are unlimited. population
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- 193 million people. here are three reasons why conquerors in past historical eras attacked russia. these are the reasons that forced the modern conqueror to write the following: when we talk about new lands, we talk about russia, fate itself directs us in this direction. adolf hitler. and if, god forbid, they achieve their dreams, who can blame them? when we ourselves cannot respect, love, cultivate, preserve. your land, listen, but the land does not care who cultivates it, as long as it is cultivated, this is how we will simply lose our homeland if we do not feel it as ours, and we must feel it as ours as ourselves, as our loved ones, children, parents , well, isn’t it, very accurately, the president practically once said this, listen, many of these people are inherently mental
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are there, and not here, not... by our people, not with russia, this is, in their opinion, in their opinion, a sign of belonging to a higher caste, to a higher race, such people are ready to sell their own mother, just to they were allowed to sit in the hallway at this very highest cash register, they want to be like her, imitating her in every possible way, but they forget or do not understand at all that this so-called highest caste, if... and they are needed , is as a consumable material so that use them to cause maximum damage to our people. and every day this machine works, which tries to undermine the most important thing that we must preserve. every day, every day , the yeltsin center poisons a huge number of people, especially children, with its ideology, and
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just recently, just now, now. the chubais anti-russian center, that is, the center for russian studies at telyaviv university, namely its employee, alexander arkhangelsky, lies, thirst for profit, contempt, theft, double standards, distortion of facts, these are all the things we have to face today in relations with... miro, as the cuban leader fidel castro clearly understood, maybe he said, they blur your mind, offering your body thousands of conveniences and unnecessary perverted pleasures, which, however, in order to receive you will have to sacrifice your soul and the values ​​of your ancestors , they will do all this to make a profit,
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which is actually hidden behind it. a huge theft, but if those with whom we are dealing are really thieves, swindlers, swindlers, then a rather interesting association arises, so you know that serious thieves are not allowed to have families, children, because it obliges, it binds, in the end it threatens, in general, this entire community of thieves, we never thought about the fact that a huge number of leaders of western states do not have children, we thought about this and decided to look, this is what happened, the newly appointed secretary general of nato, he became mark ruth, prime minister of the netherlands, he is single,
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he has no children, except for him for the post...
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he also had no children, and at most his a kind, sentimental, gentle attitude towards children - this is such a pat on the cheek of a boy from hitler jugent. who in a few minutes will be sent as cannon fodder to protect the already completely destroyed berlin, and his followers still have no children, olaf scholz, angela merkel also have no children, maisandu, the president of moldova, has no children, just like the former president did not have children lithuania, dalia grybauskaite, and ex-prime minister of great britain, theresa may, gabriel atal has no children, this is the last one. prime minister of france and, accordingly , his ex-husband stéphane sejournet, who served as minister of foreign affairs of france, has no children. the president of latvia,
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edgars ridkevics, has no children. he is also openly gay. xavier bettel, the minister of foreign affairs of luxembourg, has no children, and this is only the highest echelon of today's power in the civilized world. don't you think so? that this rabid fearlessness with which these people are pushing the world towards the last disastrous war is no fearlessness, this is a lack of immunity, preserving the future, understanding of this is available only to those who have experienced what motherhood is, what fatherhood is, what brotherhood is and what sisterhood is, even this boy, even this little... boy intuitively understands what these people threaten the world with, oh you bitch, and these people don’t know, and will never know, what the father
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of this little russian boy, who reads these poems to him, is experiencing: come home, butterfly, to your body unharmed and alive, and to the garden. it’s my day off, we’ll talk about everything with you, i’ll go skating, fall, get up laughing, i've been cooking in myself for a long time, i have fear, you have it, but i teach everything, come back, little boy from the war, i have so much, we need to tell you a couple of days
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left; the beauty of kurak, you have enough strength for all this, your world is broken for people. established tradition, i want to invite you, as always, to raise a glass to victory, to our
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victory. well, that’s all, our crooked swordsman came and said, we’ll leave one by one, if anything happens, we’re right, geologists, i’m looking forward to seeing you, on ours, god will give a new meeting.
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but this is something that has never happened before. after all, if you look at the picture of the world in all its ugliness, then we will have to face a new american reality, because the world is right. the broadcast presented the intervention of god, as the americans and trump believe, in modern reality, and this topic is so harshly exaggerated that, as it was very precisely said, they shot at trump, but killed biden, and any attempts to say that yes no, what are you in fact, he also struggles, he is an elderly man, and for him victory over coronavirus is somewhat comparable. with
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the assassination attempt on trump, no, do you think that i came up with this, no, please, here is confirmation, this was directly said, and jane psaki so, well, yes, of course, let's show, i have a question about this, these two elderly people, donald trump is an elderly man who for some reason was given 9 seconds to take the iconic photo after the shooting, a strange situation, someday we will deal with it, but... the fact that he survived after that, returned and went straight to the congress, presented to the media as a sign of strength, the current president of the united states is 81 years old, has covid, will be fine in a couple of days. shouldn’t this be presented in such a way that he is also strong, even though he is older than trump? this disease could be fatal for people his age, if he recovers and returns to speaking at rallies. isn't this
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the same thing? this is true. i mean, it's not exactly the same, it's not the same case, but he's an older man after an illness. this is true. you people, what are you talking about? that is, when they hit you in the head with an ar 15 distance of 130 m. and it’s completely unclear why you turn away at that moment, and a fragment of your ear is torn off, this is the same thing to get over a mild form of covid. you have your own ideas about the same.
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and once again i remember the prophetic words of vladimir voldivich zhirinovsky, how much has already passed, vladimir volfevich is really missing, that’s really not enough, that ’s what vladimir volfevich said quite a long time ago, if he does something wrong, they’ll kill him like john kennedy, so randomly in some state, some crazy person killed him, but by and large he said everything exactly, just long before we talked here in this studio that... everything will go, while the whole situation is developing in such a way that, well, i’m not very i can imagine how they can stop trump, the question is not even whether biden will withdraw for health reasons, this does not play any role at all, even if he withdraws, no one will notice, even if he is replaced by anyone, no one will notice either, if only it were a talking woman with the body of a dog, at the same time juggling with anything, he still won’t notice, well, he’s not interrupted by anything, it’s no coincidence that it turns out this way:
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it can come back to haunt the whole world with such troubles that this is just classic, and besides, it’s so hard to even imagine, it’s hard to imagine what it will come to here, and trump himself continues this topic, but he just says that i’m standing here in front of you, and, excuse me, i immediately remember this classic soviet film: standing in front of you, a simple russian woman, beaten by her husband. trump: i
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felt something hit me it hit me very, very hard in my right ear. i thought to myself: wow, what is this? it can only be a bullet. i touched my ear, looked at my hand, it was covered in blood, there was blood everywhere. i realized that everything was serious, that we were attacked, but i felt safe because i knew that... god is on my side, i felt it, now i am standing here in front of you, by the grace of god, they flew over us bullets, but i felt calm, but now the secret service agents were putting themselves in danger, they were on
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very dangerous territory, the poly flew right over them, missing them by a few centimeters, and then everything stopped, our sniper from the secret service. i shouldn't have been here today, i shouldn't have been here, no, you should! thank you, but i shouldn’t have, and i’ll tell you that i’m standing in front of you on this stage, only by the grace of god, well, a classic of television
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preachers, you can already charge the water, this is a chumak, this is another, this is a kolant chumaku, and this is this one . wo world wrestling federation, but it turns out beautifully, it turns out beautifully. ladies and gentlemen, welcome the next president of the united states, donald trump. and this is the music that he chose himself, but the style is correct, well, this is how
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boxers or wrestlers come out, how they are brought into the arena, the championship belt needs to be shown, the championship belt needs to be shown, by the way, it would be quite appropriate. the return of the title, that is, this, well , therefore, of course, the decoration of all this is the star, the world wrestling federation, i really have a feeling that he has been doing this for the last thousand years, no older, but at least the power to rip his shirt he's still missing what happened last week, they shot my boyfriend. not the guys, my hero, tried to kill the next president of the united states, we've had enough, enough is enough, and i said, let trumpomania run rampant, let trumpomania rule again, let trumpomania make
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america great again, as old as age, that is, under 70, he's under 70 , he was always under 70, or 30, he’s under 70, yes, well done, what can i say, at the same time, yes, by the way, he is now exactly 70, and note how accurately he chose his vice president, he himself chose the vice president so that all of america would pray for him to live, god forbid, what happens to him, because yes, if this vice president comes, then everyone will definitely say hello to me, well, such a funny guy too, who at the congress didn’t find anything better, like...
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the way she laughs, she’s crazy, you can tell a lot by a person’s laughter, she’s totally crazy,
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she tried to get through to the newly issued one, if in case of victory the vice president is a simple guy who. .. this is such an incredible blessed week like it's great that president trump asked me to be his running mate on the campaign trail, but the bad news is that vice president kamali harris doesn't like me. kamala haris said something to the effect that i have no loyalty to
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this country. well i don't know, i served in the united states marine corps and built a business, what the hell did you do besides get paid. what has she done other than take a paycheck from her political office and we have to give her credit, friends my, she actually served as a border patrol agent during the biggest border opening disaster our country has ever had, let's get president trump back there, close that border and bring some common sense and safety to this country, well... this is opposed to this energy that is now in the republican party, this energy of these
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two people, this powerful old man, the father of american democracy, who was able to defeat, not yet trump, but already tranp, is opposed. applause so it's up, down, maybe go on his own, yeah, so who cares what he wants to say, well, really, that’s all, that is, whoever was hit by the bullet, there’s no energy, there’s no life, but the conclusion from this is very simple, they ’ll finish off trump, they’ll try , that is, they will not abandon this idea, look, the percentage gap, by the way, is not as significant as it could be.
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and by the way, global, as they say, i don’t like, let’s say, the world majority, as a more correct
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term, is trying to stop this madness, he says it very accurately, very correctly.
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we are bi-communal, bi-communal, they had a bi-communal state, and even the division they had was 70 to 30 in government positions there, 60 to 40 in the army, and naturally the other community began to worry whether it was true that the direct association with ukraine was suggestive, because by and large it was also a bicommunal bicommunal country, the russian ukrainians, since we didn’t take over power, wasn’t it true that yanukovych was overthrown,
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to our president, what were trump’s words, how did he set them out , the president, that means the prime minister, excuse me, that means,
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china, what scares me more in this situation is even something else, yes, jady of this vance, religion, he was an evangelist, became a convict, i see you just said, he talked about his mother, but from the podium, but he doesn’t hide others things that were easy for this thirty-nine-year-old guy to change, he suddenly changed , they show, well, okay, if you kill me, it will be no less, but in fact, when i but he remained a christian, well, okay, but he changed easily and didn’t even tell why, sexual preference , he told about this too.
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it seems to me that some of them, despite all this, repeat what we put forward to them in the twenty-first year, and then in the twenty- second year, essentially speaking, having concluded
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an agreement with the ukrainians, they talk about territories, they talk about not participating in nato, which means they are saying that they are free in the sphere of how to ensure the security of ukraine, it is clear that russia will insist on what it insisted on , this will be very difficult to achieve, especially taking into account the new territorial already changes that have occurred, including with taking into account the referendum. this mayor of kiev agreed to the point that if we reach a new settlement agreement, we will hold a referendum. i just talked about cyprus, they also held a referendum in the nineties and surprisingly the turks agreed and voted for the turkish cypriots, and the greek cypriots voted against. i want to remind you that there was a referendum in the ussr, yes, so.
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years old, they were humiliated, spat on, they could not put on a uniform, they were called little green men later, they had nowhere to live, they were taken out of
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germany, thrown to hell, they were laid off under serdyukov, up to 200 thousand people, less than 300, yes, they weren’t paid, they were simply kicked out, we say, but why didn’t they stand up, with which, i’m telling you, this is a betrayal of the elites, the upper elites, just like us ordinary people they said, here's a solution for you.
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russia, so that it would be quiet, because we need to fight with china, this especially scares me, you just took off my tongue what trump is talking about, they got married, biden got married, china and russia, why does this scare me, because many in russia, including some hidden elites, prefer, of course, europe, they prefer to return everything. back or return part of it back and renounce the alliance with china, although this alliance does not formally exist, but i always urge you, here i am saying, yes, china said, we will not
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especially enter into a military-political alliance with anyone, but in general this wrong, we must tell them now especially, there is a serious danger looming before you, china, we will not give up on you and are not giving up on you, but let’s ultimately formulate, i have a very good attitude, i have a very good attitude towards china, can i ask a childish question, how payments ok? such a problem even as a situational friend erdogan, forgive me, please, he also supplies equipment to someone, but a private business, erdogan at least situationally says that he is situational, situational, you don’t need it , it’s like black and white here, unfortunately, black there is no such thing as white, we ourselves got involved in this globalism, we dragged all the countries around us, the chinese dragged us there before us, so north korea says, you and i are shoulder to shoulder in the same trench, and they
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say. i haven’t seen any north korean weapons in ukraine, okay, so why bother me? although in fact they say that there was something there somewhere, yes, when some barge was captured from iran by the americans, i ’m just saying this so that we won’t be torn apart by this alliance that is still being built in the dark with china, but to demand this maximalism, like you, refuse, you supply everything, of course, i demand not to count, not to count, yes.
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did everything so that in these difficult conditions of the nineties he also had a hard time in vietnam between china, between the usa, i want to finish, volodya, here you are today babakov is not there, but i always start about the economy, supporting him, listen to me, no, but what if i take away bread, he’s always about the central bank, about the key rate, and i ’ll tell you about two things that also upset me this week , so we opened a bridge and a detour across the volga through tver, that means, but at the same time we must not forget, well, how can it be that the price of gasoline has increased again or the price of fuel has increased by 20% for people salary, now the oil worker wants this salary, but how can he not grow, but how how is it possible, now let ’s transfer this salary to the oil workers, how it should be in our oil country, why it should grow, for example, how in our country there was suddenly not enough electricity for the first time, i can, i can tell you exactly how to do it so that the price hasn’t increased, so tell me, don’t buy football players, well done, great, i...
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this will lead to competition and this will lead to cheaper prices, no, that means you’re right, put everything back correctly, here’s a simple point, yes, just like you you have a direct connection to the automotive industry, right now at the front, what people are doing is buying old fields, cutting off the bodies.
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chinese cars and i don’t see ours, i have a request when i see a wild number at the front , is it difficult or that we now need to go back to the late twenties and thirties of the 20th century, we are restoring the russian auto industry, we can’t do the simplest things.
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well, the men have golden hands, everyone says the same thing, maybe on the mainland someone will notice something, on the mainland it feels like, excuse me, we’re having a football match, now we’ll finish watching, yeah, football the match is now in the united states, in fact, this is an interesting thing, because - in my opinion, such a company has never existed, never, indeed trump can now be stopped, i think that it’s not the fields, but there advanced technologies, there are some drones on top and so on, that is, they will most likely try to do it, and there are hints that when they, when it happened, there was immediately an indication that this was a loner. always when there’s an assassination attempt right away, a loner is now wise out of three calibers to shoot one long shot and they noticed and saw, and that’s what the investigation is going on
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, there was probably one re-rifle with this shooter, especially with a sniper, who saw, handed over and they didn’t do it, well, here, as if in 64 minutes, the completion of the crime was recorded. yes, yes, yes, a suspicious object, it was filmed, but here, when, when a sniper sees, actually it’s even surprising, if he sees with a weapon, he should shoot, why didn’t he shoot, there’s a problem, that’s why there is a big one here, suddenly yours, firstly, suddenly yours, secondly, three, three law enforcement agencies in one place, no matter what happens, there is no team, they didn’t confirm there and so on, it’s the same as at the boston marathon, no, well, the secret service, no, the secret service has the right, as i understand it, to make a decision independently, the police may not.
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a man who changes everything, names, faith, beliefs, in the sixteenth, in the sixteenth year he called trump the american hitler, now now this is his, in general, the main boss, of course, this man will quickly change his shoes, change his shoes very quickly, in any direction, by the way, so he has this tendency, and apparently, well, his photograph in the marine corps is beautiful, yes, but he served, he seems to be there. senator, so the dream,
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the alcoholic reached the point that i became he emphasizes this, this is american , which is no coincidence, he said that here i am the son , here i am in the flesh, i am the american dream, from a poor family from a log cabin, in the twenty-second year he became a senator , now i will be vice president, and if anything... that is, there are three children from india, that is a wonderful family man, here you go, the main picture of a modern conservative, a conservative, not even just a modern one, but the conservative community refers this back to the times when...
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in the 19th century there were also a lot there, so then it was the other way around, then they didn’t believe it crazy, then then that by nominating this person, nominating this couple, i think that yes, they really are winning, insofar as now the democrats are deciding this sunday, in theory, whether trump will announce, will not announce, will announce, he is waiting netanyahu, obdan or won’t announce, well , maybe won’t announce that he’s leaving, because, strictly speaking, this girl’s inclination is now, but you imagine her with the notorious nuclear suitcase, okay, with this laugh and give i’m a button, let me press a button with these samizs, let me press a button, and what will happen, but ha-ha-ha,
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well, it’s quite realistic that she can still become a tarich dean, you’re a sexist, no, no, okay, ok, i support, i support everyone. he constantly forgets him like this the black guy who heads the ministry of defense is called, so he forgot his wife, well, he confused his wife, by the way, excuse me, i don’t want to say anything, but the young lady really looks alike, now i’ll return it. look, his wife came running, well, it really looks like, yes, this is where you want to go, this is where you want to go, and he says, no, he says, it’s better there. no, it’s still better there, yes, let me go better, but this
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is not the first time, this is also not the first time, he had already lived there with his sister, in general he thought, well , with biden everything is clear, only this one the tragicomedy will continue until they find something, but he can’t identify his smart wife, that she won’t let him go now, but now it’s cool, she ’s going to the olympics instead of him, who am i here and representing the united states america, who am i photographing here? in the international arena , the anniversary nato summit was moved to biden, because it was supposed to be on april 4, in principle, when nato was created, it was moved, biden disgraced himself there, well, trump, his vice president, and so on and so forth, that’s why he presented the floor, president president putin, but it’s all in his head. this was explained by many others, that’s how evil he is, he explained everything
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, he explained, yes, he, he, you know, finally on a horse, show me, i’m on a horse, where were you anyway, i spent 22 large events, thousands of people, incredible crowds, a lot of things happened, i'm on a horse, what i'm doing is going out to show the american people that i'm fully capable, and i don't need any tips or a teleprompter. "i can go out and answer any question, i resisted when here there was a nato summit, i stood for an hour and answered questions, god forbid they put him on a horse, i was on a horse, the checkchat was standing, he has a damn sharp mind, he said that too, now a little advertising, then andrey will continue." hello, dear friends , your
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favorite program is on air 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on rtl, can i see you, i’m unemployed for now, i’m running out of time, don’t woo me, you’re unworthy, why are you punishing yourself like that, what did you do, what did you do? you can’t even tell me, a terrible accident will happen, cancel it all, well cancel, it’s dangerous, you ’ve already left with your fears, i just don’t know where this trouble is coming from, another victim was found in the north of moscow, it’s easier for her to see someone else’s future than to forget her past,
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the past, i understand that - such
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responsibility is on me - this is my path, this is my life, my destiny, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, to wait from this team... probably it doesn’t cost us anything, it really is, because no matter who will come came, i think that of course it will be trump vance, this is a team, but even in ukraine, it seems that now they are writing that vance actively spoke out against aid to ukraine, well , he has been a senator since 1922, actually , not so much, that he spoke about the need to end this conflict, well , in short speaking, a person who...
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that is, trump just understands that escalation is unacceptable here, the fact is that escalation, maybe he understands that it is unacceptable, because vance has now, well , also changed his shoes, yes, he said about china, that china, china is the main enemy, constantly, they emphasize that now, since trump believes, indeed, he believed that china
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is the main adversary for the united states, a terrible thing for taiwan, he said, why are you all going to taiwan, this may be completely unexpected scenarios, they are already taking them out of there and they already took it out, yes, it’s just the approach itself, you are very rich, why should we fit in for you, this is a completely different approach, the fact is that he said so in relation to europe, in relation to any ally of the united states, trump should be noted, what when he came to power, he fulfilled all the promises except one, one promise that he did not fulfill -
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to say, to promote this, this is a war against russia, then, of course, there are problems with china and so on, but this, this what they think in italy and what they are afraid of in italy, what trump is afraid of, well, italy has chosen a side, we have relationships, therefore, well, for me italy is a country, obviously, and relationships are obvious, and for me it’s somehow human it was amazingly disappointing. especially after what russia did for italy during the fight against coronavirus, in the twentieth year, yes, then the current position, not of the italian people, but of the italian government, is perceived for us as politely speaking, black ingratitude, but meloni, for example, she too has now entered the mainstream so much and
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she received just votes from those who would like, on the contrary, very friendly relations with russia, which she was forced to do now in the elections, but not in the elections, after the elections, she voted. against ursila, against ursila, because here it already didn’t help, but this one seemed to show that, because that the electorate, one might say, the electorate, in russian, this, this, is completely against, i don’t say so clearly expressed, but against nato, for russia, against sending.
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the more they rushed, the more popular he became, and then suggested that legault run, he said only on the condition that as an independent candidate he received 550,000 votes, now he is in the group of patriots, where orban is, there are those, that is, he said, i just wrote what the majority.
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but still the topic is important, so we need to touch on it too, it seems to me that i do the same my colleagues, i don’t remember such elections about the american elections, america and so on, rallies, such speeches, such conventions, but the reason why i cannot draw such parallels with what i at least saw is that that i had a strong feeling that trump is now much bigger than his political party. i watched the convention from beginning to end, it was more like a convention of the trump party, during which a couple of times, if someone remembered
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republicanism about the republican party, then it’s not by chance, this was the make america great again party, headed by donald trump, who is already practically a sacred figure of a religious sense and , in my opinion, copes with his powers very, very talentedly and well, i want ... our viewers not to be deceived to the fact that trump is a showman, he is somehow so charismatic, but still this is all some kind of performance, trump is in fact an extremely talented political figure, what kind of statesman he is, we can understand 4 years later, but he is actually a very big political figure, and he could go out not with dc back in black, but with classical music and could speak less emotionally.
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that it was simply looking for a person who doesn’t seem to be associated with all this, and who would come, as trump is now saying, to dry up this swamp, so silva berusconi succeeded, we know what kind of person silva belusconi is, he managed to win over the electorate of the christian democratic party , catholics voted for him to a greater extent, than for the remnants of the christian democratic party, because he embodied all their secret dreams, well, the moderate electorate, let's say so, if
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yes, if uh, i remember yes, what... he did what he did and the catholics were jealous of him and many many things well , you can see it with the naked eye, he says, he says, he says, the russian of course was handsome, unreal super, this is the only truly large -scale political figure over the last 30 years, he really gave, this is like sparta, absolutely that’s right, i agree, generalovich, he gave italy more prominence in the international arena than italy deserved in terms of its share of gdp and everything else, that is, he raised italy to the rank of great world powers. not only the category of great cultural 100% and technologically it does this due to the fact that berlusco did not show every time that he is bigger than the european union, that he is bigger than the norms and rules that are adopted there, it’s not just like that, you see, trump is there says this woman is crazy, because this vergon nedelatsiyama came everything to us, he could there in european parliament to tell scholz that you are suitable for the role of the director of a concentration camp, we are now
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filming a film, you want to play there, scandal, everything, but by this he showed that... proceed, you know, of course, now everyone is waiting for an answer to the question, that’s good that trump will be bad, that trump will be, trump will come for us, this is something to play if we think that it is generally hypothetically possible for a situation in which a russian orthodox person with sympathies for stalin and who generally wanted to come to power in the united states would be for russia to rule the world, and its sacred role is to destroy the usa, i don’t want it, it won’t happen,
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it’s a choice. that this rhetoric, which is now heard in the united states from the side of the main candidate, yes, from the side of trump and his followers, it causes a certain reaction in the european union, and before the elections to the european parliament i kept wondering why they want to keep ursula so much fondernen, because she, well if you already see that
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this is a person, she is not really popular, in fact the mainstream parties have shown... there are contacts, horizontal connections that she will use it for these purposes, and if we read that she announced the creation of the reich, well, what she announced, the measures that are included in these package decisions, this turns the european union on its head as an organization, and you shouldn’t take it lightly, they immediately start saying, oh, you know, the agreements only say about military
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cooperation, so you can’t do anything, people there didn’t care what was in what. for whom no one has ever voted, whose level of legitimacy is zero, to make them now at least public faces of this globalist movement, and the main goal of all this is to destroy european nation- states, so that they do not exist as states, so that it would be...
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everyone is not european, well, that’s how they are, by the way, they can take lemberg for themselves, if anything, return the hungarian lands, well, what
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are you saying, who is stimulating this, that’s the question, well , i just stimulated, well, of course, i sympathize today, i sympathize with dmitry drobnitsky today, i will have to too later i’ll say a few words about america, but i’ll start with something a little different to be careful. nerves , including, just about this, vladimir, what you were talking about, about, oddly enough, bugs, it’s just that we also have to deal with requests for bugs through the fund, in fact there are few of them, as it were yes, or almost not, that is, serially, well, we almost don’t make them, while this is completely in the current conditions, this is a completely obvious thing that is needed, by the way, if someone thinks that this innovation is wrong, this is my first time personally with bugs, which were used for military purposes , i met in... in the early nineties in armenia, when the war was going on in nagorno-karabakh, they were made there, there was an automobile plant, so to speak, a yaeraska, which made such strange cars, like yes, here, but nevertheless, they were made there, as if they were used, and quite successfully,
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for sure, well, again, somehow no one was interested in going through other people’s experience, the same as with drones, listen, how many of them how effectively have they been used for decades, so to speak? in the middle east, we encountered them in syria, so to speak, but not once were we ahead of the whole world. yes, yes, by the way, who doesn’t know, yes, the soviet army had unmanned programs, the last drones, well, really not quadcopters, yes, they ended in this very first chechen company, they are still from the soviet era to say there was a reserve left, yes, but what i mean is that this is really needed, as it were, yes , this is not in the staffing schedule, so to speak , no matter how from a production point of view, well, that’s just me, as it were well, this is necessary, that is, here you need to be more flexible, turn around faster, as it were, and... regarding the war again, yes, a few words, we said it tritely, but nevertheless, i also don’t seem to dream of a nuclear war, i also don’t want nuclear strikes, so to speak, but it’s quite obvious that obama’s concept is now being partially implemented, whether you like it or
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not, if you remember, obama once said, let’s make the whole world nuclear-free, and why, well, it’s clear why , because in these conditions, it’s as if the usa and nato have the largest the potential of conventional weapons, no one will be able to compete with them, and even in terms of mobilization potential, if we look at it in total, yes, well, who can compete with them? bugs everything else, yes, this is all good, of course, but keep in mind that this is the most convenient format of war for them, and no matter what they do, especially if not on foreign territory, there will be no other way, because if they are afraid of someone - then there are no risks. that's all,
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so here we need to look for some kind of solution to the paradox, so to speak, which, on the one hand on the one hand, it will allow one to get out of this corridor, so to speak, and on the other hand, one will allow oneself not to burn oneself in this most vicious war, but as it were, here it is required, as it were, really quite enough such, so to speak, well, paradoxical, maybe some drastic decisions, because otherwise, in this format, in this format, it is very convenient for them, they can fight indefinitely for 10 years, 20 or 50 years, and so on, it seems to me that it is not necessary, by the way. they say, so to speak, yes, my dubious loyalty for russia, will it be we already believe that war is coming, yes, in any war it is important to have a reliable rear, pumping the country with millions of migrants with a very topic that i can’t help but say, if we have a reliable rear and wouldn’t this be part of the plans ? enemy, just in case, and hiding behind, so to speak, income, money and so on, but this is now about america, dmitry, excuse me, yes, yes, about what trump is doing, so to speak, and so on, you know, with on the one hand i can say that... it means there is
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a blessing there, let's not run through it, i it just seems very important with the topic of emigrants that we have a false approach, when we analyze migrant flows, when discussing the fate of migrants, we proceed from the position of liberal values, but we need to proceed from the principled approach of national interests, but for now we will not talk about national interests, i can’t understand why we practically have
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an ideology, like we open all the doors, the main thing is that it brings in money, i can answer all your questions, because bah...
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we came, we worked, we left for a year there, it doesn’t work, you know why , our businessmen, no one came, i was talking to the presidential system, they come from the street, they take people, it’s profitable for them not to transport, not to take away, not to answer, here’s your answer to your question, abolish the patent system, they’ll come to you right away, no, you have a lot here people, next week we will pass a law so that we no longer deprive them through the courts.
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and i assure you, it will work, and when the ideologists of our migration least want it, it will work, although they may not want it, look at europe, yes, absolutely, all this talk about assimilation, tolerance and so on, europe failed with all these so to speak programs and no, areana falachi predicted this many years ago, it was practically destroyed there, the conversation is that we have some special experience of the soviet union or the russian or russian empire, this is all nonsense, honestly, don’t be offended, but this is nonsense, because in the soviet union, they come from independent states, we are states there, the people who come, they don’t seem to have the legitimacy to rule maybe, foreign policy benefits, which are usually included in this case, they are very ephemeral, well, so to speak, but again it won’t let us collect, so to speak, yes too, well, you know, i’ve also been involved in the cis for many, many years, i know many things, so to speak, including from the inside, but we don’t have any. advantages of such, so to speak,
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wonderful from all this, most likely we have become dependent, to be honest, we are manipulated, sometimes, and sometimes, so to speak, and not sometimes, but constantly, and we pass it off as supposedly, so to speak, existing we have advantage. this problem, it can explode at the most dangerous moment, by the way, this absolutely corresponds to the plan of our enemies, and our whole policy, so to speak, is, let’s calm down the indigenous population, shut up, let’s release some kind of opinion poll, for example, so on say or something like that, and then all of this is as if it exists, so to speak, you can’t cross the street with any spells, what happens in life, but with no spells, surveys you can’t cross it, so to speak, and yet about america yes, because i still want it. and what’s worse , as it were, and so on, it means about trump, well, again, we can laugh or not laugh at what happened to him, but you understand, bullets don’t just fly past, well, at least for me, as a believer, this is unambiguous,
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it doesn’t just come to my mind, as if yes, in fact, everything that happens, especially if it is related to issues of life and death, is not accidental, another thing, another thing is that trump and his team makes it amazing show, absolutely. yes, therefore, how would this be such a thing, to be honest, it was even difficult to imagine such a gift in general, another question is how he will deal with it, by the way, about the fact that this is murky, of course murky, this whole situation is extremely murky, and what does it mean that he was instantly, as if quickly enough , actually liquidated when they realized that everything was already
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like yes, he couldn’t cope, but he was liquidated so that he wouldn’t say anything, so that he wouldn’t say anything anymore, who was, about him now you can sculpt anything, as it were he will never say anything about the crossbow again. he himself, yes, well, i beg you, so to speak, yes, such crossbows when the bullet is in your ear, so to speak, this is the very thing, such crossbows don’t happen, and they don’t aim at the head with crossbows, because there’s a mistake, so to speak, there’s a millimeter millimeter everything if we’re talking about imitation for imitation much it would be better if there was some kind of poisoning and a well-known technique, so to speak, but i was poisoned then i got sick, my stomach hurts, it’s all enemies, enemies, so i think how they would use it, of course, they would do it right, another the question is yes vladimir, you mentioned the charm. there is such a concept in orthodox christianity, so to speak, the meaning of which is: it suddenly seemed to you that you are god’s chosen one, it suddenly really seemed to you that you are, so to speak, that’s it, you seem to be yes, you are the chosen one, and so on and so on, if this seriously, sooner or later you meet such people, big troubles happen, because after this, it means
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they’ll shove you right into the shit, i don’t know how it will happen, again this is such a metaphysical question, another question, does he believe in in fact, trump is, it seems to me, trump is just making a political career, so to speak, now it’s important to him at any cost as long as... he knows that he really, so to speak, is just such a super-bastard, and that in general he will now kill everyone, so to speak , and he will wipe everyone’s noses, and in general his personal victory is important to him, first of all, his personal victory, so that you all die, as they say, yes, you, you beat me up like that and so on, and i’ll tell you now, so to speak, i’ll show everyone how important it is for him now, that he’ll be there later do, i’m not at all sure what he thinks on this topic, as if yes, he thinks of course in general , in principle, now she has time simply, either i ’m leading her down the aisle, or she’s leading me to the prosecutor,
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although here, too, america is like that country there, anything can happen, nevertheless, yes, i think that now the main thing for him is this and he will promote this topic about his murder , it is clear that someone will want this, but i honestly think that this will no longer happen. i think that most likely, well, it seems to me that from a technology point of view it is important now to furnish it conditions and let him win, and then maybe let him shit himself or something like that. biden, it seems to me, will not be changed either, to be honest, if i were the democrats, i would leave him, so to speak, let him squeeze whatever he wants out of the old man, let him also crap himself, then it will be possible to say that biden and not the party crap , the party, so to speak, the party has nothing to do with it, it’s joe biden personally, that’s what they ’re afraid of now, that they might lose for him, that’s what it is. as for what happens next, but you can make any forecasts, i’ll say this, but regarding the question of hopes for trump, no one has hopes for trump, well, we don’t need to have them, we also don’t need to fall into the same
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trap, nevertheless, if some kind appears a chance, yes, relatively speaking, yes, which may be of interest to us, yes, in politics such opportunities should be used, to the extent possible or not, that’s another question, sometimes they say, well, there’s no need to talk to anyone at all, listen, although i’m not a communist, yes, stalin was talking to these same people, to his enemies, do you think he didn’t understand that tomorrow they could, so to speak, stick a knife in his back, he understood and...
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further - while he chooses the second option just this is this this yes that is, while in rhetoric he chooses the second but ours, but ours, so to speak , our goal, as it were, our task here, too, i understand that somewhere someone is doing something, but in my opinion, sit and talk, so to speak, well , relatively speaking, there, well, that’s how it will be, so to speak, relatively speaking, well, here the american people , so to speak, will choose whoever they choose and choose , by the way, your idea about recreating austro-hungary, so to speak, well, why not here, it seems to me that the situation is such that you have to be very flexible, so the slope will be free, yes , including, as it were, why? why not, yes, so i think that we need to work on these matters here, i do not rule out that how he could play for him to save
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the world, this is important, especially since he talked to orban, we we say, we don’t know what orban told him, and we don’t know what orban said, but i think orban told him, so to speak, at least two things, first, orban told him that putin himself is actually ready for negotiations, but the west says that putin is not ready for negotiations, russia does not want negotiations, i think that orban told him that russia is not going to seize poland there, so to speak, hungary, germany and there france, italy , and the west says that... he wants to seize here and so on and so on, that is, i think that he just said some basic things, no, i don’t want to say that again, no one here ocharov , i’m much more interested in what orban said to putin, this is considering that with he met trump before, this is of course important, this is of course important, but we don’t know that, what i said, he didn’t tell putin, because putin already knows that, by the way, about china, i’m finishing alone of course, so to speak, the most unpleasant things like... quickly moving from saving the world to war are very simple, as it were, yes, he, in his spiritual simplicity, can set as a condition
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a severance of relations with china or a lowering, so to speak, of the level of relations they will say to china ok, so to speak, now we’ll finish everything, then there are no questions at all, how would zelensky go there now, as if yes, especially since, by the way, he clearly does not sympathize with him zelensky zelensky did everything so that trump gets the shots, so to speak, we ’ll leave that to someone else, so to speak - to tell you something, these are just fantastic morons who have been there for 4 years. as if they were throwing mud, but at least they thought a little, what if he comes to power, what suddenly, suddenly? he will say, grandfather, grandfather, now another grandfather, grandfather, you are different, grandfather, i found you, nevertheless, considering this, so to speak, situation with china, i think that they can, they can try this as, so to speak, some kind of bargaining position to put forward, i think that, of course, this is completely futile, but nevertheless, that’s it this could be a transition, so to speak, from peacekeeping on the contrary to aggravation, but as for aggravation, well, yes, leave it all.
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you have an urgent need for immigration, but you already have the ability to manage it, you still have it, you can now look at the sad experience of multiculturalism in french, italian, british and so on, so you could resolve this issue both harshly and humanely.
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with those who are really in demand, yes, listen, in military factories people get paid less than those people who work hard, so apparently, grub is much more important, advertising, alisa, grisha’s mother was my close friend, but she died. recently, i promised her that i would take care of grisha, you will not need anything, there is enough space in my house for all of us, hello, where is oleg borisovich? tonight, oleg borisovich died, extensive heart attack, if you allow me, i will always be by your side, grisha, aleksanov’s heir,
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that’s why he is so urgently drawing up paternity papers, he needs money, not a child. that’s it, no, i’m his father, and i will decide where he will live, with whom to communicate with whom to be friends, me, not you, from love to hate, on friday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count fats, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant, fantastic, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes again,
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every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also useful, and it lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula, on saturday on rtr.
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i have always proceeded from the fact that in general, do not rush, so to speak, to explain as a conspiracy what is explained by a banal mess, look how secret agents, in quantity six of them and one from behind, seven of them took trump away from the stage, which means not even when he was resisting there and wanted to wave his fist, no, then when they were leading him, if there had been a second shooter there, trump would have been dead, like all these fools around, by the way, by the way, yes, okay, it’s their job to cover up with their bodies, but they didn’t cover up anything. don’t cover them with bodies, because that includes bodies, listen, but from a large caliber this won’t do anything, it’ll just pierce them all together, but yes, 338 would have arrived there and no, well, they have these very light body armor, after all, there are two walls of body armor and this still weakened even the serious if the system, but the point is that this was absolutely unprofessional work of these very
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special services, that they do not work professionally , it’s clear in this regard, i ’ll give you another example, this administration, it ’s actually not that biden is old, they are now trying to mislead the whole country and the whole world, that the whole issue is biden, in fact, this is the utmost incompetence, to which, in principle , refined liberalism leads in general, this liberal administration, it was going to, well, okay, it wasn’t going to do anything for the country, but for the party for its own, it was going to do a long one-party rule, they were supposed to carry out immigration reform, reform supreme court, electoral reform and two more states to be included, right? to make a state out of the district of columbia and out of puerto rico, the question is where is all this, you had to do this for your power, you had both houses of congress in your hands and biden in in the white house, where it’s all, they couldn’t do anything? in economics, i would like to ask pyotr butyrich, where is the trillion dollars, now, well, at least something, not a single bridge that fell during biden’s time has been restored, not a single bridge, well, maybe somewhere in the village
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they repaired it themselves, in general, here it’s all like this, this is, of course, an extreme decline in competence, which always, look at their cities, what they have become, which always comes under liberal rule, this, by the way, is a very important symptom, in this sense, biden is just illustration, well, it’s like this , it’s falling apart... about this, and of course, they need to do something now, they’ve been extremely delayed in replacing biden, for exactly this same reason. but now, what is happening, as it were, from another country. yes, maybe the matter is murky. dim, i understand correctly that in fact the entire administration is now scared, because seeing how they dealt with the trump administration, when they threw people into prison, they understand that if trump returns to power, they will face high-profile trials, and it will be hard for them avoid jail time. someone thinks that this will not affect him, someone thinks that he did not take part in this, this is how it always happens in such situations, blinkin and salevan sativand, well, salivand, there vika nuland is up to her neck in all of this
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in the russia-gate case, that is, there are a lot of people there, and that is precisely why, by the way, they are of course very scared now, very scared of this whole thing, and of course the assassination attempt on trump gave it impetus, no sociology can be trusted now, because all sociology is now imprisoned to even fight trump. for the struggle of various factions in the democratic party, they won’t change for whom, and no matter how difficult it will be for them to make this decision, i won’t even speculate now who might be there and what it means, because it will be very difficult to just make a decision , they are now in a situation in which it’s not clear what to do, but you can only do it for someone you don’t feel sorry for, but that’s not even the point, you know, make a decision now, because you’ll have to answer for it later in front of the boys, it’s your fault that we were all imprisoned, well, if so well, like this.
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wedding, so that his children would not bear the name, so to speak, according to his parents, it was a difficult choice, it’s actually, i’m not saying that it’s good, i’m saying that it’s a huge pain for him, well, he’s so classic, and he is self-made, he is from the outback, his book is a redneck, but it must be read, that is, it’s like trump’s book, it is still made at the level of show business, such political show business, this broken america, which then it was retaken under the name make america great again from where?
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now it means to the european part, as it were, and what does this whole thing mean? i completely agree with the tone that we shouldn’t expect trump to bring us anything, but we absolutely need to evaluate what
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will happen next, because without understanding, let’s say, they say that nothing will change, or that everything will change radically , there are a lot of all sorts of subtle things that now it’s time to figure out how to use them, because in fact the time has come when everything began to move, in my opinion, there is an interesting thing, of course, this is an article... boris johnson in the daily mail, the daily mail, yes, and who everyone appreciated it so much that he now wants to sneak up on trump and lick him, but at the same time save ukraine, nothing like that, guys, that’s not how articles are written, he’s a very cunning comrade, he’s okay, he looks like a clown, but he doesn’t think like a clown, everything was written for the sake of one paragraph: ukrainian troops should take the place of american troops in europe, under whose command, of course under mine, who , who made them fight then? when these cowards were ready to surrender kiev, that’s why he ’s doing this, which means that at least three european projects are emerging, well, one project - let’s do the defense.
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but i haven’t seen anything, let’s say that they at least leveled out the production of the projectile, for example, i’m not talking about the fact that practically everything was taken away from them, all production from the territory of europe, with such, well, there is the fonderline project, moreover, the funderliain project under trump means that trump says, you’re a funder, yes, well, well, do what you want, the second project, this is quite interesting, this is orban’s project and against this project, that is, roughly speaking, there may be a part of europe that wants to join, there may be
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a significant part of europe. which says: well, you see, america will abandon us, but america understands us under trump, but we won’t do anything more than what we were doing, in fact, pay attention to what happened immediately after orban traveled there, which means the oil pipeline was blocked, who suffered the most, hungary, slovakia, so this is orban’s project, it’s very interesting, but so to speak, they immediately started playing against him, it’s also understandable, mind you, he says that if before... the landing center of american interests in europe was poland, now it will be hungary through me. yes, in this sense, orban, of course, made a brilliant maneuver, and if under trump he can make at least some part of europe, so to speak, orban, well, the man is simply brilliant, politically he has done everything brilliantly. it doesn't matter if it helps us or no, you just need to understand that such a project exists. he has very serious reasons. and finally, as it were, the last project
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is boris johnson’s project. to hell with this european union, let them at least go bankrupt, let them at least starve, i need these comrades, to say the least, to be watched by my ukrainian soldiers, and can you imagine what it’s like to bring in 34,000 of these same bandera armed men? there to europe, well, in fact , boris johnson suggested it, wrote it, yes and his wooden soldier, that’s what you also need to understand, that is, it’s like this, this creates another one. there must be boris johnson, in what capacity should he be, what title should he have, urfin jus, he is the commander of wooden soldiers, he cannot be moved, he cannot be moved, in britain the libist government can sit as long as it wants, and he leads europe, and those countries that are subordinate to him from the government, those live better, those who do not, just stand there, but formally he still needs some kind of title, this happens time, he can be instructed specially, okay, that’s who, who will remember now, that’s everyone
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who watches us on tv. can say what the name of the prime minister of great britain is now, that's what we're talking about, darth vader is his name, now the time has come when no one is even interested in this, he might as well jump into this position again, well, he might jump out for this position, he can be jumped to some other position, or they can create a position under him, or they can create a position or somewhere else, i think, not even in nato structure, somewhere else it is needed, because these bureaucrats are not interested in everything either, this is actually an amazing thing, when i... was trying to understand what this article was about, until i came across this paragraph, i thought, well, what kind of bullshit is this, well, it’s just, well, after all, i’m talking about johnson, but you started with the fact that you don’t need to look for a conspiracy in every bullshit, maybe it’s just really bullshit, once again, look, i’m talking about that if an event happened, then everyone immediately thinks about conspiracy theories, that bullets don’t fly that way, so to speak, that’s the secret services don’t work and so on, in this case i’m not saying that he will succeed, firstly, because but, but he has such an idea,
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such an idea. yes, it will work, it won’t work, i always doubt very much that he will succeed. moreover, if we return now, it means there, across the atlantic ocean, the republicans may have good plans, they are even preparing a personnel reserve to replace those who are now working in washington. well, listen, both trump and vance, all these people studied at universities, but trump studied a little earlier, and vance already later, he turns 40 only on august 2, my memory serves me correctly, he already studied in the system that gave birth to all this chaos and dysfunction. therefore , i’m not sure that if they come to power, everything will work out for them, and this means only one thing, an increase in discontent, conflict, and, you know, as they said before, this is what biden did not succeed in, this is a very important thing, biden failed to say that prices increased because of putin, although at one time that's all he said, then trump said, it's the chinese virus, here's all your troubles from the chinese virus, it doesn't work, none of it, why in the first place, because... there are
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americans across the street who voted for biden, and at some point, you even ask them, if you ask them specifically now, why you don’t like trumpists, why you don’t like liberals, clearly formulated? they won’t be able to do anything other than the headlines there or braidward or the new york times, but they feel such personal hatred, such personal hostility, they can’t eat, this situation can no longer be resolved, they will have to actually fight this conflict, which will be of enormous importance for the whole world, that’s when we say wait, don’t wait, we need not wait, we need to calculate all these options, all these risks and be prepared to work together with allies, but in this in this in this situation. yes, yes, in this situation, get out either with your own people, or better yet, with a profit. vladimir vladimirovich, of course, with americanists so respected, i won’t talk much about america, i’ll say i understood only one phrase, literally, while
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watching these stories and listening to our respected colleagues, what is the difference between the two companies, the difference in general is in one letter, by and large, when you started the first story you showed there that biden says: i feel good , yes, i feel...
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we are filling this niche, but europe is still worried about, of course, trump’s victory, about this very niche, about this vacuum that will form in the european security system if some projects are truly successful trump on this
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regarding his demand to increase the military budgets of european countries, contributions to nato, this is what we are now hearing about the creation of a european defense union, well... here i absolutely agree with the fact that, well, we’ve already checked, let’s remember the end of last year, the beginning of this year, when, thanks to the efforts of the same wentz, aid to ukraine was blocked, these 60-odd billion, and europe did not know what to do, europe does not have the kind of money that america has, whether you like it or not, you can create some defense alliances, alliances and so on, but it’s clear that if america says, you ’re defending yourself there, then...
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what’s happening now in ukraine, i can’t help but dwell on the murder of irina farion, a truly significant murder, significant, despite the fact that it would seem, yes, in ukraine , what is happening now
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is really justified, because avakov showed the names there, which means faces,
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portraits, videos, look, the nazis, the ukrainian nazis, they overthrew him, and zelensky supported this, remember how he later justified himself, how he had to jump off immediately, then he was arrested, well, it was obvious that this is the murderer, the perpetrators, at least, the only question was the orderers, you know where they are now, i specifically looked at what happened in the case of sheremet’s murder, everyone was released because they serve the armed forces of ukraine, well, no, no , no... rusnya, here comes a statement, it means
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that there is a militant mikhalchishin from freedom, this is of course, muscovy, this is theirs, look, this is their handwriting, that means sudoplatov’s handwriting, then there are statements, again from svoboda, that no, well, this is clearly the handwriting of the kgb, fsb, everything, the circle is narrowing, you see, russia, muscovy, the kgb, sudoplata, everything, in general, the case has been solved, and sudoplatov personally, yes.
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political system, this is a suicidal process for him, of course, they do not immediately affect the front, but the fact that they will affect is undeniable, and this is a factor in the changes that we see inside the kiev regime. certainly influences the position of the west, if it were a monolithic regime, a strong regime, where there would have been no murder of frion, where there would have been no resignation of sodol, but this continues, the generals resigned, now they are sorting it out, it turns out, russian propaganda she was right when she said in the window, they are now, so yes, he’s looking, they say, look what happened, it turns out that it
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was a suicidal operation, no one needed, who’s to blame, sodr, he says, but he’s also responsible for something else it’s the fault of who appointed him, and it’s all going on, it’s not stopping. adapting to the fact that trump will become president, adapting, how, with whom does trump communicate? firstly, he is wildly embittered because they shot at him, they wanted to kill him, he has vance, with whom he communicates of european politicians, with orban, which means he needs to be replaced by someone, who is that someone,
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johnson. johnson, in fact, seems to represent another wing of right-wing conservatives, not pro-russian, but russophobes. and he must interrupt orban, so you are not friends with viktor orban, not with this little hungary, you are friends with johnson, johnson, who represents the right right, johnson, who represents the right europe, the right conservatives who hate russia, i think this is so, represents the muslim, the first a muslim state with nuclear weapons, in the future, as the vice-president said , is the future of the united states, but not yet, but it’s hard to be friends with someone like that, and he offended great britain so immediately and sharply. perhaps , by the way, regarding, well, there are no parallels, i didn’t want to say, but since you mentioned vance, there was this hannibal gamblin, whom lincoln elected vice president in the sixties, he, by the way, was also such a defector, a little, supported until this president, who was a supporter of slavery, and then became an ardent opponent, just such a speaker, so radical
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that in 1964 lincoln was forced to change him, he turned out to be so radical, that is , there are probably some parallel processes, i mean that... america is going on - to the civil war, to this clash, when we look at how it was 100 there 60 years ago, and we cannot help but look, of course, there are no clear parallels, but nevertheless some analogies can be drawn here. so there is a struggle for influence on trump. and i i think i’m not an americanist and i certainly won’t take bread from any of our respected americanists. in this regard, belarusians are absolutely kind and loyal people, yes, hospitable and cheerful. we are friendly people in this regard, but nevertheless, i think that within the democratic party there is a struggle not over whether biden or not biden, but how to come to an agreement with the trump team with this transition team, so as not to sit down, not sit down, save yourself in the system, not in a position, but in the system, i think this is where the real struggle is now going on
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around trump, what this image of trump will be, another important point, many us presidents, they were convinced of... you talked with george bush jr., he was and far from the strongest with the elder one, yes, let’s say, i think that kennedy didn’t think he was god’s chosen one, roosevelt didn’t think he was god’s chosen one, but many directly believed in their mission, there reagan, george w. bush, jr., many random others called crusaders, yes, why did i want to say this, they believe in this sacred mission, there is no such thing in orthodoxy term. campaign, probably yes, but i have a question that is very important now for peace and for settlement: does russia believe in this special sacred mission that it carries, that is, a special military operation, this is seriously for a kind of new world order,
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which will happen, or russia is ready to make that big deal that trump will inevitably offer, it will happen, he is doing what... what he says: yes, we may not know the terms of this deal, but the fact that he will offer these terms of the deal , this is clear under the terms of this deal, russia will occupy some place in trump’s world, he will shape his own world, he is not quite an isolationist like the thirties, he is not going to straight away leave everywhere, and of course part of this deal will be the issue that the trump team already now it means the same vance, you are with america or you are with china, like this. they see this world now, that is, they are ready to leave europe somewhere, redistribute powers in order to, as they have said many times here in this studio, focus on china, definitely.
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sergei viktorovich lavrov said about many things when he spoke about consultations of behind-the-scenes, let’s call them that, political scientists, when questions were asked, but look what sergei viktorovich was talking about, they didn’t ask about this territory you will give up or this one, after all, we are talking about ideology, there we are talking about values, there we are talking about the russian language, including what will remain of ukraine, so these are actually even larger topics that will be discussed, of course. no until the end of trump's plan, he won't formulated, and even if there was one, it will still be adjusted, one more thing i would like to say is that i don’t believe in a conspiracy against
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trump either, i believe in a conspiracy against america, this is a conspiracy of history, because we don’t understand some of the laws of history, but how two very old people fight right up to bring their country to civil war for the first post, although it is clear that there should be a completely different leader, nominated by one party or another, such cases have happened in history... there have been, this is evidence of that that the system is in a deep crisis, this crisis is characterized by simple words: no matter how the conflict in ukraine ends, and we believe in russia’s victory, but as this will certainly be the case, in any case, us hegemony has come to an end, whether biden wins, whether trump wins, this is inevitable, all these details, vance, will biden withdraw, as the two parties agree, they do not play any role in this regard, we are only talking about the time when...
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the death penalty, well done, explained, clearly, clearly, the whole procedure, but if we are allied state, maybe we should still adopt the best practices, no, yes, well , it’s somehow strange, well, by the way, we didn’t cancel it, we need to lift the moratorium on everything, well, the moratorium, i have so many questions for him, well this is so, because when we talk about a combat zone, there should be action there in general, in my opinion...
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putin doesn’t like to speak in such terms, so pompous, but he talks very specifically, firstly, he feels a colossal responsibility for russia, he often cites this famous phrase about that... and he also said many times that the west cannot be trusted, so when we talk about some kind of big deal, with whom, every next american president who comes spits on what his predecessor signed, we clearly see this in the iran deal , and most importantly, from december twenty -one, we said very clearly: here are our national interests , listen carefully, if you don’t want to listen, it’s coming... february 24 , twenty-two, now we have a constitution that clearly outlines our
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territories. vladimir vladimirovich clearly said that the conditions that we... are putting forward, if you want to hear them, fine, if you don’t want to, the next ones will be worse, but now just take the train twice, let’s go back to europe or with america, well, let’s see, it’s become there is no cultural elite at all, the elite of managers has become completely different, the time of the heroes will not understand, the people at the front will not understand, zaporozhye, kherson region, crimea, moscow, yekaterinburg, kazan, st. petersburg will not understand, but putin feels the people, the elite can o dream something, people this will not be accepted, i think so, now advertising, after it we will continue, navy day
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on rtr, the main military man. to the naval parade. live you will see white tunics and bright banners. oveyan glory and ships of the russian fleet. glory to the russian navy. hooray. watch a film about lovers at sea. nakhimovtsy. comrades nakhimovites, we will be glad to welcome the winners of the tournament. day of the naval parade. and special. festive edition of the show "songs from the whole heart". every time my father brought huge beautiful shells to present. russia honors its fleet. russia congratulates its heroes. july 28, all day.
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