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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 23, 2024 2:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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they can’t do anything, yes, great, oh, in many ways, my venerable friend andrei nikolaevich, i didn’t come empty -handed, this is a little okopyanchik, almost in full height, here... not just a kopyan in the studio, he’s wearing a tailcoat and a top hat with cards and a little squeak, i told my friend, who not so long ago got married for the hundredth time, so i decided to please him somehow, and i’m thinking, what should i buy him for his anniversary, dear, handsome, charming, two children, the second one is 2 and a half months old, i think i’ll buy him a large rubber doll in a tech shop, naively.
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chakovsky boy, i open the trunk, put 60-90 by 90 in there, and that’s just the face, i close it and go, the inspector stops me, he says, okapyan, i say, yes, i, he says, oh, we love you so much, my wife you adores, mother-in-law, father-in-law adores you, children, i have three children, give me something, i say, i have books and some rubber squeaking toys in the trunk, and we come up, i open the trunk, there is 90, 60 to 90, he looks at this beauty and says, why do you need this, i say, you know what a thing, here a precious pearl, there is a wife in the cabin, and this is a spare tire, he literally folded in half, 20 minutes of paroxysm and laughter choked him, when he returned to him, that means charm and life, from consciousness, he tells me:
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my text will really like this story, i ’ll go now and tell you i’ll heat up another bottle, there’s a video of how you were stopped by traffic police in soviet times, and historical footage, attention, constantly, yes, yes, hello, senior inspector. fifth gi captain nikitin, very nice, turns are prohibited here, so girls, captain, didn’t notice the sign, documents, please, please, here, excuse me, please, in general, illusionist, oh, one, but no, no, two, three, four, oh, manipulation.
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and mine, as drunk as it is, is right, right, too. for the first time the trick failed. focusing on the roadway is prohibited. can’t do without tricks, it all started with this performance, so you understand, my fate was to some extent predetermined, some people say he was born in a shirt, but they always told me he was born in a chelma, and if we add to this that i spent the first year of my life in my father’s illusion box, which
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replaced my crib, then there was no point in dreaming about something else, well, for example, becoming an artist, oh most beautiful of all delightful ones, i haven’t asked a single question yet, you saw that we advertising is coming soon, i just have time to answer, i just have time to answer, but seriously, because now we saw your parents, this seclusion is probably due to the fact that... you were so happy with your mom and dad , you have received so much love, so much support in life that in connection with their departure, probably, some kind of deep loneliness arose and the world was empty, yes, the source of inspiration was closed for reconstruction, it’s hard to say what will happen next, my mother passed away not so long ago, and it was... a loss , it is still huge,
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i have slammed inside myself, i am crumbling to this day, and my today, alas, is yesterday. a very loud cheer, an artistic form of communication with my viewer, whom i don’t see, i don’t know what will happen next, the circle of my interlocutors has narrowed to internal monologues, which only my wife understands and deciphers, here she is, she is able to give me the opportunity to somehow breathe deeply, helps me breathe deeply, and so i shut the curtains and don’t... don’t communicate, because well , it seems, it seems, but why, there are people with whom there is nothing to even, there is nothing to even pose with, there are people with whom there is nothing even to talk about, well, there is nothing to keep silent about, but there are people
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whose silence you want to listen to, and i’m not talking about myself, of course, but i’m pleased that you listened to my silence and... called me, and i haven’t gone anywhere for a long time, it’s very difficult for me to communicate, communication failures constantly haunt me, fatally complex stories constantly, and i’m used to, as you rightly said, to love, to lassica, to magic, because it all started with my birthday in my life, miracles began just immediately, magical miracles in the orphanage maternity hospital, which means i was born on december 1st. my dad, then already an honored artist of armenia, rushes into the maternity hospital on pirogovka as the doors open, and then he himself professor zdilberman, who delivered the child, undressed, which means the little future wizard began to say something,
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just look at how strong his legs are, what strong arms he has, what rosy cheeks he has, what a nose he has he’s big, strong, his ears are pink, and that we have a baby here in your palm, and they’re squeezed, with his fingers squeezed, that you have a boy there, and i was born left-handed, and he began to unclench the fingers of his left hand, and what did he see in me? palm, he saw his wedding ring, he takes it off, in the sense of taking it into my palms, picking it up, examining it carefully and saying: yes, arutyuna mayakovich, now i have no doubt, this is definitely your son. but today , exclusively for you personally, andrei nikolaevich, for your magical program there is a backstory that we don’t talk about, but today i have the opportunity to tell it to you, tell you. my dad, before he appeared, that is, in my mother’s boudoir, one might
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say, magical there, he flies into the air , opening the doors to the maternity hospital, and there on the hanger - some girls and nurses are talking and running around. and one of them throws out the phrase: “oh, girls, i completely forgot to return professor zelberman, his ring, engagement ring, dad is flying past her, and says, she understands that a great story is being born, which will really be passed on from mouth to mouth, a great wizard “he says, my dear girl, beautiful, beloved, i ask you, please give me this ring, and i myself would magically return it to comrade zilberman.” she gives him this ring under hypnosis, but how it fell into my paw, this, guys, is already a question of technology, and harutyun kapyan’s technology was on the verge of fantasy, and then it went, it went, but dad adored you, because
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already in 1980, after 2 years of your premiere in the morning mail, you are already leading with him , appearing at the new year's light, let's look at these shots. excuse me, how come you didn’t have time to buy gifts? i think you’ve been preparing gifts for a long time? yes, of course, this is yours, thank you very much for yours, and they also say you have gifts in your pocket here, and what are these, please, gifts, and what is this, in this sardmani you also have gifts here, please, please get gifts from the cheesecake, what kind of gift, do you have gifts from karmani? here you go, now you try enough, please, here, look, there are, well, here are the gifts, and you say, people’s artist of the armenian ussr harutyuna kopyan and luryad of international competitions, well
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, sashenka and i studied at gita together. so i knew him well, but i had only just begun to really appear on the big stage, so if you allow me, i would come back. to those illusions that are very dear to me, as a little boy, i, like all soviet children, mm, attended kindergarten without any pleasure, that’s where i showed myself as a wizard for the first time, which means, uh, we were told to everyone that december 31st in the kindergarten will have a masquerade ball, well, all the children, like children, normal children, had to appear in festive costumes, girls, snowflakes, boys, for some reason bunnies? well , at best there were squirrels, there were girls, your humble servant should have appeared in
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a puss in boots costume, this was my favorite character, my grandmother, taisivanna mushtaeva, born mesyagina from the unfinished, she once read charles perot to me in the original in french, and then translated it and i fell in love with this character like my own grandmother, i had to appear in this suit, a cat in boots, they sewed it for me from a red english plaid. which my dad just brought from england, a fluffy one, a costume, a mask was ordered from the big theater from the butafors, they sewed a tail on me, and it wasn’t just a tail, it was a prop for work, so here i am, which means i’m flying to this soviet kindergarten , i was so nervous, so i was worried, so worried, i put on a suit, i fly into the tree, it means santa claus, the snow maiden, the tree in the back. sugar-white lenin stands and smiles, ilyich also winks at me, and i think it’s him... it turns out that i was so
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nervous, i was so worried that i put on the costume backwards, and this tail, which was a prop, ceased to be a tail, it was dangling indecently like that, and according to my dad’s story, i also tore it off, i approached, i approached, grandparents were sitting there, i turn it like... here i turn it into a rope, hand it to some grandmother, fortunately, not mine, scissors, says: grandma, be devout, please cut this tail, which is no longer a tail, why are you laughing, grandma, we are now going to show you an amazing miracle, cut it, grandma means it flows onto the parquet floor, paroxysm and laughter they were strangling her, that’s when i realized that i had to work in character, this precious pearl of my soul would come to you, also in a mask, is that right? this mask was approved by rina vasilyevna zelenaya,
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who was our guest, i was a little boy, very tiny, so i went it means i don’t want to go to kindergarten, but mommy, she taught me to play, and irina vasilyevna , having learned that the little child is learning to play, she tells me, mommy, play something, i say, no, rina vasilievna, i don’t want to , well, what am i playing, i recently picked up something, of course, from the beatles, she says, i really love this liverpool four, amochka, play something, a vocal instrumental ensemble, that’s what they were called in the soviet union, i i say: well, i don’t know, let me try, that means i lift the lid of the piano and start banging andrei nikolaevich precious pearl of my soul, hitting the keys, screaming, screaming, screaming, when this quiet horror ended in the full sense of the word , a huge, heavy horror, rina vasilyevna, in order to somehow soften this... psychiatry in the house, a huge pause arose, aka she loved all soviet children, she didn’t have any of her own,
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she came up to me and said: “amochka, pat my head, you sang wonderfully, you played wonderfully, amochka, but why don’t you use the pedals that you have downstairs at the piano?” . i brazenly turn to her and i say: “irina vasilievna, i still don’t play fast enough to use it.” brakes, she turns to the guests, and there were a lot of guests there, she says, and the guy is growing up, an eccentric, this one later, i already began to say, i’m not just an eccentric, but i’m an eccentric eccentric, this is green, what after how long i can’t even quickly count the years since you will play in the same film with anna samokhina. and the film thieves in law will collect at the box office no less than the golden
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key and the adventures of pinocchio. let's recap your role there. i won't be driving drink. listen, then show me your famous doll. yes, dear, show me. only for you. dad, dad, how are you, okay, come to you, just come. this is the little white one, uh-huh, and this is the red one, is this money, eretochka, for me this is money, this is true, tears, after the advertisement there is even more unique video, and the lighthouse
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kopyan breaks his silence today. “die, die, call an ambulance, look at the rtr, he was poisoned with banal rat poison, that is , the killer could have been anyone, this is not just a photo, it’s on a monument to my deceased wife, she’s still your wife, which means he can evict you now, we ’ll see about that later, hello, tie me up.” a hairstyle, maybe you need something else, go with me to a cafe, raya, everything is evil, raya knows everything, maybe you are rightly jealous, vladimir petrovich, tomorrow on rtr,
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catch a riff, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins ? : can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of beneficialness decreases, pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes? once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure,
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the food formula on saturday on rtr. “i love you, i love you very much, we can’t be together, she’s my sister, my family, i can’t hurt her, someone else’s family on saturday on rtr, again, good afternoon, thank you for continuing to watch us ,
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today my guest is an illusionist, tv presenter and beloved by millions of artists, after many years of seclusion, he breaks his silence for the first time. unique footage from your family archive, nikita khrushchov, anastas mikayan, beautiful women around your dad, everyone is passionately talking about something, unfortunately, the sound was not recorded, and we must say that yes, your father really was a favorite of the top officials of the state , filmed a lot with an amateur camera, which was rare for that time. there were practically none, yes, he did it himself, dad didn’t tell you what it was it was for an unofficial reception, it was some kind of very important serious picnic outside of moscow, and... which means that foreign guests were received in the open air, and the stars, and dad walked there, joked around, which means he arranged a riff-raff between foreigners there, and nikita
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sergeevich adored him, adored him, and he kept telling him, here, there, go there, there’s english, here, this one, this one, this little guy, we really need him, go, go, and he’s there came up, there was such a shurum-burum, he just burned your currency, their currency, took it, burned it, she evaporated and turned into soviet rubles. the soviet ruble is strong wooden, which means nikita sergeevich hit himself on the knee, he says, here we can, here are the kind of artists we have, here’s to you all, here, here’s a copperfilm for you, nikita sergeevich kruchev at this banquet, there were foreigners , people from the central committee of our former party, were, he means, raises his glass and says, sacramental, utters a sacramental phrase, i want to drink to the health of an international swindler for harutyun okapyan golobys this one
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a big glass when everyone left, dad was brought home in a special vehicle, he said to his wife’s little mother, my mother, lichka , i just don’t even know whether he praised me or not tomorrow, what to be ready just in case, she says, what are you, what are you? of course he praised you, of course he loves you, everything then, after these banquets, they started sending dad in 1955 to send him to earn currency for his homeland, he brought this currency in suitcases and handed it over to his homeland, then i went in 1978, 1979 and, like many soviet actors, artists, directors, he brought currency, they took it all from us and said that your currency, comrades, will be used to feed the homeland.
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you helped us, so we are bastards, the foreigners exposed him, my father says, and they will attract me, well, now we will invite you to all the holidays so that you can demonstrate such tricks, and dismantle, expose this rich bastard, and i just don’t know, i read, that’s why dad was even invited to star in the film tehran-43, a film about intelligence officers, where played by alain delon, armen dzhegarkhan and... and you realize that you have to pay well for artistic work.


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