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tv   Moryachka  RUSSIA1  July 25, 2024 12:20am-1:25am MSK

12:20 am
then this is a guy with a boat, you’re already making my head spin, okay, now we can finally get busy with poachers, i’ll get on with it, katerina, i’ll get on with it, listen, andrey, i ’ll show you another photo, some guy, in short, he buys tavrsa fish for himself in buckets, i saved it from him, now he doesn’t know why and the numbers are the same, send it to me, i ’ll throw it in roses today, come on, thank you, that’s it, guys, i’m off, come on, happy, happy, misha, what's wrong with him, anton, zheleh, bring the zheleh, otherwise he will drown, if i don't hold him, i'll bring him now. can you hold one? yes, of course, well, i can hold it too. no, no, i can handle it, thanks. yes, seryozh. katyusha, hi, can you come over now? now? yes, i have great news. uh, okay, i'll come now. listen, mish, i need to leave. go, go, we can handle anton, go, don’t worry. call, okay, breathe, breathe. quietly, even,
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mikhail vladimirovich, vest, seryozhda, explain clearly what happened, for what reason the champagne, you met your father, met, now we ’ll talk about him, but first for our happy the future, now we definitely have it, i know , for sure, hold it, hold it with your finger, yeah, smart girl, so, seryozh, well, you, now, a second, now, oops, oops, oops, for us, seryozh, you’re not pull, uh-huh, so my father offered me to head a new fish factory, well, which will open one of these days, i heard, probably, well, yes, uh-huh, but barinov bought this fish factory, barinov, yes, this gentleman is my father.
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barinov, i didn’t know myself, my mother let it slip, she went to him about the boat so that he could take the application, but he doesn’t care about me either course, you understand, well, now it’s like this, well, well, we’ll live, well, we’ll live, let’s do it for us. it’s strange, why didn’t i tell you anything that you don’t know my mother, ordo, well, yes, i understand, but what are you, what happened, what are you talking about, today, when we were fishing, we found a wounded zora, we barely pumped it out, you’re talking about the dolphin again his, he’s alive, well, yes, we need to find these bastards who injured him, well, we need to take him away already. near here, where to? to
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the kratmanov center, uh-huh, well, okay, and you’re communicating with him again, and seryozh, well, what should i do with him, but he’s definitely there will help, well, right, right, yeah. i’m so tired, i’m going to go to bed, the day is just stressful, but everything is fine, everything is fine, katyosha! everything is fine, everything is fine.
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mikhail vladimovich, let's change your menu. we only have one wetsuit. you know, you can’t survive in cool water for 20 minutes without it. but our boy is not very good. are you going to stay up all night? well, let's see. i hope he will feel better. he’s already breathing better, so, i understand, i’ll go find a wetsuit, anton, make me better hot tea, hot, okay, i’ll do it, just this we still didn’t have enough, breathing, breathing, ugh, but everything is fine, it’s just anton by mistake. that's it,
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breathing, breathing, breathing, misha, misha, misha, katya, katya, hi, come on, come on, come on, hi, ugh, i fell asleep for some reason, hold on, thank you, zor, you, my dear, like this, that's it, you're my smart girl, that's it, smart girl. oops, someone better? misha, thank you, you saved him, you are the best. mish, i’m sorry, i had such a migraine yesterday, but i couldn’t come. hello. can we find out what outsiders are doing in the center? in our country, i don’t know, maybe there’s a passage yard here or
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zoo, or do we want to introduce the virus to the dolphin, who barely survived? marin, what virus are you talking about? explain to you what i mean? our girl seems to be at sea with the fishermen. walks around has contact with dead fish, but we trade live fish, actually, misha, anything can happen , so listen, i don’t understand what kind of nonsense this is all about, katya has not been a stranger here for a long time, that is, akimova we will to count for his negligence, for the fact that he drags everything from the center, someone will feel at home here, calmly, chill, i understand you correctly, okay, yeah, then we’ll do it this way, i’ll now give katya a permanent pass. she will be able to come here every day, let’s go, why don’t you, come, come, come here, well, this is
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your marina, of course, when she sees me, she immediately rolls her eyes at me, but what do strangers do? in the center or wait, do you want the dolphin to get some kind of infection? well, she’s already completely crazy, but she’s emotional with us, i noticed it, i beg you, just don’t put it in your head, now, you’re like you feel, now, it will be much better, it’s so cool, cold, yes. thank you, pass, yes, pass, pass, pass, yes,
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now you can come to us anytime, at least three times a day, you are officially admitted, thank you, well, i... "thank you, well, three times a day i can’t , but once for sure, that’s quite enough, and mish, i wanted to ask, can i continue to bring fish, mackerel, zora needs to be fattened, of course, bring it, ideally just treat the fish with potassium permanganate first, i’ll do it, well, look, you promised to return dawn healthy, the boy said, the boy did, and i give my damn, marina? yes, hello, vadimirevich, where are you in such a hurry, running away from work, funny, no, i’m at home, i forgot, are you going to mikhail? well, it’s not difficult to guess , he doesn’t spoil me with visits, take me to his office? yes, let’s go, of course, i asked, it turns out that you
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have big problems in the center? well, yes, there are problems. well, then we’ll restore order, right? it would be nice. listen, i'll go call the sinopol and ask him if he put the guy with the photo on the wanted list, because... what. these poachers need to be taken, and this is his business, all the cards are in his hands, the 21st century can identify any criminal, vladimir yuryevich, hello, bullets were flying towards you, son, you found an excellent lawyer, but it turns out that the case is already closed, uh , i don’t understand anything, i mean, well, what do you mean, we’re family or that, of course, i connected all the connections, but just think, my son is in prison, and bear, thank god, everything worked out, huh? thank you, but i asked you not to interfere, and mish, i’m sorry, i don’t want to interrupt you, but i have to go, but mish, i need to go to the sea and fish there, ok, i'll call, bye, goodbye, goodbye, i'll go away for a while, thank you, marina, girl, yes, yes, i'm coming to you, listen to
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me, katya, i think your name is katya? well, it’s very good that my name is katya? i hope you are smart enough to understand that mikhail is just a very kind, polite person, and i’m katya, no, it’s me. i noticed, great, because this pass is so good for your mood, and i strongly recommend that you mind your own business and don’t interfere with us, stop hanging around here all day long, we work here, but you work, and i thought you were doing something else here, of course, you know better what the people at the research center are doing, that’s what, marina, it seems to you... their name is marina, you’re not
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the boss here , this is one, where should i hang around and what should i do, i myself know, this is two, you don’t need to tell me, three, i’m in charge of the robotic team there, and not here sorting out papers, so i don’t have time to listen to the hysterics of a clerical rat, until dates, what? so, come on, tell me really about this boat, what happened, why case is closed? i have no idea why someone closed it there? i have no idea what that means, it’s that the kindergarten, where the matinee was cancelled, someone should have helped, to be honest, i thought it was you, well, as you can see, i didn’t have time, well, nothing, i’ll find out, uh. this waste manager of yours is looking for him, i hope, listen, i can’t
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get a word out of you, are you sick or something, dad, what do you want from me, i want to help, don’t you understand that now an investigation into embezzlement will begin at the center, right, yes , but you don’t need to take care of me, i’m an adult, i can do it myself take care of yourself, yes, i understand and respect all this, bear, but there are different situations, and this is not that situation. well, okay, anyway, i came, i’ll look at the center, you’ll show me, and marina will show you, i’m not in the mood right now, forgive me, okay, okay, then next time, you should at least look at us, son, this somehow not humanly, somehow, necessarily. and your employee marina, in my opinion,
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is an attractive, wonderful girl, i should take a closer look, dad, do you really think that i can’t choose a girl for myself, of course you can, thank you, be there. where are you hiding your face, comrade captain, there was a patrol driving through the old industrial zone, found a car that was put on the wanted list, what are you doing, great, let's go, and take the camera, there is one, click,
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yes, the license plates are the same, we need criminologists call, look what's inside there. the interior is burnt out, it’s unlikely that any traces will be found, what are you, a criminologist, no, comrade captain, oh, comrade captain, there’s a swimming pool in the open sea, dolphins, most likely...
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and i dream of living with you for the rest of my life, reconciling myself or breaking out , i can not live, i know that you are with this, i really don’t know. how to make sure everyone is happy, together forever, from july 29 on rtr,
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes, 60 minutes. tomorrow on rdr. well, it seems better already. criminologists found nothing, not a single print, not a permanent record, nothing, everything was either erased, burned, or washed away, they built an enclosure for dolphins in the open sea, well, yes, they thought about everything, but we have a sick, wounded dolphin, like a living thing proof, how many more dolphins are they? they’ll ruin it, but how much will they sell, okay, well, what will they say, are you a girl, oh, is that you? what
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's happened? katya, how are you on time? everything is fine, listen, give me your fish here, and i can ask you to leave now, but it’s really not up to you. kat, were they okay to let you through? yes, mish, thanks for the pass. yes, well, who exactly came up with the idea for you? zorra. actually, i came up with it. zora. well, okay, i’ll go, otherwise i’ve been on my feet since 5 am, my eyes are closed. marin, i beg you, treat the captain to your wonderful coffee, what andrey, you you can’t even imagine how good the coffee she brews, i tried it once, come in, have a seat, please, thank you, bagels, if you want, help yourself, what kind of
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coffee do you want, with lemon, with cardamom, instant, maybe sugar, with stevia, it’s funny, you make coffee in such a mood, i ’m afraid of something, in fact, i make excellent coffee, generally cook well and generally do everything perfectly, i don’t quite understand why i’m making excuses to you, but who can argue, marina, you are generally a wonderful woman, excuse me, you are generally a wonderful girl, but you’re just not in a very good mood, so do you think you should jump around like a goat, why should you get into trouble? no, of course, but it’s probably better not to show your aggression, come on, andrey, i’ll figure it out myself, when should i show it, okay, of course, you ’ll figure it out on your own, it’s generally better for you on your own, as far as i can see, i won’t save up, thank you very much, sorry, you can’t work like that. aram,
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you have cleaned everything up, no, you left no traces again, the dolphin is not dead, the dolphin will not say anything, is it really not clear, the wounded the dolphin is a reason, they will look, but yes, this scientist was also released from the pre-trial detention center, again he will not let him pass, this just doesn’t scare me so much, he will walk around, sniff around, nothing, he will have something to do, soon this scientific center. in general, they will close and this scientist will dump his moscow, if he is not imprisoned for embezzlement, get out of here,
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at the board of directors it was decided to renovate the workshops. for this purpose, new equipment was purchased, which will arrive this week in 3-5 days, this is the arrangement of the machines that was, we are canceling it, now it will be everything should be located exactly like this, because, uh, this will help us maximize productivity, that is, for example, before our plant produced about 5.00 items, with these machines and this arrangement we will be able to increase our productivity by two or three times. the meeting is over, we’ll talk about the rest later, when the equipment arrives to us. that’s it, thank you, seryozha, you’re a hammer, and not, well, in general i’m proud, then okay, he does the usual, listen, i looked at the papers, but there’s a plan for improvement.
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sorry, well, some new equipment, fish processing plants and so on, but the main thing is connections, acquaintances, you know , great, i’m ready, let’s go, come on, let’s expand our horizons, we’ll basically tear everyone apart, seryoga, well, we’ll still choke on profit, but we’ll show ourselves as a competitor, yes of course, we’ll show everyone, come and look, there’s a diagram on the right, yeah. katyusha, katyusha, katyusha, katyusha, katyusha,
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i have everything, let it burn, i don’t care what happened, my father and i are going to st. petersburg in a few days, buying equipment and the plant will start working just the other day, can you imagine, can you imagine what it’s like this, and i... i told him, he’s so weak, i brought him fresh fish, but it’s not enough for him, and now the catch is so-so, it’s a great pity, you and i will begin a new wonderful life, a new super interesting one, such a life, katya , you will be with me, you know how, you will be with me like, i don’t know, you will walk with me like a queen, and not stand in the market with the catch, wait, but the boat, and the guys, and the sea, oh, i love you i beg you, katyusha, what guys, what a boat , what a catch, there are so many interesting things in life, well, especially with money in general, well, maybe the director...
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how do you remind me of someone dear to me? whom should i tell you sometime? write down my number. how much help will you need? what help, mish?
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to catch barconiers, that's what the police are there for. well, just write it down for no reason.
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both, that's it, that's it, go, come on, come on, come on, well! she looks more cheerful, cheerful, well, do you miss your hostess? go, my boy,
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go, my good one! come here, my handsome man , my boy, mine! come on, come on! mikhail vladimirovich, there is a commission from moscow. which commission? tell me why the papers are orno. every word, so that later for everything. how can you explain this? so you know, our supply manager? yes, yes, i understand, fortunately for you, this notorious akimov escaped and now he is a scapegoat, right? is he being taught by
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the police? yes, just let them... find it, bring charges, and then we will decide, today you have a mess in the economic department, and where is the expeditionary ship, it’s not there, it’s not there at all, you know, it ’s not there, in general, there’s no purpose use of funds, you were given a grant, and i think that you we will temporarily cover the center. listen, kirill andreevich, good afternoon, it seems i’m on time, and i’m an employee of the research center, marina, can you, marina nikolaevna, kirill andreevich, it’s very nice, i brought you a report on our activities, stop, i didn’t ask, look, everything is for yours convenience, summarized in one table, in three sheets, yeah, you yourself understand that it’s easy to close the center, but you can lose important employees and valuable information, and also, here’s a flash drive,
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a summary: you don’t need to read anything, you can just listen, ok, they said, i'm done i’ll read everything, i’ll listen, yeah, kirill andreevich, i wanted to talk to you like a professional, you understand that this often happens, it’s simply impossible to combine scientific and economic activities, it was akimov who was engaged in economic and scientific ratmanov, and besides, mikhail was with us not so long ago. only a few weeks, and what ardent defenders you have, mikhail, vadimovich, thank you, paros, just tell me why in one place you somehow manage to combine scientific activity and economic activity, and you somehow, okay, i’ll take a look at everything, thank you , not i already worked in vain, have a nice day.
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i’ll have a few more questions for you, let’s go to my office, katya, you ’ve got a lot of honey here, i don’t understand, now there’s no time for you at all, our commission has arrived, what kind of commission, you can’t cast a review today, why what happened, i don’t understand what kind of commission it is, calm down, calm down, nothing happened, it’s better, much better. true, it’s just that the commission really came to us from moscow, you see, the car is parked, so it’s better for you not to show up here today, please, leave, and the fish, you see, there’s a stone, please put it there, i’ll pick it up, anton, thank you, let’s hurry up, yes, now, just hurry up, call, later, thank you, and... here’s
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more, please check it out, yes, i see, i see interesting developments, and in general marina, she’s great, i want to tell you right away that i really was wrong, and i should have monitored the management of business affairs from the very beginning, but i think that closing is for this the center would be wrong, i understand that perfectly well, okay. "michal, adimovich, the center is closed for now it won’t, thank god, but all the equipment, all the watercraft must be returned to their place, yes, that’s clear, the method doesn’t interest me, we’ll do it, i don’t know where you’ll get all this, how you ’ll return it, but it’s simply necessary to do it, collect it that’s it, equalize the funds, otherwise all this will be considered theft, only not akimov’s, but yours, i’m clearly degenerating.
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yes, everything is very clear. and the commission will come again, only there will be other specialists there, besides me. don't you understand? we 're talking about government money, oh state property, and of course, i understand everything, that’s great, that’s it, i’m giving you exactly a month, thank you, the timer has already turned on in my head, so day after day, day after day, well, thank you very much, thank you very much, all the best. oh, god, thank you, thank you so much, oh well, i’m just doing my job, no, she saved everyone,
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if it weren’t for you, i, well, now we’ll find akim, he’ll repay the debt, we’ll be able to breathe freely, yes, well done , akimov, knows where to hide, well, it’s okay, it’s my fault. if i sell an apartment, i mean, you know how to sell it apartment, exchange moscow for anapa? katya, hi, hello, mish, hi, sorry, maybe i’m at the wrong time, you have this commission, i
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just wanted to know how zora is doing, they didn’t let me see him, what did this commission say, you know, everything is fine with us , and not even good, just great, i won’t close the center, great, yes, and zoro has already eaten almost all of it. thank you for what? well, how about the news, what about the news? katya, please tell me, maybe we can see each other? well, tomorrow is fisherman’s day, it’s such a big holiday.
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and they say i'm not the most beautiful city in the world i’ve never been, me too, katyusha, you and i will definitely go there, definitely, to st. petersburg, wherever you want, everywhere, as soon as i turn around, and the exhibition is generally cool, to say the least, the largest in europe, well, be careful there, you what, don’t worry, if you want, i’ll call you every hour, i want, i’ll do everything, and you’ll miss fisherman’s day, fisherman’s day, are you serious, well, every year fisherman’s day. thank you, and peter is peter, i’m a completely different planet, i promise you, you and i will definitely go there together, believe me? yes, i love you, i already miss you very much, that’s all for now,
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what are you doing? why are you squeezing her there? let's eat. this porridge is already a stake in my throat. don't you understand? you do not understand? the longer i lie here, the more sick i get. it's time for me to go to sea long ago. i can get up on my own, i can walk on my own. dad, what? but if the doctor says, what does this doctor understand? hello. i need to breathe the sea. wash with sea water. i'm a fisherman. you are our fisherman. it's your professional holiday. fisherman's day. we still can’t forget last year, right katyusha? katya, well what are you saying, okay, she, what are you starting, but you don’t want fish soup, yes, oh, yes, i know your fish soup, with the team, with vodka, oh, this is me poseidon, kat, you remember this, and why here is vodka,
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it's a holiday, fisherman's day, it comes once a year, like new year, who doesn't want a holiday, yes, oh, luminary, please come in, hello, how's yours? i’m feeling great, discharge me, that’s it, wait, your tests just came back, everything is fine, hurray, don’t rush, i can’t discharge you yet, how? well, we still need to watch, oh well this, and dad, what are you so little, listen, tomorrow i will prescribe a new procedure for you, thank you, remember, nothing extra, a strict diet, of course, of course, i remember everything, look, they surrounded me from all sides, i obey, i remember, okay, that's it, i won't bother you, thank you very much, all the best, what are you doing? why are you
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taking my things? i want to wash it, why? what are you worried about? will i bring it tomorrow? no, no, i won’t dry out tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. are you afraid, me, that i’ll run away for the holiday? well, are you completely stupid? and take a walk in can you wear pajamas in the hospital yard? true, to this house. okay, come on, you're not a mope. katyunya!
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and there is a big city there, prospects, yes,
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he will become a person, yes, it’s boring here, i would also gladly come down to st. petersburg, i generally like to travel.
1:00 am
petya, petya, you’re like, something, somehow bad, we broke up, i’m sorry, well, i lost my temper, you know, but it happened, they forgot, now that’s it. that i was able to tell you everything,
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ask for forgiveness, when i saw russia, in general, everything was not in vain, well, that’s enough, well, stop being unstuck, in general, i decided, i’m going to the police testimonies, yes, you will be rehabilitated, you will all... stand up, what place, you, they will take you back to the navy, you are stupid, what a flare the navy is, you know how old i am, i have a light bullet, and you? “i’m in a sanatorium, not in a hospital, it doesn’t matter, i want to do at least something, that’s it, stop, everything is fine with me, and if you want to help me, do you hear, petrukh, give me your pants and shirt, i ’ll return it, i swear, why my sides, but because they took my pen, the woman is a fool, you think
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that i will run away from here, and you, and i will run away from here, what should i do here, no life, it’s a fisherman’s day, wait, he’ll finish it, then we’ll go to the owner’s sister, she ’ll give me from the storage room, how much more to drip, 10, 10 minutes, yes, marian, you haven’t changed, what do i care about your love for life , ok.
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off the right course, we need the right crew, guys, maybe we need help, no, we need it ourselves, where we not only can, we have to, so as not to lose the order, we want to see masha now, where are you from, stand, that’s it, i’ve taken the helm, i’ve left from here, let's go commander. there seems to be someone semaphoring nakhimovtsy on sunday on rtr.
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wait, wait, wait, brother, i beg you, throw yourself to the shore, today is the day of the fisherman, you know, oh, oh, thank you, and what about the smells? ruth, the soup is ready, it’s time to roll it up and hide it with him, you’re used to drinking almost anything right away, children, i won’t give you a drop in front of them, there’s no point in teaching them, and what a holiday for children , what a holiday, but in a pig’s house, so turn, well, by golly, not a man, but the devil, nothing on sticks, shut up, hello,
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khal gennadievna, come in, lyoshka, come on, hurry up and take a bench, hello, you’ve got yourself untied, hello, so alla gennadievna, hello, hello, thank you, look how much fish soup we made, oh, delicious, let's gobble it up, we'll give you some more, be careful, it's hot, hold it, thank you, please, enjoy, i saw which one, yeah, i liked the boy, well, yes, such a funny thing. are such parents really abandoned? don’t tell me, tanya , what doesn’t happen in life? well, give it here. timokha, where are you,
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timokha, timokha, timokh, here, what’s there, rufina, mine, can i somehow pass her between my daughter, i wanted what i wanted, you forgot what day it is today, fisherman’s day, color, wanted to mark, why, rufin is angry, i want to celebrate on the sly, in short, i ’ll go now, i’ll get a bubble, have a snack, meet me
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on the shore, come on, this is the matter, this is the matter, matchmaker, you are my golden one, this is the matter, who will tell me, why are we going there, what are we going to do there, buy moonshine, marin, that ’s cool, exactly, cool, i’ve never seen drunk fishermen, i have a plan when we... now we’ll gather, oh, for the sheriff i drove up and you were on holiday, i didn’t expect it, i also went out for a couple of hours, it’s like there around the fires, there are a lot of people, of course there are a lot, everyone is drunk, why? they cook fish soup, well, they drink, of course, it’s a holiday, but not drunkenness, there are a lot of children, well, you see, then we’ll light fires, dancing, marina nikolaevna, give me a dance, i don’t dance, she’s dancing, dancing, just be careful, she’s you wants to use it to search for our missing ... collective farm, yes, i’ll help with pleasure, maybe it’s by car, what about walking, well, the only good offer for today, marin mitalavna, you
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’re dancing, i’m not dancing, dancing, dancing, oh , my dear, the sea is noisy, one, the sea is noisy, two, wake up, my dear. but also so that no one off the hook, not enough scales, happy fisherman's day, where is the cucumber, there, oh, hold on, maybe you can still tell us why we are going there, marinochka, remember, hide. “i beg you, andrei, maybe you can tell us what
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you came up with, now, stronger, forgive me, friends, i’ll ask you to get ready, we’ll ask for a moment of your precious attention, dear villagers, i’ll go away, where are you going, he’s announcing what?” thank you very much, now there is enough for everyone, friends, i am glad to welcome you, and i want to congratulate you on the main holiday, the holiday of the fisherman, cheers, we are very glad that our scientific center was built right here, on this wonderful land, where amazing people like you live, people who truly... love the sea, because people and the sea are one whole, and the sea must be protected,
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that’s right, yes, and i want to talk to you about pingers, what are pingers, pingers, this is a device that scares away dolphins, fishermen, put pingers on your boats, this is very important for us.
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of course, now they will put it, wait, they don’t change their hand, toast, and may the water be calm, congratulations, my dear matchmaker, on your day fisherman, it would be a pleasure to take a walk with me along the shore, i would be grateful, misha, i
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wanted to tell you what we have tomorrow. marina nikolaevna, i promised a dance, and by the way, i am a witness, marina, take care of the captain.
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damn, at some point my father was in st. petersburg, i decided to have a good time and it’s just so boring.
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come on, it’s just that such people love everything from their own, but in general, you said correctly, the sea must be protected, poachers must be caught, and dolphins must be saved. do you know why your village is called amulet? by the way, no, because in ancient times the local residents, and in general, i it seems that this came from the ancient greeks, they believed that the souls of dead relatives lived in dolphins and protected us.
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well, now it’s clear why you have such a relationship, and i’m pulling the rope, katya screams, dad, let him go, and i see the dead in the sea, that the sea is collapsing, that you even got there, come on, well, traditionally, let’s kill the fisherman, quietly, someone is coming, what are you doing, where will they take you, what are you doing? what are you pulling? and it’s not a shame, well, there are even freshwater dolphins there, oh well, yes, they are called amazonian inii, they are so pink, they are different from ordinary ones dolphins in that they have such a long,
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elongated beak with teeth like a chtheosaur, they are pink and eat feasts. i’m very cold, let me bring you a blanket, wait for me, i’m now, uh,
1:17 am
theirs, hello, girls, my name is maxim, these are my comrades, friends, this is pasha, vanya, austin, come with us on a yacht, we’ll ride with the breeze , no, thank you guys, walk by, i mean walk by, why are you so impudent, hears quietly, max, but it seems to me that she wants to offend us, calm, calm, girl, you will like everything, everything will be fine, let's go with we'll go for a ride on a yacht, everything will be cool, calm.
1:18 am
i didn’t expect it, as a botanist, this is a common thing, people in ancient times killed a mammoth with a stick, but here the parasite just seems like everything is fine, you weren’t mistaken, no, no, okay, i brought you a blanket there, a blanket, yes, let’s go, i got you i won't leave one anymore. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, everything is fine, i was scared, not bad, just
1:19 am
like that, but you decided, but nothing, oh, what, by the way, what, what kind of fight, where? i can’t hear you, on the pier? i'll come now, little one, forgive me, i understand everything, thanks for the tanis, well, come on, doom in
1:20 am
the hospital will probably be enough, yes, damn it, the main thing is, but there is another type of jellyfish, which is generally considered immortal, toritopsis nutricular, what did you say just now, it is unique in that you imagine, with any changes
1:21 am
in the external environment, which for she feels uncomfortable, she returns as if to childhood and turns into a bottom polyp, a polyp, and i recently saw such a huge purple skater jellyfish and it seems to me that if i were in the water i... would drown, but it seems to me that you are nothing you're afraid, well, no, well, it's a jellyfish, well then i agree, yes, it was here, yes, seryozha, my love, hello, hello, uh, listen, it’s very convenient for me to talk to her now, let me call you back, katyusha, there’s such beauty here, you should have seen, of course, not at all , what can i say, peter is peter, your hotel room is just a fairy tale, the exhibition is excellent, i tell you...
1:22 am
yes, you come soon, okay, kiss, katyusha, bye. listen, i should probably go, yeah, i need to help my mom, yes, sorry, fisherman,
1:23 am
but you’re normal, ask for this, then wash down the moonshine with wine, marina, marina. where did you come from, i was walking, i legged i turned it up and heated the phone, good, i didn’t drown myself, bring me home, please, of course, now i’ll put you in the car, i’ll bring you in a blanket, we’ll go,
1:24 am
good evening, how’s the patient doing, but i decided to stay late, why don’t you take care of yourself, i decided, so to speak, to check on his seriously ill patient, but his trace went cold, he was awol. fisherman's day, one might say,
1:25 am
is a professional holiday, i understand, congratulations, we had a good walk, maryavich, well , of course, girls, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, where are you taking me, this is your home, put me down, why, i say, put me down, please, put me down, put me down, put me down, quietly, why are you being so persistent, and here, take out the keys, your purses, your hands are full, in your purses, something makes you sick, ah-ah!


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