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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 25, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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we’re on edge, you just can’t sleep at night, there’s everything, pills, a whole pharmacy lying in your pocket , there’s no other way, you can’t calm down, you won’t stop, you won’t calm down, they had fights, that’s what happened there, i don’t know, but the main thing is that he saved the soldiers, we are proud. i pray for the boy whom my grandson saved, that everything will be fine with him, so i hope that everything will be fine with him, this is the grandmother, yes, yes, it was the grandmother, she misses you, you see, without you, but i can tell you that ... that your parents marina
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nikolaevna and andrey alexandrov sidorov already couldn’t wait for you to come to them, they are here in our studio today, they came to hug themselves, let’s meet, don’t hide your head.
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hug, i haven’t seen you at all for 2 years, but how did you find out that your son went to isvo? irina, vlad’s wife, called us and said that vlad was going to svo, of course we were worried.
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the second one is the same, well, you’re already on medication, i see you’re going through all this, and to whom everyone tells the news, vlad always calls me, but he doesn’t share anything with me, he feels sorry for me, yeah, well, how did he tell you , maryalovna about the feat he accomplished? no, he didn’t tell us anything either, we also learned all this from irina and his wife, she told us that so, so vlad accomplished such a feat. we then began to find out how vlad himself was alive and well, and what was wrong with him. well, he’s such a boy with us, he’s not talkative, it hurts, and he tries not to tell anything about what’s happening there. well, after all, we learned from irina that vitya, thank you, he saved our children, and then vlad tried to pull him out from under the fire. and vlad, of course, is very he was worried when he pulled him out, what happened was that... with his leg, he blamed himself, that
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he should have spoken a little earlier, maybe he succeeded, that he still had his legs, if only he had remained, nothing would have happened like that with feet, how did you let the youngest one go, tell me, yours, he didn’t tell us anything either, it was all as if it was a surprise, he collected all the documents, came to us in the evening and said: that’s it, mom, i’m going to the north military district too, vlad us there and i ’m proud of him and i also want to follow in his footsteps. maybe we even say we’ll be there together, well i think you see today you met your parents, yes, of course i would like to get to know my parents better, after all, i’m 19 years old, i was just amazed, i didn’t see it, because i dreamed of meeting you, now i’m very glad that i met you, yes
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it’s so touching to see such meetings, when parents hug their children, wives and husbands, i want to show you a video that is now popular in the murmansk region, this is... my fellow countryman from the city of apatity is returning from the northern military district zone, and how they meet with their wife in airport. attention, let's stand up let’s stand up while we’re still with you, we’re alive, and the truth is behind us, there’s someone looking at us from above with their own eyes. they smiled as children walked into the sky, let's stand closer to them, let 's get up, get up, get up, we'll get up, we'll get up, we
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'll get up. heroes of russia will remain in our hearts. yes.
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you and vlad pulled victor out, right? yes yes yes. yes, well, do you remember this whole story, yes, i remember the whole story, as i remember now, the command came at 3:00 in the morning, that we need to come to the positions and replace the people who were sitting there, so we gathered, arrived there, changed people, they went on vacation, and we stayed there, kept surveillance, then in the morning help came to us, we discussed the plan with everyone again, all this, decided how, what, how we would go there and we will go in and take the enemy’s stronghold. we gathered in the morning at about 6 am, here was victor and two other people, they
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went first, but victor was the very first, so he walked, cleared mines, there were tripwires, there were a lot of them, almost every 5-2 m there were tripwires everywhere. so he cleared them and then we followed him, the rest were seven people, in total there were 10 of us, so we followed him, then when we started to get closer to the strong point, victor sat down, we stopped, he began to clear the mines, they saw him at that moment and started shooting at him on the legs with... when we saw it all, who was hiding behind what, who was behind a stump there, who was behind a tree, everyone got ready to fight, as soon as victor fell, we started shooting en masse towards the enemy, we felt bad
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it’s clear that we are behind the thin trees there, such trees stood behind all sorts of things sideways so that no bullets would hit us. at this time they shouted to victor to crawl to us, he crawled to us, people who were a little behind me, they ran up to him, grabbed him by the arms and dragged him. the nearest trench to give him first aid, at that time i stood up, covered them with myself , continued to shoot, this was so that nothing would hit them, because they had their backs and were carrying victor, so i just walked backwards and slowly shot at the enemy with heavy fire, that is, he didn’t stop, the magazine was loaded, that’s it completely released. like this, every time, until they reached the trench, they brought him there,
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began to bandage his legs, apply jujuts, then one guy got out and asked us, guys, give me some branch or something to splint him , because his leg was turned in the opposite direction, at this time the rest of the people, while bandaging him, we did it... but in the end we didn’t throw him, we took him,
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there are four of us, we took him and carried him , at this time, while we were carrying us fired a mine, there are all these explosions, when it explodes, we lie down, all the fragments fly away, the ground is everywhere, all this, we get up and continue running again, there was no strength at all, victor had already turned completely pale, he began to lose consciousness at this time he and i... talked so that he would not lose consciousness, there was blood flowing on his legs, there, well, according to the time, how many tourniquets were applied, how long they dragged him, that’s all, the tourniquet was stretched a little, the leg, he says, did not i feel like we stretched the tourniquet for him, that’s all, he says, that’s it, now it’s easier, we’ll put the tourniquet back on him we drag it out, we ran further and further, he was almost losing consciousness, and they gave him water, he was drinking, drinking, guys, i wanted to drink, that’s it, we gave him water to drink, and then we carried him further, the distance to the evacuation point was about 3
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km, this is all through the forest, in armor, under fire, well, there is a path there, but of course there are branches everywhere, so they all stumbled, fell, got up again, ran, dragged him. do you remember this moment when you were ready, let’s say, to be left alone with a grenade in order to save your guys, don’t worry, tell me, well, of course it’s hard to remember all this, another front-line friend of yours, zhenya kastyrya , couldn’t come today, but he sends you greetings and attention. vitya, hello, i’m here now, i’m saying hello to you, we remember you,
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we love you, we’re proud of you, you’re a great fellow, we recently arrived on a mission, the boys are now resting, sleeping, they said hello to me too, they said, we’ll come to you , everyone, everyone with the gang, and from them, on my own behalf, i personally want to wish you good, good health, to get better quickly, a lot, a lot, and so, in principle, all the best to you, that’s it, come on, good luck to you again, and i’ll go, i also have my own tasks, come on, brother, hang in there, see you, who’s the funniest on your team, we were all fun, in general, when we were... on the same team, when victor was with us, the most fun, always jokes,
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gags, this, it’s all about victor, he lifted our spirits, he’s always great, let’s now do another short advertisement, right after it, new meetings for victor and the girl vitya, who is waiting for him to take the decisive step, what will our hero tell her? well , let's get started? yes, if you don't know how to survive the renovation, survive it with us. there is no comfort and order in the apartment, there is no joy of peace in the heart. our. we really like the apartment, but we don't like that it hasn't been renovated. so it's time for big changes. break down, don't build. breathing new life into old walls. we will turn this minus into a plus. we create a sincere atmosphere. i want to wish that your sleeping area always encourages you to relax. we
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have adapted everything we can for this. we warm you with the warmth of the hearth. let's open it. i don't believe it, no it can’t be, awesome, big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, on saturday, nerter, hey, mermaids. come, let’s look at rtr, will you marry me? yes, this reptile ruined our lives, are you planning to marry her daughter, decide who is more dear to you, either us or this girl, she will fight for love, even if your son
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gives it to her, like you once did for me, you’re a fool, you’re a fool, because i’ve loved you all my life, you ’ll do this. so that they break up, that i hate you, give me a chance, katya, agree, you will be like a stone wall, i told you, get away from her, do you think this decision was easy for me, together forever, from july 29 on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty... complaints and we don’t we go to the doctor, when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, on
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each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you only need five. ingredients that will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. forget about your body comprehensively. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on rtr. once again, good afternoon, if you've just joined us, twenty-six year old vladislav sidorov, today he came to our program for several months, he tried to find a colleague who became his brother at the front, saved his life, covering him with himself in a difficult battle. contact with his friend was lost when he was sent straight from the field to the hospital, but vladislav dreamed of personally thanking him and his family for saving
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his life. we found that same soldier, the hero’s name is viktor tsitsar, he is 20 years old today. friends met in our studio, that’s how it was, victor’s parents told how the ruler of life pulled their son out of the battlefield, and vladislav met with his parents, whom he had not seen for 2 years, with a colleague who saved vit with him. but i want to say that vitya’s parents recently even invited him to his native school, let’s see what’s going on there, attention,
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hello, hello, what a reverent attitude he had towards the symbol, the main symbol of the russian federation, come out, let’s remember victor’s school years, shall we show? it happened that he loved to sleep, and my husband and i went to his house several times, woke him up, brought him
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to school, first i’ll take him to the canteen, feed him, then he goes to classes, victor, i also do samba and hand-to-hand combat, you are an example for us all, we wish you to come to our school to show everyone how great you are! i recognized the teachers, well, what’s the woman’s name , asya mirkhanovna, and that you weren’t sitting in the first row, you were sitting somewhere in the back row, i was sitting everywhere i could, and what did you want to become when you grow up? initially from childhood. i wanted to be a military man, just a military man, because i played sports, i liked it, when you look up to the flag of the russian federation and went further, i wanted it that way, but
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i probably didn’t think that you would become an example for someone at your party, there would be your portrait, i didn’t think. but we have one more surprise, your best friend ruslan sandzhapov came to this program today, so meet ruslan.
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he asked, he says, can i, he says, i’ll take your car, he says, go on a date with a girl, his new girlfriend appeared just at that time, we have a resort city, the city of romanov, that’s how i decided to go for a ride, but i of course i was worried at that moment, my cars were always tinted, as you can see, we still had no license at that time, well, of course i gave him the car, how would i refuse, it’s a young thing, i was like that myself, but that’s how you understand, it doesn’t happen miraculously either, he ran into traffic police officers at night.
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friend, he will never leave you in trouble, he will extend his hand at the right moment in life, in my life he helped me a lot, he left all his affairs in the background to help his friends, relatives, then vitina’s mother was worried that after how he his leg was amputated, the girl he dated for a long time left vitya, but we want to show a video for mom, and maybe a short video for you too, pay attention to the screen. we studied at the same school, but he
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was a year older, he was a very peculiar person at that time, he was a bully there, he would start pulling her hair, in general it all started with the fact that he somehow started bullying my friend, and for some reason i decided to stand up for my girlfriend and after that he switched to me, he starts to bully me, i told him cracked. of course, he picks me up and starts spinning me, then his class teacher runs out, vitya, put the car in its place, you’re about to drop it, as they say, from love to hatred, but with us it’s the other way around, sometimes there are people like that moments, we just call each other at night, sometimes we forget about the time altogether, look, and then it’s already about 5 in the morning and we go to bed, these are paired bracelets, they consist of half hearts, they are magnetic, that is, when you hold hands together like that, they connect. himself in fact, there are many words to describe him, these words are not even enough, he is simply loving, i am very happy that he has exactly the same principles as me, for me
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now it is important that he just at least come. and then we’re going to move in together, maybe we’ll get married, it all depends on him, on his first step, well , that is, i see you’ve accomplished a lot during your short vacation at home, well, tell us what her name is, you studied at same school, i understand, name is maria, yes, we studied at the same school, didn’t they like each other at her school? well it turns out yes they didn’t like me, she had a great teacher, nina vasilievna, she was the teacher who loved me, she taught us algebra, geometry, she pushed me, well, i only started to communicate closely with her when i was still in the army, before the special operation, i told her that i was leaving for a special operation, she said, okay, okay, she said, how do you get in touch, call me so that i am aware of everything, i say, okay, okay. well, i don’t know if you’re in the know
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or not, but maria simchenko is behind the scenes of our program and also came to meet you, let's meet her. i’m getting to know the guys, thank you very much for what you did, well, here we already heard about vitya, that he overslept his first lessons, that ’s how it was, yes, he overslept all the time, it turns out there were such moments when we had a lesson with his class head, other teachers come in and say that vitya is not there, the teacher starts calling him...
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it happened, we didn’t communicate with him anymore, didn’t keep in touch, i found out about it 4 days later, i was in another city altogether , that is , one here my friend tells me what is with this happened to vitya, but he knew that vitya and i had such a relationship, i actually fell out of this universe, the hysteria actually happened, but as i understand it, after all, your communication, your love somehow
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supported him ? well, it’s possible, but many of the guys with whom he was in the ward said that at least he started smiling there, he became more cheerful, well, looking at him a year ago, we saw this photo, he’s just a baby there, now you also noticed the difference, yes he has changed a lot, i i tell him about this all the time, i’ve matured, well, i started to show my hearts in front of you, but here they are, mm, they’re always on us. well, tell me, what qualities do you highlight in masha, my love , the one you wanted, they probably say you have to choose a wife based on your character, like your mother’s character, so i found the same one, happy , satisfied, but i know that surprise for you.
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today for masha, maria, do you agree to become my wife? don't forget to invite the wedding party to the housewarming party, he's with the cat, if anything happens, of course, well, friends, it was an amazing story about friendship about how you can accomplish a feat, yes.
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at 19 years old, that’s all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. well, i don’t know whether people see these
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people now or not, but before, for example, my sister, she saw bonfires in the distance, bonfires right on the sea, people like that walking around the bonfire. from a hare and threw the skin in his face, and he fell dead,
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my younger brother became very, very ill with meningitis, the doctors already told my mother, get ready. you have two or three days left, so your mother went at night and asked your grandmother for this shaman, help, i don’t want my son to die, help, you know how to save him, the mother says, i say i’m falling asleep, i hear in the distance, far, far away, this tambourine boom-boom-boom, like she he walks as if with this tambourine, then the next day he took tests to the doctor, they were surprised, how come? we waited for him to be here, but he, he is still, thank god, alive and well.
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i love everything, even every day i go out, i look, i walk, i walk, i look, a new flower has blossomed, i am happy, on the second day i go out, another flower has already blossomed, i am again i rejoice, the nivkhs are an ancient people, a mysterious people, fabulous, according to the latest data, about 1500 years ago, the nivkhs
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already lived in this territory, this is sakhalin and the lower reaches of the amur river, this is the khabarovsk region, nikolaevsky districts and ulchsky districts, and the sakhalin region , this is okha, nogalsky. pshidun the film crew came from moscow straight to my home to film and we welcome them yes, yes, they are an isolated people,
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there are no related peoples, and in terms of language there are also no related languages, and this is also a mystery, despite although our population is 4,600 people, we... today officially have two dialects, which are very different, now scientists say that there is a third dialect, plus more dialects. i know the niv language, but everything is already forgotten, we mostly speak russian, so now we ’ll make a national rattle, well, for women, here’s a rattle with an ornament, when a woman dances, these are also the handles, and we’ll stick on the berlin ornaments . to make it look beautiful, the skins
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are covered here, well, it’s fish skin on both sides, and there are sea pebbles, i was born here, in the village of nobliki, sakhalin region, i studied at a boarding school, then i studied at the institute for the people from the north in st. petersburg, i graduated from the institute, came here, work, drawing decorative and applied arts, this it came somehow, gradually, at first i had a very indifferent attitude towards all this, but then somehow i really wanted to try what it was, i remember the first time i did it, i decorated shoes with fish skin, well, dates of course they were beautiful, but quality. well, it left much to be desired, that’s it,
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but i still didn’t give up, i decided to do something else, i sewed a vest, started sewing handbags, processing fish leather is very labor-intensive, hard work, when i wash it, i need several stages of these washes, this is fish skin, so that at least this smell goes away, i go into the store, i just... take packs of soda, vinegar, she looks at me, is she eating them or something, just like that, i say , i constantly stick my nose in everywhere and then i go into one house, there grannies sew some beautiful designs with dragon ones, but why are you doing this? he tells me that it’s like we ’re bringing something to our dead in the hotel
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or whatever, we have a big family, seven children, grandma-nya always sat with us, when, for example, our teeth fell, grandma has a cloth handbag with all the medicines in it. my brother had a toothache, so she took it. some kind of crucian tooth, she has it tied with a rag, a knot, she puts it on, doesn’t untie the knot, right with with this bundle he hangs it around his neck, the child goes to bed, the tooth doesn’t hurt in the morning, mom didn’t decide for us to walk outside late. she always said, the devil is walking around there, well, according to our
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milk, he’s walking around, don’t walk too far, don’t go out so that we don’t go out on the street at night, in our case, for example, if a child doesn’t sleep and is playing around, the grandmother comes up and says, “hoya milk.” you will be a fighter, if you play around, milk will come to you at night, take you away, take you away, yes he is so little black yes. scary horned teeth sticking out like that, yes, it’s scary, oh, the chipmunk, there he is running, oh, honey, when mom lived here, the chipmunk was always there, this one, he came to visit, i remember, the lovers. like this, come here, go away, oh-ti, go away, tiger cub,
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small tiger cub, each clan has its own totem, mm, beast or some kind of animal, i don’t know, i often saw snakes in my dreams, i saw them i’m very afraid, marina’s mother, nanka says that you are afraid of them, this is what our family says. our snake, our kind, says, protector, another kind came.
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fumigated, it was considered a great sin if not they sat there until they gave birth, until they smoked the woman and she came home, not considered dirty. from birth
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there were already girls, but they already knew that they were here, as it were , temporarily, because they were taken into another clan, so there was no such respect for her as for boys, boys would generally be there in good standing in the family, from 10 for years they were taken hunting and when they came to this hunting lodge, the older men left and said, they needed firewood. you need a hearth, you need food, and the most shameful thing was that the boy, who failed in his duties, he remained women, and they called him that they were taking out the pots, i remember well
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the bear festival, which was often held, because in... the house lived a male hunter, if he killed a bear, then everyone was invited, all sorts of competitions among men, whoever was there uh the weight will lift the stone more, heavier than others, now there is no bear holiday, the last holiday i saw was somewhere in the fifties, well, now there are more bears. they are entering our village, and now our women have stopped going into the forest, because the bear is everywhere walks, wanders, and we are old, we are already used to it, there are three of us and we always go every
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day, sometimes to pick berries, sometimes to pick mushrooms, but you can’t drive the young people there, they are so cowardly, they... that’s the dance of a bear, that’s they show like this, there’s a bear dance, there’s a girl dancing, there’s a bear dance, there’s a dance of a girl who imagines and looks at it, that’s how these grandmothers of ours danced, they imagined, they danced like that in nature, there like that. so they danced, looked at how beautiful it was, and then they walked like this, like this they walked, here she is, like this, like this, she walks like this, she dances, everything, nature is everything, such beauty, oh,
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this is the north, this is our native north, we are in niva bay, on one side we have a bay, on the other side the sea, and this is like such a spit, people have been living here for a very long time. let’s say since childhood, i have grandmothers, parents, everyone is here, but before, when i was little, there was no light, we had them. either candles or kerosene lamps, again there was nothing to cook or eat on, they cooked
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only on the stove, they threw firewood, and before even in hot weather we had to light the stove, the heat in the hut was always unbearable, so as soon as we woke up, we ran away, grandmother basically always stood near this stove and cooked us something to eat. our grandmother died at 105 years old, her sisters died about 100 years ago, one died somewhere, so our grandmothers were long-livers, well , probably the fact that the ecology was maybe different, they ate the same fish, everything is exactly ecological it was clean. well, our national dish is yakma, in russian it translates as chopped yukola, yukola is fish,
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so our yukola is dried here under a net, we hang the net to protect the crows so that the crows don’t drag away the yukola, the most important thing is to be able to cut up yukola and prepare fish for the winter, because without this there is no way. the first layer we have is maderma, the second layer is makarmans and the last ones, which come without skin, are called pakima, a mesh is folded, then when it grabs, it can be put on sticks, well, for one fish you get two of these, for anyone - then maybe three, it is advisable to cut it, the thinner the better, but if such the weather will hold. i think by the evening she ’ll be ready for the night, i’ll put her on sticks and bring her home.
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fishing, hunting sea animals is traditional, and not only crafts, but it’s also ethnic food, which... in general, supports our health , some doctors say that if we live in a given territory, then for the most part we should still eat local species and products, berries, the same roots, the same fish or marine animals, since our peoples have been for centuries ate this, we dry fresh fish first, then we cut it, then we cut this yukola here. here in the cup, then we add wild garlic, mix, then add seal, lard, that's it, the dish is ready,
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you can use it, you can eat it, here ma, this is fish, dried, fresh, and this fish is fried, and this is a berry with fish , open, if the nivkhs do not eat fish, they will no longer be pure nivkhs, we have children who, who here on sakhalin did not like fish, went to study in st. petersburg, in moscow, that’s where they felt it, they uh they're calling home or they write: send? fish, they don’t just miss fish, they miss going to the shore to catch it, this
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is exactly the moment, well, our parents and grandmothers believed in spirits of the sea, rivers, forest, if in the sea we are located, then the sea feeds us; if we are in the forest, then the forest is a must; if we are near a river, then we feed the river, a must. so we throw it and say chug-chug, well, chug-chug - this is translated as a kind of coaxing, so we give you, like , well, like this, something like this at the level of genes, probably something, what are we feeding we definitely need to go and feed them. let’s go , for example, our grandparents. this one they divide into four parts, we
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throw three parts, make a dude. chukh, chukh, chukh, and we bring the fourth part home, so we give a little to everyone, when we went for berries, my mother always took to feed the forest, the spirits of the forest, so she took porridge there, roots, locust, took something delicious, there they took the rice and fed it to the forest, definitely the spirit, and definitely took it away from it. from the locust and gave it to us in our mouths so that we could try it too , as if we were eating with the spirit, but in no way in any case, you can’t eat with sharp objects, if you eat a berry with a fork, you’ll gouge out the eyes of your ancestors, remember in childhood we played with little legs, my mother once
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saw me and the boys playing with little legs, like she did... i was scolded, and then, yes, and then i didn’t even have a clue that you can’t poke into the ground, you can’t spit into the fire, under no circumstances, because the mistress of fire, the grandmother of fire, we call her turtik, she can very well to be offended and not return to your home, that is, the fireplace may go out, everything in nature.
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or the owner of the water, but they did it silently and not with fish, they are there, if a person smokes, he smoked, and he will definitely crumble a whole cigarette or a cigarette, crumble it, or dry tea, or rice, these are the things that the sea does not provide, if a person caught few fish, it means he didn’t feed them. our ancestors, they always passed on, yes, their skills, not like, now we pass on them in schools, yes, we teach, but usually, ordinary life, if the father was fishing, then the son was nearby, he saw it all and gradually accepted it, it was vital because we had to survive,
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father in the nikolaevsky region, maybe one of the last... kept dogs, a dog beach, he made sleds himself, he made plank boats, the mice got them from the dog buckle, they cooked so much fish for the dogs, this dried one, here we are yukola, this this is the yukola, yes, but for the dogs these bones and the backbones of these fish were left.
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but they were not just sleds, they were also hunting, they were also fishing, that is , a dog for a nivkh was everything, it helped in everything, they brought firewood on nakhts, stored it in winter, went to guests, that is, they carried cargo, they transported people, to be nivkhs, and this means trying to study their culture, language, traditions, customs, i should know this.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zursik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today, the enemy respects this car, because the tulip causes fear, the successes of our military in different directions. operations, self-propelled mortars break through strong concrete fortifications, burn equipment in the bsu. biden's interpretation. the us president explained why he no longer wants the race, this
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the lot of the young. the address to the nation was not very clear. trump didn't like it. and the footage of our ministry of defense, where the su-27 drives away british military aircraft, a reconnaissance aircraft and two fighters from the russian border, abruptly changed course and moved away. russian artillery is breaking into the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction; a network of enemy observation posts has been destroyed. all targets were hit by targeted fire from a tulip self-propelled mortar. it is this vehicle that is entrusted with the task of breaking through particularly strong concrete structures and burning armored vehicles. there are calculations with all this tulips cope successfully even with... a distance of up to 20 km from the target, that the enemy respects this machine, that our russian soldiers, when they see us on the field, everyone shows respect because this is a large machine,
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of large caliber, which can cope with anyone with their own task, there are a lot of shells, a lot of work, about a thousand shells have already been fired on this tulip, snipers help the artillerymen to knock out the infantry of the ukrainian militants. shooters from the marine corps and pacific fleet units disrupted another rotation of nationalists on the front line. two sniper teams with large-caliber rifles were picked up closely.
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man working. snipers from 100 you destroy machine gun nests, clearing the way with an assault unit, working at distances of up to a kilometer. the slightest movement of the enemy on the front line is recorded by aerial reconnaissance, the coordinates of the targets are transmitted to headquarters and they are immediately struck from the sky. with targeted hits, drone crews disrupt the redeployment of enemy equipment and the delivery of ammunition and provisions. vladimir putin congratulated him on his professional holiday veterans and investigators, the president noted their important role in solving problems in the special military operation zone. investigative bodies solve special, additional, extremely important tasks, including effectively operating in liberated territories, sometimes in very difficult conditions, at risk to life, carefully recording and collecting irrefutable evidence of the crimes of neo-nazis, punitive forces, their accomplices, and terrorists. and extremists,
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by exposing lawbreakers, you restore justice to the truth, you strengthen the rule of law and constitutional order, and this is the basis for the sovereign development of russia as a strong rule-of-law state. one of the most important guarantees is national security. the ministry of defense published a video interception of an faf aircraft in the black sea in the uk, two reconnaissance fighters approached the air borders of russia. 127 of the duty forces were alerted. the pilot identified all objects. immediately after this, nato planes abruptly changed courses and moved away from russian frontiers. sergei lavrov arrived in laos. the foreign minister will hold a series of bilateral meetings with colleagues from the countries of the association of southeast asian nations. in addition, at the russia-asian ministerial meeting issues of cooperation in the political, trade, economic and socio-cultural spheres will be discussed. last year , russia's trade turnover with asian countries increased almost. by 15% and reached $22 billion.
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dropped out of the presidential race to pass the baton to a new generation. joe biden addressed the nation, explained why won’t he run for a new term? the head of the white house said that for the remaining six months he will work to confront russia and strengthen nato. he also said that china is not superior to the united states and promised to end the conflict in the gas sector. in addition, biden assured that he became the first american president. benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, called for the creation of an analogue of nato in the middle east. he spoke at a joint meeting of the senate and house of representatives of the american congress and said that the united states must supply faster weapons to israel to hasten the end of hostilities in gaza. it is curious that netanyahu’s speech was boycotted by about 80 legislators. from the democratic party, and
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the former speaker of the house of representatives called the speech the worst, before and during the words of no tanyahu , protests in washington did not subside; near the columbus monument , the us flag was torn down and burned, and the palestinian flag was raised in its place. the police dispersed the activists with tear gas. two b-200 aircraft and mi-8 helicopters are immediately involved in extinguishing forest fires in yakutia. on a special the russian ministry of emergency situations monitored more than a dozen fires near populated areas. about 200 tons of water have already been dropped from the air. almost 2.0 rescuers and 180 pieces of equipment are fighting the fire on the ground. the nameless volkhan in kamchatka threw ashes to a height of 12 km. the smallest particles threaten the engines of planes and helicopters, an aviation code red has been declared. a stream of rock fragments descends from the slopes of the volcano. according to the regional service of the ministry of emergency situations
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, employees of a nearby enterprise may pose a danger to tourists. seismologists they predict an even more powerful eruption and ash release in the coming days. further news from the regions: do not switch to residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news of the capital region through moscow today. a cold front will pass, there will be thunderstorms and showers, up to 25 mm of precipitation may fall per day in some areas, the temperature will drop slightly during the day, no higher than 24, on friday the same amount, but no more precipitation is expected. near the shchelkovskaya metro station , carsharing’s car overturned, according to eyewitnesses, it happened this is after the lada driver ran a red light and cut off the rental car. there were two people in it, one received a slight injury, the culprit of the accident was not injured. and in balashikha, a car crashed into a store.
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according to preliminary data, the driver was drunk. from saturday to monday , the schedule of electric trains in the sovelovsky and belarusian directions of the moscow railways will change due to the development of infrastructure at the station. lobnya trains from moscow will run to mark station in the opposite direction, from the region to catuar station and back. for some, departure and arrival times will change, as well as the number of stops along the route. the court sentenced the stowaway who threatened the controller to a year of imprisonment. last november, a bus passenger did not pay for the fare. when asked by the inspector to present documents to issue a fine, he threatened to use the force of an aggressive stowaway. detained. more details about the event in the historic region, in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform. look in the application on the website, see you soon. they say you need
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to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest. but... you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday in sliorres. elegant details. exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
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sunday at rtr, a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships of all fleets and flotillas. glory to the russian navy! hooray! live broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. on sunday , navy day on rtr. good morning.
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there will be something to tell the children to remember, and right after the ceremony, the newlyweds were congratulated by friends and colleagues, the head of the family works as a lifeguard in this particular department, passion will flare up from a spark, so poetic, yes, but not every rescuer is there for the holiday, unfortunately, often, for example, we have to provide assistance to scooter drivers for violators. offices are already introducing sanctions, the state duma is tightening fines, and those responsible for an accident with grave consequences will be judged under a special article, but so far no measures have been taken against reckless drivers, this stick i was on crashed into my back, and the wheel cut the girl’s leg, everything happened on the path
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of health, with bitter my mother ironically recalls a walk in the park, a scooter knocked them to the ground, a guy immediately drove up to the culprit of the accident and the couple drove off, the girl said, so what, i killed two people, so what if the child was hurt, me too fell or apologies and no sympathy, now my daughter is holding her mother’s hand, i found out that the sidewalks are unsafe for pedestrians, so i turned to a green light, the scooter crashed into the back, irina’s eyes darkened from pain, i had to write down the number, but there was no time does anyone remember that the drivers were teenagers? firstly, they didn’t dismount, and secondly, the two of them climbed onto the scooter, so i don’t think they wanted to be recorded. transferring control of the electric scooter to the child. here are fines in the code of administrative offenses for leaving the scene of an accident, for example, 5,000 rub. punishment for serious
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accidents, the supreme court separately clarified. a scooter is not a mechanical vehicle, but for their owners a separate article 268 of the criminal code of the russian federation was found, violating the rules ensuring the safe operation of transport. a scooter driver on it seems to be a pedestrian, but he will respond to the fullest extent, like a car driver. up to 2 years in prison in case of grievous bodily harm and up to four in case of death . of course, the culprit of such an accident will be found, but what about minor accidents, their number will increase and the question inevitably arises of the inevitability of punishment, how can the police monitor electric scooters and catch them there? we have cameras set up for the part of the road, there are none on the sidewalks, it is on the sidewalks that most
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collisions take place, they are facing new vehicles, we will have to rebuild cities, from cameras and separate lanes to specially trained police officers, we still need to rebuild people’s minds, teenagers haven’t read the traffic rules , the coap was not opened and is clearly not aware of the supreme court rulings. for this there are media, this is what the internet is for, social advertising should also be used. and should be one of the mechanisms for implementing new norms being introduced, or popularizing existing ones. the idea is good, but these mechanisms had to be launched before the genie was released from the bottle. it will no longer be possible to drive it back, and it is not a fact that fear of punishment will force scooter riders to ride more carefully. well, speaking of fear of punishment. our scientists are working on creating a program with elements of artificial intelligence that can predict the place and time of the next crime of a powerful killer.
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this system will take another 2-3 years to be perfected, but some of it is already really working, what do these systems that are in operation allow? we, in the system of the investigative committee of the russian federation , have already studied a large array of serial crimes, these are criminal cases in which there are sentences that have entered into legal force, that is, we believe that the circumstances established by the court verdict took place exactly as stated in the sentence, digitized these crimes, that is , the criminal activities of already identified criminals. and trained artificial intelligence algorithms to predict certain
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signs of interest to the investigator, for example, whether the criminal has a mental illness or not, whether he has previously been prosecuted or not, and even tried to establish the approximate distance at which he most likely lives from the crime scene , as i understand it, facial recognition is now widely used, yes, that is, i know examples where in stadiums with many thousands of people they find the right person. and where else is there now a lot of work in crime investigation activities, where these technologies are used, for example, searching for information in open sources, well, on the internet, the most common and open source is the internet, for which previously a person needed to sit and monotonously for hours , search for the necessary information, yes, today these methods allow you to obtain the necessary information much faster, the same system is a safe city, yes, which today contains huge amounts of biometric information in video format. records are also, of course, actively used in order to establish interesting consequences of events, persons,
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temporary chronologies of temporary events, here it is absolutely impossible to do without human creativity, because if it were only made up of numbers alone , the crime itself probably wasn’t solved, because such nuances sometimes arise, such comparisons need to be made, that is, you lead to the fact that artificial intelligence will never replace live communication, no, never, i don’t know, maybe. the mathematical models that i mentioned are applied to artificial intelligence technology, for the most part, of course, investigative activity consists of human labor, everyday, persistent, labor-intensive, when the investigator sits and puzzles over whether he has the right version brought forward or not, what is the mechanism of the crime committed, who committed this crime, all the persons involved in the investigation he exposed the crimes, so? so far, fortunately for humans, yes, artificial intelligence
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will not replace a person in the work of an investigative officer, a person is irreplaceable here, well, as i understand it, of course there are no days off, because... russian federation, with which i want to congratulate my colleagues from our investigative committee of the russian federation and from other departments, wish everyone good health, investigative success, success and god grant everyone all the best, we strongly join your congratulations, thank you, thank you for our questions.
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below, and you try, just catch up, together forever, from monday at 21:20 on the russia channel. well, if we assume for a second that baby delivery services by birds exist, then all orders will probably flock to the grodno region of belarus. hundreds of storks were filmed here, organizing mass promenades in the fields, black and white birds seem to be trying to get to know people, flying over the highway. accompany the journey of anyone, a boy, a girl, or ornithologists, however, there is another explanation for this behavior: young birds that have not yet had offspring get together to look for nesting places for the next year, but i liked the first version better, to be honest, it’s too banal, well, connoisseurs flock to the museum of the capital’s tsaritsyna park painting, there is an exhibition here, the family soul of russia,
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this is not just an exhibition, but also an annual all-russian competition for both professional and non-professional artists... these paintings are not connected by a single style, era, or time, only subject. all the works have one thing in common: they are about true happiness. family has always been a fundamental subject, from the paintings of ancient egypt to the present day. this couple is the first to greet guests of the exhibition. peter and fevronia have long become a symbol of ideal marriage and devotion, and they themselves are saints. they lived together until they were old. died on the same day, so they are depicted not just on canvas, but on an icon of the 16th century. this is a symbol of family, a symbol of this exhibition. many of these painters met for the first time in one exhibition hall, more than twenty works of masters from the collections of various museums. many names are not very well known to the general public, but in these paintings they are united in their belief: the basis of life is family
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happiness. but everyone has their own, but for the teacher ilya repin, vladimir maximov. this is a family hearth, where several generations have gathered together to share the cozy fire; they are united by old wives’ tales, and it’s not for nothing that the picture is called that. by the way, this is why it ended up in pavel tretikov’s collection. the warm word "grandmother" was a unifying symbol and in the family of a collector and in the family of an artist. here there is just this transmission through generations from one to another, yes, to grandchildren, to great-grandchildren. family traditions and artistic image excite contemporary artists. gathering with the whole family at one table, picking apples in the garden or helping parents make dumplings, simple home joys, apparently, remain eternal values ​​in the eyes of new generations, with one difference, the main characters, the symbol that unites the family, are increasingly men, they are caring fathers, loving husbands and that reliable shoulder that will support you in joy and sorrow, a striking example is the work of the winner
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of the competition, the soul of russia's family, a painter from the kurgan region andrei pochivalov, this. we are mainly, of course, a mother and children, yes, let’s remember there, well, classical art, now the figure of a man, again, this suggests that there is a sense of urgency and a problem in this. the painting of the competition winner, like the works of other artists, reminds us that true happiness always begins with the most important thing in the life of every family. you can verify this at the exhibition in the tsaritsyna park museum until august 25th, then the all-seeing electronic eye, machine vision can turn any vehicle into a drone, we’ll show you in a few minutes, hey little mermaid, come, look at rtr, will you marry me ,
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yes, this reptile ruined our lives, what did you collect? marry her daughter, he decides who is dearer to you, either us or this girl, she will fight for love, even if your son betrays her, like you once did to me, you fool, fool, because i... i loved you all my life, you will make sure that they break up, that i hate you, you give me a chance, katya, agree, you will be like behind a stone wall, i told you, get away from her, you think , this decision was easy for me, together forever, from monday on rtr, writing, fish, big or small, well, in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question
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begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant, fiction, can scientific things be understandable? and you make a wish? yes yes! yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts your spirits, that’s for sure! food formula, on sunday on rtr.
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you sang very well, and this is for you, thank you very much, masha, we are actually in a hurry, on navy day, there is an order under the glass, and it would be nice if you slowly took it and brought it to me, you you ask us to steal the order, if you want me to return your girl to you, then you must... fulfill one small request, what to do, we can’t take away the study order, not only can we, we must, so as not to stray from the correct course , we need a faithful crew, guys, maybe we need help, no, we need it ourselves, where is the order, we want to see masha now, where are you from, stand, that’s it, i’ve taken the helm, got out of here, come on commander, there seems to be someone semaphoring there, nakhimovites , on rtr. well, let's get started? yes, if you don't know how survive the renovation, survive it with us. there is no comfort and order in the apartment, there is no
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joy of peace in the heart. we really like our apartment, but we don’t like that it hasn’t been renovated. so it's time for big changes. break down, don't build. breathing new life into old walls. we will turn this minus into. plus. we create a sincere atmosphere. i want to wish that your sleeping area always has a good mood for you. we have adapted everything we can for this. we warm you with the warmth of the hearth. i open it. i don't believe it, no, it can't be. holy shit. big changes. all it always goes as it should. big ones. changes on saturday on rtr. interesting information:
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scientists have discovered water molecules in the lunar soil and have taken another step towards the development of the earth’s satellite. h2o was found in samples delivered by the chinese mission. the samples contain a mineral, more than a third of which consists of crystalline water. this may not be much, but the fact itself is important: until recently it was believed that the moon is absolutely dry, now. scientific concept, which was adopted back in the sixties of the last century, radically is changing, that is, it is wet or damp, at least, well, it’s time to change the technology we are used to, especially since thanks to our developers it is now not at all difficult to make a tractor, say, or a bus into an unmanned vehicle, this is our view, there are two good cameras 4k below there is such a computer, and of course lidar, together with these devices replace unmanned aerial vehicles, the eyes are able to see like a person, just like our eye immediately determines the range, processes the information, and then the brain
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interprets it there, so here, that means, immediately, this means that video cameras will already provide information about the distance to the object, the danger of the object, the point is that if video cameras simply recognize objects, then the lidar simultaneously tracks movement, size and speed, then the neural network predicts their further behavior, differs from analogues in that the fact that there will be a general cloud of points that is combined by the tracker, with the help of this, you can get... more accurate information about objects there on the road, for example, a person approaching neroset will perceive the roadway as an emergency and will stop the car. by the way, not only cars, engineers assure that the system can be adapted to any vehicle, from trucks to aircraft . in just a few years, drones will be found even in an open field, like this robotic tractor developed by moscow engineers. the cabin is equipped with video cameras that
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transmit images. agricultural machinery will reduce farmers' costs by at least 15%. and this despite the fact that the operator is required to be in the cabin while the equipment is operating, but in the coming years , people will be completely freed from this work, then agricultural robots will be able to harvest crops even for a whole day, 7 days a week. and then, now the most interesting thing will be shown: the summer combined suit is station wagon 69, but it’s good, yeah, with a slight movement of the hand. trousers
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turn into elegant shorts, that's what you need at the resort, unfasten your trouser legs on the beach , fasten them in a restaurant and no one will fine you for inappropriate appearance, well, that's great, yes i do i was thinking about the man, we’ll talk in detail about the crazy dress code for tourists in a few minutes, where are you going to see the man? well, of course, where else with such a back? you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zuksyuk is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. army aviation from the vostok group hit a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces along with its personnel. the k-52 approached the launch point for unguided missiles at an extremely low altitude. after completing the combat mission, the pilots completed the mandatory shooting of heat traps and returned to departure airfield. from a distance of several
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tens of kilometers, western artillery. enemy ammunition depots were hit by self-propelled guns from the akatsiya group of the north group. pointed! the objects were in the path of our assault units; an artillery installation hidden in the forest ensured the infantry’s advance with intense fire. we need to aim quickly, that is, no matter where we are standing, either it was an exit and we stood at the point
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from which we will shoot, or it... is being done from some kind of cover, we still try to aim accurately and quickly. in in the zaporozhye region, the equipment and weapons of the nationalists were eliminated by the crew of the tornado system. the shooting was carried out directly from the highway, despite the fact that the installation is also adapted for off-road use, moving on asphalt allows you to quickly change your location. in ukraine significantly.
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yevgeny serebryakov, a suspect in a car bombing in moscow, was detained on wednesday in bodrum. according to local media, another person, whose nationality has not yet been disclosed, was taken into custody along with the russian. turkish tv channels do not rule out that serebryakov could be extradited to moscow. a few hours ago, the tas agency , citing sources, reported that according to the investigation, serebryakov could have accomplices, they are being identified. on wednesday morning , a parked car was blown up in moscow, injuring two people. in the philippines , 2,500 people were evacuated from a temporary accommodation center due to stormy weather; typhoon gaeme is in control in the north of the country. heavy rains caused widespread flooding. in manila, roads, buildings, infrastructure facilities, and passageways were flooded most highways are impossible, citizens walk waist-deep in water, classes at schools have been canceled, government agencies have suspended work, hundreds of flights have been postponed at the airport,
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and a container with equipment has been blown into the river by gusts of hurricane winds. those who work in the american stock market now know how to lose a trillion dollars in a few hours. the stock day in the united states ended with the collapse of the nazdak and s&p-500 indices. the vietnamese sailors were greeted with bread and salt in vladivostok; they arrived on a visit to the frigate hong dao, built on russian shipyard. in the seventeenth year, the ship departed from the elenodolsk plant to the cam ranh military base. students, businessmen came to greet their compatriots... employees of the perm zoo showed two snow leopard kittens for the first time. the long-awaited offspring appeared
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a month and a half ago. their father snezhek is from the czech republic, their mother aksu is from tajikistan. the kids are already confidently standing on all fours and developing in accordance with their age. normal weight, reflexes and most importantly appetite. more for now. kittens spend part of their time indoors enclosure under the supervision of the mother. further news from the regions, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region. today , heavy intermittent rain and thunderstorms are expected throughout the day. areas, up to 25 mm of precipitation may fall, wind gusts can reach 15 m/s. on thursday, the weather in the capital region will be determined by two extensive atmospheric vortices; during the day in moscow it will only be about 25°; in
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the moscow region it will be from 21 to 26°. it's the end of the work week and we expect the weather to be a little will improve, there will be little chance of rain. due to... unfavorable forecasts, all city services have been placed on high alert, mos drainage crews have been on duty, and equipment from road services and engineering companies has been brought in. in the east of the capital, near the shchelkovskaya metro station , carsharing’s car overturned; this happened after the driver of a lada ran a red light and cut off a rented car. there were a young man and a girl in it, she had minor injuries, the culprit of the accident was not injured, in balashikha, an suv crashed into a store, according to preliminary data. the driver was drunk. electric trains from savelovsky and belarusian directions of moscow railways will run on a modified schedule from saturday to monday. this is due to the development of infrastructure at lobnya station. trains from moscow will run to mark station in the opposite
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direction and from the region to catuar station and back. for some, departure and arrival times will change, as well as the number of stops on the route. tsaritsina station of the second central diameter will become moscow city station, it is used daily by about 13 thousand passengers traveling from the region to moscow, as well as residents of the region itself. preparations for construction are already underway, in particular , train stops towards the center have been temporarily limited. in the future, a convenient metro transfer will be organized here. there will be an elevator and an escalator to move from the platform to the underground lobby. more than forty sections of the capital's roads were re-marked, additional lanes, new directions and turns appeared, as noted in the department of transport, re-marking allows you to increase traffic capacity and make trips faster and more comfortable without changing the width of the roads. in total , 81 such projects are planned to be implemented this year. almost half of the expansion joints
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were repaired in the capital’s engineering structures. this year, work is underway on thirty objects, bridges, overpasses, and overpasses in tunnels. on twelve they have already been completed, including... on the obratsevsky bridge, an overpass for entering the third transport ring with volgogradsky prospekt and the mikinin strageno overpass. during repairs , traffic will not be stopped. as part of the future territory moscow 2030 festival , open days will be held. guests will be able to visit more than fifty city sites. those who wish to visit the mosvodokanal station will learn about water purification technologies. they will also see the stages of production of elevators, asphalt and will act as mosgaz workers. in addition, as part of the project there will be a series of excursions “the pre-revolutionary appearance of the capital”. in the pushchina, archaeologists discovered an artifact,
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and some tools, in particular we have a drill tip, at this stage, while we are generally satisfied with how the work is going, before the okst archaeological expedition, research on the site was last carried out about a century ago. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website see you. kalinon belek is a place where time
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stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into said. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suits & villas, the vacation you... read about, i have a daughter, i just
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recently found out about her existence, the murdered man was hers, i definitely need to find out everything, who are you, well, answer when they ask you, sister , julia could have died because of you, my daughter because of my daughter obsu, someone else’s family on saturday on rtr. good morning, good morning, elena nikolaeva andrei petrov greets you, it’s time to wake up, the main thing is don’t oversleep, the main motto of our program, and the main thing in our business is, of course, fact-checking, this is the system, by the way, they use on eltbrus, example , i guess i’ll take it, during the tourist season this information came to elbra. may all travelers who
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climb to the top be counted. the device was invented 2 years ago, several have already been tested prototypes. it must be said that the mechanical version showed the best results, it turned out to be the most reliable in harsh mountain conditions, they promise that at an altitude of more than five thousand meters, the device will work for at least half a century, well, the main thing is that the scoreboard is enough, after all, it is designed for 1 million climbers. in the first hour, 24, excuse me, 25 people pulled the lever. well, housing and communal services are far from reaching such heights; in russia , thousands of apartment buildings are put in order every year under the overhaul program, but not everyone is satisfied with the result. why are residents' expectations sometimes not met? coincide with the reality of the builders? - alexander blinnikov found out. who's that guy? the residents of this house clearly did not need additional ventilation; everyone dreamed of a new facade and a strong foundation. the builders promised high-quality overhauls, but for some reason they decided to start work. from the roof, they covered all the roofs in the month of march, when the rains came, the snow
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began to melt, it all began to flood the attic spaces, the attics flooded the apartments. as a result, the reconstruction of the roof lasted for many months, and to complete the entire overhaul, apparently, there will be another contractor, and it is not known where he will start, although the list of work priorities must be approved by the owners before the start of construction, and our communications are in poor condition, why should we postpone them until... it’s the twenty-sixth year, let them do everything together, and the capital repair fund must obey the decision of the general meeting. however, not every house is able to hold a general meeting without problems, and after the start of work , builders and homeowners can influence the course of action for some reason they can’t anymore, although they constantly pay for major repairs from their own pockets. well , our house just became a house without council for some time, so they seized on this and decided to make the repairs they wanted. twelve entrance. the high-rise building on novoyasenevsky prospekt is visible from afar,
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the cracked facade is full of holes, but instead of repairing it, the builders first began to change the pipes in the entrances, on what basis? residents cannot understand, we would still like to get the overhaul fund to carry out technical work the assessment of our house was done properly, and we really want to know in what condition all the engineering systems of our house are. however, similar stories are happening all over the country. experts say, as a rule, some contractors have their own work plan, and it is not always related to the technical condition of the house. it is very profitable for the contractor to take on, for example, plumbing work, which will require less. workers and get this work done faster and make a profit faster, yes, rather than taking on some more serious, complex work. by the way, some builders are not able to perform complex work at all. the personnel issue is still very acute; not all contractors performing major repairs are highly qualified. the level
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of qualifications of contractors, unfortunately, is not the same everywhere; yes, in some places they work well, cope with problems, in others they are simply not enough. what is called is recruited, including subcontractors and sub-subcontractors. all these problems lead to the fact that major renovations in houses are delayed for years; perhaps it’s time to learn from experience accumulated errors, use it to reconfigure the entire program and improve the quality of work. well, as always, there is something to discuss, with us today is a member of the state duma committee on construction and housing and communal services sergei bedonko, sergei yuryevich, hello, if you looked, to be honest, some houses there cannot be repaired; they must be demolished; new ones must be built anew. she said, the topic is eternal, the topic is eternal, but on the other hand they tell us, you know the deadlines, you know the volumes, you communicate with the one who is in charge of this construction site, with the foreman this overhaul, in general, in general you don’t need anything, because all this allows you to regulate how the repairs are going, something is actually missing, the capital
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repair fund, which means it determines the house, determines the types of work, based on those the data that they have, respectively... publishes on their website, people have, respectively, citizens who live there have these six months in order to convene a general meeting, agree with this, or make some suggestions, and accordingly, then they will be taken into account if they are reasonable, but i’ll tell you right away that using the example of hot water, which will soon be turned off and basins and saucepans are waiting for me again, i am warned in advance about this, that the hot water will be turned off, i already have notices hanging everywhere, comrades, but such announcements are obligations.
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in some other way, but in order for this to be conveyed to everyone, then they collected it, this is their problem, and so on september 1 , 2024, the new law on planning major repairs comes into force, maybe there is still time for it and sign, so that everyone knows, yes, he gives the right to the regional. residents to change the timing of major repairs, the year of construction is not the main criterion, such a term is introduced there, well, let’s say, technical expertise or technical inspection, this law, it introduces the concept of who pays for this technical expertise, according to this law can pay how - well, let’s say , the region or
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municipality there has decided to put this house up for major repairs or it can pay for some, and residents can also hold meetings accordingly. at home where it is written that let’s say the roof can stand for another 20 years, the pipes need to be changed, so, accordingly, on the basis of this document , a decision will be made, accordingly, when and in what time frame to carry out this or that major repair of this or that system, here is sergey yuryevich, okay, with we figured it out, but this external part...
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today at 21:20, russian morning, don’t forgive me
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, the main thing is, well, if you have a trip, for example, and still don’t know what souvenir to bring from africa, this one a refrigerator magnet is not an option for you, but the best one is after all, a gift from an egyptian silkworm. in the nilo delta, they launched an entire closed-cycle factory where they produce silk threads immediately from where they are made into carpets. we ’re telling it all in a crumpled way quickly, but it all really happens like this: at the beginning of its life journey, the silkworm, a caterpillar and quite a voracious one, eats its fill for 35 days, and then becomes a cocoon, wrapping itself in a thin thread a kilometer long, just from this fiber produces carpets that tourists are happy to purchase. you told me this for a long time, we take the carpet, go home, that’s it, these are short ones, well , no matter how hot it is, it’s better not to hunt for souvenirs in just swimsuits. in sicily , you can get a fine for this, by the way, up to 150 euros. in croatia , people are fined up to
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600 for disrespect for local rules. russia is also keeping up with global trends. kristina sorokina knows what threatens tourists with too much beach attire in cities. summer, vacation, resort, what a reason to show off to others, they think some calmly walk around the city in beach attire, others, more often local residents , do not agree with this opinion. after all, these are not beaches where you go out naked, in general, well , walking in, i think it’s not decent, the first coastline is near the sea, of course you can walk in swimsuits, then you have to wear, of course, trousers and skirts, i think it’s beautiful a girl should show herself, wear a swimsuit, well, it’s summer, that’s right, it’s hot, that is, there’s nothing wrong with that, but thirty and even forty degree heat is not at all a reason to be naked in public, lawyers remind, there is no dress code for visiting public places prescribed at the federal level. but there are generally accepted norms of punishment in rubles for non-compliance. employees, for example, of the police, can, well, let’s say, as part
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of preventive conversations, explain these things to people, if he is already intoxicated and behaves defiantly, then this is already a crime, then there may be fines and measures, so to speak , administrative arrest. according to the law, nudity in a public place is considered petty hooliganism, for which a fine is provided. rubles or up to 15 days of administrative arrest, but in some regions of the country the punishment can be harsher, for example, in the altai territory the fine ranges from half to one mrod, which is 21,070 rubles. moreover, increasing responsibility for such violations is a matter of time, experts believe that the size of sanctions should be increased, but already now, if a person goes too far in his image and shows intimate parts of the body to the public, the case could become criminal, lawyers warn. then you won't be able to get away with a regular fine. if it is established, that the intent was to demonstrate one’s genitals or
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intimate parts of the body in order to obtain sexual pleasure, yes, then this will already be a separate criminal liability, the punishment there is severe, up to 10 years in prison . in addition, those who like too revealing outfits may have other problems, for example, going to restaurants and shopping centers. the ban is completely justified, but it is not related to the law, but to moral and ethical issues. standards, experts believe that in municipalities where such cases occur more often, it is necessary carry out preventive work, for example, as they decided to do in neighboring abkhazia, information stands will be installed there with a reminder of appropriate appearance; due to ignoring the rules, tourists can pay up to 6,000 rubles. and then, beautiful, stylish, youthful, how practical, on the panoramic roof of the car we’ll talk in a few minutes.
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those who are not afraid of storms are helped by the waves. katya was kidnapped by bandits, they are now at sea, katya is with them, they are demanding a ransom, i am coming to them. sailor, final episode. welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday, friends met here, one hundred percent certainty that friends will not let you down, your humble servant, i’m thoughtful about something, maybe it’s the ones who lay the asphalt, the asphalt pavers, one hundred percent guarantee that it won’t be boring, you’re not are you afraid of the light bulb here, polovtsy, what are tourists looking for in the cave?
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we have one of the answers, maybe it’s correct, puddles: one hundred percent pleasure from the game, just play together, i’m just smart, yes, yes, 100 to one, let’s go to rtr on saturday and sunday, alisa, mother grisha was my close friend, but she died. recently, i promised her that i would take care of grisha, you won’t need anything, is there enough space in my house for all of us? hello, where is oleg borisovich? tonight, oleg borisovich died, a massive heart attack, if you allow, i will always be by your side. grisha, leksanov’s heir, is why he so urgently draws up
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paternity papers. he needs money, not a child. no, i am his father, and i will decide where he will live, with whom to communicate with whom to be friends, i, not you, from love to hate, on friday rtr, years of bad weather have taught us, we will spend this evening with the amazing actress svetlana kryuchkova, on the eve of her birthday, where did the birth go, where did my birth go, seryozha? so far, heroin-mistresses have quietly retrained, the light is a celestial being for me, there’s not a character here, in general, every pearl, for women, sklar, pokudin, shakurov, often simple, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s holiday show, on saturday on rtr, in the summer, this
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much simpler. imagine the bright sun, beautiful landscapes, not only outside the car window, but literally all around. it is not surprising that many people like the effect of endless spaces that a panoramic roof creates. yes, but just when purchasing such a model, you need to be aware of some difficulties that will certainly arise, but not necessarily. many car models today are equipped with a sunroof or a panoramic roof, and some with both at once. but like any equipment, it has its own nuances. which salons most likely won’t tell you about, but we will tell you. let's start with the advantages. the panoramic roof creates a feeling of open space overhead, visually enlarges the interior, and in picturesque places enhances the impression of the landscape. well , the hatch, in turn, improves the microclimate and provides additional ventilation. on a hot day, it will extract the air heated during parking, making it easier to cool the interior.
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but all this equipment requires additional attention. the frame roof and sunroof must be serviced once a year or 15.00 km. maintenance includes lubrication of rubber seals and lubrication of guides. it is also necessary to clean it from leaves and bird droppings. but with one cleaning you're unlikely to get by. over time , minor damage accumulates on such a roof, for example, stones flying off from under the wheels. at the same time , local repairs can lead to unexpected consequences. large chips or scratches, in theory, can be polished, but this leads to a safety violation, since when polishing the glass, a lens may form and if exposed to direct sunlight , the car interior may catch fire. well, if something more serious flies into the panoramic roof, then replacing the glass element with all the mechanisms
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will cost a pretty penny, even for an inexpensive crossover, it costs more than 100 thousand. rub, and for installation you need highly qualified craftsmen, but that’s not all, due to the high thermal conductivity, in the summer the interior with such a roof heats up faster, and in the winter it cools down faster, so the air conditioning stove has to work with double force, which affects fuel consumption. finally, a cabin with a glass roof has worse sound insulation, and tall people need to keep in mind that the ceiling in such a car will be slightly lower due to the sliding curtain, so whether to agree to... a roof with a sunroof or not, unfortunately, manufacturers sometimes leave us no choice; more expensive cars often have this option by default, and for those that are simpler in the top version, here we either have to accept it and get it. it’s a pleasure to either look for another model, or be content with a more modest package, a smile, then, what are you doing here, taking pictures, and you
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washed your ribs with it, and i’ve already gone through the entire skeleton twice with soap, all that’s left is to cleanse the liver, by the way. grandma's recipe for butter, oh, colleague, no one is already in in the world, the hypotopillary system does not cleanse with oil, but read more about the procedures for healing. special operations, self-propelled mortars break through strong concrete fortifications, burn equipment in the armed forces of ukraine. fire! biden's interpretation. the us president explained why he no longer wants the race. this
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is the destiny of young people. the address to the nation was not very clear. trump didn't like it. and footage of our ministry of defense, where a su-27 drives away british military aircraft from the russian border. the reconnaissance aircraft and two fighters abruptly changed course and were removed. russian artillery breaks into the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction, a network of enemy observation posts is destroyed. attention, fire! all targets were hit by targeted fire from a tulip self-propelled mortar. it is this vehicle that is entrusted with the task of breaking through particularly strong concrete structures and burning armored vehicles. even the tulip calculations cope with all this successfully. from a distance of up to 20 km from targets, that the enemy respects this machine, that our russian soldiers, when they see us on the field, everyone shows respect because it is a big machine,
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large-caliber, which copes with any task, there are a lot of shells, a lot of work, about a thousand shells have already been fired on this tulip, snipers help the artillerymen to knock out the infantry of the ukrainian militants. shooters from the marine corps and pacific fleet units disrupted another rotation of nationalists on the front line. two sniper teams with large-caliber rifles got close to the enemy stronghold and eliminated all the ukrainian armed forces militants who were there. the targets were in full view, the fighters knew exactly where the enemy would be when he appears in the crosshairs. our opponent is very lazy, he is really very lazy and... every time for a large amount of time the rotation occurs along the same path, that is, we have already studied all this, we have special records at what time, how many people , works, snipers from
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destroy machine gun nests, clear the road with an assault unit, work at distances of up to a kilometer, the slightest movement of the enemy on the front line is recorded by aerial reconnaissance, target coordinates, collect irrefutable evidence of the crimes of neo-nazis, punitive forces, their accomplices,
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terrorists and extremists, exposing lawbreakers, you restore truth and justice, strengthen the rule of law and constitutional order, and this is the basis for the sovereign development of russia as a strong rule of law state. one of the most important guarantees is national security. the ministry of defense has published a video of the interception of air force aircraft in the black sea in the uk. a reconnaissance aircraft and two fighters approached russian air borders. by the alarm was raised by 127 of the duty forces. the pilot identified all objects. immediately after this, nato planes abruptly changed course and moved away from russian borders. sergei lavrov arrived in laos, the foreign minister will hold a number of bilateral meetings with colleagues from the countries. association of southeast asian nations. in addition, at the russia -asian ministerial meeting issues of cooperation in the political, trade, economic and socio-cultural spheres will be discussed. dropped out of the presidential race to
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pass the baton to a new generation. joe biden addressed the nation and explained why he would not run for a new term. the head of the white house said that for the remaining six months he will work to confront russia and strengthen nato. he also said that china is not superior to the united states and promised to end the conflict in the gas sector. in addition, biden assured that he became the first american president in this century during which the country did not wage war. the us must quickly supply weapons to israel to hasten the end of hostilities in gas. it is curious that nitanya's speech was rejected by about 80 legislators from the democratic party, and the former speaker of the house.
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dozens of fires near populated areas. about 200 tons of water have already been dropped from the air. almost 2.0 rescuers and 180 pieces of equipment are fighting the fire on the ground. an unnamed volcano in kamchatka threw ash to a height of 12 km. the smallest particles threaten the engines of planes and helicopters, an aviation code red has been declared. a stream of rock fragments descends from the slopes of the volcano. according to the regional service of the ministry of emergency situations, he can pose a danger to tourists and employees located in the row. enterprises.
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and we have just received footage from gorno-altaisk, where mikhail mishustin arrived on a working visit. the chairman of the government was met on the plane by the presidential envoy to the siberian federal district, anatoly seryshev , and the acting head of the altai republic, andrei turchak. well, further regional news, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now the news of the capital region through moscow will be cold today front, there will be thunderstorms and showers. up to 25 mm of precipitation may fall in some areas per day. the temperature will drop slightly, no higher than 24 during the day, the same on friday, but no more rain is expected. near the shchelkovskaya metro station , a car sharing car overturned. according to eyewitnesses, this happened after the lada driver drove through a red light and cut off the rental car.
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there were two people in it, one received a slight injury, the culprit of the accident was not injured, in balashikha the car crashed into a store, according to preliminary data the driver was in drunk. from saturday to monday , the schedule of electric trains in the sovelovsky and belorussian railway directions will change, due to the development of infrastructure at the lobnya station, trains from moscow will run to the mark station in the opposite direction from the region to the catuar station and back. to a year of suspended imprisonment. sentenced by the court without a ticket holder who threatened the ticket inspector. last november, a bus passenger did not pay for the fare. when the inspector asked to present documents to issue a fine, he threatened to use force. aggressive the stowaway was detained. we'll tell you more about what's happening in the historic region in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform. look in the app or on the website, see you. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at
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rixsus golf villas and suites sharmelshey. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style rixsus golf villas and sudes. sharmelsheikh. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixa. radomis sharmalsheikh, who's there? it's me,
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from zheka, open up, zheka, now forget it , zheka, do you have money? yes, i have a wife, she puts them in her nails, hair, eyelashes, how the wife bought a fur coat, became harmful, became rude, all from that mink scandal, the animal suffered from rabies, humor, humor, humor, on saturday on rtr. good morning, good morning, it’s very nice that we met, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov greet you today, well , our season is sunny, our season is warm, on the street, in our telegram channel too, by the way, and a lot of interesting things also in our telegram channel, come, watch, subscribe, don’t forget, well, you noticed well about the season, summer, who’s counting the days until
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autumn, when there are only 38 of them left, but who needs these numbers, andrey and i say every time we look at our passports, many others also think that everyone... is getting younger before our eyes, at 30 they feel like they are 20, at 40 - at 30, at 50, but life is just beginning, people are full of strength, ambitions, the perception of age has shifted, according to doctors, this is a considerable merit not only of modern medicine, but of ourselves, well, many seriously monitor their health, play sports, eat right , undergoes dispensing on time and in general, they try to be active in life, they need to find time not only for work, of course, what you say, i mean it. a cup of homemade mint tea will help, no need to rush, it improves sleep, relieves stress, promotes weight loss, and mint is not the only herb, by the way, that grows in summer cottages. alena kashtanova found out what other plants will make the drink healthy and tasty, fragrant mint, black
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currant leaves, the tradition of arranging family tea parties by making pies, ekaterina also adopted from her grandmother, just the torn leaves should be brewed for at least 10-15. minutes, the color of the drink is not too bright, but what an aroma, together we collected currant leaves, raspberry leaves, fragrant mint, then we sat at the samovar with tea and drank my favorite apricot jam, the love for tea in our country has not been tested for one generation, a decoction of izvanchay or angustifolia kepreya has been the most popular drink in russia since the 19th century, long before the appearance of all kinds of chinese oolongs. well, today everyone can become the author of their own tea, all you have to do is walk around the garden. the most popular plant is mint, lemon balm, which is mostly collected, and naturally, a lot of linden, which is also brewed into tea, and oregano, and thyme are very popular. mint is a real record holder for the content
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of nutrients. mintol acts as a nice relaxant and sedative, and its strong aroma stimulates the appetite, so mint tea is a good helper in losing weight. black leaves will also be an excellent raw material for tea. red currant. all these leaves have vitamin a, vitamin k, vitamin b group, and vitamin p, at the same time, we always have biofavanoids and essential oils in the sheets. probably the most intense in terms of its healing properties is the black currant leaf. its taste and aroma are also richer than red. tinctures from adandelion and calendula are more bitter, they are better used as a supplement, but chamomile is quite self-sufficient. it is recommended to drink tea from its flowers for stomach diseases, however, in order to get the maximum amount of useful substances from the herbs, you need to collect them at the right moment. choose the period when they accumulates the most. mint is usually harvested before flowering, or no later than the opening of the first buds. if we say let's say ivan tea, then it is usually
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collected at the moment of flowering. the easiest way is to pour boiling water over fresh leaves, however, to preserve the tea for the winter, fermentation is necessary. the leaves are washed, crushed, starting oxidation processes, and then sushi. they are left to lie down, during which time they accumulate vitamins and organic acids in the tissues. proper drying is very important in mint preparations so that the leaf does not turn black and is green-green in tea. you can add berries, flower molds or other herbs to the finished tea. you can experiment and perfect the drink ad infinitum. those herbs that grow nearby also go well in teas. for example, if you take ivanchai, it goes well with strawberries or. tea goes well with tavloga. it is better to choose perennial plants for tea so that you can plant it once and enjoy the taste of the drink every year. and what kind of folk remedies, but the same herbs are not used to heal the liver. one of the popular recipes on the internet is butter and lemon juice. they supposedly remove all
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toxins. doctors say that the liver can recover on its own, but you can help it by eliminating alcohol, fatty, sweet, fried foods and adding more seasonal fruits and vegetables to your diet. our guest is the chief specialist of the therapeutic service, united hospital with clinic, presidential administration, candidate of medical sciences, oleg gaisyonok, oleg vladimirovich, good morning, good! andrey really intrigued me, oil, lemon juice, in in the end, some kind of soap comes out, what is this, internal juices plus this, horror, horror, what do you say, lemon juice and oil, yes, in essence, this is active stimulation of the bile ducts, the release of bile, yes, but a person like you should always not carry out any manipulations unusual for your body without the consent of a doctor, because this can cause harm, and the oven generally needs to be cleaned, so from the very beginning, let’s... let’s then start from the point of view logic, because the erroneous perception that the liver is
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this is a filter, and the filter needs to be cleaned, so it ’s not a filter, it’s actually a chemical laboratory, a detoxification station that deals not only with detoxification, almost all molecules pass through it, and many of them are transformed, metabolized, their new forms are obtained, harmful substances also undergo detoxification; they are all excreted again through the liver? what is through the bile ducts, through the bile, and what is bile? its name in latin is chole, chole, yes, and what does bile contain? in bile, besides everything other things, it contains cholesterol, its name comes precisely from the fact that it was isolated from bile, and isolated by the french who eat foggras, and this was the first time, the french first of all fill everything with oil, these are principles, actually creamy , these are the principles of the kitchen, everything is fine with the liver for...
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normal people, not boring, what to do with the liver, clean it, not clean it, yeah, i understand, you don’t need to clean the liver, if you clean it, then you need to understand why , yes, if a person has problems with the liver, this leads to development of the disease, yes, but you need to understand that for the development of cirrhosis and any liver pathology, there are several reasons, they must be treated in a certain sense in their own way, so this of course must be agreed with the doctor, namely the doctor, after conducting a certain examination, if this in the early... problems, stages of liver disease, there are many methods that will allow, firstly,
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the patient, well, the average person, yes, who, as you say, eats fatty foods and drinks alcohol, to motivate in terms of changing his first of all, your food preferences, because this is actually the basis, then if you want to follow your grandmother’s recipes, then in general it’s not butter, everything else is for cleaning, but just basic diets, but wait, butter, if you fry bread with it, is also bad for cookies . it’s better to use vegetable oils, one way or another, no matter how we go about it, we still get selected, this is fundamental, because if we are talking about liver health, then this side of the coin is the truth, and it’s stupid to dissemble by choosing some clever path, when there is just an obvious path, it’s just always the most difficult, thank you, well, a little boring, thank you, i was sad, our guest was the chief specialist of the therapeutic service. united hospital with a clinic, presidential administration, candidate of medical sciences, oleg goysenok, thank you very much, yekaterinburg. not an ideal
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performance, but oh, when some good vocalist comes out, you immediately start to find fault, come on, everyone together, people's casting, tomorrow at 21:30, the bandits said that the artist is not alone, and this... the new one said: let's remove everyone, artist, today at 13:00, come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, training programs for quantorium technology parks, opened throughout the country with the support of the national education project. teachers often develop with various specialists, they look at the relevance of those or other professional areas for
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the region. for example, in kaliningrad this year they made a change of classes for those schoolchildren who are interested in shipbuilding. but often ideas for programs are submitted by children themselves, for example, they ask to conduct video shooting classes. we'll tell you about this year's popular master classes and quantoriums in our story. is everyone ready? spotlights, harmokey, cameras, tomsk schoolchildren spend their summer holidays in a real television studio, while younger students are rehearsing scenes from children's fairy tales, there was a frog in the light. in the next room, older students learn to work with images in professional programs. the upper left corner, the letter “f”, you see, and there is the word “image”, which in english is used to place an image. certainly, not all the guys studying at the quantorium technopark plan to work in the film industry or engage in graphic design in the future. but, firstly, the ability to film and edit is now very important in everyday
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life, and secondly, the acquired skills can be useful in other areas. maxim, for example, wants to become a doctor, but he came anyway. changing media technologies, for example, making some presentations while studying at a medical college. maxim, by the way, spent the last summer holidays in quantorium, but then the master classes were completely different. the program for the technology park is specially developed in such a way that even if a child attends all shifts in a row for several years, he will still learn something new every time. this year , in addition to media technologies, more than ten more directions have been opened in the tomsk quantorium, for example, robotics, biotechnology, industrial design and aerotechnology. in fact, they took everything modern, what is in demand here now, developed programs together with our teachers, with representatives of the open source education system, with representatives of universities and companies. the teachers of the kaliningrad marine quantorium, judging by how deftly they make different figures from the same fragments, you have a rectangle, well, very simply, also held more than one brainstorming session
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on the topic of diversity of programs for the technology park, this season they decided to conduct two specialized shifts - media boom and mortech, the latter is especially relevant for... the younger generation of the port city. i learned how to print on different 3d printers, i learned how to tie knots and the difference between a vessel and a ship. at the end of the shift, the teachers decided to conduct a thematic quest for the students. its format is reminiscent of popular tv shows, where clues are given for completing tasks correctly. but only in the quantorium you don’t have to plunge to the bottom of the pool or lick a high wall. you can win this game only if you apply knowledge. received during 2 weeks of study at an engineering school, well, the time was elementary, she held out fine, they had a variety of classes, that is engineering direction, there was a task right there on how to control cars, this also requires developing an eye, looking for the shortest path. all these games and activities that take place in technology parks across the country are not just
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entertainment for children, because thanks to quantoriums, many children in elementary school can already, so to speak, touch with their hands a profession that... they never dream of making sure is correct choice or, on the contrary , change your mind by discovering some new, interesting professional areas. now in in russia, with the support of the national education project , more than 365 children's technology parks have already been opened, by the end of the year there will be almost fifty more. any schoolchild from 10 to 18 years old can find and sign up for the nearest quanturium on the nationalprojects.rf portal. and then there’s no other way to put it, it’s a start to life. the volga was released by sterlidi fry; we’ll talk in more detail in the river restoration program in a few minutes. on sunday at rtr, a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships of all fleets and flotillas countries.
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tactical groups of military vessels will sail along the waves of the neva and the gulf of finland under the glorious st. andrew’s flag. the most dizzying shots from the most unexpected angles, an unforgettable triumph of valor and beauty. glory to the russian navy, hurray! live broadcast from st. petersburg.
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are you asking us to steal the order? if you want me to return your girl to you, then you must fulfill one small request. what to do? we can’t have studied the order yet, can we pick it up? not only can we, we must. so as not to to stray from the right course, you need the right crew. guys, maybe you need some help? no, we need to do it ourselves. where is the order? we want to see masha now. where are you from? stand, that's it, i'm done, i'm out of here. comrade commander, there it seems. someone nakhimovtsy on sunday on rtr.
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on rtr, can i make sure of you, i’m still unemployed, i’m running out of time, don’t
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marry me, i’m unworthy of love, why are you punishing yourself like that, what did you do that you can’t even tell me, a terrible accident will happen, cancel it that's it, cancel it, i'm afraid, you're afraid yours? puddle, i just don’t know where this trouble is coming from, another victim was found in the north of moscow, it’s easier for her to see someone else’s future than to forget her past, there was something in your life that torments you, am i right? i just saw a person who has been dead for a long time, evgenia dobrovolskaya, a woman with a past, on saturday, nart. not every tourist trip is just an inspection of these ruins, landscapes in the usa, in
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yellowstone national park, this is how a mud fountain behaves from time to time, the height of the jets is several tens of meters, so the so-called geothermal explosion of one of the geysers only looks frightening; according to volcanologists, there are no signs. full and imminent eruption, yes, but in kamchatka it is much more likely, the nameless volcano is slowly waking up, just like last year and the year before, in the next month geophysicists predict ash emissions to a height of up to 15 km, tourists have already been warned, but the most dangerous routes were closed, well, the nameless one sounds better than yakudal or whoever we had, but it’s also for youngsters, so on the contrary, sterlids are all in the waters of the volga. the paths are open, so it compensates for damage during the construction of various hydraulic structures. we woke up almost ready to go on a long voyage. the offspring
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of the noble sterlid were delivered to their future home half asleep in a tank with cold water, this reduces the risks to life, only just before release the fry need to be woken up. water from the reservoir is poured into tanks so that the fry get used to the temperature of the reservoir, again, to reduce stress for the fish when moving it, this is in in any case, stress, but this way it is reduced, but before sending the fry into adulthood, they need to be counted, 16, 17, 18, first, the average weight of one fry is determined manually, then the total weight is divided by it to obtain the number of fish, as we work in the water protection zone of the gorky reservoir, which entails damage to aquatic biological resources for the purpose of compensation. so we release sterlid fish for grinding and this is done under the strict control of the inspector of the federal fisheries agency, and the department also calculated the amount of compensation. not only is it taken into account
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fish, in general all aquatic biological resources, everything is calculated as a whole, recalculation has been made into kilograms. as a result, there were more than 11 thousand fry, and some of them will become parents themselves in 5-6 years. we’ll talk about the rules and fines for electric scooter drivers after the news. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikola zuksik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. army aviation from the vostok group hit a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces along with its personnel. k-52 approached the launch point of unguided missiles at extremely low altitude. after completing the combat mission, the pilots completed the mandatory shooting of heat traps and returned to the departure airfield. from a distance of several
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dozen. there are targets, no projectiles. under the attacks of self-propelled guns akatsiya, the north group fell into enemy ammunition depots. 4148 pointed. the objects were in the path of our assault units; an artillery installation hidden in the forest ensured the infantry’s advance with intense fire. we need to aim quickly, that is, no matter where we stand, or
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it was a departure. and we stood at the point from which we will shoot, or it is done from some kind of cover, anyway, we try to aim accurately and quickly. in the zaporozhye region, the equipment and weapons of the nationalists were eliminated by the crew of the tornado system. shooting was carried out directly from the highway, despite the fact that the installation is also adapted for off-road use, movement on asphalt allows faster movement. change location. in ukraine, the amount of bribes for evading mobilization and leaving the country has increased significantly. according to ryan news, now in order not to to get to the front, you have to pay up to 20 thousand dollars. money is unaffordable for many. the price rises every month, as the ukrainian armed forces are defeated, retreat, and military registration and enlistment offices try to send to the front line whoever they can find on the street. the bribe-takers are caught by the police. in the ternopil region, officers who
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earned monthly income were detained. foreign tourists, mikhail mishustin was told about this during a tour of the main airport of the altai republic, it was reconstructed and expanded at the expense of investors. prime minister praised their work and contribution to the development of the tourism industry, and also called on the region to attract investors for other projects. the air harbor is the basis of the gate. problem court, well, it’s sad to look at this small airport, we’re probably approaching this late, but it’s very important that a private investor today is thinking with all his heart about how to build it at the level of the most modern advanced technologies, absolutely we support everything that will be primarily related to the speed of this work, the main thing is safety, quality of work, and good
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luck to the city of altai, mikhail meshustin discussed with the regional leadership the problem of wear and tear on electrical grid equipment, and promised to include the altai republic in a program to improve the reliability of the electrical grid complex. those who work in the american stock market now know how to lose a trillion dollars in a few hours. the stock day in the us ended with the collapse of indices and the s&p-500. the drop was the largest in the last 2 years. stronger than others the shares of high-tech companies, which pulled the entire market with them, lost value. the vietnamese sailors were greeted with bread and salt in vladivostok; they arrived for a visit on the frigate hong dao, built at a russian shipyard. in the seventeenth year, the ship departed from the zelenodolsk plant to the cam ranh military base. students, businessmen and the consul general of vietnam came to greet their compatriots. a cultural program and excursions are planned for the crew in primurye. employees of the perm
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zoo showed for the first time two snowy kittens leopard. the long-awaited offspring appeared a month and a half ago. their father is snezhek from the czech republic, their mother aksu is from tajikistan. the kids are already confidently standing on all fours and developing in accordance with their age. normal weight, reflexes and most importantly appetite. for now, kittens spend most of their time in a closed enclosure under the supervision of their mother. and in the end. release of urgent messages from the ministry of defense in the kaluga region, while performing a scheduled flight , a mi-28 helicopter crashed, the crew was killed. details in the following releases, further, regional news, do not switch, residents of the moscow region, see you in a few seconds. now
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there is news from the capital region, today heavy short-term rains with thunderstorms are expected, up to 25 mm of precipitation may fall in some areas per day, wind gusts can reach 15 m/s. on thursday, the weather in the capital region will be determined by two extensive atmospheric vortices; during the day in moscow it will only be about 25°; in the moscow region it will be from 21 to 26°. at the end of the working week and we expect the weather to improve a little, there will be a chance of rain small. due to unfavorable forecasts, all city services have been placed on high alert, and mos drainage crews have been on duty.
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according to preliminary data, the driver was drunk. electric trains from savelov square in the belarusian direction. from saturday to monday will follow a modified schedule, this is due to the development of infrastructure at lobnya station. trains from moscow will run to marki station in the opposite direction, from the region to catuar station and back. for some people the time will change departure and arrival, as well as the number of stops along the route. the tsaritsina station of the second central diameter will become the moscow city station. every day it is used by about 13 thousand passengers traveling from the region to moscow, as well as residents. preparations for construction are already underway, in particular , train stops towards the center have been temporarily limited. in the future, a convenient metro transfer will be organized here. there will be elevators and an escalator to move from the platform to the underground vestibule.
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he was given a suspended sentence of one year in prison lifortovo district court without a ticket holder who threatened the ticket inspector. last november , a bus passenger did not pay for the fare. he did not respond to the inspector’s request to present documents to issue a fine. adequately threatened to use physical force. an aggressive stowaway was detained in debtrans, and they were reminded that the fine for traveling without a ticket was 2,000 rubles. the international arts festival inspiration opens at vdnkh on saturday. over 9 days , more than 70 events, cinemas, screenings, performances, concerts and dances will be held at different venues. show. they will be presented by teams from ten countries. the artists' performances will last until august 4. registration is required to attend the festival. in the first half of the year, passengers at the capital's airports violated the rules for transporting goods more than in the same period last year. thus, in january-june , customs officers opened about 8.00 administrative cases over a hundred
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criminal ones. it is noted that most often when crossing the border, people brought currency illegally. attempts were also made to smuggle tobacco, alcohol, medicines, jewelry and electronics. in the pushchina , archaeologists discovered an artifact supposedly from the bronze age. during excavations at the site of the ancient settlement, saved by teshilova , a fragment of a ceramic vessel was found, which may date back to the time before the founding of moscow. however, according to experts, the unusual find requires further study. a large number of objects from the demongol period were also discovered there. these are glass objects, these are glass bracelets, classic for the urban culture and fashion of that time. these are glass beads, huh. these are household items, and some tools, in particular we have a drill tip, at this stage so far, we are generally pleased with how the work is going. the daok archaeological expedition, research into the site was last
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carried out about a century ago. and while that's all, take care and see you soon. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmelsheikh only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from
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around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes, 60 minutes is on air today on rtl. katya, katya, is this some kind of joke? here your beauty is alive while she’s alive, so if you want to see her, don’t call the police, come yourself. sailor, final episode. today on rtr. good morning. good morning, let me welcome you to the studio. russia today elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, calendar, if included
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look, thursday shows us, well, however, we will start with bright, unbridled fun, without waiting for all these days, although it would seem, yes, a weekday, everything is still far ahead, and this can only be arranged in the summer, at the same time, celebration, rootstock of sirens, splashes from brodsbeut, friends had a wedding at the moscow fire station. there will be something to remember and tell the children. yes, immediately after the session, the newlyweds were congratulated by friends and colleagues, the head of the family works as a lifeguard in this particular department, passion will flare up from a spark, so poetic, yes, but not every rescuer is there for the holiday, unfortunately, often, for example, they have to provide assistance to scooter drivers; the state duma is already introducing sanctions for violators of the rental office. is tightening fines, and those responsible for an accident with grave
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consequences will be judged under a special article, but so far no measures have been taken against reckless drivers, this stick on which the steering wheel was crashed into my back, and the wheel cut the girl’s leg, everything happened on the path of health, with bitter my mother recalls with irony a walk in the park when a scooter knocked them over ground, a guy immediately drove up to the culprit of the accident and the couple drove off, the girl said, so what, i hit two people, so what, what... now my daughter is holding her mother’s hand, she has learned that the sidewalks are not safe for pedestrians, that's how i turned to the green light. the scooter crashed from behind, irina’s vision went dark from the pain, she had to write down the number, but there was no time for that, does she remember that teenagers were driving? firstly, they didn’t dismount, and secondly, the two of them climbed onto the scooter, so i don’t think they wanted to, in order for them to be recorded, from this year the violator, if found, risks paying. renters have introduced their fines twice, a thousand rubles if you don’t dismount at
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the crossing, 5.00 for riding together, 10 transferring control of an electric scooter to a child, fines in the coap for leaving the scene of an accident will also increase, for example, 5.00 rubles. punishment for serious accidents, the supreme court separately clarified. a scooter is not a mechanical vehicle, but a separate article 268 of the criminal code of the russian federation was found for their owners in violation of the rules ensuring the safe operation of transport scooter. it looks like a pedestrian, but will respond to the fullest extent, like a car driver. up to 2 years in prison, in case of serious harm to health and up to four in case of death, this decision had been awaited for a long time, it was not clear how to act correctly, what legal norms to adopt, what to refer to in court, after quite a large number of number of complaints, the supreme court paid attention to this and issued a ruling, it will become an argument in court when passing a sentence, the culprit of such of course they will find an accident, but what to do?
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to rebuild cities from cameras and separate lanes to specially trained police officers, we still need to rebuild people’s consciousness, teenagers didn’t read the traffic rules, they didn’t open the copa. and is clearly not up to date with supreme court rulings. this is why the media exist , this is why the internet exists, social advertising should also be used and should be one of the mechanisms for implementing new standards being introduced, or popularizing existing ones. the idea is good, but these mechanisms needed to be launch before the genie is out of the bottle, it will no longer be possible to drive him back, and it is not a fact that the fear of punishment will force scooter riders to ride more carefully. words about the fear of punishment, our scientists are working on creating a program with elements
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of artificial intelligence that will be able to predict the place and time of the next crime of a serial killer, like a science fiction movie, based on data on previous attacks with a similar handwriting by studying already solved cases, the computer will predict future crimes now they are actively teaching neroset, it will take, they say, another 2-3 years, but in the meantime , the electronic mind is already guarding our peace of mind, and of course i would like to learn more about this in the studio of the moscow rector. academy of the investigative committee of russia named after sukharev, major general of justice, doctor of law, associate professor alexey bessonov, alexey alexandrovich, hello for coming, well, tell me, because honestly, this system is still 2-3 years away. will be brought to fruition, and some of it is already really working, which is what these systems allow, which ones are in action? we, in the system of the investigative committee of the russian federation , have already studied a large array of serial crimes, these are criminal cases for which there are sentences that have entered into force in law, that is, we believe that the circumstances established by the sentencing court took place exactly as stated in the sentence,
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we have digitized these crimes, that is , the criminal activities of already identified criminals and trained algorithms from... responsibility or not, and even tried to be absent, he had previously been prosecuted establish the approximate distance at which he most likely lives from the scene of the crime, as i understand it, facial recognition is now widely used, yes, that is, i know examples where in stadiums with thousands of people they identify the right person, but where else is the work now? in crime investigation activities there are already many where these technologies are used, for example, searching for information in open sources, well, on the internet, the most common yes, open source is the internet, for which previously a person needed to sit and spend hours monotonously searching for the necessary information, but today these methods make it possible to obtain the necessary information much faster, the same
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city security system, which today contains huge amounts of biometric information in video format, is also , of course, actively used to... in order to establish the investigations of interest events, persons, temporary chronologies of temporary events, uh-huh, there ’s no way to get by with human lack of grace at all, because if, after all, it only consisted of numbers alone, it would, in fact, there was probably no solution to the crime, because such nuances sometimes arise, such comparisons need to be made, that is , you lead to the fact that artificial intelligence will never replace live communication for us, no, never, i don’t know, maybe you have some kind of thinks maybe you are all going to retire together. consists of human labor, everyday, persistent, labor-intensive, when the investigator sits and puzzles over whether he gave the version correctly or not, what is the mechanism of the perfect
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crimes, who committed this crime, and all persons involved in the investigation of the crime, he excluded, therefore, for now, to human happiness. yes, artificial intelligence in the work of an investigative officer will not replace a person, a person is irreplaceable here, well, as i understand it, of course there are no weekends, since work is always going on, but in addition to these working days, there must still be holidays, right, and even the investigative committee should celebrate them, you have a wonderful holiday today, of course, yes, today is employee day investigative bodies of the russian federation, with which i would like to congratulate my colleagues from our investigative committee of the russian federation and other investigators, and wish them all.
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broadcast today at 17:30 on the russia channel to give you one last chance, why would you admit that you are cheating on me srengin? bahar named spring, premiere, today at 15:00, well, if we assume for a second that the delivery service for babies and birds exists, then all orders will probably flock to the grodno region of belarus. filmed here in the video there are hundreds of storks who organize mass promenades in the fields. black and white birds seem to be trying to get to know people, fly over highways, accompany the travels of anyone, a boy, a girl, well , ornithologists, however, another explanation for this behavior is that young birds that have not yet had offspring gather together to look for places for themselves
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nesting next year, but i liked the first version better, too, well, they fly and come to the museum of the capital’s tsarina park. "art lovers, here the exhibition “the soul of russia family” is taking place; it is not just an exhibition, but also an annual all-russian competition for both professional and amateur artists. these paintings are not connected by a single style, era, or time, only a theme; all the works have one thing in common, they are about true happiness. family has always been a fundamental subject, starting with the painting of ancient egypt on the seida. this couple is the first to greet guests of the exhibition. peter and fevronia have long become a symbol of ideal marriage and devotion, and they themselves are saints. lived together until old age and died alone day. therefore, they are depicted not just on canvas, but on an icon of the 16th century. this is a symbol of family, a symbol of this exhibition. many of these
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painters met for the first time in the same exhibition hall. more than twenty works of masters from the collections of various museums. many names are not very well known to the general public, but in these paintings they are united in their convictions. the basis of life is family happiness. only it is different for everyone. fot for ilya repin’s teacher, vladimir maximov, is a family hearth of a lively light. which several generations gathered, their united by old wives' tales, it's not for nothing that the picture is called that. by the way, this is why it ended up in pavel tretitekov’s collection. the warm word “grandmother” was a unifying symbol in both the collector’s family and the artist’s family. here there is just this transmission through generations, from one to another, yes, to grandchildren, to great-grandchildren. family traditions and the artistic image excite modern artists, gathering with the whole family at one table, collecting. clouds in the garden or helping parents make dumplings, simple home joys, apparently, remain eternal values ​​in the eyes of new generations.
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with one difference, the main characters, the symbol that unites the family , are increasingly men; they are caring fathers, loving husbands and that reliable shoulder that will support you in joy and sorrow. a striking example is the work of the winner of the family soul of russia competition, a painter from the kurgan region, andrei pochivalov. this is a bright moment when a father meets his loved ones. we will remember there, well , classical art, mainly, of course, it is a mother and children, yes, now the figure of a man, again this suggests that there is a sense of urgency and a problem with this. the painting of the competition winner, like the works of other artists, reminds us that true happiness always begins with the most important thing in everyone’s life, family. you can see this at the exhibition in the tsaritsina park museum until august 25. further all-seeing...
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i also, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be
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healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant, fantastic, can scientific to be clear, but you make a wish, right? yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, on sunday on rtr, my father! really didn’t die, dad, you are the only relative in my life,
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i really want to introduce you to your sister, she will accept you, let’s try to be friends, help each other, believe in you, you fell in love, but he, he doesn’t like me , maybe maybe we could meet you someday, it will require sacrifices from you, i...
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who are watching. interesting information, scientists have discovered water molecules in the lunar soil and have taken another step towards the development of the earth’s satellite. h2o was found in samples delivered to the chinese mission. the samples contain a mineral that consists of more than a third of crystalline water, which may not be much, but the fact itself is important. until recently , it was believed that the moon was completely dry. now a scientific concept that has been accepted yet. in the sixties of the last century, radically is changing, that is, it is wet, it is wet, at least, well, it’s time to change the technology we are used to, especially since thanks to our developers , it is now not at all difficult to make a tractor, say, or a bus into an unmanned vehicle. we have gray vision, there are two good cameras, there is a 4k computer below. and, of course,
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lidar, together, these devices replace unmanned vehicles. the fact that there will be a general cloud of points, which is combined with ledara and costerovision, with the help of this it is possible to obtain more accurate information about objects located there on on the road, for example, when a person approaches the roadway, neroset will perceive it as an emergency and will stop the car. by the way, engineers assure not only cars, the system can be adapted to any vehicle, from trucks to aircraft
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. in just a few years , drones will appear. will be encountered even in an open field, like this robotic tractor developed by moscow engineers. video cameras are installed in the cabin, which transmit images to such an artificial brain of the tractor, where, actually analyzing these images, with the help of artificial intelligence algorithms, the tractor understands the situation around it. this means that the machine can not work along a predetermined trajectory of beacons, but be oriented along the field boundary. there are two operating modes, one mode. work by satellites, and the other mode is work by vision, when we are tied to visual references, for example, edges are processed or not processed, the developers have calculated that robotic agricultural machines will reduce farmers' costs by at least 15%. and this despite the fact that the operator during the work of the equipment must be in the cabin, but in the coming years a person will be completely freed from this work, then agricultural robots will be able to harvest crops for a whole day, 7 days a week. and then,
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now the most interesting thing will show. summer combination suit station wagon 69, but it ’s good, wow, with a slight movement of the hand the trousers turn into elegant shorts, that’s what you need at the resort, unfasten the legs to the beach, fasten them to the restaurant, and no one will fine you for inappropriate appearance, well, great, yes i was actually thinking about a man, about a stupid dress code for tourists, we’ll talk in detail in a few minutes, well... you’re watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zubsik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. the enemy respects this car because the tulip evokes fear. the successes of our military in various areas of special operations, self-propelled mortars penetrate strong concrete fortifications and burn equipment.
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interpretation. on the us president explained why he no longer wants the race, this is the lot of the young, the address to the nation was not very clear to trump, he did not like it. and our personnel, our ministry of defense, where the su-27 drives away british military aircraft from the russian border. the reconnaissance aircraft and two fighters abruptly changed course and departed. a powerful group strike on different regions of ukraine, delivered this night according to rionovosti in the kiev region. military equipment receives reports of a powerful explosion with detonation in kharkov, several attacks were carried out on the suburbs of zhitomir. russian artillery is breaking into the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction, the network of enemy observation posts has been destroyed. hit by targeted fire
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self-propelled mortar tulip. it is this vehicle that is entrusted with the task of breaking through particularly strong concrete structures and burning armored vehicles. tulip calculations cope with all this successfully even from a distance. up to 20 km from the targets, that the enemy respects this machine, that our russian soldiers, when they see us on the field, everyone shows respect because it is a large machine, of large caliber, which copes with any task, there are a lot of shells, work a lot, about a thousand have already been shot on this particular tulip shells, knock out the infantry of ukrainian militants, snipers help the artillerymen. shooters from the marine corps of the pacific fleet disrupted the next rotation of nationalists on the front line. two sniper teams with large-caliber rifles got close to the enemy stronghold and eliminated all
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the militants located there. vladimir putin congratulated investigative officers on their professional holiday to veterans. the president noted their important role in solving problems in the special military operation zone. and constitutional order, and this is the basis for the sovereign development of russia as a strong rule of law state, one of the most important guarantees of national security.
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the ministry of defense has published video interceptions of british air force aircraft in the black sea. a reconnaissance aircraft and two fighters approached russian air borders. the alarm was raised from 27 of the duty forces. the pilot identified all objects. immediately after this, the nato planes were abruptly replaced. courses moved away from russian borders. mikhail mishustin during a working visit to gorno-altaisk got acquainted with the airport reconstruction project. it should soon receive international status. the prime minister thanked the project investors for their contribution to the development of the altai tourism complex. the head of the region, andrei turchak, who accompanied him, in turn noted that the main goal for the republic now is to complete the construction of previously started facilities. the base of the gate of the probolsky court, well, it’s sad to look at this small airport, so we’re probably approaching this late, but it’s very it is important that a private investor today is thinking with all his heart about how to build
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it at the level of the most modern advanced technologies, we will absolutely definitely support everything that will be primarily related to the speed of this work, the main thing is safety and quality of work , well, good luck, discussed. question, the possibility of expanding to four lanes with access to the airport manager, we have completed all our tasks, land plots have been formed, everything has been provided, that is, we are ready to start studying in the republic in the first place, mikhail promised give instructions to the ministry to work out issues of allocating funds to the altai republic to complete all construction plans, as well as repair the road network. the mi-28 helicopter crashed in the kaluga region, the crew died, according to the ministry of defense, the car was carrying out a planned flight and fell into deserted areas. there is no destruction on earth. the preliminary cause of the plane crash is a technical malfunction. a ministry of defense commission is currently working on the spot to establish
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the circumstances of the emergency. dropped out of the presidential race to pass the baton to a new generation. joe biden addressed the nation and explained why he will not run for a new term. the head of the white house said that he would work for the remaining six months to resist.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations is under special control of more than a dozen fires near populated areas. about 200 tons of water have already been dropped from the air. almost 2.0 rescuers and 180 pieces of equipment are fighting the fire on the ground. further regional news: do not switch with residents of the moscow region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region, a cold front will pass through moscow today, there will be thunderstorms and showers, up to 25 mm of precipitation may fall in some areas during the day, the temperature will drop slightly during the day, no higher than 24, on friday.
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only, but no more rain is expected. near the shchelkovskaya metro station, a car sharing car overturned; according to eyewitnesses, this happened after the driver of a lada drove through a red light and cut off a rented car. there were two people in it, one was slightly injured. the person responsible for the accident was not injured. in saturday to monday, the schedule of electric trains in the sovelovsky and belarusian directions of mjd will change, due to the development of infrastructure at the lobnya station, trains from moscow will run to the station. mark in the opposite direction, from the area to catuar station and back. the court sentenced a stowaway who threatened the controller to a suspended sentence of one year in prison. last november , a bus passenger did not pay for the fare. when asked by the inspector to present documents to issue a fine, he threatened to use force. the aggressive stowaway was detained. more events in the capital region in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website.
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see you soon. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rixsas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and beauty coral reefs and sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences.
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full house and company to you ha-ha-ha, yeah, premiere, sunday on rtr, good morning, good morning, elena nikolaeva, andrey petrov greets you, it’s time to wake up, the main thing is don’t oversleep, the main motto of our program, and the main thing in in our business, this is of course a fact. checking,
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by the way, such a system is being introduced on elbrus, we’ll probably take an example to check, during the tourist season this information came, on elbrus, yes, they will count all the travelers who climb to the top, the device was invented 2 years ago, several prototypes have already been tested, the mechanical version, i must say, showed the best, turned out to be the most reliable in harsh mountain conditions, they promise at an altitude of more than five thousand meters, the device will work for at least half a century, well, the main thing is that the scoreboard was enough, it was designed for one. a million climbers in the first hour pulled the lever 24, excuse me , already 25 people, well, housing and communal services are far from such heights, in russia every year thousands of apartment buildings are put in order under the overhaul program, but not all of them are satisfied with the result, why the expectations of the residents sometimes do not coincide with the reality of the builders, alexander blinnikov found out, what a gap there is, the residents of this house clearly did not need additional ventilation, they dreamed of a new facade and a strong
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foundation, the builders promised high-quality overhauls, but decided to start work for some reason - then from the roof, they covered all the roofs in the month of march, when the rains came, the snow began to melt, it all began to flood the attic spaces, the attics flooded the apartments. as a result, the reconstruction of the roof lasted for many months, and apparently , another contractor will finish the entire overhaul, and it is not known where he will start, although the work order should be listed. repair is obliged to obey the decision of the general meeting. however, not every house is able to hold a general meeting without problems, and after the start of work, for some reason the homeowners can no longer influence the order of actions of the builders, although they constantly pay for major repairs from their own pockets. well, our house just
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became a house without advice for a while, so they seized on this and decided to make one renovation as they want. the twelve- aisle high-rise building on novoyasenevsky prospekt is visible from afar, its cracked façade is gaping. holes, but instead of repairing it, the builders first began to change the pipes in the entrances, for what reason the local residents cannot understand. we would still like to get the overhaul fund to ensure that the work on the technical assessment of our house is done properly, and we want to find out the actual condition of all the engineering systems of our house. however, similar stories are happening all over the country. experts say that, as a rule, some contractors have their own work plan, and it is not always technical. it is very profitable for a contractor to take on, for example, plumbing work, which will require fewer workers and get this work done faster and make a profit faster, yes, rather than taking on some more serious, complex work. by the way, some builders
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are not able to carry out complex work at all, the personnel issue is still very acute, and not all contractors performing major repairs are are highly qualified. level of qualification of contractors. leatherworking, it’s not the same everywhere, yes, in some places they work well, they cope with problems, in others there are simply not enough of them and what they call recruiting, including subcontractors, sub-subcontractors. all these problems lead to the fact that major repairs in houses are delayed for years; perhaps it is time to study the experience of accumulated errors and use it to reconfigure the entire program and improve the quality of work. well, as always, there is something to discuss, with us today is a member of the state duma committee on construction and housing and communal services sergey.
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determines the house, determines the types of work based on the data that they have, and accordingly places it on their website, people have, respectively, the citizens who live there have these six months in order to collect the general meeting, agree with this, or make some proposals, and accordingly, then they will be taken into account if they are justified, but i will tell you right away that using the example of hot water, which will soon turn me off and the basins and saucepans will turn me off they are waiting again, about this, about the fact that they will turn off the hot water, they warn me in advance, i already have notices hanging everywhere, comrade, but there is an obligation to put up such notices, major repairs, as i understand it, no, now, no, so i’m not for no reason at all, i honestly won’t go update the website of this capital repair fund, see if my house got hit or not, and tomorrow it gets hit, well, that is, it’s
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quite strange, we need to convey to citizens that such and such are planned work, someone started repairs, by the way, in his to do in the apartment, then six months later he begins to do all this. this means that the management company monitors these issues, as a body authorized by the residents who manage the apartment building and, accordingly, as a rule, organizes, accordingly, here is a discussion of these issues, let’s maybe, if such an opportunity arises, make sure to inform residents with the help of management companies, in some other way, but so that it gets across to everyone, then they collect it, but they don’t collect it, that’s their problem, so here’s 1 september twenty of the year just a new law comes into force.
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major overhaul of this or that system, here is sergei yuryevich, okay, we have sorted this out, but this is the outer part of our entrances, we are residents, we can ask to choose a different shade of paint, something more expensive.
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spinners in the nilo delta have launched an entire closed-cycle factory, where they produce silk threads immediately from which they are used for carpets, but we are telling it all so quickly, but it all actually happens like this: at the beginning of its life path, a silkworm, a caterpillar and it’s quite voracious, it takes 35 days to gorge itself, and then it becomes a cocoon, wrapping itself with the thinnest thread a kilometer long, it’s from this fiber that carpets are made that tourists are happy to buy, that’s what you’ve been telling us for a long time, shall we take it? in
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croatia , people are fined up to 600 for a disdainful attitude to local rules. russia also keeps up with global trends; what is the danger for tourists wearing too much beach attire in cities, kristina sorokina knows. summer, vacation, resort, what is not a reason to show off to others? there is no reason to be naked in public, lawyers remind. at the federal level ,
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there is no dress code for visiting public places, but there are generally accepted norms of punishment in rubles for non-compliance. employees, for example, of the police can, well, let’s say, as part of preventive conversations , explain these things to people, if he is already intoxicated, behaves provocatively, then this is already a charge, then there may be fines and measures, so to speak, administrative arrest. according to the law, nudity in a public place is considered petty hooliganism is punishable by a fine of 500 to 1. rubles or up to 15 days of administrative arrest. but in some regions of the country the punishment may be harsher, for example in the altai territory the fine ranges from half to one mrod, which is 21,070 rubles. moreover, increasing responsibility for such a violation is a matter of time; experts believe that the size of sanctions should be increased, but already now, if in our own way. if it is
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established that the intent was to demonstrate one’s genitals or an intimate part of the body in order to obtain sexual pleasures, yes, then this will already be a separate criminal liability, the punishment there is severe, up to 10 years in prison . in addition, those who like too revealing outfits may have... other problems, for example, with entering restaurants and shopping centers; the ban is quite justified, but is not related to the law, but to moral and ethical standards. experts believe that in municipalities where such cases occur more often, it is necessary to carry out preventive work, for example, as they decided to do in neighboring abkhazia, information stands will be installed there with a reminder of the appropriate appearance; if the rules are ignored, tourists can pay up to 6,000 rubles. and then, beautifully, stylishly. youthful, how practical, on the panoramic roof of the car, we’ll talk in a few minutes. karain is already a real man, strong,
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reliable. that's exactly why she chose me. well, as you chose, you changed your hair, your husband got himself a mistress, a hairdresser, her name is raisa, and you’re a hot thing, i like it, the clamp is real, you’re fast they found a replacement for me, however, as usual, i am a free person, unmarried, i do what i want, the girl is fire, raya knows everything, today on rtr,
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her own pill. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy. and most importantly, from monday to friday. on rtr. from a cloud, i’m falling into the sky, if it’s on our way, you sang very cool, and this is for you, thank you very much, masha, we’re actually in a hurry, on navy day, there ’s an order under the glass, and it would be nice , if you slowly took it and brought it to me, you are asking us to steal the order, if you want
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me to return your girl to you, then you must fulfill one small request, what to do, we can’t have studied the order yet , don’t only we can? in order to stay on the right course, we need the right crew. guys, maybe you need some help? no, we need to do it ourselves. where is the order, we want to see masha now. where are you from? standing, that's it, i took the helm, got out of here. comrade commander, there seems to be someone semaphoring there. nakhimovtsy. sunday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10 million
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moped drivers here. taste it! oh! eyes runs away, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole world , on sunday on rtr love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time, let's sign up, watch,
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watch, maybe we'll go to my place and just watch a movie. in summer, it is much easier to imagine, bright sun, beautiful scenery, not only outside the car window, but literally all around. it is not surprising that many people like the effect of endless spaces that panoramic roofs create. yes, but just when purchasing such a model, you need to be aware of some difficulties that will certainly arise. not with a croak. many car models today are equipped with a sunroof or panoramic sunroof. roof, and some even others right away, but like any equipment, there are some nuances here that they most likely won’t tell you about in salons, but we will. let's start with the advantages: the panoramic roof creates a feeling of open space above your head, visually enlarges the interior, in picturesque places enhances the impression of the landscapes, and the sunroof, in turn, improves
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the microclimate, provides additional ventilation, on a hot day it will draw out the heat during... maintenance includes lubrication of rubber seals, lubrication of guides, it is also necessary to clean from leaves and bird droppings, but you can hardly get by with just cleaning; over time , minor damage accumulates on such a roof, for example, from stones flying from under the wheels, while local repairs can lead to unexpected consequences, small chips or a scratch, in theory it can be polished, but... this leads to a safety violation, since when polishing the glass a lens can form, and if exposed to direct sunlight
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, the car's interior trim can catch fire, but what if the panoramic roof something more serious arrives, then replacing the glass element with all the mechanisms will cost a pretty penny, even for an inexpensive crossover it costs more than 100,000 rubles, and installation requires highly qualified craftsmen, but that’s not all because of you... thermal conductivity in the summer a cabin with such a roof heats up faster and cools down faster in winter, so the air conditioning stove has to work with double force, which affects fuel consumption. finally, a cabin with a glass roof has worse sound insulation, and tall people need to have since the ceiling in such a car will be a little lower due to the sliding curtain, so whether to agree to a panoramic roof with a sunroof or not, unfortunately, manufacturers sometimes leave us no choice, with more expensive cars it’s like that... the option is often the default, but those that are simpler in the top version, and here you either accept it and have fun, or look for another model, or be content with
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a more modest package, smile, then, what are you doing here, taking pictures, and you washed the robot with it, yes i already in general, the entire skeleton was passed through twice with soap, all that remains is to cleanse the liver according to my grandmother’s recipe and oil, oh my colleague. no one in the world cleanses the hypotopillary system with oil anymore, well , we’ll talk more about procedures for healing the liver after the news, let’s take a picture of the three of us, well, look, shot, you’re watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zusik is with you, hello, let’s talk about the main thing today is a powerful... group attack on different regions of ukraine delivered this night. according to marya novosti, a warehouse with long-range missiles was destroyed in the kiev region, possibly shells with encircled uranium. in the cherkasy
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region, a train carrying military equipment was hit, and there are reports of a powerful explosion from a detonation in kharkov. several strikes were carried out on the suburbs of zhitomir. army aviation from the vostok group hit a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces along with its personnel. the k-52 approached the launch point of unguided missiles at an extremely low altitude. after completing the combat mission, the pilots completed the mandatory shooting of heat traps and returned to the departure airfield. from a distance of several tens of kilometers away, the artillery of the western district destroyed a concentration of manpower and a machine-gun nest. the coordinates of the targets were provided to the howitzer crew by aerial reconnaissance. three to four times, let's say, there is more work. accordingly, it is no longer enough. time of the sun very often for something else, to lie down somewhere to rest, it just doesn’t work out like that anymore, in principle there are enough shells for all targets, we have very, well, i wouldn’t say that
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there are targets, there are no shells, under self-propelled gun attacks acacia, north groupings hit the enemy ammunition depots, 41-48, report, sighted, the objects were on the path of our assault... units, an artillery installation hidden in the forest ensured the advance of the infantry with intense fire. in ukraine, the amount of bribes for evading mobilization and leaving the country has increased significantly. according to rionovosti, now in order not to go to the front, you have to give up to 20 thousand dollars. money is unaffordable for many. the price rises every month, as the armed forces of ukraine suffer defeats, retreat, and military registration and enlistment offices try to send the front line, whoever they can find on the street. crashed in the kaluga region, the crew died. according to the ministry of defense , the helicopter was performing a planned flight and fell into a deserted area. there is no destruction on earth. the preliminary cause is a plane crash and
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technical malfunction. a commission is currently working on the spot to determine the circumstances of the emergency. during his working visit to gorno-altaisk, mikhail mishusti got acquainted with the airport reconstruction project. it should soon receive international status. chairman of the government thanked the investor in the project. for his contribution to the development of the altai tourism complex. the head of the region, andrei turchak, who accompanied him, in turn noted that the main goal for the republic now is to complete the construction of previously started facilities. investors. the air harbor is the basis of the gateway to the launch of ships, well, it’s sad to look at this small airport, so we are probably approaching this late, but it is very important that a private investor today is thinking with all his heart about how to build it at the level of the most modern advanced technologies, we absolutely definitely support everything that will be primarily related to the speed of these works, the main thing is
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safety, quality of work, and well... good morning, we discussed this issue, the possibility of expanding to four lanes with access to the airport manager, we all our tasks have been completed, land plots have been formed, everything has been provided, that is, we are ready to begin studying in the republic. mikhail mishustin promised to give instructions to the ministries to work out the issue of allocating funds to the altai republic to complete all construction plans, as well as repairs to the road network. sergei lavrov arrived in laos, the head of the foreign ministry was held. a group of bilateral meetings with colleagues from the countries of the association of southeast asian nations. in addition, at the russia-ocean ministerial meeting issues of cooperation in the political, trade, economic and socio-cultural spheres will be discussed. in the philippines , 25,000 people were evacuated from a temporary accommodation center due to stormy weather. in the north of the country the host is typhoon gaemia. heavy rains caused widespread floods. in manila, roads,
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buildings, and infrastructure were flooded. driving on most highways is impossible. the townspeople move waist-deep in water. classes in schools and government institutions have been cancelled, and work has been suspended. next, regional news. stay tuned to residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now. in the capital region today, heavy short-term rains with thunderstorms are expected; up to 25 mm of precipitation may fall per day in some areas; wind breakthroughs can reach 15 m/s. thursday weather in the capital region will be determined by two extensive atmospheric vortices, during the day in moscow only about 25° in the moscow region from 21 to 26°. at the end of the working week and we expect that the weather... due to
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the unfavorable forecast, all city services have been put on high alert, the mos vodostok brigade has been on duty, and equipment from road services and engineering companies has been brought in. in the east of the capital, near the shchelkovskaya metro station, a car sharing car overturned. this happened after the lada driver drove through a red light and cut off rented car. there was a young man and a girl in it, she had minor injuries, the culprit of the accident. was not injured; in balashikha, an suv crashed into a store. according to preliminary data, the driver was drunk. electric trains from the sovelovsky belarusian direction of moscow railways will run on a modified schedule from saturday to monday. this is due to the development of infrastructure at lobnya station. trains from moscow will run to mark station in the opposite direction and from the region to catuar station and back. for some people the time will change departure and arrival, as well as the number
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of stops along the route. the tsaritsina station of the second central diameter will become the moscow city station. every day it is used by about 13.00 passengers traveling from the region to moscow, as well as residents of the region itself. a convenient transfer to the metro is organized here. there will be elevators and an escalator to move from the platform to the underground lobby. the lifortovo district court sentenced him to one year of suspended imprisonment without a ticket holder who threatened the ticket inspector. last november year, a bus passenger did not... pay the fare . when asked by the inspector to present documents to issue a fine, he reacted inadequately and threatened to use physical force. the aggressive stowaway was detained. the department of transport reminded that the fine for traveling without a ticket is 2,000 rubles. almost half of the deals with innovative enterprises concluded in the capital last year took place with the participation of the city. as sergei sabyanin said , one of the most effective tools for supporting the development fund is venture
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investment. the amount of its funding is initial stage increased to 50 million rubles. more than 40 sections of the capital's roads have been re-marked, with additional lanes, new directions and u-turns. as noted by the department of transport, the re-marking will increase traffic capacity and make travel faster and more comfortable, without changing the width of the roads. in total , 81 such projects are planned to be implemented this year. as part of the festival territory of the future moscow. during excavations at the site of the ancient settlement, teshilova was saved and a fragment of ceramic was found.
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vessel, which may date back to before the founding of moscow. however, according to experts, the unusual find requires further study. a large number of objects from before the mongol period were also discovered there. these are objects. for the urban culture and fashion of that time, these are glass beads, and these are household items, and some tools, in particular we have a drill tip, at this stage we are generally satisfied with the way the work is going, until the okas archaeological expedition research of the settlement in the last since they were held about a century ago, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website see you.
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titanic luxury collection bowdrum. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the world's first all -inclusive swiss hotel. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will remain in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. my ex-husband took me from his son's wife who is walking around and demands to pay him a million rubles. an angry woman came
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to our studio, who doesn’t believe me, i’m not bad. live broadcast today on rtr. the bandits said that... the artist is not alone, and this new one said: “we are removing everyone. artist, today on rtr. good morning, good morning, it’s very nice that we met, elena nikolaeva and andrei petrov, greets you today, well, our season is sunny, our season is warm, outside, on our telegram channel." also, by the way, there are many other interesting things in our telegram channel, come, watch, subscribe, don’t forget, well, you noticed well about the season, summer, who is counting the days until autumn, when there are only 38 of them left, and who needs these numbers, andrey and i say every time, looking into passport, many
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others also think that everyone is getting younger before their eyes, at 30 they feel 20, at 40 they feel 30, at 50, but life is just beginning, people are full of strength, ambitions, the perception of age has shifted in my opinion... doctors in this is a considerable merit not only of modern medicine, but of ourselves. well, many people take serious care of their health, play sports, eat right, undergo medical check-ups on time, and generally try to be active in life. you need to find time not only for work, of course. what are you saying? a cup of homemade mint tea will help you relax well. there's no need to rush. it improves sleep, relieves stress, and promotes weight loss. and mint is not the only herb, by the way, that grows on yes. plots, alena kashtanova found out what other plants will make the drink healthy and tasty: aromatic mint, black leaves currants catherine adopted the tradition of having family tea parties with jam and pies from her grandmother; freshly
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picked leaves should be brewed for at least 10-15 minutes. the color of the drink is not too bright, but what an aroma it is. together we collected currant leaves, raspberry leaves, mint leaves, souls. then we sat by the samovar and drank my favorite apricot jam with tea. the love for tea in our country has been tested by more than one generation. a decoction of zavan tea or angustifolia kepreya has been the most popular drink in russia since the 19th century, long before the appearance of all kinds of chinese oolongs. well, today everyone can become the author of their own tea; all you have to do is walk around the garden. the most popular plant is mint and lemon balm, which are collected in large part, and naturally we love them very much. a lot of linden, which is also brewed into tea, and oregano, thyme. mint is a real record holder for the content of nutrients. mintol acts as a nice relaxant sedative, and its aroma suits the appetite, so mint tea is a good
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helper in losing weight. excellent raw material for tea the leaves of black red currant will also become. all these leaves have vitamin a, vitamin k, group of vitamins b, and vitamin p, at the same time we always have biofavanoids and essential oils in the leaves. probably the most intense in terms of healing properties is the black currant leaf. its taste and aroma are also richer than red. tinctures from adandelion and calendula are more bitter, they are better used as a supplement, but chamomile is quite self-sufficient, tea from its flowers is recommended to drink for stomach diseases, however, to take the maximum of useful substances from herbs, you need to collect them at the right moment, choose the period when they accumulate the most, mint is collected, as a rule, before flowering, or no later than the opening of the first buds, if we say let’s say ivan tea, then it’s like as a rule, they are collected at the moment of flowering, the easiest way is to pour boiling water over fresh leaves, in order to preserve the tea for the winter, fermentation is necessary, the leaves
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are washed, crushed, starting the oxidation process, and then dried and left to lie, at this time they accumulate vitamins and minerals in the tissues. organic acids. proper drying is very important in preparing mint so that the leaf does not turn black and is green in tea. you can add berries, flower petals or other herbs to the finished tea; you can experiment and perfect the drink ad infinitum. those herbs that grow nearby also go well together. in teas, for example, if you take ivan tea, it goes well with strawberries, or ivan tea goes well with tavloga. it is better to choose perennial plants for tea, so that you can plant it once and enjoy the taste. drink every year. and what kind of folk remedies, but the same herbs are not used to heal the liver. one of the popular recipes on the internet is butter and lemon juice. they supposedly remove all toxins. doctors say that the liver can recover on its own, but you can help it. hospital
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with a clinic, presidential administration, candidate of medical sciences oleg gaisyonok, oleg vladimirovich, good morning, andrey really intrigued me, oil, lemon juice, in the end some kind of soap comes out, these are internal juices plus this, horror, horror, what can you say, lemon juice. an intoxication station, which deals
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not only with detoxification, almost all molecules pass through it and many of them are transformed, their new forms are metabolized, harmful substances also undergo detoxification, all of them are excreted again by the liver, through the bile ducts, through the bile, and what is bile, its name is linen, chole chole, and what is contained in bile, among other things, is contained in bile. cholesterol, its the name just happened due to the fact that it was isolated from bile and isolated by the french who eat foagra, and this was the first time, the french first of all fill everything with oil, this is the principle, in fact, this is the principle of the kitchen, they everything is normal , the pioneers of the study of cholesterol, when it was isolated in 1769, they called it fat, only chevrolet, such a famous chemist who was the founder of organic.
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why yes, if a person has problems with the liver, this leads to the development of diseases, yes, but it is necessary understand that for the development of cirrhosis and any liver pathology, there are several reasons, they must be treated in a certain sense in their own way, so this of course must be agreed with the doctor, namely the doctor, after conducting a certain examination, if this is in the early problems, stages of liver disease , there are many techniques that will allow, firstly , the patient, well, the average person, yes, who, as you say, drinks heavily and drinks alcohol, to motivate in terms of changing. first of all, your food preferences,
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because this is really the basis, then if you want to follow your grandmother’s recipes, then in general it’s not oil, everything else is for cleaning, but just basic diets. well , wait, butter, if you fry it on bread, is it also bad for the liver? well, of course, it’s better to use vegetable oils, one way or another, no matter how we go about it, we still get selected, this is fundamental, because if we are talking about liver health, then this side of the coin is the truth, and it’s stupid to lie when choosing some ingenious ways, when there is simply an obvious way, it’s just that it’s always the most difficult, thank you very much, well, a little boring, thank you. i was sad, our guest was the chief specialist of the therapeutic service of the united hospital with a clinic, the presidential administration, candidate of medical sciences oleg gaisyonok, thank you very much, give you one last chance, for what? so that you admit, are you cheating on me srangin? bahar named spring, premiere, today at
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15:00, the bandits said that the artist is not alone and... this new one said: we’re removing everyone, artist, today at 13:00, training programs for quantorium technology parks, opened throughout the country with the support of the national education project, are often developed by teachers with various specialists, they look at the relevance of certain professional areas for region, for example, in kaliningrad this year they made a change of mortech for those schoolchildren who are interested in shipbuilding, but often the children themselves submit ideas for programs, for example, tomsk schoolchildren spend their summer holidays in
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in a real television studio, while younger students were rehearsing scenes from children's fairy tales, there lived a frog-croak. in the next room there are older students. they plan to work in the film industry or engage in graphic design in the future, but firstly, the ability to film and edit is now very important in everyday life, and secondly, the acquired skills can be useful in other areas. maxim, for example, wants to become a doctor, but he still changed media technology, for example, while studying at medical college. maxim, by the way, spent the last summer holidays in quantorium, but then the master classes were completely different, the programs for the technology park are specially developed in such a way that even if the child attends all shifts in a row for several years, he will still learn every time that something new. this year, in addition to media technologies, more than ten more
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directions have been opened at the tomsk quantorium, for example, robotics, biotechnology, industrial design , and aerotechnology. we actually selected everything modern, what is here now in demand. we developed programs together with our teachers, with representatives of the secondary vocational education system, with representatives of universities and companies. the teachers of the kaliningrad marine quantorium, judging by how deftly they make different figures from the same fragments, cop, you have a rectangle, sigma, well, very simply, also conducted more than one brainstorming session on the topic of diversity of programs for the technology park. this season we decided to hold two specialized shifts, media boom and mortech. last for the younger generation port city is especially relevant. i found out. how you can print on different 3d printers, learned how to tie knots, and the difference between a vessel and a ship. at the end of the shift, the teachers decided to conduct a thematic quest for the students; its format is reminiscent of a popular tv show, where they give clues for completing tasks correctly, but only in the quantorium you don’t have to dive to the bottom
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of the pool or climb over a high wall to get the keys. you can win this game only if you apply the knowledge gained during 2 weeks of study at an engineering school. she's the initial one lasted well, they had a variety of classes, that is, in the engineering direction, there was a task there on how to control cars, you also need to develop your eye, look for the shortest path, all these games and classes that take place in technology parks throughout the country are not just entertainment for children, because thanks to quantoriums, many children, even in elementary school, can already, so to speak, touch with their hands the profession that they dream of making sure that they have chosen correctly, or, on the contrary, change their minds, opening for yourself in some... new interesting professional areas. now in russia, with the support of the national education project , more than 365 children's technology parks have already been opened, by the end of the year there will be almost fifty more. any schoolchild from 10 to 18 years old can find and sign up for the nearest quanturim on the portal national projects.rf. and then,
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there is no other way to say it, a start in life. sterlidi fry were released into the volga. we'll talk about the river restoration program. more details in a few minutes. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. look at the wind, the storm she’s coming, kat, don’t worry, i can handle it, sailor girl, if she found out that there was trouble with the dekfin, she rushed to him, how many times did i tell her, we need to go to sea to look for them, seryozha, you found me, seryozha, really, well there was nothing, really, please shut your mouth, it’s high time to sort this out, you’re right, i ’m helping you, you tell me what to do, who doesn’t...
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alice, grisha’s mother, was my close
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friend, but she died recently, i promised her that i would take care of her, you won’t need anything, there’s enough room in my house for all of us. hello, where is oleg borisovich? tonight, oleg borisovich died, an extensive fact. “if you allow, i will always be by your side. grisha is aleksanov’s heir, that’s why he is so urgently drawing up paternity papers, he needs money, not a child. katya, no, i am his father, and i will decide where he is will live, with whom to communicate with whom to be friends, i, not you, from love to hate, on friday the years will begin, bad weather, today.”
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andrey malakhov's holiday show on saturday on rtr. not every tourist trip is just a tour of these ruins, landscapes in the usa. in yellowstone national park. this is how a mud fountain behaves from time to time. the height of the jets was several tens of meters, the so-called geothermal explosion of one of the geysers only looked like it. frightening, according to volcanologists, there are no signs of a complete and imminent eruption, yes, but in kamchatka, it is much
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more likely, the nameless volcano is slowly waking up, just like last year and the year before, in the next month geophysicists predict ash emissions to a height of up to 15 km, tourists have already been warned, but the most dangerous routes were closed, well, the nameless one sounds better than yakudel or whoever we had, but also. for fry, here is sterlid, on the contrary, in the waters of the volga all paths are open, so it compensates for damage during the construction of various hydraulic structures. we have already woken up and are almost ready to set off on a long voyage, the offspring of the noble sterlid were delivered to their future home half asleep in a tank with cold water, this reduces the risks to life, only just before the release of the fry they need to be woken up. water from the reservoir is poured into tanks in order for the fry to get used to... the temperature of the reservoir, again, to reduce stress for the fish when moving it, this is
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stress in any case, but this way it is reduced, but before sending the fry to adulthood, they need to be counted, first manually determine the average weight of one fry, then divide the total weight by it to obtain the number of fish, since we work in the water protection zone of the gorky reservoir, which entails... the amount of compensation takes into account not only fish, in general all aquatic biological resources, everything in the complex was calculated, recalculated into kilograms, the result was more than 11 thousand fry, and some of them in 5-6 years will become parents themselves. well, our program for today is coming to an end, it seemed that the program turned out to be
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interesting, if you are interested in something, you can watch it. in our telegram channel at any time, well, we post a separate interview there, everything that happens behind the scenes, well, see you tomorrow morning, see you, you are watching the broadcast on the russia channel, nikola is with you. hello, let's tell you about the main thing today. the tulip evokes fear. self-propelled mortars penetrate strong concrete fortifications and burn equipment in the armed forces of ukraine. minus abrams, plus krasnopoliya in numbers, the successes and advancements of our military and the personnel of the ministry of defense, where the su-27 drives away from the russian one.


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