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tv   Moryachka  RUSSIA1  July 26, 2024 12:20am-1:25am MSK

12:20 am
katya was caught on the island with a scientist and rotmanov. what are you talking about, and who do you take my katya for? katya had nothing with this scientist and cannot have anything. this is what the earring told everyone, right? svetka, come here, and it’s you, you, tell everyone, you’ve been babbling to everyone, and you’re also pretending to be a friend. what, about my katya, what are you talking about? i have nothing to do with it. yes, you always have something to do with it, walking around, talking with your tongue. yes, that you have become attached to me. i do not know anything. actually, i have enough problems of my own , your eyes are shameless, brazen, take care of yours problems, don’t meddle in our family, what kind of artist are you, uh, artist, come here, who did the painting? i, i, i, i told you what to paint with, what did you paint with, go take the normal paint that i said and redo it, that’s it, it’s clear, go, it’s clear that the station is in place, good afternoon,
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gentlemen, comrades, day, good, senior lieutenant prokhorov, we need to go to the territory of the plant, why am i scared, why should i let you through, a signal has arrived, we need to check it, where is the warrant, the resolutions, do you have something, for now we are just checking the signal, so which is not worth it to aggravate, do you know who the owner of the plant is, the gentlemen? have you heard the duct? yes, of course, but this is not relevant, you understand that we will go in anyway, well, please , then, where is your refrigerator? well, we are going there, patience, comrade lieutenants.
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please, well, open up, okay, farrell. even i know, but here that we will open everything, yes, it will be necessary, we will open it, okay, take it out, please.
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oops, kalkan flounder, so what, and what kind of wind brought it here, apparently not a very good one, mr. barinov is buying poached goods, what kind of product, poaching, open this one, right, right, stop, stop, i don’t know, i don’t even understand where this fish comes from, let me call my father now, right? well , as long as you like, we'll draw up a protocol, oops, and there's still a whole barrel here, let 's look at the others, hello, dad, hello, the cops at the factory found some kind of flounder in the refrigerator, they say it's poached, but what to do? did you freak out, didn’t you see that you accepted it on the invoice, but i didn’t accept anything, well, there was no invoice for this flounder, i don’t even know where this fish came from here, so, in short, don’t sign anything, i ’ll come now and sort it out myself. to the plant by bullet,
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beauty, normal catch, eh?
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bride. so sour cream milk is all you and i want? fish, right, fish, fish, fish, fish, yeah, hello, it's us, i brought my assistant with me today, shurik, say hello, hello, remember me, i'm
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aunt tanya, i remember, what kind of fish do you like, all kinds, but how this is what they call it, oh, this? shurik, fresh, she’s been swimming since this morning, you know that? no, i only know stavrit. yes. now you can try it. i'll give you a 50% discount. no, 70. tanya, what are you doing? well, so what, the child has never eaten trout, and probably other children too. no, no, we will pay, we have money. so, how much should you put in? well, five kilograms. five? shurik, it’s not serious, seven. and so? what does the net catch? uh, do you want to see? yes, i dream of going out to sea with the fishermen, let him go with me, come get him on a day off, let the guy take a walk, really, shurik, yes, great, we just need the cabin boy’s salt, who
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is it, uncle maryana will tell you, here you go , shurik, thank you, no need, you will come for me, definitely, i will definitely come, i promise , thank you, thank you goodbye, goodbye, all the best, cabin boy, a good guy, very much, i have a daughter, and i just recently found out about her existence, her husband was killed, i’ll definitely find out that's it, who are you, well, answer when they ask you, sister, julia could have died because of you. my daughter because of my daughter, absurdity, someone else's family on saturday on rtr, rest is leaving yourself alone,
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rest is not thinking about anything when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. hotel for an unforgettable experience at rixsas sharma sheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs. around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma sheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired.
12:29 am
who's there, it's me, and zheka, open up, zheka, and now forget zheka, you have money, i have a wife, she invests it in her nails, hair, eyelashes, like a wife. i drank fur coat, it became harmful, it became rude, it was all from that mink scandal, the animal suffered from rabies, humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr, it’s good, well done, he came up with the idea, now barinov
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will be tormented with checks, but what’s all fair, let him now twitch from his son, he ’s a juvenile idiot, you see, they’ve done one thing already, coffee with pleasure, excuse me, wait, yes, right now, yes, he’s sitting here, okay. he called there, he’s waiting for himself, you’ll go after the dolphins, during the day or something, listen, i don’t know, during the day at night i’ll deal with him myself, come on, go, have some coffee, then you’ll have a drink, bye.
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and it costs the fishermen themselves dearly, in short, i really need money. zora, you came to me to say hello, how are you feeling, you’re doing great! yes, i’m completely unraveling, but you know,
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i’m even glad that this wedding won’t happen, i realized that i don’t love seryozha at all, i’m constantly thinking about something else, he saved you, you remember, and you like misha, yes, everyone likes him. and i like him, he’s completely different, he’s not like anyone else, and i want to be better next to him, yes, misha, thank you.
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so we wake up, open our eyes, well, well, come on, look at me, open your eyes, well, oh, well done, neglected, eh, ekaterina, ekaterina, curious, your nose is not needed, in vain you got involved with this rodmanov, if only you were at home now and not here, you’re just crazy, do you even understand, shut up, don’t i love chatty people, so what?
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so, stop, come on, katya, katya, this is some kind of joke, well, i checked, yes, here your beauty is alive, as long as she is alive. so if you want to see him, don’t call the police , come yourself, understand? so, a photograph is not proof, i want to hear her voice, i understand, okay, speak, speak, nish, okay that, i’m convinced, come alone with money, no joke, i understand, i understand, i’ll bring the money, well done, you have maximum time, now i’ll send you the coordinates, so, so, think, think, think, think, think, think, think . yes
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, at least one handle works here. well, kids, now your third will arrive, you will finally figure out who loves whom more, only under water, you will have good, silent spectators, fish, dolphins, a love triangle, passions, showdowns, fights, an accident, basically everyone died. what is it that you torment, but don’t want to to die, yes, i understand, no one wants, well , you see, the way life works is that it ends, the only question is when, we don’t need living witnesses, well, you understand, come on, don’t make noise, nothing will change, for now, okay.
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hmm, it’s interesting here, yes, we’re trying.
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now we need to think about how to get out of here and how to warn radmanov, well, yes, rodmadov will definitely help, seryozha,
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holding the tamzor, what what? he will help us, you can swim, i think yes, come on, come on, come on, come on, what, let, let, so, now, seryozha, kryzhak, take off, why, take off, then i’ll explain, take off, take off, run, alone, you can leave, no, seryozha, i won’t leave you here,
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yes, mish, andrei, listen to me carefully, katya was kidnapped by bandits, they are now the sea katya. i understand you, judging by the coordinates, we are not far out to sea, i’ll send everything off now. khalin bullets to the pier, we’ll meet there, i’m doing all this just for you. i didn’t ask you for this, i know, i wanted it myself,
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don’t bother me either, okay, the scientist is not visible, not the boss, but there was no agreement to kill the girl, this is... i’m not a problem, i’m not old. dolpins, on the left there is a purval, there, there they are, where, yes, there, there, is a whole flock, but i see, it’s a pity, there’s no time for them now, they’re just asking to be asked how long it will take, but half of it already, we won’t have time, we might still take a risk , yes, let's take a risk, drop the nets, quickly! let's get the car, come on, put it on, put it on, why, put it on, time, let's try to win, even
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if you're about to leave, they'll really kill us, put it on, i say, put it on, i'm begging you, leave no more, don't get caught, we have one chance. female, they are in high demand, we’re wasting time, we’ll make it when it’s such luck, it’s a sin turns away, come on guys, let's have a drink , come on, handsome guys, the boss is a teriscular musician, two things at once, and i'm not afraid of anything , i don't advise you, come on, well...
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well, everything is fine, they're tied up, good, a complete set. we act carefully, halen, your boat is following ours, we are keeping a safe distance, comrade captain, the second police boat is broken, like your mother, that means, i ’ll give you a number now, his name is nikolai, he has a catmaran, you say... remember, the criminals are armed, they have a girl hostage, perhaps upon our arrival they will have another hostage, act according to the circumstances, listen to me, i understand,
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untie you, let's go, hurry up, guys, hurry up, the scientist has arrived. well done, welcome, we've been waiting for a long time, tavros, well, yes, i could have guessed it myself, but i don't believe you, show me katya, well, let's get up, check it yourself, i came, i brought money. now i want to check katya’s safety, or i’m going to the shore and calling the police, well, show him the beauty, let him admire it, let’s leave it,
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they took the second one, got caught, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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get ready for the gathering, no shit, it looks like a chase, well, they won’t stay, but i ’ll take a look, 24 hours, immediately start the engines and get ready for inspection, khalin, come on, go to the motorboat, find out , what’s going on there, and i’m after the poachers, report the situation, as you understand, exactly, a gray ship without a name. is moving north, north maryan savich, the guys have sent out sirens, the police are catching poachers, they suck at catching them, how can such a boat cope with such a colossus, be careful, guys, there is you're taking me to the hospital urgently, guys, fishermen, this is maryan beloborodka, the police
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are catching poachers, a gray ship, do you see? okay, attention, gray day, immediately turn off the engine and get ready for inspection, we surround you, guys, we’re heading towards them, like straight, that ’s how good it is!
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well, you were afraid, we throw out the dolphin, quickly, quickly, well, did you get there? thank you
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guys, it’s a joy for us, marya, well, tavros, fuck you, what the hell, he’s still here, come on, let’s hurry up, well, tavros, come out with your hands up, tavros, let's go out, leave the present, raise our hands, citizens.
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katya, where are you, it should be here, katya, katya, katya. misha, misha, katya, misha, katya, katya, hold on, katya, dad, hold on!
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marish, well, you won’t be long, i don’t know, there’s a lot of work today, anton and i won’t be together, bear. a lot of negotiations with sponsors, well then i’ll cook dinner, okay, we’re ready,
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special thanks to you for shurik, oh, there’s nothing here at all, i promised you, i’ll be a cabin boy, so i’ll be, then it’s unknown who needs it even more, you or maryana, instead the assistant will be free. lyoshka will leave, yes, he told me at the trial, hello, beauties, hello, oh, such a guy, he’s good, but he won’t disappear, he’s an experienced fisherman, yeah, good, and it’s good that he’s leaving, yes, maybe he’ll get married again, maybe and he gets married, and i’ll wait for my grishka, after treatment, maybe everything will be better, but oh, god forbid, tanya, listen, but kalka is your truth, or something, doesn’t go to sea anymore, sanya, i have her now to the science center. goes to the ratman, is everyone going to go to college and you know what i’m doing is not just me, i think he’ll leave this ratmanov his moscow will forget mine you will lose your place let's see you you have lost everything
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go go what is this and what is this andryusha that we are working and andryusha that we got to the frame yes oh andryush well done andryush they pressed the bloodsucker of this yes? i was searched, tell me, who is this, he undressed you with his eyes, please, let’s not talk about it, look at rtr, together forever, the life that was invented for you, will you help me, skatik, how will you do it, i don’t care, you are selling it, you don’t understand the role that was imposed on me i dream of living with you for the rest of my life, i can’t put up with it or break out. you know what you're up to with this, i really don't know how to make everyone happy, together forever, starting monday on rtr.
12:56 am
titanic luxury collection. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences. discover
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a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world. i ran to read, come on, thank you, bye,
12:58 am
katya, hello! and your mother treated me to tea, and this is for you, what are you doing? they discharged you, as you can see,
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you know, i was thinking, well, when i was in the hospital on ivs, i really want to return everything back, by god, i’ve done so many things terribly on my own, today they took the orama and he’ll hand it over me, katyusha? if they put me in prison, you will wait for me, seryozha, i’m sorry, but no, it’s clear, you want to be a scientist, like manmanov, at least, i want to, i still measure money, not... that’s all,
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but what do you think, we’ll take something away from you it will work out, do you think he will stay here, no, he will play with you, he will throw you in the capital, he will dump you, you are uneven to him, katya, here we are from the same shore, the same field of berries, katya, seryozh, please don’t, seryozh , seryozh, yes, please, yes, please, yes, seryozh, let me go, and i don’t need it. and don’t come here anymore, i wanted to leave, go away, you'll come running again, great! and i wanted to call you, but i
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came myself, what’s this, thank you, we are preparing the case of a gang of poachers, they will be sent to court, everyone faces serious sentences, look at the photos , i’m attaching to the case, by the way, vlasyuk, the director of the dolphinarium, which is on the black market i bought dolphins and was also detained. yes, it was as if a whole life had passed, and that’s what i had after the first case, so many nerves, so many events, and then, when it was all over, emptiness, emptiness. i understand why i was going to call you, i have the testimony of svinchenko and others that 2 years ago tavros killed a girl, there is a serious suspicion that this is anna kuznetsova from your expeditionary ship, how this happened, this
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still needs to be clarified. i will interrogate tavros, i will try to get him to confess, so igor tavros killed the girl, this is the testimony of svinchenko, your, so to speak, colleague, listen, what kind of nonsense, i didn’t kill anyone, svinchenko, tambov wolves, my colleague, what more? i have three witnesses to your crime, their testimonies coincide down to the smallest detail, three, you take it, citizen, captain, if three people talk about manslaughter, not premeditation, it’s better to confess,
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you won’t come up with anything, but i won’t say anything, then blame it all on me. something, i'm supposed to have a lawyer, where's the lawyer? i won’t say anything without a lawyer, unintentional, it’s not intentional, tavros, but you already need to turn on your brain, if of course you have one, three witnesses are a compelling argument, but a sincere confession will take you in a completely different direction. like, let me go, or what? like, i’ll help, a lot, you if you help the investigation, the investigation will help you.
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yes, it all happened by chance, well, we were catching dolphins early in the morning, no one was here on this yacht, but here we have a girl sitting in her red skirt, filming on her phone, screaming, like, what are you doing, what are you doing, i calm her down, i’m even polite to her... “well , seriously, i say, stop it, please, just take it off, but just no, she continues to film, and there are these low sides on the yacht, well , more details, but i just wanted to scare her, well
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i just wanted to scare her, but i couldn’t forgive her take it off, just pointed it in the direction of the harpoon with this with a cable, well, past it, so that..." she twitched something somehow and i was just like a sniper in the heart and well, everything seemed to have been knocked down, well, it’s clear that, well, we jerked yes well, what to do , they pulled him off the yacht with ropes and... into the sea, they let me go, and so she disappeared, but she asked for it, read and sign, purely
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from the heart, the young girl was beautiful and a saint, she couldn’t . to fall asleep, she was wearing a red skirt, her beloved, everything is so, it means not a premeditated murder, deliberate, that deliberate. misha, he understood exactly what he was doing, misha, this was a premeditated murder, misha, he killed her as a witness.
1:07 am
oh, max, come in, son, look, well, great, i’m leaving, that is, what ’s unclear here, i’m leaving, where is it for work, why, that is, you don’t understand. i don’t understand, look, i’m moving away from this city, from this plant and from you, things are so interesting,
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yes, things are interesting, listen, maxim, just don’t blackmail me now, blackmail me, you’re in your name, yes, dad, in mine, in mine, not in yours. that is, i you got rid of it, thank you, you spent so much effort and money that you never dreamed of, thank you, the plant can work again, and you, you are leaving, yes i am leaving, that is, you are abandoning me, oh, just don’t need these sentiments, i i i’m not dumping you, i’m just shut up, idiot, what does sentiment have to do with it? you 're giving me a hard time for your father, who invested everything in you, dad, i don't want to deal with this plant, it's not mine, i'm
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a creative person, i don't want anything, shut up, come on, hit me, hit me, you're my only heir, not the only one, as it turned out, how dare you, i, i... provided you with a job, a factory, this is for life, for you and your children, dad, i can’t hear this word anymore, factory, factory, factory, factory, factory, that's it, i'm going to my mother in europe, who needs you there in europe, you pampered lazy bum, just don't insult me, you nonentity, what a max, listen, you're still young, you can become a person, and not live other people's money as your own , creative person, in what place are you creative? let's see, let's see, let's see, go out of sight away with me, so that i don’t see you anymore,
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little star, little star, too. my little boy serezhenka was arrested again, arrested, no, why are you killing yourself like the dead, nina showed up, it’s all your fault, you, what did i do, i was happy, yes, i found my son, why do you need him, why , tell me, you were playing with him and you...
1:11 am
oh, god, misha, of course, i read everything, but it seems to me that uh, hi, marin, hi, and misha, mikhail, where, wait, is he i urgently left for krasnodar, and then was going to moscow, we seem to have a new job there offered work. you, yes, it’s strange, he didn’t tell me anything, you were planning to enroll, well, i’m going to moscow, maybe he
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’ll still teach for you, i mean teach, he ’s a scientist, eh, now, minus, marin, sorry, everything’s fine, subscriber, temporarily insufficient, yes, yes, m, marin, i can leave this, huh? yes , put it on the table, of course, yes, thank you, of course it’s terrible, but it’s better to know, really, yes, of course, it’s better to know, in general it even became easier for me when i found out, but the unknown is the worst thing, but i can honestly tell you, what am i
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as if i finally realized that i can move on with my life, can you imagine? well, i’m talking about the same thing, maybe you can at least tell me what you ’re going to do? semyonov called again, ah, dad, well, dad, the rector of moscow university doesn’t call every day, lord, he’s holding a position at the faculty for you, well , at least you’re going to be back by the fall, no, i’m not going to, why, well, i’m not i'm going to, because, because this is my home, really, i ask you, well, well, just try to understand me, this is my favorite job. here is mine beloved girl, here is the sea, i am absolutely happy here, well then take the car , go to the port of anapa, accept a new watercraft for your research center, here is the phone number, who to call on the spot,
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thank you very much, yes this is... i need to thank the sponsor yours, or rather tell marina yours, okay, okay, that’s it, i’m off to the port then, you should come and see us, be sure, i love you, galibin, on your way out, why, a date, with whom? with a girl, facing sydney,
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serezhenka, what came? why are you doing this? i said nothing happened, forget it, i can’t forget, well, i’ll have to, i’m pregnant, yes, i won’t give birth, i’ll have a son from my beloved, and we’ll be waiting for you, this can’t be, but maybe, seryozha, maybe, the main thing is don’t worry, we’ll wait for you, because i don’t need anyone else except you and... i don’t need anyone else, i started renovating the hotel, equipping a children’s room, i’m giving fewer rooms, aunt zoya helps me, i don’t carry heavy things, i take care of myself, so don’t worry, the child too , mom will come from antalya soon, she will help, everything will be fine, well, somehow until we can handle it, then you come out, we will definitely wait for you, seryozha, seryozha, i love you very much, so quiet, quiet, quiet,
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quiet, don’t pull, don’t pull, over affectionately, like with a girl, how early for you, how swim, you like to swim, i love it, of course, that’s what it takes to swim well, breathing, that’s right, even breathing, smoothness, as if you’re gliding on a wave, that’s right, that’s right, you want to steer, you can, but so what it’s impossible, come on, be bolder, like this, smoothly, smoothly, shura, you can be a captain, what does uncle zhenya do, park, but don’t
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parks, but docks, i understand, daughter, katya, what are you doing here, but i decided to return to your team, will you accept, no, wait, but the institute of dads, well, well, really, what institute, dad, in short, i myself i was just deceiving, well, what kind of eththeologist am i, i’m just katya the fisherwoman, let’s better unload the fish, wow, beauty, it’s going well, it’s just very slow, but who makes such turns, the clever one, and where is the captain, smoking bamboo? yes, dad, misha, mikhadirovich, no, check, anton, moor, mikhail vagimovich, i
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i’ll moor it, more firmly, moor it, more carefully, mikhail vagimovich, but it can’t be any stronger, you’re dear at once, and i ’ll return my nose, misha, misha, katya. well, how could it be otherwise, yes, it’s a cool boat, hello, it’s great, yes, you can get to any point on the black sea with this one, watch the white-sided fish with hulls, misha, you drive like, oh, katya, maybe you are, you shouldn’t have gotten a job with us as an intern , the captain should have come here right away. “captain, i can handle it, with your stubbornness you can handle everything, everything will work out for you, little babble, well, we’ll go out tomorrow,
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go wherever you want, without me, help, thank you, dad, i’m now the captain of this thing, you ’re the best, mihali, i’m the best, hey, gay-gay, you moor tight, i’m already moored, i’d look at you, don’t embarrass the captain , you know, when i liked you for the first time, the banya restaurant, do you remember how you scolded me then, remember? i remember, i swear to you, even then i thought that i would never leave here anywhere again, and you were the bride of another person, and now they say freely, like the wind, marry me, nothing
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serious, before no one else got ahead of me how. and you know, i agree, i love you, and i love you.
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“we’ll get married, i’ll marry sasha, and you’ll marry the man of my dreams, ekaterina zvonareva, she lives here, so you came to her, what happened just now,
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you’re my favorite, i love you very much, and what should i do now?” tolerate this freak next to katya, you ruined my life, together forever, oh, what to do now, look at kalinon belek on monday - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. .discover the true excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. we invite you to the hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday
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where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort. by our swimming pools, relax in salona and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. good
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evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. one of the largest in the country, deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev inspected the valkhonk processing plant. the police blocked the entrances to the highways of st. petersburg and the region, looking for migrant violators. order and safety under control in the water area will not endure the service of the special regiment crew. for peace of mind, a group of family members of the svo participants was sent to alaam island. today the president of the republic of belarus alexander lukashenko arrived in st. petersburg, a little later, the distinguished guest and the president of russia vladimir putin met on... the island of valaam, where the heads
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of the two countries visited the spasopreobrazhensky monastery. the meeting was held in an informal manner, the presidents talked with monks and visited the chapel of the royal martyrs attended a service in the church of the smolensk icon of the mother of god. and the business program of the belarusian visit started in st. petersburg, where alexander lukashenko was met by the city governor alexander beglov. during the conversation , they discussed the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between the fraternal state and the northern capital of russia. trade turnover last year. grew by 7%. the roadmap for mutual development in the economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian spheres helped with this. it was signed back in the twenty-second year as part of the document st. petersburg will receive a center for belarusian technology. work is already underway. in addition, food supplies from the republic are growing. over the past 2 years, volumes have tripled. business, sports and cultural contacts are developing. the entrances to st. petersburg were blocked that night.


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