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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 26, 2024 11:30am-1:01pm MSK

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tonight on russia tv channel. ekaterina fralova and victoria makarova, news. this afternoon on our channel watch two episodes of the turkish television hit. bahar named spring. a film crew comes to the hospital where the main character works and her unfaithful husband. on camera, timur tries to present the family as ideal, but later the cameraman catches him with his mistress and films everything on video. what other unpleasant surprises await your spouse?
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live 60 minutes hot on our heels, we start with breaking news, new footage from the fsb has just appeared, a killer was brought to moscow from turkish bodrum, who tried to blow up a russian officer. the security forces take the terrorist out of the plane and board the minibus during the first interrogation. criminal. evgeniy serebryakov admits to attempted murder ordered by the ukrainian special services. his supervisor was an sbu officer who introduced himself as ilya. we communicated via messenger, i was recruited last year, there was only one personal meeting in istanbul. for the murder of a russian officer, the kiev regime promised
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ukrainian citizenship from 10 to 20 thousand dollars, the explosive device itself was assembled by the silversmiths under the control of the curator. after planting the bomb, he calls a taxi, goes to vnukovo, the moscow ticket was bought cheerfully in advance at 5:37 in the morning, about an hour before the explosive device went off, he takes off on a pegasus charter flight, and travels another 50 km across turkey. by car and then plan to hide in greece, but was stopped. serebryakov even renamed himself on social networks, he replaced evgeny with evgen, with ukrainian style, a criminal case has been opened under articles of attempted murder of two persons and illegal trafficking in explosive devices. i
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, evgenia nikolaevich serebryakov , born in 1995 in february 2023, proactively contacted the public administrator with the goal of collaborating with the ukrainian intelligence services. subsequently, i began communicating with a certain ilya ilya, who, as i assume, is an employee of the sbu. we talked with him in vayr, there was also one meeting in istanbul, after that i picked up the components for assembling a homemade explosive device in russian area, ilya suggested an officer, i, under control with instructions from ilya, assembled an explosive. device, pawned it under
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the car, and ilya also promised me ukrainian citizenship a reward in the amount of 10 to 20 thousand dollars, evgeniy serebryakov’s route was tracked by cctv cameras, after installing the explosive device, he made a video call and reported to the customer. about the work done, then called a taxi, went to vnukovo, the moscow bodrum ticket was purchased in advance, he arrived at the airport at the end at check-in, he took only his hand luggage with him and took off on a pegasus charter flight at 5:37 a.m., about an hour before the explosive device detonated. the apartment where the probable perpetrator of the crime lived in recent months has been sealed, and security forces have seized important documents. the door peephole is knocked out through a hole, you can see the interior, an open closet, things on the shelves.
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evgeniy serebryakov rented a small two-room apartment in the prestinsky district of the capital. evgeny serebryakov is 29 years old, he comes from the volgograd region from a family teachers, parents taught history. 12 years ago he moved to moscow, graduated from the economics department of a moscow university, traveled to the czech republic on a student exchange program, worked in a bank for a short time, quit 2 years ago due to health problems, barely communicated with his loved ones, last time he saw his family in may of last year, at some point he renamed his page on social networks, instead of russian evgeniy, he called himself ukrainian evgeniy, he had contact with his brother a day before the crime was committed, they discussed news from internet, exchanged a few phrases, nothing strange: the relative didn’t notice, serebryakov didn’t work anywhere, recently told his family that he had found an interesting vacancy in tashkent and would be coming there in the near future. suspected in a car bombing in moscow, evgeniy serebryakov could be listed among other contacts as zhenya candy or the khokhlyadsky
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stranger? do you understand why you were detained and taken to the investigative committee, can you briefly tell me? what did you do that you were detained for? well, why exactly was he detained? this is for the production of the installation of an explosive device, as well as a means of propulsion. who asked you to install an explosive device? and the person i met once, whom i introduced as family, where is he from? i assume that from ukraine, he paid you money for. he paid, well, as if for expenses, for what purpose did you kill the republic of turkey in order to escape from justice, where did you plan to go, ukraine, did you have a passport of ukraine or
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another european union state, definitely not in your hands, perhaps in theory you did , someone for you he had to be handed over, yes, who and where - in moscow, evgeny serebryakov, brought from turkey, was presented with a resolution to implicate him as an accused. in the main investigative directorate of the russian investigative committee for the city of moscow , a criminal case is being investigated on the grounds of crimes provided for in paragraph three of article thirtieth, part two, article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation, attempted murder of two persons, part one of article 221.1 of the criminal code of the russian federation - illegal trafficking in explosive devices. as a result of measures taken by russian legal authorities. he was presented with a resolution to engage him as accused. previously, at the request of the investigation , the court imposed a preventive measure on the defendant in absentia. in this regard, after interrogation he will be placed in custody. now
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ukrainian militants have arrived at the front in a new cauldron near the village of progress. large losses of ukrainian formations are reported, vsushniki themselves. the forbes building writes that two battalions of the thirty-first mechanized brigade of the vso were almost completely surrounded. at the same time, this brigade itself literally crumbled under the onslaught of the russians. even the elite couldn’t cover brezh mechanized brigade, forty-seventh. shots from the city. ukrainian militant andrey sergen with the call sign khakhol. he is indignant that
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the settlement has not yet been turned into a fortified area. russian is only 20 km away, and utility workers don’t dig this kind of thing. well, epic shots of the navigator. in the kupinsky direction we look under the cover of a twenty-millimeter bmp cannon, fighters of the group of troops west are advancing on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the sky, countless attack uavs are moving to work. the machine gun is up and running, after the enemy’s firing point was succeeded to suppress, the attack aircraft cross open terrain and descend into the security nets, a close-range battle ensues, the reconnaissance uav corrects the actions,
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the operator is in constant communication with the commander of the ground forces. letting go, empty, move, move forward, right flank, watch, watch, be careful there. shout, let them surrender, shout, surrender, and crush with fire, crush with fire, the escaping ukrainian militants who did not want to surrender, the drones finish off by dropping grenades. open the dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces, fire,
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fire, quickly no, forward, forward, forward, forward, the squad leader approaches the first cops with the enemy, then jump over the barbed wire fence, attack aircraft provide. a few meters from the landers, dense machine-gun fire gives way to explosions, just a few minutes later the landing is under the complete control of the russian army, throw grenades, come on, how many of you, let's all hands on you, how many of you? in these shots , product 51 neutralizes the american
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m-109 paladin self-propelled howitzer. ammunition explodes in a fireball, and this is a direct hit from the iron on a ukrainian militant who tried to climb onto the tower to install repeaters. the enemy's night rotation in the southern donetsk direction is disrupted by a group of russian snipers. i see movement. a direct hit from a light multi-purpose rocket hit the dugout alone. with the ukrainians he fixes the fire control system of the k-52 attack helicopter, here russian glide
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bombs fired from an altitude of 11 km turn hangars with enemy armored vehicles into dust. five hundred kilogram factories open the fortification areas. russian fighters located in the immediate vicinity of the explosion do not mince words. in this footage, a russian fvedron operator catches up with an atv with ammunition from a ukrainian militant. the enemy was carrying it, it flares up even before the special equipment flies into the ditch, and
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here the soldiers of the alania volunteer corps are destroying the enemy trenches in zaporozhye , a copter on board a tm-62 anti-tank mine dives into the dugout, everything is here, yes. the fourth american abrams tank over the past week falls into the crosshairs of the russian lancet anti-aircraft submarine. cumulative jet literally melts the body of the vehicle, and these are the consequences of the arrival of the strike effevidrone with grenade launcher shells on the ukrainian t-64. objective control detects an explosion in the ammunition. such force that the turret of a tank weighing 15 tons flies several meters away.
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i have a problem, problem, i have a problem, 1 2 3 4 problem, problem, the best place for this, now attention to... the screen of the ministry of defense has just published footage of the sixth separate one. infantry brigade hit the destruction of a missile and artillery warehouse armed forces of ukraine in the industrial zone of the city of kramatorsk. fifty iskander hit a well-camouflaged target, resulting in the destruction of the hymers rszzo launcher, five units of grad multiple launch rocket systems, five tanks and 10 armored combat vehicles in the ssu. the equipment was arranged in a boring way, so one rocket was enough.
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today andrey belousov inspects the preparation of soldiers for war. minister of defense at the training ground. in the leningrad military district, checked the training of tank crews, uav operators, mortar crews and junior command personnel. the minister presented medals for courage and orders of courage, and talked with the military who had just signed a contract. classes are organized at seven training sites. and so. this place, this place, what you demand, including the president demands it, tank protection, that is, here the tank is being prepared for combat use, a combat mission, a tank driving course, yes completely, driving once, medium twice, plus more technical development, fpv drones are presented, here are
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the kamikaze classes, and also several copies with resets, individual reboots you learn to use. this is what the mortar commander sees, that is , in automatic mode, the operator detects the target in automatic mode , the target is sent to him on the tablet and, accordingly, the coordinates are displayed here, that is, the automation of the control process increases significantly, the consumption is half the norm, tell us about yourself. comrade
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minister of defense, i am from the belgorod region, my grandfather fought in the great patriotic war, and i decided to follow in his footsteps, i am a young contract soldier, i signed a contract for the first contract, yes, that’s exactly what you have, with the purpose of being in the northern military district, to defend the homeland, there is a lot of equipment, bikes, motorcycles, atvs, will any training be carried out on these drivers, will now be the main task, just in the training centers to create training courses on bugs, first of all bugs, bugs , atvs, control, in addition to drones, also ground affairs, because they are in great demand for the delivery of ammunition and food and the evacuation
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of wounds, comrade minister of defense. the netherlands and denmark plan to supply the kiev regime with 14 more german leopard 2a4 tanks, said dutch defense minister ruben breckenmans. according to politico, the vso will receive armored vehicles by the end of this summer. 12 vehicles are ready for shipment, two more tanks are on their way. air forces of germany, spain, france and italy. the german air force inspector , the same ingo gerharts who discussed the attack on the crimean bridge by german
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missiles, also flew in with the german pilots. usa from moscow and beijing, so austin commented on the joint flight of planes to canr and russia near alaska.
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regarding the russian and chinese planes that recently flew joint flight in the north of our country, it was not a surprise for us; we closely followed these planes.
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support for russia's illegal and unnecessary war in ukraine. the american command says that for the first time it intercepts russian and chinese military aircraft in this region, which, moreover, acted together. but as confirmed by the headquarters of the us northern command, the fighters remained in international space near alaska and did not pose any threat. chinese long-range bombers for the first time flew combat missions near the air defense identification zone in alaska, and russian military aircraft near the northern borders of the united states are no longer a rarity. are you concerned that the tumultuous political turmoil, elections and the president's decision to resign are leading to adventurism and miscalculations on the part of others?
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from a military point of view, russia and china are increasingly working together tactically and operationally in every area from communication to how they operate, it is a very dangerous alliance. our national defense strategy defines five key threats: people's republic of china, russia, iran, north korea and violent extremists. all five of these threats are active today. it's really amazing because in the last 3 years. russia, north korea and iran united and began
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to cooperate with each other, they became much more aggressive. just think, russia invaded ukraine, and we couldn't stop it. iran deployed all its proxy forces, and the united states left the region. russia, china, iran, the dprk will be happy if.
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the flags in the election video seem to hint at whose specific support the democratic candidate is counting on; today the camela has also come to lgbt people. show, sitting surrounded by transvestites, she called on americans to take part in the elections, the team of kamela haris is also inclusive, her deputy press secretary is a transvestite with the stage name erotica, he used to support biden, now he supports kamela haris, well, that is, they change owners the same way easily, like...
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worked in the senate for elizabeth warron, massachusetts. he recently stated that he was glad to join biden's harris campaign as deputy press secretary in pennsylvania. this post is now private, but it has received hundreds of thousands of views over the past few days. several replies congratulated him, but other users mocked him for boarding biden's sinking ship and laughed at his profile header, which said
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he was drac quinn on weekends. lipka, known on social networks under the names eric lipka and drag queen erotica, has several accounts, most of which he closed by friday. in this election each of us is faced with the question of which country we want to live in. there are people who think that we should be a country of chaos, fear and hatred, but we choose something else.
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in january 2024, lipka was included in the list of drag queens participating in an event called holy saturday in richmond, virginia. dozens of other posts over the past few years show him competing in the richoboth beach fight shows in several cities in maryland and connecticut, as well as attending lgbt shows. friendly events in washington, dc. the biden campaign defended lipka in response to a fox news digital inquiry about his involvement in drag shows, saying they were proud to have him on their team. we are proud to have a team of 200 talented pennsylvania employees, including eric, who highlight trump's record of destroying 275,000 jobs across the commonwealth and his discriminatory and
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extreme agenda. we are all in this together. your voice is your power, so make your voice heard in register to vote this november. remember, you better vote. eric lipka's appointment to the biden campaign comes amid backlash over...
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a couple of recent scandalous hires. she is tyler cherry, who previously worked at the department of the interior and was transferred to the white house last month as deputy press secretary. another recent scandal.
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not of his own free will, trump also claims, he claims that his opponent was overthrown by carrying out a coup within the democratic party, but also a new scandal, biden did not in fact, users of social networks noticed that joe had suddenly grown during his illness, whereas previously he was half a head taller than his wife. then now for a whole head? conspiracy theorists claim that the american president was replaced, and the real grandfather died after all. you will not convince me
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that this is the same person, he has different manners, a different index finger, even different photographs. video below. was taken just 10 days ago. biden clone number 15, clearly the tallest of all used clones investigators on social media have raised a wave of theories, such as that biden's oval office speech on wednesday was faked using artificial intelligence, and that the white house is using a body double to replace biden. all this against the backdrop of theories about his illness. one of the theories went viral after videos of the president and the first lady appeared on social networks. users claim that biden is suddenly 5 inches taller than before. the conclusion was made based on comparison the height of these two. i took a picture of joe and jill biden walking outside, so
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that's the best comparison of them to each other. joe biden is said to be 182 cm tall, jill biden is said to be 168 cm tall. jill biden wears at least seven heels with... jill reaches joe's chin, the average distance from a man's chin to the top of his head is 24.1 cm. 24 cm - 7 cm equals 17 cm. the difference between joe and jill is usually 15 cm, and joe biden is somewhere 2-3 cm taller. well in paris tonight the ceremony starts. opening of the olympics, but strikes by employees of three airports at once in charles-del, arly and beauvais in france have already begun, lasting until 7:00 am the next
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day until saturday. the workers' power union demands higher wages and bonuses for overtime at the olympic games. airlines have to change flight schedules. collapses in railway transport, three fires are reported near the tracks for high-speed trains, we are allegedly talking about deliberate sabotage, say the ministers of sports and transport of the fifth republic, on there are literally crowds of people in the train stations who cannot leave, in addition to the transport collapse in paris, there is rampant crime, victims of crime have already become... australian cyclists and argentine cyclists, despite the police seemingly filling the french streets, the number of crimes near the olympic venues
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has not decreased , on the contrary, it increased immediately by 20%. the data is provided by the statistical service of the ministry of internal affairs of the fifth republic, here is a new problem. it turned out that the organizers of the olympics could not even cope with... providing the athletes food, in the olympic village eggs are rationed, there is not enough meat, there are huge queues in the canteens, the frenchman reports. that is , the organizers of the olympics on beds, supposedly due to an international scandal, saved themselves from environmental concerns, athletes are offered to sleep on vague structures made of cardboard, and the first official complaints from athletes have already appeared that it is really impossible to lie on boxes. for those who
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are wondering what are cardboard beds, now i will show you, it is cardboard, as you can see, it looks like box, then there is a mattress, there is also cardboard here, there is a mattress on it. here is the inscription paris 2024, that's how we spent the first night on cardboard, my back hurts, it's hard like a rock, we were told that it would have a soft side, but we didn't find it. the initial budget for the olympic games in paris reached almost 7 billion dollars, in 2017 it was revised and increased to 8 billion. as a result , the final budget is equal. 9.7 billion,
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but this is still much lower than the budget of the five previous olympiads. 95% of sports facilities were already available and built there were only three objects. the french government's original message was that this would be a cheap olympics, the cheapest in modern history, that it would not lead to deficits and would not be a burden on our national debt. the budget for the olympic games is only 0.3% of the country's gdp. it is quite limited , much lower than the budget of the games, for example, in athens in 2004. description, as the largest restaurant in the world, the canteen in the olympic village in paris opened its doors on july 18 last year, located in the very center of the building cinema, the canteen must meet the needs of 15 thousand athletes who came to the olympic and paralympic games. certain foods, like fried potatoes, wine or foie gras were banned , replaced by...
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some foods, like eggs, for example, had to be rationed, 6 days after the official opening, more and more athletes are flocking to the olympic village, increasing pressure on supply and supply chain. against this background, some athletes began to complain about the amount of food offered food or the speed of replenishment of certain products. the paris olympics supplier admits that some products, such as eggs and grilled meats, are particularly popular and therefore volumes have been increased to... meet the needs of athletes. hosting
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major sporting events could have negative effects on paris, such as increasing pressure on the city's overcrowded metro infrastructure, reducing tourist flows and increasing security costs as the olympics go ahead. air france expects profits to fall by 200 million from june to august as the olympics mean air travel to and from paris will drop, with some tourists simply avoiding the city. however , some economists believe the biggest problem with low budgets is the issue of security. authorities say the security budget is $340 million. i think this is an unrealistic budget. the authorities have already admitted that they have withdrawn 50,000 law enforcement officers to work during the olympic games. but we know that in addition to personnel costs, there are also other expenses. you use military equipment to protect the olympic games, you buy equipment to suppress drones that...
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the police break into his apartment, and this is the man who is believed to be. during interrogation, the killer of irina farion , vyacheslav zinchenko, stated that one of the next victims after farion should have been people’s deputy max buzhansky. right now, a briefing
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on the topic of farion’s murder is being conducted by the head of the ministry of internal affairs, klimenko. it is also known that zinchen. tracked farion for a month, he is 18 years old, he literally just graduated from school, the key thing is that zinchenko has nothing to do with russia at all, despite the fact that this was the main, almost the only version, today it became known that he was registered on right-wing extremist, nazi, ukrainian sites, and belonged to that part of the offended vysushnikov who were offended by farion’s behavior, and punished her for this. once again, the first official data, everything you need to know about modern ukraine. to the front we are transferred to direct communication with war
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correspondent georgy medvedev. today a new reason for the defeat in the ssu has emerged. commander-in-chief sirsky. reports that the ratio of equipment on the front line is one to two, and in some places one to three, in favor, naturally, of ours, hence, says syrsky, these are the results. what can we say about these statistics, and do i understand correctly that they gave us weapons, they gave us weapons, but apparently they didn’t give us more. good afternoon, but absolutely true, and more than expected, because the conditions in which the ukrainian army finds itself today, they could not have had any other result, because if we compare the russian army with the ukrainian these terrorist formations, today we have a completely streamlined process, if
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some equipment fails, it is repaired, if it fails building, cannot be restored, is replaced because we... use, well, this is expected, this is simply our own equipment, which we produce ourselves, we build ourselves, we repair ourselves. ukraine today lives entirely on handouts from the west, and the problems are here manifest themselves in the elementary, in the banal, that even some examples of western equipment simply have nowhere to repair, no one to repair, and there are no resources that would allow this to be done, so kiev, of course, in the matter of technology, weapons, has a limited supply, limited potential, so when. .. tanks or some kind of weapon fail, there is simply nothing to replace it with and there is no way to quickly put it back on combat duty, well, again, yes, but western technology has proven itself very negative on the front line, because always, when we ask the soldiers with whom we work on the front line, how do they like the nato
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armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, they say they burn great, even better than the equipment that kiev had before, so our military personnel can... cope with it, to eliminate the threat, and today kiev has nowhere to compensate for the losses except to wait for the next few deliveries, so, of course, this problem, it’s like a snowball, it became more and more every day, it will continue to become even more more, quite expectedly, a different result it could not have been, if we analyze the losses of equipment in the ssu lately, we see virtually daily strikes by our iskanders. can we say that the west is ready to compensate for the equipment, today it became known, in particular, that denmark and holland will send 14 tanks to ukraine, once again, we look at the footage from the ministry of defense and imagine 14 tanks, this is enough, how can
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we even understand , a strange number, well, a number, of course. not only strange, it’s even funny in places, because, of course, any gun, even just one cartridge, which is on the front line, is a threat to the life and health of our military personnel, but if we are talking comprehensively, if we are talking as a whole about the line of combat contact, then 14 armored vehicles, even for one local section of the front line - this is nothing, 14 vehicles will not decide the outcome of global wallpapers, global pictures will not affect what is happening in any way, plus again... what are 14 tanks, they need to be brought to the front line, and as we know, those supplies that come from outside ukrainian western masters, often are simply unsuitable. we have seen examples when the weapons that were supplied to kiev, other european countries, having the opportunity to receive the same,
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similarly abandoned them, because they simply no longer stood the test of time, and - even if they are in adequate condition, they simply no longer corresponds to the current picture of the battle, it cannot resist the russian army, and 14 tanks, the question is in what condition they will reach kiev, how many of them will even reach... the kiev rear, and even if these tanks reach somewhere, it’s not a fact that they will remain intact after some time, so 14 tanks, well , maybe a victory for ukrainian telegram channels, but nothing more. as for the situation at the front. what is the story with the encirclement of the armed forces of ukraine, there is a whole brigade in the area of ​​​​the village of progress, what we know about this,
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the enemies themselves report about a half-ring, half-pincers, various terms, but the village of progress has been at the epicenter of front-line reports for quite a long period of time, and not only it , this is one of the key areas in which offensive the actions of our troops continue.
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no one else can do this, so of course, he says everything correctly, it’s not clear, they just put 2,000 of them there a day in the pond, and well, it’s amazing, oh well, today is friday after all, so we need to start with serious news , here is the olympics, you see, here we have the most important thing, i am amazed at myself, i think that most of our people, they simply do not follow high-achievement sports, so they lag behind the trends, what is important there, yes, what is important
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is what turns out to be , there, well, okay, there some kind of beds that break after 3 days, as we are told, by the way, in the 80 olympics, three generations of athletes have already grown up on these beds, and they break after 3 days just in case, well, it’s simple. yes, that’s how they are, i’m not saying who will carry the torch, there, you know, but it’s amazing, it’s better to carry old biden, it will at least be clear what you ’re carrying, and there’s this kind of horror flying on the wings of the night there, it’s not clear what he will wear there, what heels he will wear, and so to speak, with sewn on ones, excuse me, uh, in short, horror rushing to the edge, but the main thing is, what do they have there, the most important thing?
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there will be tens of thousands of wipes for oral sex, then there will be 20 thousand of some kind of female condoms and latox wipes, tens of thousands, only infinity, about their existence, i’m sure that the majority of our viewers don’t even know, we’re not keeping track of much sports, this is what it leads to, we are behind, you know, behind these trends, we are behind, i... everything is according to plan, it’s scary to say what kind of holiday will be in this regard, i don’t know, after all, macron swam in the blue or didn’t swim , they say he didn’t swim, but what, why didn’t he swim,
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because our cossacks in 1800. in the fourteenth year ruined the hay, you know, that’s why you still can’t swim in it, well , well, this is the olympics, i’m amazed that it’s even held like this to pervert this design, that when there was a worldwide holiday, there was worldwide love for it, so vulgarize it, pervert it, ruin it, let’s compete with something there. with whom to compete, just thank god that we have nothing to do with this, and in general, of course, look at let’s not let this horror go, i’ll just take a second, an important circumstance, on the eve of the publication of lemont, well, that is, the serious press published information about how exactly they will clarify with those athletes who came from russia and belarus, before each of
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their performances, their attitude for a special operation, the anthem was deprived, the flag was deprived, before each start, you will have to once again answer the question of how exactly you feel about putin, about the ksvo regime, and also, not to forget, the dutch team still includes a pedophile who served time for rape twelve year old girls, as the great commentator said. “we don’t need such an olympics, that’s why we don’t need it, and i don’t understand those athletes who went there at all, they will go under the ain, some kind of pedophile from holland they eventually forgave, there was a demand, a petition from athletes, many children, athletes, more precisely, are underage children, so that the pedophile would be evicted from the village, but no,
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they rejected the idea, he would live with his family, because he had already served, served exactly 4 years, for double rape, v holland gave him 4 years, they raped a child twice, and soon the entire olympiad will have modern morals, soon the entire olympiad will consist of pedophiles, there are transvestites, there are some uh, a table must be made, like the mendelian table, the ender table, there you are you’re already confused, well, to hell with them, let them do whatever they want, now on to the serious news: here are the elections, which means that in america, there, after all, they called it a circus, it wasn’t us who said it, they’re a circus, but it’s important that replacing one clown with another is not at all will change the circus, you see, and this is so, that ’s why there are rumors that anthony blinken
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is leaving secretary of state, because he explained the transfer to the whole world. from the senile, here we need a translation from the idiotic, he doesn’t know this language, apparently he will have to leave , but this is so, because the democrats themselves said about this kamala haris that she is just an idiot, they openly talked about it, now wow, it became good right away, almost on par with trump, how is this possible, that is, you put your own, so to speak, the emblem of a donkey, a donkey can be elected in this case, if so to speak, the difference is not clear, they took it, oops, let’s have the same rating as trump, it’s funny, but we don’t care, the point is that pompeo , who was secretary of state in the trump administration, he published, just yesterday, in my opinion, peaceful trump, well, there’s about peaceful trump, or rather trump’s peace plan, and whatever, well,
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listen, it’s better if it ’s a laughing harris, you know. respect, it’s not a fact that they will succeed, this is nato and so on and so on in this yes, but the fact that they will also lead to a big war is absolutely obvious, but these are gradually going, these are faster, in general, as it was not, that the right hemisphere, so to speak, is republican, that the left is there, or vice versa, they are democratic there, they are still going to a big war with russia, so i say again, the clowns in this circus can be anyone. and they are going after one thing, to really, as they say directly, to destroy the russian federation, because as their strategic rival, we cannot allow this,
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no matter who wins in this strange marathon, we should still care about donald trump’s peace plan, according to pompeo, the american administration, the new american administration, when if it wins, it plans to... screw it up even more screws in relation to the russian federation, if the russian federation does not agree to american conditions, where and to whom they plan to tighten what screws is not known for certain, especially bearing in mind that janit yalin is the current minister of finance the united states of america, just the day before , said a direct quote, no matter how hard we try, sanctions are not working yet, we are planning to prepare a new strategy. due to the fact that parallel imports have been established by the russian federation, dual -use goods still enter the country, well , that is, now donald
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trump should try. as for kamla haris, the news literally just broke that barack obama called a woman on her cell phone at the very moment when she was walking into the parking lot, turned it on, and coincidentally turned the phone on speakerphone connection, asks who is here? "hello, i laughed, it's you, barack obama." barack said, "yes, baby, i'll support you." i don’t ask about the baby now either. to be honest, i don’t know whether it’s the real biden or his double, but this is actually very bad news for the treating doctor, but two, two, two grandfathers for one doctor, it seems to me that this will be too much. now about, about.
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he called people who have insufficient intellectual potential. this is said by a man who, well, is actually on his knees something weighs on a country that lives
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20 years ahead of the rest of the planet, he tells them this in relation to their insufficient intellectual level. i will no longer talk about danilov’s direct insults to chinese politicians, and nevertheless, china sat down at the negotiating table with them. says: today i called the prime minister of denmark, talked to the prime minister of hungary, talked to someone else there, this is it, this is it, he dumps it all on the heads of the ukrainians, and no one asks questions, you talked , and what next, well, here you are talked, and what next, how the position changes, let's see, meetings are taking place, kuleba is meeting in china, zelensky is meeting with orban, zelensky is meeting with the americans there, i want to ask a question, here in...
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you know, the fear of losing funding. ukraine is a country whose budget actually depends at least half on external injections. relatively speaking, budget revenues, or rather budget expenditures, are twice their income. what should we do with this country? this is not a small country. try to find an external sponsor for this country. there are a couple of three countries on the map that are capable of providing such financing. we are not talking about pennies, we
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are talking about the fact that this country is not self-sufficient, with a destroyed economy, which requires every month, day after day, to pay salaries, pensions, scholarships and other state obligations, to receive monthly about 5 billion dollars, 5 billion dollars, this is an unprofitable object, that’s it, this is an unprofitable asset, someone should buy it, for what? they think it's possible basically introduce.
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in terms of the world, if any of our viewers are suddenly worried about how it is that we have not achieved the objectives of the special operation, we agreed to negotiations with moscow, peskov, the day before, responding to negotiations with ukraine, peskov, the day before, answering a question, we true , we are planning to talk with them, he said that there is no substantive part for negotiations right now, well, not benzia, he also said the day before at the un. “ there will definitely be no respite in the war, if you want to talk, then only on putin’s terms, which the president recently announced, four regions will not return to the russian federation, on other grounds, nebenzi said, there will definitely not be negotiations, well, kuleba is nevertheless happy and wants to smoke, look.
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on sunday at rtr, a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships from all fleets and flotillas of the country. tactical groups of military vessels, from anti-sabotage boats to nuclear submarines, will sail along the waves of the new and gulf of finland, under the glorious st. andrew’s flag. boats, the wind in the baltic will fill sails of a proud sailing barque and frigate, the most dizzying shots from the most unexpected angles, an unforgettable triumph of valor, courage of beauty, glory
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to the russian navy, hurray, live broadcast from st. petersburg, the main naval parade. on navy day on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sle reorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suits & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with
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a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your... an unforgettable holiday. rixas premium magavish sudes and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. can i look after you? i'm still unemployed, i'm running out of time. no need to match me. i'm not worthy of love. why are you punishing yourself like this? what have you done that you can’t even tell me? a terrible accident will happen. cancel it all, well cancel it, it’s dangerous, you have fears she’s already gone with her own people, i just don’t know where this trouble is coming from, another victim was found in the north of moscow, it’s easier for her to see someone else’s
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future than to forget her past, there was something in your life that torments you, am i right? i now saw a person who has been dead for a long time. evgenia dobrovolskaya, a woman with a past, on saturday at mtr. there is no need to register with him. just kidding, he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. we will train on how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure. how can an air freshener bring.
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and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but good health. i'll definitely add more, dr. myasnikov, on saturday at rtr, vera, it's me, on navy day, you knew that they didn't go to english, and that they abandoned everything else, you also knew, andrey merzlikin, you should have sent them in the summer in khimovsky, olga pavlovets, i don’t want them to be collected from me. sergey garmash, i hope you don’t get dizzy. reade set go! on chemical treatment. on sunday. on rtr. in
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europe right now, this is, alas, no joke, azov nazis are on tour. as part of their european tour, bandera's members were going to arrange a meeting with fans in berlin, this also happens. a similar event was planned for natsike in germany, other cities in germany, except berlin, in holland, belgium as well.
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killed more than a million people, took pictures in t-shirts with a quote from hitler, where we are, there is no other place. on social networks, the photo had the effect of a bomb exploding; the museum in the concentration camp has already apologized on its official account and contacted the polish prosecutor’s office, so that the nazi guests can be dealt with there. against this background, that azov people. not heroes at all, but ordinary nazis, even the western press writes. in the east of berlin, a ukrainian brigade with fascist intentions wanted to propagate resistance against russia. what are the reasons for canceling the event? a spokeswoman for the berlin police confirmed the cancellation of the meeting in east berlin. initially, fighters of the azov battalion were supposed to hold an informal meeting with front-line soldiers at the continental hotel on elsen. tracks, but the promotional event caused mass protests, several left-wing groups and
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organizations criticized this appointment, since the ukrainian association is said to have right-wing extremist and fascist traditions, and its leader is a neo-nazi. we consider this display of militarism and fascism intolerable and cannot be justified by putin's invasion of ukraine, say left-wing calls for demonstrations. the regional association of the sarah vagentnya alliance also called for a repeal. the fact that such an event glorifying war could take place in berlin, especially from an outspoken right-wing extremist organization that historically refers to nazi collaborator stepan bandera, is an incredible scandal, the statement said. awarded fighter of the elite ukrainian third assault. the third assault brigade visits asvenets june 2020. fourth year. he posted this photo to his girlfriend in auschwitz and attached the song by daya antworth,
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baby on fire. it's unreal how the meta allows ukrainian-nazi pus to seep out while it censors the palestinians and anti-zionite voices in the name of anti-semitism. meanwhile, meta unblocked a photo with the world's most powerful neo-nazi movement over a year ago. the propaganda machine of the azov movement presents war heroes up close. 21 july. she went on a european tour with members of her battle group, the third separate assault brigade of the ukrainian army, a unit commanded by andrei belevsky, one of the most influential neo-nazi leaders in europe, planned to appear first in warsaw and wroclaw, and then in prague, vilnius, rotterdam and brussels. and since the ukrainian fascist gangs acted as brothers in arms of nato, prodding the war against russia, the european categorical imperative never again for this publicity tour. temporarily cancelled. so, the events of the azov assault brigade were announced in germany for
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july 25 and 26. in berlin, the most epic stories from the front, seasoned with soldier's humor, are offered for 20 euros, in hamburg - for 15 euros. the proceeds will go to carts. come meet real fighters brigades that participated in the battles in bakhmut, avdeevka and kharkov, according to an advertisement that is being distributed on social networks. they tell everything. about his service without censorship. events were planned in hamburg, rotterdam, cologne and brussels, but all these meetings were cancelled. ukrainians are more focused on events in prague and vilnius next week. the tour was particularly targeted at ukrainians in exile, as the stated language of the event was ukrainian. the azov regiment hoped that ukrainians living in the eu will join the fight against russia. according to the azov brigade, the purpose of the european tour is to meet fans abroad, but
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the announcement shows that their mission goes beyond raising money for their already well-developed branding. azov. representatives of the movement appeal to ukrainian men living here. you can create local initiative groups, azov calls, they already exist in germany. for example, in magdeburg there is a cell of centuria, this is one of the most powerful neo-nazi organizations in ukraine, whose military unit is integrated into the third assault brigade. the name of the tour, our people everywhere, speaks volumes about azov's desire to expand. we are transported to france. where the azovites also planned to hold their event, but we will naturally talk about the olympic games, freedom of equality, brotherhood and the metal fence behind our backs, in direct communication, the tas agency’s own correspondent in france, dmitry orlov, dim, hello, tell me how it is there ,
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i see the games are ready and coming. already on july 18, the city was literally divided into two parts, after the introduction of red and the gray security zone along the seine river, where the opening ceremony of the games will actually take place, several bridges were, of course, left for parisians to cross on foot or by car, however... many parisians nevertheless complained about the inaccessibility of the usual they have places for walking, in fact, for example, the lower embankments, on which there are now stands from which spectators who have paid for tickets will watch the ceremony, before a lot of people walked there, played sports, now, unfortunately, this is impossible, their they will only open on sunday or even
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monday after the structure is dismantled, but is it true that homeless people and migrants were taken out of paris? the french media reported about this, yes, homeless people were taken literally 100 km away to orleans or strasbourg, however, a few days ago a group of homeless people who were kicked out of their tent camp, even several, probably, tent camps, they gathered near the district city hall in the eighteenth arrondissement, where they staged a protest and demanded that they be given housing, from what the french media write, the mayor’s office agreed to provide housing only women and children, but their conditions are such. were not satisfied, they demand that everyone be given at least temporary shelter during the games, the protest, as far as i know, continues, but just to understand why there are so many fences, the french are somehow unsafe, they are planning to show aggression against some athletes, why is that? it’s hard to say, and even
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more so about the french, but you’ve seen, nevertheless, what sometimes happens here at demonstrations, the police therefore take action ahead of time... there are several rows of fences, especially since it’s behind me, i’m so i understand that the entrance to one of the stands is already from 6:00 pm, even on this bridge, near which i am standing, it will not be possible to cross even on foot, the city will be completely cut off, the only way to get to the other side will be by metro, as for attacks, then the french police, at least from what they say in the media, do not see specific threats against the opening ceremony itself, but already ahead of time... gérald darmanin himself, the minister of the interior, announced that they had exposed four terrorist attacks that were planned during the games, and a lot of people, they simply weren’t allowed even close to the olympic torch relay, much less to watch the games due to their suspicious past, and the story with the dirty hay also
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doesn’t seem to bother anyone anymore, but macron doesn’t swam and okay, well, the minister of sports swam, swam... who did her own water tests after two major international competitions were canceled in august last year due to the high content of so-called fecal coliform bacteria and another this association she spent hers. measurements only at the end of june, the first report showed that the water met at least the average requirements for holding the competition, however, they said that until a few weeks before the opening ceremony, the authorities simply stopped approving their applications; they could no longer take water samples, that is after the mayor’s swim
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, you can’t measure everything, the water is spotless, well, they said everything, it means it’s clean, thank you very much, we will assume that the mayor... of paris has absorbed all the dirt, tas agency’s own correspondent, dmitry orlov, on line, france. storm. in a recent example, we see that the task of both the sbu and the military intelligence of ukraine is to create underground terrorist cells on the territory of the russian federation, identify, establish contact with persons who are potentially ready and able to carry out terrorist acts with... minimal technical preparation for them, well, what happened is another evidence that the main
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sponsor and conductor of the instruments of international terrorism today is official kyiv. i would like to note the very successful effective interaction between the russian and turkish special services, because the person who carried out this terrorist attack was very quickly identified through contacts... the interaction between the fsb and the relevant turkish services was detained and immediately extradited to russia, this is a good example, we we hope that this will allow us to continue to establish contacts, not only with turkey, but with other sane european countries, because terrorism is a common evil, and we must time after time at all international platforms to once again show what ukraine is doing, of course, countering terrorism. is systemic, comprehensive in nature, a risk group must be established, potential persons who may be involved in such activities, and of course,
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the same element as operational games with the ukrainian special services in order to stop any terrorist preparations and control them at the most basic level , a good example of the work of our fsb and turkish colleagues. we'll be back in a minute. "we'll get married, i'll marry sasha, and you'll marry a man of my dreams, we look at rtr, ekaterina zvonareva, she lives here, that’s how you came to her, what happened now, you are my very best, i love you very much, and now i have to put up with this freak next to katya, you ruined my life , together forever, oh, what to do now?" from monday on rtr. not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of endlessly
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summer is leaving, saturday and sunday, the last hot weekend, it will be +28, then it will rain, august will not be warm, at night the temperature will be from +9 to 14, during the day the maximum will be +18. thanks for watching, bye. are you really such a fool that you are only fit to be an actress, if not to become a teacher? or a doctor, the famous actress
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valentina telichkina once recalled that her father once said the word. she has seen each other since childhood.


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