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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:36pm MSK

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on the russia channel. host in the studio evgeniy rashkov, hello, the main thing for this hour: how are drone operators trained? do you teach how to use an individual reb? yes, that is, is it included in your program? what should tankers and mortarmen be able to do? andrey belousov inspected the landfill in the leningrad district. american hammerers , five hail rockets, more than a dozen tanks and armored personnel carriers of the ukrainian troops. our iskanders
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hit kramatorsk. latest svo news. what did the bomber serebryakov, who was extradited from turkey, say? what is it in at the direction of ukrainian intelligence, he planted a bomb in the car of a russian officer. where did he want to escape? in paris, before the opening of the olympics , all trains stopped. a group of unknown people sabotaged where the french intelligence services were. how barack and michelle called kamala. they made a whole show out of chita obama's support for presidential candidate kharis: will this add points? a unique operation by st. petersburg doctors: they saved the life of an unborn girl in her mother’s womb. the russian military is trained to participate in a special operation taking into account the application. western
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weapons. this was reported to defense minister andrei belousov during an inspection of one of the training grounds in the leningrad district. russian units on the front line actively use buggy atvs. and the head of the defense department taught a lesson in driving light vehicle driving courses and a training program for contract soldiers. grigory vdomin has details. combat training at the test site does not stop for a second, even despite the appearance of a delegation of colonels and generals. minister whitebeard is in uniform, too, but has insignia on her unlike everyone else there are no people around, the head of the ministry of defense immediately delves into the details. you teach how to use an individual reb, and we teach it, that is, your program also includes an individual one. the conversation takes place in front of a representative exhibition of drones; in modern warfare, they have become the basis for reconnaissance of strike power at the very forefront . fpv drones, comica classes and also several copies are presented. with resets,
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an individual course is devoted to each type of drone. he went to the target, looking for the target, to discover, he went to defeat, manages well. training tank crews is a complex and multi-stage job. in modern combat conditions, a tank is a formidable force that must be known how to control and at the same time be able to protect it from the same drones. all this is taught by instructors who have real combat experience gained.
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create training courses on buggies in training centers, primarily buggies and quad bike buggies. ukrainian formations lost all this as a result of a russian iskander attack on an equipment parking lot and a missile weapons warehouse in kramatorsk. our ministry of defense published footage of objective control today. in the red army direction of the special operation, lancet operators burned another american abrams tank. here our
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motorized rifles knocked out a t-64 tank. a maxpro armored vehicle captured a large stronghold, and seven ukrainian soldiers surrendered. the crews of mi-28 helicopters attacked a camouflaged enemy position with missiles, destroyed manpower and equipment, and gunners knocked out another ukrainian tank in the south of the dpr. detonated in the car ammunition the marines of the pacific fleet began to use the latest molniya drones on the front line, which the soldiers say are more accurate and maneuverable. report by sergei samokha. each assault unit has its own squads equipped with fpv drones, they work from afar, several kilometers away from the line of contact, and soon this machine will be equipped with a special charge and go into battle. the configuration, which has already become a classic, is a quadcopter with four
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rotors and ammunition in the form suspension. almost perfect design, except for not the best aerodynamics. therefore, they began to enroll in the fortieth brigade of marines of the pacific fleet. a new type of machine is the next step in the development of attack drones. our lightning flies 30 km behind enemy lines, so he uses little batteries with the help of what he plans, so we flew for 32-35 minutes calmly. lightning is one aircraft-type strike drone, almost weightless design, four aluminum tubes, wooden slats and plastic. wing, maybe compare with the lancet in terms of power and range, approximately, and much cheaper than the lancet, despite its unsightly appearance - it is not only a high-precision, but also a high-tech weapon, the firmware already contains artificial intelligence that helps overcome radio interference. lightning
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is a new product that has been participating in hostilities for only a few weeks, during which time the crew of attack drones, a self-propelled tread killer from a dozen cars in iisu. we him first. they drove like a reconnaissance drone, well, they went out for a free hunt, spotted everything on the car, we started to dive and hit, and we also destroyed the mortar, and we also destroyed the mortar. the wingspan has the ability to glide, allowing the vehicle to rise to a height of up to a kilometer, here the drone is not afraid of either air defense or rap, the new product is controlled by one of the most experienced crews of fpv drones in the southern donetsk direction, which has a lot of damaged nato equipment, according to the platoon commander. auto take-off, during take-off it gains a certain altitude on its own, then you switch to manual mode, you control everything there, in the winter it’s like you’re flying direction of the goal. lightning one is just the beginning; prototypes are already being prepared
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that will practically eliminate the operator’s participation in control, and most importantly, in targeting. but we also have these night planes now. will soon appear with the capture of the target, that is, you have captured the target, and even if we completely unfasten the control, he will reach this target himself. the successes of lightning in recent weeks have led to the fact that in a number of areas of the southern donetsk direction in iisu, for fear of destruction, they stopped producing their equipment even in deep behind. sergey samokh, oleg sokolchuk, news! russia remembers the children of donbass killed as a result of numerous ukrainian strikes. in the cities and villages of the region. people come to memorials and hold mourning rallies. in the dpr, children and adults gathered in the central square in debaltsevo, where fierce fighting was taking place. the schoolchildren brought portraits of their dead peers, who are called here the angels of donbass. in lugansk
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, balloons with white cranes were launched into the sky. according to the latest data, since the fourteenth year, victims of aggression 355 children became part of the kyiv regime. it was the youngest. just a few days. anechka bugaeva, 27 days old, died in 2014. volodya bugaev, who was barely 3 months old. he also died at the hands of the nazis; there are many such examples. the portraits of the dead children are my former students. i can’t look at all this without tears, because these children could in the future become happy and full-fledged citizens of our big, beautiful country. in moscow , memorial events take place at the embassies of european countries that sponsor ukraine. activists of united russia and the young guard brought portraits of young victims of aggression to the diplomatic missions of germany, great britain,
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france, lithuania, estonia and others. a whole sea of ​​toy flowers on the dpr square, near the us embassy. a new humanitarian convoy of the communist party of the russian federation set off for the special operation zone today. motorcycles, thermal imagers, camouflage nets and other equipment will be delivered to the front line. the lists of necessities were compiled by the military themselves. the convoy of trucks was accompanied by our correspondent anastasia letvinova. all the essentials are sent to the front and in demand in military field conditions, including products that can be stored for a long time and are easy to prepare. now that i'm focusing on food, we were asked for quick noodles, pasta, porridge, and poultry. here is a large batch of medical aid, it was collected at the branch of the communist party of the russian federation in orenburg. antiseptics, powders, medicines. in these boxes, only dressing materials were collected to help in naginsk, moscow region, thanks to
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donations from city residents and local entrepreneurs. bid dressing on the front line here he is almost 2 m, yes, well done, well done, 2 m 10 cm, humanitarian aid for the fighters is collected strictly according to requests from the front, that is, they send exactly what is needed at the moment, for example, trench candles and individual camouflage ponches, activists from tver made especially for the soldiers of the unit that is fighting in the south...
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2008 to 22 years and was also responsible for the logistics
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of the russian army, the main investigation department of the investigative committee is investigating the case, the suspect was taken into custody. russia and the association of southeast asian nations deepen security coordination. this was stated by sergei lavrov, speaking today at the ats ministerial summit, it is taking place in laos, what else is being discussed there? report by alexey petrov. the key political event is the annual ministerial meeting. the heads of foreign affairs agencies, among them sergei lavrov, manage to exchange assessments on the sidelines and join hands. traditional part of the protocol ceremony. there are already the first statements by the head of the russian foreign ministry. moscow has consistently advocated strengthening the role of osian in regional affairs. we are convinced that asian-centric architecture. based on inclusiveness and equality, taking into account the interests of all
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participants and respect for their identity, must remain the foundation of security and sustainable development of the asia-pacific region. it is known that lavrov’s program includes a meeting in the russia-asian format; the minister also participates in the meetings of the east asian summit and the ocean regional forum on security, a platform that provides an opportunity to discuss the problems of different regions of the planet. the head of the turkish mida. he is participating in the sixth trilateral meeting of the turkey asean sectoral dialogue partnership. fidan had a separate conversation with sergei lavrov. laos has been preparing for a long time for meetings of the heads of foreign affairs departments; these days the country has become the center of international politics; it is interested in attracting investments, including in agriculture. rice in the market is sold everywhere, a special product for every laotian, this one is directly from the province of savannaket, where there is a special economic zone for
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for this young man, selling rice at the market provides his livelihood. rice is very important for our people, we eat it every day, the quality is excellent. in laos, the attitude towards russia is very warm, dating back to soviet times. even the monument to king sisavang-wong was created by soviet architect mirab berdenishvili in 1975. there is something to see in the colorful country for tourists too. one of the most famous temples in the capital of laos is sisaket. it is best known for its buddha statues. they are made of wood, bronze, silver. total there are over 7,000 of them here. the meeting in laos is not only a conversation about global challenges. for several days preparations were underway for the traditional gola ceremony, the osian dinner, where women come wearing shirts with the national symbols of the host country. this will be the case this time, and the local country has already prepared its own shirt for each minister. now all the ministers are undergoing fitting, if anything happens, they will
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be adjusted. this is also a tribute to traditions, a tribute to the culture of countries. respectful attitude towards the history of a particular state of the people. russia has always adhered to these principles this is highly valued in asia. alexey petrov, stanislav ponomarenko, and inna koshkina. news: laos. the campaign headquarters of kamal and haris today published a campaign video from which it follows that barack obama supported her nomination for the presidency. according to the script , obama and his wife michelle call harris to promise help in the election fight, kamala had been waiting for these words all week; her candidacy, according to numerous leaks from the white house, caused deep sadness in barack obama. the former president just didn't believed that kharis was capable of defeating trump and offered to find a stronger
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candidate, but obviously the democrats could not find a more worthy candidate and obama eventually had to. on the opening day of the olympic games in paris, electric trains stopped in france; railway traffic was interrupted due to sabotage: at night, attackers set fire to relay cabinets and cut signal cables on the tracks. the security services were not prepared for the pre-planned attacks. they were able to prevent the crime only at one time. as a result. at train stations hundreds of thousands of passengers accumulated throughout france and neighboring countries. it is most likely impossible to get to olympic paris by train today , but today is the opening. for more information about the new surprises of the olympics, see our next episode of news at 17:00. less than an hour ago, the central bank of russia decided
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to change the key rate. it grew to 18% per annum. this measure was called necessary. it will help reduce inflation, which is now significantly higher than the april forecast, taking into account the current monetary policy the bank of russia expects that it will be possible to bring it to the target of 4.4.5% next year. doctors in st. petersburg saved an unborn girl. correction of the fetal lungs was carried out for the first time. the work is simply exquisite. according to doctors, 10 years ago such an operation could not even be dreamed of. the pathology threatened the child with death immediately after birth, the chance of survival was minimal, but now the prognosis is positive, report by ekaterina fesenko. alena has been in the perinatal center for 2 weeks already, but she is in a great mood, she knows for sure that her baby has it too excellent, she is rowdy, she is already moving at full speed, spinning, yes, they do ctg, every day,
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she looks at her heart, she runs away, that is, only on... they build sensors, she will run away from them, what a naughty girl. at the first screening, alena was praised, at the second she was upset. at first they suspected a cardiac threshold, but it turned out to be a diaphragmatic hernia, this is when there is no partition between the lungs and the heart and the liver and intestines, and the abdominal organs put pressure on the lungs, preventing them from developing. only about 60 such pathologies occur in all of russia per year, but in this in a particular case, its degree was too severe and the survival rate after birth. for several hours, instruments, endoscopes, and which penetrate directly into the trachea were inserted through the baby’s mouth, and
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a balloon was installed there so that it would work, allowing the lungs not to collapse and by the time of birth to have full-fledged lungs for further correction of this defect. now the doctors smile when they talk about this intervention, they say it’s okay; such operations are still extremely rare. one might say unique, and this balloon installed in the baby’s trachea will save her life. it allows the lungs to fully develop and reduces the risk of displacement of the abdominal cavity organs through a defect in the diaphragm into the chest cavity. there is another intrauterine operation ahead at the thirty-fifth week, the balloon will deflate, the lungs will have grown enough by that time, and there will be another one after birth. the baby already has a name. diana and her parents planned a rich, fun childhood for her, we’ll send her to the piano, to figure skating, that is, we had it fully loaded,
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yes, we already thought, but my husband wants to send her somewhere to robotics, the prognosis is positive, which means there will be another happy family. ekaterina fisenko, sergey ishchenko, dmitry mishchersky, galina orlova, lead st. petersburg. well, further in our issue, how the ukrainian special services recruited. the subversive serebryakov, what he himself told today, a real flood in chelyabinsk and magnitogorsk, they don’t remember this at all, why you need to protect yourself from meeting a wild boar, what kind of disease they found, about this and not only immediately after a short advertisement. on sunday at rtr, a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships of all fleets and... tactical groups of military vessels, from anti-sabotage boats
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to nuclear submarines, will pass along the waves of the neva and the gulf of finland under the glorious st. andrew's flag. the wind in the baltic will fill the sails of proud ships, sailing barges and frigates. the most dizzying shots from the most unexpected angles, an unforgettable triumph of valor, courage and beauty. glory to the russian navy! hooray! straight broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. sunday is navy day. on rtr. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where
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everything is included except your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. immerse yourself in a world of luxurious coziness at rixsas golf villas and suite sharmelshey. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of the rooms and luxury villas ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden
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beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. rixa with premium siagate. family fun starts here, here everyone. the item is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens, and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experience at rixsos premium segate. rixas premium seagate. i'll fall into the sky if we're on the same path. you sang very well, and this is for you, thank you very much, masha, we are actually in a hurry, on navy day, there is an order under the glass, and it would be nice if
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you took it on the sly. not only can we, but we must, in order not to stray from the right course, we need the right crew, guys, maybe we need help, no, we need it ourselves, where is the order, we want to see masha now, where are you from, stand, that’s it, i’ve taken the helm, got out of here come on, commander! there seems to be someone semaphoring nakhimovites on sunday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues slowly. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded, give me back the nuclear weapons. get ready number one.
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quickly you found a replacement for me, however, as usual, i am a free person, not married, i do what i want, girl, fire, raya knows everything, today on rtr, broadcast, we continue our release: car explosion in moscow was organized by the sbu, 2 days later, the details were revealed by the bomber himself, evgeniy serebryakov,
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he... today he was taken under escort from turkey to moscow, it was established that back in 2014 he participated in unauthorized actions against the entry of russian troops into ukraine. today he said that for the murder of a military man, a curator from kiev promised him a ukrainian passport and a large sum in american dollars. the victim survived. doctors assess his condition as stable and serious. revelation of a terrorist. reporting by alexandra cazzu. twenty-nine year old russian. a suspect in a car bombing in the north of moscow was returned to his homeland under escort. the plane landed at the capital's airport. during interrogation, he immediately admitted that he was preparing the terrorist attack under the leadership of the ukrainian special services, whose representative recruited him on one of the internet sites a year and a half ago. i started communicating with a certain ilya ilya, who, i assume, is an employee of the sbu,
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we communicated with him, and there was also one meeting. after that i picked up the components to assemble a homemade device in the russian region of ilya proposed to eliminate the officer on the morning of july 24 , on the sinyavskaya street of the capital , a toyota land cruiser suv exploded; there were two people in the cabin, a male soldier and his wife, with injuries of varying degrees of severity, they were taken to the hospital, the suspect was already under investigation...
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in order to hide from the judge. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under articles of attempted murder and illegal trafficking in explosive devices. it was established that on july 24 , a few hours after the crime was committed, serebryakov left the territory russia and flew to turkey, from where he was going to head to ukraine, where he was promised citizenship. as a result of measures taken by russian law enforcement and turkish authorities.
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found himself in the epicenter of a powerful caspian cyclone in bashkiria; due to rain floods , traffic on several roads was closed, dozens of houses were drowned, and in the neighboring chelyabinsk region there was a real apocalypse. according to weather forecasters, 100 liters of water per square meter will pour out in a few days, rivers are already overflowing their banks, washing away bridges, so we can’t get home, cars are drowning, in magnitogorsk water is pouring directly into public transport, exits from the city are partially blocked, trees have been knocked down in chelyabinsk, streets are flooded, pedestrians have to walk barefoot through huge puddles. in the irkutsk region, emergency situations ministry employees are now helping residents affected by floods. more than 60 people had to be evacuated from temporary accommodation centers. but in yakutia the number of forest fires has increased again. all available forces are involved in the fire extinguishing effort, including volunteer detachments. reportage vitaly prokopyev.
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b200 aircraft dropped almost 200 tons of water on the edge of the fires in one day. air spolins work in the hottest spots of yakutia. in total , about 2,000 people and 187 pieces of equipment are now extinguished in the region, including all-terrain vehicles, which can be used to get almost anywhere. feeling through the shroud of acrid smoke, the firefighters move straight towards the fire. in
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the alekma region of yakutia, specialists began to do a counter fire to stop the spread of fire. it turns out when it's been cooled down, they dug in, it will be necessary, preferably 2-3 days, to go to. god forbid a little smoke, if it appears, modify it, modify it, dig it out, so we came here now to modify this edge, this method is one of the most effective in the fight against hot elements, not counting the run with water, to extinguish both large and small smoke spots, a manual backpack fire extinguisher is used, which holds up to 20 liters of water, you have to carry it with you all the time , use it both during the extinguishing process and during extinguishing the fire. concerned residents also go to fight forest fires; volunteers are involved where the situation is the most difficult; they make an invaluable contribution to the overall victory over the elements. now
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there are 100 fires in the region, including one landscape fire, five fires were completely extinguished per day and the same number were localized, specialists work tirelessly every day to save the forests of yakutia, and such work will... the latest equipment for processing hazardous waste launched today in the leningrad region at the krasny training ground bor. this project is being implemented by rosatom. head of the corporation alexey likhachev, deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev and governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov today personally inspected all the facilities. krasny bor is located 30 km from st. petersburg and occupies almost 70 hectares. this is one of the largest. in the country of industrial cemeteries dating back to soviet times, it was closed 10 years ago. at the moment, the reclamation of this object has been completed by 60%, and of course,
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this object no longer poses such a danger to anyone as before. environment or for people. i want to say that khosatom did most of the work, a huge amount, first of all, it protected the entire perimeter, and this is very important, that is. in fact, wastewater no longer flows into izhora, and thus no longer enters it. perfect or fake? tonight, after the big news, is the second episode of the program all together, popular casting. this time , a dozen jury members will go to yekaterinburg and give the best singers a chance to compete for a place in the new season of the show. to whom will delight or criticism be addressed, i found out ekaterina frolova. i'm with you again today. bright, talented and original, they are ready to announce themselves to the whole country and become participants in the show, come on, all together, national casting, i came to the casting specifically, 1500 km away, here with flowers...


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