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tv   Vasilisa  RUSSIA1  July 27, 2024 4:10am-4:58am MSK

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i bought you an inscription from an engraver as a gift , i said, but didn’t have time to give it to you, i decided to stab him with this citylet right on stage in front of everyone, yeah, and you finished writing, die, let’s go to work, yes, but how did you manage to scratch the inscription, you need to have these skills , yes, i’m an artist, we were taught a little bit of everything, i bought a young engraver’s kit and that’s it, yeah, well, that’s how it was - “ i didn’t dare on stage, i waylaid him at some party, pulled out a stiletto, came closer to him, then i saw his wife coming towards me, i got scared, i threw the ticket away, where they threw it away, i don’t remember, threw it somewhere to the side, i was so dizzy, i felt sick, as if i had already killed him, so either rokotov himself picked him up or angela, angela’s version is very slender, very, waited 3 months. she got some bulls, a lover, her husband
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started getting in the way, she decided to use a knife to blame the murder on you, and what a snake, how can i help this out, that’s all i can think about , he saved me, if it weren’t for him, i would have hanged myself out of melancholy, he surrounded me with such care, such love, i forgot even the roaring one, and now he’s in prison, i’ll hide you at home, certainly no one will look for you there, but in the meantime i don’t want to meet with you, but why did you kill him? i have reasons, my wife galina is 20 years younger than me, out of naivety galya trusted rokkotov, and this scoundrel abandoned her. and... out of grief
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i almost killed myself, that is, rokotov abandoned galya 3 months ago, and you killed him only now, what were you waiting for, gathered your courage, duty officer, take the detainee away. we need to find galina, we’ll find out all her secrets, semyon is lying, he’s slandering himself, that’s understandable, yes, vladimir petrovich, where are you planning to have lunch today, at home, it won’t work out, we have a lot of work, we urgently need to find the engraver’s wife, there is a suspicion that she killed rokotov because of unhappy love, well, look, look.
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it seems to me that raya got into something again, so i had to specifically ask where, but i didn’t have time, she started asking something about lunch, well, i don’t really have lunch at home, for some reason i don’t like all this, let’s do it smarter, let's go to your place for lunch, let's go. you intrigued me, i can do this, you say, do you know who leva’s killer is? i got very close close, but first i want to get answers to some questions. who is galya, remember? if i remembered every fool that my husband seduced, i would only think about them. well, it was recently, why did
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3 months pass, since then there was tom, sveta, lena, uh-huh, i didn’t indicate the time, so you remember galya, okay, and the dagger, you saw it before, because yes, it was you who picked it up , get out of here, blackmailer, and i don’t remember any gala, no, i’m not leaving.
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raya, you’re home, i finally decided to have lunch, and i brought petrov, yeah. heaven, heaven, strange, there is no heaven, nothing strange, it must be, he probably has such an intriguing voice. i’m waiting, it seemed to me that she didn’t want me to come home for lunch, something is wrong here, i know who killed rokototov, here at lik’s.
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“we also know who killed, it’s galya, we have evidence, so no, no, let’s listen to galya, oh, hello, i didn’t kill rokotov and semochka didn’t kill either, but angela killed, these are her glasses, you see, they are painted gold, the statues are just for the points alone , we can’t arrest angela, well, that means we have to look for witnesses, yes, but in your opinion, what are we doing, remember, you yourself said, your words, in order to kill a man in the center of the park, what is needed? a distraction? fireworks,
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they started, angela, what's wrong with you, start, so, excuse me, petrovna, you are under arrest on suspicion of murdering your husband, lev nikolaevich rokotov. well, is this some kind of mistake, was i at home? i can confirm the words of angela petrovna. we were together, we had lunch. at this time you were in the park. the ice cream saleswoman recognized you. by the way, great idea with fireworks. oh sweet sigh calling justice. break your sword, again, again. like this, i will love you by killing you, i cry, but this is a cry of heavenly sorrow that executes loving, angela petrovna, why is this a brilliant artist, look how she understands
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shakespeare, what kind of shakespeare, this is a monologue from the father before he kills disdemona, no, no, none of this is true. i was with her all this time, angela, angie, tell them, dear pavlusha, a few drops of sleeping pills and after a delicious dinner you slept like a baby, but if i hadn’t killed him, he would have killed me, you, he was a womanizer, but for some reason he believed that only he could cheat, but he pretended to be an asshole, angie, jella, nikolai nikilovich, maybe this is a mistake, i would like to please you, but i can’t, which means age has come, and we they wanted another child, everything is much worse, it looks like you have a congenital disease, and you
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could never have children, doctor, what are you doing, you and liza have two children, the eldest is seven, the youngest is six, no, this, this is some kind of mistake ? sometimes it’s not like that, but where do we get children from then? today it must be something extraordinary, i’m getting my hair cut for the last time,
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you’re leaving, it’s a pity to lose regular customers, on vacation, irina vasilievna, one might say , wanted it. you women are in their prime, it’s too early to think about the inevitable, my household is hounding me to take over, i lived in the space, i’ve already come to terms with the inevitable, he sewed a dress for himself, a beautiful, coffin-like one, irina vasilyevna, maybe these are your fantasies, but not fantasies, every evening after dinner my blood pressure rises, but why would that be? it’s also not far from a heart attack, you have to go to the police, yeah, without evidence, how
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long will it take you to end up in a mental hospital, then i won’t i know what to do, but how do you like this option, you invite me to dinner as your friend, i don’t quite understand, i will try everything that is offered to you, but so what? my blood pressure is fine, and one dose of poison won’t do much harm to the body, but we ’ll test your theory, i have a nice three-room apartment, it’s registered to me, when my son got married for the second time, he moved to live with me, took a woman with a child , well, my sister-in-law, svetochka, she turned out to be a very normal woman, economical, neat, but how long did you live? 10 years. a girl, lenochka raised her as her own granddaughter, well, lenochka had already
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grown up, and even brought her groom into the house, everything was fine, absolutely, until her son died, after the death of her son, sveta had a boyfriend, igor, that’s it, and me began to disturb everyone, so let them rent an apartment and live, yes, it’s easier, i’m going to the grave or... to hell, the apartment is good, this won’t happen, i promise, we’ll bring them to clean water, what a spacious apartment you have, irina vasilievna, and my husband and i received it, he was a big boss, i will come to you more often, you can, uh-huh, it’s so cozy and calm here, irina vasilievna, let me come to your house to do your hair, come on, apartment,
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wow, i agree, irina vasilyevna, you have one cutlet, two, one, uh-huh, especially for you, not very fried, how appetizing it is, you can, you can,
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vasilievna, please, thank you, dear, mine too, great, but i think i overate, everything was so delicious, thank you very much, well , good luck, irina vasilievna, show me to me. a collection of buttons, no, you have to choose one for a suit, let’s go and have a look, i can imagine that they are talking about me now, no doubt about it, they are actively washing my bones, it seems to me that they mistook me for a city crazy, for a harmful city crazy, listen, how do you feel? but it’s hard, it’s from the program, listen, let me
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measure your blood pressure just in case, who is this guy, but for the first time i see where she came from in our apartment, well, to be precise, the apartment is not ours, but ilina vasilyevna, here exactly, and if she comes up with the idea of ​​writing this paradise here, don’t make it up, igor, so my friend just, well agree. catching that one, she quickly assessed the apartment, so i’m talking about the same thing, the cunning , corrosive one, before we know it, she ’ll chop off this apartment from irina. calm down, we won't allow this. but you didn’t notice anything suspicious, they had such dissatisfied faces, they were ready to torment me, well, on the other hand, i provoked them myself. quiet, normal, which means they
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are not idiots. but we made them nervous, which is good. tomorrow, when they leave, call me. i’ll run and we’ll dig up incriminating evidence, tomorrow i’ll go to the local police officer, everyone says he he's a smart guy, i'll ask him to figure it out, irina at age can get all sorts of sticky things, you understand, i have a daughter, and i just recently learned about her existence. the person killed was hers, i have to find out who you are, well, answer when they ask you, sister, yulia could have died because of you, my daughter because of my daughter, absurdity, someone else’s family on saturday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class
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holiday. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you, titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is. this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for
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an unforgettable holiday. sunday on rtr. a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships from all fleets and flotillas of the country. glory to the russian navy. hooray. live broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. on sunday, navy day on rtr. oh! oh, heaven, i cooked dinner, fried the cutlets, didn’t eat, i was waiting for you, cutlets, what a good job you are, now i’ll feed you, yeah,
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it looks very appetizing, it’s still not cold. you feel fine, but it’s fine, you just have no appetite at all, i’m sorry, i have a feeling that you’ve already had dinner with someone, volodya, don’t pester me, but everything is very tasty, dinner, apparently, was very filling, yes, i i was visiting and ate a lot of food there. yes it everything for the sake of saving a person, you are again for your own, who are you saving, i’m serious, if a woman is constantly being bullied by her household members so that she dies as soon as possible, what can be done in this case, and how can the police help, well, how to act, how much for a woman, pensioner, 68, live and live, paradise, but at this age there are already
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many diagnoses made by doctors, for example, 99% of such cases are associated with manic persecution syndrome in elderly people, well, they are not bullied, it all seems to them, which means there is 1 % with lethal outcome, sometimes your persistence testifies against you, i am sure that your pensioner is included in these 99% of false suspicions. if someone mixes poison into food, he does it in the kitchen, you need to find a place. for observation, but where can you hide here? we have to, so we’ll find it, so, oh, if you remove this
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shelf here, i’ll sit here quietly with the mouse and see what’s going on here, but you won’t see anything from here, yes, the door here closes very tightly, well, you see, do you have a drill? i have everything, my son was a housekeeper, come on, class, i’m completely confused, i can’t sleep or work, i can’t sleep, i can’t work, i’m still thinking about how to resolve the situation, i’m always for dialogue, my tongue sticks to my throat, so you tell me straight out, tell me lisa about the doctors’ conclusion or remain silent ? aliza, your wife, it’s up to you to decide, and the main question is, what size are my horns, where did the children come from, if i could never have them, well, ask her, i’ll think that
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she deceived me for so many years, i’m just crazy he’s driving, well, we’ll still have to talk, it’s easier said than done, but what about to say, if she cheated on me, the children are not mine, then i need to... pick up the toothbrush and leave, but i’m not ready for this, well, i need to find out everything and set the record straight, and if lisa is offended that i suspect her of cheating, will take the children and leave, i have an idea, i need to get examined by independent doctors, and then think about what to do next, right, there will be time to thoroughly coat the whole situation. but it’s scary, what if a repeat examination confirms everything, to hang on with hope and that it’s a mistake, well, you still can’t escape the problem, yes, the light has come,
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take the phone, how many spies were burned by the phones that rang, so you turn it off, but i can’t, what if kostyukov calls... oatmeal with milk, well, i’m just exhausted, oh, you know, you won’t believe it, i just wanted a little light, cook it, of course , now i’ll just change the food, throw it in the refrigerator , cook it, be patient, of course, that’s all.
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hello, paradise, i've been thinking here all day, this is what i decided. there you need to talk to each other more often and talk through all the problems, if you have any complaints against me, you should speak up right away, the main thing is not to remain silent, and look, it’s not raya, but where is raya, it’s her phone number, like where does she cut a client’s hair at work, who does she cut, cuts the client’s hair, she’s very picky, raya doesn’t... should she leave her for a minute? please tell rai that i want to have a serious conversation with her at home when the client lets her go.
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oh, oh, oh, little ray, how are you, you got caught by the poisoner, i don’t think you should eat, i saw with my own eyes how sveta mixed the pills in there, well, there’s a snake under the well, well, that’s it, i’ll kick you out of
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the house, my hand won’t waver. wait, we need reinforced concrete evidence, but that’s all you i saw it with my own eyes, i believe you, but the investigation needs evidence, and i will get it, where you usually throw the garbage, but it’s in a container in the yard, so i ran until the light returned, oh, wait, kostyubkov called, i she said that you can’t answer the phone at work, yeah, eh...
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understand, irina vasilievna is my future mother-in-law, she’s very trusting, it seems to me that this is a scam. wants to deceive her, you understand? you claim that the swindler has ingratiated herself and wants to fraudulently take over irina vasilyevna’s living space. yes, i'm asking you to help me, please. what is her name? describe what it looks like? her name is raya, she works as a hairdresser. raya hairdresser? well, yes, raya, raya is a hairdresser. irina vasilievna gets her hair cut.
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to me. it seems that this rogue has set his sights on our three-room apartment. we will definitely find her and have a preventive conversation. please, be on your guard too. maximize your mother-in-law's contact with her and surround your mother-in-law with attention and care, as expected. but we will do this. thank you for your understanding. you are a very good, good person, everyone told me about this. before dates. goodbye, i didn’t eat the porridge, i threw it away, but i put some of it in a jar for examination. yeah, how is our poisoner behaving, is she interested in your well-being? oh, after that i can’t talk to her at all, but on your advice i’m keeping a very close eye on her. great,
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that means there’s a chance to catch her red-handed, i’ve already prepared for surveillance, my look is simply amazing, even kostyukov won’t recognize me, let alone svetlana, so there won’t be any surveillance tomorrow, no spy disguises, you’re going nowhere like this won't you go, but i want to help irina, a relative of your ward came to me and asked me to protect her from you,
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you’re lying at work, i called you from the hairdresser, you weren’t there, you ’re not going anywhere like that, period. hello, hello, be so kind, uh-huh, thank you, here i am, woman, what do you
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need, unexpected person, let me in immediately. and i won’t think, raya, come in, poisoner, protect me from this crazy woman, heaven, what does all this mean, this is sveta, irina vasilievna’s daughter-in-law, i promised to catch her with a hot motorist, and i caught her, you promised it’s completely different, but don’t you understand, she’s poisoning irina vasilyevna, what kind of nonsense is this, i added pills to the porridge. it’s useless to deny it, so, wait, wait, never in my life have i wished harm to irina, i’m grateful to her for everything, so i decided to poison her a little, it’s good for health, answer me, what kind of pills did you buy at the pharmacy, please, no stop me from giving
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my testimony, wait, wait, i can explain everything, irina has early stage dementia, the doctors prescribed her medications, here, here is the prescription written by the attending physician. yeah, here you go these are pills, according to the prescription, that’s exactly what i bought at the pharmacy, and why secretly mix them into food, yes, listen, listen, irina refuses to be treated, she doesn’t believe in her illness, so you have to cheat so that she lives longer in a normal state , the recipe may be linden, svetlana, i’ll have to check the recipe for... check, check, and then take measures so that this eccentric person doesn’t bother me anymore. svetlana, you are free, thank you, i had no doubt, sorry, with such friends like you don’t need enemies, goodbye,
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goodbye, heaven, i’m very dissatisfied with your stubbornness, well, maybe i got carried away. and sveta is not to blame, but someone is poisoning irina, i am forced to take harsh measures, if you want 15 days of community service, i will arrange it for you, if you do not stop persecuting irina vasilievna’s family, first check the recipe for authenticity and get yourself in order , it’s impossible to watch, hey, little mermaid, come, let’s look at rtr. “will you marry me? yes, this reptile ruined our lives, what are you talking about? gathered for her daughters, decide who is dearer to you, either us or this girl, she will fight for love, even if your son
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gives it to her, like you once did to me, you are a fool, a fool, because i loved you after all , you will make sure that they break up, that i hate you, you give me a chance, working on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will remain in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is
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your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic, luxury. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting , incendiary adventures. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. navy day at rtr. main naval parade. live you will see white tunics and bright banners. ships of the russian fleet covered in glory. hurray for the russian navy, look!
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film about lovers in the sea nakhimovtsy. comrades nakhimovites, we will be glad to welcome the winners of the tournament on the day of the naval parade. and a special holiday episode of the show “songs from the whole heart.” every time my father brought huge beautiful shells as a gift. pitching. russia honors its fleet, russia congratulates its heroes. sunday, all day. kostyukov left home. oh, you can't pity me. your kostyakov wanders back and forth all the time. this is his type of job. yes, i’m not too worried. let him freak out. yes. in the end, it's even good for relationships. by the way. why do you look so good? just don’t suck up,
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girls, i bought a new mask, they say it’s magical, here you also give me such a mask that fucking 10 is out of my face, and so that the mood appears like 20 years old, and so that his jaw drops with his bones, and he would understand that i'm a treasure. i'm daydreaming, let's see, are you already a queen? horrible? and the effect is gloomy,
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are you kidding me, i’m red, as if i had smeared myself with beets, where did you buy this disgusting thing, from susanki? paradise, it doesn’t matter, well, you’re so lucky, go home, i’ll let you go, anyway , it’s better not to show yourself in public, but... hello, paradise, i thought all night, we need to talk frankly, i thought too, i wasn’t you’re right, forgive me, i understand everything, i’ll come right up, kostyukov takes it and goes, well, how can i show myself to him in this form, so.
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raya, oh, mommies, i’m not ready to see you, go away. raya, what happened? i feel bad. beast, i'll call a doctor, no, no,
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please go away, i don't want to see you now, i don't want to, i don't understand anything, well, we only recently they said normally, but now everything has changed, go away, what am i telling you, boy, i don’t intend to play your games, i’m leaving.
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how does the distant one poke around? oh, heaven! paradise, paradise, open up, is this alcohol? paradise, i beg you, don’t do this, please, why are you bothering me, kostyukov, what if i ask you humanly? raya,
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open the door, or i'll knock it down, go away, raya, i'm kicking down the door, move away. i wanted to be beautiful, you see, i’m allergic, i’m scared, but i don’t want you to see me like this, well, you don’t understand, i’m a little crazy not gone, i... love you, not for your beauty, not for your appearance, because you are the closest and dearest person to me, no, from me you have only problems and troubles, so these problems and troubles are life, since you appeared in my life, i began to live to the fullest, however, we are now going to the tax office
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to submit an application, i agree. should you file a police report first? yes, i’m the police here myself, let’s not waste time on this, what documents are needed, what forms, come on, he’s forcing you, you say, no be afraid, i’ve already seen enough of everything here, he asked me to marry, and i agree, you understand. i want to marry the most beautiful girl in the world, still think, why would you marry a man who is a rocker even before the wedding , i didn’t dissolve anything, you have such a terrible bluish color, i would advise you to remove the beating for the future, we
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already we decided everything, no matter what, we’ll get married, but just wait, now everything will be fine. now i’ll clean up the morafet, i’ll be as good as new, where is your restroom in the corridor to the right, i now mika, don’t go anywhere, i love my job so much, kostyukov, my last name, i’m so happy, it will always be like this, i’ll do anything, i’ll do anything to make you happy. today is a very significant day for us, i agree, and you can give me a gift and not get angry , well, yes, we are walking past irina vasilievna’s entrance, let’s go for a minute, and she
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will be happy for us, what are you up to again, it’s just you so attentive, so experienced, i... i’m sure that as soon as you see how irina vasilievna lives, you will immediately understand who and how she is poison, heaven, but i don’t even know what to do, come on, well, honestly... i don’t see anything suspicious, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, what is this, is it just soda? and you save burns, especially at night it helps, and this needs to be checked, but this is an ordinary vessel, that’s the point, it’s
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ordinary, this is how poisons are mixed, who else knows about this habit of storing vessels in a bottle, but everyone knows. okay, come on, well, keep in mind that the raika is already under his thumb.


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