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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  July 27, 2024 11:50am-1:00pm MSK

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pressure and a high-quality nanofilter, you will get all this for an incredible 59.95, and if you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited. today, statins, cholesterol-lowering medications, who needs to take them and who doesn’t, what to do if you have side effects from statins, our main topic is prostatins, they are much more common, much expressed.
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or a war on his microbiome, they will grow up, they will have strokes, heart attacks, we prepare okroshka with useful pleasure, and today we will prepare okroshka, i live, i rest, when i cook, what is good about okroshka, it feels like you died of joy, the healthier it is season okroshka with kvass or kefir, okroshka is a dietary dish, you can eat okroshka every day, good morning, dr. myasnikov says, showing, you are in my clinic on belorusskaya on channel russia 1, i’m
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without a bag today, but we’ll talk today about how cooking helps our health, physical and mental. let's talk about the most common mistakes when using statins, let's talk about the character of a russian doctor, so they will help us talk about the role of the microbiome in our lives, how to take care of it, by the way, i brought you a friend of yours, also, yes, i brought you home, if you want go there, come on, they, by the way, are terribly smart, yes, wait, how are you holding on, on your paw or something , now, baby, wait, wait, take your time, take your time, so look , there will be a lot of interesting things, we’ll start with the section about the microbiome. section on how
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to properly, how to properly take care of our microbiome, you know how many bacteria we have living everywhere, in every hole of ours, in the lungs, i’m not talking about the intestines, urogenital tract, skin and so on, since there are 100 trillion bacteria, i can’t imagine what 100 trillion is, but if we translate them... how much does one and a half to 2 kg of bacteria weigh in grams, and there are also mushrooms, there are parasites, there are viruses, all of this lives in our body, and as it turns out, it’s not them not for us you just know this, well, this is how they live with us, and we are so kind, so warm, we are comfortable there, they just like that...
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they live, and we are this cage, this is what we are, this the house is plastic, it contains a microbiome, and today we were surprised to find that it controls our morbidity, that the main risk factor for oncology, not even smoking at all, but the microbiome, for the heart it is also a microbiome, for... mass infections microbiome, for diabetes - microbiome, for obesity, microbiome, even for your osteochondrosis, it’s all the same microbiome, let's move on, more and more work, they see, it turns out, our food preferences and microbiome, it's not me who loves cutlet, it's the microbiome that loves cutlet, then it's also an addiction, we love one another and another, why gentlemen supposedly prefer blondes, so this... their
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microbiome prefers, in fact, he would like to go to glinnetsky, and the microbiome drags him to the blonde, but in the end he only got to the blanig, then he got carried away, of course his mind, he is brunette again, and here... he says: go, we are rushing about like this, but what do you think? in fact, there are 30,000 gene variants in humans. the total gene mechanism of the microbiome is 3 million genes. that is, from the point of view of genetics, we feces, i’m sorry, well, basically it’s the microbiome, where? large intestine? well, i tried to talk about the role of the microbiome in three words. so that you understand how important it is to treat him correctly, and now how to treat him, but we don’t know how, we are the only thing that we know that antibiotics are 100% harmful, especially in childhood, when in childhood a child just like that, he sneezed, coughed, was given an antibiotic , we declared war
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his microbiome, these remaining bacteria will never forget this, they will take revenge on us, they will multiply, there will be many of them again, they will... never forget this, these children will have cancer more often, they will get infections more often, they will grow up, they will have strokes, heart attacks, and so on, this is closely related to nutrition, to the life process in general, what still complicates it is that bacteria, they don’t really like each other, those that are closer to the wall, don’t like those that closer to the lumen, the fact is that in our body, not only in our mammal... there are always two mechanisms, one that suppresses the growth of bacteria in different ways, and the other where the opposite is more favorable, so they live in the intestines unevenly, one state, another state, a third state, everyone doesn’t like each other when
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we start treating with all kinds of antibiotics, some strange dietary supplements, some strange probiotics. it’s only getting worse, look when the incidence of oncology and heart disease went up sharply, we had infections and there was heart disease, oncology, somewhere in the fifties, sixties it went like this, here we began to widely use antibiotics, we discovered them here, tested them for the first time on a constable. in 1943, i think, in england, by the way, he then died anyway, then they began to use it widely, yes, we defeated infections for a while, which we now don’t know how to protect ourselves from, because antibiotics stopped working, but we completely confused the microbiome, and it
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responded to us with an increase in oncology, heart attacks, strokes and what we have now, i started about probiotics, why, because, doctors have gone from completely denying probiotics to understanding that they can be useful and in any case effective, but any action has a positive and negative side, who -that concentrates only on the positive side, it really exists, but again we intervene blindly, we don’t know who we’re putting where, we think that we know, but what doesn’t always work out, probably the way we want, so it’s important v probiotics, now today it is a separate whole science, what is important? it’s wise to use antibiotics once, eat right twice, because you know, if i now throw some
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strange food here that they’re not used to, it won’t turn out very well. because they will eat it, and what it costs, we don’t know, look why a european, if he eats lamb twice a day for a year , gets a heart attack and stroke, atherosclerosis, in tuva they eat this lamb six times a day, conditionally from dorova, they have different microbiomes, the french have one, the tuveins have another, someone has a third, they are different.
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we don’t know much, we are now trying to create a microbiome map for a child, at birth we collect the microbiome, make a map of what happened at birth, so that later we can understand when you… the practical conclusion is very simple: do not take antibiotics just like that, especially
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be careful when giving antibiotics to children, you can put a mine under their health, do not overeat, eat right, more fiber, the microbiome loves fiber, this an inert thing, it would seem, does not absorb anywhere, they have enzymes that can process some poly sugars, less drugs. more proper food more movement, it will be good for you, and the microbiome, we move on, it's time to answer your questions, let's see what the editors picked for me here today, so, hello doctor, my name is ksenia alekseeva, i'm 40 years old, i from nizhny novgorod, here’s my question: when visiting a doctor, my heartbeat always increases, not my blood pressure, just pulse rises. up to 120-140 beats per minute, the cardiologist, seeing such indicators,
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prescribes adrenergic blockers, should i take them or should i just stop worrying before going to the doctor? is the doctor nice? no, well, you answer the question yourself, just stop worrying, you have emotions, your heartbeat is a reflection of emotions, hormonal release, well, why do you need it? blockers, this is temporary, your pulse is rising, they came out, it goes down, another thing is that you may have a general tendency to tachycardia, maybe you need thyroid check the gland and look at the level of hemoglobin, everything can be behind this, uh, we need to see how quickly the pulse returns to normal, we all have pulse jumps, that’s how quickly it reaches normal, then goes back down, this is an important indicator if you came there, he returned to normal, there is nothing to think about, maybe then it really is. help yourself with a small dose of beta blockers if you have this on an ongoing basis, and why do you go to the doctor so often?
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if you went to the doctor once, the doctor there worried you or the situation worried you, you pulse 41 is one thing, but you say, when i go to the doctor, my pulse is always 120-130, and at the same time another doctor even wants to give me beta blockers, this means that you go to the doctor quite regularly, not once or twice , but at least once a month, yes, otherwise... it didn’t bother you, but why do you go to him? this means that you have some kind of medical problem that requires constant monitoring by a doctor, and maybe your tachycardia is related to that problem that you did not tell me about. that's it, we move on hello, my name is skripkina oksana, i am from the city of volgograd, i have a question for the doctor, about six months ago, a person close to me, she is 84 years old, was diagnosed with a serious... after the prescribed therapy , and after some time, there was a clear improvement
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in well-being and conditions, so, let’s assume that an uninitiated person will not even guess about the diagnosis, in this regard , i would like to know what risk factors are capable of triggering this process, whether it is at least partial.
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the top risk factors for dementia are untreated hypertension, the most common dementia is vascular as a result of untreated arterial hypertension, high blood pressure, this is atherosclerosis, all those risk factors that lead to atherosclerosis and hypertension, this is high cholesterol, especially high sugar, this is overweight, absolutely unacceptable smoking,
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chronic disease kidneys, that's how we move on. hello, my name is olga syurbina, and in 2016 i had the flu, and after that i began to have dark spots in my eyes, that is, when i look at the light, and i see dark floating spots, so blurry, a constant ringing appeared in my head, mm, as if after a disco, that is, constantly, excuse me, during this time i have never been in silence, i have not heard silence, it’s always this loud one annoying ringing, it drives me crazy. sometimes it makes me crazy, and the flies don’t affect my quality of life in any way, and the ringing is very disturbing and well, i’m saying, it drives me crazy from time to time, when you want silence or you’re very tired, and my examinations and visits to doctors did not give any results, everything is a scam with your hands, can you can you help me with this? well, i understand, well, firstly,
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as for midges, this is normal, this is the norm, i don’t know why you haven’t observed them before, this is considered normal, ringing. yourself, nor a doctor, no one, there is no cure for this, the advice is to do an audiogram, look , unfortunately, no one will help you, nor your hearing, usually this is also associated with hearing loss, maybe they will tell you to do a special study to make sure that there are no problems with the auditory nerve or schwanoma. but in fact, by the way, this happens when taking medications like aspirin, i don’t i know that you took it for the flu, what you say, well, i understand very well, 40% of people have it, you are just young for this, with age it increases sharply, sharply increases, these 40% of people, well, you have it came earlier, uh, so what can i say, i know one thing, the doctors, right,
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they told you, there’s nothing to do, it’s driving you crazy. there is such a method, they put on headphones and for days, weeks they blast you with a different noise, a different tonality, then you take off the headphones and it seems to you that you’re lucky, let’s move on, hello, doctor, my name is fodeeva evgenia, i’m from the city of novorosiysk, once such a situation happened to me, early in the morning i woke up and realized that i just couldn’t feel my... hands, i got to the doctor, my fingers were swollen, they just doubled in size blue, so i took many different tests, took x-rays, pictures, on the basis of which the doctor diagnosed me with arthrosis deformans. i am on pills,
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i did various lotions, but they told me that this cannot be cured. that you can simply move it away so that there are no major complications, i would like to know what can be done in this situation, because my hand still hurts, thank you, well, i don’t quite understand the situation, you woke up with numbness in your hands, thickening of your fingers, somehow it all started overnight for you , that is, in any case, even if it seems to be confirmed, as you said,
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it’s suspicious, but i think the doctors should have given you all these diagnoses, you gave a lot of blood tests, something, because deforming arthrosis is not a diagnosis is a statement of fact, but what diagnosis is what? it's witty, it's rheumatic rheumatoid arthritis, these are diseases of the joint of a different origin, this is reactive arthritis, what kind of arthritis is this, well then you need to treat what has been identified, you of course need to deal with this, because your treatment can be up to... ru , so, everyone to the horizontal bar, then, we prepare
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okroshka with useful pleasure, statins - medications for lowering cholesterol, who needs to take them and who does not, what to do if you have side effects from statins, and today we will prepare okroshka, i live , i'm resting like... and yes, i cook, why is okroshka good, and it feels like you died of joy, what is healthier for seasoning okroshka with kvass or kefir, okroshka is a dietary dish, if there is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, what gradients are best to remove from okroshka, you can eat okroshka every day, the main topic for us is prostatitis, they have these muscle pains much more often, much more pronounced, and in this case i would not be able to get away from them completely, i would reduce the dose, but why would i take it, everything has returned to normal for me , i have everything is fine. sunday at rtr, a grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia
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welcomes ships from all fleets and flotillas of the country. glory to the russian navy. hooray. live broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is inclusive. except for the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday
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in slezorts. feast of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. titanic luxury collection bothrum. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sutes &
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villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish youths and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms. the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas rodomis charmel-sheikh.
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my father didn’t really die, dad, you remained the only relative in my life, i really want to introduce you to your sister, she will accept you, let’s try to be friends, help each other, she will believe in you, you fell in love, and he, i told him i don't like it. maybe perhaps we could meet you someday and it would require sacrifices from you. i love you, i love you so much, we can't
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be. yes, she is my sister, she is my family, i can’t hurt her, someone else’s family today on rtr, on navy day, two short ones, one long one, hurray, hurray, the sea is wide, i walked around half a ball, my beloved there were hikes from the north to the iceland, what are you dreaming about, i’m sitting, tears come to my throat.
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thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, and we'll come straight to the table, there is time, and today we will prepare okroshka, now i will quickly wash my hands, so, i will talk about the benefits, cooking with your own hands, nothing soothes a man, in any case, i don’t know, women like you, but me, for example , i live, i relax, when i... cook, i come, i just really don’t like to do it while sitting, i have a big counter, i start cutting, cooking, i already calm down, naturally, when i cook, i taste, i eat , but i no longer care where the money went, it seems like there was a lot, i don’t care about any quarrels, problems, and i forget about it,
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remember how it was introduced. i'll think about it tomorrow, basically, what is a crumb? crumb - this is probably an ordinary salad, which is filled with either kefir, by the way, as a child i didn’t like crumbs, i said, please let me have the salad separately, kvass separately, then of course i switched to crumbs with kefir, i love everything, but i remember my childhood, oh, you know, i’ve especially loved kvass lately. yes , sweet, yes, i understand everything, it tastes. so, what 's good about baby? and what needs to be chopped there a lot of ingredients. if we were frying potatoes, i would cut them now and fry everything. and while you’re cutting everything, while you ’re preparing all these ingredients, it turns out kind of thick. now we will cut it up. these
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are actually potatoes, but i don’t know whether potatoes are required or not, in my opinion , potatoes in okroshka are completely optional, this is a cucumber, this is, respectively, onions, greens, this is necessarily a radish, well, for the weak in spirit it is sausage, and for the strong in spirit - this is a chicken breast, and of course an egg, here is a radish. with you, if you don’t take potatoes and sausage, but really just remove the potatoes and replace the sausage with chicken breast, a completely dietary product, especially if it’s not kvass, but well, high in calories, there’s a lot of sugar, by the way, about radishes, an incredibly healthy product, low in calories, a lot of fiber, a lot what to eat, and most importantly, the salad from it just turns out
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amazing. we consider ourselves to be people with a weak will, so we don’t touch the chicken breast, this is how they do it, it’s incomprehensible to the mind, you take this pink ingredient, put horseradish in it, i repeat chekhov, and it feels like you died of joy. after all, we will add sausages there, although you know, i’m starting to dissuade you from sausage, now i’m cutting it and thinking, maybe it really was breast, i’m a trembling creature, or i have the right, breast, especially in
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the combination of all this. .. we won’t really notice the absence of sausage there, but we’ll put mustard, horseradish, and so on, how often can you eat okroshka, yes always, look. put it hot, then everything there is very very, so to speak, acceptable, now we will send greens there with onions, if you knew what it smelled like, but standing up is somehow more fun, because you move, walk, that’s what you sit, half the fun is lost, you have to cook standing up, that’s a million percent. any understanding person, a thrifter or a cook, is for you, especially since you can go to the refrigerator, take a piece of lard to eat while you are preparing healthy food for yourself, but they forgot, forgot, they forgot the eggs,
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but without eggs, okroshka is not okroshka, it’s absolutely perfect, so, well, in general, we think that we have sorted this matter out. not everything is true, but so, he clasped his hands together, so, oh, how picturesquely he made a mess, we’ll send mustard here, we ’ll send it here, damn it. we’ll salt it all, i won’t pepper it for now, we’ll mix it all up, listen, i forgot that i’m filming, seriously, that’s
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when you get carried away, you completely forget, you completely forget about the camera, you forget about everything, and we’ll make kefir, you remain you, the product, in principle you don’t have to eat it, you can only try it. i often go, oh, it had to be diluted with mineral water, of course, i either take it there, buy it or kefir, i dilute it with mineral water, otherwise it’s thick, well , no, now we’ll still take a plate, otherwise we’ve got some kind of olive salad for the little one, here. we’ll put some salad here, we’ll add the rest, we’ll still dilute the kefir by 30% with mineral water, it’s
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a bit thick, so that’s all we’re doing. we’ll formalize it, but now it’s already similar, questions about okroshka, hmm, is it healthier to season okroshka, kvass or kefir? well, kefir has less calories, is okroshka a dietary dish? yes, of course, well... remove the potatoes from there and don’t eat the sausage, well, if there are contraindications to okroshka has a bad character, cockroaches in the head, and okroshka, if you have problems with
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the gastrointestinal tract, what ingredients are best to remove from the okroshka? well, you know, radishes aren’t very suitable, but sausage, and everything else will be fine, radish, maybe... exchange it for something, you can eat okroshka every day, but three times a day you will be built like a deer, why do my crumbs swell , because of this, vegetables, a lot of fiber, healthy fiber, it really makes you fat, and these are cucumbers, here are radishes, here are greens, everything is fiber, the time will come to let go of nothing if it doesn’t happen, then god forbid it will be longer. well, we are waiting for the next story, our main topic is prostatitis, live questions, we have collected here, how many we have, nine or something, questions, what is there i don’t know, and so
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let’s go, hello, my name is medina oksana, kursk city , my parents were prescribed statins to lower cholesterol, but my father can calmly. the prescribed medications, my mother cannot because the side effect is the fact that severe muscle pain begins, that is, as soon as the appointment ends. everything is becoming ok, why is there such a side effect in general, why doesn’t it work on everyone? well , thank god it doesn’t work on everyone, because if it worked on everyone, it would be hard to take, but 10% of people have varying intensities of muscle pain while taking statins, and it depends on the dose, the higher the dose, the greater the likelihood this side effect, and for your mom, i would advise getting your thyroid checked, because people who have a problem with... the thyroid gland, usually it's
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autoimmune thyroiditis, they're much more likely to have, these muscle pains are much more pronounced, if you have muscle pain, you need to understand how much you need stutins in principle, why they prescribed it to both mom and dad, just because they are 50 years old, they have high cholesterol, this is one situation, or they suffered a heart attack both, because if they had a heart attack, whoa, whoa, god forbid? then they need statins, in which case i would not be able to completely move away from them, i would reduce the dose, give not 20 mg, but 10, not 10, five, i would give other drugs that potentiate the effect of statins without increasing them side effects, or switched to a different class of drugs altogether, if you have familial hypercholesterolemia there is no way around it, now there are yes, expensive, and hard-to-find drugs, but they still exist , i would have already regulated this, so you need to understand how... in in principle , it is indicated, maybe it is not
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indicated for your mother, maybe it is enough for her to go on a diet, move a lot and not bother with it, then why is she torturing herself further, hello, my name is yukina lyudmila, i live in the ramensky urban district, in last year i had it done by zd ven, i was diagnosed with cholesterol plaques, and at an appointment with a cardiologist, the doctor prescribed me to take statins. the question is: how long should i take them? well, probably not the veins, but the arteries, they probably did the carotid arteries, they saw cholesterol plaques there, it’s probably combined with high cholesterol, and the doctor correctly prescribed you statins, for life, as long as you take statins, everything is fine, you do everything , you accept honestly, as the doctor prescribed, through the floor.'
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take statins, i took it for 3 months, passed it tests, cholesterol returned to normal, and then about three months later, when i had already stopped taking statins, i checked again, took tests and it turned out that i had high cholesterol again, that is, you need to take statins all your life, but they are very there were a lot of side effects, i felt lethargic, as if the energy had gone out of me, in general i didn’t feel very good, i was recommended medications to soften it. blood and so that there are no clots, but i wanted
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to ask you, doctor, there are still some medications, analogues of statins, but so that there is much more fewer side effects, thank you, but no, so much fewer side effects, no, you are doing nonsense, i’ll be honest, if statins are indicated for you, they will give you years of life, all your fantasies that i felt bad, i had pain here, here more, this is ostatin, well, if ostatin, what choice do you have, understand, there are other cholesterol-lowering drugs, the problem is that they do not prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, that’s when you already have a disease and you stumbled upon it, you you can take these analogues, you i came across a side effect with varying degrees of success, but if you have high cholesterol, initial manifestations, but there is no disease yet, these analogues do not stop, and today there are also cholesterol-lowering drugs. but they cost a decent amount, well, i’ll tell you that even for a person with
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an average salary, they are inaccessible, and there are drugs that are taken together with statins, they increase their potential effects, they even have both drugs pressed into one tablet, but it’s all the same statins, people, i understand that now everyone they prescribe statins, as i once said, let's add them to... tap water, but don't be fooled if they are indicated for you, and because you have something like that there, you 've read a lot, oh, you see , it says weakness, oh, this is probably why you are weak, you are stealing years of your life, that... you stop taking them, if they are shown to you, i often see, you know, here you are to a woman, they give her some kind of blood thinning, but good, it’s aspirin, and if they give more active blood thinning instead of statins, but this different things, i need to go from here to komsomolskaya, but they offer me a submarine, i don’t need a submarine, i
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need a taxi to get to komsomolskaya, that’s what they say, good afternoon, my name is kirdina irina, i’m 52 years old. i’m from the city of orenburg, but i would like to ask the doctor a question: my mother has been taking statin for many years, she was prescribed it because her cholesterol was high, but in this situation she very often began to suffer from viral diseases, and for treatment she needs antibiotics, to combine as we were told statins with antibiotics are not recommended, quitting statins is also not recommended, but please tell me: what kind of treatment can be carried out with statins and not quit them and be cured. thank you. the fact is that you said things that help a viral disease, treat it with an antibiotic. viral diseases cannot be treated with antibiotics. first, if
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you really need an antibiotic, you need to use statins. there are certain antibiotics that may have. side effects on the liver, statins can also have side effects on the liver, if you really care antibiotics are prescribed, what course of antibiotics is 5 days, 10 days, 2 weeks, three months maximum, is it necessary to install statins for this month, no, it’s possible, a month won’t do anything here or there, she’s been drinking for years and will drink for years after, but i don’t see much logic, you need to understand whether estatins are needed in principle, it’s not a fact, then... an elderly woman, and does she need antibiotics? if it's a viral disease, then no. be sure to stop statins, because i take antibiotics, no. hello, my name is timofeeva olesya, i from the city of barnaul, i am 47 years old, during the examination i was diagnosed with high cholesterol levels, the doctor prescribed me to take
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studin in a dosage of 5 mg. the pharmacy did not have this dosage, so i had to buy tablets with a dosage of 10 mg. at home, i discovered that i had to split the pills without risk, is it possible to drink this pack, and if i don’t get a very accurate split, thank you, i’ll tell you, now we’ll go, we’ll catch up, why with you, because i don’t i know how much you need statins, but anyway you need move, i went to do some pull-ups, and you do some squats, or something, i don’t know, you can do something else, and then i’ll answer you, and you... if you want to reconsider us, look at this platform, app or website, , further, who needs to take a double dose of statins, and who with high cholesterol does not need them at all, what distinguishes a russian
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doctor from a foreign one, and how to understand that this is a good specialist? either statins are not needed, or there should be. the dose is normal, their distribution of drugs may be unequal, does not mean that on the right side with the left will be one amount of drugs, and i admit that they do not need statins, you will steal real years of life from yourself, the strategy for prescribing statins has been changed, we will look at our russian doctor, how to evaluate a doctor accordingly, you cannot look in the mirror and see the reflection of some another, can our doctor prescribe homeopathy? good morning, i had breakfast, i had breakfast, well, let’s at least get to the house downstairs, and you try, just catch up, together forever, from monday on rtr, the bright sunlight bothers you, you’re afraid
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in order for me to return your girl to you, then you must fulfill one small request, what to do, we can’t take away the study order, not only can we, but we must, in order not to stray from the right course, we need the right crew, guys, maybe we need help, no, we need to ourselves, where is the order, we want to see masha now, where are you from, stand, that’s it, i’ve taken the helm, got out of here, come on commander, there seems to be someone semaphoring there, nakhimovites. sunday on rtr, not good, the wind forgets, my
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son hasn’t written to me for a long time, tonight we will spend time with the amazing actress svetlana kryuchkova, with her colleagues, friends and relatives, we will sing her favorite songs. don’t follow me, my good one, when the battle fades away tiredly, and the explosions are almost inaudible, burn, burn, my star, your eldest son, flew here behind the scenes to hug.
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hello andrey, andrey malakhov's holiday show, today on rtr, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching. russia, we had a question here, the dosage is 10 mg, and five people wrote to me that i advise you not to inject, firstly, i don’t really understand dosage, what do you have there, it’s, well, most likely it’s a pink statin, this is the minimum dose, that is, you either don’t need statins, or there should be a normal dose of 10, yes, what kind of homeopathy is this, but if still the doctor will prescribe 5 mg, go buy five, don’t worry. they specially make tablets, they don’t inject, the distribution of drugs in them may be unequal, which means that on the right side there will be the same amount of medicine on the left,
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so that’s it, good evening, doctor! kind, allow me to introduce myself, sergey evgenievich antropov, 67 years old, moscow, i suffered a heart attack, had stenting, well , they prescribed atherostatin, the first year i took 20 mg tablets, the second year 10 mg, skin itching appeared, the shoulder of my right arm hurt very badly, i wanted to competently, well, get away from statins, i... where i figured out that you can take fish oil and lipoic acid in small quantities. do you think i will take it in small quantities to improve cholesterol levels? you understand, all this crying around statins, in the media, which understands little, they should only shout about it. that's if previous women were, i don’t know whether they need statins or not, i just don’t know, and
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i admit that they don’t need statins, you had a heart attack... there are stands, without statins, you will die several years earlier, i'm not kidding, you will cancel your statins, and whatever you give in return, you will steal real years of life from yourself, you just understand, not only you, people, if you had a heart attack, had a stroke, if you had ordered coronary disease, stenting, you need statins for life, and the dose is 10 mg, i don’t know why you are on it, there should be doses others, 20 mg, this is a small dose, 20.40 is normal, sometimes we give 80, yes, the more, the, so to speak, the possible side effects, but the question is, life, death, your shoulder hurts, well, mine my shoulder hurt for 2 years, i couldn’t train fully, so what, it’s gone, you need omega, you need it, great, take omega 3, it’s combined with statins, everything is fine, but don’t even think about going off statins in a bad dream, you’ll just steal from
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myself years of life, statins now... hello, my name is emelina irina, i’m from city ​​of temryuk, i have been taking statins for several years now, recently a friend of mine went to the doctor, she also has high cholesterol, but the doctor did not prescribe statins for her, i have a question, maybe. it makes sense to see another doctor, thank you, yeah, either her or you, yes, the strategy for prescribing statins has been changed, previously statins were given to everyone simply based on the fact of high cholesterol, today this is not the case, today statins must be earned, we give statins when the cholesterol level is high cholesterol, once, but if isolated
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high cholesterol, in a woman aged 50, in which is not hereditary, heart attack? under 50 years of age, who do not smoke, who do not have arterial hypertension, who do not have diabetes, i will give normal weight, i will not, in order for me to give a statin based on the fact of high cholesterol, she must have high hypertension, she must have high sugar, she must be overweight, then yes, why, if you take stotins without taking these factors into account, then by taking statins for life... you can prevent a heart attack in one person out of a thousand, that is, to prevent one heart attack, 990 people will there is no point in taking statins, they have no risk factors, so in order to remove these 999 people, we select those who can actually have a heart attack, calculate the risks, for you, if you
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just have high cholesterol, you will have a heart attack, maybe after 20, but most likely not, most likely there will be something else, but the risks are very small and why would i give you medications with side effects for decades so that you can just reduce these fractions, fractions of a percent, it’s another matter if you have risk factors so that subsequent for 10 years you have a 20% chance that you can die from a heart attack, here the situation is different, so either your doctor was wrong and her doctor was right, or vice versa, but this needs to be clarified. that’s it, we’re done with this, i understand that again you didn’t hear half of anything, didn’t understand, but that’s normal, that’s normal, whoever knows heard it. go ahead. so, a section for soul and body. once we did a similar section, our patients’ hand, through the eyes of a doctor. and i said, well, someday we’ll do the opposite answer. we'll look at our
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russian doctor, because of his incomprehensible character. soul, how we see him, what assessments we give him, in fact, you know how, we also have different attitudes towards chamas, some deify them, some don’t love them. complaints, do they treat us like lab rats or mice? does it mean that i will lie? well, you know, i’ve been a doctor myself for many, many decades, i once wrote a book on how to use medicine and there were these lines, i ’ll read it now and think: listen, but i myself i changed my views on a lot of things, because i now began to look at them accordingly. uh, evaluate the doctor and so to speak, i would doubt the doctor’s competence if, if the doctor writes all your problems for the presence of parasites, he begins to treat
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your hypertension with courses, especially if he prescribes a course of drips, he immediately prescribes antibiotics at a temperature of less than 38, the presence of sneezing, chills in body, these were the pre-covid times, he will prescribe an antifungal drug along with antibiotics, or he will definitely insist on taking beneficial bacteria, in those days when probiotics were still talked about, he would prescribe a painkiller from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to an elderly person with heart disease, prescribe an immunostimulant and generally talk at length about impaired immunity, advise to cleanse the liver, prescribe hepatoprotectors, and treat osteritis primarily chondroprotectors.
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we see our reflection, you can’t look in the mirror and see the reflection of someone else, there are the same patients, there are the same requirements, we have others, we are still accustomed to turning away, asking for participation, we still want some kind of deception, can our doctor prescribe.
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there is a side effect, no, you explained to the person that this might be better, maybe not, you explained, maybe you need to be softer, our doctor, i always distinguish our doctor is always abroad, that’s who recently arrived, and he’s talking with a person, he may not put his hand on him to feel the pulse, but simply put his hand on his head, this can be seen by our doctors in america in the hospital. patients loved it very much because i always said, an american hospital, for me it’s a canned food factory, they’ll treat you, they’ll do everything according to algorithms, everything’s fine, but you feel like you’re in a factory, there are no people there,
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there’s a drug, it’s a patient and a professional, what kind of compassion is that? -he’s not there at all, i’m walking through the department, an anxious resident comes up to me, says alexander, here’s a patient. found in the fourth ward, he’s yours, i say, no, but how is it, there, not by ward, but by team, these patients are tim a, these patients are tim b, team a, team b, they may be in the same ward belong to different doctors, well, in short, he’s lying, again, a black man, he was admitted with severe diarrhea, food poisoning, he’s been lying there for 4 days, that team thinks that it’s mine, and my team thinks that it’s theirs, in short, the doctors are not suitable, that’s all it would be good, not... it takes 4 days, everything would be fine, but upon admission, and i took it, why did he come to me, that doctor, i wrote an appointment, the first was n, pios, nothing by
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mouth, do not drink , don’t eat, well, diarrhea, poisoning, that’s all right, for 4 days the black man asked for food, well, he brought it in, maybe it got better, for 4 days he he asked for a drink, how was the iv going on there, when this came up, i thought, yes, this is generally fraught, well, i’m a soviet person, i approached him, brother. “we treated you like this, you see everything went away for you, yes, you want to eat, he says, i want, i say, now i’ll bring you porridge with broth, you can, i was so happy, i let him go home quickly, so that i wouldn’t just set him up anywhere, but he was very joyful, but i just imagine, if our patient hadn’t been fed, hadn’t eaten for 4 days, i want to eat while talking to him, but he he was still trying to walk, he was rowdy once, so they tied him to the bed, but there it’s normal, the sister says, the doctor signs, he’s rowdy,
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he’s tied to the bed, everything, you know, there’s this machine, a soulless factory in canned food, it grinds , when i look today, i used to be very nervous about the illiteracy of our medicine, our doctors, and today i compare the losses from the illiteracy of our doctors, but i remember, i now understand why in america the third cause of death is considered by many associations, this is precisely the activity doctors. there are millstones, cooler, you see, they lie quietly, let them lie here, in america they said, get up, lunch, tomorrow, this patient, no, seriously, they are very different, we need to find some, probably some- then, probably, the balance between russian medicine, compassionate, i always call compassionate medicine, you may not know something, prescribe the wrong antibiotic, but you will hold your hand. you will regret it,
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so we need to somehow cross this compassionate medicine of ours with competent medicine algorithms, it doesn’t turn out very well, already they implement all this, they do it, well, somehow it’s simple, i don’t know, but somehow it’s not right, it doesn’t cross, something is different here, somewhere here probably at the conservatory something needs to be corrected, which i, by the way , i don’t recommend it, i used to say with great emphasis, we need to do this, we need to do that, i wrote memos, probably reported, now i doubt it, now i’m with...
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euros, but you can purchase it at a low price on your screens. call now. today there are big changes in the program, live with children in the same room, there is only one solution: run to our program, so, fill the free space, the game of tetris continues, cut off a small piece of this velcro, so i’m just in shock, that is, it’s real, it’s real to do this, someone has done this before us , we decided that the game is worth the candle, but not any professional can handle this. i've never seen anything like this at our dismantling site. see all this and much more in our today's episode.
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today there are big changes in the trubitsin family. they are very similar to hundreds of thousands of other russian families who were helped by their parents on their way to great and pure love. a few years ago, natalya came to her mother with the words: “i’m already 20 years old, i really want to live on my own. i have a person who, with me through thick and thin, asked me to allow them to live in my grandmother’s apartment. mom says: natasha, you i’m definitely sure, after all, well , it’s not just like that, he took it and moved separately. i say, yes, yes, that’s it, he says, well, you live separately, you earn money yourself. all. but we lived in this apartment for a year and looked at it. who throws their socks where, who cooks how, we are suitable, we are not suitable, so accordingly, we got married in 2008, my husband worked too, well, a little money, we once huddled here when the guys already had an eldest son, vlad, they finally saved up money for
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renovations, it was decided to give the small room to my son, and make the larger room a multifunctional bedroom and living room. to separate the zones, natasha came up with a partition. i looked on the internet, chose options, i said, let’s look thoroughly like this, here. nikolai, with the help of friends, made a partition that will last forever, even installed electricity. even the electrician, zheka, came , opened the panel, said, oh, i’m an electrician, i don’t have it done like they stuck everything to you here, but what seemed so convenient at the project stage turned out to be completely unsuitable for life. that at the time of renovation, the guys realized that the number of rooms is constant, but the number of children is a variable value. natasha said that she was pregnant, i said, why didn’t you warn me about this?


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