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tv   Molodozheni  RUSSIA1  July 29, 2024 12:30am-2:06am MSK

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so i’ll explain what to do, they don’t need everything, they need to move 15 km away from the river to the litany river, then quickly lead the lebanese army there, say, there is a decision of the council of the council, but it really is, and that means that’s it normal, and we did our job and quickly left, and then what will begin is theirs, well, it will begin with a civil war, it will begin with a civil war, therefore - that means they proceed from all this, for a long time the israeli army, even if it occupies this territory, it will not holds out, hezbollah will push it out, right? because then i won't be in parts had to stop, they had to go through it many times, so they are counting on this, especially since there is one plus in purely military terms, 2 minutes, which means that if there is dense dense construction in the gas sector, yes, which prevents the deployment of tank units, they suffer losses and so further, there are also a lot in the south of lebanon, but not as much as in the gas sector, but there are such large cities in the south as tirsus, sidon, saida, bolbek valley, there are other cities there.
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city, no matter how it is, but armored forces can somehow be deployed there after a massive air strike and somehow put forward, promote what they want, it exists, i think, in terms of this they actually have it, and they need to warm it up , get it started, otherwise they find themselves in a trap, so and they will be beaten from all sides, and as for the lebanese border, excuse me, there were 80, now there are 100,000 internal refugees, they also need to be fed once... october 7 means one of these home-made slander means hamas hit the erichon storage facility where erichon 3 which is located just under nuclear weapons and the israelis said we have nuclear weapons in another place after which there was no... phenomenon and hatzbala of everyone that they
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know where it all is, they will strike there, so these are nuclear weapons in such a dense, how to say, the building is so cleanly located, it’s a dangerous thing, because how to use it, theoretically they can even without an american air tanker, but they end up using it, these are irekhons, they have submarines, these are dolphins with cruise missiles, so to speak, which can be a carrier of nuclear weapons needed, but this everything in theory is good, this is for iran, actually, yes, for iran, that is, their plan, of course, is for iran, because they understand that iran is in the way, iran has already stated that it will not allow israel to be wiped off the face of the earth, listen, i’m telling you something interesting, just a second, no one noticed how synchronously, clearly, that means, the controllability of a single center , the ansar allah strikes are carried out simultaneously, god knows those, more than 200 kilometers away, hezbollah and hamas and others, this is...
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inevitably, please, i will return to where you started the program, because at the beginning, firstly, you noted that today is the day of the baptism of russia, this is not only a religious holiday, but first of all a state holiday, because the choice of orthodoxy and the path of baptism of russia in its time, it determined not only the religion for the state of the formative people of our country, for the russians, but it became the culture...
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the system of values ​​that allowed our ancestors to create the greatest state in the history of mankind, to create a great empire, it was created precisely because these values ​​made it possible to create a powerful state, allowed to attract representatives of the most diverse peoples, social institutions were created that were based on the values ​​​​that orthodoxy gave to russia, which then allowed powerful political institutions to be created and, ultimately... to move towards realizing itself as the third rome our well-known paradigm, which cannot go anywhere, will always be there, whether we want it or not, it will always be with us, otherwise there will simply be no our state, so this is a very important holiday, as for those personnel with the olympics that you showed, i don’t know what else could be expected from the moment when in... the philosophy of an entire civilization, god
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is replaced by a person, it seems like this is done with good intentions, it is said that a person is so important beautiful, he is so good that the subject would... must be a man, god, well, he no longer exists, neither in philosophy, nor in thoughts, nor in ideas, it seems that it seems like, well, after this man should exalt himself, but it turns out that a person who was previously someone who created in the image of god, therefore he is free, therefore he has a will, therefore he stands out from all other creatures, now he becomes, therefore, the result of a random evolution from a monkey, which simply happened because he is himself... happened and he discovers that if he is not created in the image of god, then in general he is, in principle, one of the most pitiful creatures on earth, because he has neither claws nor, then he is an evil breed like a monkey, yes, he cannot do anything , poor thing, right there, well, he is absolutely unprepared for the conditions of wild life, and is
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a rather pitiful creature. as soon as this idea was fixed, it was a matter of time when we come to those frames that... we see all the further development of liberalism, i don’t want to be a hypocrite, look for some neutral formulations in order not to offend anyone , i don’t care about their feelings, that’s why i say every time: nothing more human-hating than liberalism, more totalitarian, wretched ideology, this is not a scientific theory, there there is no science there, it’s just a religious ideology that is being promoted by a group of sick people to absolutely everyone’s benefit. transvestites are sick people, and a woman who does not understand that she and a man cannot be absolutely the same, that they still differ, that these are also sick people, this whole ideology is promoted by sick bastards who want to destroy a person , everything that defines a person . as these shots show, i have already heard theses many times
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about the fact that this is insulting - it means a feeling of faith, i will speak for myself, i like christian, but for me this will be the same as saying that demons offend my feelings as a christian, they don’t offend, they, i understand that i need to fight them, i don’t need to complain, say, how can this be, well what are you doing, everything, these are demons, devils, they work for satan, just like us, if only there were some liberal here or there, i don’t know, if someone watches now, decides to film the review, what are they they will say, they will say sarcastically, well , yes, yes, yes, this is a global conspiracy, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, this is all specially organized, why, because the main task of satan is to convince everyone that he does not exist, as soon as you think that he does not exist, this is the first part of his task, which means it is completed . the first thing they do is they say, none of this exists, everything is fine, but there is already one thing, a whole series of scum and scoundrels in our country who have been saying all this time, why are you clinging to this eurovision, that’s what you’re saying , as if
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this characterizes the whole of europe, but in europe it is it’s just that we take it so seriously there, in europe everyone didn’t give a damn about this competition, that’s why there are bearded women, i don’t know, without primary sex... which we will promote, and despite the fact that i, i have this evokes a feeling there that it is necessary to fight, but i can’t say that i am the fact that these mean children, women with reduced social responsibility will burn in the water, they can’t say that they offend me greatly,
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but if someone of them there will be left without a jaw, if at least a couple of strong guys they have there in the city, i think this will be fair, because the level of villainy and meanness to which they bring it, it... goes, of course, absolutely any boundaries, against this background i want us to again they said absolutely honestly, our people must understand, this is not freedom of speech, not freedom of opinion, because the first thing they will say now is that they are simply for this, well, there is such a point of view, there is such a one, no, if i i would have tried to say everything i said up to this second on any television european, i would try at the university with theses.
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you clearly said, there is such a point of view that christianity has become weak, that christians have become weak, i think that christians simply relaxed and relaxed ahead of time. the feeling that we are the majority, well, there are some abnormal psychopaths, there are sodomites, feminists, someone else, well, why are we going to pay so much attention to them now, it has already led to the fact that christianity is on the verge of destruction, if anyone -it seems that this could turn into some kind of transformed version that this civilization can exist in that form, and we are also part of the big sense of the word, in the big sense of the word, we are the most powerful orthodox... country, we are eastern christianity, but in general we belong to the culture and we are an alternative
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european culture , which was recently united, well, it has come over time to what it is today, and if this civilization dies, it will drag with it almost everything that determines our life today, why will it die, because this does not happen in history , to one civilization stubbornly engaged in cultural suicide, the neighboring one a little less... possessing slightly less resources, opportunities, but more mobilized and more traditional civilizations did not take advantage of this, this did not happen, civilizations always perish because of themselves, neighboring civilizations take advantage of this who are already taking this level of responsibility upon themselves, why is this happening, that’s where it all came from, firstly, people were convinced of the idiotic idea that there is some kind of objective progress that comes by itself, where, why exactly is this so, well, there is... only one direction of progress, there is only one direction of development, there is only one
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philosophy, and well, there’s no escape, you’re not like the world, firstly, this direction is artificially formulated within the framework of one civilization, one group of scientists, one scientific school, no one else and you are convinced that there is no other way, this is a lie. secondly, this school, it does not cover the whole world at all, the whole world is developing differently in completely different directions, if you continue suffer this idiocy, you're finished, what? regarding, again, returning specifically to this olympics, in the cis countries there are a number of leaders who and their henchmen, ngos, various non-governmental organizations who tear their shirts, they simply have nosebleeds, as they consider themselves europeans, and how they convince the population that russians are a backward nation, we have nothing to do with them, we definitely need to go to europe, so i know that a lot of people in these countries are watching us, look at these shots tell me: do you want your son or... to fight, you idiots, you can’t
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give a damn about you, but if not, you are constantly in conditions where you are pushed around, everything is driven into your head , you think , that someone will save you, this will not happen, finally, the last thing, to be fair, i don’t want to engage in hypocrisy here too, about us, it’s very good that we... don’t participate there, that we celebrate the baptism of russia, that we are having a naval parade, can i honestly ask three questions if we were called if we were to go to the olympic games, we wouldn’t go there, we’d go jumping, we’d go jumping , we’d be sailing on the same ship there, there would be commentators who would pretend that either nothing happened, or it’s very good that it happened , this is a beautiful ceremony, everything is wonderful, how original, modern, if we had not been kicked out of eurovision, we would have gone there with great joy , we would have proved to everyone that in general... we would still have no alternative, and i in this regard, i want her to prove to everyone that the other
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so that we understand, at one time a long time ago, that is , now anyone can say, listen, we have a special military operation going on there, or we only have economic tasks in the country or something else, you’re still talking about some kind of such topics, at one time , say, the leaders of italy thought about the same thing, who knew that the christian democratic party was busy with serious matters, and what kind of films had they made?
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we can, we have sunk to such a state that one of the greatest nations in the world, it cannot organize a song competition, and it advertise on a global level so that the whole world is behind it, so that there is such a show that...
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this happened to one of my eldest sons, i was actually deceived into signing the papers of my eldest son. then i still didn’t understand what was happening. they said that otherwise xovier might commit suicide if he doesn’t do this, a lie from the very beginning, evil in its purest form, i am in favor of putting people who do this in prison, no one explained to me that puberty blockers are it's just sterilization, in other words. in short, i
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lost my son. it’s not for nothing that trances call the name given at birth by a dead person. "elon musk's son changed his gender, became a girl, abandoned his father, wok is the same ideology that dominates in america, a prominent representative of which, by the way, is karin zhanpir, yes, of course, well, more about that right after the advertisement, good morning, i had breakfast ,
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had breakfast, well, let me at least give you a ride home, and you try, who? catch up together forever from monday on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, off the coast of the mediterranean. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suites sharmel shiikh.
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here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium segate. rixas premium seagate. did you catch the robber? no, not me, raya. so what's the difference? why can’t you live like all women, work, wait for your husband at home, and not run around the city and not catch criminals. but he doesn’t have a husband, so what else can a free woman do? what's happened? kostyukov asked me to marry, for love. in general, i know that taking pictures with the groom on the eve of the wedding is a bad omen, they got caught up again, raya knows
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everything, technology, she’s like a woman, she loves brute force, on monday on rtr. dmitry, has it been your time, comrade mauser? well, yes, yes, before i turn to america, i would still like to touch on two issues, well, firstly, indeed, today is not only the day of the russian navy, but also the day of the baptism of russia, in general, i remember, there was such a tv presenter who at one time said that russia had made a very big mistake by adopting orthodoxy. there was a lot of talk then around this tv presenter, which is the american-french one, this one, yes, well , how about who else had more tefi than
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leonid leach had , he gave himself the stars of the hero, just like that, yes, well, as always, he did such a very smart thing the face seemed to say you know, but in fact, quite a bit of time has passed and it becomes very clear that the answer to this question is straightforward. the opposite, it was a very correct decision, from the point of view of history, if we now look at it in retrospect, what christianity did for the survival of historical russia from the point of view of what is happening right now, because of course, well, let's start with, that they usually say that this is the baptism of russia, that the adoption of orthodoxy, eastern christianity and so on, yes, indeed we christianity was brought from the eastern churches of christianity, but christianity, let me remind you, was 988 from the birth of christ.
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modern liberals, they would say that orthodoxy has significantly influenced the system of government, the way we think, by the way, the way we fight, everything in the world, well, that’s all true, i think that the further it goes, the more it will become clear that in general, this was the right choice and it is correct that we remain such a country, this is very important, but as for the financial part, moving on to in america, by the way, this is what i thought about, well , they are discussing what the rate should be, what the rate should not be, you know, this is such a reasoning from the point of view
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of our central bank, because they live in a dollar economy, but russia also lives in dollar economy, russia still lives in a dollar economy, and the group that manages the main finances of the country, they were taught to live in managing the dollar economy, and , as it were, well, other specialists, perhaps more... said that what the federal government is trying to do today reserve with digital currencies, controlled by the federal reserve, he rejects this, in this sense it’s interesting, well, as you know...
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everyone who doesn’t seem to unbuckle themselves from this dollar system will feel bad for them, well, just show it by the amount, well, now to to what, so to speak, actually happened in the usa, well, firstly, of course, and the coup, well, the coup is very interesting, an interesting visit by netanyahu, since it is generally connected with the world agenda with what is happening now, i have always said and i will say that netanyahu’s relationship with trump, after about the eighteenth year there, they
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are not as simple as they were. yes, mostly republican voters, republican counterparts are very pro-israel . for them this is a directly religious part, cultural, as part of the cultural code. but trump’s personal relationship with netanyahu, with rights in israel and with unconditional support for any wishes, the right wing of israeli politics, is not doing so well. means. of course, netanyahu came and read a speech before congress, that’s of course a separate song, it’s pointless to even analyze it, it turns out that only one family died in rafah, and then by chance from the civilian population, but it’s interesting that yes, he came out with proposals to build some kind of alliance like nato in the middle east, in fact, an attempt, so to say, to revive those relations, those abraham accords that
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were under trump. yes, the republican one, yes, i'm sorry, the republican one, yes, thank you, here, he appeared just when the whole trump clan was leaving the stage, right there, yes, again, when they came out, the whole clan, the whole family came out on stage with small children, by the way, ven and his wife appeared there, and jared kushner and ivanka stood behind, this, this, this is a very interesting pointer to how we will measure it, like kremlinologists, here, here, let's move on to this, exactly like this, exactly
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like that, exactly like that, but how else?
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misunderstood the situation, but the person, he is a well-deserved one, has the right, of course, obama’s long silence, and how in the end obama seemed to support kama luhares speaks on the phone, it was staged, now pay attention, they show kamela haris and the voice of barack obama on the phone, while kamela haris had a lavalier microphone prepared in advance, this is how it is in our studio, well, before that she spoke with biden, yes, yes, they actually got it. there’s a voice from above, such a signature move of kamala karres, a voice similar to biden, this is all there, i’m waiting for someone from there to talk to her. kennedy will say something to her, you know, hello there, here’s bebraham lincoln, well then there is someone there from so to speak, well, yes, that means brezhnev hugs biden to vote, and not to speak, longer obama was silent to everyone, that is, the person who most of all actually advocated...
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that biden needs to be replaced, this is interesting, in fact, i think that what happened approximately, two parties were formed there, i’m also here on the program about told this, two factions, one of these factions said, let's just replace it. from biden to kharis, if we change biden, then in order not to change anything as much as possible, we will have such a bureaucratic, like an administration, it’s okay, we’ll add votes in november, well, let’s throw it in, i already called the post office, yes , the post office, the federal postal service, others say: no, guys, firstly, we are losing the elections, and secondly, even if we win them formally or informally, it ’s still as if this does not solve the issue of power, we will have a civil war, the states are already breaking away, maybe there will be no secession, maybe, but in reality... i guarantee you the country is a complete mess, so let’s not do that, let’s try everything -so with kamala haris? kamle haris? no, no, i ’ll explain, that is, what biden and there he went into the coffin and blessed him, that
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’s what we’re talking about, is it democracy or not, well, of course, of course, where is the prime minister, where is the nomination of candidates, saying he didn’t break the law, well, yes, no, that’s sorry, that’s a big question, whether it was violated or not , yes, i checked, it’s not broken, that’s what the problem was. no, it’s not violated, it’s here, here are the state laws, let’s say, state laws regulate the very way primaries are conducted, in those states where caucuses are held, strictly speaking, if a law has not been passed stating that primaries should take place, generally speaking, not regulated by no law, this is an internal party matter, and the conference is an internal party matter, but there are laws in the states, and there are states where the laws are written down, yes there are, of course, there are, and then they also happen there, delegates to the party congress are elected, and not a candidate, for sure just like in the election of the president of the united
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states, electors from the state are formally chosen, not the president himself, as you wish, they can vote theoretically, theoretically, but if the american system is relative and opaque, absolutely opaque. i need to enlighten you in some ways yes, but it means the situation, but even look, this situation is legal, but in fact it’s so - i don’t like it, as if i would say, instead of myself i see vladimir solovyov, then everyone would say something different from what he dared to offer me, but the fact that i was not born in the states and therefore i cannot, and so what is the problem, well, no, why did someone have to be found, but strictly speaking, this needs to be checked. why should we give in to archaic norms when biden himself blessed until then for a short while, here’s the second maternity hospital, in the city of the hero of moscow , the size of the cradle will be recognized on a temporary body, well, so, so once again there were two
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factions, most clearly in the faction, so to speak, what is called reformers, very conditionally, that is, let's adjust the position, let's let's admit mistakes, let's try to speak informally, here's unity -
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strictly speaking, as i understand it, since trump is a second hustle, or what? yes, yes, because they know how to save, the middle name, so to speak, is james david vance, that’s it have you heard the best version that is being described now, no, well, 2033, a terrible war, a devastated world, president of the united states trump, the dictator of america started this war and to stop him, 2024. they send a shooter, and yes, it was a good one, yes, but he hit the ear, yes, but he hit the ear, in fact, yes, well, since the committee means the democratic national
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committee, its subcommittee according to rules 21, this means that july was supposed to confirm the powers of the delegates to the congress; theoretically, on the twenty-second everything could have been decided. why? because the part that still said: no, let’s leave biden, they could have just held a virtual vote and biden would have become the nominee, no matter what, but the other part, of course, that really didn’t want this. all those currently in power have led us to this dead end, now putin wins and the open system, so to speak, of candidates, trump, that’s how you allowed this, let’s democrats figure it out, we propose an open convention and all that stuff, i must say, the majority of parties would support it , that's why the people who decided to do this, they enlisted the support of the clintons, as you know. the first reading of the clintons, when this matter was signed, they decided no, because
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obama seemed to have too much power of influence, they did it very quickly, right away, for not only replacing, so to speak, removing biden from the race, but leaving him in the presidency, but let’s also let him support kamela haris and quickly, quickly demand from everyone that they support her, well, this basically happened by thursday, and barack obama allowed us to record this this telephone conversation, mind you, there was no address to the nation, there was nothing, by the way, it’s not a fact that there was, well, most likely they were a fake, he doesn’t eat anything at all, you know, yes, in that case, i kind of think, that so to speak, you really need to check where obama is, just in case, because if you, because if you are barack husseinovich obama, if you are being tortured and held hostage, wink, here, or wave your ear, in fact, from obama, from obama were only indirect news all week, all week from obama there was only indirect news.
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the fact that now they will put pressure on kamola, they will drown for her, they will now try in every possible way to build a campaign in various ways, they also need obama, because obama is the only kind of center of power who actually have a good political pr person, because the way they pulled biden and what is happening around kamel now, it’s just, well, it’s just mediocre, but that’s not even the point, the point is that they started giving away, that they even divided the ukrainian track between the state department, which means, respectively , the ministry of the treasury,
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the president of the united states , today we will now see that each of these departments is acting absolutely uncontrollably, because there is no day, so there is no attack by nuclear imperialism on...
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joe biden is losing badly, they are ready to knock him out, they say : wait, let's stop the fight, let's put someone else, it doesn't happen and it shouldn't happen, it was really a coup.
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what happened, not enough, trump said some phrase that i, for example, understand i can’t, for some reason he promised christians that they would never vote again, they interpreted everything completely wrong, probably, maybe let’s just listen to what he said, it’s just interesting to understand, if you want to save america, gather your family everyone , who you know, and vote, vote early, absentee, or on election day, i don't care what, but you have to get out and vote, one more time, christians, get out and vote, just this time, you won't have to do it again, yet 4 years, you know that everything will be fixed, everything will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my dear christians, i love you christians, i’m not a christian, but i love you, go out and vote, in 4 years you won’t
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have to, really in english, because i've already heard, when the translation is clogged, for some reason he says that he is not a christian, no, no, he...
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are you a sexist and a racist? i don’t know a damn thing about how to run a party, but remember that it’s good, the main thing is that i’m a toy in the hands of the deep state, i had a wonderful teacher joe biden, who was also a toy in his hands, i’m incompetent, i don’t
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understand a damn thing, and i say it to me as if it’s important, because it’s important to use the importance of the unimportant, in itself that’s important. well, then she criticizes how well she understands international law when she confused south korea and north korea.
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but the outcome of the elections in the united states will be decided by one simple fact: which candidate will scare the americans more, and let’s still listen to trump without voiceover.
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also a christian there, but the thing is that
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harris, by the way, is a baptist, so you know, from my point of view, there really was intrigue in the elections, there really was intrigue in the elections, if biden, it seems to me, he would lose, then kamala harris, she in principle, she is quite active; if you remember her biography, she has been making a career all her life. she actually got out at the age of 50, but she doesn’t have children, because at 30 she was partying like that, well, by the way, this is already starting now about the fact that she yes, about the fact that she, so to speak, through the bed i tried to get a lot of posts about the fact that she also needs to be checked for mental health, because her laugh is somehow different, after every announcement she laughs wrong, well, in short , in short, harris is that person , which, which, which, well, i think. which for us, both trump and harris are not bad in principle. kharis, for example, in 3 years she changed her first position, being the vice president of 92% of her
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employees, that is, to put it mildly, she was unable to create her own administration, her own office, so a person, in principle, who unites, well, no one knows what views she has, yes, when she was a senator, on the one hand she voted for this law. on august 2, 1917 about sanctions against us, but at the same time adhered to the concept of maintaining strategic stability, that is, she voted for start three, so that she would also be against withdrawing from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, but is, so to speak, such a patented russophobe, in principle , she’s the one who even knows where russia is, but i think a couple i showed it once. where russia is , they showed her the main enemy and how big he is, this is not sara pelin, no, no, why are you all going on about sara pelin, that
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let’s not talk about sara, that’s what concerns charis, no, she charis knows now it turns out that the americanists have split into two clans, the kamalists and the sarists, and hari even knows where china is, so she has it here.
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state apparatus, it is an absolute zero, but this is very typical, probably, for the entire west now, since since much has now been said about america, here i’ll say something about the olympics, to be honest, i liked the introduction of this ceremony, it showed the whole level of what modern europe is at, starting with the upside-down flag, when the ship is sinking, but they turned it upside down, well , well, we’re drowning, so they showed the whole world how they... unfortunately, unfortunately, to my great surprise, what turned out to be there, the committee allowed in 15 russians, so i don’t know,
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our countries are not there... zero chance honestly to qualify, well, i don’t take sports results, i only take what the result for some of them they would have had , it would have given everyone the opportunity to say, we didn’t let the russians in, we threw them out, but someone here came to us, and we demand from them, i don’t know if this is a joke or not, or is it a fake, maybe that... before the start they were required, accordingly, to give evidence about how you feel about the northern military district, how you feel about the appropriation, annexation of crimea, then, upon admission, most likely this it was, that’s absolutely certain, but what before the start, i don’t know, at least with these questions that were connected with our presence there, but they still, well, declare that they exist, although i don’t know how much one should
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be, well, how much one should, in general, lose one’s own pride. your own dignity, so that you would not be allowed to attend either the opening or the closing, and you, and you stayed there, but the olympics itself was a revelation to me, exactly what it really emphasized, very clearly highlighted those features of western society and especially european society, everything -you know, with all that we just talked about trump, harris, after all, there are elements of preservation there.
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in the end they were executed, because here the europeans accept all this, in this regard, i again said that i, in principle, believe that the american foreign policy machine, in general the american ship of dominance , works because they prepared anna lenna burbock.
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i’ve been talking for a long time about the fact that the americans are reformatting europe to fight us, and the fact that it’s the european countries that will come to the fore against russia, i didn’t think it would be so fast, i didn’t think it would be so quickly, i thought that more should happen, a nuclear war will happen quickly, then within 2 years before a nuclear war i will still get to what is worse than kamala or a nuclear war , we’ll see in the middle east, they will fuck with iran. they have gone completely crazy, okay, the fact that the west is preparing for this fight, to counteract us, this is certainly true, you say ursula fonder, ursula now faces a gigantic task, she must turn the european union into a defensive union, this despite the fact that in the tenth year they are from the western european union, which in general
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was a defense structure, they didn’t know what to do with it, they didn’t know how to put it in... in politics, because when azov laughs with quotes from hitler in places where there were
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concentration camps, it’s generally a disgrace to the germans. it’s a disgrace for the german nation, it’s meanness, and the germans are wiping themselves off like that, pretending everything is normal, that’s how they brought hitler back, the most terrible thing is the absolute embodiment. finally, he will simply destroy europe, they are leading everything towards this, they are madmen, they started two world wars, they will plunge europe into a third war, which will become world, yes, only when they talk about three
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years, it is very doubtful, when the pentagon recently published data that 63% of arms purchases by european nato countries were made in the united states, that is, the americans provided them themselves. in full swing, they produce marine products, there are different nomenclature, as much as needed, there is a military nomenclature in full force, so they will still have to finish building it, of course there is no need, in addition, they still need to rebuild the population, so you
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believe, that’s what, after watching the footage from the olympics that these are wars, and these are the ones they’re dancing on the bridge, just a minute, a minute, and where the national socialist movement was born, well, it wasn’t in gay bars that they gathered at first, well, after all. i wrote this, well, that’s where it all came from, well , gorikova in the newspaper is true, who just about no, sorry, it didn’t come from there, it came from a very specific one, because after the first world war, freedom of morals in europe was crazy. crazy, then, well, listen, well, the history of national socialism is gently trying to rewrite this page, but it won’t succeed, everything was very specific there, come on let’s remember then the beer poach, when there were 3,000, there
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was the first, the first victims, this was in the pantheon of nazism, how many, who dispersed them, 100 policemen, 100 policemen dispersed everyone, with what speed then those who were dispersed by 100 policemen seduced the entire nation, well?
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as for this really nuclear confrontation, the united states wants to keep the umbrella, by and large , this is the deployment of missiles, especially this raising of this issue in the current conditions, when they are looking for an opportunity to somehow to save... the zelensky regime from complete defeat, because no one has it, kamala definitely doesn’t have it, it will fight until the village until the last ukrainian, pole or then frenchman. as for trump, what are you saying? believe that he really has some kind of plan, other than that he will give the ukrainians as much as they want, whatever they want, in order to scare putin, and he never voiced this, but at least for all his during the previous years of his reign, no plan was discovered in him, exactly, neither the chuya, nor the krasnodar, there was just a plan, another thing, he has plans now, now he doesn’t have that, the simple fact is that in the election rhetoric in this case he follows, well, let’s put it this way,
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i’ll end the war in korea, i’ll go there i’ll solve everything, i’ll also put an end to ukraine, moreover, for trump he repeats all the time, now kavala has started repeating, china, china is in charge, china is now being decided, in the fall they will create a japanese command, that is, they will divide the pacific command, which exists before, existed earlier, but now it is called that year...
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in general, i would like to move on to another topic, although this issue really does have such a golden grain, andrey remembered correctly, i just wanted to say about this, that really in in germany everything is very similar, like 24, 1924, 23, beer day on november 9, and this is really a feeling, i would say not even pre-war, but of such a condensed time, which means...
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such a loss from the image, this it is very difficult now to imagine the german political life, naming the names of bärbock, naming the names of other politicians, in order to correctly analyze the current situation in germany, so i will not remember bärbock, i will remember a new young man, whom, in my opinion, someone already called klaus fabber, this the current chairman of the bundestag defense committee, who came instead of strack zimmerman, and who headed this defense committee, he has such an interesting statement, just the other day he was in an interview - he was asked the question whether it is necessary talk to putin, and there he uttered a phrase that sounded approximately, i don’t remember exactly, i won’t quote, but it sounded approximately like this, well, yes, it is necessary, we need to talk, but only after an international court has passed, and then he said, i was recently at a celebration
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of the assassination attempt on the famous assassination attempt on hitler , and this is really an example that needs to be followed, this is how i need... training, he completed, in addition to the german german institute, he studied at the university of sydney and received an absolutely classical british education with a british understanding of what the second world war was like, who klaus schenk von stofenberg was, and in general what it was all about, what
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it was like, how it all happened, so for him stofenberg is a hero, i want to remind you, i’ve already talked about this, i want to remind you again, and stauffenberg, of course, is a hero in the sense that he... brought his briefcase with a bomb to hitler’s insert, but stauffenberg is a convinced nazi, he is a man who is completely convinced of the theory of aryan superiority nation, which back in 1939 and wrote and spoke, and spoke about this, in particular, and this is , i think, important for german representatives to understand, he said that ukrainians in general can only be slaves, and then he spoke about the slavs, and about all these other things , staffenberg. who is now extolled in germany as one of the main heroes of the uprising, on the day when the assassination attempt took place, the german bundeswehr pronounces something like an oath, that is, this is generally such a beautiful action, this is operation valkyrie yes, in fact it was the man
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who didn't think about changing at all nazi power, they wanted to remove hitler, they had one power, they wanted to exchange one hitler for another. from the military, yes, this was their main idea, and the current chairman of the defense committee uses this as propaganda, as his main argument, what can you talk about with a person who does not know the history of his own country at all, and who distorts it in this way, but the fact is that stalfenberg, he is crammed into all textbooks of today, the so-called textbooks on political training, which is in institutes and universities in...
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the creation of a new rocket, a new apparatus that could cover a greater distance, i would like to remind the british, in fact, you already know the german missiles, fo-1 and fo-2 , these were very good missiles, which the british knew very well, it was true that they were missiles that could fly 190 - 350 km maximum, but they could carry 100 kg of charge, which caused enormous damage to london, the surrounding...
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in principle, this is to a certain extent sense a distortion of their understanding of history, that is , the british seem to be in this way, it seems to me personally that they are saying: well, we have already forgotten about fao-1 and fao-2, this never happened at all. by the way, i would like to remind the germans who are watching this program that during the construction of these missiles, which were built in various concentration camps in southern germany, more people died than were bombed in great britain; more than 20 thousand prisoners died there. who died of hunger, who were shot, who were sent to concentration camps and who died. 20 thousand people, this is the official figure. in great britain, fewer people died, but this is about morality, which... which we are talking about, and which can somehow have an effect on something, well, morality, as such, well,
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it’s difficult to talk about this, maria zakharova gives an interview to german compact magazine, gives an interview with my good friend, hans-jörg müller, who was also at the nightingale of life, spoke several times, a man who speaks russian perfectly, speaks better than many russians, russians politicians, and he... conducts an interview with zakharova one day after this interview, in which, in general, the truth was said, they are closing this, this media tool, not just closing it, an investigation is underway, they confiscated hard drives, seized computers, the real freedom of speech, absolutely real freedom of speech, but this freedom of speech, no one even tries, you know, well, today the interview, okay, six months later they closed it, today the interview, tomorrow they closed it, man...
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and who, by the way, is trying to me in every way now to squeeze out of this organization, but it’s is happening, that is, they say, well , here he is, he took a fee for his own, someone paid him, and it wasn’t putin who paid him, someone paid this journalist a fee for writing a book, i say, guys , wait, what kind of money do you work for, we are journalists, what kind of money do we work for, we work for fees, moreover, in the same union of journalists, i can get it at any time and read it, voice it out, there is an absolutely clear tariff system tariffs at which journalists are paid,
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where is everything described, where and how can anyone receive it? they say: no, you know, he took money, and because he took money, he cannot be a member of our union, i think he crossed himself, thank god that they expelled him and he, he feels very good now , but this happens all the time, this happens all the time, and the fact that we are now... this is what we are saying, it means only one thing: and the point is not who scholz will be, whether he will be chancellor, it's not a question of whether the berbock will remain, it's in general, it’s not even about, the people of germany now understand, what’s happening, for the most part, it’s just passing them by, so you said about azov, if you think that besides you and me, there are a dozen more of my colleagues, comrades, someone about knows this, but they didn’t even pay attention, they didn’t even understand that...
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political pluralism in germany today germany today exists, the absence exists, the dominance of one ideology, the exclusion of other ideologies, alternatives exist, the persecution of dissidents exists, repression exists, state propaganda of a special new way of life exists, so this is fascism, it differs from nazism in only one thing: in nazism it exists. there will still be a superiority of one separate nation over others, this is not the case in fascism, but if
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we now break down all these signs, and i have now broken them down, and i can now give an example of each, then we understand and must understand that germany, like europe is moving directly towards fascism, it will be neo-fascism, it will be some old fascism with some new things, but if returning to this beer hall putsch, the twenty-third-twenty-four year, then between the twenty-fourth... no, he understands , he understands that in 8 years, this thing that is ripening today will already be in full bloom in germany. now advertising, we won’t continue after that. this is my service dog.
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one is listening, the other is eavesdropping, i feel that something bad is happening, we can handle it, yes, one is sniffing, the other is watching, quietly, the main thing is that we are not slowed down, one is digging, the other is digging up, come on, we found the body, they catching together again there are many criminals, there are many suspects, but you need to choose one, please, no amateur activities. lady with a dog, new trail, i'm going with you, no objections, siri, with me, soon on rtr, we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don't go to the doctor when we seriously need to go , forewarned is
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forearmed, any means has a downside . necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what to look for attention? each risk factor should have its own tablet. where to look for help. you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family must be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things - from monday to friday on rtr. we will never take them off. i promise, i promise, i promise. my husband and son are missing. to me
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she seems to have disappeared too. i won't stay here. i can't. russian wife, premiere, only on the website in the application we watch, the most important day in life, today everything depends on our affairs, on the decisions of our heroes, our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland, we are talking to those who make history with their own hands those who... change the world, these are our people, ours, premiere, soon on rtr, at the very beginning i began to talk about the amazing guys who serve together in the artillery crew of the third motorized rifle division
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of the twentieth guards combined arms army, elder brother alexander, everything is calculated. four siblings, two cousins, at the time of filming, one was on vacation, the mother of these guys, lyudmila viktorovna levedeva, well, listen to everything for yourself, so guys, what’s good , tell me, everything is fine with you, everything is fine, we’re working on casting, the goal comes, are you twin brothers, or what, no, no way, i’m the eldest, i’m 24, almost, then my brother is 22, here’s my brother 21, my brother is 20, and then my double. no, i was actually joking, because look, you really are all brothers, siblings, here are four brothers relatives, the rest of the doubles, twins, madness, why did they let me go on vacation, why do you need to return it urgently, such a good company, well, that’s why you’re older, it’s definitely mobilization, that’s how the guys would want to serve me, those who turned 18, well, those who just graduated, that's how
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your mother let you go, under my responsibility, as an older brother, she let you go. trusts, so how old is mom? mom is 48, 49, we have 14 children, like nine fighters, five expectant mothers, that ’s how she let go, these are all relatives, that’s right, all the relatives are listening to the mother, the great a woman, that is, she gave birth to everyone, that’s right, 14 people, 14 people, i’m listening, a great woman, the mother is a heroine, and the father, the father is heroin , but with the father it’s a little more complicated. here is the eldest from the first marriage, then there are eight of us from the second marriage, the last five from the third marriage, no luck with fathers, as it were, and mother, she is alone, but good in everything, but i hear luck with fathers, everything is fine, fathers, these are fathers , yes, guys, well , you give, and what does mom do, a housewife, because the children are not of age, there are still many schools there , that is, i understand correctly that you you send all your income to your mom, well, we help, yes,
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well, we try anyway, of course, that is , mom has all your cards, because mom trusts us, and we trust mom, as if this is how it should be, well, of course, but where from? all of you? from voronezh, from the left bank region, that is, the mother of voronezh, well, at least the authorities are involved. at that time we had seven children, and that’s how everything has been since 2008, and that is , what is the total area, the total new area now, i’ll tell you 53.6 square meters in
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a two-room apartment and 73 in a three-room apartment, well, why does our eldest sister live in st. petersburg, well, i’ve been there since i was 18 , i’ll be in the army for 6 years already, like the rest of my brother is also in the navy, in military service, well, that’s how we live, we live, let's not complain from the nest. left, but served in the army, no, well, of course, i’ll say this, politely, if voronezh people have a conscience, you should have a home, awarded, yes, awarded from me, but there is a medal of honor, there are medals of valor of the second degree, i think they’ll give me more, soon, as if the work is going on, the war continues, and having removed, removed, yes too there is a difference in the face, yes, they all have one medal, there are differences in the face, we are working on a 2.36 gun on a geocint 152 with a second shell, the charges are completely reduced, there are also shells twenty-ninth high- explosive splinter, fifty-ninth splinter
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long-range high-explosive, like if the target arrives, the target is given, we accept, here is the calculation for battle, well, that’s it, we aim the installations, load and fire, sight 301, level 326, protractor. load, gun, shot, 714, gun, shot, i hope that lyudmila viktorovna will receive the absolute deserved. heroine, because until now the award has not found lyudmila viktorovna, and the family will live in decent conditions, we don’t have many such families, for sure, i hope they will hear me
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, i hope that justice will prevail, there are amazing people at the front, absolutely amazing, and the twentieth army, i’ll tell you later, now about the siberians and the 744th separate guards motorized rifle brigade, one of...
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work! why are there mad dogs, and mad dogs, it means that this tradition began with the first chechen company, there was a symbol on each technology, letter s. in general, this initially meant siberia, that is, that the siberians had arrived , and so on, and on the radio , dogs, mad dogs,
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mad dogs began to jump through the militants, because without exaggerating, the yurga brigade, in the first and second chechen company, also showed themselves very well, and the militants were afraid of the yurga brigade, here are mad dogs, mad dogs, and after that... it was after the first chechen company that mad dogs appeared, chevron was approved, yes, but you didn’t find it yourself, no, not in the first or second company , i studied, but i was young in 2003, i graduated. when they talk to you, they say that you are the only unit that has never not only never retreated, but never sat on the defensive, presses all the time, i joined on february 24 as deputy commander of the 74th brigade of the same mine, and then in may twenty-two to august twenty -two i commanded the fifty-fifth brigade, now the gvardeiskaya mountain brigade, well , the kozyl brigade, you know, i was with the guys, and myself.
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in zaporozhye, that’s where we stayed for only 3 month, when the counter-offensive on the red estuary began, they threw us back and stopped, yes, this was the counter-offensive , well, the center group, we stopped everything, then we even restored the situation along the concrete road and all the time we were only on the offensive, what’s the secret, well i i think there is no secret, the secret is in the fighting spirit, the secret
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is in the team. in the training of units, in the training of a soldier, how do you feel about this, and of course in the officer corps, it was in the team that we came to the avdeevskoe direction, so i will say this, there were probably the most difficult battles and the first time we encountered these cluster munitions were drones, then the soldier was just really scared, he didn’t know what to do, it was hard, of course, to rebuild the soldier, to find ... roughly speaking, the means that will hit these fipivedrons, how to deal with these ammunition cassettes, well, it’s as if they found everything, did everything, on camera after presenting the hero he talked about what he was given for, he spoke dryly, concisely -military, for that they gave a hero, yes, well, to be honest, in
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a nutshell...
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they fell accordingly from the south, on the seventeenth day the enemy ran, ran, on the eighteenth day the enemy was no longer in the village of avdeevka, although they thought that we would butt heads for a long time , since the fourteenth year they couldn’t take it, only you begin to understand everything in battle, this is unambiguous, it’s something he comes up with there at some great distance, the training ground will not open, you have to strive for this and already... there’s a new shooting course there combat training classes, this already needs to be implemented and done, even at the point of permanent deployment, yes, but first of all, combat experience, yes, definitely, definitely, now any soldier who was here is a real professional, what can i say, or he will come from some kind of training there from the special forces no matter where, if you have no combat experience and you haven’t been there, it’s heaven and earth, of course.
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guys are returning from hospitals, wounded , every plane arrives, i’m in recovery now, i sent the soldiers on leave, with every plane they arrive on the list i look after rehabilitation, after rehabilitation, after rehabilitation and everything comes back just like that, basically everything is pulling and here the training ground for my battalion was built for... the resolution for a month and a half there was nothing here, all the forest was taken out, agreed with the administration , a military commandant, in order to personally prepare the train, what did you receive for courage? they took the intersection on concrete, heavy ones, several brigades could not take it, the direction was flint, he was the deputy
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commander of an assault detachment, on six tanks flew to an intersection, took on an emergency task in novoalleksandrovka, was there myself -
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we select the frequencies so that they would not be crushed, we used two of these robots in berdychs that stood on the gs17, they showed themselves positively, they inflicted fire damage, but they were, so to speak ... struck by fipivedrons anyway, now there was such a platform initially, now new ones have arrived, we are now testing them on this robot, you can put light weapons like pkt.


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