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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 29, 2024 11:30am-1:00pm MSK

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today we celebrate international tiger day on a grand scale. this holiday was established 14 years ago at the st. petersburg forum summit on the problems of the endangered population of striped predators. there are now no more than 500 individuals left in the wild, and there are even fewer sea tigers; about 800, almost all of them live in the far east. the news is following the main events, stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades , your favorite program is live, 60 minutes , hot on the heels, we begin with breaking news from the front. the russian army destroyed another american video of the sovdievsky direction.
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the russian troops are attacking the bandera squad with mortars and heavy artillery, the drones are adjusting the gunners' sights, dropping hand grenades into the enemy areas. let's go at a pace, tighten it up, the militants manage to move along the landing only half-bent, stepping over the bodies of their brothers-in-arms, this is what the contingent of the supposedly legendary third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces looks like to zero, they send elderly people who are barely able hold a weapon in your hands. grandfather, what are you
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doing here again? these frames show a direct hit by a three-hundred-millimeter high-explosive rocket from the rszzo tornado s, in a building with nationalists on the right bank of the dnieper. the russian hymers, as it was christened in the west, stacks the brick hangar like a house of cards. and here the special forces of the ukrainian forces tried to go behind the rear of the russian fighters right in the midst of the battle for torets. white armbands worn by our soldiers. changed in the open air, being in the lens of a reconnaissance copter, surprise it didn’t work out, the entire squad was liquidated, here he is in the window, another one jumped in, they’re still running, look, they’re shooting. loch, squints, white armbands,
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white, white, well, they are with white armbands. having handed over, they are on the first floor, there are all 10 of them there. and this is the result of attacks by a high-explosive aerial bomb of 500 kg caliber on the positions of ukrainian forces in the serebryansky forestry. the landing, which the militants were holding, turns out to be completely engulfed in fire. in the village of andreevka, kharkov region, a patrolling uav lancet destroys a german self-propelled gun ptskh-2000, judging by the explosion of the howitzer, rolled out to the position with. with full ammunition in the pokrovsk direction, the russian army took control of evgenovka and progress, the first personnel from the liberated settlement. we, soldiers of the assault detachment of the guards alexander brigade , stormed the settlement of progress. the enemy
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is fleeing, his units are broken. glory to russia, victory will be ours. in these frames , a jewel of an assault hit... a k-52 helicopter on a building with militants at a distance of 15 km. high-explosive fragmentation combat part weighing 25 kg fly exactly into the window of the first floor, where the fpv drone operators were located. and this is how russian soldiers are already working against enemy armored vehicles. two attack uavs are burning the next american max pro armored vehicles. german channel welt correspondent christopher wanner confirms.
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iskander turns the installation position into ashes. this footage shows a missile strike on a military airfield near. the italian early warning radar atcr-33, its ukrainian militants placed it at the control tower of the airfield. everyone who checks will all wait.
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everything will be fine, everyone will wait, everyone will wait. in any case, they will bring you home, if, of course, they find it. in russia the production of medium- range nuclear weapons in response to the us decision to place missiles in germany, however, in contrast to the policy they call ap. the decision of the russian president is not a threat, but mirror measures. this was precisely the message in putin’s speech at the parade for the day of military reconstruction. the president said that from now on russia will consider itself free from the moratorium on the deployment of its own
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medium- and short-range missiles, if the united states such weapons will be deployed in germany in 2026 . for understanding. russian government and military control facilities, industrial centers, and defense infrastructure, including nuclear infrastructure, will be out of reach of american missiles. in the flight time of the american tomahawk is exactly 10 minutes, the balance of forces will be able to restore the balance of forces by the russian analogues of the tomahawk. putin said that russia has such missiles and they will be on combat duty in the near future.
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the russian navy is ready to hold the main naval parade. in sunday in st. petersburg, russian state television broadcast footage of russia's navy day celebrations, which were attended by officers from 31 countries, including china, india, iran and south africa. congratulations on your participation in the celebration of the russian navy. during the celebration, russia displayed its missiles, launched from various ships
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of the black sea fleet, as well as bombs dropped from fighter jets. the celebration of the russian navy day was overshadowed by the fact that the united states recently unveiled a plan to deployment of long-range missiles in germany by 2026. some outside observers, as well as russian president vladimir putin , said history was repeating itself. the statement of the american administration and the german government about '.
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the united states of america will consider itself free of such plans, from the previously adopted unilateral moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range strike weapons. including enhancing the capabilities of our navy's coastal forces. today development a number of such systems are in their final stages. we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and its satellites in europe in other regions of the world. russian president vladimir putin said the kremlin would respond to the deployment by the united states.
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security, this is a completely normal reaction, but will it make us more secure, will it make us more secure, if we have more missiles, we will still not be more secure, this has never happened in history and never will it will be, you just announced that russia withdrew from the republic of dagestan, only it was the united states, not russia, who did it, we... it’s not who can defend themselves or intimidate the enemy, but who will die first. i cannot now say exactly where vladimir putin will deploy his medium -range missiles in response to the possible transfer of american tamagaf cruise missiles to germany, but if it does come to that, i am sure that putin will definitely react. there is absolutely no doubt about it. the russian president also said that moscow is considering to restart the production of medium
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-range missiles that can be equipped with nuclear warheads, and i do not rule out that their production has already been started a long time ago, even if there is no evidence yet. once again, for now putin is only talking about a symmetrical response, but this response will certainly follow. russian president vladimir putin continues to use rhetoric around nuclear weapons to influence and facilitate western decision-making. self-restraint of the west. russia used the celebration of the day navy to showcase relations with a number of non-western states as part of efforts to create a russian-led group of states to unite against the west. russia has been intensifying its efforts lately.
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looking for shells for artillery looks controversial. at the same time, in odessa they announced that the mobilization of ukrainian boys aged 18 to 25 would soon begin. not everyone yet, only those who completed military service and completed their military card. these shots show the entrance to odessa. dozens of shopping mall employees lined the roads to recruit volunteers. the capture of ukrainians continues. people are simply pushed into the bus, but there are happy accidents, here the boys escape from the bus and run away, this enterprising asshole didn’t manage to escape, the man tried to sail to romania across the danube on an underwater scooter, he actually swam
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underwater, but periodically still was forced to rise to the surface in order to... breathe, so he was noticed by a border guard, caught up and detained, as it was, look, beautiful! what kind of attitude is this? to whom, where respect? shove it up your ass and go into the trenches in the lindages. are you making a fool of yourself? you guys are fools, we are fools, you guys drive like cattle, we protect fools like you, i understand who you are protecting from, people know
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what the war is like now, what are you telling me? 2 years of war, our people understood. car, breaks everything on the car, but doesn’t go anywhere, can you imagine what’s happening, a tragedy happened, happened in odessa, a man , after a visit to the suvorov regional recruitment center, ended up in the hospital with a head injury, so he died, the video shows how
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a victim with head injuries is revived by men in military uniform.
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igor ran a small do-it-yourself shop in eastern ukraine, he was mobilized by accident, he was given a summons when he left the hairdresser on easter day. i was a little shocked because it was a holiday, fear used to hold me back, there were a lot of rumors, like we are sending you as cannon fodder, without any preparation, take a rifle and go.
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says that kamala has a low iq, she in turn said that america is worthy better than this embittered eccentric, that’s what she called trump, they are washing the bones of a presidential candidate in the media, the left-liberal can’t move away from the statement of the forty-fifth president of the united states, who said that if they elect trump, they won’t have to vote anymore, they say america is from there will be democracy. republicans dug up a video from last year in which haris says that young people have developed so-called climate anxiety, precisely because of
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the state of the environment, they are not confident in their future, they do not want to have children and do not they buy houses and wait for everything to get better. just over 100 days remain until the moment we face. at a fundraiser in massachusetts, kamala haris described her candidacy as number two in the race and shrugged off mounting attacks from former president donald trump. there are people with high iqs sitting in this room. i'm in a race against someone with a low iq.
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moreover, this embittered, strange criminal living in the past and illusions, donald trump. vice president kamala haris suggests america has a future based on freedom,
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opportunity and security. for 4 years you won't have to vote, it will be fixed, everything will be fine. over to you. everyone on twitter is posting this video. democrats, pundits say trump wants to end democracy, as they say , one person, one vote. donald trump is well known for his ability to pander to his audience. he doesn’t seem to think that the whole world is watching what he says, he was only addressing these christians. of course it may sound like that a candidate for...
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that for a producer there is nothing worse than changing an actor in an old role, you never want to do this, but sometimes it is necessary. and the democratic party had to do exactly that: producers, donors, voters realized that biden couldn’t handle it, so they replaced him with camela harins. 3 months ago she had such a bad reputation that they were thinking about how to get rid of her, and now they want to make margaret thatcher out of her. but i don't think this will work. margaret thatcher never laughed like that. if she laughed like that, then margaret petcher she wouldn't. french police have identified the suspects in the railway sabotage that ultimately led to the collapse on the opening day of the games, and they are not russians. the head of the french ministry of internal affairs darmanyan
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said that the speech. on monday, they were accused of setting fire to telephone lines near toulouse; the head of the ministry of internal affairs himself was sent an infected envelope; plague spores were found in the letter. the correspondence was intercepted completely by accident at the postal sorting center, except for the infection. the letter contained russian insults and a certain black powder. the prosecutor's office has already begun an investigation. at the same time, e. coli and enteroc were again found in the seine. this morning, triathletes' training before the first swim was urgently cancelled. in general, the olympics are french, for some reason the shame is spanish. a strange sight awaited spectators during the opening. not only was
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the olympic flag raised up on... the role of jesus was played by a large-sized lesbian, who called her performance a new testament to her. afterwards, a bearded man in
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women's clothing started dancing on... the table, in in general, macron managed to offend 2.5 billion christians in one evening. and the point is not even that someone doesn’t like it. gays, transgender people and other mentally ill people. the main problem is that it was just ugly, kitschy and in bad taste. the oyster mushroom at this ball of satan was the horseman of the apocalypse with the olympic flag in his hands. mog was forced to officially apologize for offending the feelings of believers. macron at the same time. stated that the discovery was absolutely wonderful, biden lived, lived, the wife of a still american president, said that she was wildly delighted and did not even know how exactly the united states could surpass such magnificence. the next
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olympics are 2028 in los angeles.
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i think leonardo da vinci must be turning over in his grave at this. we received a comment from italy's deputy prime minister and leader of the right-wing anti-immigrant league party, matteo salvini. he said that
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the opening of the olympics, which offends millions of christians in the world, is a really bad start. dear french people, this is pathetic. he posted this message along with two photographs, one of which depicts a parody of the last supper, led by. around the world watching the opening ceremony of the olympic games. the war against our faith and traditional values ​​today knows no bounds, but we know that truth and virtue will always win, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. people
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say that everything that happened at the opening ceremony has nothing to do with the last supper. sorry, but this is the most popular painting of jesus, it is known all over the world. it is foolish to believe that the ceremony the opening was a reference to something else. i do not believe in this. there was not only a last supper with transvestites, there was a horseman of the apocalypse, is this a revelation book? at the paris olympics, a cloaked figure is shown riding a pale horse that resembles the fourth horseman of the apocalypse. in revelation the fourth horseman riding a pale horse is identified as death, when he opened the fourth seal i heard the voice of the fourth beast saying come and see. and i looked at the pale horse. the name of the one sitting on him is death and hell followed with them, and power was given to them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword and with famine and pestilence and with the beasts of the earth. the organizers tried to push their awakening agenda, it was not a show, but propaganda, very boring
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bad propaganda. the ceremony showed how macron sees france, not what it really is. it was just a bunch of clichés about diversity, transgender people and multiculturalism. the idea that this is some kind of high art is just ridiculous, it's just a guy in a wig singing a song. this is not a transvestite, this is just an ordinary french woman. what happened at the olympic games is as if a thin layer of the elite is trying to impose their ideology on us, they are showing complete disrespect for the majority of the population, who, when watching this, will simply be horrified and will close the eyes of their children so that they do not see this. france is home to one of, if not the world's greatest culture, cuisine, art and literature, even taking into account. of today, where they found these imbeciles who came up with the idea of
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​​mocking christianity depicted leonardo da vinci. they took all this beauty and spirituality and turned it into this disgusting, vomit-inducing scene. after watching it, i decided to wipe the tv screen with a cleaning product. i didn’t want to distort, mock, or shock, i just wanted to show the greatness of our name, the idea of ​​our state, the idea of ​​inclusivity. there was a speech. about kindness, generosity, and the idea of ​​solidarity. i think we need all of this right now. putin, the west is engaged in satanism, the west is a conspiracy theory. why would anyone think that? i ask russia give me asylum. i don't want to be part of this shit show. at the same time, the world continues to seethe. turkey threatens israel with war by invasion, and tel aviv promises the death of erdogan. immediately after the warning about the invasion, israel stated that the
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turkish president could repeat the fate of the executed saddam hussein. israeli foreign minister israel kats publicly spoke about this. look, kat attached a collage to his post, photos of erdogan in sunglasses and a scarf in palestinian and turkish colors flags as well. announced the likelihood of starting a full-scale
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military operation in lebanon and held a meeting of the ministerial commission on national security issues, israeli prime minister netanya and defense minister galland received the authority to make any decisions on measures regarding lebanon. the situation in asia is heating up, the wall street journal writes that the united states is creating. at the same time, bloomberg writes about the imminent inevitable war between pyongyang and siul and is already counting both human and economic losses. europeans and kyiv in this regard they care about only one thing: the focus of american foreign policy is rapidly shifting from europe to asia. on this background. the french lci decided to remind the world that the fifth republic
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has nuclear submarines that have nuclear missiles; if putin decides to strike europe, paris has something to respond to. we are on the coast of britain, this is where france's biggest secret is hidden. not far from the coast of brest is il long, the most secret military. in the heart of this steel monster
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, a real city comes to life under water, a labyrinth of corridors, where each submariner must quickly learn to navigate his way between hundreds of cables, pipes and motors that power 70,000 pieces of equipment. at the stern there is a nuclear power plant that provides propulsion and produces electricity, drinking water and oxygen. in the center there are two conning towers and 16 nuclear missiles, in the bow there is a living area of ​​​​400 m2. divided into three decks where 110 sailors live, eat, sleep, but the heart of the submarine is the operations center, a room with an area of ​​50 km, where shifts are carried out 24 hours a day about 15 engineers work. analysts, mechanics and pilots. when a submarine dives, it immediately disappears from radar. hiding in the depths, it becomes a formidable and undetectable weapon. submarines are capable of firing missiles to hit a target at a distance of more than 900 km. in this case, no one will know where
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she is. a strike force that is key to france's nuclear strategy. everyone knows that france has a nuclear deterrent and that it has the means to use it. perhaps there are questions about conditions when this red line will be crossed, but fortunately we were not in such a situation. kamila is 27 years old, she is a lieutenant, and she is starting her second dive in a key position. she monitors the operation of the sonar and coordinates the work of the so -called submarine ears. completely blind, the submarine moves only by analyzing external sounds. at a depth of 300 m there is no light. therefore, underwater. boats scan the seabed, which allows ships to move. we need to understand what happens at depth on the water surface if a ship sails past us, there is a risk of damaging the submarine, so my goal is to know exactly where all the ships are, very accurately, so that there is no risk to our safety. dimien, who has been with
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the team for 11 years, is responsible for the entertainment program. fun is important for team morale. tournaments and card competitions are held. we even play nerf. these are pistols with foam darts. hidden in the depths of the abyss, vigilant and 10 sailors continue their journey somewhere in the atlantic. it's time for the test nuclear missile firing for all crew members. this test becomes a harbinger of a catastrophic scenario that everyone fears, but for which everyone must be prepared. we call combat posts.
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no, no, cancelled, after all, we have made peace with our enemy, no, once the order is given, it is irreversible, by activating all missiles, the crew can check whether the entire fire system is working correctly, the damage caused by the entire striking force of such a ship would be unthinkable, such power could destroy four.
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well, today the north atlantic cyclone kirsty came west to the center of russia. from the baltic states it brought us torrential cold. in moscow for the first time this summer it’s +18 right now, but at night it was only +13, that is, the weather is like in september. flights from twenty cities, including moscow, st. petersburg and yekaterinburg, are delayed for... flights arriving at novosibirsk airport, in the morning the city was covered in thick fog, planes were sent to neighboring cities, well, in karelia there was a dam break, according to preliminary information, water washed away a temporary dam between the 10th and 11th locks
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of the white sea-baltic canal, in the direction of movement of the water discharge there were, i deliberately say in the past tense, houses, several houses were demolished along with people , three children, unknown, it is unknown, there is no information yet, what could have been gathered from rumors , something like that.
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everything exploded, all the equipment. the village was washed away by the fucking village of sasha, there is no road, there is nothing, there was a bridge here, under those conditions our excavator stood, well, right now urgent news is coming, the first line of fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces in the area the slavyansk-kramatorsk agglomeration was completely lost, reports apti alaudinov, special forces commander. hero of the russian federation abti aronich is in direct communication right now from the special operation zone, so as not to jinx it.
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opti aronovich, i understand correctly, everything has been going right lately. tell us. olga, good afternoon. well, uh, probably, uh, so that there is a general understanding, here we are talking about the first line, which was strengthened. for a long time to our opponents in order to repel our offensive and, for a long time remained for us, let's say, inaccessible, over the past few months, it has been completely lost by the enemy, we are talking about this, which means this is the donetsk direction, in this direction we see literally every day, one might say, after 2 days, as they say , new headlines that another populated area has been liberated, but in principle, in this direction, our
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units of the ministry of defense of the russian federation have made quite good progress over the past couple of months and are moving forward, liberating more and more territory donetsk people's republic, i think that soon we will be able to state the fact of the complete liberation of the donetsk people's republic. the line of defense collapsed. olga, look, the enemy, in principle, is in
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a critical condition today, i already spoke about this earlier, we, in principle, have been doing work all this time, which in the end should have made the enemy crumble. in that direction, we must say that the enemy is already trying with all his might to hold on. those settlements that will help our units will ultimately, let ’s say, completely cleanse the donetsk people’s republic from this evil spirit, in principle, he is not succeeding, that is, this direction, it has already crumbled, and i believe that soon we will see the same result along the entire line of combat contact. belt also today. writes that there is chaos on earth, and he writes this not about us, but about the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, they claim that there are not enough people
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, they have run out of weapons, how can you comment on this message, how did they run out of weapons, they were given 50 billion, in what, where, how do they save, what do we know about it? olga, well, look, we didn’t talk about this topic. money, to allocate them, the fact is that with this money, in order to provide a unit in the ossu, there are no finished products
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of a military nature that they ... could supply directly - to the fighters, and it turns out that the ukrainian armed forces fighters are fighting on the front lines with those with the oldest machine guns, which means old weapons, in principle, nothing new appears on the front end of the osu, the money at the same time goes into the pockets of their owners, who make billions thanks to this, including zelensky, even though he is also a lackey, overdue.
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people were sent to slaughter on a daily basis, but in the end they were taken and kept, the armed forces of ukraine did not even have any prospects. opti aronovich, well, another important question, bearing in mind our successes, how can you assess the potential to go further on a broad front,
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it is clear that the final decision is not for you and me to make, and yet. is there potential, is there a passion to go further across the territory of ukraine? olga, you know, like this question, it was discussed earlier, repeatedly, i will say this, the tactics that were chosen today by the supreme commander-in-chief, the leadership of the ministry of defense, i believe that this is the best tactic in order not to incur large...
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to make just the fact of our victory already in explanatory work on our part should be completed in the near future, that is, in this regard, we should not place complete emphasis purely on the armed forces and hope that we
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will immediately take and reach, say, the polish one... naturally, a very large amount of work is needed to do directly with the owner of all these events and companies, well, that is, we have to wait to see who will be the owner in the usa, because in the usa, unfortunately, there is no one to talk to right now. thank you very much, we are moving towards...
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interesting thoughts, not so long ago i read articles in the american press that russia does not recognize new values. i have only one question: what’s new in these values? these are old, ancient, even values ​​of the roman empire during its decline. it's classic, yes, a revival of antiquity times of decline. this is not even republican rome or rome. the heyday of the times of augustus, and this is rome of the 2nd century ad, the rome of caracalla, heliagabalus and all the most famous roman orgies. here, by the way,
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several interesting points arise. point one: remember, somewhere in the west, especially in france in the sixties and seventies , they talked a lot about the fact that now europe will leave christianity and come to the power of reason. to building a new society on a reasonable basis, to the flourishing of science, technology and space, no, you guys, having abandoned christianity, you have come to the darkest paganism of the times of its decline, this is far from the end, this is only, let’s say, the first half of the journey, then the same thing awaits you that awaited rome, remember the severed head, and marie antoinette, which they already relished show: basically, this is desacralization, if you like, murder in a certain sense of the word. and why tomorrow it won’t be possible to show some real head or something like that, first in a movie, then
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and so on, move on, gradually, opening overton window. the second point, again, how much we were told in the west that this was a triumph. to have children, there is no need to continue the family line.
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basically, what are these values ​​about, that there is no need to continue this nation further, and the main thing is a rejection of culture, because if european culture was a christian culture, we talk a lot about confrontation.. . eastern, western christianity, i have a question: to what extent is this already the christian world? or is this world no longer christian? but which one? that is, these nations are losing their cultural dominant, and what are they new? no, because no one, strictly speaking, exterminated the romans, latins, latins, no one exterminated the ancient hellenes, well, there was no act of genocide, simply losing their culture and preaching refusal to continue. family and clan, they simply dissolved their remnants in other nations. this, in fact, is what is heading towards, if the trend in the west does not change, this is propaganda. viktor orban said that
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during the opening of the olympic games we obviously saw the decline of western values, or rather, we saw the absence of what used to be called with values ​​in the west. let's see. national states no longer exist, as a result they deny that there is a common culture and a common morality built on it, there is no common morality, if you watched the opening of the olympics...
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it didn’t hurt, every minute i thought to myself, my god, my god, how how can we surpass this? well, of course, for many millions, those who watched the opening of the olympics or saw the footage, of course, this spectacle was quite shocking, on the other hand, i think that there was nothing unexpected in this is not the case, because in fact, firstly, sport, unfortunately, does not unite now, even before... the old days and wars stopped during the olympic games, now there is a completely cynical, clear globalist policy of the owners, and the true owners of this the olympics are not macron and france, but the globalist american structures and those people who subordinated international organizations to mok, but could these propagandists of all these non-traditional values ​​not organize this show there, why? can you imagine?
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hundreds of millions around the world had to watch or started watching, and i think that many turned it off later, yes, to this action, such propaganda of the lgbt agenda, transvestites, everything that they instill in the whole world, could not happen. on the other hand, we understand that the main owner is the united states, and the agenda of both biden and haris is just this agenda, they really promote this agenda, but this is not the only issue. look in the united states over the past 25 years, what prices have grown above average, housing, medicine, education, that is, everything that speaks about future development about creating a family, which means about children, about getting...
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peace of mind about climate change, this causes fear about the future and the unknown of whether it makes sense to even think about having children. also, for understanding , the vice presidents are predicting either pete buttigieg, this is the minister of transport and infrastructure, an open homosexual, and also a man who, together with his unfortunately husband, is raising two adopted children. or
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the vice president is predicted to be california governor geven newsom, who last week, we remember, california allowed, without informing parents, to change the gender of minor children, that is, a completely purposeful policy, but on the other hand, in all this chaos and sodom and gomorrah there are positive components, by the way, orban said that this... the position of the agenda divides the world, including playing into the hands of the russian federation, which becomes the center of the fight against this ongoing process, which means there can be no unipolar world when the west and the united states impose false moral, socio-economic guidelines for the whole world, so this is a division, but of course they will not be published, of course it is now very important for them to impose their own ideas, but there are alternative
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directions, first, i would like to say, this was not discussed today, but we can congratulate our venezuelan friends, the united socialist party of venezuela, nicolas madura on his victory in the elections, and the elections were difficult, he got 51%, there is a pro-american right-wing candidate about 43, gonzalez, but once again the chevistas won, their agenda, by the way, is very interesting, fundamentally different, in the years since... since chavis and then maduro headed venezuela, 5 million apartments have been built for a population of 30 million, by the way, builders have helped both russia and belarus this free low. utility bills, that is, they create infrastructure, even in difficult conditions, sanctions, pressure from the united states, for the future, yes, what venezuela and other countries are talking about, let us create alternative centers, it is degrading, international institutions degrade. brix, i think that
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some time will pass, if the olympic movement is similar to what it is now, the brix games will be more thorough, more popular, more serious than this. economic system, why there is such a war against venezuela, because the largest oil reserves in the world. in 20 years, light oil, which is easily accessible, will go away, heavy oil, technology will appear, with whom can venezuela ensure this production only the technological development of the russian federation and china, therefore, within the framework of this model, of course , our country has a big role, because we are also a defense account, there was a report, you said, because the deployment of medium-range missiles in europe is really a repetition of the events of the eighties, well, the soviet union then responded by deploying pioneer missiles in chukotka, they want a local nuclear conflict
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in europe, we say, guys, the united states, an attempt to start a nuclear conflict will lead to a worldwide nuclear war, destruction, we don’t want that, you pushing europe. the strength of the agreement, but biden sent there
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he would have withdrawn his troops after boris johnson joined and forced zelensky to break this agreement. since then , 6,000 ukrainians have died for a reason for which no one should have died. and now we are like never before.
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more expensive, either we or this girl, she will fight for love, even if your son betrays her, like you once did, you fool, fool, because i loved you all the same, you will make sure that they break up, that i hate you, give me a chance, katya, agree, you will be like a stone wall, i told you, get away from her, you think this decision was easy for me, together forever... today on rtr, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world to operate according to
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the system, all inclusive. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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my husband and son are missing, it seems to me that she is also missing, i won’t stay here, i can’t
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leave the road in trouble, we must go after them, you know how to shoot, russian wife, premiere, only on the website in the application . “who we are, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what is our value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, no matter what don’t retreat, i’ll still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never cheat on yourself, it’s not like that for me every year”? every minute of my family is different it’s impossible, now there is a struggle for our
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values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand that i have such a responsibility - this is my path, this is my life, my destiny. life and destiny, from monday to friday.
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first of all, he talked about the way to end the battles: patience, help, support and diplomatic pressure are the three factors that will lead to a just end to the war. if the united states and european countries remain united, they will increase pressure and be able to show moscow that it has no chance. the president also said that kiev will begin specific discussions with relevant countries on territorial integrity and other issues, and also develop an action plan to achieve peace by the end of november. zelensky also mentioned trump, who is reportedly not interested in supporting ukraine. the us presidential election is expected to have a significant impact on ukrainian peace hopes. kiev has already communicated with the camps of trump and us vice president kamla harris. zelensky said that during the conversation.
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well, we are transported to paris, tormented by endless scandals, in direct communication with the tas agency’s own correspondent , dmitry orlov. dmitry, hello, there is hay not far from you, she’s not all right either, the regular starts were canceled today, or training in the river, what was found this time? hello, olga, yes, that’s right, two training sessions before the triathlon competition have already been cancelled, but
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the organizers still hope to hold the competition itself on the specified dates and directly in the seine, eh? level pollution turned out to be higher than expected, which is why the training was cancelled, but the authorities are talking about, let’s say, positive dynamics, they hope that everything will be ready for the competition, and the deputy mayor of paris pierre rabadan, in particular, just a few minutes ago on air on the bfm tv channel, he stated that they have a plan b, according to which they plan to combine all competitions on one day. case, if on the specified dates it is not possible to obtain optimal water quality, however, much depends directly on the vagaries of the weather and from the rains, which one way or another wash away the dirt and bacteria that we were talking about, actually, into the river. well, according to the latest data , enterok was discovered, this is also what causes, excuse the details, diarrhea, well,
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according to the scandals associated with the discovery, the third. which happened, now you are showing it on air, right on that very bridge, behind me, a scene that many interpreted as the reincarnation of leonard da vinci’s last supper, with the participation of representatives of lgbt, queer, dracqueen and other audiences, in particular that that evening, and the next few days, french politicians, for example, marine lepine's niece,
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marion marechal, took to twitter to express their indignation at the terrible insult. christians with similar scenes - and said that , in fact, not all of france is represented on this bridge, this is all the machination of the left, however , even the leader of the left party that disobeyed france, jean-luc milanchon, himself criticized this scene, expressing bewilderment at about why it was necessary to put christians in an uncomfortable position and provoke them with such scenes when the olympic... games - this event is absolutely for the whole world and should take into account common interests. it must be said that jeanluc milanchon was outraged by the scene in the canciargerie castle, where they actually showed austrian marie antoinette with a severed head, who performed an incendiary rock composition. both jean-luc mélenchon and some other french politicians were surprised that france
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had been proud for many years that they had abolished the death penalty, but it was during the opening ceremony. they glorified her, thank you very much, and the main thing is what all this means attitude towards sports, and how the olympics differ from eurovision is generally unclear, tas’s own correspondent, dmitry arlov, in direct communication, paris, france, with the front, finally understood the meaning of the catchphrase, see paris die, to be honest, no, i of course i expected, i certainly expected something like that. yes, from, well, let’s say, a fairly young man, the president of france, a lover of women of biden’s age, but i didn’t think it would be so large-scale, so aggressive, i would say reactionary, well, you know, on the other hand, there is a plus, probably, there is a category of people who get depressed and watch horror films,
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you know, in order to watch a horror film and think, in fact, everything is not so bad for me, in fact, yes, you look at... this is all and you think, lord, lord, thank god, i already live in paradise, that i actually don’t have this in my country, well, because this is really, well, no joke, to me it seems that this has already crossed all boundaries of what is permissible, they talk about some kind of tolerance, while ignoring the opinion millions of people who do not share all this, billions, i am sure that in france the vast majority of people do not share all these, as they call values, these are not values, this is... depreciation of everything that we had, it’s just emptiness , you see, behind all this there is emptiness, you were talking about politicians, i think this is not happening by chance, here they were talking about childless politicians, but they don’t just end up there, i just figured it offhand, yes macron, haris , scholz, mark ruete, maya sandu, theresa may, there are many more of them who
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are really for them, that’s all that is valuable for a person. family, children, care, guardianship, there, i don’t know, again, anxiety, worries, this is all alien to them, they, they are essentially their own egoists, they live today on their own. life and they are trying to impose this way of life on other people, you know, to impose their way of life on billions of people, they think it’s right, and at the same time they also say something about some kind of tolerance, now regarding the financing you were talking about, where is 50 billion. ol, you know, when i look at zelensky, he more and more resembles this cartoon that was good, vovochka in the 39th kingdom, remember?
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weapons are locked up, they have to get pierced somewhere, artist, today on rtr.
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kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinon belek hotel, where life is turns into a fairy tale. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. enter the world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic
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luxury collection bodrum, we go to the doctor , we take a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we do not go to the doctor when we are serious i have to go, i've been warned, that means armed, any means has a downside. with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own tablet. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so everyone needs to be examined. families. the most important information of the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things - from monday to
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friday on rtr. do not trust anyone. there is deception all around, crooked thieves. let's look at rtr. take it. no i can not. you said that you love. and i love you, everything that’s mine is yours on the contrary. so, he proposed. you to marry, he himself disappeared with your money, and you don’t know his last name or address, there are not only complete fools, i owe other people, they are very dangerous, i will help you with everything, but the round one, remember me, it’s me, nadya kruglova, serious you’re doing business, a protocol, a fine and a card file, i’ll give it all, just don’t tell your mom, you had to get yourself into such a mess, fool nadya, on saturday on rtr,
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people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, this is suitable. oh, you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws, ah, so, to tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, to warm up a stray , a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, guys, should i feed the hamster, are you among friends, among friends, a program for
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the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, did you apprehend the robber? no, not me, raya, so what's the difference? why can’t you live like all women, work, wait for your husband at home, and not run around the city and not catch criminals, but he’s not there, my husband, what else can a free woman do, what happened, kostyukov invited me to marry, for love, do you even know that take a photo with the groom the day before. wedding, this is a bad omen, they got caught again, raya knows everything, technology, she is like a woman, loves brute force, today on rtr, in moscow today is the
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coldest day of the year, for the first time since... the season the temperature is below +18, the day is expected to 18 mm of precipitation, the sochi mountains have their own anomaly, a unique, at the same time terrible optical phenomenon, the so-called brokerage ghost, due to the refraction of light , a shadow of a person appeared in the sky, it looks like a beetle. bye.


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