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tv   Vmeste navsegda  RUSSIA1  July 29, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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commanders, but she’s lying all the time, i didn’t push her, she was running up the stairs and tripped, i saw it with my own eyes, i called an ambulance, how did you set me up, but what about me, the whole team, she ’ll be recovering for two months , she ran. so, are you going to go to paris, but without any tricks? go again! “well, what do i have the right to after my shift
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, then you’re not my wife to boss me around, i ’ve been living with you like a parasite for 11 years, who do you want after that? parasite, parasite, why did you get so upset, and what don’t you like, come visit i’m going to meet the parents of katya’s fiancé, about how, and why wasn’t i invited, well , i mean, i also seem to have something to do with it, where should i go with you?” valera, help, yes, valera, help, and how you wash people, quietly, it’s not needed, valera, here i am, quietly, here i will kick you out for all my grievances, for my grievances, what are you, what are you, ok, ok, well, katya decided so, well, you’re really not a father, well, oh, mom, they approved me, i’m going to paris, so yes, paris, i doubted it.
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of course, paris, when? and in a week, but i have nothing to go with, if we don’t buy anything, i won’t go anywhere at all, so, calmly, quietly, come on, don’t panic, we’ll solve the issue of your clothes, we’ll figure out something to drink, so, that’s enough for you already, paris, lord, louder, shout again, not all, piece. mom, fox, where are you going? we're almost ready, come on, come on, come on, come on, so, oh mommy, go. buy yourself everything you want, you
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’re the best, of course, my little berry, then i ’ll go shopping, liz, which stores, sashka will come now, sashka, oh, what should i do? put it on, oh my god, oh my god, i don’t know, put on white with a collar, you’re crazy, white, i ’m fat in it, what’s the difference, put on something you’re worried about, they’re wooing you, oh, you yourself what will you wear, i have one dress, fox, i took yours too. you’ll have to, katka, and you’re like, that’s it, oh, and there’s champagne in the refrigerator, yes, yes, what is it, of course.
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at home, waiting for some incomprehensible katya, that again i canceled all my affairs, i’m sitting here with you wrong, that is, you’re doing me a favor, at least today we can do without mutual reproaches, why didn’t you marry someone who wouldn’t reproach you that something bad would happen to me? artist, tomorrow on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true.
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hotel kalinonbek, where life turns into a fairy tale. whiskey mancacher - titanic deluxe golf bellette - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday cognac old barrel product lar group minced becomes naval-style pasta, that’s what
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sashalmash’s name is, and how are you doing before you gave birth, well, you’re not a woman, and left to left. and also, thoughts of color, turning the steering wheel to the right, humor, humor, humor, on saturday on rtr, what could be better than when a person says he loves you, words, today he loves you, but tomorrow not, look at rtr, your kostyukov took away the statement that yes, you are a scoundrel, a traitor, you are for me... the only important thing in the world, the only dream, and with kostyukov you are in third place, i am in my place, i help people, you are not ready to change anything for the sake of raisa, for a real man work always comes first, you are all men like that, use us in the bushes, remember our names, raya knows everything, tomorrow on rtr.
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well, let's go quickly, the parents are already tired of waiting, yes, now let's go, wow, i'm shocked, here you are, a beggar. mom, now, now, oh, well, let’s go home, why go home, it’s
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still children’s time, but give me a treat and let’s sit some more, yes, yeah, i’m driving now. at the same time, we’ll kill the goat, we’ll kill it, i understand, we’ll kill it, that’s it, come on, stop, pull yourself together, well, meet me, this is my bride, it’s very nice, hello, this is for you, thank you, and this is her sister lisa, good evening, and this is their mother aleftina nikolaevna, and these are my parents, maxim ivanovich and nina anatolyevna. it can’t be, but do you know each other, we don’t just know each other, this reptile has ruined our lives, who is this reptile, get out of here, mom, how could you bring her here, and even on such a day, please, i’ll kill her now , are you planning
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to marry her daughter, well, no, i won’t allow this little family to not be here, a chazan and a creature, and i’ll take you, don’t, just tell me the exact address, the village of dubrovka,
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lesnaya street 10, you will forgive my mother, i have never seen her like this, i don’t know what came over her, the devil came over her, because she is a fool and a loser, listen, ninka, hysterical, stop yelling, disgrace? enough is enough, but her husband lives with her out of charity, and she is a fool to think that he loves her, ha ha ha, nicola, why so and so, the taxi will arrive in 10 minutes, okay. crap! divorce? you have been together since you were 12 years old, from the day vika was brought to our orphanage. look, i didn't want to tell you, but she drinks. this whole year almost every day, i persuaded, i begged, i
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threw everything out of the house, but she still finds it somewhere, she still buys it somewhere, i ’m tired of fighting, you know why we don’t go anywhere together, i’m ashamed, well, no i know, you had such a love, it ruined everything, but i met another girl, who ? it doesn’t matter, it’s now, okay, we’ve passed, let’s get to work, well, yes, what about the country club, when the construction, it means i changed my mind, i decided to invest money in the pool, which i ’m installing now, so they’re demolishing it, well, nothing, i’ll buy it and save it, i’ve already submitted an application, just a minute, and you made this decision single-handedly, but it’s okay that you and i are partners, i, for example, am for the construction of a country club, the pool is in the center. city, this is a golden land, you understand how much it will cost, well, it’s okay, i’m ready to fight, roma, you’re normal, yes,
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quite adequate, so you get ready to trade, roma, that’s it, bye, ice cream, by the way , delicious, i recommend it, hello, vic, well, you were right, he got himself someone. who doesn't say this? but one thing is clear, he has gone crazy. so what was it now? can someone explain to me? this is what i want to ask you. how could you bring us into our house? the killer of your sister,
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no, well, if i had known that we would disgrace ourselves like that, i would have stayed at home, mom, you promised to tell me everything, why are you whispering, are you going? lizok, be smart, go ahead, put the kettle on, we’re all hungry, come on, come on, come on, we got it, in short, it’s all your father’s fault, father, i didn’t tell you, he was imprisoned for murder, tetov’s daughters, girl... . died on the spot, your father was put in prison, he died, appeared.
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creature, now i’ll arrange it for you, help, mom, fox, where is the stash, i stole it, but i didn’t take anything from you that i didn’t take, who then, who, you’re asking me for money? who takes my money? and now let him go, but get out of here, two, i’ll strangle you, and then , valera, she killed you all, mom, daughter, well, show me, oh, god, my dear!
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from here, what are you talking about, i don’t want to see her in my house, i want her not to be here, you’ll wake up tomorrow and forget, i’ll forget, no, alright, i won’t forget this. either she will leave here, or the three of you will get out of here, valer, that's it, al, decide! katya, katya, i hope you understand that she is not welcome in our house, look for someone else, but is katya to blame for her father’s crime, she has bad heredity, you will break up with her, period, son, but mom is right,
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you need a girl from our circle, but she is the daughter of a criminal. this immediately affects your reputation, why? i don’t like girls in our circle, i love katya and i’ll marry her, okay? what tone is that? don't you deserve anything else? son, what? you, mom, surprised me very unpleasantly, come on, apologize to mother, for what? for ruining my life? no way! ok, but then here now, decide who is more dear to you, either us or this girl! ok, i choose katya. katya, i, i packed your things, i was leaving that my friend got caught, thank you, sister, where are you now, i don’t know, you’re mom, take care, i’ll call you, call.
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yes katya, sazh, you won’t believe it, i was kicked out of the house, me too, are you serious? well, then, at our place in half an hour? ok bye. until you move, i decided i’ll spend the night in the living room, i think it’s right. not worry, i won’t stay here, i’ll pack the children’s things, we’ll take them away in the next few days. well, i won't give you the children. the children want to live with me, the children
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are now at an age when they need control, you cannot provide it to them, you cannot control yourself. yeah, i found someone else’s wallet in my backpack, of course, she was sneaking around to pick it up somewhere on the street, but what will happen next, maybe she really found it on the road? well, that’s what i’m talking about, you spoiled them, they became uncontrollable, so that’s it, i’ll take care of the children, period, now listen to me, if you don’t want problems, you will agree to my terms, what problems, are you threatening me? my dear, i know so much about you that i can solve problems for you. the best thing for you would be to make a reasonable bargain, dear, but it’s not called bargaining, it’s called blackmail, do whatever you want, but you know very well what happens to those who try to blackmail me, i wonder what?
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yes, sanya, hello, seryoga, come to the window, now, my, sanya, are you here? i'm drawn to romance, come on, come on, well, come on, sasha, i, sergei, am the partner of this
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extreme sportsman, this is my wife, masha, it’s very nice, katya. hi, will you have dinner? we’ll have dinner and we’ll spend the night, but we were passing by, let’s think we’ll come in, sasha, i’ll gladly put some more potatoes, katya, no, thank you, that’s enough, that’s in vain, masha cooks phenomenally, yes, yes, and my wife is super, forgive us that we are out of the blue for you, but what are you, we are very glad, yes, yes, stay, we will make you a bed on the sofa, but it’s comfortable. of course it’s convenient, especially since it’s closer to work from here than from your home, well, that’s it, then the hint is clear, we stay completely, well then with the new settler. yes, two short ones, one long one, hurray, hurray, hurray, and if he doesn’t
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come back again, stop it, nil, where will he go, push around, live without his parents, then remember that he has a home and come back like a sweetheart, and if not, if katya turns him against us, well, if not, then he will live on one salary and... travel to work by bus, i won’t help him, i’m warning you right away, he may marry us to spite us , you need such a daughter-in-law, but god forbid, then do it something, find him, talk to him, explain that he will ruin your life if he gets involved with these, do anything so that he leaves this katya, maxim, nin, okay, nin, i ’ll talk, okay.
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pechora vodka, product of stellar group, сnop gin. product of steller group. vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, my favorite, remember, we said that we want a baby,
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we need to get on our own feet first, look at the weekend, your husband owes us money, if you want to see him alive, put 3 million in a box at an abandoned construction site , i'm very urgent you need money, you need to mortgage your apartment. where to sign, cool, we are real rich people, i don’t love you and never have loved you, i have a different life, you have to pay the interest on the agreement, how much is 2000, why so much, you just deceived me, you will do me one small favor , and i will cancel the debt, what service do you want from me, how could you hire... as a nanny for a complete stranger, forgetting about everything, on saturday on rtr.
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so, what is this? what is this, food? well, how can i muster the strength to guard the facility with such grub? yes, choke, he guards. three days later , the scanlord is sleeping, talking, and you have no conscience, you sat on my neck, you will be so grateful, i have a lot from you, oligarch, well , not a lot, but you stole my stash, well, i’ll hide it somewhere else , and you and your filthy girls will never be found, you good thing, i live with you, i court you, i piss you off, and you feel sorry for the money, but what don’t you like, get lost, yes, i forgot, you have nowhere to go, what? i screwed up the apartment of the businesswomen , it sucks, i have to hang around with valery, and valera, oh valera is kind, he can be rude to steal from him, lord, how do you like me?
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i'm tired, why don't you eat, there will be at least 5 minutes of silence, hello, yes, yes, i can, yes, yes, okay, in an hour, yeah, alka, so, where am i all this... leave me, i'll wash it later, the kitchen is us in the middle of the corridor, you can do the laundry a little further, i ’ll show you, you’ll get used to it, thank you, honestly it’s so inconvenient to embarrass you, what are you, seryoga and sasha are friends, partners, almost brothers, they help, they give each other, live as long as you want, thank you , thank you, mashon, we’ll definitely do this, we’ll just move a little to the right, in i mean, i talked to the commandant, they gave us
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a room, a room, right? sashka, sashka, hello, hello, well, i hope you understand the reason for the meeting. well, i don’t think i’m stupid, i guessed, yes, not this kind of husband, i dreamed for my daughter, hmm, well, actually, we didn’t dream of falling out with you either, okay, we need to come up with something, i don’t know, push it or something somehow, on the parent side, doing everything possible so that they break up will not help, this is why, well, because
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they love each other. can’t breathe, like you and i once did? well nothing, they love you, they will stop loving you, you forgot, she can do it, don’t worry, but katya didn’t take after her mother, she will fight for love, even if your son is before her, like you once betrayed me, and i betrayed you, a normal turn, that is, it wasn’t you who was wagging his tail in front of semyon, but i betrayed you, yes, that’s all, is it you? he left me, he went over to ninka himself, that’s why he went over, yes, of course, because nina had capital, of course, nina had money, she had everything, and alya, what is alka with her love, this is nonsense, this is tfu, this is what are you talking about, what money, you’re a fool, i ’m a fool, yes, na, fool, fool, because, fool, because i’ve loved you all my life, i
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hate you, you understand, alka, have you lost your mind? , alka, let me talk, i ’ll talk to her, let me in, fool, wait, yes, wait, let me in, get up, kettle and... here sasha, you saw mine, i’m sorry, i can’t offer anything else yet, sasha, what do you want, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is we are together, i’m here, i’ll arrange everything like this, you won’t recognize this room, and you’re really ready to live here with me, i’m ready to live with you, even in hut. let's check the hut for strength,
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check it, and then i'll fix it. vika, hi, come in, vika, what happened?
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gordiev wants to take away the de... i said that i would cause problems, yes, lord, what can i do for him, he’ll sooner give me custody, the guardianship will take his side, okay, vic. calm down, i'll help you pick up the kids, right? i, i love you, what? listen, sanya, maybe we can ask baranov for permission?
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tsang, it’s good to fool around, that’s it, i thought that’s enough, come back home, and please don’t make your mother nervous, she’s been crying for two days, but why are you silent, what are you are you trying to achieve, her blood pressure is 200, do you want her to take it easy? no, well , what then, well, after that, i don’t want my life to please you, you, son, can you hear yourself, you’re involved with this trashy girl, you’re ready to sacrifice your mother’s health, why are you jumping off, well , think about it, sash, i, hello, hello,
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actually, when they enter the office, it’s usually a girl who knocks, i just brought food, uh-huh, touching, here the investigators’ office has become... i’d better go, no, i’d better go, especially when there’s no smell of food, and it stinks like from a road diner, sasha, if i had known that your father was here, i would never have come, it’s his problem, come on, come on, what did you bring there, that’s it, the surprise is ruined. tadam, maybe you’ll call seryoga,
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hello, seryoga, well, if you don’t come within a minute, then blame yourself, come on! “ let’s be healthy, listen, i just came in, how come my son, well, don’t fuss, a good guy, stubborn, corrosive, a real follower, corrosive, it would be better if he showed this stubbornness and meticulousness in the family business, corrosive.” "lech, maybe you you’ll push him out of here, but what about you, max, people like your sashka are worth their weight in gold, you should be proud of your son, and you? yes, i’m proud, proud, proud, we had
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a little fight with her yesterday, so that’s it, it’s clear why i asked for a room in the dorm, that’s how it is. not a service for friendship, help, hello, baby, hello, but your sister is at home, but she doesn’t live here anymore, but where does she live? i moved to my fiancé’s place to prepare for the wedding, but... maybe i can help you with something, it’s unlikely that this is all, nothing, it’s a big deal, a compliment, okay, okay, relax, you, you’re beautiful, another thing, i
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noticed it for the first time, but katya and this guy, who the hell is he, a cop, it’s lovely, it’s been a long time since they’ve had this, i don’t remember, i’m not interested. well, you said he is her fiancé, when is the wedding? i probably don’t know when i’ll return from paris. and, by the way, i already told you that i am being sent on tour to paris. and i also don’t really mind if my loved one takes me to paris, although i don’t have such a person yet, but my wife also likes it when i take her to paris, where are you going, to the rehearsal, and why was it so sour, upset that i’m married, no, what’s more difficult?
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so it seems you said, you’re not a mistake, bye, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, okay, yes, are you settling in? yes, thank you, i 'll finish it soon and return everything to the storage bin. don't be in a hurry, get off. there is a problem. why did you deceive me? in terms of? well, you both have local registration. it turns out that you have no right to a hostel. well, there was a mistake, move out. there are half hostels here with local registration, we don’t even have anywhere to go. these are your difficulties. not from me
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it depends, that’s where the instructions came from, okay, okay, girls, come upstairs with me, well, how’s the mood, how’s the float, great today. work, thank you, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, let's wait, who are you, who let you in here, quickly get out of here, otherwise i'll call the security, who are you here? i missed it, cool, listen, you
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go away yourself, in general, the best thing is, it’s you, vodka, it’s okay, i’m calling the police, but call whoever you want, you know who my father is, he’ll kill you, but i’m interested in meeting him, asking how he managed to raise such daughter, well, call him, what’s the problem, he ’ll come and tell you that it’s great, come on, tell me the number, come on, 8.903, well, here’s the car, everything is as you ordered. yes, well, in principle, everything is clear to me, just a second, yes, hello, i am a swimming coach, ekaterina zvonareva. hello, what do you want, ekaterina zvonareva, what are you shouting there? here is your daughter in the pool with a group of guys, they are behaving simply disgracefully, so come and get them, or i’ll call you. police, don't need the police, i'll be there in a minute
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20, in how many, in 20 minutes, okay, exactly, exactly, guys, let's get out of here, quickly, let's get out, get out, quickly, quickly , let's get out of here, let's get out of here at a pace, at a pace, faster, friend, he called someone again ? well,
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please don’t be silent, my name is mikhail dolskay. i know, you and i have talked. you didn't spend the night at home, there's something i don't know. can i confess, finally, i love him, you know, i love him, and i can’t do anything about it, you know, i love him. bonds of marriage or networks of love? what will it do? stronger, just please, without emotions, what does it mean without emotions, you won’t give up on me, i won’t tolerate it, take your pick, rain at the end of summer. coming soon to rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means
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not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anexc. stirsman bourbon is a product of the steller group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. rixsus golf villas and suites. a stunning world class golf resort. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villa ssuits sharm elshey. veda vodka,
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a product of stellar group. who are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, what is our value?
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lord, are you stalking me? did you call me yourself? i, it’s good that now you have my number, which only those closest to you know, you can call at any time. ah... i'll get by, uh-huh, okay, what happened here? a group of people rushed out with bottles, they drank right in the water, i didn’t know how to put them out, my daughter also drank. she is going through
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a difficult age now, my wife and i are getting divorced, we have problems for a long time, besides, i met the girl of my dreams, forgive us, ritkoy, i am sure that sooner or later we will all become friends, it is unlikely that our relationship will go beyond the scope of this conversation, believe me, it will, it’s a matter of time. okay, it's late and you should probably go, go, go, i'll take care of cleaning the pool.
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kat, i’m sorry, well, i didn’t think that my father was such a bastard, the dorm is his doing, he’s just trying to protect you from the bad influence of a criminal’s daughter, well, you won’t leave me, of course. no, and you, never, today we'll spend the night in a hotel, and tomorrow we'll rent an apartment, you already have an option. excellent, we’ll go together tomorrow, ekaterina semyonovna,
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excuse me, but i would like, firstly, to express gratitude for the time spent together, i hope one day this will happen again, why sash, i ’ll explain everything to you later, and secondly, i arranged everything, after evening swim, the water in the pool will be drained, the pool will be cleaned, i have disposed of the champagne bottles, so no one will know anything. all the best, goodbye, what was that just now? do you suspect me of something? no, you just wanted explain, i'm listening. sasha, this is stupid, i have nothing to justify to you. katya, where are you going? sash, i don’t understand why you and i always quarrel over him out of nowhere, well, i’m sorry, it’s simple, but it’s my fault as a fool. i just love you very much and i’m going crazy, you have no rivals, but he has a chance, really,
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who is this? i don't know, who is this? hello, hello, little mermaid, did you wake me up? yes, what do you allow yourself? look out the window, but just for a minute. this is your compensation. i won't take anything from you and stop me call. and i realized who it was. a gift for a pleasant time spent. i don't need anything from you. let's see. good night sweet dreams.
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well, i don’t know what’s in his head, and the main thing can’t be solved, the car exploded, and how the hell can you prove it, i looked at it from side to side, every centimeter, no prints, what kind of prints were sanya in the burnt car, kat was in shock, well, yes. he grabbed hold of her tightly, look, sleigh, no matter how he takes her away, such gifts will sooner or later melt any heart, yeah, but i’m not a beggar either, well you don’t blow up cars to impress a girl, i wonder who’s behind him, well , as far as i know, he’s a domovsky child, he’s used to tearing with his teeth, so you should be more careful with him, maybe kill him like that, and now because of this i i have to tolerate this freak next to katya, seryoga, it’s impossible that he’s not connected to crime. well, everything is possible, so i’ll dig under him, and sooner or later i’ll pin him down, someone
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has to put gordeev in his place, he has to. but not yet, bye, bye, wonderful investment in the future, land in the city center, 2,000 km, an excellent area for the construction of luxury housing, 16 million, who is more? 20, 20 million, this is already a serious request, who else wants to compete? 30, 30? the gentleman in the last row is 30 million. so, 30 million times, 30 million two, 30 million three, sold.
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glad to be there, all the best, see you soon. regarding the factory, yes, the bidding for the brick factory will take place in 2 weeks, i really hope that it won’t be taken away from my tray like this, we will find out very soon, i am also applying for participation, we will compete again , and who are you, a puppy, for me to i competed with you, so there’s no need to be rude, by doing this you are demonstrating your complete helplessness, gene, take care of the application documents, all is well, it’s all here, i wanted to discuss it with you, i’m waiting for you. who is this? this is roman gordeev. so what does he do? owner of bars and nightclubs. why is this guy trying to compete with me? you should not underestimate him, he is an ambitious person. sorry, have a nice day. he laughs, they say, he laughs last. okay, van, let's go.
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hello, how did it go? oh, ning, it all went badly, badly, disgustingly, the land was taken away right from under my nose, my megamon was covered with a copper basin, you will find yourself another land, nin, well , you seem to me, well, not an idiot, you seem to be a smart woman, well, what other land, it was a tidbit in the center of the city, the key word is in the center, why are you yelling at me? it’s my fault that you missed your land, i’m sorry, okay, then it’s different, where are you, to sashka, i need his help, what are you counting on, he’s now even more angry with us, listen, wasn’t it yours? please
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give them problems, i did, now not climb, okay. shouldn’t we throw him out onto the street where he’s huddled now? now let’s look at one, wow, uh-huh, i mean, what is this, where are you going looking like this? mom, don’t meddle, i know what i’m doing, what do you mean, don’t meddle, come on quickly! i’m dressed, don’t disgrace me, mother, i ’m disgracing you, what a daughter you have, smart, beautiful, she’s going to paris, i’m proud, daughter, you’re a doll, my joy, but where in this form, you won’t pick up a decent man with such an outfit, i’ll pick up, and not just a decent one, but the very, very best, fox, well,
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what if some freak bothers me? oh, mom, i know how to turn off freaks, that's it, i ran, wish me luck, today is my day, come on, no, no, that's it, bye, i'm gone, make sure it's not too late for me, okay, fool around, i should talk to i need you, i’m listening to you, little trees, can you hear me or not, i need your help sash. okay, you know this character, gordeev roman borisovich, so what, we need you to help collect information about him and about his entourage, why, well, i need it, san, when did this gordeev become, the whole world or something? revolves around him. that is, you still
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know him, but the goat knows, katya is hooked, kate, son. well, maybe we’ll get him to sit down, and then he’ll know, san, i really don’t like him either, who do you take me for, a corrupt cop, no, dad, in the wrong place, and why don’t you give a damn what problems you have, i i’m not going to put pressure on a person from my personal, do you want me to look like a jealous idiot, you’re pushing me into a setup, but what does that have to do with it, we can talk peacefully, there’s nothing to talk to you about peacefully, and there’s no need to come here, san, wait, wait, you heard, you’ll do it, i
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’ll pay, as usual, i’ll do it, call. we are simple people, but with a good husband everything can change, we look at rtr, i’ve been watching you for like 20 minutes, that i’ve fallen in love with you, you know, why will you marry me, that i want to dot all the i’s, nadya, i’m his i love you, what a fool, she’s all about me. on saturday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum jin. сnop product of stellor group. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here they come, oh you're good. caress straptivy. he loves to grab some food there. ah, yes. tame the biter. voice. voice. give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, to warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder.


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