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tv   Vasilisa  RUSSIA1  July 30, 2024 4:05am-4:59am MSK

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you know how it happens, with men you have no luck, then one thing, then another, it’s not all thank god, well, now how is it with her on this front, well , she met kostyakov, that means, this is our district police officer, well, more precisely, she didn’t meet him, but he they moved her in, well, it doesn’t matter, it’s a long story, well, the guy seemed okay, it came down to the wedding, she borrowed money from her friends, he also took out a loan, and then bam... before the wedding, all the money was stolen into the house have you relented? well, not to the house, well , it doesn’t matter, it’s a long story, well, there’s no more money, everything’s here, but i dreamed of heaven so much a beautiful holiday, you know, something that will be remembered for the rest of your life, sugar for you as usual, and susan, tell me, do you know who raya borrowed money from? “of course, everyone
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knows, tell me, but you don’t know how this kid found out about the camera, and what are you asking me, ask him, so i asked, there’s such a long chain, you’ll get tired of listening, i don’t know where, i’m just vikule with she told lariska, well, maybe also to susanka, it’s quite enough so that..." the city knows what you’re dissatisfied with, the guy dived for you there for free, there’s no need to call divers, either that's right, it's good that you saw this camera at the market, rima thinks that it was with it that they killed the security guard, go, yeah, there are plenty of prints there, especially a lot of yours, well, excuse me, i go around without gloves in the summer, there are some besides yours, it’s possible , that we now have the killer’s fingerprints in our hands, it’s a pity...
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it doesn’t go through the database, listen, but in general yesterday there was such a holiday, a pie, delicious, cleanliness, it hurts the eye, i wanted to lift the mood, great idea, i’ll take another piece , yeah, another one called successful story. a native of our city, the son of a kindergarten teacher and an auto mechanic, saveli larin, entered the moscow university of economics, after graduating from which he returned and opened a bank branch, although the head office of ilma invest is located in moscow, saveli has been living and working in his hometown for several years. why
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did saveli larin return to his hometown? in style, it seems like a fraer, but not a fraer, that’s for sure. don't worry, boss, we'll sort it out. hello. i'm coming, guys, what's the matter? the men are in the bathhouse for you, and am i a citizen-investigator for you? main citizen investigator, what happened? i wanted to ask you, it was you who ransacked the pawnshop and slammed the security guard, what a man, citizen-investigator, i’m not running errands, what did you do the day before yesterday from 23 to 1 am? crawled passengers, which passengers? yes, the usual ones from night electricity, are there any witnesses? there is, there is one guy, i wanted
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to cut off his mobile phone, so he can identify him, why are you happy, idiot, that they will take you for theft, but this is better than for being wet, listen here, i will close my eyes to these yours night walks around the platform, if you can you help us find those who 3 days ago stole an suv the color of wet asphalt from a newspaper street, there’s nothing to look for here, these are just stray boys, zhenya and i are hanging around with money, so they came in it? ivanov brothers, what is this, a drive? no, they’re really brothers, they’re really ivanovs, what else do you know about them? i don’t know anything, well, it looks like we’ll have to look for that guy from peroon and start a case, yes, i heard that they are going to raise the issue with one of the locals, well done, good hearing, half the battle is already done, let’s go, but you well, i put the watch down and thought i’d get by with some money for a month. things, are you
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the things that were stolen from the pawn shop? well, how else do you know that 10 pawnshops were robbed? it’s not just some kind of disgrace, calm down, please, it’s easy for you to say, calm down, there’s a humpback here to return the family ring, and bam they dangled, and he doesn’t know what a humpback is, he’s got it all, yeah, that’s it what are you talking about, no one is paying off my debts for me, i did it all myself, i don’t understand, your paradise borrowed 30,000 from my friend for her wedding, yesterday some acquaintance came, the farmer gave everything, what kind of farmer, you know better, wait, what are you talking about?
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explain to me, what kind of farmer is this who pays off debts for you? that you know a farmer? yes, i just met yesterday, well, susan’s brother, she asked him to give him the keys to the apartment, did she give him the keys? yes, that’s all, well, she also fed him dinner, and didn’t tell me anything, but i didn’t want to. so that you would be jealous, but what was because of what? it wasn’t, vladimir petrovich, it’s all later, but as usual, you’ll come up with everything, and then i ’ll take the piss, now it’s clear why you’re i cleaned the apartment, baked a cake and all that,
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but i’m trying for our sake, of course, you’re trying, for our sake, but for some reason he pays off your debts, did you give him a list of creditors, but i didn’t give him anything. don't worry, vladimir petrovich will find everything. danube found out the address of the landlady with whom the brothers were staying. are you at home? i'm coming to you. the people besieged the stronghold and demanded
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the return of the stolen items from the pawnshop. escaped, or what? look, the office will be demolished. very tasty, thank you very much. yes. you write, well , of course, the main secret is in the visagi, we have it only in one store they sell it, the address of the store then too, yeah, of course, i’ll write it down, yeah, but what’s interesting to me is that this security guard was killed, oleg, haven’t you heard, how was it with his wife in general, they really say that the soul is in shower already or, uh, well, i don’t know, how? soul to soul, this is for you, who said that? this oleg, he already had a mistress for six months, she was very young, i think the name is yulia, yes, mm, my nephew told me that, he lives in the same house with this yulia, yeah, but the address, then you’ll write, cherkana, recipe, mm,
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thank you, that means, this is where the ivanov brothers lived before the robbery, and as i found out, the landlady moved out yesterday and... they had things with them, that’s the most interesting thing, they didn’t have things with them, so they threw them somewhere, maybe they sold it, it’s unlikely that the stray brothers here have a buyer who is ready to expose themselves like that, everyone knew about the robbery of the pawnshop, which means they understood that the stolen items were wanted, so i think they threw it away anyway, well where, that’s not a big question, in the eye, while you were holding the defense from the population, i looked according to the cameras, i started with the camera at the exit to the desert, where they found... an suv, then i looked along the highways and you know what it turns out that the robbers that day managed to hit the road to the village of gribki, which is 5 km from the city, and why exactly the mushrooms , there are at least 10 villages along the highway, and because it’s in the village that the mushrooms are located, the pawnshop security guard oleg has a dacha, you
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think he’s at one with them, i have this version, yulia, and how did you meet her? for... pawnshop to give up your noise saw him there, oleg was such a cool compliment and he said, he later helped buy shuva, uh-huh, don’t be afraid to keep silent about his wife in memory. didn’t keep silent, he had a ring on his finger, he and his wife just didn’t get along very well, listen to the guys, things don’t go well with them, but for some reason no one gets divorced, oleg is not like everyone else, he was going to get a divorce, he was going to tell his wife as soon as, oh, just now, and i would have known about it, of course, he said, as soon as it becomes noticeable, he will immediately confess everything to his wife, but what can we expect, will it resolve or what? "no, i was afraid that my wife would jinx him, he was very i was waiting for this child, i was saving money, i wanted
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everything to be first class, first class, very interesting, listen, i don’t understand what you are looking for, when we find it, you will understand, tell me, you have a cellar, yes, in the barn , but no one uses it, i don’t make preparations, and neither does oleg. it wasn’t for business purposes, show me where you have it, here it is, let’s go, here it is, darling, ugh, well, there’s a corpse, they’re hiding something here, oh my god, what is this, hocus pocus, wait, this some kind? mistake, exactly, mistake, robbers they mixed up the address by mistake, they accidentally left
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the loot in your barn, i don’t want to upset you, but your husband was their gunner, it’s clear as day, no, i, i don’t believe you, why did they leave the goods here then? they killed the gunner, well , perhaps someone scared the ivanovs, they decided not to import the goods for now, or oleg should have helped them sell. goods, but something went wrong and they had to kill him, we will detain him and we know that the guys have been sitting in ambush for a long time, i hope ivanova will appear, well, she will appear somewhere to go, but what about you on the personal front, can you imagine, some farmer gave away all of heaven for debts, well, that’s how it is, but what do you want, women? and i have it even worse, what is this?
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bank advertisement? so i took out a loan here? lisa threw it out, and i took it out of the trash, her former boyfriend, the director of this very bank, and she told me that the promoter in the store gave her this leaflet, and she put it in a bag of groceries, i’m sure that’s what happened, but what ? if he continues to look after her, they continue to meet, well, ask her about it, it’s too early, i have to find evidence, to pin her to the wall, well, you pin her to the wall, and then what, that’s what then, i ’m afraid to even think about it. yes, great,
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well done, we’re waiting, we got the ivanovs, they’re bringing them straight to us, what are you looking at, you ’re interested in the pawnshop, look there, but no one robbed me, what should i take besides bobbins, well, for some, bobbins are goods, what in general , what happens is i complain to your boss, but he’s not my boss? who's the groom, leave my closet alone, there's nothing there, it's my clients' things, zaire, forgive me, i then i’ll explain everything to you, let’s say it again, how it happened, we arrived in a wheelbarrow, tied a cable to the bars on the window, pulled away, mikha stayed on the street, and i climbed out the window. i collected everything i needed, handed over mikha’s bag, he put it in the trunk, and what was oleg doing at that time?
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he was sitting on a chair in the pawn shop, i tied him up, and for the sake of credibility , i went between the eyes a couple of times, well, how did we agree, why did you kill him, that yes, it’s important to me, then, so, why did you kill your little one? we didn’t kill anyone, you can ask your brother, with your brother we will have a separate conversation with you, don’t doubt it, we will compare the testimonies, compare, but mikha will also tell you that we didn’t kill anyone. oleg, the goods were supposed to help us push, why should we kill him, what if you didn’t want to share with him, you hit the security guard on the head with a camera, why should i do that, i look like an idiot, actually i do, but that’s how it is he's telling the truth. look after him,
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rayar, what are you trying to get me to arrest you, when i saw this receipt for the first time, i didn’t understand what was what, and then i looked into the closet and guessed, go get some rest, i think you’re completely overheated, but i’m not overheated, leave that ivanov of yours, let’s go apprehend the killer before it’s too late. thank you, so, sorry, alina, you will have to postpone your trip, actually i’m in a hurry, squeeze it out, squeeze it out, squeeze it out, but i have a plane, i’m afraid
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you’ll spend the next 10 years on the ground. you have been detained on suspicion of murdering your husband. here are the fingerprints found on the camera, here are your fingerprints that rimpalna just took from you. they match up. how do you explain this? let's tell. i went into lambart and saw oleg, i wanted to untie him, call the police, but he told me to wait at least half an hour, i asked him why, and
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he, he started. screaming, swearing at me, i realized that he was a gunner and he was free, and he needed this money, because it was yulia, she, she was expecting a child, i couldn’t stand it, i grabbed this camera, “i forgot how the word is affect, you acted in a state of passion, yes, paradise, what a pleasant meeting, hello, hello, i'm just in time chuzanka was going to come in, to win you over,
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seriously, i’m very glad, maybe then we’ll come in and sit, but i don’t have time to sit around, to be honest?” i wanted to ask, why did you pay off my debts? god, what a question, let’s say, i had such an opportunity, that’s enough, it’s not enough at all, okay, i’ll like you, well, as a person, of course, you’re a very good person, i realized that you have problems, i decided to help you, what’s the big deal, give me back when you can , that is, i have now given the entire amount to you, to me, but the main thing is that now you don’t need to worry. i don’t care, as you can, as you can, thank you very much, you helped me out a lot, there’s no need for gratitude, everyone has troubles in life, but people need to be helped, i think so, yeah, what can you say about
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savings deposits, well there are different types of us, but it’s better for you to find out about this from the managers. yeah, but i want to see you, well, i don’t really understand this, savel pavlovich will be free, he’ll tell you everything with pleasure, especially since you want to talk directly with the director, and how did it happen that they brought together pavlovich came to us here from moscow, there are much more prospects there, well... that’s how it is, but he developed asthma, it’s impossible in the moscow climate, he returned home closer to nature. nastenka, won’t you treat me to tea? oh, sorry, i didn’t offer, of course, black, green, black!
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what kind farmer? well, yes, he is really very kind. but for some reason i don’t believe in his selflessness. but it’s very in vain, if you want, go to him and see for yourself. well, ask for money, i'm sure he won't refuse. i still needed something. i'm serious, then we will have a normal wedding, not a picnic. i'm not going to humiliate myself. for the sake of other people's handouts, which means i have humiliated myself, yes great, well then i'll go see him again, why borrow money, i want
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a normal wedding, but i can't provide you with a normal wedding, maybe i don't suit you, so what are you talking about? you tell me, kostyukov, you are too poor, i need someone richer, i will understand, as you guessed, you are all the same, you pretend that he is a person... i am the same, you know that get out of my house, i don't want to see you anymore.
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welcome to the newest rix hotel in sharmelsheikh, riksas radomis sharmelsheikh! an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents, escape from everyday life into
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a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, with the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas rodomis charmel sheikh. hotel for an unforgettable experience ricas sharmelsheikh, only. for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmaelshey is not just a vacation. this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired.
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tas is authorized to declare 1984 on the screen from the country it comes out. the picture became a cult favorite in the ussr. the film is based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, who is also a trianon spy recruited by cia agents. the traitor found his sphere of influence through women; his attention was drawn to the daughter of a famous surgeon, the daughter of the secretary of the central committee cpsu, but the most important woman in his life turned out to be cia recruiter pilar suarez. today is the year of the seventieth anniversary of the kgb, when this is classified as secrecy. in the early
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seventies , a soviet diplomat who supplied the cia with the most important secret documents lived in an apartment overlooking the government building that was still under construction; his name was alexander ogorodnik, nicknamed trianon. ogorodnik received his code designation in colombia, where he worked as the second secretary of the embassy of the soviet union, in his free time he speculated with cigarettes and alcohol. having learned about the dark affairs of the gardener, foreign intelligence services took him into development using the so-called honey trap, as if by accident, introducing the diplomat to an employee of the colombian university pilar suarez. it was a sweet romance, but with a bitter aftertaste. the gardener was provided with piquant photographs of intimacy with
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his mistress. intrigue on the side threatened. dismissed from the soviet foreign ministry in disgrace, for fear of ruining his career, he agreed to cooperate with the cia and became a spy for trianon. the gardener was taught to use mini-camera, which was hidden in the second hand. and one of the first documents transferred to the united states was a report on soviet-chinese relations and development prospects. the state department called these materials the most important information ever...
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doctors tried to resuscitate him for 2 hours. later , 1.00 rubles were found in the glove compartment of the black volga trianon. this is three months' salary for a diplomat. before his death, he himself managed to admit that he had $315,500 in an american bank account. it turns out that the price of one’s own life is the amount for which the gardener sold my homeland. legendary in our studio today. counterintelligence officer who developed ogorodnik’s case, vladimir viktorovich nechaev, we are glad to welcome you, hello, as i understand it, ogorodnik was quite cunning, smart, very attentive, let’s say, an agent, yes, who paid attention to details and surrounded himself with women on all sides , well, you just gave such a complete description of this person, but everything is true, of course, well...
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splashing out, either from excessive narcissism, self-confidence, and so on, that is, these behavior in nature only later, when it became negative qualities and traits, of course, began to manifest themselves in his behavior and actions, most importantly, he began to admit things that were sometimes completely absurd from the point of view
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of a professional counterintelligence officer. actions that gave reason to attract increased attention to him from the intelligence services of the host country, in this case in colombia it is clear that behind every employee of our ... institutions, be it the embassy, ​​be it the consulate general, be it the mission and others, of course, everyone represents literally interest for the intelligence services in terms of receiving information from them, in any form, be it in the dark, and of course, the peak is when a person is recruited by the intelligence services, and represents for him, of course, in this case, the gardener was a very valuable source for ... the special services, in this case, the americans picked him up from the local special services, a gas station was mentioned here, he developed more than just a gas station, he began selling sprits there, then
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cigarettes, well, of course, he attracted attention, first from the management or there, let’s say this gas station, the head of the gas station, but naturally, the americans and local intelligence services at the beginning were colombian, of course, since our soviet diplomats often appeared there, of course the person was attracted to cooperation, in this case the head of this gas station, and he was an agent of the colombian military intelligence , that is, we got screwed, ours, but by the way, now tell me these details, but i don’t remember this backstory in the famous film, tas is authorized to say, well, such details, of course, why? for artistic film, especially since this is a purely professional interest, in this case , after almost 50 years, you can say about it, but what is certain is if you remember the film, because we all grew up watching it and
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today there are brilliant actors who they also starred in the film with us on the show, this story with the surgeon’s daughter olga, whom he poisoned, it’s impossible to even assume that she was an accomplice, but the possibility, taking into account their relationship and his nature, that’s all- after all, he had adventurism, he
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he could have listened to transmissions from intelligence centers on the frankfurt radio and something else, she’s a normal, smart person, and he used her in the dark, and... maybe he still probed her, that’s what if, and what if so, what if how? well, maybe some kind of frank conversation took place, he poisoned her with this poison that evaporates, you cannot find it in the body, we discovered his notes, he took notes literally every day, there were hints, as if signs of what he did with the staple with this portion of poison. which one to him, which one to him handed over to the cia, then he announced that he allegedly lost this poison, but this is some kind of madness, given his accuracy, caution and fear of suddenly losing such a thing, about kurar,
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of course, i repeat this again, one of the versions, and the americans in their publications, they call it cyonite, well cyonite, cyonite, the difference is small, unfortunately, valentina titova is with us today, you just won olga’s friend. yes, let's remember this scene, attention, olya came to me, her eyes were sore and she was somehow squeezed out, i never i saw her like this before, i don’t know if it’s convenient to talk about this, in a word, she asked me to evaluate the earrings, a diamond with an emerald, and what kind of earrings are they, where did she get them from, you don’t know, she gave me an oak tree, excuse me for being tactless, yes, but i can’t get rid of... the thought that you don’t have much warmth for dubov, well, how can i tell you, i really don’t really like him, he’s smart, talented, doesn’t drink, but my heart doesn’t lie for him, judicial conclusion -medical examination of the corpse
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of citizen winter olga viktorovna, 34 years old, the study was carried out at night in clear weather and artificial light, conclusions: the death of citizen winter was caused by poisoning with a quick-acting poison, the chemical composition of which... could not be fully established. this drug is not produced in the ussr; according to the main pharmacy directorate of the ussr ministry of health, it has not been purchased abroad. to the question posed to us about the pregnancy of citizen winter. the answer should be negative. signs of any diseases in the deceased not detected. we can assume that before the said drug was introduced into her body, she was practically healthy. did you know all these details that we are discussing today or did you just have a role? no, i didn’t know, then i have to tell you that cinema is still an interpretation. just like what happened in life, we never work because we don’t have the right. the fact is that i am now sitting with people who are better artists
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than us, nothing can be done, such a profession, and i only know since i was a wife director, that always, always on the set, where, if we leave moscow, we were always accompanied by specialists who were a little in the crowd, a little just spectators, a little all the time, but... not only is it always written in the credits, that the consultant, someone else there, these are other people behind the scenes, then, when the material is ready, they decide what remains and what needs to be removed, this is delicate work, but still returning to the women's topic, as i i understand, the main character, she also appears in the film, like pilar suarez, as i understand it, they met there at the embassy, ​​yes, he met her, then... their relationship continued in the form of letters, here is one of them,
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look, we discovered, beloved pilar, do n’t be offended that i didn’t i could have waited longer for you, on your birthday i was in our house, listened to our songs, read our books, i was with you then, i’m sorry, but i need to leave, the hammam closes at 9:00 pm, they are waiting for me at a friend’s house , congratulations, hugs a thousand times, july 9, 72nd, your sasha, that is, it was for her sake, let’s say, for the sake of love to her, he sells his homeland or saving himself, because he was filmed with her, how foolish you are, of course, saving, i say, he always thought about himself, but it was also no coincidence that she appeared on his horizon in his life, she was an employee american-colombian cultural center and at the same time a cia agent, plus a businesswoman, as they say now, when recruitment has already taken place. they promised him and her, or rather him, that they have
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a joint venture, a factory, everything will be fine, money in the balance, that she will have a business, and a wife, everything else, but the most interesting, to get into the apartment, to get into the apartment of the gardener, a whole special operation was carried out in the chaika pool, when he was given a soporific massage, and let's see the reconstruction of the program, the investigation is being conducted by the kgb, exactly in this pool, what happened? one day, lieutenant colonel peretrukhin invites a gardener to take a steam bath in a seagull bath, and at the same time listen to the details of an important assignment. a large cheerful company is portrayed by kgb officers; they must quietly take casts of the keys to the gardener’s apartment, but he behaves very carefully. there are sandwiches with salmon caviar on the tables in the dressing room, but the main thing is cold czech beer in cans, a huge shortage in moscow in the seventies.
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somewhere, in general, on the edge, so i was looking for exits to the west, in addition, during the development process... materials were received that not everything was fine with his back, so my second legend was that well, strictly speaking, a legend for him, but in life it really was like that: i am a former athlete, master of sports of the ussr , international class in track cycling,
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repeated champion of the soviet union, which means, well... and here my creative theatrical skills were needed, which i didn’t have, but i have to, i have to learn from facts, which means the idea is sports, which means i’m an athlete myself, like me he said he took special massage courses, and if he wants, he can ask me to do it, well, that is, there is a 100% guarantee.
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full massage, not just a back massage, but a full massage, because this extended the time for the guys from the technical department to work, gradually, gradually, gradually i feel that the muscles begin to relax, his eyes close, i am an employee of the special unit, we transmit from a distance, i say, guys, it’s time, they begin their work. i continue, naturally, with my own, then the guys give me the go-ahead that everything is in order, yes, you can finish your own opera from the dawn, well, in the end everyone is happy, the state security committee, because the job
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is done, our unit, he, because he finally felt better, felt better. v back, well, me, because i completed the task of the management, so let us now do a little advertising, immediately after this another person from our secret operation will appear, who, after the gardener took poison, portrayed agent trianon for 3 weeks in makeup, which will he tell you after 40 years? what 's better than when someone says they love you? words, today he loves, but tomorrow he doesn’t. let's look at rtr. your kostyukov took away your application, what? yes, father, a traitor.
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you are the only important thing in the world to me, the only dream. are you in third place with kostyakov? i am in my place, i help people. are you not ready to change anything? from a water park for children, lush green gardens to the beauty of coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. we invite you to the swiss hotel
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sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a vacation where... elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will last forever in my heart. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday. friends met here, one hundred percent sure that friends will not let you down. your subcortical circle. i’m thoughtful about something, well, maybe it’s the ones who lay the asphalt, the asphalt pavers, one hundred percent guarantee that it won’t be boring, you’re not afraid, here the light bulbs can break, that tourists and...
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“your heart, no matter what happens, i’m always i will love you, but i need nastya, what coincidence, me too, you can become a world star, and you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, we want to perform together, if you really love him, you should let him go, i always get what i want, let me go, did he die? have you ruined my life, deprived me
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of my future? i am pregnant. only this was not enough now. music of my soul. on friday on rtr. i'm nikolai. watch our program about our best people, my premiere, soon on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and
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in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the first podcasts we watch. tas is authorized to say that this series was one of the most iconic in the ussr. it is based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry who was recruited by cia agents. the spy caused great damage to the ussr with his actions. ogorodnik, aka agent trianon, sent classified information to the americans, without hesitation to hand over his own. today, 40 years later, the details of this high-profile case mark the seventieth anniversary of the state security committee. before leaving for advertising, we said that during his arrest, alexander ogorodnik managed to drink poison from the cap of his pen, but in order to create the appearance that the sru agent is alive
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after his death, counterintelligence officer viktor pesok will walk around with a changed appearance for another 3 weeks. let's listen to what he had to say. in this house, in this entrance. lived alexander ogorodnik 1 2 3 4 5 on the sixth or something where the acno is beautiful in my opinion, well , i had a jacket similar to his, the same color and the same tailoring, there were sunglasses on the table, well, i just took it, figured it out, one of the generals tried on these sunglasses, so look, he says, but he looks similar. and here, apparently, the idea was born to make a double, constantly, so that i
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would be under the supervision of the americans, that i was alive, healthy and unharmed, as if this so-called game began, they took me to the mosfilm film studio, the head of the film the workshop said, well, the material is generally damp, but the material is suitable. that means they plucked my eyebrows, poor women, raised the wings of my nose, raised them, made inserts, raised my upper lip, also made inserts, this is the same wig that i generally wore when i left the house, so i changed clothes, changed and put on completely different dark glasses and...
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that's it, when i was classified as a gardener, i had to carry out operations in connection with the station of the united states of america, on this post there was a sign, beware of children, he was a gardener using lipstick, this with lipstick he signaled that i was ready for a secret operation, then when my wife found it.
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into the gardener’s apartment, and they found these various marks and traps that were placed so that he could understand whether someone had entered the apartment or not, what it looked like? the first time we entered there, we found strings, hairs, everything was rearranged, everything was, as it were, marked, so he, well, could determine whether he had entered in his absence, whether anyone had entered the apartment or not? in short, we turned around from the lack of bread, we left from there, because in order not to fail the operation, the operation was very serious, well , only after a number of operational and technical measures were carried out, it was found out where he had a cache with his spy gadgets, all there was a code, a notepad, a fountain pen , with which he took
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secret photographs, produced batteries.


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