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tv   Khudozhnik  RUSSIA1  July 30, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm MSK

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three days in a row from today july 30 to thursday august 5, peaking this afternoon. thanks for watching, bye. shoot if you can, although you can, i know that now, put the barrel down, what are you doing here, do you want him to shoot you here, gun, listen to me, both of you in moscow. a big sabotage, if we don’t
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stop it, even more people will die. yes, the artist is me, i led the troikas, the task of the three was to raise funds for this operation, so i directed troikas at the criminals, berlin didn’t care, just like we indicated where we will get these funds. i received from a german resident located here in savka, the purpose of the undercover operation was to contact him personally, who the resident is, i have no idea, i just know, his pseudonym is wagner, an infirmary operation is being prepared in moscow, he wants to use the operation in his own purposes, prisoners of war are being taken to moscow from the camp in venitsa, among them there will be saboteurs, i don’t know how many there are, but judging by the number of prisoners of war there will be a lot of them, and now... imagine well
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armed, trained fighters, to conduct combat operations in the city , wagner must meet them, i don’t know the details, but if everything is as i think, they will receive weapons and clear instructions for action, we must prevent this, but what about you, sasha, you didn’t do anything before, but what do you think i ’ve been doing all this time? i wanted to remove the rocks gradually. prevent further murders, but after the death of jourman, the transparent one got out of control, wagner realized this, i decided to take control of the troikas for myself, and remove me, wagner is our main goal, so you have to let me go, why, because here i am much more useful than on petrovka, if these saboteurs get...
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go, efimych, you’re crazy, he’s a traitor, let him go, yefimych, let him go, go, don’t follow me. i smell surveillance, i’ll leave
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the game.
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this is sazonov, there is no sazonov, this is son petrov. "look through, petrov worked in leningrad, in 1935 he moved to moscow with his son, the son immediately dies mysteriously, the body, as you and i saw, is in there is no grave, but in the same thirty-fifth moscow sazonov and wagner appear, which means krivtsov was right, sazonov is wagner, he kills."
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he told me about you, he said, you can be trusted, but he didn’t tell me anything about you, i don’t i ask you to believe me, i need a person, this is half, the same amount, when you find the one i need, well, who you need, the one who is well versed in radio.
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you should have come an hour ago, your job is to monitor the processes, i. i'm following, maybe you can tell me what your plan is? listen, i just asked you a question,
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who hurts like that, no one hurts the engine there. get out of here, otherwise i’ll tell your mother, but the reason your mother called you “motor” is a joke. he just thinks slowly, and that slowly is normal, you know how i know how to raise chickens, you know what kind of chicken coop i have. this is how your yard is, this is my chicken coop, congratulations, if you want, i’ll teach you, you know
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how animals love me, and all animals love fools, what fools, so, do you want us to breed together, marry me? come out and let's make a fool of ourselves, so what? good game, lucy, and look, she can’t grab a knife accidentally, police captain sazunov. where are you going, what’s wrong with him,
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say hello for three days, what’s this, it’s an operational need, if you refuse, i’ll understand. good, lyusya, i have salted mushrooms in the cellar, bring them, i need to treat the guests, listen to me, i have a son. she was a bastard, when he needed something, he smiled the same way you looked at her,
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you know that she’s in love with you, you know, otherwise she wouldn’t have come here, but i ’ll tell you what, she’s been with her all her life everyone uses when my son offended her, i was afraid to intervene, now i regret it, and she herself had to take a lot of sin... on her soul, a big one, and if you offend her, as a rule, i understand, i just need shelter, that’s all.
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lyosh, listen, the pulnar will definitely ask where sazonov went, say, he went underground to work undercover for the last 2 days before the end of the operation, it’s better to tell the truth, but in any game you like it... or not, you have to go to end, we accepted sashkin’s rules, we will put him on the wanted list, we will lose contact with him, yeah, that is, you you believe that he will get in touch, so you don’t know anything about my order, only that sazunov went into retirement, nothing more, for god’s sake.
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what's happening? do you know where your colleague is? sazon? no, what's the matter? but the fact is that your colleague, our colleague, is an artist. sazonov, the artist, comrade captain, provided enough evidence. what nonsense? things are much more serious. the operation we are currently preparing for could be used for sabotage purposes. we learned that someone will try to rip it off wagner. so wagner and the artist are one and the same person. that's for sure. i'm talking about wagner. i would n't just stand here like that. of course, you
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want to say something, i’m listening to you. he’s a bitch, even worse, that’s all, that’s all, in this case all i can do is notify you that you have been dismissed from your position, and you have been removed from the investigation, i hope there is no need to explain why, no, work hard already, kostenko, because i’m extremely suspicious it looks like sazonov worked for so many years under the wing of major efimov, he did not suspect anything and didn’t report where he should, we still... have to find out how this happened, criminal or negligence in wartime, blood suit or conspiracy, maybe then you’ll fire all of petrovka, lesh, not to mention the fact that sazonov is with someone police schools are friendly to cover, cooperation with the authorities is in your own interests, if you
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know or find out something, contact me immediately, rest assured. “so, covert surveillance of sozonov’s apartment at all known points of the head, the mother of akimova, efimov and kostenko is carried out around the clock, where people i’ll take it, i don’t know what could be better than when a person says that he loves you, words, today he loves you, but tomorrow he doesn’t, your kostyukov took the statement that yes, well done, traitor, you are the only important thing in the world for me, the only a dream, but for kostyukov you are in third place, i am in my place, i help people, you are not ready to change anything for raisa, for a real man work always comes first, you are all men like that,
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use us in the bushes, remember our names, raya knows everything. today on rtr rom castro - product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group, montechoca cognac is a product of the stellar group.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu resorts, we are here for you. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. provocation is treacherous behavior.
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on the media platform let's watch. substation: the first podcasts we watch. continuation of the sensational investigation of the volgograd adoptive mother nadezhda fratti, who in at the beginning of the 2000s, it sold abroad about 1,260 russian orphans, whose fate remains unknown. only in our program is exclusive, all accomplices of the same cause. she 'll kill me if you show them all. sensational revelations of ex-defendants who personally. on friday, your heart, no matter what happens, i will always love you, and i need nastya,
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what a coincidence, me too, you can become a world star, and you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, we will create a performance together if you really love him, you should let him go, i always get what i want, let me go. did he die? have you ruined my life, deprived me of my future? i'm pregnant, that 's all i needed right now. music of my soul. on friday, on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, they have come. big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we are creating
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three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work a lot, plans are turning into a project before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, the paintings of our heroes will soon bloom real stone flowers, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, don’t trust anyone, there’s deception all around, crooked thieves,
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nadya kruglova, you’re in serious business, protocol, fine and file cabinet, i ’ll give it all, just don’t tell mom, please don’t tell me, you had to get yourself into such a mess, you fool nadya, on saturday on rtr.
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it’s good here, water, air, if you want, catch fish, if you want, take a walk in the forest. do you miss her? i miss you, i also experienced the death of my husband, so it seems like you killed him yourself, so your fiancee died because of you? believe it or not, i loved him, even when
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i killed him, i loved him, people are quick to judge, his mother only understands me, and if she could come back and change everything, she would kill me. i would have stabbed him, but i would have given everything to the world, if only svetka would have lived, how did i know about svetka, about your bride, by chance, that’s what you i knocked out the transparent one, they told me right away, who informed? why do you need it? do you need a good postal service? your admirer is funny,
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he even bursts out somehow, he is harmless. from the cars, one by one, the barracks run, march, when trying to escape, we open fire to kill, go, if you turn your head, i’ll shoot you on
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the spot, move. we are too strong with them, comrade captain, our guys will still figure out in moscow who is ours and who is not ours, the main thing for us is to deliver everyone, we will soon be in moscow, we will not lose our activities, but do not give in to possible provocations, i am sorry that you said? just a joke, make that joke again, i ’m speaking your tongue, i understand, joker, i heard it was prepared in berlin itself, where are you? krakow, and
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me in smolensk. “i’m from moscow myself, i haven’t been home for 4 years, so i’m coming back, but you yourself have been to moscow, no, why all this, doesn’t he himself understand, but he doesn’t care, berlin is doomed, and they want to make suicide bombers out of us, only that it will change, i still got everything, but we’ll eat it from the belly, we’ll feel the women, it will change or not, but i ’ll take mine anyway, i’ll look at yours in moscow, you the main thing is don’t give in alive, and let the baron go, you know, maybe i know, you’ll find the baron, tell
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him he needs help from call, i’m your uncle! what, it goes like this, consider that i hired you? - is it good? sazonov, is that you, or what? go to petrovka, give it to kostenko. free! hey, you, get away from her, this is my woman, i ’ll marry her, what do you want, motor, but she says she wants to get married, no, i’d be happy too, but what should i do, i don’t
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know how to raise chickens, i’m not a fool , this is my woman, get out of here, don’t be a fool, don’t forget to invite the wedding party, i'm not a fool, i'm not a fool, go, go, i'm not a fool, you're in the mood.
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estinka. take a walk, what does it mean to be fired at all, but impeccable service, length of service, that’s all where, gene, what, gene, don’t start, don’t start, in general, you and i found an adventure for the ass, in our old age. “i’ll figure it out myself, listen, stop, he’ll figure it out himself, we ’ve known each other for a thousand years, for you to say such words to me now, shame on you, he’ll figure it out himself, i can’t
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fit one thing in my head, how is this for so many years, we didn’t understand that it was him.” " don't know, hello, sazonov, hello, bang, dangerous people have shown up in moscow, they will be looking for something, weapons, money, information, you find out something, let me know, who are you looking for, sazanov, germans, those who work for them,
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you know such a guy, he runs a workshop in a quiet place, uh-huh, they say that some person, not from the locals, came to see him, looking for a specialist who understands radio engineering. i understand you,
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what do you want? “yes, i have an interest in one little man, they say he came to see you, visited you, where at the fire, you know, but i remember you, you that milton from petrovka, yes i, so what, what destinies, but i want to listen to you?
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what’s your name, everything is written there, citizen, answer the question, repen, igor sergeevich,
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where do you work, igor sergeevich, at the motor depot, little by little, hands, what’s the matter, comrades, i told you right away that it was him, stand! yes, alexey, they told you in front, what
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kind of place did i choose ? i’ll shoot you here now, and so that you don’t run around anymore, i’ll put a bullet in your head, look, efimyche will restore it, huh? rudakov knows, he found out without us, he was just
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a little late, and he also knows that wagner is you, wagner, not me, he is here, we need to take him, rudakov said, he is not detained, there is no time, he will leave otherwise, in general so, you continue to monitor this exit, and we will take it to the other side, i’ll take it, let’s go, i met with a friend of the transparent one, he told me that a new curator of the head came to see him, he was looking for a radio specialist... technicians , they pointed him to a certain helkevich, they are preparing something,
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you need to find out, find him, find out, why should i believe you, you don’t have to believe me, today at 10 in marina ruscha, come alone, you have information on khilkevich, and i need to check something else.
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crap! how many days have passed since he didn’t show up at home, kherkevich, so 3 days turns out just right, yeah, and why didn’t
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he say anything to anyone, and to whom, he doesn’t have a wife or children, it’s useless for us neighbors, and where did he work, well, before the war at... in some radio station he worked, when he returned, yes, the buffoon knows him, but he goes regularly, where, why, i i don’t meddle in other people’s affairs, yeah, well , can you describe what kind of person he is, well , he seems like a normal guy, but he’s silent, you can’t get a word out of him, and he doesn’t drink at all, but he has golden hands, he’s made of any junk, he could sing anything, he even made radios, but what did he do, huh? well , some people came to him, i personally didn’t see him, although i was returning from work here the other day, there was a gas station at the entrance, and khelkevich was sitting there, communicating with someone with whom he was communicating, you remember, not , i didn’t see
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when it was, so exactly one day, when he disappeared. thank you, i’m here to help lisa, so i’m ready for any humiliation, look at the rdr, i can’t wait any longer, speed up the divorce. the information that your mother left for moscow was confirmed, i am sure that gordeev killed his wife, when you get to him, so that he loses, don’t torture me, i gave it. his word, well, even earlier you gave your word to me, until you said, yes, you are free, together forever, today on rtr, сnop gin, a product of stellor group, immerse yourself
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in the world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suyuts sharma shaikh, magnificent golf. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort with the rixos golf villas and suits sharma. steersman bourbon is a product of the lar group. hotel titanic de lux, golf belleg, where every moment is. this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet -
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the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. veda vodka is a stella product.
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welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday, friends met here, one hundred percent confidence that friends will not let you down, your humble servant, i’m thoughtful about something, maybe this. who lay asphalt, asphalt pavers? one hundred percent guarantee that it won’t be boring, aren’t you afraid, the light bulbs here can break, what are tourists looking for in the cave? we have one of the answers, perhaps it is correct, puddles: one hundred percent pleasure from the game, what can you do?
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jangger, i’m just smart, yes, yes, 100 to one, let’s go to rtr on saturday and sunday, darling, remember we said that we want a baby, we must first get on our own feet, look at the weekend, your husband owes us. .. money, if you want to see him alive, put 3 million in a box at an abandoned construction site, i really urgently need money, mortgage your apartment, where to sign, well three, oh cool, we are real rich people, i don’t love you and never will didn’t love me, i have a different life, you have to pay interest on the contract, how much 2000? why so many? did you just deceive me? you will do me one small favor, and i will cancel the debt. what service do you
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want from me? how could you hire a complete stranger to work as a nanny ? forgetting about everything. on saturday on rtr. dumplings put through a meat grinder become naval pasta. what is your name? sasha? and sural-masha? yes, what about you? and how are you, before you give birth, well, you’re not a woman, but left, left and more, thoughts of light , turning the steering wheel to the right, humor, humor, humor, on saturday on rtr, my head is pounding, but... put, wait, bring water into the sea,
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pressure, or something, and you too, well done, to the infirmary, nothing, but you have zero results, you need to take this bone, under no circumstances, if sazonov, that is, wagner, supports communication with him is now our only thread. sazonov is not a fool, not like borka, after what you did there, he won’t go near kostenko, sazonov is alone now, apparently he has nowhere to go, he needs kostenko, why do you, you have 2 days to bring put sazonov here, if the infirmary goes wrong, some kind of emergency or something similar, both shoot, okay? that's right, that's right, and now let's get out of here, the last question is dead, you have
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some other questions for me, considerations, i assumed, based on, albeit indirect evidence, that sazonov is petrov's son, now we are almost sure that this so it is , let’s say, let’s get closer to the point, misha, well, something doesn’t fit, why would he kill his own father, you bring him to me with azzon, put him here, i’ll ask him personally about this, okay? that's right, free, why do you need this radio specialist? what do you mean, do you still believe sazon? yes, he led us on our behalf for so many years, while he was secretly running entire gangs, don’t you think that he is playing some kind of game of his own, leading, then what,
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we’ll just work for him in the wings, for some reason he needs it, what that's not the case here, obviously. there’s nothing wrong with him at all , what should we do, let’s listen to what he says, yes, he won’t come, well, for some reason he scheduled this meeting, i don’t know, but i ’m telling you for sure that he’s not when he comes, i look into his eyes i look, i’m already shaking, lech, there’s probably no emotion here. well, let's play, or maybe
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make some noise, well, yeah, i can't do that, so why did you cut them out? “sanchika, are you going to have dinner, no, i have a meeting, don’t leave. something
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bad is going to happen to me, i’m sure it will happen, i’m with you, i’m on my own. then i’ll wait for you, thank you.
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why aren’t you so gloomy are you sick? my mother is buried in moscow, i had so many friends, maybe they are still alive, i know all the streets there, alleys, in general i love moscow very much, so be happy, you will see your moscow soon, how? i’ll shoot at my own people, but that’s how the card
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is dealt with. but it seems to me that there is always a choice, go now and tell everything, then none of this will happen, do you want us all to be put in a row here right now, get this nonsense out of your head, if you don’t want to be naughty in moscow, don’t be naughty, you’ll come and run. well, yes, you're right, maybe we shouldn't shoot?
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do you think sazonov will come? then that’s it, now that’s all for him.
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i'm not a fool, you hear me, i'm not a fool, i'm not a fool, i'm not a fool, go home. i'm not a fool. he realized that we were following costang. is not
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means that he will not leave to meet him like this for now. rekhtor is up to something. tomorrow you will each work in your own area, park, metro, bus stop, shops, when is the best time to take them, tomorrow, many people may die, and we can prevent this, where
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are the areas, i will tell you what i know, but you will owe us help, let's go, artist, continuation, look at rtr tomorrow. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. russian troops liberated the populated area point of the lenin donetsk people's republic. 10 control points for ukrainian armed forces drones were destroyed. train traffic has been completely restored at the crash site in the volgograd region. riots in venezuela.


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