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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:36pm MSK

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it’s better to kill them, tomorrow, many people may die, and we can prevent this, where is sazonov, i will tell you what i know, but you will have to help us, okay, artist, we’ll watch the continuation tomorrow on rtr. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. russian troops liberated the settlement of the lenin donetsk people's republic. 10 drone control points in the ssu were destroyed. train traffic has been completely restored at the crash site in the volgograd region. riots in venezuela. the protesters are dissatisfied with the results of
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the presidential elections. large-scale naval exercises have begun in russia. the federation council proposed legislatively restricting advertising of debt relief campaigns. strong winds, large hail and rain hit the krasnoyarsk pillars reserve. and the museum and temple complex new khersanez opened in sevastopol. there are more and more visitors here every minute. in 2023 , rostec increased revenue by a third, this year it is planned to increase it further, the state corporation is 100% compliant state defense order for samples that are especially in demand in the special operation zone, such figures were given today at a meeting in the kremlin with vladimir putin by the head of the company, sergei chemizov, he presented them to the president. report on the work of rostec
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today the corporation's revenue has been consolidated , today it has increased by almost 34% and today amounted to 2.840 billion. we hope that already this year in the twenty-fourth year we will cross the 3 trillion mark, we will also have a net profit increased, amounted to 60 billion and 100 million, to unfortunately. this is not yet a very high profit for the kind of revenue that we show today, but this first of all indicates that we have a large volume of government defense contracts, and today’s profitability, unfortunately not very high, is somewhere around 2 %. uh, in addition, not all overhead costs today are accepted by military acceptance, so sometimes this 2% is not enough to... in order to cover
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all the expenses that our enterprises incur when fulfilling state defense orders. i note that rostec is involved in the decision national tasks to strengthen the security, defense capability and industrial independence of the country. the priority is to meet the current needs of the army and create future weapons. first sbo, the corporation significantly expanded its production capacity. many enterprises have switched to two-three-shift operating modes. such measures. allowed us to reach production volumes that until recently seemed impossible. along with the military , the most important civilian programs are being implemented in the aviation and automotive industries, energy, healthcare and other industries. now to the latest data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation: fighters from the center group liberated the village of leninskoye in the dpr. in addition, they repelled six nationalist counterattacks. enemy losses exceeded 300 people. and within
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24 hours, fighters from the west group destroyed 10 control points for uav drones. the crews of the s60 automatic anti-aircraft guns coped with the task. the fighters fired 57 mm shells at a range of up to 4 km. they need less than a minute to defeat the fortified camouflaged stronghold. new attacks were carried out by the army aviation crew. mi-28 helicopters launched unguided missiles at the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. camouflaged vehicles and infantry were destroyed. having hit the targets, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to their home airfield. snipers from the troop center group work in the ovdeevsky direction; they always go ahead of the assault units. so.
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direction to a similar area to the snipers of the advanced group of the attack aircraft unit of the central military district, as they say, no stranger to destroying, leaving, everything is clear, the ukrainian military left this village under pressure from russian artillery. snipers choose the most convenient firing line less than a kilometer from the line of combat contact. the target has already been determined, a gunner always works in the group, as professionals say, number two, it is his information that, as a rule, guarantees the destruction of the object. vertical 4.4, yes,
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fire when ready. the combat work of snipers in the center group of troops always precedes the actions of assault units. regular 308 caliber rifles, the task is 900 thousand further, i observe, corrections, give, correct, derivation, i read everything, without silencers everything is visible, there is no sniper fire, svd, svdm, now orsis, a good rifle, the infantrymen went for the assault, and we like a sniper, we are covering, they stumbled ahead. at the enemy, they cannot pass the forest regiment, from this forest regiment to the next one, there is a machine gunner working there, they approached secretly, waited, spotted him, quickly, quickly removed him, those territories near the line of combat contact that were recently occupied unit of the ukrainian armed forces,
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today being examined by sappers, a continuous passage more than 3 m wide or two tracks, the spaces between them... remains uncleared, the commander of a demining vehicle created on the basis of the t-90 tank talks about his impressions after hitting several unexploded ones at once before ammunition, to be honest, it’s like you’re sitting in a saucepan, it’s so overwhelming, probably more emotions, as if not to run into a landmine, danger, a high probability that there will be some kind of landmine lying around and that it it won’t save you, but the vehicle is very reliable, you don’t notice the explosion, the sapper crews, of course, change their location and work as the line of combat contact advances. alexey baranov, yuri
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marchenko, alexander malyshev and natalya afanasyeva. news: lugansk and donetsk people's republics, line of combat contact. train traffic has been completely restored after the carriages derailed, as reported by russian railways. now everything possible is being done to reduce the delay of trains, passengers who were at points as a result of the emergency temporary accommodation will arrive in adler by 23:00. two reserve trains were used to transport people. and today the ministry of internal affairs confirmed that the accident was caused by the kamaz driver. he entered the crossing at a red traffic light. maxim akhmetov will continue the topic. the hard work of railway workers and repair and restoration work at the accident site do not stop for a minute. a tracklayer is working on site , and now russian railways specialists are essentially re -laying 300 m of railway track. the work is serious and responsible. deep
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at night it was possible to partially resume train traffic, and during the day the second line was repaired. almost a thousand specialists are taking part in the work. freight and passenger trains are narrower. they go through kotelnikov, although with a delay. footage of the terrible accident of the kazan-adler passenger train has spread all over the internet. the train derailed after a collision with a kamaz truck. according to the preliminary version, the driver decided to skip the crossing in front of the train. now he is in serious condition. according to the operational headquarters, 52 people were injured, more than twenty of them immediately they were taken to the local hospital afterwards.
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and her grandchildren were traveling in the fifth carriage, which suffered the most, they were saved by a miracle, everything was falling there, you understand how it began to overturn, including the dishes, and that means. tickets, but we still didn’t cancel, we decided to continue anyway. all passengers
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of the ill-fated train departed from kotelnikov and are traveling towards adler. operational and investigative actions continue, a criminal case has been opened, and the transport prosecutor's office has begun its investigation. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos, dmitry belyansky and svetlana selivanova. news: volgograd region. mass riots broke out in venezuela after the results of the presidential elections were announced. thousands of opposition supporters took to the streets, they destroy everything in their path, demonstrators build barricades, demolish statues of former venezuelan president ugochavis, and burn posters of the current head of state. the faces of most protest participants are covered with bandanas, and police are being pelted with stones and molotov cocktails. in the historical center of caracos near. palace mira flores went through a shootout.
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more than twenty military personnel were injured, there is information about one death. the russian embassy recommended that our fellow citizens who are now in venezuela take all precautions. nicolas maduro won sunday's presidential elections, but the opposition did not recognize the voting results. amid the unrest, maduro addressed the nation and declared. that the opposition, with the support of washington, is trying to carry out a coup. gringo. the gringos are behind this plan. it's the work of my hands u.s.a. this is their plan that they have developed. i am aware of this and i condemn it. they used the electoral process to destabilize venezuela, to harm you, ladies and gentlemen, you, my fellow citizens. out of refusal to recognize the election results, caracos has already recalled diplomats from... argentina, chile, peru, costa rica, panama, the dominican republic and uruguay. this was reported by
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the venezuelan foreign ministry. they emphasized that the authorities of these countries act under the auspices of the united states. mortgage rates in russia will inevitably go down as slowing inflation. this is the goal of the central bank's policy. this statement was made by the head of the central bank, elvira naviulina, at a meeting of the council for the development of the financial market under the federation council. much attention too. money for information about existing free debt reduction mechanisms
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. last week , a law came into force according to which banks no longer just have the right, but are obliged to disconnect dropers from remote servicing if information from them came from the ministry of internal affairs system as part of a criminal investigation. and dropper is deprived of the main thing, the ability to withdraw money, because absolutely all banks are connected to our database, this means that it will be more difficult for scammers to cast their nets widely, the mass of attacks will decrease, because costs will rise, but of course we will monitor the situation , and if necessary, propose additional measures. three people were rescued from the krasnoyarsk pillars national park; they were in the reserve at the moment when a severe hurricane hit with winds of up to 25 m/s. rain game. the elements felled many trees, as a result, some of the routes were washed out by rains,
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and debris from broken branches formed on popular hiking trails. the consequences of the bad weather are now being eliminated in dagestan, and after record rainfall , more than forty settlements have already been cut off from civilization there, at least five mountain rivers have overflowed their banks, highways have been flooded due to emergency shutdowns, tens of thousands of residents have been left without electricity. in karilia , the body of one of their people was discovered, who went missing after a dam broke on the white sea-baltic canal. the water is already began to retreat, cleanup should begin today in the affected areas. and they announced it in kuban. storm warning predicts that in the coming hours , showers, thunderstorms and squally winds will come to the region; there is a danger of a tornado forming over the sea. one of the participants in the presidential program time of heroes will head the direction of physical education and sports in altai. andrei turchak offered the responsible post of acting head of the region to special operation veteran alexander
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surazov. a career military graduate of the novosibirsk command school more than once proved his professionalism and courage on the field. important for the development of the republic. today, immediately after the big news, watch the continuation of the multi-part melodrama, together forever. it is based on shakespeare's timeless plot of two warring families in which young people are in love and are about to get married. how to maintain a feeling when everything around is against you and how to build happiness in spite of everything. the answers
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to these questions will have to be found by the hero of the film. don't miss four new episodes at once starting at 21:20. you look at the news, that's about what we will tell you further in our program: large-scale naval exercises began in russia, in the donetsk direction our troops attacked an important stronghold of the nationalists, and the new khersanez museum and temple complex opened in sevastopol, more about this and more immediately after the advertisement, stay with us, i ’m here to help lizzie, so i’m ready for any humiliation, look at rtr, i can’t wait any longer, speed up. divorce. the information that your mother left for moscow has been confirmed. i'm sure gordeev killed his wife when you get to him so that he loses. don't torture me, i gave him my word. well, even earlier you gave your word to me, until you said, yes, you are free, together forever. today on rtr. indulge yourself in a first-class
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holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you.
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provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you think so? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch. on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first podcasts we watch. welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday. friends met here, one hundred percent sure that friends will not let you down. your
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humble servant. i’m thoughtful about something, maybe it’s the ones who lay the asphalt, the asphalt pavers. 100%. this guarantee that it won’t be boring, don’t you be afraid, here the light bulbs can be polovtsians, what tourists are looking for in the cave, we have one of the answers, maybe it’s correct, puddles, one hundred percent pleasure from the game, do you know how to jam, i’m just smart, yes, yes, 100 to one, let's go, saturday to sunday on rtr, now i only want to play for one. person for you, on friday, your heart, no matter what happens, i will always love you, and not... i need nastya, what a coincidence, me too, you can become a world star, and you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, let’s not create a duet and perform together, if you really
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love him, you should let him go, i always get what i want, let me go, zakty, is he dead? “you ruined my life, deprived me of my future, i’m pregnant, only this was not enough now, the music of my soul, on friday on rtr, i didn’t leave and didn’t break up, i just disappeared, that’s how i came across the brutal song.
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evening show of andrei malakhov on saturday on rtr. you are watching the news, we continue the broadcast. and again to the situation in the nwo zone. russian troops were struck by the accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 137 districts. the mars l air reconnaissance radar was also destroyed, and 45 unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down. enemy losses exceeded 1,900. human. so, in the donetsk direction, military personnel from the southern group attacked an important stronghold of the nationalists. an assault unit was sent to capture it with the support of
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t-80 and bmp-2 tanks. the crews of combat vehicles approached the enemy and opened heavy fire on him. the military immediately took defensive positions nationalist positions, destroying a large number of personnel and capturing captured weapons. after completing the assigned task, the armored group promptly retreated to a safe area. and in the area of ​​​​the settlement of pereezdnaya , the enemy command and observation post was destroyed by tula paratroopers, and the crew of the d-20 howitzer worked out. as a result , a camouflaged firing point from which the militants launched anti-tank missiles at our armored vehicles was destroyed. this helped the assault groups enter the opornik and capture three militants. planned exercises have begun in russia. ships of the northern, pacific and baltic fleets, as well as the caspian flotilla, take part in the maneuvers. they involve about 300 ships, boats, submarines, almost fifty airplanes and
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helicopters, as well as more than 20 thousand sailors. over the course of several days, the military will perform over 300 combat exercises using weapons, including anti-aircraft missile and artillery firing at naval air training targets. as the ministry of defense emphasized, the main purpose of the exercise is to test actions. and military command and control bodies of the navy at all levels. america is waiting for another series of supershow presidential candidate debates. donald trump has announced that he will have a verbal duel with kamala haris at least once before the election. in turn, haris also agreed to a meeting with trump. meanwhile, the current owner of the white house has proposed reform of the supreme court, which could strip the immunity of former presidents, including trump. the topic is about...
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not being subject to jurisdiction. we don’t need such a court; supporters may be forced to go to the capitol the democrats thought that they were going to change the constitution with biden’s hands. biden may introduce an amendment under the working title, “no one is above the law,” in the near future. most recently, the supreme court set a dangerous precedent in trump v. united states. as you know, they ruled that the president of the united states has
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immunity. a plan to reform the supreme court, which implies the approval by congress of a certain code of ethics for judges, as well as the abolition of their lifelong tenure in their positions. speaker mike johnson has already stated, that the republicans will bury biden’s initiative upon arrival, a majority of 2/3 votes of both houses is required to pass any amendment, so the chances of pushing through changes to the constitution before the end of the presidential term are minimal, but 3
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months before the elections. the fact that the idea of ​​depriving the president of immunity is doomed to failure is calmly argued by the one whom the democrats are digging for; without presidential immunity , biden himself can go to trial, trump is sure, although he is clearly taking some of the charges out of thin air. typical biden scam. he does not want refuse immunity, look at all the terrible things he did: 3.5 million dollars from russia, funds received from china, i'm not talking about a thousand killed on the border, the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan was the most shameful day in the history of our country, this is all a complete disgrace and he desperately wants to keep his immunity, biden wouldn't give that up so easily. and as it turns out, it is easier to kill a president in america than to imprison him. new facts in the investigation
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of the assassination attempt. on donald trump they say that the police spotted the shooter an hour and a half before after thomas crooks opened fire. the officers informed each other about this in sms correspondence. one of them even took a photograph of crooks and sent it to his colleagues an hour before the assassination attempt. the police are open about the level of security organization for the rally in pennsylvania. it turns out that the secret service did not even meet with local security forces on the eve of the event. we were supposed to have some face-to-face training with secret service snipers, but that never happened, so i think that was the tipping point where we started to realize... that something was wrong, we had no contact with the secret service. as the fbi reports on thomas crooks, the police paid attention at least three times that day, including 3 minutes before the shooting began, but no one took any action. now the federal bureau of investigation is interviewing hundreds of eyewitnesses and investigating. thousands
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of video evidence, as reported by the fbi, who shot at trump, on the eve of the crime, searched on the internet for information about the attempted assassination of slovak prime minister robert fitz, the motives for the assassination attempt on trump, the fbi is still can't name it. only 2 weeks after the assassination attempt, the fbi decided to interview the victim. in the coming days, donald trump will testify to the investigation, on capitalist hill for explanations, they are waiting for the acting deputy director of the fbi. the head of the secret service, congress itself created its own bipartisan commission to investigate the assassination attempt on trump, although there is no confidence that in the election fever it will be able to come to a consensus, even among the congressmen themselves. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. new scandal at the summer olympics in paris, triathletes have not been able to swim in the canopy for the third day,
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the reason for this is a huge number. i will add that over the past 10 years , the french authorities have spent almost one and a half billion euros on cleaning the water in the seine, in order to convince the athletic community that the conditions allow swimming before the start of the olympics, the mayor of paris and the minister of sports publicly bathed in the hay, and president macron promised to do this , it seems he decided not to risk his health. the world's only museum of christianity and
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the first temple-park in russia. in sevastopol today , the new khersanez museum complex has opened to the general public; in its open spaces you can touch the times of antiquity and byzantium, the events of the baptism of russia, the history of crimea and novorossiya, and yana cherbata’s report on the impressions of visitors. the central square of new hersanes is filled with people, there are more and more visitors every minute, the grandiose complex is open to everyone. historical photo for a family album, alone some of the first visitors to the opening came specially from moscow. i can’t even find words, extraordinary. city, yes, this is a city, this is a city, this is a city within a city, beauty.
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not just, here the ancient city is the same as prince vladimir saw it at the end of the 10th century, in general it looks like an old greek city, beautiful, everything is very fundamental, straight columns. free excursions here take place every 15 minutes, because khersanez is not just a beautiful park, the history of these lands preserves the greatest events, including the baptism of russia, spiritual and educational a center where everyone can learn something new. firstly, it is very beautiful, and not knowing about its history is probably a sin. the world's only museum of christianity and incredible beauty is the first in russia - the temple park, and the largest in our country are the museums of antiquity, byzantium, crimea and novorossiya. the entire territory of the complex is open,
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this includes a temple park, a sculpture park, a landscape park, the museum of crimea and novorossiya is operating in test mode, and a large festival of reenactors is also taking place these days. who are present here throughout new hersanes and offer our visitors exciting reprises, master classes and much, much more. new chersonese will be able to receive up to 50 thousand visitors a day, the cradle of russian orthodoxy is being revived. yana shcherbaty, andrey terentev, vasily peredkov, lead sevastopol. residents of the planet today may feel unwell due to the magnetic storm, which has already hit the level by the evening. g3, which corresponds to the concept of a strong magnetic storm. what else can affect the well-being of weather dependent people? we’ll find out right now from victoria chernikova. victoria, hello, what other challenges does the weather have in store for us? on european territory, everything will be more or less calm tomorrow,
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although a huge cyclone continues to determine our weather. fortunately, the rains there are not cloudy; in the western regions it is becoming increasingly clear. in arkhangelsk and kaliningrad tomorrow there will be no precipitation and 22:24. it's raining in the center. volga, in the south the rains retreat to the mountains, after the passage of a cold front, the temperature is comfortable, 27:30. in st. petersburg in wednesday 20:22 short rains in moscow around 20 with short rains and gusty north wind, on the weekend it will be warmer and there will be more sun. good news, thanks to the weather , said victoria chernikova. testing the latest communication devices, exploring the far north and filming a documentary film are just some of the tasks that the participants of the third arctic expedition of the bonch-bruevich st. petersburg university are solving. it is held as part of
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a professional competition, rediscovering russia . this time science students university staff went to the coast of the laptev sea. about the start of the arctic mission, report by ekaterina fesenko. this is how, in the arctic conditions in the cold summer of 2024 , scientists relax at sunset, they themselves established communication, they themselves had fun in tiksi with such entertainment it is extremely difficult, that’s why they went to yakutia, students and graduate students of the st. petersburg university of telecommunications, there are 12 of them, they have global goals . this is the deployment of a hybrid network in the arctic zone of the russian federation. this is one of the main directions. that is, we have such a serious space component, we will have three devices specifically for organizing communications - through satellites, we have been collecting them since last summer, because then some of them were already on an expedition, this is becoming a good tradition and is supported by the government.


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