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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 31, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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died a long time ago, it’s you, yes, yes, it’s a frat, and who is it, i don’t remember that, and this is a blind judge, who, yes, uh-huh, there, oh, i’m stupid, i took everything to you, showed it, she’ll kill me , hope, if you show them all, everything is already hot. in general, now, when you talk about nadezhda fratya, you said that i’m afraid she’ll kill me in court, when you were there for the first time, she said, you had them, i say, yes, you did, she, what did you tell them there , i say, but i didn’t say anything special, well, but you talked about america, i say, yes, in vain, no it was necessary to say how it happened that the trials all began, how it happened, on what day, do you remember, before... 2000,
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yeah, we went to a fortune teller, she dragged me there in volgograd somewhere, let's go , she said, let’s tell our fortunes, and he took us to her, and the fortune teller told her, don’t come this year, next year, yes, don’t come, otherwise it will be bad, but she didn’t listen to her, she came to january, she showed up here... we got up before we had a conversation, he speaks directly, well, she complained endlessly, he that he is interfering with her, a competitor, well, yes, a competitor, then the children they had planned will be taken away, the insult is that she did not listen to me when i told her, that’s the insult, it seems to be small, they adopted there, well, five or six people there, well, the biggest 10, then she started right... it’s like a conveyor belt, a conveyor belt,
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i told her, well, don’t do that, why, i see how people are indignant at this airport, our children are being taken away, i tell her, i say, well, he waved, that’s why i’m offended at her, that she didn’t listen to me, and what did she tell you when at the airport, but he waved at me, stop everything, at the airport, why are you there? what was i thinking about, well, can you imagine, the crowd of people at the airport was uncomfortable, i felt very, very uncomfortable, i just felt ashamed, maybe i was ashamed of my state, we send so many children, but what does the state have to do with it if you sent it? i
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gave them permission, however, you faked them, i faked them, nothing would have happened with this fake if everyone weren’t dependent on each other, it’s clear, it’s clear, yes, we can, whatever you say, valentina andreevna, she openly accused you that it was you who had access to all the orphanages? foreign citizens, and here it is clearly indicated what documents are required, okay, then there was a decree that you cannot separate a brother and sister, that if the children are brother and sister, they must be sent to the same family, no, this did not happen, but we in fact, they didn’t do this, if there were brothers and sisters, then they were either together, well, this is...
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unnecessary and cannot be separated, in fact , i never did this, you know, what amazes us, we will respect your age, but you don’t you can at least convince me that you are an independent person, you didn’t just go at your own request four times , an inspector officer just flies to italy four times instead of going to the outback in russia , pay attention to the judge with them, you understand, who’s walking around on the streets and look people in the eyes, you know.
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who is now in prison, he was sentenced to 20 years, he is the volgograd regional prosecutor, deputy regional prosecutor, he was in charge of the investigation at the moment when i asked the question to the prosecutor, they came to me materials, i look, a bribe for what, forgery
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of documents, for what, who is the subject of criminal activity, children, no children, no children, i say at what stage at what stage all the time...
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changes shoes, she was on the verge of speaking and tell everything to sasha, but one call turns from a sweet old lady into an evil fury, attention, hello, everything is open here, yes, tell me, and you can see zoya nikichna polishchuk, it’s possible, but it’s difficult, come in, now i ’ll wake her up, the girl is sleeping, mom , you have some visitors there, hello, hello. maybe they want something again screw it up? no, no, no, we are the film crew of the russia tv channel from moscow, we are the film crew of the russia tv channel from moscow, please tell me, like many others, you were involved in the case of nadezhda frattya, yes, but you can tell us in general, that’s who you were in , you were a witness, the main
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person involved, she is the biggest thief, wow, what are you talking about, leave for the sake of it, let’s come here, what are you saying, don’t get hyped up, let’s go like this. what can you tell me? who did you pass as? i'm a notary, i did the registration, if you want to take pictures, i have to comb your hair, please, calm down, come on, that's it, we're waiting, but no, well, i know perfectly well that i have nothing, okay. so, i respect your program, please, you don’t have to come to the kitchen without warning us, you yourself, you let us in, well, she let us in, yes, why did you come, i ’ll call an ambulance now yourself, you just, when we arrived,
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you were in a normal state, that’s all, and now yes, if you please, that’s all, the brothers were like they knew each other personally, so, so this is not... goodbye, but how to you, ivan, of course, in this scheme, there’s nowhere without a notary, it’s probably fashionable for them to say like this, there i have one foot somewhere in a coffin, also, they are on each other, yes, yes, to play this story, but newly discovered circumstances or a new circumstance, if it turns out that any official violated the law during the production of the department, about which we... well, today we received information, or new criminal episodes are revealed, which we also learned about today, then this is quite a procedural decision can be accepted, considering also that we have so many people today, whose testimony may,
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excuse me, be a hard time for those who did this, but will help restore justice to the search for children, this is the most important thing. yes, i want anna eliseeva to join our conversation, to the question that many witnesses really remember everything and are ready to talk, she is a resident of perm, she worked in a hotel in the nineties. through which foreigners came to children's shows, what will anna tell us? hello, hello, that is, it really was conveyor? there really was a conveyor belt, what i heard was that these were isolated cases, this is completely untrue, i worked at the beginning of the 2000s, in a hotel through which mass adoptions took place, yes, that is, there lived families who came from france, from america, from italy, from spain, but... i want to say from italy, they came in larger numbers, it was a mass phenomenon,
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some kind of record was kept of these foreigners who came, if we are now trying to understand where, where these names that were in the city, yes, they went back, the federal migration service is still in charge, probably yes, andrey, everything is correct, but because reports are submitted to the federal migration service every day on the stay of foreign citizens in russia, so if you make an official request, i think it won’t be difficult to find out this moment. so, now another short advertisement awaits us, immediately after it, lyuba varopakha’s grandmother will appear in this studio, what she will tell the woman who, while her relatives were alive, gave the girl to italian adoptive parents, a confrontation 30 years later, after the advertisement, do not switch to in this footage , a twenty-six-year-old model from abakan, tarina chabadayeva, was beaten by her stripper ex-husband, tarina chabadayeva, she assures that assault was regular, but... the last torture lasted for 4 hours and almost ended in crime. there was a moment when he took out a knife,
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i said that now he would kill me. tarina's confrontation with her ex-husband. what to do if one of your loved ones turns out to be a tyrant and is there a chance to stop domestic violence? malakhov, soon on the russia channel. lyuba zatsepena had a difficult ordeal. well you can same. it’s too easy to come up with something, no, no, no, her fiancé yuri commits a fatal accident. yura, how is this? i don't know, i haven't seen anyone. to save her lover's prosecutorial career, she takes the blame on herself. i will endure it, it will be better for the family. yuri betrays his bride and lyuba ends up in prison. i lay down, introduce myself to the team. come on, she can overcome it. everything and regain your freedom, good name, faith in love, now you are my prosecutor, i
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forgive you, what kind of saint are you because of whom, but a new test awaits her ahead, that you you do it, it’s necessary, damn, where’s the wife, august 5th on rtr, the most important day in life, today, everything depends on our affairs, on our decisions. our heroes, our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland, we are talking to those who make history with their own hands, to those who change the world, these are our people, our premiere, soon on rtr, once again, hello, if you have just turned on our tvs before advertising, we witnessed a unique... confession of valentina gerusova, she is one of the four participants in the high-profile case of nadezhda fratti. she decided
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personally tell about the whole underbelly of the volga adoption machine, which over 7 years sent about 1,260 russian children abroad, whose fate remains unknown. tell me, this is how it is with us, if a teacher or, i don’t know, an employee of an orphanage was convicted, can he return it?
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and what’s interesting is that now we came here and decided to go to the website to find out who currently occupies a leadership position here, with great surprise we found out that at the moment nina antonovna tikucheva is already not the head, but the head of this orphanage, yes, hello, stop filming,
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video filming is prohibited on our territory, we have a closed institution, what do you want? yes, we would like to talk with a citizen, nino antonovna, she is not here, she went to the head office in bolgograd for a conference today. tell me, okay, what is nina antonovna tekucheva’s current position here in general? testament, she was generally deprived of her position or she was there all the time, but no, she was not deprived of her position, she was always there, she was acquitted. where is nina currently? antonovna, we will check this information. well , you know, i can’t give that either, you just said that she’s in volgograd, tell me where she is, we’ll check, we’ll call there to find out, well, as we see, they don’t want to communicate with us, of course i have big doubts , that nina antonovna is not at work right now, tell me where you are running away, and what, why are you so afraid, i
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’m not afraid of anyone, my work day is over, i’m going home, but we didn’t find us, we arrived at her home address, now we see that nina antonovna, judging by the fact that the air conditioner is working, she is at home, well, let's see if she will open the door for us, hello, nina antonovna, wait, get out of there, well, you can talk, nina antonovna, well, nina antonovna, you can, well, this is how we see that nina antonovna does not want to communicate,
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closes the door, is apparently afraid of something, does not want to talk, working hours nina antonovna spends time at home with a naked man, while officially she is in volgograd at a conference, formerly and convicted in the case, runs an orphanage , what's happening, my friends, andrey, it’s possible, the fact is that the institutions here are not entirely clearly delineated, this is an orphanage, orphanages, they are not accountable to education, they are accountable.
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there among the drunks, these marginalized people, and sent them to prosperous italian families, it’s still good, i say, no, for me it was always child trafficking, i once filmed a story 20 years ago about sex slavery, i plunged into this topic for six months, brought up all the archives, in general how this system works, it’s no different, nothing, so thank you for reassuring my heart that i am right, this is a trade. children , after all, so that all those who think that this was some kind of good deed, they all understand perfectly well what they are doing, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are people in uniform, in the system, like...
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she pulled a smile onto her face, no, you can
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say whatever you want, say whatever you want, she sits and says that this is not the case, well, the law exists both for me and for you, the law, and that, in general, is history, to put it briefly once again, the grandmother began to formalize guardianship in hope... the kirov orphanage is a correctional orphanage for sick children, our child , after receiving the distributor, for some reason , healthy, ended up in this orphanage, i think
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that the director there was simply more convenient to work with her, everything went faster, it was very simple, today we actually found out that there were two systems, one education system, where it was visible, but it was more difficult to do and more expensive, the second health care system, where there were sick children, there
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she realized that you are in this whole world, it is cursed, which means i will also be with you get along, now you’re asking her, it’s useless, her heart is completely broken, you know, that’s it, i don’t even know whether to blame her for this or not, she went through all this herself, that’s why she worked well, but the main thing is that we must say, lyubov mikhailovna, you came to this orphanage, you begged for your granddaughter, you brought gifts, yes, yes, with chaplina, i say: come on, she will stay with you, i will help everyone, she gave me consent , though not in writing, because the investigative committee for the first time, she confirmed my words, that’s all
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it was good, we went to visit, took her home for the new year, all this time the child has been in one institution or another, not where you were, that is, for 4 years already, yes you are talking about 2 years, sister with whom i was in the orphanage, she was also in preschool education, i studied there. and here he won’t have anything, but there, you know, there is a client, well, i’m speaking in legal terms, but you actually sold, that’s why you sold, when i talked to
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kurnosova, well, sick children - they redid the documents, but most of all children there were just little ones, that’s what nadezhda’s lawyer fratte with a telling surname says, when our correspondents turned to him with a request for an interview with nadezhda, i still want to understand, i see, i’m also familiar with the criminal case, i know why there was a conviction, i will say right away that i will not even discuss the criminal case, it took place almost 15. nadezhda fedorovna everyone else, if you have something to tell, and you know about the fate of adopted children 25 years ago, call
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the editor, we... .we are still monitoring these events, and i’ll tell you a secret, another program is almost ready, because we found the trace of your love, i’ll tell you a secret, take care of yourself and your loved ones, poster on the tv channel culture, theater. music, visual arts july 31. the solzhenitsyn house of russian abroad presents an exhibition of art uplifts the soul on the 165th anniversary of the birth of maria bashkirtseva, an artist and writer of the second half of the 19th century, whose works were exhibited at the paris salons, the paris world exhibition, the louvre and the arce museum. in exhibitions of unique works from private collections in moscow and st. petersburg. the sovremennik theater continues its season with
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galina volchik's play based on the novel. erich mariari mark, three comrades. solos for striking clocks are played at the mossovet theater. the play based on the play by osvald zahradnik for the older generation of theater actors was staged by pavel parkhomenko. and in the theater, the workshop of pyotr fomenko ends the season with the premiere production of fyodor malyshev based on the poem by sergei yesenin pugachev. italian pianist marco ottaviani performs a composition by scriabin, brahms and dominic scarlati at the ges-2 cultural center as part of the pianissimo summer festival. in saratov in the art cluster ros.
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we did not set ourselves the goal of dividing all the artists into associations, into groups, but to show that creativity remains in history, artists remain in history, and this is all a single space, which we now have the opportunity to get acquainted with, this colorful design of red, well, the colorful design of these white circles on a red background, this is also not accidental, this is
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the flag of the pushkin de. barkoski, at the festival in barioit, klaus florian vogt sings the title role in richard wagner's opera zikfired, conducted by philip jordan. the metropolitan museum of art presents a large-scale retrospective dedicated to the work of edward chandler moore, an american jewelry artist of the second half of the 19th century, who had a huge influence on the formation of the artistic style of the tiffany company. the exhibition includes pieces of silverware that received worldwide recognition thanks to moore, as well as works
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from other eras that served the master.
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once upon a time, from one place, a young girl decided to go to not go on the reindeer, so she rides, rides and she was caught, caught and then ate, the reindeer ate them too, for some reason or her head remained, her relatives found her head. from her is the shaitan, from this head, she has become the shaitan, she is like the mother of her, they are guarding the fire.
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and the love of talking and making friends with old people, one of the lonely old people, who by that time was already over 100 years old, mukhunda turdagin, who was also a shaman, so he gave timchenko his family
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idol, timchinko could not refuse this gift, but among ethnographers it is considered dangerous to take as a gift. item of the collection cult items, when doctors discovered oncology in him, he decided to get rid of this idol, gave it to his friend, finnish director, documentarian himma lapolan, apparently the same story happened, because after some time himma fell ill and found a person for whom he could give...
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who then begin to rule over the surrounding earth and nature, these gods are the sons of the goddess of death, who is called mother
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underground and yes, the shaman’s task was to negotiate with these gloomy gods so that they take less of the people for whom he is responsible. gnonasan is one of the small peoples of our country, it is believed that there have never been more than a thousand people, but now there are... very few of them, probably you can get a little more than 300, we are now in the vicinity of the village of usyavam, this is my first time here got there in 807, the second time in 1988, the third time in 1999, the fourth time last year, the fifth time, finally now, for the first time, when i arrived with...
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so it’s very difficult to exist here and the people who have existed here since time immemorial look like heroes in our eyes. the language
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that was recorded by researchers in the early thirties is called the ingonasad language, but in fact this language was brought with them by the nenets and enets, who also taught sheep breeding to the nasans in the 15th or 16th centuries. salt farming nganasan adopted their current nganasan.
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i was born in the tundra, in general in the tundra, in a small town, my mother told me i was born in march, everywhere in march snow, yeah, so my father went and collected this moss for me, chopped straight frozen, instead of diapers, we didn’t have diapers.
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left, well, now it’s like snowmobiles, they travel very far for more than 100 kilometers, but before, right in front of my
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house there were such bridges that in the spring and in the fall, herds, huge herds, so probably women weren’t allowed to eat, here’s my daughter-in-law, my brother my wife, she is very busy, her eyes are big,
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when i asked the old ganasan. old people, why don’t they eat mushrooms and berries? they said, well, how can you eat mushrooms, these are deer food, but how can you eat berries, birds eat berries, so as not to say 10 times, here ’s a bag of flour, that ’s enough for a month and a half, that’s all we carry on the winter road ... in the summer they’ll bring it from us, we only have one helicopter, that’s all, let it sit, rise, and while it rises, i’m anyone right now, so here we have cheer, cheer, like, yeah, holes, this
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is caviar, that’s what fish, yeah, oops. here it is caviar, here it is, here it is, here is the second one, oops, oops, oh, so, and the main thing is that they work that’s it, after my husband, here’s my point, yes, old to you, so i cherish this point to this day,
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gonasan dogs differed from the neighbors’ dogs in that...
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and we intercede before the deities, before, here we are here in winter and summer they lived, well, they lived somehow, and the children were small, well, in the winter there were always floggings, what year was it, i’ll tell you now, it was the eighties somewhere, but no, it’s not, it was the ninety-fifths, somewhere so. but no, even ninety-six, i already had alyosha then, and i had a daughter katya, she was in a cradle then, she was such a mess
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scary, nine cute, they turned off the radio, we hear a woman screaming in the distance, what is it, oh, help, help, i give it to my husband, let’s get rid of the village, there ’s a need for a doctor, something happened there, here he is... stay in the snowstorm, i went to the village, and i and the children, i don’t know, i wasn’t even afraid of anything, they saved a man, well, her father also seemed to be good at drawing, as i am, well, as they tell me, i’m basically bad at my father’s would already.
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when they died, when they died, it served as eyes, they were put on the eyes, not for dexterity, but for eyes, this is it, this is called dyali, day, if you go in that direction,
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it’s right in these big these sleighs they call it kunb, this is when during life they are generally such big pot-bellied females, but if when a person dies, it’s like instead there is a coffin, they wrap the skins there, these sleighs were covered like this, they were tossed around, here they are not far, and...
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it is believed that small children, they have such a light soul that after the death of the child it is capable of a sunbeam go back to the sun and come later dreams... a ray of sunshine, that's why they bury their babies and small children in trees, i had sisters, my babies all died for some reason, little children become birds, that's why they're on trees, since i have a lot of them here all the time climbed, and i’ll throw crumbs at them, crumbs of bread. the soul of a person who has grown up, grown up,
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especially an old man. it turns out to be heavy, so it is believed that after death, an adult, goes to the land of underground ice, it is believed that there is an eternal holiday there, so anganasans bury their dead in festive clothes, which are specially sewn for holidays and funerals. and my mother always told me that there is no need to be afraid of death, according to our belief, death in general, as they say, is the world of the dead, it’s not like this terrible underground, dark, no, it’s the other way around, there’s always joy, there they are they always dance, my mother told me, she had an operation on her, she had
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a cardiac arrest for about 30 seconds. during this time, the mother says, i’m walking, it’s dark, i got there, and there, she says, she sees people, everyone is dancing, they're having fun, that's it, she saw her mother, she says, oh, mom, mom, yeah, she's like that, and mom says, why did you come here, it's too early for you to come here, get out of here, you're about to have grandchildren, you have so many there will be grandchildren, so go, she took it, bent it, she says, you see, she says, such a ring, well, this light, she says, right? go to this color, she really went, as if to that color, it turned out that her heart was already working again, she came to her senses, and indeed then after that i gave birth, my sister gave birth, there were also nieces who gave birth, in short, there were seven of us in one year,
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and how i started singing at all, in general, i came to the rite music school, then i was 15 years old, i came there, and there we had a burskam ensemble, yeah, folklore, and there the teacher says to me, oh, she says, kosterkina, what a famous name you are, you say, you’re not from the family of shamans, she says, the kostyrkins, she says, well, not their relative, i say, “well, these are my grandmothers, grandfathers, i say, well, that’s it, it means you know how to sing songs, but i blurted out, yes i can, i say, then they took me, yeah, well, they started saying, come on, he says, sing, well, of course i started kicking, oh, i can’t, i don’t want to, i can’t, they took me, brought me into a room there, locked me up and said, until you sing, you don’t see,
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i’m sitting there, i’m breaking down, i just can’t, he says, well, that’s it, he says, he says: oh, the dining room is already closing, you’ll be left without dinner, which means we’re students, we always want to eat, okay, oh , okay, he says, i’ll sing to them so that they leave me alone, so she took it and sang this short song to them, sanski she sang, she was so joyful, she opened the door, came out, said, sing the light, after that a stone just fell from my soul, just like that, yeah, well, then i got married,
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you’re watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in studio andrey shevtsov. our fighters took another strategically important fortified area near the village of konstantinovka. israel carried out an airstrike on the suburbs of the lebanese capital, the target was the deputy leader of hezbolah, there were still killed, and many buildings were destroyed. street
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fighting is reported in several venezuelan cities coup attempts. the army is loyal to maduro, the security forces are making arrests. in the south-donetsk direction of the special operation of the metropolitan rifle, the vostok group of troops, together with the crew. t-80 bv tanks captured another strong point; it is located in a strategically important area near the village of konstantinovka. thanks to its success, the russian military has complicated the enemy’s logistics on this sector of the front. using the effect of surprise, under the cover of fire from tanks, the blinders approached enemy positions, broke into the trenches and took a strong point nationalists, located in a forest belt. the assigned task was completed without... evacuated, changed the roller, drove into it, also worked on the enemy, was blown up by a mine, tore off the roller, repaired, back in service, soon again in
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personnel and combat vehicles, we recently went to battle, today we went to the training ground, they checked the tank, then they checked the gun with fire, how it hits correctly, everything is clear, we hit the whites in the eye, the attack aircraft crew on su-25 aircraft attacked the positions. enemy in the area of ​​responsibility of the group of forces east. the pilots attacked enemy strongholds and manpower with unguided missiles at given coordinates. according to the gunner's reports, all of the above. the targets were successfully hit, after completing the mission, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the departure airfield. reconnaissance units identify the enemy not only on the ground, but from the air; they monitor the movements of nationalists around the clock, remaining out of sight. details of their work in sergei's report samokhi. well, this is our drone, the guys brought it yesterday, it’s a ukrainian drone. that is, he fell,
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either his rap, or something, or he fell, got burned, i don’t know, we’ll try to get something out of him, this car is one of many that fall into the hands of intelligence officers from all over the southern donetsk front, captured specimens are sent to this laboratory for careful study. every downed ukrainian drone like this is a very important trophy, studying it helps to get to know the enemy better, and most importantly, to understand at what frequencies it flies, they are constantly changing this is such important... knowledge allows us to develop the most modern electronic warfare systems, this unit of reconnaissance, the marine corps, the pacific fleet from kamchatka is at the very forefront of modern war, where drones play one of the key roles, with the help of drones they receive basic intelligence data, and on them fasten projectiles of destructive force, in this laboratory they experiment daily with equipment modifications, we want to reduce the weight, that is, the shank will be printed on...
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drones, all sorts of things are soldered in there anti-spoofings, these handkerchiefs, in order to somehow keep up with us, well, that’s it, of course, most of the trophies are reflashed and received by combat units after intervention in the software, they are already flying towards the sky, those vehicles that cannot be restored, they go for spare parts, they recently brought us an enemy drone, we remove the video transmitter from it, if it works... the camera,
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motors, depending on what kind, what parts are needed for our drones. every day, intelligence unit engineers restore and they send dozens of drones to the front line, each attack drone is a destroyed enemy position. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. a detachment of warships of the pacific fleet arrived at the oman portal in the arabian sea during a missile crew stop. the call to the port of salalah was a continuation of the pacific ocean's missions as part of a long-distance voyage, which began on january 22. the sailors have already made port calls in india, sri lanka, iran, eritrea and qatar. at least four people were killed in an israeli airstrike on the suburb. purpose
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was the deputy leader of hezbollah, who is called the second man in the movement. the attack was reported to have achieved its target and a high-ranking commander was killed. in addition, more than 70 people were injured. the wounded continue to arrive at the hospital, many buildings and streets have been destroyed, covered with dust and debris, as reported by the russian embassy in lebanon. there are no russians among the dead. the airstrike has already been condemned by iran and iraq at the un. called for a return to a cessation of hostilities. the white house also announced attempts to find a diplomatic solution to stop the attacks. supporters of nicolas maduro gathered in the center of caracos to support the results of the election of the head of venezuela; maduro himself addressed residents from the balcony of the presidential palace. he announced his intention to punish all participants in the demonstrations, and also called on people to come out for a big demonstration on saturday.
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the military , led by the country's minister of defense, came out in support of the newly elected president. at the same time, it is reported that unrest will continue in other cities. hundreds took to the streets thousands of protesters. the police and security forces began arresting a lot of special equipment on the streets, including water cannons. earlier it became known that at least one person had died. next, don’t switch to regional news. now news from the capital region: cloudy and cool weather continues. in moscow and the region, the temperature background most likely corresponds to the beginning of september; the thermometer today will not rise above 21°. forecasters predict rain and thunderstorms in different areas of the city. yellow level introduced until evening weather hazard, normal atmospheric pressure is 739 mmhg.
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kommunarok stations on the okolnicheskaya metro line will be given a new name novomoskovskoe. as the department of transport explained, this is... the significance of the first subway interchange hub in new moscow, the name communarka will be given to the station of the future troitsk line, it will be located closer to the village of the same name within its historical borders. unique graffiti decorated the building of the art school in orekhovo-zuevo. its author, podolsk resident ilya demchenko. there are already several in the city his works. this project took 5 days to complete. in september at the children's base. the institution will open a school of creative industries, 60 teenagers will be able to receive additional education. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website с, stay with us. calinan
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bellec is a place where time stops. submerge. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. i said, i want a white cat. he love. feed the hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays
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on rtr, we look at rtr, is this the case of your wife going missing, i will prove that she is dead, killed. “this titov wants to put me in prison at any cost, he will use any means, you must help me, i need to install wiretapping, soon everything will be as we dreamed, you and i have cleaned everything, he won’t find anything, but i’m afraid, answer me, where is your wife, together forever, today on rtr hello everyone, good morning, joining our broadcast today. glory in white and blue tones, you know, my imagination immediately pictures the navy day that took place in st. petersburg, an unforgettable sight, i’ll tell you, this year,
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unfortunately, i didn’t get to my hometown, i worked, yes, we watched tv, and now you regret, yes, that you left at the right time, well, more than half of russians are ready to move to another city for work. in the northern capital , parking of scooters will be prohibited from august 1 for the sake of safety; almost every day there are reports of electric vehicles catching fire, as to minimize the risks, varvara iermakova will tell you: the explosion was so powerful that it raised the ceiling in the room and shifted
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the wall. samara resident yuri still remembers with a shudder the night when an electric scooter that was being charged exploded within a second; the man threw the device onto the stairwell and immediately caused a fire. very quickly the room was filled with this acrid black smoke, very, very thick and poisonous. yuri admits that he was able to escape and quickly find his bearings, including because the device was explosive i guessed it a long time ago. in principle, i studied this topic there too, which is probably why i reacted so quickly, because i was prepared for the fact that this could theoretically happen. no less sad consequences resulted from charging a scooter in this moscow apartment, burnt walls and furniture and neighbors rejoicing at the successful outcome. everyone, most importantly, alive, everyone healthy, nothing, there was no particular burning, nothing, the scooter just caught fire, they put it all out. almost all modern segway scooters and unicycles are equipped with compact and powerful and it runs on lithium. with batteries, and despite all the advantages, they react to the slightest damage with a fountain of fire. among the main
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reasons are fire, mechanical damage to the battery, at the slightest impact the metal plates inside shift and begin to heat up, and the most common use of a non-original charger that does not match the power of the battery. happening. short circuit, either internal or external, and due to this the temperature rises sharply battery, the internal pressure in the housing increases, and this leads to just such an explosive, explosive depressurization. by the way, there are several signs that vehicles should not be used under any circumstances, such as the smell of burnt wiring, any deformation on the device and the brains of the unit going crazy. if we see that we have charged ours. the battery has 100% charge, yes, and after an hour, you haven’t used it at all and the capacity
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has dropped sharply, and we see this already means, that some processes are already taking place in the batteries, which are undesirable, and it is also necessary to develop an algorithm of actions about a possible explosion, firstly, we charge the gadget only during the day and under supervision, also in the apartment it is necessary to have special fire-fighting equipment, a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, it is under under the influence of extinguishing , cooling of the electric scooter occurs, during this period, while cooling occurs, it stops burning, but then it will most likely ignite again, so it is very important to take the device to a safe area away from anything flammable and call the fire department immediately. well, if we talk about cars, then the association of russian car dealers is asking to postpone the increase in the recycling fee until the twenty-fifth year. the appeal was sent to the ministry of industry and trade, according to the draft government resolution. from october 1 of this year, the tax collection should increase to almost 80% for cars with
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an engine capacity of up to 2 liters, that is, from 300,000 to 556 thousand, with a 3.5 liter engine to almost 3 million rubles. moreover, the amount will be indexed annually by another 10-20%. for what will lead to such an increase, we will discuss it with a guest from the working group of the popular front for the rights of motorists, auto expert maxim... hello, well, it is clear that the innovations apply only to importers of legal entities, but the next step, naturally, everyone guesses that this tax will be included in the final cost of the car that will be presented for sale, for what purpose is this being done? well, it’s obvious that this is being done to protect the domestic automaker, an idea arose: let us show the future recycling fee, we will fix an increase in the recycling fee step by step,
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the truth is somewhere in the middle, we wouldn’t want companies to leave, because the wider the supply, the more, the wider the choice, the better, of course, for us motorists, we are this is the law of the market, you have more supply , more than any opportunities, prices, unfortunately, will increase not only for imported cars, for which a recycling fee is charged and is not refunded, but also prices for our domestically produced cars, because the market is interconnected, that’s exactly i wanted to ask about what is ours or conditionally ours, that’s who is engaged in large-unit assembly for us, they said well about the conditional, these companies will be exempt from the recycling fee
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, they will return in full for deeply localized cars, the most striking example is avtovaz, whose entire car is deeply localized, there are some imported components, but overall this is a really deeply localized car, and those who work on a large component get a partial return on the materials tax. what other ways are there to stimulate this? are there any cars produced in russia? well, what else needs to be done for the manufacturer to come and for the prices to
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remain at least somewhat moderate, firstly, when prices are rising around everything, there can be no such thing as prices. cars have not grown, what needs to be done, they are needed, unfortunately, or fortunately, we still have such an opportunity, large financial investments from the state, primarily in the component industry, yeah, the state is doing this, the ministry of industry and trade is doing this, that’s right , but i believe that the volume of these investments should to be more, we need to talk not only about the auto industry, the auto industry, after all, includes everything from the ball-bearing industry, which is half-dead in our country, to chemistry, to the production of plastics, glass, rubber products, everything needs to be developed, in addition.. i believe that it is necessary to stimulate the end buyer, you and i have shown good results with preferential car loans, but i would be better off making a tax deduction following the example of how it exists when purchasing real estate, when we date the specific buyer you bought. a domestically produced car, get a tax deduction, thank you, thank you,
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we spoke with a member of the working group of the popular front for the rights of motorists about how to establish car production in russia and attract foreign investors. we set the clocks to summer time, watch us at 11:30 at 18:30 for 60 minutes.
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due to weather changes, by the way, the chatter from them is such that it is picked up by radar systems, and the hero of our next story has made nature his co-author, he creates a real work of art from wood, the workshop is his favorite ivan matyushin’s place, here he spends all his free time, this is work and a hobby, and an example to children, ivan has five of them, four of them are boys. according to the social contract, ivan, a couple of years ago, as a father of many children, received 350,000 rubles and immediately purchased five machines for work, which we allowed to reach a qualitatively new level. this is a blank for a future watch, this is how mother-of-pearl it turns out, we mixed the resin, the main thing is to mix it well so that the components
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are combined, to combine the wood with epoxy resin and other materials, ivan started with over time, it was these unusual... ideas that helped create the individual style of the house, which, by the way, he also built himself; the metallic aroma of the piano and the wood bark became great friends, dividing the kitchen into zones. i had an idea to use it somewhere in the interior, i thought maybe on the wall as a decoration, and then the idea came to make a bar counter. among ivan’s works there are truly unique in size in terms of labor costs, this is a table like a work of art made from a single ash root, all over. more than 300 kg, when i brought it home, it was 2.5 m in diameter, the tuber was all in the ground, weighed 2.5 tons, so i washed it with a karcher, 60 meters in diameter, but 10 people could fit behind it, a tree is always
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a collaboration with nature, which, as you know, is the best artist , says ivan, in this co-creation... he considers himself not the author, but only a co-author. and then, matters of the heart, there are more and more patients with arrhythmia. a new specialty in arrhythmology may appear in russia. how will these doctors differ from cardiologists? we'll discuss it with the guest soon. lyuba zatsepina had a difficult ordeal. well, maybe you can come up with something? too late. her fiance yuri. commits a fatal accident . how is this possible? i don't know. i didn't see anyone. to save her lover's prosecutorial career, she takes the blame on herself. i will endure it, it will be better for the family. yuri betrays his bride and lyuba ends up in prison. why did you have fun? introduce yourself to the team. let's.
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she will be able to overcome anything. and regain your freedom, good name, faith in love. now you are my prosecutor. i forgive you, you are something holy, because of whom, but new things await her ahead the test of what you are doing is necessary. where is my wife? august 5 on rtr. the most important day in life is today. everything depends on our deeds, on the decisions of our heroes. our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland. we are talking to those who make history with their own hands. with those who change the world. these are our people. our premiere. from august 5 on rtr. your beauty is very natural, is that true, or is it an artist? you
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probably want to draw my daughter, i want to, but then you won’t be able to sue for the alimony. fool nadya, on saturday on rtr, the floor is shaking, shaking the walls came big. changes in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight turn into projects, i adore plants, i'm generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes soon... real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look,
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let us into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. “if you need help with work, i’m always ready, just for work, look at rtr, i’m a simple woman, i need a normal man to be happy, but waiting out quarantine is not for me, it’s for the clinic, anatoly is a dangerous person, you you don’t know him at all, did they fight because of me, why, i want to invite you on a date, dasha, this evening”? you've been together for a long time, i'm just curious, raya knows everything, today on rtr, we sing and taste the best
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summer dishes and melodies, we love to get together with friends, cook something on the grill, young, cheerful, hello andrey, andrey malakh's evening show, on saturday on rtr. remote surgery in china, thanks to a 5g-based robotic system, a surgeon from shanghai removed a lung tumor from a patient who was 500 km away from him. the doctor operated the machine. there, from his office to the operating manipulator , he accurately followed his movements in real time. other doctors stood by as backup, but their help was not required. everything went well.
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with this method, it will be possible to perform surgical interventions in the future, even in remote areas or in orbit. the main thing is to ensure a stable connection. and virtual reality technologies make it possible to examine in detail the design of a future apartment or, without leaving the office, to monitor the progress of construction. imagine, you want new furniture, but don’t know how it will look in the room, or you decided to renovate, received a design project, but don’t fully understand how much you like it, finally you need rent a house, but there is no time to go through all the apartments that the realtor offers, here is where this system comes to the rescue: it takes a 3d model of an object created in any editor and instantly turns it into content for a vr helmet. now, having put it on, you can find yourself in a virtual copy of the apartment
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and even interact with all the objects. however, this platform has much more serious applications. for example, complex structures are already being designed with its help today. we are talking about, say, large shopping centers or even in factories where a lot of utilities need to be laid. this is where virtual reality helps. to avoid mistakes, a fire extinguishing system is placed in the parking lot, these are taps that spray water, accordingly , a system is also installed nearby...
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faster than with traditional methods, correct it accordingly. of course, for this , the system must have fresh data, how the object now looks, it is now not at all difficult to obtain it quickly, thanks to another russian development, a 3d camera, which quickly scans any space. training a specialist to operate this camera takes no more than two hours. secondly, the camera positions itself within the space, and allows you to create three-dimensional digital copies almost automatically. by loading them into... you can monitor the progress of construction without leaving the office, and so that the specialist does not miss anything important, you can train neural networks to help him, which will check the project and highlight all the inconsistencies, then the vessels are like new, like new, like new , light, light, wake up, what kind of vessels, light, glory, i had a dream that the currant vessels were like new, well, that’s also news to me, everyone
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knows... hamas, it is reported that haniyeh died in an israeli strike on his residence in the capital of iran, also his bodyguard died. now about the progress of the special operation, crews of multiple launch rocket systems, a hail of tula paratroopers destroyed manpower in iisu at the forefront in the area of ​​the village of
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perezdnoye in the dpr. having received a combat mission , the crew advanced to the indicated area, took up a firing position, struck at the given squares, a matter of seconds passed from receiving the target coordinates to the first salvo, after which an adjustment was made and a second salvo was fired, as a result, an entire squad of ukrainian military was destroyed, and the surviving militants were hastily abandoned. assault groups of paratroopers took possession of their positions at the strong point and cleared it. in the avdeevsky direction, the military signal group of troops center organized secure radio communication with the detachments that are located on lines of combat contact. they ensured uninterrupted, reliable transmission of information from the front line to the command post. operating as part of operational groups, signalmen are the first to move to new liberated areas for
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organization. operation of channels, data transmission of department management systems. in primorye, a tactical group consisting of three small anti-submarine ships of the pacific fleet conducted practical firing in peter the great bay. fire was fired from artillery mounts at targets simulating ships airborne detachment, a fictitious enemy. during the exercise, the crew worked on searching for the destruction of a floating sea mine, and also repelled an attack. a detachment of warships of the pacific fleet arrived at the omani port of salaala in the arabian sea, the entrance to the parking lot of the crew of the missile cruiser varyak and the frigate marshal shaposhnikov will replenish water and fuel reserves, and also explore the sights of the city. the port call at sallalah was a continuation of
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the pacific's execution. tasks as part of a long-distance voyage, it began on january 22, the sailors have already made harbor calls in india, sri lanka, iran, eritrea and qatar. riots broke out in southport, england after three children died in a knife attack. residents of the city gathered for a funeral event, which at some point. moment pogroms escalated into clashes with security forces, about twenty law enforcement officers were injured, the crowd set fire to a police car, and also threw stones and other objects at the mosque, demanding the mass... expulsion of migrants. this comes after unconfirmed reports that the seventeen-year-old killer allegedly came from migrant environment. the police said that this information was incorrect and urged them to wait for the results of the investigation. at least 140
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people have died in southern india in landslides caused by heavy rains. dozens are still missing. most of the victims were tea plantation workers and their families. the stones turned out to be shops and cars. the search and rescue operation was complicated by heavy rain. in addition, a bridge collapsed, making transportation difficult. the search involves the military and aviation. severe forest fires are raging across the balkans in albania, with flames approaching the tourist city of shengjin. there is an evacuation there. the government of the country had to request help from its neighbors, and they have already arrived there.
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also spread to the territory of neighboring greece. further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital region, cloudy and cool weather remains in moscow and the region, the temperature background most likely corresponds to the beginning of september, the thermometer will not rise higher today marks 21°. forecasters predict rain and thunderstorms in different areas of the city; a yellow weather warning level has been introduced until the evening; the atmospheric addition is normal at 730.9 mmhg . an accident occurred in the south of moscow. on shipilovskaya street, the bus crashed into a tree. the driver of route number 86 became ill while driving and left the roadway . the passengers were not injured, but
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the driver was hospitalized. mosgortrans reported that the bus was in good working order before the work shift, and the driver passed a medical examination. state traffic inspectors are investigating circumstances of what happened. since the beginning of the year , the volume of drug production in moscow has increased by almost 13%. anastasia rakova told sammera on social development issues about this. the capital's medical institutions are supplied with drugs for the treatment of oncological, cardiovascular, rheumatological and other diseases. sustainable growth in the production of drugs in the capital was achieved thanks to the conclusion of ovset contracts, when the city guarantees demand for products. this gives an opportunity. and invest and be confident in the future, that the products will be in demand. we have now concluded 22 network contracts, of which two are for the supply of medical products and eight for the supply of pharmaceuticals. the total volume of purchases under such contracts will amount to
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more than 400 billion rubles. more than 300 moscow manufacturers of medicines and medical equipment create the necessary products not only for the capital, but also for the whole country. in one of the microdistricts. gorsk is nearing completion, the reconstruction of the boiler house is replacing the heating network, the building was built almost 60 years ago and has never has not been thoroughly renovated. in february , the heating supply facilities were transferred to the ownership of the municipality, which made it possible to begin their large-scale modernization. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov talked with local residents and checked how the work was being carried out. a company that we are actively recruiting. for the modernization and networks of boiler houses, today it is installing everything necessary to prepare for the autumn-winter season, today we see that the readiness is high, there are also commissioning engineers and welders, so we really hope that
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we will be able to launch ahead of schedule, first prepare the networks, and only then the boilers. during the work , it is planned to install four high -power boilers, burners, pumps, a water treatment system and... moscow region police detained a theft suspect in odintsovo; he turned out to be a resident of the chuvazh republic. the attacker noticed a sports bag left on the bench at night. opening it, he saw a bag of money that he had stolen. the amount of damage amounted to more than one and a half million rubles. a criminal case has been initiated, and preventive measures have been taken against the suspect in the form of detention. the center of the mental. about 4,000 muscovites have already visited health care, most of them were referred by doctors from city clinics; in total , more than 9,00 consultations were held, including in the format of group classes. experienced
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medical psychologists and psychotherapists use various techniques that allow them to cope with psycho-emotional problems. every muscovite has the opportunity to enroll in this center, feeling anxiety, stress, signs of depression, where he will be helped by specialists, psychologists and social psychologists, medical psychologists and, if necessary, already route you to a psychotherapist. they work in such centers. or visit the website, see you.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, slowly, place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear ones, go on standby number one, what an image of victory he is, he will destroy the gang in his head with zelandsky, yana , see you later, look at rtr , is this the case of your wife’s disappearance, no? will
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use any means, you must help me, i need to install a wiretap, soon everything will be as we dreamed, you and i have cleaned everything, but nothing will be found, and i’m afraid, answer me, where is your wife, together forever, today on rtr. good morning everyone, good morning, vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova, we invite you to join our broadcast, july 31, yes, the second month of summer is coming to an end, yes, it’s a little sad, but there are many ways to cheer yourself up, well, let’s start with a warm-up together with crocodiles in in china they are mastering a new type of fitness, the training is more reminiscent of the movement of a reptile, it is not easy to repeat. so be careful, you have to lean on your arms and legs,
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holding your body in weight, essentially move while standing in a plank, they usually crawl from 6:00 to 6:30 in the morning, people of all ages say that the exercise strengthens the back and helps relieve pain in the spine, even after such physical activity you feel rejuvenated, the main thing is to do everything correctly under the supervision of an instructor; you can improve your health at the dacha by harvesting. just black the currants are ripe, the berry is good for blood vessels and the heart. tatyana matveeva has already tried it. is this white? no, black. why is it black and red? because it's still green. this berry is truly capable of surprising not only with its color from white to dark purple, but also with its composition. 17 vitamins, 27 micro and macroelements. we are talking about currants. black is of particular interest to science, precisely because of its balanced combination of substances. we know it primarily as... we don’t even cook it,
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we grind it with sugar, in general, natural vitamin c. fruit drinks in winter or summer with ice, and in winter tea is also very useful during colds. black currant is indeed a record holder for the content of vitamin c, there is four times more of it than in citrus fruits, and this means strong immunity and beautiful skin, but axandra ulitovskaya, a resident of the moscow region, loves this berry for a different effect. strengthens the heart muscle, it contains a lot of antioxidants, among them antaceans (scientists have shown). a large-scale experiment on the influence of these substances on the functioning of the heart, it turned out that those people who had a lot of antaceans in their diet had low risks of developing coronary heart disease and risks of death from heart disease. the largest amount of anthacyanins is contained in the peel of the berry, so it is better to eat it whole; such a glass a day is enough to strengthen your heart. however, microelements also contribute to this effect: potassium, sodium, copper, magnesium, all these substances affect water-salt metabolism and... vascular congestion. magnesium also acts on the muscle wall of the vessel,
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relaxing it, thereby lowering blood pressure. copper, which has a very good effect on the muscle layer of the vessel, that is, relaxing it. thereby lowering blood pressure. but our intestinal bacteria are grateful to currants for pectin. this substance gives that very density to the berries, nourishes us, our microbiota. and everyone, in fact, loves to look for this pectin. why? because, firstly, pectin gives a feeling of saturation to the right bacteria, lactobacilli, which are precisely caused by peptin. and i must say that there is quite a lot of it in the berries, somewhere around 20%. you can get it from whole berries or from grated ones with sugar, however, in the latter is larger. everything is very simple: we pour the berries into our mold, add agar-agar to the water, stir until thick for about five minutes, bring to a boil, pour our fresh currants with this liquid, after hardening
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we get this beauty: in summer the dessert can be made from fresh berries, in winter from frozen, they also retain all their beneficial substances, and anthacyanins, pectin. times... that vitamin c decreases with shelf life, so to get maximum benefits, it is better to eat black currants it's now the harvest season. if you don’t have your own dacha, you can go to the forest; berries grow along the banks of rivers, lakes, along the outskirts of swamps, in forest areas of the european part of our country, in siberia, from the urals to the yenisiy of lake baikal. well, of course, the most wonderful berries, rich in microelements and vitamins, will not solve heart problems if they arise. according to experts from the higher school of economics.
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on the one hand, this is the therapeutic part, this is the same cardiology that we are used to, on the other hand, this is endovascular surgery, that is, a person must first get a therapeutic specialty, and this is 2 years of residency, then in addition to get a surgical specialty, and this is another 2 years of residency, and if even further
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they have to combine these two specialties in one person, some experts just say that it is not necessary highlight. those same specialists are rare, is there anyone and where to train? yes, there is someone and where, fortunately, this frightening number of 3 million does not require a specialist, most of these people can be treated not just by a cardiologist, ordinary general practitioner. in addition to arrhythmology, maybe some other
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direction should appear, maybe there is a request for some other specialists? the main problem begins when the lines between us become blurred.
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surgery, but surgery is at a completely different level, thank you, it was interesting, thank you, the head of the department of therapy, cardiology, functional diagnostics, central state medical academy spoke about the training of arrhythmologists. department of presidential affairs, dmitry zateyshchikov. thank you, thank you. the fruit and floral collection from azer tea is the perfect combination of premium tea leaves, aromas, juicy fruits and fresh berries. morning, time to brew azerchay. nizhny novgorod. believe me, everyone’s hair will just turn out. listen, we had a good trip to nizhny novgorod, right? come on, all together, people's casting. on friday at 21:30. biting mosquitoes may become a thing of the past.
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scientists have created a new method for eliminating bloodsuckers. as a result of complex crossing of two species of individuals, after several generations they received special females who are not interested in human blood. well, this means that such laboratory modified mosquitoes will not be able to bring malaria, fever, zika, or dng. especially relevant for tropical countries, the main thing is that intervention in nature does not bring any new surprises, but over time we will see, video surveillance systems help to see everything, the demand for cameras has grown significantly in recent months, analysts attribute this, among other things, to the desire to protect your home during the summer holidays. what parameters to choose and how much such equipment will cost, dare teonova knows, and we will find out, with good resolution with... the ability to zoom in, zoom out, there is a little bit, there are not cameras that are rotating, there are with sound, and for up to
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thirty days there is all this on the server is recorded, allowing it to be watched online, well, anywhere in the world . vitaly begar installed such a reliable video surveillance system for his own country house so as not to worry about the safety of property when he goes on a business trip. in addition, cameras allow you to monitor kitchens, watching children or animals playing in the pool, so the man didn’t skimp on technology, he bought high-quality equipment, also with... maintenance, in my opinion it costs 14 or 15 there, well, about 200 maybe thousand somewhere, including installation and everything it seems to me that safety and peace of mind are much more valuable. russian citizens are increasingly buying cctv cameras, especially during the holiday season. this year, the demand for personal safety equipment has increased significantly. we see that in may the number of purchases of such devices increased by 43% compared to the same period of last year. moreover, more than 70% of purchases are made in online stores. the average bill for cameras is 4.100 rubles. this is 5% higher than last year. the range of prices for cctv cameras is quite wide, from 1.00 rubles. for the simplest solution up to 100,000
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rubles. for a multifunctional device. the price depends on the type: internal for a cheaper house or external for a more expensive street. type, wired or wireless and the main parameter on the quality and format of the video being played. according to this criterion, they are analog and digital. analog ones can be easily purchased for apartments; for example, they will be correspondingly cheaper. analog ones will just have it. in short , the data transmission of analog cameras will definitely have a more blurry image; for those who don’t care about some detail, so that the face can be clearly seen, analog cameras will be quite enough. the price for one internal analog camera can start from 1,300 rubles with a motion sensor and night shooting mode from 2.5. prices for outdoor analogue ones equipped with a detection system with a detector start from 8,000 rubles. more expensive but modern digital cameras will also be of better quality. they already use digital cameras there too. matrix, the more pixels on the matrix, the clearer the image will be, so you should always make sure that there is a normal correspondence between the size of the matrix and the number of
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pixels. the simplest digital cameras for installation at home can be purchased from 2,000 rubles. for street ones with a rotating wi-fi mechanism and artificial intelligence, you can pay up to 100,000. by the way, the cost of their installation should be added to the cost of the cameras themselves. in in a room up to 3 m, hanging one camera will cost 2,000 rubles. on the street from four. congratulations on your new confectionery, welcome to the premiere on rtr. who is he, why did he suddenly decide to help you? when i first met you, i was just shocked. so, femme, she’s married, and has that ever bothered anyone? a new test, even if you buy all the colored ones, she loves him, not you, understand? from august 5 on rtr. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll
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train on how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese is a pan of dumplings. or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard sleeps, that’s how a child sleeps, but this is not advice for you to do, a doctor you can trust... you will be 100% happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr. now i only want to play for one
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person, for you. on friday, your heart, no matter what happens, i will always love you, and i need nastya, what a coincidence, me too, you can become a world star, and you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, we will create a final development and perform together if you you really love him, you have to let him go, i always get what i want, let me go, yes you! did he die? have you ruined my life, deprived me of my future? i'm pregnant, that 's all i needed right now. music of my soul. on friday on rtr. dumplings
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put through a meat grinder become pasta in naval style. what's the name? the car is equipped with a fifty-cc engine, reaches a speed of 40 km/h, consumes only 2.5 liters of gasoline per 100 km, they managed to produce about a hundred of them, but because of the price they didn’t sell, the car cost twice as much as a moped, but the quality was so itself, but now
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it’s a piece item for this copy. they are asking for 5,500 dollars, almost half a million rubles. it’s such a small machine, but it’s not as worth it as we have today. ivan zenkevich test-driven one of the sedans and found out whether it meets expectations? chingan company supplies to there are three sedans in russia at once. today we will meet lamoreaux, the largest representative of this trinity. the length of the car is approaching 4.8 m. at the car. recessed handles, a frameless radiator grille and predatory narrow headlights, by the way, they are already led in the basic configuration, but on the foglight the chinese skimped on something, they don’t have fogs, the cost of the test copy is 2,790,000 rubles. competitors are the cherry oriza 8, donshaine max, as well as the domestic liftback moskvich 6. the interiors of large sedans are usually
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conservative, but not in this case, here is a riot of modern minimalist design. the steering wheel is small, more like a steering wheel, you look at the electronic instrument panel over it, at first it’s unusual, the entire area of ​​the center console is occupied by a vertical media system tablet, it looks impressive, but the functionality is poor; to connect a smartphone, you will have to download a special application. the second row is quite spacious, but there are no seat heating or adjustments, which is strange for a sedan of this class. like most chinese cars, there is a gasoline engine installed here. turbo engine, displacement is also predictable, one and a half liters. power is a good 181 horsepower for the segment. the same can be said about the torque of 300 nm, available in the range from one and a half to 4,000 rpm . this is more than enough for the sedan. lamor starts off briskly and, thanks to a cleverly tuned robotic transmission , easily overtakes from 80
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km/h without any hitches. acceleration time to hundreds of production. the driver doesn't indicate, but it feels like about 9 seconds for a car of this class , the chassis design is simple. the front is a macpherson strut, the rear is a simple, elastic beam, and not a multi-link, as you would expect. however, it is tuned well and the handling is stable. for complete happiness, the driver needs only better steering settings. for informativeness it can be given a three. the brakes are no problem, nor is the ride smooth. irregularities, the suspension works, but... the ground clearance is a modest 128 mm, so it’s better to be careful at the bends of the terrain. lamora is a fairly harmonious car, but it still wouldn’t hurt to increase the ground clearance and add heating. in the cabin, this is important for our country. and then, it’s not a chance acquaintance. letter for you. i have a letter. dear friend, i want
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to start this letter as if we were continuing an interrupted conversation. it's like we're old friends, not who we are at all. first, i would check her credit history. yes, and it would be nice to identify the photo for authenticity. the main thing is to find out if you are single? yes. about tools that can protect person from marriage scammers, the expert and i will talk very soon. in my opinion, she is nothing, no, a very suspicious person. you are watching the news on the russia channel. good morning, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. our fighters took another strategically important fortified area near the village of konstantinovka. the head of the hamas political bureau, ismail haniyeh, was killed in tehran. he died during an israeli strike on his residence. street fighting in several cities in venezuela, reports of a coup attempt. the army is loyal to madura, the security forces
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making arrests. the hamas movement confirmed the death of the head of the organization's politburo, ismail haniyeh. he was killed early wednesday morning in an attack from... israel on his residence in tehran. hamas expressed its condolences to the heroic nation of palestine, the islamic community, the resistance fighters and the noble nation of iran for the death of ismail haniyeh and his bodyguard. iranian authorities have already begun an investigation into all the circumstances of the incident. their results will be published later. and the day before, at least four people died as a result of israeli air raid on the suburbs of the lebanese capital. purpose. was the deputy leader of hezbollah, who is called the second man in the movement. a high-ranking commander was reported to have been killed. in addition, more than 70 people were injured. injured people
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continue to arrive in hospitals, many buildings have been destroyed and the streets are filled with dust and debris. according to the russian embassy in lebanon, there were no russians among the dead. the airstrikes have already been condemned by iran and iraq. called for a return to a cessation of hostilities. in the white house also announced attempts to find a diplomatic solution to stop the attacks. now about the special operation in the southern donetsk direction, the special operation of the motorized rifle group of the vostok army, together with the crews of the t-80 bv tanks , captured another strong point. it is located in a strategically important area near the village of konstantinovka. thanks to its success, the russian military has made it more difficult. enemy logistics in this sector of the front, using the effect of surprise under cover of fire, attack aircraft from tanks approached the enemy’s positions, broke into the trenches and took a nationalist stronghold located in a forest belt.
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the assigned task was completed without loss of personnel and combat vehicles. we recently drove it, also worked against the enemy, hit a mine, tore off the skating rink, evacuated it, changed the skating rink, and repaired it. in the ranks, soon back into battle, today we went to the training ground, checked the tank, then checked the gun with fire, how it hits correctly, everything is clear, we’ll hit a squirrel in the eye. attack aircraft crews on 125 aircraft attacked enemy positions in zone of responsibility of the vostok group of troops. the pilots attacked enemy strongholds and manpower with unguided missiles at given coordinates. according to the gunner's reports, all of these targets were successful. struck, after completing the mission, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the airfield in a howl. reconnaissance units identify the enemy not only on the ground, but from the air; they
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monitor the movements of nationalists around the clock, remaining out of sight. details of their work are in the report by sergei samokha. well, this is our drone, the guys brought it yesterday, it’s a ukrainian drone, that is, it fell. either his rap, or something, or he fell, got burned, i don’t know, we’ll try to get something out of him, this car is one of many that fall into the hands of intelligence officers from all over the southern donetsk front, captured copies are sent to this laboratory for careful study, every downed ukrainian drone like this is a very important trophy, its study helps to better know the enemy, and most importantly, to understand what frequencies it flies, they are constantly changing, such important knowledge allows... this reconnaissance unit of the marine corps of the pacific fleet from kamchatka is at the very forefront of modern warfare, where one of the key... roles is played by drones, with
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the help of drones they receive basic intelligence information, on they are also used to secure projectiles of destructive force, in this laboratory they experiment daily with equipment modifications, we want to reduce the weight, that is, the shank will be printed with a new one, lighter, that is, to make it easier for the drone to carry it all out. almost all the walls are hung with captured drones, russian suppression systems are jamming dozens of them, having checked the internal components, engineers... the firmware that russian hackers came up with, some units are already on the other side, they are already using it, that’s where they are protected, that is, they disassemble the drones , all sorts of anti-spoofings are soldered in there, these handkerchiefs, in order to somehow keep up with us, well, that’s it, of course, most of the trophies are transferred to combat
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units after intervention in software, they are already flying towards the armed forces of ukraine, those machines that cannot be restored are used for spare parts. an enemy drone was recently brought to us, and we remove the video transmitter from it, if it is working, the camera, the motors, depending on what kind, what parts are needed for our drones. every day , reconnaissance unit engineers restore and send dozens of drones to the front line, and each... an attack drone is a destroyed enemy position. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. the american military carried out artillery fire as part of the exercise. shooting in the baltic sea. according to legend, they entered into battle with the enemy fleet. the fire was fired at targets simulating ships and aircraft of enemy forces. the firing was carried out by the crew. dmitrovgrad and marshansk.
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electronic missile launches against sea targets were also tested. large-scale exercises of naval forces are carried out in the areas of responsibility of the northern pacific baltic fleet and the caspian fleet. supporters of nicolas madura gathered in the center of caracos to support the results of the election of the head of venezuela. maduro himself addressed residents from the balcony. presidential palace, he announced his intention to punish all participants in the demonstration, and also called on people to come out for a big demonstration on saturday. the military , led by the country's minister of defense, came out in support of the newly elected president, while it was reported that disorder continued in other cities, where hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets, police and security forces began arresting a lot of special equipment on the streets, including water cannons. earlier it became known...
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the death of at least one person. further regional news, stay with us. now news from the capital region. cloudy and cool weather remains in moscow and the region. the temperature background most likely corresponds to the beginning of september. the thermometer today will not rise above 20. forecasters are predicting rain and thunderstorms in different parts of the city, a yellow level of weather danger has been introduced until the evening, atmospheric pressure is normal, 739 mm hg. the kommunarka station of the sokolniki metro line will be given a new name novomoskovskoe. as explained in the department of transport, this will reflect the significance of the first subway interchange hub in new moscow, the name communarka will be given to the station of the future troitskaya line. it
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will be located closer to the village of the same name, within its historical borders. unique graffiti decorated the building of the school of arts in orekhovo zuevo. its author, podolsk resident ilya demchenko. there are already several of his works in the city. this project took 5 days to complete. in september , a school of creative industries will open on the basis of the children's institution. 60 teenagers will be able to receive additional education. guests are available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, do not switch. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixos golf villas and suites sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless natural beauty. enjoy contemporary design
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in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at the rixos golf villa. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent being in our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. first podcast.
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today on rtr, good morning, hello everyone, join us, keep company there, and bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast, sausages can be useful not only for breakfast, a new trend of superstitious european brides, before the wedding they bury raw sausages in the ground, all for the sake of... sunny weather the sun was shining at the wedding, they watched her video , the sausage magic worked, on the day of the celebration, the first life hack on social networks was shared by a popular blogger from britain: and more than 2 million people went and went, dozens of girls from different countries had already tried and
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approved the method, instead of raining clouds at the ceremonies there were only flower clouds, but many are just looking for their happiness, and where on dating sites is the traffic of russian applications. it grew by 20% in less than a year, but the search often leads to disappointment and trouble. how to find your person, and not to run into a swindler or a swindler, alena kashtanova found out. well, we will continue after the story. i looked at his birthday, date of birth, month of birth, year of birth, calculated everything, i thought, wow, how, how well this person suits me. despite the zodiac compatibility, elena’s acquaintance turned out to be unsuccessful; it turned out that the man with whom she had been corresponding for a month was married and immediately set the conditions for me that he was not in moscow, now he was on a business trip, when, apparently, he got it, well his conscience had probably already begun to torment him, he simply told me, len, forgive me, i’m married, girls on the internet are no less
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insidious, says albert, without any qualms with conscience, they underestimate their age and change their appearance using filters, and by the way not always successful, there is only one in the photographs, i understand that this is photoshop, but she came a lot in life. what users of these applications face, and there is a completely scientific explanation for this, we emphasize our advantages, we want to be liked, it’s like if it were the norm, it’s another matter that pathology begins where a person has some kind of psychological trauma and is afraid of being rejected, any lie, it is associated with low self-esteem, sooner or later it will, of course, come out and turn into disappointment for more conscientious users damage and sometimes not only moral, we sat with... it was 1.35 - rubles, i paid everything and after that she seemed to disappear, but most importantly, she also asked the waiter to take all the half-eaten salads with her, just for such girls today came up with the term platter, if a girl brought you to some restaurant, then there is a very high
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probability that she earns money on the check, this is called consummation, in my opinion there is 25%. and the most amazing thing is that today such scams are carried out not only by girls, but also by men, such and such. on the third date, he invited me to a restaurant, we ordered a lot, but when the time came to pay, he put the card to the terminal, refusal. the unlucky gentleman had to be helped out by closing the account herself, the girl spent 800 rub. he also asked me to give him 2.0 rubles until his card was unblocked, but i did, everyone’s situations are different. after this, the man predictably disappeared and deleted his profile. fraud is another scourge of love-finding services. hundreds of thousands for treatment, they take out loans, and in the end they are left not only with a broken heart, but with debts, unfortunately, there are not many ways to deal with attackers, he writes, we control it, as soon as they move somewhere, we no longer control, we can only get it in in the form of feedback that people are missing something,
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something is wrong with this account, for example, block it, but such cases can also be prevented by verifying the account with the presentation of a passport, then neither the age nor marital status column will be changed.. . it’s impossible, even better if the user can be checked for a criminal record of loans, then there will be more successful and safe dates. the group intends to implement the idea of ​​a new service for finding a second half. russian developers, programmers from murmansk presented the concept of a dating site with checking loans, alimony, taxes and debts of a potential partner, how do you like it? well, it’s interesting, at least how this will make it easier to find a life partner, we’ll find out from the psychotherapist, chairman of the board of the eurasian association of medical and environmental technologies, andrey zhilyaev, it’s good that it was the doctor who was invited for this conversation, of course.
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excessive for many, that is, many people will be afraid to take this path, because
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you never know what rough edges there may be life path of this or that person, a person who is looking for a companion through social networks or through some other type of electronic mediation, he always takes risks, that is, he opens up, and here it is quite possible, please note, we have already undergone a social experiment, unnoticed , for each of us, if a call comes in, then there is a comment on it. there may be scammers, there are spam complaints, in my opinion, according to the same principle, that is, not a statement that he is a criminal, but a probability, that is, pay attention, for example, several checkpoints, some are written, for example, by the operator, confirmed, some are not written, that is, this is all a risk zone, but then identification through verified ones is needed.
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from someone who, for reasons unknown to us , can use this data for their own purposes, so i would not want to fall victim to such excessive openness, but if these are some regulated parties, like you said, a criminal record, and just this risk needs to be optimized as a fashionable word now, in my opinion, that’s all. well of course, and in general this area cannot be so regulated, because here
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, after all, feelings, they play the last role, and we are not looking for a business partner, but a person for life, that’s right, absolutely right, thank you, thank you, thank you, oh about how to make dating on the internet safer, we talked with a psychotherapist, chairman of the board of the eurasian association of medical and environmental technologies, andrei vzhelyaev, where are you, you can’t go to moscow, there’s a patrol for you. he knows moscow by sight, you are alone, you hear, yours are not for you believe me, artist, today at 13:00, as you asked, we have reduced your charming leg by two sizes, thank you, will they finally be in time for me, the history of a big country, on friday at 23:55 on the new expressway m12 east. connecting moscow and kazan, 32 multifunctional road service zones will appear in the near future.
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this is a whole range of services on one territory: gas station, cafes, restaurants, laundries, showers, playgrounds. 18 similar facilities are already operating. according to the national project, tourism and the hospitality industry continues to work to improve services for auto tourists. we drove for a long time, the road is dusty, but it’s summer, we can wash the headlights, license plate, maria is being a little disingenuous, we drove only 70 km from moscow with the kids, but the country dust really settled in a dense layer on the hood. ahead is the fabulous suzdal, it’s somehow awkward to go to a cultural citadel and in a dirty car, fortunately everything is available at the gas station, if you want mine yourself, if you want , give us the keys, they served us very quickly, the service was great, just in time i really wanted to drink delicious coffee at the gas station, however, this is not quite the usual namaz, on the recently opened highway 12, major players in the domestic fuel market are testing a new all-in-one format,
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a real uasis for a wheeled traveler, we came from the city of snezhnogorsk, this is the murmansk region, children are welcome adults. satisfied mikhail medvedev, together with his daughter and son, have been traveling around their native expanses for the third day, hurrying to visit relatives beyond the urals. we have already passed quite a lot of gas stations, and this gas station seemed quite attractive to us, there are a lot of gas stations, in principle, there is a large area for children to go for a walk. while the kids are ordering ice cream, dad is pumping up the tires properly, the hoses are clean, you can rest assured about your clothes, it’s quite convenient, it doesn’t appear at all gas stations, it’s set yes.
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a real physical training ground for both children and older people. today it is the largest filling station in the country with an area of ​​1,200 km, where 16 cars and six trucks can refuel at the same time. the station is located 150 km from moscow. all the road life is always at hand here, and thanks to improved service on the m12 highway , there are many more tourists. in the same vladimir region, this year the number of guests increased by 20%. this year we have already launched four new car routes ranging from two to 4 days, and from 400 to 700 km, all of these routes pass through the territory of the vladimir region, with ease and comfort you can ride from moscow to kazan
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, stopping at the same time in vladimir, nizhny novgorod, admiring the chuvash landscapes, more than 800 kilometers of vivid impressions thanks to the national project tourism and the hospitality industry on the travel portal puteshestvuem.rf presents a whole section dedicated to auto tourism. now there are already more than 50 detailed road routes available on it in 47 regions of the country, with a map and recommendations on where to stay and what to see. have you really gone through all this?
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is preparing a new test for you, i’m already getting closer, soon, from august 5 on rtr, catch yourself, rivka, big or small, well, in general , she chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, here i have the question begins, can something tasty be healthy? i try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can it be useful to be pleasant, fantastic, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again,
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yes, every person in any region of russia can.. . make your diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts your mood, that’s for sure. food formula, on sunday on rtr. don’t trust anyone, there’s deception all around, i’m a scammer. let's look at rtr. take it. no i can not. you said that you love. and i love you, everything that’s mine is yours, on the contrary. means, proposed marriage to you, disappeared himself. your money and you don’t know his last name or address, there are not only complete fools, i owe other people, they are very dangerous, i ’ll give you everything. i’ll help you, but round, remember me, it’s me, nadya kruglova, you’re doing serious business, the protocol, the fine and
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the card file, i’ll give it all, just don’t tell your mom, you had to get into such a mess, fool nadya, on saturday on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, this program performs not only songs, but also a desire, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kans after the wedding, my wife says,
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fantastic, some morning mail with nikolai baskov, sunday on rtr, we must take it , they’ll go, i agree, go ahead, artist, today on rtr, clay bottles with mineral water, 100 bottles of champagne and...
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the drama prince andrei, our tv channel, with the support of the internet development institute, will talk about the formation and reign of prince yuri dolgorukov’s beloved son, andrei. let's take a look at the set. the first shots of a large-scale historical film about the prince andrei bogolyubsky is filmed in a unique natural setting. the steppe landscape is changing quickly, so in order to catch the bright flower phenomenon, the film crew urgently came from moscow to the rostov region for just one day. against the backdrop of these beautiful
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landscapes, the life story of andrei bogolyubsky will unfold. the son of yuri dolgorukovo, in fact, was the first to begin to pursue a policy of uniting disparate principalities, creating a single russian state. historians call him a man whose ideas and deeds were ahead of his time, but his destiny was. and interesting, just like the fates of the rulers of that time in general, which means that the film will undoubtedly turn out to be exciting, otherwise, guys, please, silence, 6:19 103, there will be practically no specially built scenery in the film, the main filming of the series takes place on location, moreover, the scale of the filming is simply amazing, one can say that ancient russian history itself will come to life on the screen, literally everyone feels this, even the extras, we are getting closer to...
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in general, few people know anything, so in the first place turn, this is such an educational event, he was canonized because of the love of people, and this is important and it is important to show it. well, with the release of the film there will be a chance to find out more. actors of the first magnitude, alexander baluev, sergei bezrukov, alexander golubev and many others will help make history. in addition to the vladimir region, filming.
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why scooters burn and how to minimize risks, we’ll figure it out after the news. the broadcast continues to be broadcast live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. the hamas movement confirmed the death of the head of the politburo ismail haniya's organization. he was killed early wednesday in an israeli attack on his residence in tehran. hamas expressed. iran in connection with the death of ismail haniyeh and his bodyguard. iranian authorities have already begun an investigation into all the circumstances of the incident. their results will be published later. now about the progress of the special operation, the crews of multiple launch rocket systems and a hail of tula paratroopers destroyed the manpower of the ukrainian armed forces at the forefront
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in the area of ​​the populated area. moving to the dpr. upon receiving a combat mission, the crew moved to the indicated area in the dark, took up a firing position and struck at the given squares. as a result , an entire section of the ukrainian military was destroyed, and the surviving militants hastily abandoned their positions. ukrainian nationalists this morning shelled the city of shibekina in the belgorod region. the attack caused an apartment building to catch fire. local residents claim that the nationalists hit the village with cluster munitions. no casualties were reported. residents promptly left their apartments went down to the shelter. in primorye, a tactical group consisting of three small anti-submarine ships of the pacific fleet conducted practical firing in peter the great bay. the fire was fired from artillery
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installations at targets and targeting ships of the landing detachment of the mock enemy. during the exercise, the crew practiced searching for and destroying a floating sea mine, and also repelled an attack by enemy drones. riots broke out in english southport after three children died in a knife attack. residents of the city gathered for mourning event, which at some point escalated into clashes with security forces and pogroms. about twenty law enforcement officers were injured. the crowd set fire to a police car and threw stones and other objects at a mosque, demanding the mass expulsion of migrants. this happened after unconfirmed reports that the seventeen-year-old killer allegedly came from a migrant background. the
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police said that this data. incorrect and urged to wait for the results of the investigation. supporters of nicolas madura gathered in the center of caracas to support the election results head of venezuela. maduro himself addressed residents from the balcony of the presidential palace. he announced his intention to punish all participants in the demonstration, and also called on people to come out for a big demonstration on saturday. the military , led by the country's minister of defense, came out in support of the newly elected president. reports. at the same time, the continuation of unrest in other cities, hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets there, the police and security forces began arresting a lot of special equipment on the streets, including water cannons. earlier it became known about the death at least one person. severe forest fires are raging across the balkans in albania, with flames approaching the tourist city of shengjin. there is an evacuation there. the country's government had to request
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help from its neighbors. italian rescuers have already arrived. local authorities said the fires may have been caused by deliberate arson. one person has died due to wildfires in northern macedonia. many buildings burned down. extinguishing is hampered by drought and strong winds. one of the outbreaks also spread to the territory of neighboring greece. further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now to the news from the capital region: cloudy and cool weather remains in moscow and the region, the temperature background most likely corresponds to the beginning of september. the thermometer today will not rise above 21°. forecasters predict rain and thunderstorms in different areas of the city. a yellow level of weather danger has been introduced until the evening.
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atmospheric pressure is normal. 739 mmhg . according to the data center, the congestion of the capital’s streets is now one point per the roads are free. in the coming hours , congestion may become more intense. and up to 3 points. in the south of moscow , an accident occurred on shipilovskaya street, the bus crashed into a tree. the driver of route number 86 became ill while driving and left the roadway. the passengers were not injured, but the driver was hospitalized. mosgortrans reported that before the work shift the bus was in good working order, and the driver passed a medical examination. state traffic inspectors are investigating the circumstances of the incident. it continues in the capital. working to improve the road frame. read more about this today sergei sobyanin wrote in his telegram channel. the direct exit from the msd to the koshirskoye highway towards mkat is already 75% ready. more than
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half of the transport interchange in the area of ​​the kornilovskaya metro station has been completed. the construction of a road bridge across the moscow river on myasishchego street is nearing completion. since the beginning of the year, the volume of lek production. in moscow grew by almost 13%. anastasia rakova spoke about this for the mayor for social development. capital medical institutions are supplied with drugs for the treatment of oncological, cardiovascular, rheumatological and other diseases. sustainable growth in drug production in the capital can be achieved through the conclusion of offset contracts, when the city guarantees demand for products. this gives an opportunity. and invest and be confident in the future that the products will be in demand, we have now concluded 22 total contracts, of which two are for the supply of medical products and eight for the supply of pharmaceuticals. the total volume of purchases under such contracts will amount to
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more than 400 billion rubles. more than 300 moscow manufacturers of medicines and medical equipment create necessary products not only for the capital, but for the whole country. in one of the microdistricts of solnechnogorsk , the reconstruction of the boiler house and the replacement of the heating network is nearing completion; the structure was built almost 60 years ago and has never been overhauled. in february, heat supply facilities were transferred to the ownership of the municipality, which made it possible to begin their large-scale modernization. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov talked with local residents and checked how the work was being carried out.
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water treatment and electrical systems equipment. about 4.00 muscovites have already visited mental health centers. most of them were referred by doctors from city clinics. in total, more than nine thousand consultations were conducted, including in the format of group sessions. experienced medical psychologists and psychotherapists use various techniques to cope with psycho-emotional problems. every muscovite has the opportunity to enroll in this center, feeling anxiety, stress, signs of depression, where he will be helped by specialists, psychologists and social psychologists and medical psychologists and, if necessary, already route to a psychotherapist. such centers employ
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qualified, experienced specialists and teams of specialists. the first two mental health centers were opened in the capital this spring. all news is available. on the media platform, look in the application or on the website see you. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes.
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who changes the world, these are our people, our premiere from august 5 on rtr. look at rtr, what is this? the case of your wife's disappearance, i will prove that she is dead, they killed her, this tet wants to put me in prison at any cost, will use any means, you must help me, i need to install a wiretap, soon everything will be as we dreamed, you and i have cleaned everything up , but she won’t find anything, and i’m afraid, answer me where your wife is, together forever. today on rtr,
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hello everyone, good morning, i’m joining our broadcast, today we are in glory in white and blue, you know, my imagination immediately pictures the navy day that took place in st. petersburg, an unforgettable sight, i’ll tell you, this year, unfortunately, i didn’t get to my hometown, i worked, yes, they looked. on tv, and now you regret, yes, that you left at the right time, well, also more than half of russians are ready to move to another city for work, 7% of respondents have already received such an offer, they have changed their place of residence, well, the main factor is why to rush out , a different salary is higher, of course, housing, a comfortable climate, developed infrastructure, under no circumstances does every second russian intend to leave their home, by the way, for the first time in a long time lady... among the cities for a possible move was not moscow, but st. petersburg,
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42% voted for it. well, by the way, in the center of the northern capital from august 1 , parking of scooters will be prohibited for safety reasons. almost every day there are reports of electric vehicles catching fire. varvara iermakova will tell you how to minimize risks. the explosion was so powerful that it lifted the ceiling in the room and shifted the wall. samara resident yuri still shudders. i remember the night when the electric scooter was charged exploded, not a bag, not a second, the man threw the device into the stairwell , immediately called the firefighters, very quickly the room was filled with this acrid black smoke, very, very thick and poisonous, yuri admits that he was saved and managed to quickly find his bearings, including because of the danger of explosion i guessed the device a long time ago. i basically studied this topic and that ’s why i probably reacted so quickly, because i was ready for the fact that this could theoretically... charging the scooter led to no less sad consequences
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in this moscow apartment, charred walls and furniture and neighbors rejoicing at the successful outcome, all the most important things are alive, everyone is healthy, nothing, there was no particular burning there, nothing, the scooter just caught fire, everything put it out, almost all modern scooters, segveas and unicycles are equipped with compact and powerful lithium-ion batteries, and despite all the advantages, they react to the slightest damage with a fountain of fire. among the main causes of fire is mechanical damage to the battery at the slightest impact. the metal plates inside shift and begin to heat up, and the most common use is a non-original charger that does not match the power of the battery. a short circuit occurs, either internal or external, and due to this, the temperature of the battery rises sharply and increases. internal pressure in the housing, which leads to just
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such an explosive, explosive depressurization. by the way, there are several signs that the vehicle should not be used under any circumstances; this is the smell of burnt wiring, any deformations on the device , the brains of the unit go crazy. if we see that we have charged our battery, it has 100% charge, yes, and an hour later, and you haven’t used it, practically, the capacity has dropped sharply, and we can already see, this means that... that some processes are already taking place in the batteries, which are undesirable, and it is also necessary to develop an algorithm of actions in case of a possible explosion, firstly, we charge the gadget only during the day and under supervision, it is also necessary to have special fire-fighting equipment in the apartment, carbon dioxide a fire extinguisher, it is under the influence of extinguishing, but the electric scooter is cooling, during this period, while cooling occurs, it stops burning, but then it will most likely ignite. again, it is therefore very important to take the device to a safe area
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away from anything flammable and call the fire department immediately. well, if we talk about cars, then the association of russian car dealers is asking to postpone the increase in the recycling fee until the twenty-fifth year. the appeal was sent to the ministry of industry and trade, according to according to the draft government decree, from october 1 this year, the vehicle tax should increase to almost 80% for cars with an engine capacity of up to 2 liters. that is, from 300,000 to 556 thousand, with a 3.5 liter engine to almost 3 million rubles. at the same time, the amount will be indexed annually by another 1020. percent, what such an increase will lead to, we will discuss with a guest from the working group of the popular front for the rights of motorists, auto expert maxim kadakov, hello, well, it is clear that the innovations apply only to importers of legal entities, but the next step , of course, everything can you guess that this sales tax will be included in
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the final price of the car that will be presented for sale, for what purpose is this being done? well, it’s obvious that this is being done to protect what is domestic. i wouldn’t want companies to leave, because the wider the offer, the more, the wider the choice, the better, of course, for us motorists, this is the law of the market, more
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supply, more opportunities, prices, unfortunately, will rise not only for imported cars for which a recycling fee is charged and not returns, but also the prices of our cars. i just wanted to ask about what is ours or conditionally ours, that’s who is engaged in large-scale assembly for us, they said well about conditionally us, these companies will be exempt from - the recycling fee is returned in full for deeply localized cars, the most striking example is avtovaz, whose entire car is deeply localized, there are some imported components, but in general these are really deeply localized cars, and for those who deal with a large unit. taxes refunded partly, what other ways are there, like stimulating production in russia, cars, some, well, what preferences could there be, i don’t know, there are tax breaks, or maybe the chinese way, when they entered into agreements with western companies, yes, they produced for some time the machines, and then
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the technology passed to them, but if we acted like the chinese, then over the past 10 years we would have already managed to develop... conduct the right policy, but what else needs to be done, so that the manufacturer comes and prices were, well, at least somewhat moderately remained, firstly, when prices are rising around everything, it cannot be that car prices do not rise, what needs to be done, we need it, unfortunately, or fortunately we still have the opportunity there are large financial injections from the state, primarily into the component industry. yeah, the state is doing this, the ministry of industry and trade is doing this, this is correct, but i believe that the volume of these investments should be greater, we need to talk not only about the auto industry, the auto industry is collects everything from the ball-bearing industry, which is half-dead in our country, to chemistry, to the production of plastics, glass, rubber and technical products,
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everything needs to be developed, in addition, i believe that it is necessary to stimulate the end buyer, we were shown the results of preferential car loans are not bad, but i would rather do it better for taxes. following the example of how it exists when purchasing real estate, when we date a specific buyer, you bought a domestically produced car, receive a tax deduction. thank you, thank you, about how to establish car production in russia and attract foreign investors, we spoke with a member of the working group of the popular front for the rights of motorists, auto expert maxim kodakov. thank you, we are watching on the russia channel. what's this? the case of your wife's disappearance, i will prove that she is dead. and you killed her, this tet wants to put me in prison at any cost, he will use any means, you must help me, i need to install wiretapping, soon everything will be as we dreamed, you and i have cleaned everything, he won’t find anything, but i’m afraid, answer me, where is your wife, together forever,
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today at 21:20 on the russia channel, this invasion, a black strikos cloud hit the us beach. they filled the space and provoked panic, some fought back with children's shovels and mattresses, but most of the vacationers quickly realized that they could not win this battle, they were blown away as if by the wind, although strikozas are not dangerous for people, but in such numbers they are capable of frightening anyone . scientists explained that swarms form during reproduction or due to weather changes. by the way, the noise they make is such that it can be picked up by radar systems. and the hero of our next one. of the plot he made nature his co-author, he creates real works of art from wood. the workshop is ivan matyushin’s favorite place, here he spends everything. according to the social contract, ivan, a couple of years
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ago, as a father of many children, received 350 rubles and immediately purchased five machines for work, which allowed us to reach a qualitatively new level. this is a blank for future watches, this is how mother-of-pearl it turns out, we mixed the resin, the main thing is it mix well to... combine the ingredients. over time, ivan began combining wood with epoxy resin and other materials. it was these unusual ideas that helped create the individual style of the house, which , by the way, he also built himself. the metallic aroma of piano and elm made great friends, dividing the kitchen into zones. i had an idea to use it somewhere in the interior. i thought maybe on the wall as a decoration, and then the idea came to make a bar counter. among ivan’s works there are truly unique ones, in size by labor costs. this table, like a work of art, made from solid ash root, weighs
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more than 300 kg. when i brought it home, it was a 2.5 m diameter tuber all in the ground, it weighed 2.5 tons. and so i washed it, 1.60 diameter, well, 10 people. placed on it. a tree is always a collaboration with nature, who, as you know, is the best artist, says ivan, in this co-creation he considers himself not the author, but only a co-author. and then, matters of the heart, there are more and more patients with arrhythmia. a new specialty of arrhythmology may appear in russia. how will these doctors differ from cardiologists? we'll discuss it with the guest soon. congratulations on your new pastry shop. welcome! premiere on rtr. who is he? why did he suddenly decide to help you? when i first met you, i was just
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shocked. shershelya fam means she is married. has this ever bothered anyone? new test. no matter how cheap everything is, she loves him, not you, understand? from august 5 on rtr. fifty-two-year-old varvara korsyk contacted the editors of our program. from krasnodar, who never knew her father, but before her death, her mother admitted that varvara was the illegitimate daughter of the famous soviet sailor, submariner igor vasilyevich korsykov, and asked to find him. i would like relatives to appear in my life. we began a large-scale search to find the traces of her relatives. will the long-awaited meeting of the podvodnik children take place for the first time in 50 years? and is the legend that mother told varvaria before her death true? dna test in our studio. malakhov, today on rtr.
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now i only want to play for one person, for you. on friday. your heart? no matter what happens, i will always love you. and i need nastya. what coincidence? me too. you can become a world star. and you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, we want to perform together, if you really love him, you should let him go, i always get what i want, let me go, is he dead, you ruined my life, deprived me future, only this was missing now. music of my soul. on friday. intention. please,
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introductions and roll call. possible without construction. i'm very glad that you came to to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. remote surgery in china thanks to
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a 5g-based robotic system, a surgeon from... shanghai removed a lung tumor from a patient who was 5 km away from him. the doctor controlled the device from his office, and the operating manipulator accurately followed its movements in real time. other doctors stood by as backup, but their help was not required. everything went well. using this method in the future you can carry out surgical interventions, even in remote corners or in orbit. the main thing is to ensure a stable connection. virtual reality allows you to examine in detail the design of a future apartment or, without leaving the office, to monitor the progress of construction, and using the device is no more difficult than a smartphone,” says andrei negru. andrey, let’s put on a helmet, yeah, now you’ll be immersed in the apartment, you’ll be able to walk around it, look around, rearrange the chairs. imagine you want new furniture, but you don’t know how it will look in the room,
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or decided to renovate, received a design project, but not until the end. you don’t understand how much you like it, you finally need to rent a place, but you don’t have time to go through all the apartments that the realtor offers, this is where this system comes to the rescue: it takes a 3d model of the object created in any editor and instantly turns it into content for vr helmet. now, having put it on, you can find yourself in a virtual copy of the apartment and even interact with all the objects. however, this platform has much more serious applications, for example, with its help complex structures are already being designed today. let's say about large shopping centers or even factories, where a lot of utilities need to be laid, here virtual reality helps to prevent mistakes, a fire extinguishing system is placed in the parking lot, these are taps that spray water, respectively, and a system is installed nearby, for example, there air conditioning, and there are cases when this
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sprinkler here, it is clamped between the wall with this, for example, a box, on a flat screen. it’s impossible to notice all this, in the video you can see it right away. even in the helmet, you can compare the design of the object with the real picture of what adjustments are currently taking place. if something is built wrong, and this still happens quite often, then virtual mixed reality technologies help to understand it faster than traditional methods and correct it accordingly. of course, for this, the system must have fresh data, the way the object now looks, it is now not at all difficult to obtain it quickly. thanks to another russian development - a 3d camera, which quickly scans any space. training a specialist to operate this camera takes no more than two hours. secondly, the camera positions itself within the space, and allows you to create digital and three-dimensional copies almost automatically. by loading them into the helmet, you can monitor the progress of construction without leaving the office, and so that the specialist does not miss anything important, he
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can be trained to help him with neural networks that will be checked against the project. and highlight all discrepancies, then the vessels are like new, like new, like new, light, light, wake up, what vessels, light, glory, i had a dream that the currant vessels were like new, well, that’s also news to me, everyone knows about the usefulness of currants, and we will tell you about it again very soon, well you get up, come on my berry, there is still something to collect in our garden. so we have already collected everything, there is no light, the blood has not been drawn, you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. our fighters took another strategically important fortification of the district near the village of konstantinovka. hamas ismail haniyeh, killed in
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tehran, he died during an israeli strike on his... street battles in several cities of venezuela, reported coup attempts , army loyal to madura, security forces are arresting. the hamas movement confirmed the death of the head of the organization's politburo, ismail haniyeh; he was killed early on wednesday morning as a result of an israeli attack on his residence in tehran. hamas expressed condolences to the heroic nation. to the islamic community to the fighters of the resistance front and the noble nation of iran in connection with the death of ismail haniyeh, his bodyguard. authorities iran has already begun an investigation into all the circumstances of the incident, their results will be made public later. and the day before, at least four people were killed as a result of an israeli airstrike on a suburb of the lebanese capital. the target was hezbollah's deputy leader,
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described as the movement's second-in-command. it is reported that... a high-ranking commander has been killed. in addition, more than 70 people were injured, and the wounded continue to be admitted to the hospital. many buildings have been destroyed, damaged, the streets are covered with dust and... iran and iraq at the un, called return to a cessation of hostilities . the white house also said it was trying to find a diplomatic solution to stop the attacks. now about the ongoing special operation in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation of the motorized rifle group of troops vostok together with the crews of t-80 tanks. the bv captured another strong point; it is located in a strategically important area, near the settlement of konstantinovka. thanks to its success, the russian military has complicated the enemy’s logistics in this
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sector of the front, using the effect unexpectedly, under the cover of fire from tanks, the attack aircraft approached the enemy positions, broke into the trenches and took a stronghold of the nationalists, located in a forest belt. the assigned task was completed without loss of personnel. the reconnaissance unit identifies the enemy not only on the ground, but from the air; they monitor the movements of the nationalists around the clock, remaining out of sight. details of their work are in the report by sergei samokha. well, this is our drone, the guys brought it yesterday, it’s a ukrainian drone, that is, it fell, or it was a rap, or something, or he fell, got burned, i don’t know, we’ll try to get something out of him, it’s a car. one of many that fall into the hands of intelligence officers from all over the southern donetsk front; captured specimens are sent to this laboratory for careful study. every downed ukrainian drone like this is a very important trophy;
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studying it helps to get to know the enemy better, and most importantly, to understand at what frequencies it flies. they are constantly changing, and such important knowledge allows us to develop the most modern electronic warfare systems. this unit intelligence, marines, quiet. ocean fleet from kamchatka is located at the very forefront of modern warfare, where drones play one of the key roles, with the help of drones they receive the main reconnaissance, and shells of destructive power are attached to them, in this laboratory they experiment every day with equipment modifications, we want to reduce the weight, that is, the shank will be it’s easier to print a new one, that is, to make it easier for a drone to carry out all this, almost all the walls are hung with captured drones, russian systems... under pressure suppress dozens of them, having checked the internal component, the engineers, to their surprise, learned that the enemy is increasingly using our developments, although the quality is poor. our thousand and first
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firmware, which russian hackers came up with, some units are already on the other side, they are already using it, that’s where they get stuck, that is, they disassemble the drones, solder in all sorts of anti-spoofings, these handkerchiefs, so that somehow not fall behind from us, well, of course, most of the trophies are transferred to combat units after intervention in software, they are already flying towards vysu, those machines that cannot be restored are used for spare parts. an enemy drone was recently brought to us, we remove the video transmitter from it, if it is working, the camera, motors, depending on what kind, what parts are needed for our drones. daily. reconnaissance units restore and send dozens of drones to the front line, each attack drone is a destroyed enemy position. sergey samokh, oleg sokolchuk, lead. military sailors
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conducted artillery fire as part of the exercises shooting in the baltic sea. polegende, they entered into battle with the enemy fleet. the fire was directed at targets simulating ships. supporters of nicolás madura gathered in the center of caracos to support the outcome of the election. he announced his intention to punish all participants in the demonstration, and also called on people to come out for a big demonstration on saturday.
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the military , led by the country's minister of defense, came out in support of the newly elected president. at the same time, it is reported that the disorder will continue in other cities. there were hundreds on the street thousands of protesters, police and security forces began making arrests. guests of the regions. stay with us. now there is news from the capital region: cloudy and cool weather remains in moscow and the region, the temperature background most likely corresponds to the beginning of september. the thermometer today will not rise above 21°. forecasters predict rain and thunderstorms in different areas of the city. a yellow level of weather danger has been introduced until the evening. normal atmospheric pressure is 739 mmhg. in the south of moscow there was an accident on the shipilovsky.
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street, the bus crashed into a tree, the driver of route number 86 became ill while driving and drove off the roadway, the passengers were not injured, but the driver was hospitalized. mosgortrans reported that before the work shift the bus was in good working order, and the driver passed an inspection. state traffic inspectors are investigating the circumstances of the incident. kommunarka stations and the sokolnicheskaya metro line will be given a new name, novomoskovsk. as explained by the department of transport. will reflect the significance of the first subway interchange hub in novaya in moscow, the name of the commune will be given to the station of the future troitsky branch; it will be located closer to the village of the same name, within its historical borders. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, see you.
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who we are, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what is our value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something like that chill inside, anything can happen, do not retreat from anything , i will still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never cheat on yourself, i don’t have a family every year. i have every minute,
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a minute of family, there is no other way, now there is a struggle for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand that such a responsibility lies with me - this is my path, this my life, my destiny. life and destiny, from monday to friday. on rtr, good morning everyone, good morning, vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova, we invite you to join our broadcast, july 31, yes, the second month of summer is coming to an end, yes, a little sad, but there are many ways to cheer yourself up. well, let's start by warming up with the crocodiles in china.
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are mastering a new type of fitness, the training is more reminiscent of the movement of a reptile, it’s not easy to repeat, so be careful, you have to lean on your arms and legs, keeping your body suspended, essentially moving while standing in a plank, they usually crawl from six to 6:30 in the morning, people of all ages, they say that exercise strengthens the back, helps relieve pain in the spine, even after such physical activity you feel rejuvenated, that’s all that matters. correctly under the supervision of an instructor, you can improve your health at the dacha by harvesting, the black currant is just ripe, the berry is good for blood vessels and the heart, tatyana matveeva has already tried it, it’s white, no, black, why is it black, red, because it’s still green , this berry is truly capable of surprising not only with its color from white to dark purple, but also with its composition, 17 vitamins, 27 micro and macroelements, we are talking about currants, black for... is of particular interest, just
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because of its balanced combination of substances, we know it primarily as a source of vitamin c. we don’t even cook it, we grind it with sugar, in general, natural vitamin c. fruit drinks in winter or summer with ice, and in winter , tea is also very useful during colds . black currant is indeed a record holder for the content of vitamin c, there is four times more of it than in citrus fruits, and this means strong immunity and beautiful skin, but aksandra ulitovskaya, a resident of the moscow region, loves this berry. another effect, strengthens the heart muscle, in it there are a lot of antioxidants, among them anthacyanins, scientists conducted large-scale experiments on the effect of these substances on the functioning of the heart, it turned out that those people who had a lot of anthacyanins in their diet had... low risks of developing coronary heart disease and the risks of death from heart disease. the largest amount of anthacyanins is contained in the peel of the berry, so it is better to eat it whole. this glass a day is enough to strengthen your heart. however, microelements also contribute to this effect. potassium,
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sodium, copper, magnesium, all these substances affect water-salt metabolism and the elasticity of blood vessels. magnesium also acts on the muscle wall of the vessel, relaxing it, thereby reducing it. copper, which has a very good effect on the muscle layer of the vessel, that is, relaxing it, thereby lowering blood pressure. our intestinal bacteria are grateful to currants for pectin. this substance gives that very density to the berries, nourishes us, our microbiota. everyone, in fact, loves to look for this pectin, why? because, firstly, pectin gives a feeling of fullness, the right bacteria, lacta, befida bacteria are precisely caused by pectin, i must say that there is quite a lot of it in the berries. somewhere around 20%. you can get it from whole berries or from grated ones with sugar, although the latter has more calories. you can replace sugar with the same stevia and make a healthy dessert in the form of housing. it’s all very simple: we pour the berries into our mold, add agar-agar to the water
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and stir until thick for about five minutes. bring to a boil and pour this liquid into our fresh currants after hardening, the result is this beauty. in summer, dessert can be made from fresh berries. in winter from frozen, they also retain all their beneficial substances, anthacyans and pectin. unless vitamin c decreases with shelf life. so, in order to get the maximum benefit, it is better to have time to eat blackcurrants now during the picking season. if you don’t have your own dacha, you can go to the forest. the berry grows along the banks of rivers and lakes, along the outskirts of swamps, in forest zones of the european part of our country, in siberia, from the urals to yenisia lake baikal. well, of course, the most wonderful thing, rich in microelements and vitamins. berries will not solve heart problems if they arise. according to experts from the higher school of economics, the number of patients with fatal arrhythmia in the country by the year thirty-six may exceed 3 million people, and the damage to the economy from this disease will amount to one and a half trillion rubles. and now
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a new medical specialty, arrhythmology, may appear in russia. the all-russian patients' union insists on this. now heart problems cardiologists are studying the need to train specialists more.
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the most important problem begins when we blur the lines between different specialties, well, for example, cardiology, polymonology, cardiology and resuscitation, and so on, these are all situations that quite often require, well, if not a separate profession, then at least some specialization, but the heart has been studied thoroughly, or some other new specialties may appear.
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spoke with the head of the department of therapy, cardiology, functional diagnostics central state medical academy of presidential administration dmitry zateshchikov, thank you, thank you, the fruit and floral collection from azer tea is the ideal combination of premium tea leaves, aromas, juicy fruits and fresh berries. morning is time to brew azerchay. vahar named spring. hot premiere today at 15:00 on the russia channel. biting mosquitoes
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may become a thing of the past. scientists have created a new method for eliminating bloodsuckers. as a result of complex crossing of two species of individuals, after several generations they received special females who are not interested in human blood. well, this means that such laboratory modified mosquitoes will not be able to bring malaria, fever, zika, dengue, which is especially important. relevant for tropical countries, the main thing is that intervention in nature does not bring any new surprises, but over time we will see, video surveillance systems also help to see everything, the demand for cameras has grown significantly in recent months, analysts attribute this, among other things, to the desire to protect your home during the summer holidays. by what parameters to choose how many dare teonova knows what the cost of such equipment will be, and we will find out. with good resolution, with possibility. all the approaching, moving away, there is a little bit, there are not cameras that turn, there are ones with sound, and for up to 30 days
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all this is recorded on the server, it allows you to watch it online anywhere in the world, such a reliable video surveillance system for your own country house home, vitaly begor installed so as not to worry about the safety of property when he leaves for a business trip, in addition, cameras allow you to monitor those playing in the kitchen from the kitchen children or animals in the pool, so the man did not skimp on equipment, he bought high-quality equipment, including maintenance. in my opinion it costs 14 or 15 there, well, about 200 maybe thousand somewhere along with installation and everything, it seems to me that security and peace of mind is much more expensive than cctv cameras , especially during the holiday season, russian citizens are buying more and more often this year the demand for personal security equipment has increased significantly . we see that in may the number of purchases of such devices increased by 43% compared to the same period last year, while more than 70% of purchases are made in online stores. the average bill for cameras is 4,100 rubles. this is 5% higher than last year, the range of prices for video surveillance cameras is quite wide, from 1.00 rubles for the simplest
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solution to 100,000 rubles for a multifunctional device. the price depends on the type of interior for a home is cheaper or external for the street is more expensive, the type of wired or wireless and the main parameter is the quality and format of the video being played; according to this criterion they are analog and digital. analog ones can be easily taken for - apartments, for example, they will be correspondingly cheaper, it’s just that the analogue ones will be shorter. the data transmission of analogue cameras will definitely have a more blurry image, for those who don’t care about some detail, so that the face can be clearly seen, analogue cameras will be quite enough. the price for one internal analog camera can start from 1,300 rubles. with motion sensor and night mode from 2.5. prices for external analogue detection systems equipped with a detector start from 8.00 rubles. modern digital ones will be more expensive, but also better quality cameras. about digital cameras, matrices are already used there too. the more pixels on the matrix, the sharper the image will be, so you should always make sure that there is a normal
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correspondence between the size of the matrix and the number of pixels. the simplest digital cameras for installation at home can be purchased from 2.0 rubles. for a street one with a rotating mechanism, wi-fi and artificial intelligence you can pay up to 100,000. by the way, the cost of their installation should be added to the cost of the cameras themselves. in a room up to 3 m it will be possible to hang one camera cost 2.0 rub. on the street from four. look at rtr, what is this? the case of the disappearance of your wife, i will prove that she is dead, you killed her, this tet wants to put me in jail at any cost, he will use any means, you must help me, i need to install a wiretap, soon everything will be as we dreamed, we are all with ourselves cleaned, he won’t find anything, but i’m afraid, answer me where your wife is, together forever, today on rtr. so voice, give me your paw,
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give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready for anything. for the sake of your beloved pets, where are you flying? after the performance, you rush everything, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, we are simple, but with a good husband everything can change, look at... like 20 minutes they are watching you, that i have fallen in love with you, you understand, why will you marry me, that i want to dot all the i’s, fool nadya, i love him, what a fool, all in me, on saturday on rtr, the floor is shaking ,
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the walls are shaking, big ones have come. changes, into the new season with new renovations, light traffic hands, we are from this room, absolutely without faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i generally plant maniac, real stone flowers will bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. "if you need
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help with work, i’m always ready, just for work, look at rtr, i’m a simple woman, i normally need a man to be happy, but waiting out quarantine is not for me, it’s for the clinic, anatoly is a dangerous person, you don’t know him at all, they fought because of me, how, i want to invite you on a date, dasha, tonight." you’ve been together for a long time, i’m just curious, raya knows everything, today on rtr, he didn’t leave and didn’t break up, he just disappeared, like that got caught, songs for barbecue are played in our program today, you are better than any barbecue, sorry,
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i'm the only one fighting.
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today we have. ivan zenkevich test-driven one of the sedans and found out whether it meets expectations? the chingan company supplies three sedans to russia at once. today we will meet lamoreaux, the largest representative of this trinity. the length of the car is approaching 4.8 m. the car has ... heated handles, a frameless radiator grille and predatory narrow headlights, they, by the way, are already led in the basic configuration, but on the fog lamp the chinese have skimped on something, they have that there are no fogs it happens that the cost of a test copy is 2,790,000 rubles. competitors cherry, arizo 8, donshiine max, as well as the domestic liftback moskvich 6. the interiors of large sedans are usually
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conservative, but not in this case, there is a riot of modern minimalistic design. the steering wheel is small, more like a steering wheel, you look at the electronic instrument panel over it, at first it’s unusual, the entire area of ​​the center console is occupied by a vertical tablet of media systems, it looks inward. but the functionality is poor; to connect a smartphone, you will have to download special application. the second row is quite spacious, but there are no seat heating or adjustments, which is strange for a sedan of this class. like most chinese cars, it has a petrol turbo engine, the displacement is also predictable, one and a half liters. power is good for this segment at 181 horsepower . the same can be said about the 300 nm torque. available in the range from one and a half to 4,000 rpm, this is more than enough for a sedan. lamor starts briskly and thanks to a smartly tuned robotic transmission, it’s easy to
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the hitch starts overtaking already from 80 km/h. the manufacturer does not indicate the acceleration time to hundreds, but it feels like about 9 seconds. for a car of this class, the chassis design is simple. the macpherson strut at the front is a simple elastic beam at the rear, not a multi-link. as you expect, however, it is well tuned, the handling is stable, for complete happiness the driver needs only a better steering setting, for information content it can be given a three, the brakes do not raise any questions, as well as the smoothness of the ride, unevenness, the suspension works, but the ground clearance is a modest 128 mm, so it’s better to be careful at the bends of the terrain. lamura is a fairly harmonious car, but it still wouldn’t hurt to increase the ground clearance and add heating. in the cabin, this is important for our country. and then, it’s not a chance acquaintance. letter for you. i have a letter. dear friend, i want
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to start this letter as if we were continuing an interrupted conversation. it's like we're old friends, not who we are at all. first, i would check her credit history. yes, and it would be nice to identify the photo on authenticity. the main thing is to find out if you are single? yes. an expert and i will talk about tools that can protect a person from marriage scammers very soon. in my opinion, she's okay. no, a very suspicious person. the broadcast continues to be broadcast live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. the hamas movement confirmed the death of the head of the organization's politburo, ismail haniyeh. he was killed early wednesday morning in an israeli attack. at his residence in tehran. hamas expressed its condolences to the heroic nation of palestine, to the islamic community, resistance fighters
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and the noble nation of iran in connection with the death of ismail haniyeh and his bodyguard. iranian authorities have already begun an investigation into all the circumstances of the incident. their results will be published later. now about the progress of the special operation, the crews of the gradulsky paratroopers' multiple launch rocket systems. manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in forward positions in the area of ​​the village of perezdnoye in the dpr. having received a combat mission, the crew moved to the specified area in the dark, took up a firing position and struck at the specified targets. squares. as a result, an entire section of the ukrainian military was destroyed, and the surviving militants hastily abandoned their positions. ukrainian nationalist. this morning , the city of shebekina in the belgorod region was shelled, and as a result of the attack, an apartment building caught fire. local residents claim that the nationalists hit the village
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with cluster munitions. no casualties were reported. residents promptly left their apartments and went down to the shelter. in primorye, a tactical group consisting of three small anti-submarine ships of the pacific the fleet conducted practical shooting in the gulf of petra. great, fire was fired from artillery installations at targets simulating ships of the landing detachment of a mock enemy. during the exercise, the crew practiced searching for and destroying a floating sea mine, and also repelled an attack by enemy drones. riots broke out in the english southport after the death of three children during a knife attack. residents of the city gathered for mourning events, which at some point escalated into clashes
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with security forces and pogroms. about twenty law enforcement officers. the crowd set fire to a police car and threw stones and other objects at a mosque, demanding the mass expulsion of migrants. this comes after unconfirmed reports of a seventeen-year-old alleged killer. came from a migrant environment. the police said that this information was incorrect and urged them to wait for the results of the investigation. supporters of nicolás madura gathered in the center. racos, in order to support the results of the election of the head of venezuela, maduro himself addressed residents from the balcony of the presidential palace, he announced intention to punish all participants in the demonstration, and also called on people to come out for a big demonstration on saturday. the military , led by the country's minister of defense, came out in support of the newly elected president. at the same time, it is reported that unrest will continue in other cities. hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets there. police security forces.
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many buildings burned down, one person died due to natural fires, drought, strong winds hampered the extinguishing efforts, one of the outbreaks also spread to the territory of neighboring greece. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. guests of the capital region.
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cloudy and cool weather remains in moscow and the region. the temperature background most likely corresponds to the beginning of september. the thermometer today will not rise above 21°. forecasters predict rain and thunderstorms in different areas of the city. a yellow level of weather danger has been introduced until the evening. the normal atmospheric pressure is 739 mm of arterial column. an accident occurred in the south of moscow. a bus crashed on shipilovskaya street. into a tree , the driver of route number 86 became ill for the driver and he left the roadway, the passengers were not injured, but the driver was hospitalized. mosgortrans reported that before the work shift the bus was in good working order, and the driver passed a medical examination. state traffic inspectors are investigating the circumstances of the incident. work to improve the road frame continues in the capital.
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sergey sopyanin wrote more about this today in his telegram channel. the direct exit from the msd to the koshirskoye highway towards mkat is already 75% ready. the transport interchange in the area is more than half completed kornilovskaya metro station. the construction of a road bridge across the moscow river on myasishchego street is nearing completion. since the beginning of the year, the volume of drug production in moscow has increased by almost 13%. i spoke about this for the mayor on social development issues. metropolitan medical institutions are supplied with drugs for the treatment of oncological, cardiovascular, rheumatological and other diseases. sustainable growth in drug production in the capital can be achieved through the conclusion of offset contracts, when the city guarantees demand for products. this makes it possible and invest and be confident in the future that the products will be in demand. we have now
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concluded 22 global contracts. of which two are for the supply of medical products and eight for the supply of pharmaceuticals. the total volume of purchases under such contracts will amount to more than 400 billion rubles. more than 300 moscow manufacturers of medicines and medical equipment create the necessary products not only for the capital, but also for the whole country. in one of the solnechnogorsk microdistricts , the reconstruction of the boiler house and the replacement of the heating network is nearing completion. was built almost 60 years ago and has never been thoroughly renovated, in february the heating supply facilities were transferred to the ownership of the municipality, which made it possible to begin their large-scale modernization. governor of the moscow region andrei vrobyov talked with local residents and checked how the work was being carried out. the company that we are actively engaging for the modernization and networks of boiler houses is installing today.
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most of them were referred by doctors from city clinics. in total, more than 9.00 consultations were held, including group lesson format. experienced medical psychologists and psychotherapists use various techniques that allow them to cope with psycho-emotional problems. every muscovite has the opportunity to enroll in this center, feeling anxiety,
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stress, signs of depression, where he will be helped by specialists, psychologists and social psychologists and medical ones, and, if necessary, routed to a psychotherapist. such centers employ qualified, experienced specialists. teams of specialists. the first two centers mental health center was opened in the capital this spring. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website see you! welcome to rixsas premium magavish suths and villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation
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unforgettable. rixsas premium magavish sessions & villas - the vacation you've been dreaming about. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. we don't go to the doctor when you have to go seriously, forewarned means forearmed, any means has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should be your own pill, where to look for help, you will only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so you need to examine the whole family. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your
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complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. good morning, hello everyone, join us, keep company there, and bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast. sausages can be useful not only for breakfast, a new trend among superstitious european brides. before the wedding, they bury raw sausages in the ground, all for the sake of sunny weather on the day of the celebration. the first life hack in social networks shared by a popular blogger from britain. and the sausage magic worked that day. the sun was shining at the wedding, more than 2 million people watched her video, and off we go. dozens of girls from different countries have already tried and approved the method; instead of raining clouds at the ceremonies there were only flower clouds. well,
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many are just looking for their happiness, and where on dating sites, the traffic of russian applications has increased by 20% over the year, but the search often leads to disappointment and trouble. how to find your person, and not... a swindler or a swindler, alena kashtanova found out, well, we’ll continue after the plot: i looked at his birthday, date of birth, month of birth, year of birth, calculated everything, i think, wow, how, how is this person suitable for me, despite zodiac compatibility, meeting elena turned out to be unsuccessful, it turned out that the man with whom she had been corresponding for a month was married, immediately set the conditions for me that he was not in moscow, now, he was on a business trip, when, apparently, he got there... well, his conscience had probably already become torment him, he just to me said: “len, forgive me, i’m married.” girls on the internet are no less insidious, albert says, without any qualms, they underestimate their age and change their appearance using filters, and by the way,
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not always successfully. there is one in the photographs, i understand that this is photoshop, but she came in real life much better, and i just tell her, listen, why is this deception the first and most common thing that users of these applications encounter, and there is a completely scientific explanation for this , our dignity, we want to be liked, this is kind of the norm, another thing is that pathology begins where a person has some kind of psychotrauma and he is afraid of being rejected, any lie, it is associated with low self-esteem, sooner or later it will of course come out and be used for more conscientious people users are disappointed with the damage and sometimes not only moral, we sat, the bill was for 1035 rubles, i paid everything and after that she seemed to disappear, but most importantly, she also asked the waiter for... this is called consummation, in my opinion there is 25% . and most
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it’s surprising that today such scams are carried out not only by girls, but also by men. elena came across such a plate maker. on the third date, he invited me to a restaurant. we ordered a lot, but when the time came to pay, he applied the card to the terminal, refusal. the unlucky gentleman had to be helped out by closing the account herself. the girl spent 8.0 rubles. he also asked me to give him 2,000 rubles. his card hasn’t been unblocked yet, but i threw it away. everyone's situations are different. after this, the man predictably disappeared and deleted his profile. fraud - another scourge of love search services, victims transfer hundreds of thousands for treatment, take out loans and end up not only with a broken heart, but with debts. unfortunately, there are not many ways to combat intruders. he writes: we control this, as soon as they move somewhere, we no longer control it, we can only get it in video feedback that people are doing something wrong, something is wrong with this account, for example blocking it.
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it will not be possible to change, even better if the user can be checked for criminal record of loans, then there will be more successful and safe dates. a group of russian developers intends to implement the idea of ​​a new service for searching for the other half; a programmer from murmansk presented the concept of a dating site with verification of loans, alimony, taxes and debts.
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pre-revolutionary, now this social guarantee, like many other things in our lives, has been transformed, well, the developers propose linking user accounts to open databases, so that at least at least find out whether a person has a debt, whether he pays alimony, well, accordingly, it is clear that he was married, has children, this will be enough, it will be excessive for many, that is, many people will be afraid to take this path, because there are few what rough edges might there be... he always takes risks, that is, he
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opens up, and here it is quite possible, please note, we have already undergone a social experiment, unnoticed, for each of us, if some kind of call comes, then there is a comment on it , there may be scammers, there are spam complaints, in my opinion, are based on the same principle, that is, not stating that he is a criminal.
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who, for reasons unknown to us, can use this data for their own purposes, so i would not want to fall victim to such excessive openness, but if these are some regulated parties, as you said, a criminal record and simply this risk is necessary as a fashionable word now in my opinion, that’s all, of course, to optimize, and in general this area cannot be so regulated, because here , after all, feelings play the last role, and we are not looking for a business partner. and a person for life, right, absolutely right, thank you,
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thank you, thank you, we talked about how to make dating on the internet safer, with a psychotherapist, chairman of the board of the eurasian. association of medical and environmental technologies, andrey bazhilyaev. why is all this happening to me? what is my fault? you are not to blame for anything, this is called a life test. new test, premiere. from august 5 at 21:20. on the new m12 vostok expressway, connecting moscow and kazan, 32 multifunctional road service zones will appear in the near future. this is a whole range of services on one territory: gas station, cafes, restaurants, laundries, showers, playgrounds. 18 similar facilities are already operating. according to the national project, the tourism and hospitality industry continues to work to improve services for auto tourists. we
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drove for a long time, the road is dusty, yes, it’s summer, we can wash the headlights, the number. we drove only 70 km from moscow with the kids, but the country dust really settled in a dense layer on the hood, there was a fabulous suzdal ahead, somehow it’s awkward to go to a cultural citadel and in a dirty car, fortunately the gas station has everything, if you want mine yourself, if you want, give us the keys, they served us very quickly, the service was great, just in time i really wanted to drink delicious coffee at the gas station, however, this is not quite the usual we have a gas station, on the recently opened m12 highway, major players in the domestic fuel market are testing a new all -in-one format, a real uasis for... a wheeled traveler, we came from the city of snezhnogordsk, this is the murban region, and the children are happy, the adults happy, mikhail medvedev, together with his daughter and son, have been traveling around their native expanses for the third day, hurrying to visit relatives beyond the urals. we have already passed quite a lot of gas stations, this gas station seemed quite attractive to us, there are a lot of pumps,
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basically a large area, the kids can go for a walk while the kids order ice cream, dad pumps up the tires, everything is decent, the hoses are clean, you can pay for clothes. calm, quite convenient, it doesn’t appear at all gas stations, set the pressure, pressed button, refuel yourself as much as you need, and most importantly, no one bothers anyone, 12 cars can refuel at once, four more high-speed pumps are provided for heavy trucks, and the throughput capacity of the complex itself is about a thousand cars per day; if you get tired, then in the neighboring vladimirskaya region, a delicious dinner awaits you, the chef will personally take care of this, i’ve been working for about 9 months, we’re trying to do it. the aromas are truly attractive, just like the restaurant menu, for a light snack, there is a cozy cafe next door, and go for a walk to warm up the appetite is better in the fresh air, a real physical training ground for both children and older people. today, this is the
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largest gas station in the country with an area of ​​1,200 km, where 16 cars and six trucks can refuel at the same time. the station is located 150 km from moscow, showers, laundry and other joys of road life are always at hand here, thanks to improved service on the m-12 highway , there are many more tourists, in the same vladimir region this year the number of guests increased by 20%. this year we have already launched four new car routes lasting from two to 4 days, and from 400 to 700 km, all these routes pass through the territory of the vladimir region, with ease and comfort you can ride from moscow to kazan. along the way, visiting vladimir, nizhny novgorod, admiring the chuvash landscapes, more than 800 km of vivid impressions, thanks to the national project tourism and the hospitality industry, the tourism portal putesheshtuem.rf presents a whole section dedicated to auto tourism. now there are already more than 50 detailed road routes available on it. in 47 regions of the country, with a map and
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recommendations on where to stay and what to see. come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. look at rtr, what is this? the case is the disappearance of your wife, i will prove that she is dead, they killed her, you are this tet, he wants to imprison me at any cost and will use any means, you must help me, i need to install a wiretap, soon everything will be as dreamed, we have cleared everything with ourselves , he won’t find anything, and i’m afraid, answer me,
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where is your wife, together forever, today on rtl fifty-two-year-old varvara korsykova from krasnodar, who never knew her father, contacted the editors of our program, but before her death, her mother admitted that varvara was the illegitimate daughter of a famous soviet maryak. submariner igor vasilyevich korsykov and asked to find him. i would like relatives to appear in my life. we began a large-scale search and found traces of her relatives. will the long-awaited meeting of the podvodnik children take place for the first time in 50 years? and is the legend that mother told varvara before her death true? test dna in our studio. malakhov, today on rtr. now i want to play only for one person, for you, on friday, your heart,
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no matter what happens, i will always love you, but i need nastya, what a coincidence, me too, you can become a world star, but you refuse our career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, we will create, we will perform together, if you really love him, you should let him go, i always get what i want, let me go, yes, is he dead, you ruined my life, deprived me future, i’m pregnant, only this was missing now, the music of my soul, on friday,
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a man-hunter of women i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more was to come, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, clay bottles with mineral water, 100 bottles of champagne and porcelain. such valuable cargo was found by polish divers at the bottom of the baltic sea. historians suggest that
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it was intended either for the russian emperor nicholas i or for the swedish king oscar i. well, the cargo was on the sunken ship to a depth of 58 and judging by the bottles, the cost of the find could be hundreds of thousands of dollars. now we need to raise it, it won’t be possible before a year, they say, well, let’s wait. well, in the meantime, let's see how the historical drama prince andrei is filmed. our tv channel, with the support of the internet development institute, will tell the story of the end and reign of prince yuri dolgorukov’s beloved son, andrei. let's take a look at the set. the first shots of a large-scale historical film about prince andrei bogolyubsky are filmed in a unique natural setting. the steppe landscape is changing quickly, so in order to catch the bright flower phenomenon, the film crew urgently came from moscow for just one day. to the rostov region, we were incredibly lucky, on the first day of shooting this film, to be in such
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an incredibly beautiful place during the flowering period of wild irises and tulips. against the backdrop of these beautiful landscapes, the story of life will unfold andrey bogolyubsky. the son of yuri dolgorukov, in fact, was the first to begin to pursue a policy of unifying the disparate principalities, creating a single russian state. historians call him a man whose ideas and deeds were ahead of his time. and his fate was difficult and interesting, like the fates of the rulers of that time in general, which means the film will undoubtedly turn out to be exciting. otherwise, guys, please, silence, 6:19 103, there will be practically no specially built sets in the film, the main filming of the series takes place on location, and the scale of filming is simply it’s amazing, you can say that ancient russian history itself will come to life on the screen, literally everyone feels it, even the actors. we have come closer to this era, these are the costumes that are available separately, thanks to the costume designers who worked on this issue.
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hundreds of ancient russian objects were created especially for the film, but of course, the main thing is the personality of prince andrei bogolyubsky himself, who did only for his land during his lifetime and was undeservedly lost in history, which we, admittedly, know quite superficially. figure of andrei bogalevsky quite little, or rather little known. e people and very few people know anything about him, so first of all, this is such an educational campaign, he is considered a clique of saints because of the love of people, and this is important, it is important to show it. well, with the release of the film there will be a chance to find out more. actors of the first magnitude, alexander baluev, sergei bezrukov, alexander golubev and many others will help make history. in addition to the vladimir region, filming of the serial drama prince andrey will take place in the moscow and tver regions, and a television premiere is planned on air
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channel russia. it's time for us to say goodbye at this point. tomorrow august will come and our other leading colleagues will take these places in the studio, don’t forget about our telegram channel, if you haven’t subscribed yet, subscribe, bye bye, you are watching the news on the russia channel. hamas ismail haniyeh was killed in tehran, his residence was attacked. and the day before, tsehal struck a suburb of the lebanese capital. the target was hezbollah's deputy leader. grads of tula paratroopers destroyed the fortified positions.


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