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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  July 31, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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you need money, you want to mortgage your apartment, where to sign? well, with three, cool, we are real rich people, i don’t love you and never have loved you, i have a different life, you have to pay the interest on the agreement, how much is 200,000, and why so much? you just deceived me, you will do me one small favor, and i will cancel the debt. what service do you want from me? how could you hire a complete stranger as a nanny? forgetting everything. on saturday on rtr. please, introduction and roll call, without interruption. i'm very glad you came to my place. no matter how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in a white tuxedo. and i begin.
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on sunday on rtr, we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son are missing, i think she’s gone too, i won’t stay here, i can’t leave my friend in trouble, we have to go after them, you know how
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i can shoot, russian wife, premiere, only look at the website in the app, dumplings put through a meat grinder become naval pasta, that’s what sasha’s name is, and sural masha, yes, what’s yours? things to do until i gave birth, well, you’re not a woman, but to the left, to the left, and more. thoughts of color, steering wheel turning to the right, humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr, sale, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence. with its
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help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, a terrace, a gazebo, instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, it's ready solution, photo facade bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or... when contamination appears , just rinse it with water, beautifully, quickly, conveniently and easily. call to order a universal photo facade for the fence “bright life” at a special sale price from only 6.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area.
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good morning, hello, right now for you a program about the most important thing, doctor, i recently came across the fact that many people complain about numbness in their hands, this is a common this is a very common problem. and there are a lot of possible reasons why this can happen, including various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, well , usually, what we do is we start to twist it, and no less moves away, yes, but there is a more effective exercise, we’ll be happy to do it together with our spectators, whoever is ready, please come out, that means we put our hand on the shoulder, lower the shoulder blade down, one, straighten the wrist, two and... straighten
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the elbow three, when we feel the tension, yes, tilt our head towards the hand, after this tilt your head in the opposite direction, when the tension increases, bend your elbow, bend your wrist, touch your shoulder , extend your wrist, straighten your elbow, tilt your head towards your hand, tilt your head in the opposite direction, bend your elbow, wrist, 1, 2, do 10-15 repetitions and do with the other hand, they put it down and lowered the shoulder blade, once again they straightened the wrist further. straighten your elbow tilt your head go in the opposite direction: one two, one two straight at least immediately pass 10-15 repetitions and pass at least, the point is the fact that very often this non-change is associated with so-called tunnel
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neuropathies, when nerve roots or nerves are pinched either in the cervical spine, or under the collarbone, or in the area of ​​the elbow, forearm, wrist, when we... do this movement , we release the nerves from these clamps, they begin to move better, receive better blood supply, and often 10-15 repetitions are enough to ensure that the mute does not disappear. a wonderful and simple exercise, right now we will find out when to have an irregular breakfast leads to infraction. stay with us. in an attempt to get extra minutes of sleep, people sacrifice breakfast, quickly brush their teeth and run to work. as the study shows, it is not the best option for your health to sacrifice breakfast, because according to statistics, for example, people who do not eat breakfast are more likely to suffer from, for example,
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type 2 diabetes. amazing fact. in fact, even the risk of heart attack increases in people who don't eat breakfast. that is, it matters not only what we eat, but when we... i ask the audience, answer i, please, who often doesn’t have breakfast, ah-ah, why is that, good morning, good morning, this is how it turns out, there is not enough time for breakfast, because there are two children, one needs to be collected, sent to kindergarten, the second needs to get ready and send to school, you simply don’t have enough time for yourself, so you then run to work closer to 12 o’clock, this is already lunch and breakfast, this is how it turns out to be together, do you have the heart problems that the doctor talks about? yes, sometimes it happens, you know, some kind of rapid heartbeat, i’m probably with it i’m connecting, but you have a similar situation, you’re packing your own people for the trip in the same way, wait, well, your children are probably grown up, yes, but you have grandchildren, and they’ve also assigned grandchildren to you, i
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’ll take it myself, i’ll take it myself, then you first gathered children, they grew up, they had grandchildren, now grandchildren, this is my path as a teacher, you are also a teacher, yes, i wonder, are teachers in general? they have breakfast, well, oh, i’m afraid it’s rare, but how can you teach a lesson like this, uh, hungry, you have to, yes, yes, wait for lunch, if it happens all right, that’s why they are so strict, oh that’s why , please, good morning, good morning, i often have to go to the dacha, i only have two trains early in the morning, so if i overslept, i have to run to them without having breakfast at all, take breakfast with me on the train and crunch? to the envy of my neighbors, i don’t have time, you don’t have time, no, i don’t have time, i suggest that today you don’t miss breakfast , try the pasta that dr. agabkin prepared, but generally speaking, strictly speaking, mikhail, it
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was prepared by academician omosov, a promoter of a healthy lifestyle and simply wonderful person, the pasta looks like some kind of cutlets, no, yes, oh, yes. please, you didn’t have breakfast; we’ll discuss what is included in the heart paste and how to prepare it together with our expert. konstantin pavlovich ivanov, cardiologist, nutritionist, head of the center for cardiology and therapy, candidate of medical sciences. konstantin pavlovich, morning, good morning, konstantin pavlovich, well, let’s look at the magic ingredients, and by the way, you always had breakfast from, so, the magic ingredient, dried apricots. since morning, definitely, kuroga, yes, dried apricot, aka, there is such an electrolyte, called potassium, potassium is a fundamentally important electrolyte for the heart, fundamentally important, because if there are imbalances, in particular the so-called hypokalemia, that is, below 3.5 mm in , then this can cause life-threatening
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rhythm disturbances, when a patient is admitted to our cardiac intensive care unit, we certainly take electrolytes, if necessary, when you replenish the potassium level, the heart rate normalizes, that is, this is the principle. and by the way nutritionists in this sense, they are in very, very great grief, because they say that modern man, in return for the 3.5 g he is entitled to. in potassium per day, but it gets good if 1.5-2 g, so i heard that the brighter the dried apricots, the healthier they are, i know for sure that this is not the case, dried apricots can be of completely different colors and in their components in principle exactly the same, yes, in fact, the fact that the bright color depends on the variety of apricots from which it was made once depends on the processing method, because in order for dried apricots to turn out like this so bright, they fumigate the gray one, it has absolutely no effect on the potassium content, so friends, when you go to the market, they will... tell you, please buy it, this is the most useful thing, they deceive you, then go on, wow, yes , prunes,
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this is essentially a plum, the dark color of this plum, in fact, is due to the huge amount of antioxidants that it contains, in addition to antioxidants, here we are talking about the so-called group of vitamins k, a fundamentally important group, and the so-called fat-soluble vitamins, and it’s not just vitamin k, it’s a whole group, and there’s a whole series of studies here, i really like the study that was conducted in... in denmark not so long ago on the subject of atherosclerosis, the fact that it reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis in patients who were examined not only for cardiovascular risk, but in patients with oncology, which is fundamentally important, why? because vitamin k, first of all, in addition to all other qualities, is a very important anticoagulant, blood clotting system, if we are talking about potassium, it is also here in fairly good quantities, and dietary fiber, and nuts, here we have even more benefits, why? because nuts, unlike dried fruits, also contain fats, and the fats are very, very healthy
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(omega-6, omega-9), even a small amount of omega-3 is contained in nuts, and many studies are known that people who consume a 30-50 g of nuts, suffers less often from a wide variety of diseases, a combination of these products in principle, what ’s important is that we haven’t talked about it at all called protein synthesis, we take amino acids from food, yeah. including in the morning, and these amino acids must turn into protein and give us the strength to work, including instilling confidence in our children, so in total, all these products are responsible for the very important function of protein synthesis, and nuts are non-calorie, nuts very high in calories and you know, i like the rule that someone said in india that we eat four to five nuts a day, but we have to take into account that there are such big nuts there, so it turns out that this is 30 dash 50 g of nuts per day, let's move on, lemon. what would it be like without him? many people don’t know, but lemon has a diuretic effect. there is such a story, uh, again,
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but in the vein of lemon i’m still talking about fetoncides and antioxidants, because there are quite a lot of them, quite a lot of vitamin c, although it compares, for example, with some berries, others, no, there’s not that much of it. the diuretic effect is indeed present, but just the right diuretic effect, because , again, overdoing it with diuretics is in no case should you use food or food, especially if you have... there are a number of diseases, in particular if, for example, you already have diabetes, but again, as a rule, we use just such a small one in porridge, it’s not a slice, of course, but such a quarter is good, and finally raisins, raisins , raisins, and raisins, as you know, are dried grapes, and here grapes have very interesting properties, scientists conducted a study and assessed the glycemic index of grapes, they were surprised to find that despite quite... high content of these sugars, glycemic index and insulin index, which is important, it is quite low, and
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due to the fact that there is no juice, water, this is a rather interesting study, i will only say, i suspect what kind of study this is, he , probably already about eight, or maybe even 10 years of this research, they are really discussing the fact that after all it is fructose, they are taking two very important concepts, this is the so -called glycated glycosylated hemoglobin and insulin resistance in these patients with diabetes. it was decreasing, but i want to say with caution, since the latest studies, which have shown, including at this endocrinological congress, have shown that yes, it can work, but if there is moderation in everything, that is, in principle, breakfast a priori should not to be sweet, yes, the color of raisins matters, they can also be white, there are studies that say that dark varieties of grapes contain more. oxidants, yes, and this is important in principle, but why more antioxidants, in general, as it were
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consumption of such rich berries, all kinds, blueberries, blueberries, including dark grapes, is associated with better heart condition, unfortunately, with age our blood vessels do not get better, and this can lead to the appearance, at first relative, at some point maybe even absolute coronary stenosis, that is, when our heart simply does not have enough blood, yes, this blood cannot penetrate the coronary arteries, at the beginning this will be noticeable only under some very intense loads, after some time even a person by...
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it is precisely the consumption of these dark berries that leads to an improvement in the condition of small vessels, and through which blood supply is carried out not only to small vessels, but inside here is the so-called concept of endothelium, most of all we are afraid of the so -called endothelial dysfunction, these are all those products about which we told you today, they all prevent endothelial dysfunction, but all that remains is to combine these products, i don’t know, honestly, i... mix, we’ll just, what should we do, we’ll do it all at once please, to make it easier we’ll add a little of everything, that is , look, we’ll put in one dried apricot, one prune, a couple of raisins, they ’re smaller, a couple of nuts, nuts, sprinkle
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with lemon, let’s start, and you can, not just sprinkle, just put the lemon there, put it with the zest straight, with the zest, right there... just those same phytancides that we were talking about, so it seems to me that we shouldn’t tell the children, but just give them every morning, children, children, in principle, need to be raised, from their parents as much as possible depends, so that they don’t tell you later when you’re 18-19 years old, when you’ve already recovered, that the parents are to blame, all eating habits are initially formed by the parents, and this must be remembered, we will add a little bit again, so we continue, we add, comrade, do not hesitate, help me, i am twisting, you add, you can directly in the background, we this... we'll do it, like this, we've added a little lemon, this is how it's prepared, it's prepared right in the morning, like this, no, you can actually wrap it up, uh, just put the whole jar in the refrigerator, it's very good preserved due to its preservative effect lemon juice, for this reason you can do it safely a month in advance
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; by the way, honey is sometimes added as a preservative, but honey is exactly in this situation, taking into account the study where eight products contain, uh, half. the vast majority of these products are here, i don’t recommend adding honey, because the glycemic index will already be quite high, so even if it is added, it’s literally a drop, dried fruits just wash everything, the dried fruits must first be poured water for half an hour, then wash it all in running water, they are ready, nothing complicated, amazing, i usually know how i do it, i usually just give it boiling water quickly, so that dust, anything else - wash it off. on the one hand, on the other hand, we no longer subject it to heat treatment. seryozha, i’m now watching how you do all this, and if you do it in the morning, maybe not every morning, but at least twice a week, for example, this is a workout, and you also wake up, your mood rises, in addition, what a useful tomorrow is, there is a logic to this, all mothers, grandmothers, yes, in the morning, sandwiches, that means porridge,
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molashki, fire, great, that’s what it’s like tomorrow. make a person, great, but you’re so crazy to me, it turned out a little sweet, because we just quickly threw it all on, if you still keep the proportion, then it won’t be sweet, by the way, in particular, it can, for example, be diluted with porridge, everything will be fine, with what kind, with any porridge, except millet, why? because it has a fairly high glycemic index, millet porridge, yes, and you know what i thought that can be used, especially for children. some children have a sweet tooth, yes, for breakfast they are used to smearing some kind of sandwich there with some kind of chocolate paste, yeah , it seems to me a healthy alternative on the one hand , it’s sweet, yes, if you use some kind of whole grain bread, for example, it’s an excellent option for people with diabetes, you can have such a paste by and large, this is precisely why we talked today, because all the studies that we talked about we
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all talked about together, they are also for people with diabetes, so they can and can please them. sweeties are exactly what they are waiting for, thank you very much, thank you, well, today we found out how we can fight back against decreased immunity and cardiac risk, right now we will find out whether izgiran tincture can help get rid of a cough, and also answers to the most interesting questions about health, further in the program, myths and facts, coma questions and unexpected answers in our quiz, a minute of health, look at rtr, is this the case of your wife missing, i will prove that she is dead, you killed her ... titov wants to put me in jail at any cost and will use any means, you must help me, i need to install a wiretap, soon everything will be as we dreamed, we have cleaned everything up, he
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won’t find anything, but i’m afraid, answer me where your wife is, together forever , today there is bright sunlight on the rtr. you are afraid of harmful ultraviolet rays, bright sunlight blinds you while driving, then you need sunglasses that filter out the bright sunlight while ensuring vibrant colors, perfect contrast and clear vision. we present hd polarris, 100% polarized sunglasses for perfect viewing, equipped with original polarization technology to protect yours. eye and vision. regular sunglasses only obscure your view, but hd polariс offers clarity, vibrant colors and perfect contrasts. almost
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and if you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, the most important day in your life - today everything depends on our affairs, from the decisions of our heroes, our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland, we are talking to those who make history with their own hands, to those who change the world, these are our people, our premiere is from august 5 on rtr, now i want to play only for one person, for you. on friday, your heart, no matter what happens, i will always love you, but i need nastya, what a coincidence, me too, you can become a world star,
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but... you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, we let's create a finalization and perform together, if you really love him, you should let him go, i always get what i want, let me go, zapki, is he dead, you ruined my life and deprived me of a future, i'm pregnant. only this was not enough now. music of my soul. in friday. intention. each of our programs answers a pressing health issue. in this section we check whether you are watching our program well. in our studio we have elena, our tv viewer, who wants to test her knowledge about health, and at the same time
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win a super prize. glucomi. i’ll explain the rules to you, they are simple, mikhail will ask questions, 12 questions, you have 1 minute, you have to answer on the run, yes or no, it’s clear, yes, oh, great, lenochka, do you know what a glucometer is for, blood sugar , in my opinion, to measure, we can already say, the first the correct answer, the first correct answer, lenochka, what do you do, a children's animator, and well, this is sports, hello, with children, that's why you're so slim, of course, well, let's go! does izgiran tincture help with cough? no. does garlic negatively affect the liver? yes. do you have a sweet tooth, does your skin age prematurely? yes. is himolayan salt healthier than regular salt? yes. frequent blinking helps relieve eye fatigue. yes. can tapinambura syrup be eaten if you have diabetes? no. if persimmons make your mouth stick, are they harmful to the body? no. is it necessary to cleanse the body of slag? yes, sure. consuming olive
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oil helps. with varicose veins? no. does coffee lower blood sugar levels? no. having a cat in your home may reduce your risk of heart attack. yes. is cabbage stalk good for you? yes. how did you manage? yes, three more seconds. just be careful. don't let go. in general , it seems to me that if you examine the animators, doctor, they will give our runners a head start. yes, but it seems to me that this is a very stressful job, both physically and emotionally, and what kind of responsibility, because i watch everyone, this in general, a deep bow to you, because when the animator is standing and the children are standing, the animator does this, and once and twice, and once and twice, and the children, well, now we will find out whether you answered the questions correctly, quite complex ones, here is
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a tincture of gyranium. for me this is some kind of fantasy, it turns out that the tincture of izgirani, i haven’t heard of this, me too, the tincture of izgirani helps with coughs, you said, no, in fact, yes, it exists, that’s it, it’s persistent and makes medications, that’s it the fact is that geranium essential oils, and they have pronounced bactericidal effect, there are studies that show that they really help with coughs, because essential oils, released through the bronchial secretion, disinfect it, so i really use it.
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how is your health, yes, and on the contrary, it has a positive effect on the liver, but what happened to you with garlic? yes, i just never think about my liver; i haven’t reached that age yet, well , you’re a children’s animator, not an adult, you have a child’s liver, the third question sounded like this, the skin of a sweet tooth ages ahead of time, you they said yes, well this is a known fact, because glucose affects collagen, causing cross-linking, the formation of wrinkles at an earlier age, this is true.
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eat for diabetes mellitus, you said no, but have you ever seen tapinambur syrup, in general i have seen it and, probably, even in the diabetic department, by the way, well, by the way, yes... such a very interesting story, despite the fact that jerusalem artichoke itself, it contains the substance inulin, which is useful for diabetics, yeah, but when preparing the syrup, since this substance is exposed heat treatment, nulin breaks down to form fructose, that is, in fact, we can say that it is practically a solution of fructose, and according to modern research, it is not recommended to be consumed in diabetes mellitus, because it causes a fairly large load on the liver, which means you answered correctly, lena, next question: if persimmons make your mouth stick, is it harmful to the body? we said no. well, it's actually not harmful, it's just not tasty. well, it's not harmful. not harmful. well, listen, children in the soviet union chewed tar. by the way, you
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have you chewed, mikhail? never. and i chewed. tell me how, how, how is it, how is this tar in your mouth? tell me. and it doesn’t taste good, by the way. well, that's how you are, if you imagine chewing gum without taste. this kind of tar? it’s like a piece of plastic, it’s good that i didn’t chew it as a child. the next question: you need to cleanse the body of toxins, you said, in a confident animator’s voice, yes, actually no, because well, firstly, the very existence of toxins as such in medicine is subject to very great doubts, and in general, natural purification systems, yes, blood filtration, we have a liver, we have kidneys, they cope with this load quite calmly. themselves, the main thing is not to interfere with their work, usually they just say in advertising: from toxins, yes, these are just scary letters, from waste and toxins, two buckets, oranges, great, drinking olive oil
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helps with varicose veins, you said no, actually no, well, because varicose veins are based on the lack of consistency of the valves of the veins, olive oil or ingestion on them, no outside. consumption has no effect. does coffee lower blood sugar levels? we said no, but in my opinion, yes. and, in fact, yes. unless, of course, we are talking about coffee without sugar. because many people believe that coffee requires three tablespoons of sugar per small cup, then that’s normal. then, naturally, of course, it won’t reduce it. if we are talking specifically about coffee as an independent product, then numerous studies show that people who drink two to three cups of coffee without sugar a day have an average sugar level lower than that of people who don't use it. but our question was not the same, if we had a question, coffee with sugar reduces blood sugar levels, and we just have coffee, coffee, yes, so it turns out it reduces, ribbon, having a cat in the house can reduce the risk of a heart attack, you have a cat, i have
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a rabbit, why did you answer yes, well, i thought that probably when there is a cat, a person feels happier, and this is a fact. there are even studies that show that people who have pets, dogs, cats, have less stress levels, greater life satisfaction, and a marginally but still lower risk of heart attack. the stump from cabbage is useful, you said, yes, actually no, because the stump in cabbage accumulates the most nitrate, why is the stump always removed, not only because it is hard, that it must be chewed, yes, because cabbage is sheep it grows from the ground, it is a vegetable that consumes a lot of nitrogen from the soil, and the nitrate content in cabbage is the highest, just in the stalk. so, you have six correct answers, you have six attempts. turn over the letters e: one,
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op, the animator is lucky. if you want to find out even more answers to questions about health, then all episodes of our program are very helpful. application on the website right now we will find out why autumn viruses are dangerous and how to fight them. stay with us. next in the program: virus attack. how to cope with infection during a tridemic? lyuba had a difficult ordeal. well, you can come up with something, too. simply no, no, no, her fiancé yuri commits a fatal accident. yura, how is this? i don't know, i haven't seen anyone. to save her lover's prosecutorial career, she takes the blame on herself. i can bear it, it will be better for the family.
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yuri betrays his bride and lyuba ends up in prison. everyone's having fun, introduce yourself to the team. come on, she will be able to overcome everything and regain herself. freedom, a good name, faith in love, now you are my prosecutor, i forgive you, you are something of a holy linguist, but something new awaits her. test what you do is so where the hell is my wife, august 5 on rtr, rixos premium segate, family fun starts here, every detail is created for your pleasure, enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens and... the beauty of coral reefs and the sea,
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immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium segate. rixas premium seagate. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. don't trust anyone, there are deceptions, crooks, and mongers all around. let's look at rtr. take it, no, i can’t. you said that you love. and i love you, everything that’s mine is yours on the contrary. so, he proposed. to marry you, he himself disappeared with your money, and you don’t
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know his last name or address, there are not only complete fools, i owe other people, they are very dangerous, i will help you with everything, but round, remember me, it’s me , nadya kruglova, you are engaged in serious business, protocol, fine and file cabinet, i will give everything, just to your mother, please don’t tell me, it had to be like that get into trouble. fool nadya. on saturday on rtr. doctor, it is true that the pandemic has been replaced by a tridemic. unfortunately, this is true. all three
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infections can exist independently separately, or attack the human body together, something like a lottery, yes, but sad, what will someone get, who will get one, who will get two? and who is three at once, no one knows. well, maybe one of the studio viewers wants to choose an outfit for themselves - the virus, i don’t know, there’s a backlight, but you can refuse, i’ve already been sick with this very, well, sars, but with a high temperature, very hard, very long, you will get viruses for free, two viruses for the price of one, i’ve already been sick too, but what’s that? i want, i was sick with adenovirus, but
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they diagnosed me, no, i’ll also refuse, because i’m beautiful, young, healthy, tanned, unfortunately, i wasn’t spared either, but it’s not clear that i was sick for 2 and 2 weeks, i never received a diagnosis was diagnosed, for the first 2 days i had a headache, stuffiness, no fever, but terrible weakness, just like before with coronavirus, 2.5 weeks now, no one wants to get sick, they didn’t know how to cope with one virus, there are several at once, how not to get sick during a tridemic? and how to be treated correctly, we will find out together with our expert. oleg vitalievich kalyuzhin, allergist-immunologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor. good morning, greetings, greetings, are you, as a doctor, ready for a tridemic, such a fashionable, new, not very pleasant word? but i’m definitely ready, informed, which means armed, armed, which means protected. where did it come from? tridemia, we lived normally, well, it was. the conditions
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or prerequisites for the emergence of a tridemic were formed during our active protective measures against covid-19, such as wearing masks, social distancing, these measures led to the fact that the transmission chains of not only the new coronavirus, but also other pathogens were opened, therefore over the first 2 years of the pandemic, we have largely... lost collective immunity to seasonal infections, and the proportion of people susceptible to them has increased, including due to persistent immune disorders due to a new... viral infection , and today we have a greater chance of getting seriously ill, a greater risk of complicated respiratory infections, and as soon as the protective anti-covid measures were weakened, the viruses, which had already partially mutated there, resumed their circulation again, and this
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led to a tridemic, or better yet call it a multidemic, because there are a lot of viruses, it turns out that the viruses went on vacation, rested, and decided to take on us. with triple strength, that ’s right, in the coming months we again have a high risk of becoming infected with several viruses, and this leads either to a more severe course of the disease or to its atypical manifestation, and this in turn complicates timely diagnosis, identification of the main pathogen and prevents timely adequate treatment, resulting in an increased risk of severe or protracted course of the disease, as well.. . their bacterial and other complications, there is a possibility of getting a variety of complications, for example, myocarditis, complications of bronchial asthma, herpes may worsen, and this may be the case. simple herpes, recurrent, and herpes zoster, in fact, there are categories of people, the so-called risk group, who
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have reduced production of interferons, and this is the most important link in protecting against viruses, first of all, who is this? preschool children, elderly people? over 65 years of age, persons with concomitant pathologies, namely diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as pregnant women. it’s very good that you remembered about interferons, because these are not only natural protective molecules, but they are also drugs with a wide spectrum of antiviral action, that is , effective against almost any virus; such a breadth of antiviral activity is advantageous to distinguish. interferons from narrow-ranged antiviral, in particular anti-influenza or anti-covid drugs, which are aimed at only one virus or a limited group of viruses, in the current epidemiological situation, a returning tridemia, only
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symptomatic or narrow treatment is hoped for, we do not have the right, it is necessary to use drugs having an effect on... various viruses , their combination, to summarize, it is necessary to fight viruses, the sources of the disease, and not just the symptoms, and by using means with a wide spectrum of antiviral action, to provide broader and more extensive protection than narrow means can provide, then in other words, we need universal drugs that act on many viruses at once, and it’s absolutely true that these include drugs based on interferon alpha, using. them alone or in addition to cousco directed antiviral agents, we replenish the deficiency of our own interferon and provide a powerful antiviral effect against various viruses of their combinations, which is very important in conditions of tridemic and multidemic. thus, treatment can begin immediately, without waiting for
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the pathogen to be identified, which is very valuable in conditions of high risk of combined viral infections. as a result, achieved.
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several weeks the chance of getting sick , but also less likely to get sick in the future, which is no less important in conditions of tridemic, multidemic, after all, if a patient has suffered one viral infection, then at least the duration of his viral illness increases. by the way, a randomized, double-blind, multicenter , placebo-controlled study of rectal suppositories with interferon alpha and antioxidants was recently completed. in the treatment of arvi in children, in children who are often ill for a long time. this study not only confirmed the high effectiveness of entoferon in reducing the duration and decline. but it has also been demonstrated that such treatment
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leads to a reduction in the frequency of subsequent other respiratory infections by 2 and a half times; also, rectal suppositories with entheferon, alpha and antioxidants were used in the treatment of covid-19 in children, adults, including pregnant women with excellent results, which were manifested by accelerated recovery. reducing the duration of symptoms, its severity, as well as accelerating erection or elimination, that is, removing viruses from the body. by the way, the use of interferons in the form of rectal suppositories, gels and ointments is included in the temporary guidelines for treatment and prevention of covid-19 by the russian ministry of health, as well as the standards for the treatment of influenza and other orvs. and what should we use for prevention during the tridemic period, when so many viruses are walking around us? gel. tenterferon nasally when applying the gel form to the nasal mucosa ensures
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long-term presence of medicinal substances in the nasal passages in the nasopharynx. due to this , the gel form with alpha interferon and antioxidants, when administered nasally, blocks viruses at the entrance gates of infection, preventing the development of any origin, on the etiology of an infectious disease. regardless of the type of virus or their combination, the use of a gel with interferon alpha antioxidants nasally in an already ill person, in addition to the therapeutic effect, also reduces the spread of viruses and prevents infection of surrounding people. great, interferon against all viruses. thank you very much, take care of your health and the health of your loved ones, take preventive measures. still, you got sick, get timely and competent treatment. right now dr. tatyanovich povalenko will tell you that
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is omega-3 or fish oil healthier? next in the program: women's health, fish oil or omega-3? which biological complex will bring maximum health benefits? they didn’t leave and they didn’t break up, they just disappeared.
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and create a unique look for your suburban area. i said, i want a white cat, they come up, oh you’re good, he loves grab there, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, that's it guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family to saturday. on rtr. good morning. hello. in autumn and winter we miss a lot of things. sunshine, warmth, fresh fruits and vegetables. but there is one element - a substance, the lack of which is felt in 80% of the population. this is a complex of
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omega-3 polyunsaturated fats. acids, and this complex of acids is responsible for a huge number of functions in our body, in fact, for the metabolism of any cell, there are a great many cells in our body. well, you know, it has now reached the point that some people perceive the omega-3 complex as a medicine. now there is a choice in the pharmacy chain, but it is huge. how to understand all this diversity, which omega 3 complex to choose, we will talk about this today. olga came to us and is very interested in this question. attention to the screen. hello, dear program, about the most important thing. my name is olga, i am 45 years old, i live in moscow. so it turns out that my work is mainly related to the fact that i write a lot while sitting at the computer. i am a screenwriter and playwright, so
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i write a lot during the day, sometimes it happens at night, and i began to notice, but... even with age, that my memory began to deteriorate, my cognitive abilities in general, even my skin began to dry out, i heard a lot about the benefits of omega- 3 for the brain and for the whole body in general, i wanted to try taking it, but when i came to the pharmacy, i discovered that there was so much omega-3, i couldn’t make a choice, help me, please, how can i choose the right omega 3, of course, let’s put it straight away. olga also appears in our studio, good morning, good morning, you have such an interesting profession, yes, please tell me, olga, what started happening to you in the winter in the fall, after forty in general a lot of interesting things happen to the body, it so gradually the skin begins to crumble, the skin dries out, i have already tried all sorts of creams, the concentration is bad, the memory is bad, everyone complains about me that i didn’t write about this, then about
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i forgot that, that is, it turns out that i feel guilty all the time for the fact that i am dramatically... aging, firstly, this is far from the case, there is no need to give up, here you need to change your lifestyle, change your image nutrition, use certain supplements, something has become tired, the skin has become dry, more wrinkles have appeared, attention is somehow scattered, you are distracted quite often, but this whole non-specific life-poisoning story, it really can be a sign of a lack of omega-3 acids . for that, to figure it out. and to put the d's to rest, i want to invite an expert doctor to the studio. yulia chukhonina, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher at the department of rehabilitation diet therapy, clinic of the federal state budgetary institution fits nutrition, biotechnology and food safety. gennadievna, good morning, good morning, glad to see you, hello, i suggest moving straight to our fish, well, because
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omega is fish oil, not really, that’s the point. that fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3, that is, omega-3 acids, is a component of fish oil, so the dosage of fish oil omega-3 acids are completely unequal concepts. how is omega-3 beneficial? the omega-3 complex includes 11 polyunsaturated fatty acids, but the most important of them are two: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids. they are irreplaceable, that is, essential for our body, that is, the body cannot synthesize them, we can only receive them from the outside. what effect do they have? these are the two most important acids for our body. first of all, it has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. polyline saturated fatty acids, they are, you know, such an antagonist of bad cholesterol,
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very low and low density acids. and therefore , they really protect our vascular wall, the internal lining of the endothelium, both from trauma and from the formation of these defects, heavy cholesterol plaques, and facilitate premenstruation. emotional background, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, it has been proven that with a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, this is unfavorable affects the appearance, the construction of nerve cells, well, probably the most important thing, because... the cells, our neurons, they provide, strictly speaking, first of all higher nervous activity, this is our memory, attention, ability to memorize, etc. they are integrated into the structure of cells, integrated into mediators, provide
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faster impulse transmission, and, accordingly, improve our cognitive functions. joint health has been proven that these acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, meaning they prevent the development of inflammatory processes in joints. sorry, you know. there are people who don’t eat fish, where i’ve met them, they definitely have a deficiency of omega-3 acids, but you often eat fish, well, somehow i’m not used to it, how many times a week do you eat fish? it happens that i don’t eat fish, but for those who don’t eat fish, let’s just see how else you can make up for the lack of omega-3 acids. omega, of course, is super healthy, but no one really even knows how much it is needed, you can get it with food, well, except for fish, you can get it, for example, from caviar. flying fish caviar and mentai caviar also contain omega-3 in small quantities, but the fact is that these essential omega-3 acids in our
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diet are not always sufficient to obtain a significant effect. an adult needs to consume 1,100-1,300 mg of omegatric acids per day for the normal functioning of all organ systems. this is quite a large number. this herring does not contain such an amount. that is, even if you eat twice as much herring every day, you will still have a deficiency omega-3 acids. northern fish contain a large amount of omega-3 acids; in our country, unfortunately, it’s mostly salmon, sometimes farel, which contain much smaller amounts of omega-3 acids, so unfortunately, we won’t get the amount of acids we need with food. well, in this case , products that contain... omega-3 fatty acids with a given dosage will come to our aid, but there are a lot of them in the pharmacy, which one to choose? when choosing a product containing omega-3 acids, it is very important to pay attention to the dosage, namely docosahexaenoic acid.
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if we see the inscription 1,000 mg of fish oil, this means that this composition contains only 300 mg of omega-3 acids. you need to pay attention to the dosage of omega three polyunsaturated fatty acids. the effective dosage of omega-3 is 950 mg per day. you need to pay attention to the dosage from the manufacturer of this product. first of all, raw materials of high purity must be used, that is, maximally purified from all harmful impurities, including heavy metals. such quality of raw materials called pharmaceutical. it is very important that the composition of the product is standardized in terms of epa and dha content. then we will get the necessary... effectiveness, the dosage is very important, so that the preparation contains at least 950 mg of these acids, and choose omega-3 acids from fish from the cold northern seas. since
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there are really a lot of omega-3s on the market, here, of course, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. it is important to give preference to russian manufacturers with a well-known brand, who have many years of experience in the pharmaceutical market and manufacture products according to the international gmp quality standard. they carefully consider production technology that excludes oxidation, as well as the selection of components and dosages. therefore, look for the gmp sign on the packaging of the product, we often think that the more expensive the medicine, the cooler and better it is, or can it be cheaper, after all? well, if you pay attention to the price, then a low price may indicate, firstly, a low dosage , the questionable quality of the substance, as well as the little-known brand, so the criterion choosing a low price is not always the right choice; an imported product may be overpriced, but this is due to logistics and transportation. and other costs,
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when choosing omega-3, remember that the products of well-known russian brands that work according to international standards are similar in action and quality, and are more affordable, that is, there is an opportunity to save, that is , it turns out that i win if i choose ours manufacturer, yes great, good, thank you very much, thank you very much, olechka, well, what are we going to do, eat fish from the northern seas buy? thank you very much for being with us, today we told you about such an irreplaceable, irreplaceable complex as omega-3 complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids. this was a program about the most important thing, we say goodbye to you, but not for long, before we meet, lyuba zatsepina had a difficult test, well, it’s possible. her fiancé yuri
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causes a fatal accident. i didn't see anyone. to save her lover's prosecutorial career, she takes the blame on herself. i will endure it, it will be better for the family. yuri gives his bride and lyuba ends up in prison, had fun, introduce yourself to the team. come on, she dares before'.
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our heroes, our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland, we are talking to those who make history with their own hands, to those who change the world, these are our people, our premiere, from august 5, on rtr. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces has begun in russia. vladimir putin signed a decree on payments to military personnel who signed contracts. massive attacks on military targets in ukraine. near
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volchansk is ours.


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