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tv   Khudozhnik  RUSSIA1  July 31, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm MSK

1:00 pm
lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on sunday on rtr, and this is absolutely amazing footage of the iss assembly, this is how the eastern part of our country looks from 418 kilometers away, the spectacle is mesmerizing. thanks for watching, bye.
1:01 pm
atepana, zoya stepanna, quiet, quiet, quiet , quiet, quiet, trunk, trunk, here, there are bandages, rags that are cleaner, or maybe my peroxide, drinks, peroxide, there is peroxide, great, we ourselves, slowly, if i’ll pass out, it’s not scary, you go into the city, you find a harrow, you tell who it will help, i’m ready, come on, wait, slow. come on,
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how's your medical debut? it was easier to kill.
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1:04 pm
i told you, he keeps us on a leash, he kept the rudaks spying on us, and sazanov is spying on us, he needs us, lyosha, if he didn’t come, it’s not at all because he ’s trying to annoy you, boss! well, they moved away from the door, i’ll shoot, open it, i said, we’re in trouble, what’s going on there, they’re making some noise, boss, i open it, they moved away from the door, they moved away, they moved away, why did your man die, move away? forward!
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my grandson got up in the morning and called a doctor. hey shket, stop, what do you want, indulge i need to, well, what are you doing there for the liver,
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what are you doing, so i’m off to the stall to chop up his load. the guy is wandering, why, but come closer, not everywhere, boy, do you want to live? who doesn't want to? you know that the bitten liver dances around with the garbage, and you play tricks on him, you know, someone after that? uncle, please don’t, where are you going for him,
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don’t get married, i’m handing over the little one from liver, in the village of marfina, she and milton are still alone with her. milton, it’s good, a soul mate has been found. mechanical asphexia, death as a result of cessation of blood supply during squeezing carotid artery. did samali help him? there are no signs of violent death, nor any struggle.
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exactly, more precisely only after opening it. it's clear. thank you. okay, okay. then they figure it out themselves, and so they are behind schedule, in the hall, here is the first column in the first car, run, march, the second column in the second car, run! aunt zoy aunt zoy, why do you need miracle yudo,
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hello, this is for you. i picked up testicles this morning, we don’t need anything, take it back, bunny, he’s alive, thank god i don’t know, can i ask for forgiveness, please. lani, come already
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hurt. forgive me, i didn't mean to, motor. let's get out of here, don't get in the way here, it's all normal, let him stay if he wants, i want, but you really were a policeman, and now i... they'll go to jail, they won't, if we
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all keep our mouths shut, yes, true, true, calm down, mother, you will make noise for the earth. “hello, citizen, boss, don’t twitch, trash can, mess around in the house, let’s go, who is this with us, this is a fool, local, harmless, don’t kill him, he’s not in the aisles.”
1:12 pm
a kind man was found and he bled mussarka, don't touch him. where is lyuska? for those who are dead, there will be no conversation. lyuska, where? dragon, she is nowhere to be found. where is lucy? why do you need lucy? if i know where i communicate? why would you know that? well, i took him away myself, picked him up on the way to ramenskoye. you’re not bothering anyone here, but you’re letting lucy go, i’m your common fund, i’ll think about it,
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dragon, is it true about the common fund, what do you think? let him come back, i’ll talk to the trash can differently, hello my lyuska, hello my dear, come in.
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stay at the shukar, and now we’ll talk about the common fund. for your life a penny, calm down, i'll tell you everything, people they’ll come out empty, and i’ll tell you everything, it’s funny to you, shaggy one, let me slap this romal, just to make the conversation more lively, i’ll give it. i got out of here, yes, i got out of here, now, well,
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let’s talk, let’s talk. give me the gun, darling, give it back, stand still, otherwise you’ll cut yourself. and you give the gun, otherwise your friend will be left without a head, then you, put away the knife, bitch, otherwise i ’ve become nervous lately, my hands have started to tremble, shut up, well,
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let’s talk. we’ll reschedule for another day, alya, you’ll leave her alone, you promised a dorm for her, you promised, so it will be if we all here we’ll settle each other, then the common fund will be kartabito, i agree, but if you shoot us in the back, if we go, then it’s not you, i gave my word, so i’ll keep it, i’m no longer serving at sea, and i don’t need you, well, , give your sign, snot, take the bagpipes.
1:17 pm
“if you need help with work, i ’m always ready, just for work, look at rtr, i’m a simple woman, i normally need a man to be happy, but wait out quarantines, this is not for me, this is for the clinic, anatoly is a dangerous person, you you don’t know him at all, they fought because of me, how, i want invite you on a date, dasha. tonight, how long have you been together, i’m just curious, raya knows everything, today on rtr. rum, castro, product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor group.
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cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts,
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we are here for you. pechora vodka, a product of stetellar group. altai, a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region, picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers. beluga whales are especially rich in glaciers. the great altai river katun, a pearl among the mountains - lake teletskoye, altai has always been
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a source of legends and myths, even today. mysterious beauty fascinates people just as it did many centuries ago. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, completely faceless. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into... but for me there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before my eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac. in the living room of our heroes , real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look,
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let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, now i want to play for only one person, for you. friday, your heart, no matter what happens, i will always love you, and i need nastya, what a coincidence, me too, you can become a world star, and you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, we will create, we will perform together, if you really love him, you should let him go, i always get what i want, let me go. did he die? have you ruined my
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life, deprived me of my future? i'm pregnant, only this was missing right now. music of my soul. on friday, on rtr. a two-year-old girl contacted the editors of our program. rasnodar, who never knew her father, but before her death, her mother admitted that varvara was the illegitimate daughter of a famous soviet submariner igor vasilyevich korsykov and asked to find him. i would like relatives to appear in my life. we began a large-scale search and found traces of her relatives. will the long-awaited meeting of the submariner’s children take place for the first time in 50 years, and is the legend that mother told varvara before her death true? test. nk in our studio. malakhov, today on rtr. this is how to
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leave you in the lurch. let's go to. baba, yes, i’ll go myself, and why don’t we just leave it like that, give us some more time to indulge.
1:24 pm
are you interested in the instrument? and you seryozha department store? it depends who's asking? whose will you be? people don't know you? no one should, so what about the weapons? nimble, however, i don’t have much time, i’m no longer … guns, but better than automatic ones, why do you want to occupy poland so much? listen, they told me you can get it, right
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or not? i'll get it, but i'd like to feel the crunches. so, this afternoon, right here, i will bring the money.
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is she good enough for him? why is he guessing? she knows what to do. it’s not for nothing that i completed my nursing courses. be careful, death is on your right shoulder, i know,
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no signs of violent death were found. no autopsy was carried out, this is the result of a cursory examination, they are definitely up to something, maybe they are definitely up to something, we know without you, so we are transporting the guys, a closed boarding house, to figure out and find these saboteurs, be a friend, pour some water, please, my head is pounding, i sleep for two hours, what do i want to say, maybe they shouldn’t be taken to moscow, they should settle somewhere in the wilderness? and let the experts figure it out, we can’t take our guys out of one camp and put them in another, you you understand this, let it not be a camp, but the same sanatorium with all the amenities, just not in moscow, where if something happens there will be victims, make sure that these victims do not exist, what was the task set there, to find sozonov, look for it, we found it, we are looking for it, and at the same time we continue to spy on efimov and kostenko,
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in parallel. regularly, it’s still going crazy, there’s a task, to find sazonovo, there’s time, 24 hours, these little paraphernalia don’t help a damn thing, are you still here, mikhail? you have to leave, you'll give yourself shelter, na what's the conversation? will you come with me, it’s not safe to stay here, do you have somewhere to go? i have a sister in yaroslavl. okay, the day after tomorrow there should be
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a re-sexing in moscow. i don’t know which one exactly, but the people who are involved in this business want to carry out a massacre, in order to carry out such a thing, they will need resources, this means that someone will see or hear something, but what should they look for? everything, everything that may seem suspicious, weapons, explosives, medicines, transport, somewhere they have to puncture, i understand you, “it’s bad for you, be patient, you kept repeating the words in your delirium, tofel, tofel, devil in german, hold on.
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there are a dozen more of these, for a ghana of two dozen, i can get a couple dozen more machine guns, a supply of three-line guns, three berdanks, if necessary, grenades, that’s all, no one else has them in moscow, i’ll take everything except the berdanks, that’s please, just cost it will be two prices. you were crazy about taking it out early, but if you don’t need it, then the devil agrees with you,
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1:32 pm
“bah, i found where they are hiding, go check, part of the work has already been done, when reinforcements arrive, you will be divided into threes and you will each work in your own area, park, metro, and act only on a signal, what kind of signal is this that can be heard from anywhere, loud, as soon as you hear it, start working, there are questions, but
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money, money when? “the thing is, yes, it’s good, we’ve parted ways, there will still be weapons, only the price has risen. money is not a problem,
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but it’s expensive, for islachi, so, sazonov, i’ll give you the address, but boyko said that there are about 20 people there, all with weapons, still this is yours, richtor, i understand, my people are my family, i won’t allow you to risk my people, find my friends, pass this on. tell me that i need to meet again and more carefully, they are being watched, what did you do?
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please, remove the tea from the equipment. you were told to leave soon, you need more time, a couple of hours, okay, work, where did you get
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so much money, do you think i’m here. i sent it with my own hands. of course, you are not interested in what i think, but this is wrong. you're right, i'm not interested at all. who are you fighting against? i'm fighting against the russians. i am russian. it will not work. what i'm trying to say is that your plan is ruthless. he doesn't take it at all calculation of the civilian population on such a scale, how many people will die? and these will be women, old people, children, this is a necessity,
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richtor, what kind of richtor, the shooter from the cafe, whom wagner sent to kill me, had seen enough of the zhelak, people of the harrow... that wagner could turn out to be one of the security officers, so well, he’ll order the three of us to go
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or something, we can’t trust anyone, i can only trust you, you can trust us, here we are, that’s enough, when is the best time to take them, tomorrow, we’ll meet at 12 at brick 17, he’s coming. it's stupid to just believe him, rudakov clearly said, sazonov is wagner, what doesn’t add up here, if he is wagner, why does he need this raid, i don’t know, maybe he wants to get rid of us, he could have gotten rid of us a long time ago, listen, you trust him so blindly, but you know , he will go with us tomorrow under the boule, he will take risks. why should he, if it’s not true, and if it’s true, then many people could
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die, and we can prevent it, come on, we led efimov. but at the last moment they managed to escape, if they deliberately escaped surveillance, maybe this is good news, most likely they are keeping in touch with azonov, let's take them, for now it's just a kostenka without noise, just talk, let's go. sergeant kastenka, give us a couple of minutes.
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well, where is sozonov? i don't know. what is fifty-eighth? you know? i have an idea. you’ll get such an idea from me, but you’ll ask to be shot yourself. we know that you are in touch with him, will you deny it? i do what i have to do. and what do you owe? help the traitor so that he can continue to kill our people, or are you at the same time with him? i'm not a traitor. then why? for whom? for the sake of the man who betrayed us all? listen, i'm not afraid of you. no lubyanka, no execution, tell me this, you have
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evidence that sazonov is wagner, i’m almost sure of this, but there are things that are beyond logic, for example, i found out who azonov’s father is, i know that va killed him. i have a lot of evidence that sazonov is wagner, but i don’t understand why he would kill his father. i... will tell you what i know, but you will have to help us, here we go, the car.
1:42 pm
well, what are we doing, they are inside, how many exits are there, this one is from the other side, let’s wait more. maybe now we’ll take the sozuno that we’ll have to wait for the rekhtor, well, we’ll knock him out of it, where the richtor will then deal with it, the problem is that the richtor
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is somewhere nearby, we’ll start shooting with guns. i can’t, during the operation i still can’t get out of the war, well, in vain, i haven’t eaten anything for a day, did you really go through all this and the zone, the loss of a child, the quest, yes, but i found real friends there, the premiere, only citizens ,
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cnop gin is a product of stellor group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma. magnificent golf resort world class, surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families.
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the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, vodka veda, a product of the stellor group, we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son are missing, it seems to me that she is also missing, “i can’t leave my friend in trouble, we have to go behind them, you know how to shoot, i know how, russian wife, premiere, only on the website in the app we watch, didn’t leave and didn’t break up, just disappeared, here’s a brutal kazan that i got,
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songs with barbecue are heard in our program today, you are better than any barbecue, andrei malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr, my love! remember, we said that we want a baby, we need to get on our own feet first, look at the weekend, your husband owes us money, if you want him... alive, put 3 million in a box at an abandoned construction site, i really urgently need money , you will mortgage your apartment, where to sign, well, three, cool, we are
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real rich people, i don’t love you and never will i didn’t like it, i have a different life, you have to pay interest on the contract, how much is 2000, and why so much? i was simply deceived, you will do me one small favor, and i will cancel the debt, what service do you want from me, how could you hire a complete stranger as a nanny, forgetting about everything, on saturday on rtr.
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we have to take it, otherwise they’ll leave, i agree, out of the car, quickly, let’s get out, get out. holding their positions, faster, forward, faster
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, forward, forward, lyoshka, with rudakov’s ustashka , going around, faster, follow me.
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sashka wanted to ask why there were drawings, for show off, for handwriting, i drew them in advance, of course.
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i’m quitting, firewood!
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left, what’s their plan, didn’t you find out? i'm sorry.
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listen to me, please. the day after tomorrow there will be a monstrous massacre, hundreds of people will die, this is not what i wanted, and nothing can be changed, what exactly should happen? a speech will be heard throughout moscow
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that soviet troops have fallen into a trap and are destroyed for all of them. then the bomb goes off, where is the bomb? i don’t know, somewhere in the center, but that’s not all, there are fifty former prisoners of war, but these are not just prisoners of war, that’s good trained saboteurs are a trojan horse, first they will be led to a weapons warehouse, and then dispersed throughout the icy places of moscow, moscow will drown in blood. warehouse,
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where is the warehouse? i don’t know where the warehouse is, go there here, the addresses of the places where sabotage is being prepared, stop them, in general ours, i don’t know, even driving.
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along everything about viewing everything will overlap.
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“bahti, i understand that this is no longer worth these bananas a long time ago, thank you, you’re smart, sazonov, but don’t you understand, maybe i need this moscow more than you need? he won’t risk people, even if he finds it, i know where you are going, you can’t go to moscow, there
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the patrol knows you halfway across moscow by sight, you’re the only one, you hear, your people won’t believe you. sit, bear, don’t twitch, we’ll leave, sasha, we’ll leave, we’ll leave, it’s business, we’ll leave right away, right?
2:00 pm
hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. the third stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces has begun in russia.


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