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tv   Vmeste navsegda  RUSSIA1  August 1, 2024 12:20am-1:26am MSK

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how i wish i could get it all back, rit, rit, don’t cry, please, now i’ll cry too, uh, is there anyone, oh, hi, youth, why didn’t anyone meet me, where did everyone go, hi, hey, uh , what, have you recovered? yes, as you can see, i’m no longer disabled, all thanks to your father, by the way, where is he, i want to thank him, and katya, where she went to the pool again and ran off, listen, we can’t get through to him forever, but we don’t know where katya is , and dad was arrested, what? "fox, fox, what are you
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doing okay, but you understand, i had to find this purse in front of witnesses, in order to provoke him, i was not going to set up either you or the children, naturally gordeev did not steal or burn this purse, well , either he realized that he couldn’t get out of it and decided to confess everything, or he knew that the children had stolen it and decided to protect this purse, he knew nothing about the purse, well, no one pulled his tongue. he could have said that he simply stole the harness, but he admitted to murder and what awaits him now? this is article 105, part two, paragraph, up to life imprisonment. lord, poor children, what will i tell them, i already regret that she trusted me, i’ll go, i need to tell the children somehow. kate. gordeev is a murderer, don’t
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feel sorry for him, sash, bye, mom, we need to save him, you know, we need to save him, yes, just wait, save him, katya will come back, she’ll tell us everything, katya, yes, katya won’t save roma, mom, she will be glad to get rid of him. you suffer quietly, listen to me, roma is cunning, maybe he’ll pay himself off, mom, if he were cunning, i would have caught him, what’s the problem with katya, it’s always in her, it’s all her fault, lis, why did you go broke, even you can hear it on the street, listen, what, what, something i’m saying it wrong, i’m telling a lie, well done, that’s it, the whole problem is that your father has.
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we’re in for a long time, and this ritochka, as long as roman borisoch doesn’t object, he invited us here, he’ll ask us if something happens, that’s it, sorry, okay, i’m wrong, i got carried away, i’m tired after the flight and in general i’m hungry, katya we i’ve prepared something, katya has already left, no, well, you heard, i heard, i’m completely crazy, so maybe then you ’ll make a fuss, but really, i’m hungry, but mom, i found myself a maid, lighten up yourself, go, oh, that's enough for you already, now i'll... get everything
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ready, hello, i didn't expect it, nina, to be honest, surprised me, please come in, thank you, kostya, something else happened, i'm divorcing maxim. i’ve finally decided, i ’ll need your help, your professional help, i’m listening, my lawyer advises me to provide direct evidence of infidelity before the trial, maxim, well, it’s useless to follow him now. he now lives alone
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and will not give rise to incriminating evidence, so you need to prove his past adventures? exactly, i need you to get a copy. dna test. about aleftina’s daughter, it doesn’t matter that she turned out to be not his daughter, the fact that he agreed to do this test proves treason, aleftina’s daughter was born when we were already married, i understood, read: the specified amount must be transferred to the account of my agency, and i i’ll start working right away, look, do you have... any questions or wishes, no, i ’m happy with everything, thank you, kostya,
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anything else, anything else? “i wanted to know how you ’re doing, everything’s fine, i’m, uh-huh, i’m doing great, wonderful, good, thank you, yes, i’m very happy, but i’m doing lousy, you know, no worry, don’t worry, we are all, we will solve all your problems, yes, but this is not for maxim.” “i remember all the time, i can’t sleep peacefully, how i offended you, i had no right to reproach you for this woman, just female
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jealousy, i sincerely want you to be happy, and you deserve it. “please forgive me if you can, forgive me, wait, i lied to you, everything is very, very bad for me, i’m lonely, because my woman is you.” "get out of here! i am the sister of your father's wife, i have every right to be in this house. you're a complete mess did you go? fox! yes, you’re not even registered here , your sister, by the way, either. lis, how glad i am to see you. hello. reid, don't worry,
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we'll move out soon. it would be better if you didn’t set foot in this house. no, did you hear? did you hear what that stupid little girl said? you yourself are stupid, you are completely stunned. girls, stop it. “we’re all on edge right now because of roman, have you found out what’s wrong with him? the investigator said that he will remain in pre-trial detention until the trial, just like in pre- trial detention, this is all your lover, this is a stupid man, what are you talking about, katya, this is all because of him, what else lover, well, come on, tell them, that is , the cop who raided my dad’s club and chased him is your lover, then everything is clear.” you helped him put his father in jail, so, go eat brawlers, katya, that’s it , let's go, let's go, let's go, come on, come on, what
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do you mean, you can't refuse your confession? this investigator titov, he wanted to detain my wife katya, she was at the crime scene, why did you take the man's purse and burn it in our house? in stone, your wife could have killed
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vorontsov, who is katya? no, of course i couldn’t. let it fall into season, and they didn’t come up with anything. than to take the blame for himself, it means so, since titov believes that... “nothing, we just met, but nothing worked out for us, so he is taking revenge on our
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father, no, he is not like that, he would never take revenge, really especially to take advantage of your position, besides, your father himself admitted to killing a policeman, so listen, i don’t care whether roma is guilty or not, you will immediately go to your sasha, you will lie at his feet begging him to let roma go, of course, especially if you say that he so good, then he will act according to his conscience, and dad will be at home."
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gordeev, on the way out, they came to you, a lawyer, better, some beauty, come on, face the wall, eat, face the wall. sit down, girl, come in, is it possible, yes, yes, thank you, you have 5 minutes, hello, roma, roma, hello, i’m so glad, i’m so glad to see you, i’m coming home, and to me, hello, baby, what are you doing here, what’s up , i came to thank you, as you can see, i’m walking again, well, it’s you who needs to thank your sister, yeah, that’s it, if it weren’t for her, if it weren’t for her, you. i would spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair,
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i don’t care about her, i love you and i wanted you to know, i will wait for you, i will wait for you as long as necessary, at least 20 years, whatever, you spit, yes, that’s it, duh, rom, i will come to see you on a date, i will carry packages for you, i will follow you anywhere, lis, i am very glad that you have recovered, but don’t come here anymore, why? i'm married to your sister, i love her very much, roma, roma, girl, the date is over, go out, don't touch me, don't touch me! for lyuba's share the hook had a difficult ordeal. well, you can
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come up with something, it’s too fast. no no no. her fiancé yuri causes a fatal accident. yura, how is this? i don't know. i didn't see anyone. to save her lover's prosecutorial career, she takes the blame on herself. i will endure it, it will be better for the family. yuri betrays his bride and lyuba ends up in prison. introduce yourself to the team, come on, she will be able to overcome everything and regain her freedom, good name, faith in love, now you are my prosecutor, i forgive you, you are something of a saint because of whom, but a new test awaits her ahead, what are you doing, it’s necessary, damn, where is my wife, august 5 on rtr. we invite
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you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal destination. in the very heart of the city. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication. and luxury, forgetting about time, shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself
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to a first-class holiday with liorets. details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when it’s serious. go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own tablet. where to look for help?
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you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. today i’ll talk to masha, offer to register her, give her sergei’s money and... i’ll tell her to break up with friends, and we ’ll be together again, yeah, imagine, lisa is back, she’s completely healthy, imagine, that’s also good news for me, again will ruin your life, stop it, she is my sister, she suffered too much, i want
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to remind her, if she had not jumped out of the window , this whole wild situation would not have happened, and you and i would not have met here and decided how to get out of it. “well, well, it’s okay, soon everything will be as we never dreamed, but do you remember how i proposed to you in this gazebo, i remember, the driver mikhail iosifovich teryabin, east number s. 167 mm, go to the dispatcher, wait a little, now he’ll come, uh-huh, here are the routes for december 16, the breakaway club was calling , here’s a man, please remember who
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you gave a ride to the breakaway club late in the evening on december 16th,
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sasha, i’ve almost got everything ready, come in, mash, mash, yes, we need to talk, yes, i also need to tell you something, first of all, on hold it. what is this? this is sergei’s money, i found it in his desk at work. hmm, well, very, by the way, especially... now, why? because i’m pregnant, sash, can you imagine,
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it can’t be, yes, i, i didn’t believe it at first either, and then i took a second test, and there were two stripes, at first i thought about calling you, then i think, but no, they don’t say that on the phone , you’re not happy, you’re glad, it’s just somehow unexpected. and for me, i no longer thought that i would become a mother, the earring did not work out for us, there is such happiness here and all this is thanks to you, and now i have we will be a real family, sasha, say something, come on. there is, for sure, something i did, but what else did you want to say, it doesn’t matter anymore, so she has a cast-iron alibi,
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i didn’t doubt you, well, now i can give up my testimony and remind you of mine alyubi, what alibi? well, what about the recordings from the surveillance camera in the club, they will prove that i was in the hall at the time of the murder, the operatives seized them, the recordings were added to the case, the fact is that i have already familiarized myself with them, you are not on any of the recordings, this cannot be, unless of course no one cleaned them up, do you suspect anyone, access to... was only ugens, why did he decide to do it to me in this way? damn, what
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to do now? well, first of all, don’t lose heart. there were many visitors in the club who can confirm your presence. i will find witnesses and interview them. i'm afraid this won't help much. the devil will say that we bribed all the witnesses. however, we must take advantage of every opportunity. by the way, has your wife visited you? no, her sister came. listen, in the hall that day there were dancers, debutantes, they were filming something on their smartphones. these are friends, katya's sisters. yes, hello, can i talk to elizaveta zvonareva? hello, it’s me, i’m the lawyer of roman borisovich gordeev, he urgently needs your help. romina, the lawyer
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is calling me. hello, hello, yes, yes, yes, yes, so can you help? yes, of course, but what do you need from me? gordeev. i came to visit roman gordeev. i am his wife. one minute. alexander maksimovich, then gordeev’s wife came, you told her not to let her in, so don’t let her in, so after all, the wife has the right, she has nothing, don’t let him tell you, there is, unfortunately, gordeev is deprived of visitation rights until the trial. well, at least i can leave him a parcel? yes please. good evening, alexander
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maksimovich, i’m very glad that i still found you at your place, but aren’t you a bit late for a work visit? just right, especially if the matter is urgent. here, take a look. so what is this? you see, the shooting time is fixed, my client is in the club and clearly has no intention of leaving the room, i don’t understand, but you understand everything perfectly well, and now my advice to you: quickly release my client, remove the fake recording from the case, don’t embarrass yourself, well, first we need to check this video for authenticity, already. here is the opinion of an independent expert. i took the approved copy to the colonel. so i will prepare documents for
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release. guard, i really hope that you will take care of this in the very near future, otherwise your superiors will deal with complaints, although it seems to me that he is no stranger to this, all the best. hi, hi, what about you, yes, i was nearby, i decided to pop in and say hello, what so angry, it doesn’t concern you, i’m very glad that everything is okay with you, i hope you wo n’t do anything stupid, well, that’s how it goes, okay, i understand why you... you don’t want
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to let roma go, right? it was i who helped his lawyer find that video recording. you want to put him in prison because of katya, right? sash, well , take her. do you know how much she suffers for you? who is he not sleeping with, and you are going to marry some woman. this is a sham marriage, so tell her about it. sasha, she, she keeps your rings. at night he takes them out, looks at them and sobs, it’s absolutely terrifying, what is this? true, i saw it myself, sasha, she loves you very much, so when you release roma, as soon as the documents are ready, but earlier is not possible, maybe earlier, i would
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take him home right today. listen, behave in a good way, otherwise i’ll put you in jail for 15 days for investigation of pressure. okay, i understand. i thought you were human, but you are like... fox, where have you been? i was worried. me, and i was at roma’s. asked me for help, i helped him, you don’t care about him, what kind of help, find proof of his innocence, and i did it, yes, i saved him, very soon he will be released, and how did you do it, i just love him, and for loving people nothing is impossible, relax, if i were you, i would go around packing my bags so that when he arrived, you would no longer be here, and i won’t leave
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until i'll talk to him. this is wrong, lis, wrong, wrong, katya, you are so right with us, class, listen, but it was right to make a disabled person out of me, and it was right to torment me, to take away the love of my life from me, in your opinion it was right, you are an arrogant, lying hypocrite, god will subdue you for this. rest in peace, healthy, healthy, detained gordeev, go ahead, here is the decree for your release, and we are already new, new, and i was ready to serve time for katya, it’s good that your scam failed,
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i hope now you... “leave me and my family in peace, well , i can’t guarantee you that, what is it, the matter of your wife’s disappearance, i’m thinking of reconsidering it at my leisure, what if they missed something, because your wife never showed up, well, firstly, this is her personal right, and secondly the case was closed by your late colleague, who by the way proved that she is alive, and i will prove that she is dead, you and roman killed her borisovich"? oh, my god, aren’t you tired of it yourself? no, you’re a criminal, i’ll do everything to prove it and put you in jail for a long time, but i heard you, only i’m not a criminal, but a successful businessman, a respectable family man, okay, excuse me deviate before you throw out anything else, my children are waiting for me at home, my beloved wife, see you soon,
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“i’m sorry that i didn’t meet you, this is nonsense, the main thing is that we are together, you’re happy, of course, by the way, i’m bye.” i was in the isolation ward and learned a lot of interesting things, for example, that my children stole the man's purse of a dead cop, and you defended them, please, just don't scold them, they already understood everything, but i won't, only these secrets of yours almost cost me my freedom." that he said that he would put you in jail, because with us
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at home in the stone they found a burnt purse and shoes with traces of blood, this, by the way, is serious evidence, sasha could not do that, i told him everything myself, well, now you see, you trusted him, and he set you up, in general a guy of course .well done, he will go far, nothing inspires him. from this moment, i forbid you to tell me anything, i forbid you to see him at all, he is a very dangerous person. sasha is the most noble and honest of everyone i know. listen, then i’m even scared to imagine who surrounded you before, if this bastard is the most noble. don't you dare talk about him like that. katya, katya, well... it’s true that you wanted to put me in jail, what did anyone tell you, this is some kind of nonsense, roman told me
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that you wanted to put me in jail, so he had to confess, what a bastard, and you believed him , why would he lie to him? only you knew about the bad boy, and also his children, who could tell him, katya, something like a little girl, katyusha, well, katya, katya, he’s a bastard, he just realized that he could lose you and made up all this nonsense, well, it’s all from jealousy, no, damn, well, if you believe me, then leave, stay with him, be happy. well, if something happens, i simply may not be there to help you, sash, sash, i don’t know how it
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could even occur to me to blame you, forgive me, but i’ve already forgiven you, sash, i... "i can't wait until you and i are together, me too, did you talk to mazhiy, how did she take it? katyusha, sit down, sit down, katya, you know, i tried, but this happened. yes, in general, masha is pregnant. what? kat, well, i’m not happy with it myself. well, you know, she has a weak heart, i can’t leave her in such a situation. what should i do?
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you wanted me to leave roman. yes, but i can't stay with him anymore. what should i do, sasha? well, not now. i need to keep an eye on him a little more, i won’t do this, i can’t do this anymore, katya, katya, katyusha, he jumped off with the murder of sergei, but no one knows where his wife disappeared, katya, i need to prove to everyone, you, the authorities, that roman is a murderer, well, help me with this. “be patient a little, this is all for the sake of our happiness, i promise that i will take you away from him, well, you want me to kneel, eh?
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even a taxi, come on, rom, what are you doing, so now you ’re going to tell me everything, the bastard, how you erased my surveillance camera and somehow framed me, my former best friend gennady decided. you were not tortured there by chance, and everything is fine with your head, i deleted the video with the cop, you are safe, you can. ask this snoring tracker, listen to what you’re telling me here, this idiot would never have had enough brains in his life, but you have just the right amount of brains, what are you? as an adult, he was offended by me, but because of the casino, oh, listen, let
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this casino go to hell, excuse me, gennady, but you’re going to hell, i understand, that’s how it is, you’ve been screwing up for too long in the last time, but i need a competent partner so that i trust him, and not some kind of monkey with a grenade that is aiming at my back, that is, i’m the monkey, well, thank you friend, didn’t expect it, former friend, what do you think? i don’t notice how long you’ve been trying to force me out of business? what 's on you? i'm sorry, but you don't have the brains or talent for this. ok, i’ll leave, good riddance, but only when you find out the truth will it be too late.
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yes, roman boris, yes, i need the help of a private detective from my ex. and what happened? yes, this is tetov, the persistent one still keeps up with me, he has now decided to reopen the case of the disappearance of my ex- wife. i want to start my own investigation so that victoria is found alive. or dead? okay, i'll think of something. yes, thank you. goodbye, may i? oh, come in, just hurry up, why did you come? but you offered me a position? so i thought, if i don’t know what you thought, gene, i offered you a position in exchange for the documents that you bring me, be proud. the documents are where everything is, and
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then you know, i’m sitting here and thinking, why do i need a deputy who took and sold his best friend, that means, as you sang, okay, he walks, talks, there are all sorts of people here. roma, roma, i, and i wanted yours, collect it and
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give it here, and this, this, this, this happened by accident, now get out of our bedroom. rom, rom, please don’t kick me out, give me a chance, you know, you feel how much i love you, i saved you from prison, katya refused because she doesn’t care about you, she doesn’t care, but i love you. i saved you, i am very grateful to you for your help,
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moreover, i will transfer a round sum to your account, but promise me that you and your mother will leave my house as soon as possible. rum, rum, wait, roma, rum, please, what are you you want, i told you everything yesterday, i wanted to apologize, i wanted to apologize for yesterday, i behaved like a complete idiot, i’m really ashamed, i’m rom, i understood everything, i talked to my mother. we will move out as soon as we find a new place to live, i promise, okay, good, i’m glad that we have some kind of mutual understanding, i’m even ready to pay, what else, i’ll earn money myself, this is commendable. if you help me, what do you want to dance in my club? no, rom, unfortunately, i can’t dance anymore, but i really like the move your thoughts, take me as a choreographer, i’ll stage numbers, oh, don’t be afraid, i definitely won’t do worse than you now, so come on,
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let’s go to the club right now, you ’ll introduce me to the girls, i ’ll rehearse with them, if you don’t like the way i work, you’ll kick me out, but if you like it... i promise, we will have a purely business relationship. is it coming? are we going? okay, let's go. i am nikolai dolgachev and have been to the front line more than once. i'm olga armyakova. i know from my own experience how those whose family and friends go to great deeds every day feel. watch our program about our best people. our premiere. from august 5th. narter. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless
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horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at riksos golf villas and suits sharma.
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we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son are missing, i think she is too disappeared, i won’t stay here, i can’t threaten my friend in trouble, we have to go after them, you know how to shoot, i know how. russian wife, premiere, only on the website in the app we look at, dumplings put through a meat grinder, becomes naval pasta, that’s the name sasha, and sural masha, how are you doing, haven’t given birth yet, well, you’re
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not a woman, but to the left , to the left and more colors, where at work, i told you, well, you can’t do this, this is not normal, you’re plowing like a cornered horse, it’s strange that you’re married to sergei, you’re not used to this, sit down, i’ll tell you now i’ll feed you some pancakes, i just baked them, i don’t like pancakes, but i have some delicious turkey cutlets, so i’ll heat them up, you can calm down, please, i don’t want to eat, well,
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these are the first signs of nervous exhaustion and depression, this i'm like a doctor to you. sashka, this job will not bring you any good, there is no other, what about your father’s company, you could work for him more peacefully and have more money, but something doesn’t suit you? no, no, sasha, everything suits me, i just feel sorry for you, and i also wanted us to go to courses to register future parents, you will go there with me, listen,
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please, tea, coffee, thank you, i would get straight to the point, as you say, a couple of months ago my wife... disappeared, the investigator who took on this case, provided evidence that she was alive, healthy, living in moscow and the case was closed, but some people believe that victoria is dead and that i am involved in this, but this is not true, of course, otherwise i would not have hired you look for it, and cover your tracks, i appreciate your frankness, and i appreciate your professionalism and ability to keep i keep my mouth shut, i’m ready to pay a lot of money, find me victoria and whoever is responsible for her disappearance, we need iron-clad evidence that i have nothing to do with this, i understand you, roman,
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i’ll start today, thank you, let it work out, good afternoon, maxim ivanovich, good day, good day, konstantin andreevich, i didn’t expect to see you here, what did you decide to return to the city? surprised, surprised, well, maxim ivanovich, i can’t do that much yet, well , we’ll wait and see, hello, gordeev, at home, i’m going to see him, thank you, i owe it, but here we go i came, as they say, to brag, or rather, to make you happy for me, you are a respectable businessman, right, and you can appreciate your opponent’s victory, so please, what is this? and you will be curious, this concerns you directly, you know the list of your investors, former ones, now they will work with me and
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finance exclusively my project, how did you manage to lure them, promises of personal gain, how else, if it’s not a secret, who gena krivitsky leaked their names to you, well, gena krivitsky, of course, tried something... to sniff out, only the gut turned out to be a tank, here is your beloved wife, yes, she brought me this list, as they say, on a silver platter, don’t you dare slander my wife, little, but why do that, roman, as you told me then, getting personal and you are demonstrating your own helplessness, you ask her, she’s your girl, honest, decent, that’s right, she won’t lie, let alone deny it... she climbed into the safe, like copies for she made me, she’ll tell you everything, okay, gordeev, i wish you happiness in your personal life, with such
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you definitely won’t be lost anywhere as a wife, all the best. for your devotion, katenka.
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rom, i lost this damn tender. everything collapsed, plans, hope, everything, everything can be fixed, there will be more tenders, you will build whatever you want, my beloved wife came to console me. oh, i’m really sorry, you’re sorry, yes, i don’t understand, i’m
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saying something wrong, you’re yours. he helps his ex, he’s not worried, i didn’t kill anyone, i have nothing to hide, you were my ideal, a goddess, it turned out that you were a corporate spy, i never communicated with maxim titov on your topic, cronyism is so innocent, ours is innocent, sasha,
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but who else is there? go to sleep, don’t worry , it’s been checked, someone must have made a mistake, katya, what happened? i need to talk to you right now. i could actually call and ask if i could come at this time? i couldn’t, that means she’s very allowed, well, well, you called, you could have pulled me out somewhere, masha is very nervous, i didn’t plan, i really missed you, why did you give your father the documents of the novel, that’s not why i got them for you , sasha, why did you set me up like that, so what?
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happened, the roma now know that i... betrayed, and i think that i did the right thing, right, yes, i took every opportunity to punish gordeev, we agreed on something like that, well, that’s not why you spied, it didn’t bother you, or you changed your mind, you care that gordeev began to think worse about you, and you feel sorry for the millions that he will lose, because for this reason you married him. where are you going, you won’t leave me alone at night, mash, mash, you’re like, i’m sorry, everything’s fine, mash!
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you're not sleeping. thank you, i did not collaborate with maxim
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titov. i really tried to find some evidence in the house, because i was sure that it was you who killed vika and sergei. please forgive me. katya, i want to see you. i don’t want to after what happened, it’s as if she forgot that you ’re married, and she’s married, she’s running from one to another, she can’t decide, i thought that you and i would start a new life without looking back at the past, i lost my appetite , because of
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katya. mash, mash, let's close the topic of katya, otherwise we'll get salty, forgive me for reminding you, but we got married because of registration. a child, of course, i will give him everything he needs, you don’t feel anything for me at all, i didn’t need to agree to marry you, i thought we had a chance, sasha, i love you so much, sasha, please, give me i have a chance, otherwise i feel like a dog that was beckoned and abandoned, wow, so i decided to throw out my old stuff, yes, that’s right, that’s right, it’s high time for the trash heap, if only i had all these dresses, i’d
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show me how to wear them, and you , klusha, you will never be able to wear expensive things, no, why, why is everything the best... the best goes to those who don’t appreciate it, and by the way, you already told roma that you’ll get out of his life, you can be sure that my marriage with gordeev is over, oh well, it can’t be, wow, this is news, well, holy place, empty doesn’t happen, yes, now roma will be with me, as it should have been from the very beginning.
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and my humiliations, well, okay, nin, yes, i had mistresses, i did, but it was all a long time ago, one-time, ended, and alevtina, what aleftina, what does aleftina have to do with it, you will be jealous of me for a relationship a hundred years ago, nothing it was, there was nothing, why then you did a paternity test on your daughter aleftina, oh, mother, so you’re watching me, you don’t trust me, so that means i can, right? and after that you still accuse me of dishonesty, this is not a lawsuit, low, okay, please, yes, but
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how is this, this is true, yes, sign that you agree to the terms of the divorce, here please, somehow in another time? rom, i'm sorry again that because of me you lost the project, uh-huh, after what i did, i can no longer stay in your
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house, please tell the children, i'm sorry that we never managed to become friends , i i’m not letting you go anywhere, bring your things back. can i help you? no. roll! katya, katya, hello, see you soon, young girl,
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fainted, doctor, what’s wrong with her, nothing to worry about, normal malaise, need rest and sleep, thank you, all the best, all the best, thank you very much. well, what is this all of a sudden? lord, pale as death, katya, aren’t you pregnant? katya, katya, then you can’t leave, what if you have an heir, then you can tie gordeev hand and foot, that would be great, stop it and don’t even mention it in front of him, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, ok, ok, ok, i’m just looking at a tour to the maldives, who would take me there? i 'll take you, but not to the maldives. to
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the nearest vacant lot to turn your stupid head off, what are you saying, are you drunk, did you go to the laboratory, what did they give you there, what did they give you, just tell me the truth, please forgive me, i’m guilty, you don’t even understand what did you do, i didn’t mean to, i just love you very much, i did it all just for you, and for me, that means you’re now doing one more thing for me, which one? get out of here, get the hell out of my life, you're fired.
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what are you doing, this is my wife, everything is fine.


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