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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  August 1, 2024 11:30am-1:01pm MSK

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the liner made an independent flight there this spring, and this completely import-independent version of the short-haul aircraft will become the final most important link in the chain of flight tests. further, according to the plan, the aircraft will be transferred for further training for transfer to the flight test complex for the flight test stage. improved flight performance and operational characteristics, hundreds of studies, thousands of tests. and thousands of people who are literally making history with their own hands and are waiting for it moment. preparations for serial production are underway. in the future, 20 new russian aircraft will leave the workshops of the production center in komsomolsk-on-amur annually. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, vesti khabarovsk. well, let’s return to the main topic of the emergency in nizhny tagil. two airborne medical teams were sent to the site. the list of victims now includes two adults and three children; they are hospitalized. and to say the least. two
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people are still under the rubble, we are monitoring the development of this situation. the news continues your job, don't switch. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes is live , hot on the heels, we’ve just started with breaking news. new details of the terrible explosion in nizhny tagil have emerged; at least two entrances have completely collapsed; people’s screams, including children’s cries, can be heard under the rubble. the first images from the scene are shocking . it has just become known that two babies and a man were taken out. from under a concrete
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slab, they are alive, they also managed to get a pensioner of a five-year-old boy alive in total complexity of six people, how many more are under the rubble and in what condition the people are is not yet known, the glass in the neighboring houses was broken by the blast wave, the ministry of emergency situations stated that the cause of the explosion was gas, the first minutes after the incident were filmed by random eyewitnesses. look.
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now the footage of the day from the front. this is how russian aviation destroys positions in the ssu on the approaches to pokrovsk. for video application of fap-500. notice the blast wave. this footage shows russian military pilots attacking the oskol crossing. in the kharkov direction, work to disrupt logistics opportunities in ssu is carried out systematically. in
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the kherson direction, russian drone pilots destroy reconnaissance, communications and transport means on a daily basis. the accuracy of the drone and lancet strikes is truly impressive; everything burned down along with the equipment. operators of the marine brigade of the northern fleet figured out in ssushnikov by antennas and repeater that our soldiers were already hunting for the ukrainian baba yaga drone. the drone was lured with help. to create it, a burnt loaf was wrapped in a camouflage net and trench candles were placed inside the remains so that create the illusion of a heated engine for enemy thermal imagers, but the drone that flew out to hunt itself became prey, it was waylaid and naturally destroyed. in the toretsky direction, the russian army is advancing in the populated areas of zheleznaya and yuzhnoe, the fact that battles are already taking place on the outskirts of the city.
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the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine also confirms this. the latest report reports twenty-three attempts by russian units to break into the defense. look. that's it, let's go, let's start, that's it, let's go, let's go, in these frames there is a disruption in the combat exit of the units of the third assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov direction, hiding, as the troops say in greenery, ukrainian militants are ambushed, bitch. plus, plus, fire was opened on us from the right landing; reception from a thick landing on the right ; machine-gun bursts; they were also using mortars on the banderaites; the explosions of 120mm shells did not allow us to lean out
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even for a couple of seconds; in the carriage, the militants fired indiscriminately into the air; who 300 survived after the densest artillery preparations return to the original, i try to drag them. this is how they work in the kherson direction mobile sniper pairs, they tie a bag with the most
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necessary things to the tail of a motocross bike, even the engine housing and wheel spokes are painted in a protective color, glare, templed metal can give away russian high-precision specialists even before arriving at the position. the shooters approach the firing line in special camouflage suits, with a large-caliber orfis t-500 rifle behind their back; the fighter uses a tripod for more accurate shooting. sniper business is a business where if you don’t know how to read and count, then you have nothing to do. constantly comprehend, constantly study, constantly. improve, when a sniper makes a shot, he needs to disappear from this place as quickly as possible so that he is not targeted, attacked with a pividron, or is not covered by artillery. unlike snipers, who talk about their combat experience with their characteristic laconicism, attack aircraft show emotions
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directly to the camera at the scene of the next clash. our soldier rushes at great speed, drinking modern patriotic hits. mother earth, whole berezhenka, a saint for me, in the northern direction the operators are liquidating another ukrainian t-64 bv tank, the fire and subsequent explosion of ammunition does not leave the crew a single chance, the battles for krasnohorivka ended with the complete defeat of the ukrainian forces, the fighters of the legendary...
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to the very center , now pushing the ukrainian armed forces towards toretsk. nowadays, a rather difficult situation is developing for the ukrainian army in this direction. the same thing is happening near pokrovsk, which we have been talking about for several weeks now. it is obvious that ukrainians coming out of krasnogorovka, where until recently they controlled a very small part of the city. the capture of krasnogorovka by the russian army is also recognized by another german propagandist, an analyst for the publication bilt röbki, who reports that instead of erecting fortifications. the kiev thugs had fun for days on end and laughed at the russian tsar-barbecue, so they surrendered the city in less than 3 months, and the legendary tank is still fighting, the banderaites have no time for laughter in podtoretsk, about the skills of
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russian artillerymen, a half-dead vsushnik tells what is called hot following issue a summons, this is how the ukrainian border guards catch the uhilants from tisza, you got there, they patrol the shores in rubber boats, looking for manpower in the reeds. zelensky, in an interview with the french publication lemon, de facto admits that he is losing the war. according to the leader of the kiev pounds, the ukrainian rad does not experience problems with the recruitment of conscripts, as for arming.
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in the evening, the cherished nato pilots, such as these , reached ukraine, the first f-16 fighter
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was spotted in the sky over odessa, another western ukraine in lviv. the white house confirmed the transfer of the first batch of aircraft, which, as the telegraph writes, are already taking part in hostilities, while the f-16 is used only as air defense, but kirby is an adviser. according to white house communications , he said: “there is no reason to wait until the end of the summer, that is, in 3-4 weeks, the fighters will be ready for combat sorties and strikes.” the wall street journal writes that washington has authorized strikes against russia. the british times reports the arrival of six f-16s from the netherlands. the article says that another party. dani will be sent soon. in total , the ukrainian armed forces will receive 80 fighters this year. it is important for us
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to understand, of course, something else. f-16. the west has thousands, like nato pilots. well, that is , the taboo on endless war has been lifted. nato doctrine, as you know, is based on air dominance; at the moment , dominance is ours. moreover, this is exactly what ukrainians see. footage from the f-16 has spread on the internet and there is an assumption that this may be the first footage of the american f-16 in ukraine. it looks like the video was filmed on a phone. fighter plane flies against the blue sky. part of the frame that could give insight into the location was deliberately blurred. although some have stated that yes, these are indeed f-16s, but the fact is that we
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cannot say exactly where this is happening, but we know that they will either arrive in ukraine soon or are already there. can you confirm the report that the first f-16s have arrived in ukraine? you will have to talk about this with the ukrainians. of course, i won’t talk about the capabilities of weapons, i just. we said they'd be ready by the end summer, we have no reason to doubt it. ukraine has flown its first f-16 combat missions following the long-awaited arrival of the american-made fighters. these modern combat aircraft are used only as air defense. the official representative of the ukrainian air force did not deny this. news of the f-16's arrival comes after russia launched one of its biggest. using drones to ukraine. ukrainian forces intercepted 89 drones and one missile during an air strike.
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attack that lasted more than 7 hours. the ukrainians have already received american f-16 fighters, but so far in small quantities. and the ukrainians are already using these american fighters as flying air defense systems, that is, their task is to try to interfere with russian combat aircraft using air-to-air missiles. these are mainly su-34s that drop destructive glide bombs. how effective this will be is something to say now. an article came out claiming that the f-16s will not change the situation on the battlefield, in part because they will not be enough, in part because, due to the lack of certain ammunition, they will not be able to penetrate deep into russian lines, and due to russian air defense systems, it will be difficult for them to invade russian territory without the risk of being shot down. and what an interesting publication writes
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is that the f-16s will be used for air defense, that is, they... lift the air to shoot down russian missiles and drones, as well as pursue russian fighters. a source familiar with the situation said that six aircraft were delivered to ukraine from the netherlands, soon others from denmark will follow. over the next year, kiev is expected to receive about twenty aircraft, including additional aircraft from belgium and norway, enough to form just one squadron. in the long term, the four countries have promised to transfer about 80 obsolete aircraft, but many of them are expected to be...
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nine without fuel and armament weighs almost 11 t-16 a little lighter 9.5 speed is also almost the same 2,450 km/h for the soviet vs. 2.410 for an american, achievable height for both birds are 18 km, the combat radius without additional fuel tanks prevails in the soviet vehicle: 700 km versus 500, according to some parameters, the mig-29 is even superior to the f-16 ukraine. russia will definitely take advantage of this. zelensky
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came up with a new crazy plan the day before. in an interview, the frenchman kalyamon said that he would recapture crimea, donbass, zaporozhye, and the kherson region. that is, he now intends to be diplomatic, that is, he found some new convenient formula for himself, left the verb to conquer, but changed the meaning, also this it’s partly a sensation, zelensky for the first time allowed the transfer of territories to russia, and in order not to be overthrown, he proposed holding a referendum, that is, this is agony. moreover, the times reports that relations with haris zelensky have never been warm, and hals herself is ready to end the war; problems arose among the azov nazis in the czech republic, where they came after the cancellation of their tours in germany, the netherlands and belgium in prague protests. member of the european parliament from
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the czech republic kateřina, of course, demanded it. center of prague on wednesday evening to express protest against the meeting of representatives of the third ukrainian separate brigade with compatriots in the theater on horvatovo street. members of the brigade wanted to talk with ukrainians living abroad about the war and the future. opponents of the meeting called it a nazi action. czech flags and a soviet flag were seen at the protest site. there were representatives of the communist party and posters with words against fascism. according to one of
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the speakers, a bunch of professional killers meet in the theater. shame on the government. the protesters chanted. with the permission of the czech authorities, a meeting of members of the ukrainian third separate assault brigade with their compatriots took place in prague. this brigade was formed from veterans of the azov regiment. she comes in. composition of the ground forces of the ukrainian army. the czech republic is not the only european stop on this, shall we say, tour. on the other hand, in some countries , performances with azov’s participation were cancelled. they came to europe to influence the young population that left ukraine, because today, as we know, the ukrainian armed forces is experiencing a shortage of personnel when updating and forming new units. remember what has happened since 2014.
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nazis, every time this question is answered differently; for ukraine, the multi-short group of volunteers that make up the azov battalion is the force that has been protecting the country’s borders in the east for almost
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a decade, and for the russian president vladimir putin's far-right political group with neo-nazi symbols is the basis for his statements that ukraine should be denazified. the azov battalion has a reputation as one of the strongest units it was formed.
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but the minister did not leave this letter unanswered and reacted as follows: katerina, that’s enough, while reading this, i thought for a long time about which region you were elected from. we will soon mark the anniversary of the occupation of the czech republic by soviet troops, those tanks that are killing today in ukraine, and putin would like to see this continue. today , more than half a million ukrainians live in the czech republic. and it was the ukrainians who protested before own embassy last week. the main requirement was to extend the validity of their visas, but this is not a reasonable solution, so they must return to their homeland in accordance with local law and be forced to enlist in the military . of course, no one wants to die prematurely, in particular the residents of ukraine. issues related to mobilization or conscription into the ukrainian army are exclusively a matter for the ukrainian side. as for the azov case, for me it’s a little delicate subject. in the united states, a new election scandal
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occurred at the association congress. black journalists in chicago, where donald trump was the main speaker. the conversation didn’t go well literally from the first minute. a dark-skinned abc news journalist about a democratic, that is, television channel, literally attacked white-skinned trump, in fact calling him a racist and a supporter of supremacist ideology. desco he called blacks losers, now he asks. about the americans voting for him, donald , as they say, didn’t bother with words in his pocket, said that abc is fake news, the journalist herself is agent kamela haris, and trump also accused his rival in the election race of speculating that she is black. trump said that kharis just recently, and it happened suddenly, turned black. the woman
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forgot about her indian roots. after these words, all of america rushed to check haress’s birth certificates. it turned out that mom is really from india, dad is yamaets, that is, kamela has no black relatives. the scandal reached the white house. reporters asked about kharis's racial transition karine jeanpierre answered, karine refused. having named it myself.
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this came after i asked trump about his supporters' attacks on haris as a quote against someone holding office on racial grounds. i have known her for a long time in absentia, she has always been of indian origin. and she always talked about her indian origin. i didn't know she was black until she came out as black a few years ago. and now she wants to be known as a black woman, so i don't know if she's indian or black. she's always considered black. i respect any of those races as opposed to her, because she was always indian, and then suddenly she turned out to be black. haris is the first black woman and first asian american to serve as vice president. she graduated from
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harvard. a member of the black sorority, harris was a member of the congressional black caucus as a u.s. senator. the white house called trump's words offensive. what you just read to me is disgusting, it's offensive, and you know, no one has the right to tell others who they are. the american people deserve better, americans deserve better. americans deserve a leader who tells the truth. what will we cook today? is this an indian recipe? yes, because you have indian roots. i don't think everyone knows about this, but when i go out and, for example, go to the store, everyone says: “oh, you know, kamela haris is indian? indeed. great, because it's true. as a child, you have you eaten south indian food?
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yes. before we get into more. serious news, i'll show you how the policy has changed. kamela haris, vice president of the united states, is now the democratic presidential candidate, just look at this speech at haris's political rally.
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look, not only women are for kamala, democrats have truly embraced their segregationist past,
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had no degrees, no matter how good grades she gets, she will never be enough and no matter how high she jumps, no matter how good she is. i'm scared to death to imagine what the future might be like if we go back to trump administration. the jamaicans were scientists. here's kamala in atlanta speaking to a predominantly black audience. see if you can detect the subtle difference. oh yes, she suddenly has some kind of southern twang, she's good at it. "we want to be politically correct, and that's all great, who cares? can anyone imagine kamela harris negotiating with china president xi? anyone can imagine kamla harris negotiating with china president xi and he ferocious person. you know, she was sent
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negotiate with putin to prevent conflict in ukraine. by the way, this conflict would not have happened if i had been president, israel would never have been attacked , and ukraine would never have been attacked either." well, all of france is in unison, except for the first lady brigitte, who says today that forty-six-year-old macroon was spotted during a passionate kiss in close and quite strong embrace of amelio de casper, the french minister of sports. in the photograph that was taken during the opening ceremony of the games, it is clearly visible that amelie is holding on to macron and passionately. please note that the homosexual prime minister of france otal is standing nearby, but at the moment of the heterosexual kiss he turned away. udeya castera is the same age as macron,
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she is also 46 years old. emmanuel's wife, a year ago, exchanged an eighth of tenths, everyone in the fifth republic now believes that bridget has become an abandoned person. and macron went to the young woman. the french magazine madame figaro called it a curious kiss, hinting at emmanuel sbr's imminent divorce. the new passion of the french president has a banker husband and three children. macron himself naturally has children no. he was previously suspected of homosexuality until he met a beautiful woman. an unexpected
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moment occurred during the opening ceremony of the 2024 olympics in paris, which has since caused a strong reaction on social networks. the minister of sports , amelie oudea castera, was seen warmly hugging, to say the least, the president of the republic, emmanuel macron. six-year-old macron tightly grasps the hand of forty-six-year-old amelie oudaa caster, the country's sports minister. udaa castera, in turn , squeezes macron's forearms with one hand, and affectionately with the other wraps her arms around his neck and kisses the french leader's neck. “i kiss my lover like that, it’s a disgrace,” said social media users. this photo is obscene, it is unworthy of the president and the minister. the other one burst out with a cry of disapproval. the curious photo attracted the attention of the french magazine madame figaro, which called the kiss strange and stated that the caster's udaa tends to attract attention to herself.
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what is this kiss between amelie and macron? - exclaimed one of the users on the social network x, expressing his surprise at these intimate relationships between politicians. why french president emmanul macron kisses his sports minister and subordinate amelie oudea castera. emmanuel macron and amelie oudea castera are very close after the ceremony, this terrible and insidious language of female seduction is about to please.
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internet users are divided, with some seeing the kiss as a sign of enthusiastic camaraderie at a moment of great success for france. amyliuda caster eagerly kisses macron, at least someone loves their boss, it’s nice to see, but this gesture has serious consequences for the public image of both politicians. emmanuel returns from work meetings with amilie udaa caster. "do you know how long you're kidding me, i was working, i was working, i was working, you couldn't call me on the phone to say you were at work? emman macron, emman macron, already in the spotlight as president, now has to cope with the controversial sameli udea koster's reaction to this kiss, this gesture may affect her political career, although in the long run it depends."
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ical agency. germany's national debt rose to a record level at the end of the twenty-third, reaching 2.5 trillion euros. official berlin decided to get out of the debt hole by cutting benefits for refugees. as the publication build assures, they will be guided by the principle: whoever does not work does not eat, or , in any case, eats less. the measure is aimed at improvement. living conditions and raising the morale of ordinary engineers,
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who are still the engine of german industry. they are known to they escape to the other side of the atlantic and work for the good of america for good money. only a fight against a common enemy, that is, russia, can reconcile such a disunited germany, as the tage show tv channel wishes. in the vicinity of the port of bremen, the largest logistics hub of nato, in this regard , territorial defense fighters began training, a very strange contingent, exclusively teachers and accountants, that is, not at all rich, but burghers very scared of putin.
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we are all one whole, one unit, we are here
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we solve complex problems that we would not encounter in ordinary life. and it’s also very difficult for instructors to learn civilian military skills. here there is a kind of switch of brains from civilian to military, that is, i expect that a person will follow my orders, but at first civilians tend to question a lot and disagree, and we must wean them from this here. the recruits take the young fighter course over the weekend, it takes them a total of 165 hours, after which they damages to territorial defense will be credited in case of war and regulars will provide support.
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all that remains to be done is what is the duty of a soldier all over the world, for several thousand years now, the military oath.
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unfortunately, they are preparing for a real big war.
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weapons, almost all ukrainian weapons, ammunition go along the highway, which, well, in principle, on which we practically left, on the timothy tree that our servicemen have now taken, and this highway is only 1.5 km away, that is, it is already is under fire, moreover, i will say, pokrovsk itself, where there are a lot of ukrainian armed forces, where a lot of equipment is located, our attack drones, our fpv drones are now flying. and judging by the interceptions that our intelligence officers received, the ukrainian command is very unhappy that they do not understand what frequencies our drones operate at and cannot intercept them, so most of the logistics, if we approach pokrovsk and cut this route, we really, well,
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we’ll deprive ukraine of raising its reserves for that the front that is now the most important for us, and this is the front near... bakhmut and near gorlovka. the main topic, of course, is the appearance of the f-16. the number is unknown, like six things, but somewhere they are already flying over ukraine. is there an understanding of the base point, bearing in mind that we are hitting airfields on a daily basis? have you seen these planes somewhere, and how they work in air defense mode, yes, they report that... they themselves are not delivering strikes yet, but the fact is that, in fact, just a week ago, f16 planes and nato countries that are neighboring with territory of the odessa region, flew over the odessa region, and apparently tried
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to test our air defenses, see how our aviation would react to this. our aviation responded perfectly. there were takeoffs from crimea , these planes were driven away, after which, in fact, statements were made that aviation was already on the territory of ukraine. unfortunately, i don’t have information now where these planes are, but i know and have seen how our gru works, how our foreign intelligence service works, and what kind of intelligence network is currently located in ukraine. the fact is that all those warehouses, and missiles, all these ammunition warehouses and locations where the mobilized is now located. and train, they merge very quickly, accordingly, i think that in the near future this information about where these planes are, and if they are in ukraine, will appear, of course, at our time...
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the planes for ukraine have been equipped with the most modern . weapons, the decision, allegedly, according to the wall street journal, was difficult, but the decision was made, they will also hit russia. the us agreed to arm dozens of f-16 fighters are being sent to ukraine with american-made missiles and other advanced weapons. denmark and the netherlands are preparing to send the first american-made f-16 to ukraine this summer, followed by belgium and norway, for example. but the issue of sources of critically important weapons for aircraft still remains unresolved. the plane itself is worthless without weapons, said major general
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rolf folland, chief of the royal norwegian air force. the fighters will not arrive all at once. ukrainian officials are pushing for new planes to arrive quickly, but it is unclear how the f-16s will be used against russian forces. washington will limit ukraine's use of us-provided weapons to strike russian territory. as in the case of other types of weapons, i ask what logic russia should follow when reacting to the fact that american f-16s, transferred from the territory and from the presence of the air forces of a number of nato member countries in europe, to ukraine in the near future. logics very simple: every f-16 transferred, one ukrainian destroyed. tes, or power generation facility. six planes are transferring. this means that over the next four 5-7 days,
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six ukrainian power generation facilities must be completely destroyed. considering that power generation and critical infrastructure facilities ensure the stability of the rear of the armed forces of ukraine. we must be guided by the same logic that guided us. nato selects targets to destroy, these were the priority targets during its campaign against yugoslavia in 1999, but i repeat once again, the most reliable, effective and painful reaction for the west and our enemy is every transferred f-16 minus one ukrainian power generation facility, believe me, it will be better.
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now next, where will these fighters be based? two countries, military airfields in poland and military airfields in romania. most importantly, will the f-16s transferred to the ukrainian air force carry ukrainian state symbols or not? this is a very interesting question. so far it seems that they will be without any, say, external sign indicating their belonging to. because if, say, ukrainian fighter jets with ukrainian emblems and insignia are based in
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poland, or in romania, of course, every person who will be near this airfield there is a gadget with which he can take a video, a photo and thus open it, posting specific locations on social networks, so the logic chosen is this, this is how there have already been leaks, based will be in... these two nato countries, but in order, as it seems to them, to minimize the risks of retaliatory russian influence on these states, they will fly and land at one of the military airfields of moldova, and what is the logic, we will not hit military airfields of this country, because we have our citizens in transnistria, we have a peacekeeping contingent there, and as western and american planners think, we will not... let's say, provoke retaliatory actions against our citizens, our peacekeepers. and then from the territory of moldova at
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an extremely low altitude in order not to fall into... the tracking zone of russian radars, redeployment, flight into ukrainian airspace, there is supposedly some kind of jump airfield, in fact there won’t be one, i think there will be simulating a landing approach and performing combat missions - at the first stage in ambush mode, that is, loitering at an extremely low altitude, then the nato avaxes that will control these fighters will transfer to them... the formation, let’s say, some people have risen up there russian fighters, airplanes, which means, accordingly, they will be deployed to the attack area, then gain altitude, launch air-to-air missiles again, descend, go somewhere where we don’t see them, that ’s the logic, so i repeat, we will immediately without any ultimatums, we must immediately raise the bar of response, one advanced aircraft, one combat sortie, one destroyed
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critical infrastructure facility, first of all these are power generation facilities, well then... will this be an incident? beelia, if we say that planes without f16 markings take off from somewhere from nato countries to engage in hostilities against the russian aerospace forces, this will be decided by the political and military leadership of russia; in any case, it is necessary to develop different options, they can be different, including launching a tactical nuclear strike on a military airfield either in poland or romania, as a last resort option again...
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the president of turkey will tell the pope, since he has committed to call him, man took the path of correction, to excommunicate macron from the catholic church for those obscenities that occurred, for insulting the symbols, symbols of the meaning of christianity during the opening of the olympics in paris. well, within the framework of the non-aligned movement , an international liberator has now been created. front of the french colonies, i think it makes sense for russia and other countries of the global south to support this initiative, if the french foreign legion is fighting against us in ukraine, then we must in the french territorial colonies, which they still administer, well, help people raise the banners of the national liberation struggle,
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just like the soviet union did. collected from a criminal rabble to conduct military operations against the russian armed forces in ukraine. the most important moments of american political life continue to be a skirmish, a struggle, a clash between trump and harris, and, as i said yesterday in this studio, four weak points of harris, developing this topic, i would add the following two main points, this is of concern first of all, of course, american voters, first, how long will this honeymoon
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of kharits last, the organization is clear. industrial complex black rock and others, by the way, today kharis, a huge digital giant, the google platform, joined on the side, elon musk complained today that when you make a request for trump, google gives an answer with a wonderful picture about kharis, which means it’s so interesting there are some digital manipulations, that is, this suggests that in this honeymoon kharis
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is turned on and connected, involved gigantic completely digital... the specifics of nato escalation, it follows from the american theme, is completely understandable, and well , let’s say, given that, well, to paraphrase, let’s say, yes, yes, and most importantly, today, well, we know 110 years, the first world war, the centenary anniversary of this terrible event, this, and projecting onto today’s, as it were, agenda, it is clear that the whole world is thinking whether there will be a third world war, in connection with this, so to speak, date of the 100th anniversary of the first world war, of course, the question arises what is the specificity of the nato escalation against russia today in the context of this date
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of the terrible first world war, well, to paraphrase the classic of marxism, three components: the first is, of course, the lengthening of the ladder of escalation, the f-16 is the next step, unfortunately not the last, second component, in my opinion, is the settling... of the hard narratives of the anti-russian, anti-chinese, anti-iranian west, and, if compared with reagan’s well-known assessment of the soviet union, the evil empire, it was simply soft, so to speak, criticism in comparison with today's terrible hysterical national assessments, the third part, the most important, in my opinion, the erosion of the system of strategic containment and the expansion or chaos of conflicts, ukraine, the middle east and asia in projection, that is, here are three... component parts source one, of course, is the interests of military complexes, but if we sum it all up and return again to this europe, the thesis becomes very relevant, shangler’s hundred-year-old thesis is the decline of europe, which today
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is acquiring new colors, through the prism here of this crazy macron olympics, that is, in fact, we see that all these amazing shows, these passionate kisses p... macrons, it’s unclear for what purpose, all these blue monsters, all this disgrace, this is a hole, a hole, huge , another hole in the once stable, generally prosperous euro-catholic christian civilization once in the last century, and we know from world history that if any civilization gets such holes, it either disintegrates, degenerates, or disappears altogether. the republicans demand an apology in this regard from the olympic committee, but here we are not talking about the moral component of the united states itself, but about the election struggle,
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here the united states is obviously divided into two huge camps: the democrats and the lgbt community on the one hand, and the republicans in defiance, democrats also consider the lgbt public to be their nuclear electorate. in general, they will complain and demand an apology. republicans are furious at the anti-christian bigotry displayed at the paris olympics opening ceremony, saying it a vulgar mockery of jesus and his billions of followers. more than two dozen republicans are demanding a rewrite of the olympic games charter to ensure no faith is made a laughing stock after a horrific display of diversity, according to a letter exclusively obtained by the daily mail. we are writing in... to the vulgar mockery of the christian faith demonstrated at the opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris 2024, republicans write to the president of the international olympic committee, thomas bach. at the event, designed to unite the world, there is no place
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for anti-christian fanaticism, lawmakers say. the games should celebrate athletes, not diminish anyone's faith. this letter was signed by many house republicans. continuing the conversation about democratic priorities in elections. lg. bt agenda is a priority, ukraine, if you believe the endless leaks of all pro-democratic media, is not a priority, including for kamal and haris personally, moreover, they are familiar with zelensky, the acquaintance was quite cold, for the first time met at the munich conference, zelensky rushed to tell her about the hardships. ukraine kamala, i literally quote the times edition, sympathized as formally as possible and quickly ended this conversation. look. in
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2022, less than a week before the war began in ukraine, kamela haris traveled to germany for the annual meeting of european leaders. one of her tasks was to meet with the president of ukraine vladimir zelensky and convey to him how the united states intends to react to... russia. the message she made was not entirely pleasant; the impression it made on ukrainians was ambiguous. kamala haris said the attack was imminent, recalls former defense minister. ukraine alexey reznikov. zelensky called on the united states to introduce preventive sanctions against russia. if an attack is truly inevitable, zelensky argued, the united states should send weapons to ukraine. but haris rejected both offers. the us pressured zelensky to publicly announce that an invasion was imminent. zelensky clearly asked kamlo haris. do you want me to admitted it? but what will this give you? if i admit it here, in this conversation, will you impose sanctions? and he received no answer. zelensky and harris. were able to reach an agreement,
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the message she conveyed to zelensky in munich deepened his disillusionment with allies ahead of the russian invasion and set the tone for a relationship with harris that has never been particularly warm. haris did not travel to ukraine, according to one of the ukrainian officials, at meetings she showed sympathy for their situation, but i would call it formal sympathy, corresponding to the protocol. in this regard, continuation of the discussion about bagonia. zelensky, his amazing statement, he had never said that before, for the sake of peace, for the sake of peace negotiations, he suddenly remembered the number of dead soldiers, per month - this is about 60 thousand, so-called volunteers, zelensky suggested thinking about giving russia, those territories that russia is now laying claim to, more precisely
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, he said that we are ready in... the lugansk region has already been carried out, so give up the territory. and good. let's listen. if everyone wants russian representatives to sit at the negotiating table, then we cannot be against it. a just peace for ukraine should allow us to restore our territorial integrity, but this does not mean that we must do this solely with the help of weapons. we can resolve these issues diplomatically if russia so desires. you must understand that any issue relating to the territorial integrity of ukraine cannot be decided by one president. one person
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or all the presidents in the world without the ukrainian people, this is impossible, this is contrary to the constitution of ukraine. someone recently said, what if ukraine gives up its territories in exchange for something, security guarantees, perhaps nato, perhaps the eu, and so on. there may be many such statements, but we must understand that no one has officially offered anything to ukraine, and ukraine will never give up its territories. the authorities do not have the official right to give away their territories, for this... to come through, the ukrainian people must want this, i will tell you frankly that this is not the best option, because we are dealing with putin and for him it will obviously be a victory if he gets part of our territory back, but even later if the conflict will be frozen, he will be able to return to do this. peskov just said that supplies of f16s to ukraine will not be able to significantly influence the dynamics of military events; the aircraft will naturally be destroyed.
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the kiev regime has no magic pill, they must be aware of this. we'll be back. congratulations on your new pastry shop. welcome. premiere at rden. who is he? why did he suddenly decide to help you? when i first met you, me. how sharshelya femme was knocked away, it means that she is married, and this once bothered someone, new trials, even if you buy up all the flowers, she loves him, not you, i understand, from monday on rtr, kalinon belek is the place where time stops, immerse yourself in subtlety. forgetting about time on the shores
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of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinon belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant. details, a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio records we are here for you! good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you,
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not only songs are performed in this program, i promised to give it to me after the wedding. what have you done, how could you? oleg gazmanov's song on turn up the volume at full speed, as long as you wait for me, through the rains, the flowers kept in stead, fantasy still lives in me. some morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son are missing,
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it seems to me that she is also missing, i won’t stay here, i can’t leave the road trouble, we have to go after them, you know how to shoot, i know how, russian wife, premiere, we just look at the website in the application, we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside. and with the necessary knowledge, health, we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up before that. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you
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only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things - from monday to friday on rtr. we are simple people, but with a good husband everything can change. let's look at rtr. they've been watching you for about 20 minutes. what? yes, i fell in love with you, you know? what? will you marry me? what? this is what i want to put everything on.
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changes the world, these are our people, ours, premiere on monday, naerter. the number of victims as a result of the collapse of a five-story building in nizhny tagel reached eight people, four of them them - these are children. just now, the ministry of emergency situations reported, nine more people may remain under the rubble. the location of the three victims has been established, the rubble is being cleared in this place right now, 150 rescuers and 47 pieces of equipment are involved in this. dog handlers are also involved in the operation. five ambulance teams and
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a mobile medical complex are working at the scene of the explosion. it is known that the entire first two entrances collapsed. the preliminary cause is a gas explosion. operative services warn that there is now a threat of further collapse, the investigation the committee has already opened a criminal case. everything is collapsing, everything is going wrong, oh, there is absolutely no entrance here, come on! we’re leaving the water from here, we’re all moving away, tell me loudly
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that there seems to be something coming here, there’s someone there, everything will come to you, two children were pulled out of the odal alive, what else can i say, i can’t crawl for everything, i had children, so i ran around, i didn’t see the road, i was in shock. i have a 13-year-old graduate of my kindergarten lying under the rubble, he seemed to answer the phone that his legs are pinned, but we don’t know where anya and another girl are, they are on the third floor lived, in the sixth apartment, yeah, come on,
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on august 1, the emergency services of the city of nizhny tagil received a report of an incident in the area of ​​sovetskaya street, who arrived at the scene. specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations established that the collapse of the entrance to a five-story apartment building was caused by the explosion of a gas-air mixture, but there was no fire. currently , specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations are working on the site; search and rescue operations are carried out by more than 150 employees using 47 pieces of equipment. dog handlers follow to the scene, in readiness departmental aviation rescuers of the spas center detachment. but it just became known that they had pulled it out from under the rubble. one more living child. the rescue operation continues at
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this moment. mayor of odessa, trukhan. he suddenly criticized the massive renaming of streets, saying that under the guise of decolonization, odessa is being nullified, deprived of everything that made it, as he put it, a global brand. at the proposal of the regional authorities in odessa, as is known, among other things. gathered to rename gagarin avenue, odesita zhvanetsky boulevard, as well as lev street tolstoy and pushkin. zelensky is happy. he had just met with the british homosexual humorist stephen fry, and told him that ukrainians now do not want to read pushkin and do not accept russian classics. they hate russia. fry chimed in response. said that ukrainians don’t even pronounce the name putin, they just say enemy
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in relation to all citizens of the country, and zelensky, who canceled elections in the country , made a sparkling joke, said that he is not going to hold on to power and will not sit on the bank for 30 years, is that true, what say, great russian authors?
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this is a form of degradation of the state, we are transported to germany, where pushkin, thank god, is read, in spite of everything, waldemar gert is on direct line, a member of the bundestag of the nineteenth convocation. valdemar, hello, the main news is naturally the f-16, but not even the f-16, but that incredible escalation that is gaining momentum and... this topic is directly
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opposite to the attitude of our leading ruling elite, which is most likely based on patterns and agenda day across the ocean continues to escalate this they have no other choice, they have entered a dead end, a dead end, and they need to finish what they started, because there is neither time nor room left for maneuver, and to the end - this means... the territory of chaos, as a result of this, for sure there to try to somehow hide in this muddy water, hide and so on, i don’t see this situation any other way. to turn themselves, even into their own country, into the german authorities, being a source of escalation , among other things, how firmly do they stand on their feet? the day before we saw a funny video with anena
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berbok and her tricks jumping on a trampoline. also a strange scandalous interview with some hotshot, who said that he had sex with the head of the german ministry of foreign affairs, in parallel with the assassination attempt on habeck, we know the problem with scholz, people perceive the german authorities, but no, you see the percentages, there are 6%, 9%, all this suggests that the government itself, this government, which must be said, is very successful in what it does. after all, in 2 years, destroy the economy of such, well, an industrial leading country, but you still have to try, they tried, they did it, everyone says: that’s bad the government, no, it is a very good government for those who installed them, because no normal cabinet could not have done this, if it really was not supervised from abroad, but for
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all this, it’s such a distraction, which, well , i think... you shouldn’t pay attention to them anymore, there are more terrible sins for which you could have been expelled, well, falsifying your own history, well, what kind of politician could survive after that, he would have been expelled long ago, but they left her, left her and continued supervise, because understanding her weakness, intellectual ambition, she is an easily controlled person, she did everything she had to do within the framework of the task that she received. someday history will very harshly evaluate these 4 years of rule of the german people by a non-german government, i think we will see and hear all this, is putin’s invasion still being sold as a threat, are the germans afraid? there is such, yes, there is such
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an audience that, well, let’s say, consumes, consumes only local television. media, in which from morning to evening there is propaganda that now, now, now, now russia will attack germany, a very stupid doctrine, which is now being promoted here, that the agreement, this one from the unification of the gdr, can be reversed, 4 + 2 will not act, because germany did not or the west did not take into account and did not comply with what he said on the basis. of this, this, this gossip, let's put it this way, the position of placing missiles is being built, and the escalation of this whole situation, there is still, i think, percent 20, maybe 30 of those who are not inclined to analysis, critical analysis, they still think that russia can attack, it is unclear
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why, they ask why russia needs this, do they not have enough land or what is missing?
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that the romanian direction will be used, and moldova, which can become a participant, this was, in principle, determined even before the start of the svo, that is, there were negotiations between
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mai sandu and zelensky, who agreed that moldova and ukraine would also use the airspace, and they can fly there ukrainian planes, then this space became the same air corridor through which nato countries delivered soviet aviation complexes, helicopters and... it is not surprising that they will now use this same corridor in order to send there, for example, the sixteenth . on the territory of moldova there is only a single military airfield , molkunesti, this is the airfield where the naval aviation of the ussr black sea fleet was previously based, and we know this airfield, we see it from space, we define it, it is of course very good, heavy planes can land there, but most likely the enemy will try to act. in a cunning way, here its very logic is based on the fact that they report what kind of aviation weapons will be on these planes, when they talk
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about air-to-air missiles, then this is primarily the aim 120 complex, their range of use is about 100-120 km, that is , if we try to attack our su-34 with these missiles, they must enter tactical airspace, we must interrupt, advertising. katya is pregnant, now nothing can separate us, together forever, don’t give a damn, this is a child, he’s yours, and i can love him, you were with him, yes, i won’t let you go to him, you tell my heart, if life is dear, i won’t leave until i see him her. yes, i ’ll shoot you here now, i beg you, don’t kill him or kill me with him, because i can’t live without him, together forever
12:56 pm
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i said, i want a white cat, so he comes up and oh, you’re good, he likes to grab the jacket there, and so on. voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays rtr. darling, remember, we said that we want a baby, we must first get on our own feet, we look into weekend, your husband owes us money, if
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you want to see him alive, put 3 million in a box at an abandoned construction site, i need money very urgently, mortgage your apartment, where to sign, cool, these rich people, i don’t love you and never have loved you, i have a different life, you must pay interest on the agreement, how much is 2000, and why so much? you just deceived me, you will do me one small favor, and i will cancel the debt. what service do you want from me? how could you hire a complete stranger to work as a nanny, forgetting about everything in saturday at rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told. i was
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bold in a white tuxedo and i begin: then markolievich zakharov leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i had there will be a completely different husband, and there is so much more to come, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i’m handing over everything. with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday narter, hand over weapons to guns, floor, guns, artist, final, today on rtr. an amazing
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and extremely touching story from the moscow region, a lost dog traveled for several weeks around the ismensky district, traveling also on minibuses and electric trains, today it became known that russian khatika was reunited with his owner. thanks for watching, bye. sit down, little bear.


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