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tv   Vmeste navsegda  RUSSIA1  August 1, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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the interview ironically said that if kharis wins, she will deport him, a joke in which ninety-year-old willie brown recently seemed to be only a fraction of a joke. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and vlada tsurkan, news. usa. with the permission of the inclusive and tolerant international olympic committee, the games in paris become the olympics, especially for those who are used to competing as before. today, a transgender man from algeria pronounced a verdict on his olympic future in a way that will never happen before. in just 45 seconds, he brought the italian boxer to tears and buried her dreams of medals. after all, they say that you need to be
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faster, higher, stronger, they say in the algerian team. the journalists read my lips, and the shocked angela carini told the coach: i have never been hit so hard. after these words, the italian prime minister spoke about traditional values. the fact that an algerian with such testosterone levels would go against a woman is an insult to women's rights. i don't want to discriminate against anyone, but competitions are losing their meaning.
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to star in a delicious advertising campaign, which in villa's homeland was called tasteless, but the image of a fifty-one-year-old turkish olympian, who with his hand in his pocket and without special equipment took silver in shooting from an air pistol, on the contrary, became viral, macron is trying to get viral before it’s too late, photographs of the puzzled bully snoopdog illustrated how, in his opinion, the olympics look. macron himself, unlike ... the rapper waiting for the us national team , hardly communicates with athletes. our colleagues at the vgtrk holding are celebrating their sixtieth anniversary today. legendary radio station mayak. in august 64 it became the first 24-hour infotainment radio in the soviet union. and today it works in the format of education through entertainment. it produces such iconic programs as sergei stelavin's morning show, projects i want to know everything and.
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physics and poetry. now mayak is not only a radio station, but the country's largest producer of video podcasts. vladimir putin congratulated the radio station on its anniversary, especially noting that the lighthouse can rightfully be proud of its legendary history and huge devoted audience. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov, sent a congratulatory telegram, emphasizing that the lighthouse has become a source of relevant and reliable information, including on the international agenda. the topic will be continued by polina iermalaeva. getting ready for broadcast.
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you need to deafen other voices if you speak loudly to your own. november 11 , 1982, i’ve been doing lighthouse releases since 5 am, the bell rings, you’re worried, france press agency, tell me, is it true that brezhnev died, you know, that’s how a person, i can tell you, died by all accounts, but you call the lighthouse journalist, and you say this, the lighthouse duty officer refused to confirm or deny the fact of the death of leonid brezhnev, which in the traditions of soviet journalism means that he died. mayak on air. hundreds of millions of people around the world are watching at these moments the opening ceremony
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of the twenty-second summer olympic games in moscow. the youngest still started by answering letters from listeners. difficult questions. didn’t write a ready-made melody, suddenly andrei andreevich calls me in the morning and says: well, here you go something happened to me here, listen, and kolya gnatek really went with this song, letters to the music editor were simply signed by moscow, radio to lyudmila dubovtseva, they
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reached the addressee, today listeners communicate with their favorite presenters through instant messengers, dear comrades, hello, new radio era, recording podcasts for... everything that is so interesting, there is simply not enough airtime, just as i probably influenced the lighthouse with my own manners, so it will influence me, because i have ceased to be a hooligan, when people say to me: sergey, something is different about you than 20 years ago, i say, naturally, the place obliges, i am actually a listener of the lighthouse, because very interesting people come to us, and i opened my mouth, thank god this is not visible, because this is a radio, i listen to our guests, how do they know physics? can save a person’s life, how to apply the philosophy of stoicism to life, what to cook for breakfast, lunch, dinner, when you’re tired of everything, how they film animals in movies, next, my favorite, i want to know everything, wake up at 9 am, turn on radio broadcast and enjoyment, educational projects,
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philosophical conversations - this is radio for everyone, that same beacon in the raging waves of the airwaves. polina ermolaeva, elena fenushina, sergei zanin, pavel meer, alexey korpukhin, egor dolinsky and olga gribina. news. today, the general director of voentorg, vladimir pavlov, was sent under arrest. a criminal case related to theft during the implementation of government contracts for the needs of the ministry of defense. according to the investigation, the defendants and their accomplices in various regions ensured the conclusion government contracts at an inflated price amounting to more than 400 million rubles. galina hungureeva understood the details. putting down the book, the detective of the swedish writer vladimir pavlov carefully hid his face from journalists. the ceo of vaentorg is accused of fraud. pavlov's defense lawyers review another milder punishment, such as house arrest, to refuse. the investigation claims that pavlov , together with his accomplices, supplied hygiene kits for military personnel. such kits are called army nssrs. from the case materials it is known that the company the manufacturer purchased them for 3 years. the total cost was 220 million rubles.
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but the contract for their supply was concluded for 625 million. the benefit, as it is not difficult to calculate, is more than 400 million. it is not surprising that the place where everything is controlled. the russian system of army trade is completely surrounded by iron fences, forged bars on the windows, the main office of the military trade is located in the building on nasadovnicheskaya street in the capital, but inaccessible places, as well as high-ranking officials, do not exist for the law, amon fighters visited here, law enforcement officers conducted searches. investigative actions took place the day before; employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard inspected all the premises of the four-story building and seized documentation. we all go out into the corridor, we don’t take anything with us, our phones are here too. voentork joint stock company has nothing to do with stores that sell equipment for security forces, even though they often have similar names. in the same way, it has nothing to do with the largest trading house on vozdvizhenka street in the capital. that military store was built back in 1913. almost a century later
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demolished due to disrepair. a new joint stock company, voentork, was built on the site. a commercial organization with a much larger scope, one of the largest suppliers to the ministry of defense. this is a company that provides. military food, food, sews uniforms and supplies household services. nassers, which were supplied at an inflated price, were intended for conscripts. a criminal case for theft of funds on an especially large scale. from the budget of the russian federation in the execution of government contracts for the needs ministry of defense of the russian federation. investigators of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia have charged them with committing crimes under part four of article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation. that is, fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale. businessman timur isakov was detained along with vladimir pavlov. but the judge said he was ready to cooperate with the investigation and asked for house arrest. according to the investigation
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, several more alleged accomplices live in the territory of north ossetia, stavropol territory, pskov region. pavlov and isakov were sent to pre-trial detention for 2 months during the investigation of the criminal case. the court considered that they could put pressure on the investigation. there are also some unidentified defendants in the case. the detention of suspects may continue soon. galina hungureeva, vladimir bazov, denis novozhilov and dmitry manyshev, conduct. and we continue to receive new personnel from the fsb on the exchange of prisoners between russia and the united states and a number of nato countries. in this recording from the airport ankara shows how liberated russian citizens, accompanied by security officers, disembark from a white bus and climb up the ramp onto the plane, which subsequently flew into russia. as a result of the negotiation process and exchange , eight russians, as well as two minors, are returning to their homeland. the list includes artyom and anna dultsevy, pavel rubtsov, vadim kanashchenok, mikhail mikushin, vladislav klyushin and a russian known as
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krasikov, who was serving a life sentence in germany. our compatriots were exchanged to a group of persons acting in the interests of foreign states who carried out subversive activities. by special decrees , vladimir putin pardoned foreigners and russians with dual citizenship convicted of espionage or treason in our country. from belarus , german citizen krieger was included in the exchange list. those who returned to russia in the west were charged with collaborating with intelligence agencies. cases, the guilt of the detained convicts was not proven, it is separately emphasized that russia is completely satisfied with the results of the operation with the exchange of prisoners with the west, all parties fulfilled the agreements. our broadcast will continue, local news, colleagues, as we see, have already taken places in their studios, but first of all, we should all go to our regions and briefly introduce the country to what our two branches will tell about. first, let's give the floor to state television and radio broadcasting company kaliningrad along the ogloblennaya line, which is being introduced in stages in the kaliningrad region. a new cancer center is put into operation. good evening, igor. yes, today he was visited by
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the deputy prime minister of russia tatiana golikova. the clinic at the encocenter began operating in may, and has already received more than 5,000 people. and this week a day hospital was opened at the encocenter. tatyana gullikova spoke with staff and patients on behalf of the deputy prime minister; by august 19 , the medical institution should open a 24-hour hospital. in addition, they plan to receive it there in the fall. licenses for the use of equipment that will allow treating patients without sending them outside the region. the system has started working, directions are already being formulated or formed, and units that operate in other settlements of the kaliningrad region, ensuring accessibility so that residents do not have to travel outside the territory, and receiving help here is extremely important. yes. thank you, polina, we’ll let you get ready for the broadcast; we’ll use the remaining minute before the regional part to
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turn on the donetsk state television and radio broadcasting company. olga telepova opened a railway station after reconstruction in her studio in mariupol. hello, igor, yes, it was opened on the eve of railway worker's day. the railway station, which was practically destroyed by ukrainian militants in 1922, has resumed operation these days. for now, commuter trains are available to passengers, but there will be connections very soon. it took workers just over a year to launch the message. the builders managed to preserve the architectural appearance of the building, which is recognizable in the city. we wish all our colleagues a good broadcast, residents of moscow and the moscow region, see you in a few seconds. well, let's return to one of the topics of the issue:
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moscow celebrates 85 years since foundations of vdnkh. today the exhibition is growing again, a new vdnkh expo complex has been laid here and an eight-hundred-meter cable car has been opened. sergei sobyanin congratulated all the guests of the event on the occasion of the vdnkh team. the most striking moments of the interview with the mayor of moscow with marina gromova. sergey semyonovich, do you remember what the exhibition was like before global changes began here, because in my childhood it was some seedlings, tents, fur coats, but when you saw all this, it horrified you? i don’t know, i was surprised, scary words they said that a whole generation of people grew up looking at the fact that vdnkh was turned into some kind of cheap market, and neglected, uncomfortable, when i saw this, well, for me it was a shock, in general, a portrait of gagarin against the backdrop of the seedlings that were sold here grandmother in winter
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clothes, bundled up, cold, everything was crumbling here. this entire building was absolutely in disrepair, the main pavilions were filled with chinese stalls, well, there were quite a lot of visitors here, but these were other visitors, not those who came to rest, to admire our history, this is not vdnkh, this is not what all previous generations created, so of course it looked terrifying, after that i turned to uh... our president, vladimir vladimirovich signed an order to transfer this entire complex to the city of moscow, and here we are in recent years, we have been actively working to not only recreate, but breathe new life into our bdnkh. bdnkh, by the way, the name was also returned 10 years ago, after the decision of the president from the all-union exhibition
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center, it turned into a new ddnkh, muscovites, practically. unanimously voted for the renaming, when i came to work as a messenger, the reconstruction and restoration project at vdnkh was just beginning, then it seemed that all this was simply unrealistic, but it turned out to be quite real, of course, it’s not all at once, it’s emergency work, restoration work, cleanup from all this rubbish, we removed hundreds of illegal stall buildings, we at least cleared this space for future work, we started this very carefully.
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of course, even many recent generations of people probably don’t remember such beauty, but this is historical what happened at vdnkh, now this history has been restored. the whole country was represented at the exhibition russia without attractions , the whole country visited, people came from other countries , it really somehow allowed, well, on the other hand, maybe to look at vdnkh, to reveal some new potential, not even a new potential, it the historical value of vdnk is precisely that, it is an exhibition of people’s achievements. there is no national economy as such, we have a different economy, but this is an exhibition of the achievements of our country, and an exhibition russia just showed these achievements, that is, in fact, it re-inhaled the main function of vdnkh, as a platform where we show our achievements, i hope that this will continue to be the case, although the russia exhibition will probably
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find its place in the end, but also this space will functionally correspond to the historical one. the meaning of the purpose of this exhibition, thank you very much , happy holiday to you, thank you, thank you, build a dream city, try to become a train driver, increase financial literacy, find out career options, these and guests of the grand forum territory of the future moscow 2030, which started today, have other opportunities. at thirty sites you can learn about the achievements and prospects of key areas of life in the megapolis. report by anastasia letvinova. the central exhibition hall has temporarily changed its status, now it is the manesh station, however, only for the duration of the forum, the territory of the future moscow is 20-30, and here we see all types of capital transport, here are the new metro cars of the ivolga train, you can get into driver's cabin, press forward, inside there are real training simulators for land, underground and even water transport, this is
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a simulator of the navigation room of a river bus, where everyone can feel like a captain and go sailing, the only thing you need to do is figure out this huge number of instruments, this is the steering wheel, i understand correctly, this is an analogue of the steering wheel, the easiest way to understand the tram control simulator of the future, there is not a single button here, artificial intelligence is responsible for everything, cameras read the urban space of the car on autopilot it follows a given route. so far, trams without passengers have already taken to the streets of moscow. we tried to make three parts, to remind you of what the city was like in 2010. then move forward to today, and of course, think together about what moscow transport will look like in 2030. an equally impressive part of the exhibition is dedicated to the capital and its surroundings.
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what public transport looks like in moscow now, and these are the new products of the capital's automobile industry, a new seven-seat crossover, an interactive installation talks about production electric cars, the production cycle of modern electric vehicles at the moskvich plant, you can look around, the forum presents the main innovations and achievements, 30 sites, 170 thematic zones throughout moscow. gorky park is the main youth area of ​​the festival, there is music, robotics, and graffiti, it’s very cool that... such an opportunity to come to moscow to try yourself. the life of the megapolis through the eyes of young designers at red october in gostiny dvor shows how the new standards
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of moscow healthcare work. and in muzion surfing, even in the pouring rain. the space of the park reflected the concept of the my district program. the wetsuit is great, there is water from below, we don’t even feel the water from above. there is a culinary battle on manege square. you start frying the onions and they are ready. professionals can taste everything, they prepared salmon cream soup and fish chowder. the creative potential of moscow, the present and the future, is in charge on the territory of the landscape park with the work of contemporary artists, on the main stage - the opening concert of the cultural program of the forum. anastasia letvinova egor vyzhletsov, news. guy finds out the causes of two serious accidents. on rusanova street, the driver of a minibus came to the store to pick up his wife, but mixed up the pedals, hit his wife and drove into the glass doors of the store. the victim. was taken to a hospital on the volga highway near balashikha, one person died as a result of an accident involving five trucks and a car. the accident was caused by one of the drivers; due to
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a breakdown, he stopped in the outer lane, after which everyone else crashed into him. residents of nine high-rise buildings on lilac boulevard were left without direct access to their homes. previously, they used the section of the road of the institute of physical education, but now the educational institution has closed this territory, and because it was operating on the street. one-way traffic, now to get home you have to make a long detour. igor ogeenko understood the situation. we will have to make a big detour, more than 6 km, to get to the yard there. at 60 m. residents of lilac boulevard can only get to their home by making a huge detour through two highways and alternate roads. the reason is this fence. the administration of the russian sports university installed it on a road that locals have used for the last 30 years. if only they would put up a notice that dear residents, we want to consult with you there or warn you, contact us, here, there, there, i called mr. kalashnikov, this is the vice-rector, but he says:
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go where you are sitting, how is that? every 5 minutes there is a traffic jam at the gate, people are trying to save time for old times sake. i always, that is, we have been living here since childhood there is shchelkovsky building 8, since 2008, and we always drive along this road, but you didn’t know that it’s blocked now? no, i just found out about this.
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the passage could be used by all students and residents of the surrounding houses, but now a fence has been erected here; you can only get inside with an electronic card, which the locals, accordingly, do not have, and residents have to get to their houses either along the lawn or simply walking along the road. another option is to run in front of buses and trucks. we contacted the university for clarifications, the rector’s office replied that the main reason for the appearance of the fence was security issues. preservation of travel due to the fact that residents of houses located on... on the opposite side of lilac boulevard have a return of at least 6 km, which increases travel time, is not a reason for non-compliance with the requirements of anti-terrorist protection of the
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university territory, but judging by these security measures are observed only on paper; in our presence, a courier calmly handed over some packages to the territory of the university; the situation could have been to save a change in the traffic pattern, to make approximately 60-70 m of the road two-way, residents have already contacted the data center with such a request, they promised to consider the issue, but for now , every trip by car is torture for locals, with the start of the school year, logistics in this area will clearly become more complicated times. igor yagienka, evgeniy areshnikov, dmitry sokolov and maria rudakova, news. from march 1 next year , the sale of energy drinks to minors is prohibited in russia. the state duma adopted the corresponding law the day before. doctors have found that energy drinks contain high doses of caffeine, taurine and elcarnitine, which cause exacerbation of nervous mental illnesses under the age of 18, are absolutely contraindicated. however, schoolchildren still make up a significant portion of energy drink consumers. anna balan with details.
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now, to cheer herself up, anna drinks only water and green tea; she used to abuse energy drinks until she became ill. everything, the body was shaking, there was a feeling as if the heart was going to jump out and there was some kind of pre-marital state. we decided to check, indeed is such a reaction possible? thank you for agreeing to participate in our clinical experiment. student maxim ovchinnikov has his pulse and blood pressure measured, an ecg and vascular rheography done, and his blood pressure readings recorded. and a slight weakness, but this is normal, look, you drank an energy drink, 15 minutes have passed, now we will repeat all the examinations, are you ready, yes i am ready, pressure is 150, pulse is under 90, and we see how the pulse blood flow indicators have changed dramatically sharply reduced on the left, significantly reduced on the right. and
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sharply significantly increased arterial tone cerebral, which was not the case initially, this leads to the development of hypertension, in some cases of hypertensive crisis, this is the most common adverse reaction to caffeine, guarana and theurine, which is included in every energy cocktail. it is important to understand that we truly do not know what this so -called cocktail consists of, how they interact and what the final effect will be on other organs, on the functioning of the kidneys, liver; several cases have been described both in our country and abroad, in the uk when students died from excessive intake of energy drinks. we buy several bright cans and bring to the laboratory, in addition to the ingredients stated in the composition, an explosive mixture of acid flavors. let's see what happens to a person's stomach when they consume energy drinks in excess. let’s imagine that this is our stomach, yes, this is our energy drink, the walls of the stomach are thinning, take this.
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you get a stomach ulcer, it looks scary, the sugar content in each can is at least eight tablespoons, caffeine is like five cups of strong espress, and it is known to have a psychostimulating effect and cause addiction, but children are rarely limited to one can, against the backdrop of an excessive intake of tonic substances , the child becomes overexcited, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and again increased conflict, that’s all, of course. .. disrupts the activity of the child’s nervous system. currently, selling energy drinks to minors is prohibited in 65 regions of russia. moscow is not among them. but starting next year this ban will be operate throughout the country. anna balan, valery kuprya, alexander feland, anstati roev, olga gribina. news. this concludes our release. all news is always available on the media platform. watch it in the app or on the website, right now the continuation of the melodrama together forever.
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it looks like i want to touch you, we are one, i feel it on my skin and am afraid of accidentally waking up, i want to be reflected in you, but you have so much to tell me, you and i are two strong birds, we
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are flying from... my dear, this the sky is in half, these wings are just for us. and my soul is with you, wherever you are now, this heart is a tumble, this is the sun outside the window, according to the stars you and i are running away from basekov.
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titov maxim ivanovich, this is interesting.
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do me something normal, otherwise after your last haircut i look like a scammer, even homeless people won’t look at me, let alone roma, i’m tired, my mother is a liar for her, if only she’d say thank you once, oh, that’s not a problem at all , i'll go. to another master, doll, that's it, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, one asshole ruined my mood, what kind of asshole, well,
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your father, what, oh, okay, so many years hid it, what's going on here? lisa, your father is not semyon, but maxim titov, this is sasha katkinov’s father, mom, he’s fucking rich, well , he’s rich, he’s still an asshole, asked him for help, he refused, and now he’s crawled, he wants to communicate with daughter, here you go, wait, he was here now, and you kicked him out, so what? in our right minds, we don’t have a lot of money, let him pay for everything now, well, we won’t have to look for an apartment, call him immediately, call mom, otherwise we’ll quarrel,
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“i haven’t studied the documents that victoria hid, but i have something, but i ’m embarrassed to tell you about it, but it seems that your ex-wife had a man, well, she got involved with someone from somewhere, so what, we were getting divorced at that moment, well, that’s not just a one -night affair, otherwise how can you explain that he opened the door with a key, vika had a lover? he came, brought food, felt free, like at home, what a bastard, he’s there now, maybe sort out the documents, what are you doing here?
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you bastard, how did you get here, i live here because the keys to the apartment are your wife gave, slept with her. for a long time, i haven’t slept, but i’ve loved, all my life, but you don’t understand this, freak, and now what’s hiding here, because the snout is in the cannon. you killed the cop, you're hiding where no one will think to look for you, i didn't kill anyone, if anyone is her killer, it's you, you killed vika, shut up, so you won't part, no, our love is stronger every day, there's something else... what turned out to be. so now nothing can separate us, that’s right,
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the family should live together, we have enough problems, my daughters grew up without a father, so that was a grandson, i won’t allow what you said, dear family, i have an important announcement for you, yes katya is pregnant, congratulations, thank you, congratulations. liza, my god, this seems like good news, but how can the poor little little girl live, now, yes, by the way, i hope that you and the little little girl will move out soon, i don’t want katya to be disturbed by anything, well, something bothers her, got it, thank you, bon appetit, we should leave too. rit, i was hoping you and ilya
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would be happy, yeah, so glad, just awesome, another heir to your money, congratulations, thank you, it would be better if we parted. hello, dear ladies, meet my daughter, this is your biological father, it’s very nice to meet you, he wants to tell us something important, i don’t know what, but first of all, i didn’t know that my daughter was such a beauty, this is for you, thank you very much, please, all like mom. and
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secondly, i sincerely regret that i did not take part in both your life and upbringing, i would like to correct this, but if, of course, you allow me, thirdly, i did not understand, i’m sorry, what’s there , wow, come on, exactly, in my opinion, this is for you. do you atone for your sins? well, why are you doing this, it’s very good, what’s next? i don’t know further, but somehow it seems to me that this matter should be noted, or what? don’t you think it’s right, you need to somehow fulfill your fatherly duty. can you, yes, mom, mom, well, mom, hello, and i call, call, and you don’t answer, i miss you, i’m scared, i came to say that... that we’re all over and that you don’t call me again that i’m expecting a child, and
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most likely it’s roma’s child? no, well, you ’re saying this on purpose to make it to me more, but this is not true, it’s just that last time we met i offended you very much and you decided to punish me, but what surprises you, sasha? roma, my husband, masha, your wife, it’s normal that when a couple is expecting a child, you and i can’t see each other anymore. we have families, sash, we need to come to terms with this, goodbye, but i don’t want to put up with this, i don’t care, this is a child, he is yours, and i can love him, but what about masha, how is your child with masha.
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so burnt, i’m at home, unfortunately, i’ll be cooking dinner now, what do you want, time we want to rewind back, what, what, what, what for. why, why did you get knocked up in order to tie roma even more, come on, no. i myself don’t know who the child is from and what i should do. katya, i’ll come now and help you. mom, that is, it could be sasha’s child. this fundamentally changes things. so, what are you up to? mom, don't
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bother me. don't interfere if you really want me to be happy. i know you don’t love me, i will never force you to be intimate, i’m just glad that you are with me, that you are carrying my child, i will do everything to make you feel comfortable. really, after everything i’ve done, do you love me, this feeling doesn’t depend on whether you did or didn’t do something, i just need you like air, i’ll sleep in the office, if you need anything, i i can bring it, yes.
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stay, are you serious? please stay. katya, don't you have to? so, are you mine? yes, well, what do you think? like it, no, how many months did you rent it for? i didn’t take it off, i bought it for you, it’s true, it’s true, it’s true, daddy, okay, well, i’m in the car, now
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we’ll celebrate at vasily, i’m full the trunk of food is languishing, and you go ahead and manage the plates, everything is there, okay. so now what? have i been rehabilitated in your eyes? lizonka is happy for the first time in a long time, she really misses love, and you? that's it, that's it, stop, please, okay, i'm getting a divorce, uh-huh, wait, wait, at least i'll bring food,
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these documents that i found in victoria's apartment, excuse me, are you listening to me? yes, yes, this is a draft agreement for the sale of shares to maxim titov, did you know anything about this transaction? what? i say you knew she was going sell your shares to businessman titov? what is this titov again? no, i didn’t even know that they knew each other, but... the last time we saw vika, she was trying to get more money for these shares, i didn’t fall for it, she said that she would find another buyer, probably yes, he would be happy to ruin me, she managed to sell at least some shares, no, this is impossible, all transactions
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go through only me, then this is very strange, the draft agreement was signed on the day you last..." she stopped communicating right after that dates, what does this mean? she decided not to sell, but they didn’t agree on the price, was someone putting pressure on her? well, you know, tova, i’m ready to consider any versions, work. opponents of statehood would like to choose the path of radicalism, they need great upheavals, we need a great russia, in the name of great prime ministers. on rtr. to my dearest maria petrovna stolypina. i am one of those revolutionaries with whom your father fought in saratov. and
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he undoubtedly intends to fight in the capital. everyone and my comrades, we are building a new russia. time weighted words. i won’t let the country be overthrown. today there is pyotr arkadevich. he 's not there for tomorrow. what do you think, not for long? who is our interior minister? lived a long time, a time of important decisions, only today you have the power to save russia and lead it on the right path, time chose it, i tolerate any mysticism, but still i cannot get rid of a strange premonition, long live the russian revolution, stolypen. where is my family? coming soon to rtr. they say you need
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to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, rest it should be beautiful, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea. coastal, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. a hotel for unforgettable experiences. rixsas sharma sheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. riksas sharmelsheikh
10:09 pm
is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. teaching service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. cognac, monte shoca, product of stellor group. we have a murder. what's your last name, mrs. marple? miss marple? so get out of here, detective in a skirt, stand, police, hands up,
10:10 pm
i have a gun, raya knows how to identify a criminal, what kind of recklessness is this? i needed to hand over important evidence to the investigator, no more investigations, it’s as if you are going unmarried, into turkish captivity, well, something like that, but raya knows. that there is nothing more important than love, oh, kostyuks, kostyuks, what kind of person are you, paradise is in danger, we must warn it, there will be no wedding anyway, and since i won’t get you, why do you need to live, i’ll put them both to death at once, raya knows everything, tomorrow on rtr, guys, we’ll be there today...
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well done, rit, let's get out of the water, let's work hard today. don't pay attention, she rarely fools around,
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she can hold her breath just as cool as i can. not funny, i think it's okay. and hold on, no, it was continued, well, yes, not much time has passed, rita, rita, i told you, she’s alive, everything
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’s fine, we’re going home now, don’t be afraid, everything’s fine, just don’t tell dad, please, okay. i promise, i just panicked, my leg cramped, i was very scared, i choked, i just, everything is fine, i just can’t wait to see my brother’s face, and i i’m worried about how he’ll take it all, it ’s a shame that mom didn’t tell me about you earlier, thank you, this is so important for you, yeah. i just love roman gordeev very, very much, oh my god, and if sasha skati got married, then roma would be with me, why do you need this moral monster, i will find you a worthy groom from our circle, please, dad, you’re not talking about you don’t know him, he’s very good, he’s a loser, he’s a creation, dad, and then, yes, hi, hi,
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sit down. hi, sit down, what are you doing here? i hope i haven’t started another adventure, out the window you're not going to sue, san, what? however, this doesn’t matter anymore, you’ve already ruined my search, it’s not funny, sasha, but i ’m not joking, but wait, listen, why do you need her, or did she make it look like a teenager, wait, wait, don’t be hysterical , i think you will speak differently when you find out that lisa is your sister, let's see. our main dish is peking chicken, oh, what a beauty, right, why does it smell so delicious here, and we cook dinner, katya also taught me how to bake a meat pie and i did everything myself, and i helped, this is a surprise, listen,
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maybe i’m dreaming, it’s not me that’s being touched, huh? listen, somehow everything is too good to be true, come on, what’s the catch, admit it, admit it, but there’s no catch, don’t be afraid, yes, dad, everything is fine, 100%. yes, and now i’ll ask the most important thing, what will he tell me, my youngest child, he doesn’t know how to speak yet, i hope it’s a brother, i only have one sister, well, of course, you’ll get by, it’s my sister, so, she wants a pie, so , what other opinions will there be, yes, it seems to me that the baby is hungry, yeah, then there is nothing more. give everything to the table, listen, lisa and her mother left, yes, mother took the things, well, okay, it’s better to love relatives from a distance, what is this, you prepared the salad yourself, you praised her, but i understood, i understood, rita, hi , i’m lisa, sasha’s sister, but he probably already talked about me, yes,
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yes, he called from work, you come in, i’m pleased to meet my sister in person. and i’m very pleased, and you take off your clothes, come in, uh-huh, thank you, something’s wrong, hmm, what? oh, no, no, nothing, it’s just an apartment, one thing happened to me here a big misfortune, i don’t know whether he told me or not, yes, he did, so as soon as i remember it, i immediately feel bad, forgive me, but i don’t like it here either, but sasha insisted, i had to obey, sasha insisted, yes, but no, well in principle, everything is clear with sasha, well, he and katya lived here for a long time, they were very happy, this apartment reminds him of those wonderful days, and you
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still love to speak in premium, well done, a rare quality, sit down. mash, forgive me, i blurted out without thinking, this, this is all because i just love my brother and sister very much, and katya is pregnant, but you know. no, so katya is most likely pregnant from sasha, well , they just couldn’t forget each other, because they met secretly, katya didn’t sleep with her husband, so it turns out, now it’s clear why he’s so nervous and shying away from me, masha, to me, i understand that all this is very unpleasant, but i have to tell you, as soon as roma leaves home, katya is here... calls sasha, he drops all his business and comes to her, and katya always lies to roma about what she’s doing -that business to see sasha, anywhere, as much as you like, even in a hotel, even in a car, well, if you know what i mean, katya
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tells me everything, we are very close, we are not just sisters, we, we are best friends, and i... worry about them very much, especially now, what awaits them? when will they have a baby? lord, what should i do? masha, masha, forgive me, i, if i can only give you advice. if you have even a drop of self-respect left, then just leave sasha yourself,
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maybe no water, thank you. masha, and you what? sasha, i understand that you cannot love me? i don’t want to live like your parents for 25 years without cheating, and then realize everything when it’s too late. now i don’t understand at all. i bought you flowers. no need, sash, i’m very grateful to you for giving me a child, i didn’t even hope for this, and this is enough for me
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to feel happy, i’m going somewhere, first to a hotel, then i’ll rent an apartment with money seryozha, and if you want, you can visit us with the baby. then get settled, i'll let you know address, maybe you can think about it again? sash, don’t get your hopes up, i think you’re just happy, i wish you happiness with katya and your child, let me see you off, no need.


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