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tv   Parad yumora  RUSSIA1  August 4, 2024 2:50pm-5:01pm MSK

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the angiographic complex is the first and only one in children's hospitals outside the urals. the equipment will allow for comprehensive diagnostics of blood vessels and the heart, and will also be in demand in minimally invasive interventions. if previously in the irkutsk region up to 300 operations were performed for the surgical treatment of heart defects in children, then after the launch of the angiograph this number will be twice as large. pavel marchukov, eduard chuzhi, victor strotsky, vesti, irkutsk region. these are the main messages for this hour. i'm maria sittal. thank you for your attention. good sunday afternoon, see you at 17:00, we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son are missing, and it seems she ’s gone too, i won’t stay here, i can’t leave my friend in trouble, we have to go after them, you know how to shoot, i can. russian wife,
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premiere, only on the website in the application , today no, no words needed, no need to panic, we are not afraid to talk about age, we are like 18 plus with mileage, for me these are the people, open people, honest, the most dear people in the world, with all my soul, andrey malakhov's evening show. today on rtr. introducing pillow dremalina svon. a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck. arms, hips, knees,
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ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike regular pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position. call to order a unique pillow dremalina swan for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremalina swan pillow will be yours. yes, an incredible 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and only valid for a short period of time. bright sunlight disturbs you. are you afraid of harmful ultraviolet radiation, bright sunlight blinding you while driving? then you need sunglasses that filter out bright sunlight, while guaranteeing perfect vibrant colors. and
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clear vision, we present hd polaris, 100% polarized sunglasses for perfect vision, equipped with original polarization technology to protect your eyes and vision. regular sunglasses only obscure your view, but hd polariс offers clarity, vibrant colors and perfect contrasts. almost every surface reflects bright sunlight, which causes irritation and strain on the eyes. special polarization technology filters out reflections and guarantees clear view, helping you while driving, walking and cycling. today you will get your polarized sunglasses at an incredible price of only 39.95. but wait, today we are adding the second hd polaris glasses to the cool brown right for free, and the price remains the same, only
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39.95 you save almost 40 euros, but attention, an absolute sensation, if you called right now, you will get the third hd polar also absolutely for free. today only you will receive three original hd polaris for the price one, a convenient case of a microfiber cloth, and the price will remain the same, only 39.95, and you are already saving almost. 80 euros. enjoy clear, high-contrast vision without glare. attention, the offer is strictly limited.
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hello, hello, dear friends, we welcome you to your favorite show parade of humor, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, lena, who do you think in the family gets all the attention of a man, well, karen, of course, the wife, no, i can tell you , from whom he constantly blows off specks of dust, on whom he does not spare a penny money, karen, i don’t understand, is this really a mistress, well, it’s warmer, but still not quite, this is another family member, i’ll tell you, whom a man loves, feeds, dresses and
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puts on shoes, okay, karen, this is a son or daughter, well, after all, a cat or a dog, no, no, lenochka, this is a car, ah, a car,
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my friends, back in the soviet years i was at a woman’s anniversary, she turned 50, well, a classic soviet feast, tables shaped like p, c in the center there is a hero of the day with a bouffant, men stand up, say toasts, congratulations, well naturally, everyone is trying somehow. bypass the topic of age, so, after listening to the toast at this anniversary, i realized this thing for myself, reminding a woman of her age, a man can be either smart or honest, a toast from a smart man, dear friends, dear
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marya petrovna, yes, yes , it’s not customary for a woman... to ask about her age , no one asks this woman, everyone already knows, to be honest , calling marya petrovna a woman makes me speechless, and not because i drank a lot, marishka, my girl , so however, i won’t tell you this frightening number... 50, yes i am so frightening, we look at you, we look at your grandchildren, and we don’t see the difference, what to wish you at your 50, love is early, beauty is late , and is
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it really possible to give this angel 50, look, these lips are 23, these brushes... 22 this chin is 15 and the same for the second one, so let’s drink to the total, to you, dear, a man’s toast, honestly. dear comrades, dear petrovna, yes, it is not customary to ask a woman about her age,
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the petrovnas haven’t asked for a long time, everyone’s nerves are strong, mind you, in the birthday cake. there are no candles, that's understandable, i 'm sorry, where do i put so many candles? today our petrovna entered... the second half of the century, half a century hung behind her, what can we wish for this woman, although to hell with women, petrovna, my decrepit dove, now it’s good to follow you in the ice, you won’t slip, petrovna has long been lives in the light. pushkin also wrote about her, remember, i love you, peter of creation, they say
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to a woman, wisdom comes with age, to petrovna age came alone, children turn into youth, young people become adults. old people follow the adults, and nasha petrovna follows the old people. petrovna has walked a glorious path, we will remember her as an honest worker, mostly a faithful wife; petrovna learned the joy of motherhood early on. let me, petrovna, wish you health, although what the hell
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is health, you can breathe on that, thank you, raise your glass and let's drink, who knows, maybe for the last time. i noticed that on our streets there is an eternal the struggle between drivers and pedestrians, one woman says, yesterday for about 15 minutes, she tried to cross the road at the zebra crossing, no one let her through, then i picked up a brick. went, you won’t believe it, you missed everything, the conclusion
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is very simple: smile, gentlemen, smile, because smiling makes people kinder, the artist who will now appear on this stage will make you not only smile, but laugh with all your heart, the stage is always charming unexpected, elena stepanenko. girls. do you remember the poem by sergei yesenin: you are still alive, my old lady, and so am i,
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hello to you, hello, remember, yes, well, this is what you often go to the road, old-fashioned shabby shushun, so, so that you know, at the time of writing this poem, the old lady... was 46 years old, can you imagine, now she’s 46 , this is a jumping girl driving towards her boyfriend, rushing to her boyfriend in miniskirts, a tattoo on a bucket and about to give birth for the first time, right, right, second example, how old do you think the nanny arina radionovna was when pushkin... wrote about her : “why are you, my old lady, depressed at the window,
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or dozing to the hum of your spindle?” orina radionovna was 52 years old. my girlfriend is 52, so she naps with her fitness trainer, who is 35, three times a week, right in the basement. she doesn’t even go to the gym, the gym, she immediately runs to his backyard, says: well, what should i do, i ’m losing weight faster, and the trainer thinks that she’s a teenager, she’s wearing a mask all the time. you can’t see her face, she prays every day, lord, extend the quarantine, oh, girls, and all my life i’ve been like a squirrel in a wheel, home - work, work - home, washing, cooking, cleaning, oh, i think, when will i rest, lord, when will i rest, well, i think, okay, i’ll retire,
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i’ll rest, i’ll sit on benches, like our grannies, and i’ll call all the young girls prostitutes, call them names, so what, i’m retired , on the very first day, you hear, on the first day i did my hair, dressed up, went out, sat down on the bench of the entrance, i was sitting, waiting, some woman of about forty was walking, with bags, with packages, she looked at me, she said, she’s at a prostitute’s , i think so, it means he looks young... it’s like a battery, on one side there’s a plus, on the other side there’s a minus, i’m here recently i was on the bus, i didn’t touch anyone, i was sitting quietly, suddenly some woman got on the bus, she was so angry, you know, like an old woman, she looked at me, said that she had taken a seat, give way to grandma, i took a closer look, i said, valka, what are you doing, i
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accepted you into the pioneer in the fifth grade, she looks, i say: nadyukha, is that you? i say: i am! she says: you tied my tie so tightly that i still can’t untie it, that’s why i’m so angry! oh, the psychologist says to me: “nadya, remember, she’s a woman, even at 70 years old, she must live in a complete family, and a complete family is when you have a husband and love.”
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and this chair begins to hug you, stroke you, massage you, oh, girls, i got more affection from this chair in 5 minutes , than from my husband over 30 years of marriage, there, you know, in this chair there are four crimping powers, weak, strong, demobilization and fedorkhov after 5
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years of solo circumnavigation, and this is my s... most favorite mode, you know there, my bones are already cracking, i recently went to see a friend, he is also retired, well, my neighbor, i see three girls come out to meet me, twins, they all look exactly the same, i ask him, are you having triplets? he says: no, this is my mother, my wife and mother-in-law, it’s just that all three of them go to the same plastic surgeon, he altered them according to the same pattern. then the fourth twin comes out, i say, who is this? he says: this is my dad, he took out a loan from the bank for these operations, so now he’s hiding from collectors, oh, in short, optimism is the trend these days, i have a friend who
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works as a stripper in a nightclub, here bang, the retirement age was extended, and now she can tumble on this pole until she is 60 years old, well , nothing, nothing, she came up with, you hear, insulated this pole, wrapped an orenburg fart scarf on it, knitted herself a thong with a fleece to the knees, smeared with valtar ointment with with glitter, turn up the music louder so you can’t hear the joints crunching, at this point there are six, doing such twirls, oh, what are you talking about, they really aren’t putting money in her thong, lingonberry jam, beast’s chalk, recently a full stream. poured dry mushrooms, can you imagine, she and i are like this we made mushroom soup, we ate it for 3 days, you can’t drag us away by the ears, oh, my grandchildren say to me:
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grandma, you’re soon 70 years old, it’s your anniversary, what should i give you? i say: grandchildren, you know, all my life i dreamed of jumping with a parachute, huh? date, but at least i can sit with my youngest grandson so that my daughter can go to work and pay off the mortgage. yes, i can no longer
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do a cartwheel like a gymnast. but when my youngest grandson put a cherry in his nose and began to choke, i rushed him to the doctor. my tire broke on the way, it was night on the road. no one it wasn’t, so i made this wheel, alone without a jack, and the most offensive thing is that when we ran to the doctor, the grandson sneezed, the cherry flew out and he said to me: go away, girls, the main thing is to want to live, there’s my friend all the time complains, oh, my eyesight is deteriorating, my back hurts, i can’t see small things, i say, listen, why are you whining all the time, but can you see your pension? she says: yes, i say, so what are you lying about, that you can’t see the little things,
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my back hurts, it hurts me too, but i go to argentine tango, lam, pam, pam, pam, pam, everyone thinks it’s passion , and this radiculist, you know, age should be treated with humor, the girls and i, when we get together in the yard, what songs we sing, you know, these, grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers, old women, prohokhar, chaliapin, we are better than girlfriends, in our clinic . “the new local doctor came, he was young, listen, but they lost my medical card, can you imagine, all four volumes, and i
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had to retell to him all the diseases that i had suffered for 70 years, at the sixth hour of the retelling he began to cry and begged me to shut up, and i no, i didn't shut up, no, i i told him everything. “everything, how my nose was treated with electrophoresis, instead of 5 in the distance it was 220, my whole nose was already charred, how i gave birth in a rural first-aid post, and the inebriated veterinarian delivered me, in the card he wrote to me: “and the growth is weak, just one piglet, the sow swore at birth." once after an operation they took me to the morgue by mistake, can you imagine? i woke up, came to this post, said: guys, you
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have completely lost your shores, but you have such a cold in your room , all the blue ones lie there, the local doctor began to cry in the patient’s name column wrote: terminator, in the age column he wrote “porridge”! immortal, woman nadya will burn out, we have a phoenix bird, which is reborn every year from the ashes, and i looked at him, yes, i say, son, but here in russia, any woman after 50 and the phoenix bird gave birth.
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in dash, when all the grandchildren have already been put to bed, all the fairy tales have been told, all the socks have been knitted, all the likes have been given to classmates, such phoenix birds gather with a secret one, fluff up their gray sparse feathers, and when they chirp, girl dance, in spite of all the years, i’m wearing a raincoat. take risks, age is just a number, if it’s a question arose, to be or not to be, you have to love this life every moment, girls, let's get together, the girl is dancing for all the years to spite you, the cry of love
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is at risk, age is just a number, since the question has arisen, to be or not to be, you need every nickname, this life love, girl, dance, in spite of all the years, cry, love, take risks, only a number has emerged, since the question has arisen, to be or not to be, you must love this life every moment, girl , dance, uh, spesiba!
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have you really gone through all this and the zone, the loss of a child, the search? yes, but i found real friends there, the premiere of the art, only, golka! “citizens, i received a signal about a mine, i will all leave the territory, such a wedding was ruined, the wedding, but nothing, he ruined her whole life, a wedding gift, it’s bitter, you don’t know when fate will prepare a new test for you, i’m already approaching ours ,
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from monday. nerter sale we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence at a special price of only 6.95, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, a terrace, a gazebo, in an instant. updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from: all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade - bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for the bright life fence. at a special sale price from only 6.95. just choose.
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you can easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper wireless electronics with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95, but if if you call and place an order right
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now, you will receive an incredible... discount of 20 euros and the livington dipper swieper will get you for an incredible 69.95, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited. rum. castro: a product of the stellar group. introducing the dremalina svon pillow. a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck. arms, hips, knees, ankles, feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremolineas one keeps the spine in an ideal position. call to order a unique pillow dremalina swan for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now,
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we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremalin cvon pillow will be yours for an incredible 39,995 and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry up with the offer. strictly limited and valid for a short period of time. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. and i loved him, and he loves me. due to your numerous requests, today lyrical songs about love and romances are heard in this studio. i like that you are not sick with me. do you realize that you are already married 31?
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andrei malakhov's show on saturday on rtr, we have a murder, what's your last name, mrs. marple, miss marple, so get out of here, detective in skirts, stand, police, hands up, i have a gun, raya knows how to figure out a criminal, what the recklessness, i needed to hand over important evidence to the investigator. no more investigations, it’s as if you are going unmarried, into turkish captivity, well, something like that, but paradise knows that there is nothing more important than love, oh, kostyuks, kostyuks, what kind
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of person are you, paradise is in danger, i need it to warn you, there won’t be a wedding anyway, and since it’s not me who will get you, why do you need to live, i’ll kill them both at once, raya knows everything on monday on rtr. one woman says to her husband: i passed my license, it’s time for me to buy a car, what car do you think is best for me? the husband replies: washing, that is, you, karen, still think that a woman driving is dangerous, to be honest, yes, because seeing a woman driving, men stay away from harm.
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at the ends of the earth, simple, everything is very simple, today i'm in the style of the nineties, simple, everything very simple, today i am in the style of the nineties,
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there has been a rumor for a long time, and it is no longer new, yura sheptunov will come to us soon, but i know for sure that he will never set foot in a rural recreation center. yurina noga, simple, everything is very simple, today i am in the style of the nineties, simple, everything is very simple, today i am in the style of the nineties, shak. varenki and leggings, meet the king at
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the disco, i'm the most beautiful for 3 rubles, don't believe the tears, everything will come back in the city on the edge, even if i finish my song in the draco hall, simple, everything is very simple, today i'm in style the nineties, simple, everything is very simple, today i’m in the style of the nineties. simple, everything is very simple, today i am in the style of the nineties, simple, everything is very simple, today i am in the style of the nineties 650,
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lena, you know, technology does not stand still, one german company recently released a car with artificial intelligence, ...
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suddenly a woman's head appears behind the wheel, the car slows down sharply and the woman says: oh, sorry, my lipstick fell off! lenochka, tell this story to the writer who will now go on stage, he will make a whole number, scene leon from... i meet, the story is called new methods. my friend volodka comes to me and says: how are you? i say, what the hell is health here? we don’t eat regularly, don’t exercise, and smoke here.
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not 2 dollars per gram, that’s right, that
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’s why they get better, he says, so, talk less, dilute with alcohol and take a glass three times a day instead of food, well, i listened to him, took a glass, i feel everything stuck together inside, i feel, i'll give it back at the end, well, they called an ambulance, doctor came, looked, sniffed, he said, what...
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to chew on, well, he says, nothing, we’ll make up for it with acupuncture, i say what kind of acupuncture, i don’t have any needles, he says, don’t mess around, they’ll be there in a minute, my boyfriend says, these handles needles, you'll swing, i say, i don't need to swing, i'm already swinging, he says, listen, he used to be a tailor, his grandmother
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lived with a chinese guy for 3 years in a row, well, here we come, this guy is tall, curly, rosy, the only thing that can help you is raw food diet. i say, in this case i ate the dog, you know, that’s it, don’t worry, he says, you’ll eat raw vegetables, i say, where do i get raw vegetables in the middle of winter, he says, don’t worry, they’ll be there soon, well, i started eating vegetables, carrots in the morning, beetroot in the afternoon, cabbage in the evening, at two o’clock at night, i open the refrigerator, take out the sausage, cry over it
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to sleep, after a few days i lost so much weight that i thought i wouldn’t be able to find myself in bed in the morning... i thought it was a draft he takes out the window, i call volo and say: listen, well, it was impossible, i i say, i’ve lost so much weight that i can’t find myself in bed in the morning, that’s right, quit this raw food diet, go on complete fasting, this is the only thing that can help you, well, i started fasting, the first five days, it was hard, i heard my wife a friend spoke on the phone, oh man, i’m afraid for him, oh i’m afraid the damned raw foodist will eat me. i see that i only have to live until next monday, so i left the hospital and said: why are we going to be treated now? i say, i will be treated for stupidity, and you for a concussion, he says: i don’t have any concussion,
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i say, don’t worry. songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov's evening show, today on rtr. pechora vodka,
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a product of stellar group. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. cnop gin, a product of stellor group. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and... enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf belet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. steersman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. not different at all. i want girls to grow up in beauty. and in abundance. let at least fate serve you, daughter, a woman was lying in the ward of a sledge, she gave birth to a healthy girl, she ran away, and the child, you can deceive people, lisa never will not know that she is adopted, but not fate, she will never know that she is not your sister, come to my office tomorrow, there is. proposal, i won’t tell my mother anything, but i will have one condition, i want to marry
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artyom, i love lisa and i can’t do anything about it, what are you doing, wait, you deceived her all the time, how could you, mom , there are already two girls, but which one of them is mine, fate cannot be exchanged, on saturday on rtr, a dumpling is... a dough ear, the chinese invented them when the star five plays, irakli feed and evgenia, and i’m a fish, i’m a fish, very, very exciting, the whole world is freezing in anticipation, wow, it’s generally incomprehensible, but time doesn’t wait, every second counts, you know what, hare, hare, why, i now i’ve learned so much, and the more versions, the more chances of winning, but if it weren’t for me, if it weren’t for me, they would call me, five against
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one, on saturday on rtr, men don’t like it when a woman sits next to her in the car and points out how they should go, but the only woman whose opinion all men listen to is the one that sits in the navigator, by the way, do you know what the first one is? the navigator appeared in russia back in the 17th century, and his name was ivan susanin. exactly, in soviet times, in every city there was a plaster navigator, which with its hand pointed the way: you are going the right way, comrades. yes, now you can’t go anywhere without a navigator; he will tell you everything, give you advice, and show you the way. i have a friend, and when she takes a wrong turn, the navigator... says, well, in principle, you can do that, but i read that they have just released one navigator, it’s called wife,
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yes karen, this navigator speaks in a female voice: look at the road where you are flying, now to the right, no, we are going to the left, the road is better there, don’t turn around, look straight ahead, who is lost, and i warned you, the artist who is about to come out... the stage does not need any navigator, the applause of the audience will show it the way, on our stage natalya korseleva, welcome. captain ivanova, 35 years old, divorced, documents,
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no license needed, give me your passport, there’s no stamp from the zaksa, well, we’ll have a long conversation, but i’m pestering you, it’s so difficult now to meet a normal one... there are only crazy people around, this morning a man was transporting a sofa on the roof, i slow him down, he says that i can’t drive the sofa, i say, yes, bring your sofa, well , at least take off your underwear and this woman, who sleeps there, yesterday she stopped some of them, there are no seat belts, no mirrors, no insurance, no first aid kit, not even license plates, well, you know, it’s like a fur coat, the boss is yelling into the radio, ivanova, you fool, let go of the tank, he’s going to the parade, only
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i managed to get 3,000 off them for bald tires. it's so good that i came across this today unmarried, handsome handsome guy, where is my little bunny going, to his bride, well, go, you asshole, captain ivanova, 26 years old, what a nice car you have and nothing yourself? “i noticed a long time ago, a man always looks like his car, here comes a car, dirty, the face is dented, the guy will be the same, the tires are bald, the driver is not the best, you know, i’m so tired of loneliness, i really want to snuggle up to a strong man’s
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shoulder, recently . stopped some bodybuilder, he came out all handsome, pumped up, and said: i violated something, comrade policeman, and i look at him, and i really wanted to become a speed bump, a woman driving is a separate nightmare, the girl says, fasten your seat belt, it protects you, she says: it doesn’t protect anything, i fasten it, i still get stuck. or you know, it happens like this, the driver, like this, a man sticks his hand out the window like that, he drives like this, then i look, two legs are sticking out, it turned out that molochkov is doing the splits, if you only knew how difficult it is for a fragile, weak woman to serve, we we stand in any weather, that summer it was
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so hot, i stood. and dreamed that we would be approved for a new uniform, briefs, shoulder straps, the asphalt melted from the heat, my heels got stuck, i stopped a guy, i said, can you pull out my legs, he was so happy, he started running, i said, i’ll pull out your legs, and i’ll twist your arms and head, you say, you won’t believe it , and how many years? i ’m driving dreaming about it, ivanova is listening to the reception, a motorcade of oligarchs is driving in a limousine, thank you, semyonov, thank you, i’ll at least put on makeup, general ivanova, an eighth-grader, ex-hubby,
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where did you get the limousine, did you rent it? getting married, late for the office, advice and love, so happy for you, no, well, i’m not i’m going to settle scores, what are you talking about, this is mean, low, of course, you’ll go now, i just need to check the technical condition of the car, uh-huh, that’s it, quickly, co2 fire extinguisher, brakes, insurance, first aid kit, tire pressure, presence of a jack, emergency stop sign, handbrake operation , stops, signals, parking lights... her headlight adjustment, wheel alignment , steering wheel play, everything strictly according to the instructions, for about three hours, yes, i'm a bitch, remember, if a woman is not a bitch, then she is sick , go away, you’re standing there like this, you hope that during the entire time that i’ve been on duty here,
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there’s only one driver. spoke to me kindly, even invited me to visit him, i thought it was love, but he said, i just want to do to the traffic police at least once what they have been doing to me for 25 years, we have only three women in the battalion, me, sidorova and a dog that is looking for drugs, all three of them have only the dog’s personal life so far. four times already my whole life, now a white stripe, then black, then white again, three stripes, and a woman’s happiness is when there are two stripes, where are you, my prince, in a white mercedes with expired fears, i'm waiting for you at 115 km
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in... weather, call me, my phone number is 02. one man complains, he bought a car, the service life is 20 years, his wife got behind the wheel, the service life immediately expired, oh, well, forever. you men complain about how we women drive, and by the way, a woman behind the wheel looks beautiful, but what’s up, women drive beautifully, sometimes they’re simply stunning, that’s why
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men are afraid of women driving, one woman wrote on twitter: hurray , i’m finally going to driving school, soon there will be one more there are fewer pedestrians, so think that she had a lead at that time, but we know what she means... any artist who appears on this stage in mind, he wants to make our dear and beloved audience laugh, yuri ostarov is on our stage. i would like to talk to you now about weddings. when we talk about weddings, the first thing we immediately imagine is... a charming bride in a white photo, in a beautiful white dress, you know, i have a friend, a curvaceous lady, she tells me: yurok, you know, i i decided to dress up in a suit for the wedding snowflakes, put on a white dress, white
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tights, white underwear, a white tiara, went to the mirror and thought, wow , a snowdrift, well, you know, and brides are different, but when we talk about weddings, imagining the bride, we forget about that there is another guy standing next to her, who is called the groom. i want to show your attention the registration of marriage through the eyes of the groom. situation one. dear newlyweds, today you have an unforgettable event. james bond. it’s so nice to see a groom who has so much joy on his face. and this joy, this holiday will last your entire life. come on, get married. answer, do you agree to take this charming, beautiful girl as your wife, are you expecting
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a child from me, kiss, friends, advice and love, then stand! dear newlyweds, today you have an unforgettable event, the day when you decided to unite your destinies and walk through life together in love and harmony. excuse me, who is the groom here? but of course, i shouldn’t ask, groom, are you ready? although you have been ready for a long time, oh, bride, patience for you, the bride and groom can
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exchange rings, that's enough, now you can kiss, but not me, the bride, how lucky you would be,
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stop, this is not according to the rules, you haven’t signed your name yet, well, now, now you can kiss. another situation in sachs. dear guests. oh sorry. dear bros. today is this beautiful day. your friend is getting married,
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a normal, trusted guy, a charming bride, we congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day, divide the dorms into two, not knowing parting, there is no will in sight, as they say, bros, guys, boys, you can congratulate your brother, now is the wedding photo, attention, wonderful, and now with the bride, advice to you for love, music, oh, sorry, my love, mine, in your breath.
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well, finally, morality, groom, are you ready to take the bride as your wife? bride, are you ready? take a groom as your husband, be happy, advice and love, dear men, remember that the best makeup a woman has is happiness in her eyes. thank you,
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lyuba zatsepina had a difficult ordeal, well, we can come up with something, it’s too late, no, no, no, her fiancé yuri commits a fatal accident. yura, how is this?
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but a new test awaits her, what are you doing, it’s necessary, damn, where is nama, from monday on rtr, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the help of absolutely new electric you can easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious livington dipper swipper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours in just 80. but if you call and place an order right
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now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros. and you can get the livington dipper swiper for an incredible 69.95. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. sale. we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence at a special price from only 6.95. with its help you can easily and quickly transform. your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, a terrace, a gazebo, will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, that's it. what you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade - bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and
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easy. call to order a universal photo facade for the bright life fence. at a special sale price from only 6.95. just choose the design that suits you. create a unique look for your suburban area. there is not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands? introducing the hydra blast from hammer smith. fast, simple, very convenient pressure washer gun, cordless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bicycle. wash your home, garden paths, driveway and... more. hydroblast takes the same technology found in bulky professional washers and condenses it to house this small but highly efficient 150w copper motor to create incredible pressure of 50 bar. the powerful
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lithium battery is enough for any task. the hammer smith hydroblast is extremely lightweight, extremely comfortable and extremely versatile. the scope of its application is practically unlimited. where would you get your water from? hydroblast will turn it into a high pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need. and you're ready to go. or simply connect it to a garden hose and the hydroblast will instantly increase water pressure up to ten times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. hammer smith hidroblast is high performance pressure cleaning without compromise. and only today. call and order the revolutionary hammer smith hydra blast with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high pressure hose and high quality nanofilter, all for an incredible 59.95.
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and if you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift. and all this is absolutely free, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. i know for sure that the man who was lying in the grave did not look like himself. alexander molokov, the lawyer of one of the most famous scammers in russia, sergei mavrodiy, makes a sensational statement. allegedly, in the grave over which a monument is erected with the name of sergei mobrodi, there may be a completely different person. in our studio, sergei mobrodi’s closest associates, students, followers and even outsiders. you know, lena, i recently heard this story: a doctor leaves the office, a girl runs up to him and asks: please tell me, is the patient alive? the doctor says: he’s alive,
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but he’s unconscious, oh, i beg you, when it starts, ask him whether i passed my license or not, that is... you’re hinting that we women are bad drivers, right? i’m not hinting, oh, well, by the way, women are always very careful when driving, there are, of course, exceptions, the inspector asks the girl who crashed into the pole, girl, how come, you have two pedals and two legs, how come could you have mixed up the pedals? she says: my legs are intertwined, i just sat cross-legged. oh, you men, just laugh at us women. why right over women? now a male artist will appear on this stage, let all the women laugh heartily at his jokes, because svetoslav yeshchenko and alexey shcheglov are on stage.
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hello, semyon petrovich, at our last session, as a nutritionist, i recommended that you consume millet products, and you ’ve been drinking vodka for the second week, so what if it’s wheat, i didn’t mean that, keep in mind, if you want to lose weight, listen, what am i telling you, hello, i'll call you back, the asshole is here, who, well, is this asshole? a weight-lossist, i didn’t understand, well, a doctor who helps people
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lose weight, and a nutritionist, wow, a nutritionist, it’s me, that’s what i blurted out, doctor, forgive me, i blurted out stupidly, thank you, sit down, yes, what kind of mockery, what yours are narrow, but why are they narrow? well, because they’re narrow, look, it goes in and out, and you’re a joker, doctor, you’re a joker, i can’t, but i’m not in the mood for jokes, you know, doctor, my belly is growing, by leaps and bounds, it’s growing, the belly is growing, what month, it’s difficult, this month is not can you lose weight, number five? doctor fifth, here are these new year holidays, can you imagine,
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on december 31st, i sat down at the table to literally peck for a minute, i got up on january 13th, after i had gnawed all the legs of the table, and help me, doctor, and first you have to keep an eye on in your diet, exclude all sweets, drink tea without sugar, i already drink tea without sugar and without honey, without jam, without cookies, without cakes, without marshmallows, that is , without sweets at all, only with lard, what are you talking about, no lard, only greens, parsley, dill, silder, oh, doctor, yes i eat i eat this greenery, and it doesn’t help, you know, it doesn’t help, but... you eat, well, as, as it should, i take your parsley, dill,
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cinder, sprinkled jellied meat and eat it, and otherwise they won’t get into my throat, i i repeat to you once again, you need to get rid of everything fatty, you have sausage at home, i had it, i ate it, ham, i had it, i ate it, so, of course, you have a wife, she had it. “i hope you sent her to stay with your mother, it’s a pity, she could have restrained your appetite, so she restrained it, ate half of it, i sent her away to my mother for 5 months back, what to do now, and so, you tried weight loss cream, but i tried your cream, it doesn’t help, it didn’t help 200 tubes, it was useless, strange, how often did you
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rub the cream in? what should i have rubbed in? yes, what did you do? i spread it on the bread, it went so well, he says, it’s so clear, that’s what i advise you, so take it! sports, and especially running, running always helps to lose weight, doctor, i would love to run, but i can’t leave the house, you know, i recently got into the elevator, got stuck, got out with the cabin, well then i recommend a milk diet, what is this, milk in the morning, milk in the afternoon, milk in the evening, cucumber at night, and will i lose weight? no, but you’ll start running, and in general you
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need to be in the fresh air more, i don’t know, walk through the forest, go fishing, doctor, i’ve already been fishing in the winter, we heard, well, the ice floe with the fishermen broke away and floated, that’s me on the ice slipped, let's you know what we'll try, let's try hypnosis. for weight loss, sit down, well, where will i sit, here, sit down, please, sit down, relax, close your eyes, close your eyes, you only listen to my voice, go with the flow, open your third eye, close it, imagine a lake, a deep lake, you throw meat, chicken, lard, ham into it, get distracted, they’ve thrown you back to normal, yes, you can already take a spoon, not
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digestion, boiling? fat stops accumulating under the skin, pizza, pizza, pizza, you give all your dinner to the enemy, stew, stew, repeat after me, i don’t want to eat, what i don’t want to eat, i don’t want to eat, i don’t want to eat, i don’t i want to eat, i want to eat, doctor, are you having trouble with hypnosis? what to do? there is another way. so, exactly at midnight, strip naked, light a candle, go to the intersection of two roads, so, so, so, so, so, jumping, now on the right, then on the left leg, repeat, excess weight, get out into the forest, excess weight, get out into
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the forest, and so on 40 times. overweight, go into the forest, overweight, go into the forest, 40 times, yes, overweight, go into the forest, and what will happen, doctor, a million views on youtube, you will feel ashamed, and you will finally start eating less, you’re kidding again, doctor, eat less, you don’t have any other adequate way, but you know what your problem is, what your problem is... okay, now you will listen to what i tell you, and not a single muscle should be touched on your face, okay, yeah, i'll tell you about mine your favorite dish, fried potatoes, put it on,
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tell me, not a single muscle on your face, and how i do it, first you heat a frying pan, put a cube of butter in it, and it melts so slowly, spreads, you take an onion , cut it finely into the frying pan, and it immediately sizzles there, it starts to sizzle and immediately becomes golden, aroma, and you take potatoes, cut them into thin slices and frying pan, they sizzle and squirt. are you taking a spatula? wait, stir it a little more, uh-huh, and you take a spatula and turn it over, well , what else? add some bacon, you take two strips of bacon into the frying pan, they sizzle and squirt, and you take a fork,
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prick a crispy round of potato onto the fork, blow on it so as not to get burned, bring the card. it’s impossible to convey such a taste, thank you, doctor, thank you, thanks to you, i finally understood what it’s like willpower, really, yes, now i don’t need all this crap, this meat, sausage, ham, fat, this chicken, grill, this, sausages, wiener, crap, thank you, doctor, i’ll run, yes, fry potatoes, wait , i'm with you,
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. variety of entertainment. golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. cognac, monteshovka, product of stellar
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group. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group. how i missed you. it's so good that you came. are you for long? i left my husband. oleg, hello. what are you doing here? what about nadya? but she forgot to tell me that they are dating, mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice, old love does not rust, yes, this summer she will take a risk, i won’t be able to give you what you
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are used to, ver, forgive me, please, come home, i will never return to him, if you ask me nicely, i will help you, one summer all my life, on friday on rtr. my dears, what do i want to say if your wife wants to learn to drive a car, the main thing is not to stand in her way. i ’ll tell you more, a woman driving means peace and quiet in the family. one woman says, i love to take my husband in the car, he yells, waves his arms, his emotions are overflowing, but then at home he sits quietly, silent. he is glad that he returned home, and to make a man rejoice even more, turn on a parade of humor for him, our art
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will please anyone, meet the incomparable karent avanesyan on stage. i remembered a wonderful anecdote: a young father holds a screaming, screaming baby in his arms and says: calmly, borenka, calmly, calmly, borenka, calmly, a passerby, watches this picture for a long time, then asks dad, what a great fellow you are, and to endure the screams of your borenka for so long, uh, what a borenka, his name is misha. it was me, before i had time to look back, our children grew up and gave us grandchildren,
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someone very wise said, children are our capital, grandchildren are interest on this capital, and this interest does not let us get bored, recently it was 3:35 in the morning for me... . the phone rings, i pick up the phone, grandson whispers, grandfather, bring it. please, some water for me, i say, why are you whispering, our kitten is sleeping, i don’t want to wake him up, that is, you can wake up your grandfather, there is no kitten, well, my wife woke up next to me, she says, who is it this early, i say, our grandson, drink he wanted to, she says, what kind of grandson is this? this is our director, and really a real director, he recently scattered his
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toys around the room, i say, well , shame on you, well, grandma tried, she cleaned everything up, well , you have to respect other people’s work, you know what he told me, but what, really? our grandmother is a stranger, that's what you can do with him, or just recently ... he gave out a story: relatives came to us from lyubertsy, he approaches them like this, looks, where do you live? moscow, he says, as in near moscow, in the subway, or what? well , we saw off the guests, came home, i said, well , let’s wash our hands properly, wash our hands, three of them, three, he says, grandfather, why three, i have two of them, well, here’s a real comedian, already at that age, yes, well, recently i took it out on him myself, he somehow comes up, narrows his eyes slyly, says, grandfather, and today i
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such a dream. i saw that you gave me such a chocolate bar, but i answered him, i say, if you behave well, you will dream that i gave you two such chocolate bars, well, this is of course a joke, i don’t feel sorry for anything for my grandchildren, because our grandchildren - this is our sweetness, our consolation. i dedicate this song to all our children and our grandchildren, children have grown up a long time ago, children are our pride, it’s time to rush like in a movie, the years fly by, only the years are running out, there is no greater happiness when you are next to me, my beloved grandson, mine!
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grandson, my beloved grandson, my ray of sunshine, and from the key of happiness, my grandson, sweetness and joy, tell me what i still need in this life, what tell me i still need in this life, somehow they ask their grandson directly, who do you love more, dad or mom, and the granddaughter answered me , my sweet dear, more than anyone... i love you and my granny, my grandson, my beloved granddaughter, my ray of sunshine, and the key to happiness, my grandson, sweetness and joy, what tell me in this life i need, what tell me in this life it is necessary, the whole family will gather, everyone is happy with each other, i am 10 times happier if my grandson is nearby, so that
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i was happy.
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a man calls a friend, givi, hi, how are you , how is your family, how is your wife, he says: hi, hi, everything is fine, only i ’m worried about my wife, what’s wrong with her, my car is with her at the moment, oh, you men always grumble, but by the way. if suddenly a woman accidentally dented her car, there are a couple of reliable ways to make sure that her husband doesn’t notice anything, i wonder which ones? well, for example, they told me one case when a wife dented a car, she simply hid her husband’s glasses, and the husband didn’t notice the dent, what a good girl, well done, another woman actually acted brilliantly, kornet, she crashed the car, and so that her husband would not be upset, she was his food for a whole month.
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added antidepressants, and then said: “darling, i crashed my car, and my husband is sitting there, happy! and i know another reliable way to calm your husband down if you dented his car. i wonder which one? we just need to invite him to our humor parade.” . he will sit, watch funny artists, laugh and forget about all his problems. exactly, the stage
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is completely wet, the leaves are rustling in the night, uh,
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lena, tell me where you park yours! automobile? i have an underground garage at home, but i’m in the yard and i have the same problem every evening, there’s nowhere. parking, oh, karen, you know, you’re far from the only one who has this problem, i have a friend who parked his car in the yard and won’t drive it anywhere, i asked him, is it broken, he says yes no, i just parked it so well that i’m afraid that if i leave , someone will take this place, and they told me the following story: one guy drove out of the parking lot in the yard and left a note: there’s no place borrow, light up the tires, come back. in its place there is an asphalt skating rink and next to it a note: good luck, now the artist will come out here and park right on the stage until he makes everyone laugh, he will not leave here.
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nikolai lukinsky is on stage, we meet. oh, guys, we had a meeting of classmates at school, can you imagine, we haven’t seen each other for 100 years, and more, more, if you count repeat years, how everyone has changed, the girls, have become prettier? the boys have become hairless, especially one, and the school has also changed, there is a guard at the entrance, you can’t get around, you can’t go around, well, we of course we came by invitation, oh, let's go, we walk
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along the school corridor, oh, my soul hurts, i'm worried, portraits of great people hang, everyone is one-eyed, i'm telling you, everyone is one-eyed, except kutuzov, someone painted the second eye, covered up the rest, well, we sat down in our home class, oh, oh, let's remember, yes, the first d, the first a, the first kiss, and you know, somehow imperceptibly, the conversation turned to this topic: what school subject turned out to be the most unnecessary, the earring says, my unnecessary physics turns out to be the body is pushed out of the apartment with the same force with which it tried to get drunk. the other earring says no, not the most unnecessary thing
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, says botany, i say at the dacha i’ve been fighting with my neighbors for 20 years, they hit me with potatoes, and i hit them with beetroot pumpkins, well, we’re sitting drinking for 30 years, we haven’t seen each other for 30 years, but it’s a good look, but a good look at geometry dragged, what are you seeing, he always had an a in geometry, he says the most unnecessary geometry, i... he says, i’m working on setting up, i noticed it 100 times, measure it seven times, it won’t get any longer, but tolik, tolik, you know, he he came with a black eye, yes, well, he always came to school with a black eye, yes, he came, that means he had a black eye, he says, guys, about geometry, i don’t know, but arithmetic is definitely not needed, we were told from the first grade that six plus... 14 will be 20, 20, yes, yeah,
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it turns out 19, my wife left for the sanatorium on the sixth, sweating for 2 weeks, why did she return on the nineteenth, sveta, sveta, beauty, she sang, the way she sang, i thought there would be a singer ... "well, what are you talking about, how she sang, the loser is already getting up, says: "guys, don’t argue, the most unnecessary singing, yes, that’s it, i he says, when i’m singing at home, my husband jumps out onto the balcony, he says, let everyone see that i ’m not torturing the cat, we look around, pasha is ours, pasha is our traffic cop with thirty years of experience, he’s sitting in the back party, crying, we go to him, pasha, what happened , he says: ah, he says,
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guys, you won’t believe it, in 30 years of work at gi, not a single school subject has ever come in handy in my life, and you know, here i couldn’t stand it, i didn’t go straight out, i stood up and said, i say, i don’t know about unnecessary items, but... the most necessary item is labor, i’m right in saying, i made work, i say, from a monkey a man, and from a man me, a trudovik, they are all in shock, they are stunned, so you are a teacher, why were you silent, that means they are jumping around me, and they are happy, you teach children, i i say, i teach boys to make stools, so that
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men from childhood know where a real man’s hands come from, and i say, i don’t have favorites, because from the point of view of a stool, that’s right, all people are the same, congratulations on your new confectionery shop, good welcome, premiere at rdr, who is he, why did he suddenly decide to help you, when i first met you, i was just shocked, shershelya fam, that means she’s married, and this is someone once... a new test, even if
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you buy all the colored ones, she loves him, not you, understand? from monday. bright sunlight bothers you, are you afraid of harmful ultraviolet radiation? the bright sunlight blinds you while driving, then you need sunglasses that filter out the bright sunlight. while guaranteeing vibrant colors, perfect contrast and clear vision. we introducing hd polaris - 100% polarized sunglasses for perfect viewing, equipped with original polarization technology to protect your eyes and vision. regular sunglasses only obscure your view, but hd polariс offers clarity, vibrant colors and perfect contrasts. almost every surface is reflective. sunlight is an irritating strain on the eyes, special
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polarization technology filters out reflections and guarantees a clear view, helping you while driving on foot or by bicycle. walks, today you will get your polarized sunglasses at an incredible price, for only 3995, but wait, today we are adding a second hd polaris glasses in cool brown frames for free, and the price remains the same, only 39.95, you save almost 40 euros, but attention , an absolute sensation if you called... right now you will receive the third hd polaris also absolutely free. today only you will receive three original hd pollaris for the price of one, a convenient case , a microfiber cloth, and the price will remain old, only 39.95, and you already save
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almost 80 euros. enjoy clear, high-contrast vision without glare. attention, the offer is strict. not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your hands, introduce the hydrablast from hammer smith, a fast, simple , very convenient pressure washer gun, cordless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bike, wash your house, garden paths, driveway and more. hydroblast uses the same technology. like heavy-duty professional washers and condenses it to accommodate this small but highly efficient 150w copper motor to create an incredible 50 bar of pressure. the powerful lithium battery is enough for any task. the hammer smith hydroblast is extremely
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lightweight, extremely comfortable and extremely versatile. the scope of its application is practically unlimited. where would you get your water from? hydroblast. it into a high pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you're ready to go or just connect it to a garden hose and hydroblast instantly increases water pressure up to 10 times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. hammer smith hydrablast is high performance pressure cleaning without compromise. and just call today to order the revolutionary hammer smith. hydroblast with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high pressure hose and high quality nano filter, all for an incredible 59.95, and if you place an order right now, then as
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a gift you will receive a container for shampoo and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area, all this is absolutely free, but... we are being treated for infertility, we are incompatible, time is running out and soon it will be too late to give birth , and i want to ask you to help me with this, maybe i’m already pregnant, well , miracles happen, really, well, i’m not here as a patient, i’m like the mother of your unborn child, anastasia panina, i can’t do it anymore if i’ve decided
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to leave, go away, alexander makagon, after all amazingly sensitive fingers, what did i do to deserve this? what do muscovites suffer from pedestrian traffic? yes, you are right, karen, who said, you are also driving a car, and traffic jams overtake you, in fact, muscovites drag from them, i would even say, they barely drag themselves, lena, what do
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you usually do in traffic jams? oh, what am i doing, getting my nails done, fixing my makeup, drinking coffee, eating candy, making phone calls, and what are you doing? well, i’m a movie... back and forth, well, how sometimes an accident happens on our roads, where were you going, ram, oh,
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well, this is necessary, and didn’t you see that i i’m standing in front of your nose, well, stop sitting in the car, come here, get out, here’s an asshole, come on, well, an asshole, the car is a man, man, why are you yelling, you crushed me with your tooth, did you kiss me? oh, you need to kiss this one, don’t try mint tricks, faces are screaming, ugh, i’m the one who came out of the skid, what the hell, you got out of the car, look what you did to my car, weren’t you able to stop in time or something, when you started to slow down, in seventh grade, where were you rushing, where were you rushing, didn’t you see what was there? a sign hangs that here you can only drive up to sixty, i can... “i’m not even sixty yet, what a shame, well, well, a new car, well, i was just driving from the showroom, oh, and i’m from
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the showroom, what are you doing, i did a manicure or painted my eyebrows, decuti licked my eyebrows, girl, you ate too many hallucinogenic mushrooms, and didn’t you see that there’s a zebra on the road, a gazelle is milking on the zebra, a gazelle is milking on the zebra, i’m the one who ate mushrooms, right?” there was a gazelle on the ground, and there was also a bull standing on the ground, and behind the bull there was a gelding, have you looked around the circus, you better explain, why are you doing this? they were driving strangely, do you have a problem with the ignition or what? ignition is not a problem at all, a glass of cognac and i light it until the morning, well then explain why this happened, i ’m standing at a traffic light, the light is red, you’re behind.
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you don’t need to turn me, but i ’ll throw it away altogether, oh, don’t throw it away, they’ll weld it for you at a car service center, change the tires at the same time, he’s all bald in front, like bald, man, are you lying, why am i not bald in the car i won’t go there anymore, there are only fools working there, i came to them, i said, there’s something knocking in my car, they they say you need to drive into a pit, well, i left the service station and rushed through all the pits and ditches to... the car started knocking even more, that’s it, everything is clear with you, let’s call the police department, so, i’ll call or you call , i’ll call, well, let’s call,
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it must have happened, but well, it’s a new car, i’m gouged, what’s wrong, well, i was in that store that you told me about, but they don’t have those boots that you bought, on silver ones with a heel, but i took it for myself, where do you call, you said to call, i’m calling, i said, i need to report the accident, well , let me know, god, irusik, i want to inform you about bavaria, what can you imagine, some crazy guy, in his tattered lexis, got into my brand new lada kalina, virus, he’s touched, she has a gazelle on the ground will say, aren’t you ashamed to say that i’m touched, i’m not touched at all, well, it’s just that when i started, he himself says that he started, but he says that he didn’t touch, i started, i mean, i went, in general, if only not a traffic light, oh, i would leave you... how i rushed, there are 160 horses in my car, man, you not a single horse can get into the car, you’re definitely
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crazy, yes, i’m absolutely normal, normal, i’ve been on wheels for 30 years, and well , it’s clear that you’re talking nonsense like it’s hard for us smart women on the road with morons, listen, smart woman, well -tell me what your number is, aren’t you ashamed about this? asks the woman, okay, okay, i ’ll see for myself, just try, but the number of your car, and not here, oh, here’s the number, and 340 is a fool. you should have immediately understood that you can’t expect anything good from a car with that number, because your last name, oops, is from your husband’s name, but my surname is davilova, now i want to take a double surname, davilova hit me, but you don’t need a double one, you don’t know how to ride with that one, i drive well, it’s just that today a tram was chasing me all day, of course, how could
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he not chase , and that he would not race if. they were driving on the rails in front of him, if he saw that the rails were occupied, he would have gone around, that’s for you, you had to go around, you have a navigator in your car, why didn’t you turn it on, i had a fight with her, with the navigator , definitely 340, you fool, but the driver is 341, well, nothing, nothing, well now the traffic police will arrive, they will immediately take away your license, but they won’t take it from me. they won’t take it away, how can you take away something that i never had, well, you got caught, and while driving without a license you crashed into a red light, but this will happen to you for that, oh, but nothing will happen to me, oh, something hot here, oh, it’s both hot and cold, hold your raincoat, please, oh, oh, traffic police general, i’m sorry that i got in your way.
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yes, i’m guilty, yes, i repent, yes, how can i atone for my guilt, will you marry me, i’ll marry, i’ll marry, i’ll have a wife, traffic police general, masha in the car, wait for me, wife, traffic police general, wow, the girls from the theater studio where i play, the traffic police general, will be jealous, they say, one man didn’t notice his wife’s new hairstyle, the next day she drove
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his car and didn’t notice table. well, that’s right, it’s his own fault, he needs to pay attention to the woman. okay, and another guy crashed into a traffic light. it turned out that he and his wife were driving to the dacha, a beautiful girl was standing on the side of the road, a man stared at her, and his wife covered his eyes with her hand. it's your own fault when you're driving, there's no point in looking at other women, you have to look at the road, right, right. you have excuses for everything, but because there is no point in complaining about a woman, a real artist, when the stage goes on, he doesn’t complain about women, he makes them laugh, on stage oleg akurich, a student, we meet.
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an actor in a theater for young spectators works part-time as grandfather morozum, runs from apartment to apartment, from house to house, congratulating the children on the new year in the morning, then they call him, you have a performance, where are you? he flies into the theater, runs in as he goes, they put on a suit for him as he goes, he doesn’t see what suit, he runs out of the stage, not can start. he is told by opheli about the nymph, who, who, who, who, what, who, who, nymph, aphelia, who am i, i, who, who am i, you are hamlik, who, like hamlet, wait, like hamlet, piglets, piglets , the piglets were there in the morning, now it’s evening, yes, time flies, i’ll get tired. the play
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sapor of our lady of borizh, the artist who plays the quasi-fashion, this hunchback came drunk, the director says, are you stunned or something, completely, completely already or something, you should be on this rope, on this rope at a height under the ringing of bells, from the wings backstage, you you'll get it right, i won't get it right, it's not the first time, we'll see, we'll see, i climbed up, okay, not high. and he breaks down, falls to his knees, takes his back, and says, look, i’m here like a monkey on this rope.
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there is a table here, we see two characters, one must poison the other, then he must fall dead, it closes, the performance must begin. well, we see, this one pours wine from a bottle, this much, opens the ring, pours poison into a glass, gives it to this second character, he takes it and drops the glass, and what to do, how does he get out of the situation, yes, it’s a pity that the glass fell, although a little moisture remained on the box. i think he licked me and fell dead, in general, in every theater there is such an artist whose place is in the buffet, here is the performance, too, one artist did not come, fell ill
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or something, the director knows that this semyonovich is there in the buffet, he says, i beg you, help me out, help me out, just like that, the artist didn’t come, he says, yes, please, i’ll play, well, i don’t know the words, he says, i’ll tell you, i ’ll tell you how he comes out, just imagine, it’s like envy, right? here he comes out, he the director says, the director says: he comes out slowly, he comes out slowly, he comes out, let him go. sits down, slowly sits down, quickly, oh, beckoning,
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hands, beckoning, my hands are no longer up, but my hands, hands, beckoning, hands, beckoning, these laboring hands are not the same, not the same arms, legs, legs can barely walk, but my legs can barely walk. legs beckoning, these laboring legs don’t walk, don’t walk, tongue, tongue, and the tongue is not
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the same, the tongue is beckoning, this is the laboring language, the laboring language does not adjust, i myself have become not the same, and i myself have become not the same, that’s all , i’m beckoning myself, it’s not like that, that’s it, beckoning, beckoning, don’t, don’t it’s necessary, oh, beckoning, it’s not necessary, it’s not necessary, beckoning, it’s not beckoning, but you don’t need the goat, you’re there, this is not for you, not for you, i don’t need this, the goat,
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everything gets up slowly, gets up slowly, but slowly rises. i didn’t want to upset you, man, but apparently i’ll have to, get over it, you bastard, len, let’s talk about high things, what about you? yes, about gas prices, no, about music, because we actually have a lot of songs about cars, we just didn’t know about it, yeah, well, for example, come on, well, for example, remember, this song from... any temporary musician
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roads, roads, this song is about drivers who drive on a toll highway, okay, let's dream up, and i'm walking around moscow, and this is a song of a man whose car was taken away by a tow truck, this is the song, oh, in vain, aunt, this is a song about to the woman who bought a colin lada. this is a karan from the steppe to the steppe all around, the path is far away in that desolate steppe, the coachman was freezing, and because we had to buy a normal navigator, let's invite a singer to this stage and let her give us something too.
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let's have claudia penkova on our stage! if you are gloomy, leave the house; if you are not happy, it’s a sunny day! let the guy you meet, completely unfamiliar with you, smile at you as if he were his friend, and the smile, without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes, and the good mood will never leave you again, if you and your loved one suddenly quarrel by chance, often those who love to quarrel . in vain, you look
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at each other, look better, better than any words, sometimes looks speak, and a smile, without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes, and a good mood will no longer leave you, if someone else was thrown into misfortune, this deed is kept in your heart, remember how many good people there are and... we have
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many more of them, remember them, and a smile , without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes, and a good mood will no longer leave you, a good mood. will not leave you anymore, all good mood, no more will die, today, no, no words needed, no need to panic, this...
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from here, detective in a skirt, stand, police, hands up, i have a gun, raya knows how to identify the criminal, what recklessness, i needed to hand over important evidence to the investigator, no more investigations, it’s as if you are going unmarried, into turkish captivity, well , something like that, but raya knows that there is nothing more important than love, kostyukov, kostyukov, what
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kind of person are you? paradise is in danger, we must warn it. there won’t be a wedding anyway, and since i won’t get you, why do you need to live? i'll kill them both at once. raya knows everything on monday on rtr. live on air. my name is maria sittal. hello. the russian military liberated the village of novoselovka, the first in the donetsk republic. today is the day in russia railway worker. i would like to sincerely congratulate all employees and thank you for your work and dedication. the industry
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employs nearly a million people across the country.


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