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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  August 5, 2024 11:30am-1:01pm MSK

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work of the enterprise, which is the city-forming one for cheremkhovo, a city with a population of 5,400 inhabitants. pavel marchukovarchu, victor strotsky, conduct the irkutsk region. don't miss the continuation of bahar's touching and exciting melodrama called spring today. the main character goes through difficult trials. he leaves his career for the sake of his family, finds himself on the verge of death, and then rethinks his priority. two more new episodes of the popular.
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suggests that krasnopol was also used here, which broke the tower together the position of the gunner and the commander sitting behind him also suffered. as a result, the leopard, one in five, burned down, and this is already the pokrovsk direction, this is what the defeat of the american bradley looks like, as they say, right in the forehead from the carnet atgm, after the hit, seven armed forces officers ran out of the airborne squad, exactly... that’s how much it holds, what became with
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crew, armored vehicle, unclear, after that a shot was fired at the side from an rp, they ran out of a bradley m2, ukrainian soldiers tried to hide in the landing, but it was opened on them small arms fire, the result is the destruction of the entire group. the mtr reports that today the russian army drove into the city and established fire control over the population.
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in this footage, a group of ukrainian attack aircraft comes under artillery fire during an unsuccessful counterattack in the kharkov direction. in the hour yar, the russian army crossed the water canal and strengthened the bridgehead on its western bank. reports a correspondent of the german newspaper. in the pokrovsk direction , the ministry of defense confirmed the release of novoselovka. the first battles are already in the desired place, in the toretsky direction. russian units are knocking out the heights from the western outskirts of zhelezny and new york, footage from near toretsk itself. our fighters in an ambush destroyed the hamer with the ukrainian special forces.
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the ministry of defense publishes footage of the combat work of su-25 attack aircraft; they destroy a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine with unguided s-8 aircraft missiles. in this video, with the help of the same controlled vortex ammunition, enemy targets are hit by a k-52 helicopter, here the russian aerospace forces are using product 305. a high-precision missile destroys. afu communications station near kupinsk in the sky above new york after the arrival of an air bomb, huge clouds in the shape of a mushroom, and the strikes of our factories look like they were from the trenches of ukrainian militants.
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waves of guided bombs allow the russian army. kupinsk, and this is shcherbinovka near toretsk. the x38 aircraft missile hits the location and locations of the uavs of the forty- seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. this is how the lancet loitering ammunition destroyed the american m37 howitzer in the kharkov direction. the ministry of defense shows footage of objective monitoring of the destruction of two german leopard tanks. the first one was also
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hit by a lancet, a second sniper hit by a krasnopol high-precision projectile from a howitzer 100s, in these fpv frames the drone is finished off by an overturned one. the american stryker armored personnel carrier is used by drones and russian sappers to clear mines in hard-to-reach areas. rostov is its sky, there is a mine to your left, there have been such cases, when demining it was impossible to approach the mine, they used my means, reset, made vogans directly on the mine. an officer of the armed forces of ukraine with the call sign alex reports that the russian infantry, with the support of uavs, is extremely operates effectively in the toretsky direction, they give an example: seven of our attack aircraft, one
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after another, cleared two positions in the mtr, the ukrainians killed, wounded and captured on our fighters have no scratches, in this video the cancellations are made. local rescue of the crew of our 2m bmp with the berezhok universal combat module. during a storm, a combat vehicle flew straight into the turret into a pyvidon with a shaped charge, but did not detonate.
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lawyers argue that official figures do not reflect the scale of the problem; the real number of desserts is three or even four times higher. that is, the soldiers are fleeing not in tens, but in hundreds of thousands. prisoners of the armed forces of ukraine report that even pensioners are being forcibly mobilized. why did they come here, why did they force them to come? forces, threatens? yes, yes, well, you have a lot of male population there, and no shit, they’re already pensioners, so they took me with me, my grandfather was 59 years and 7 months old, and he still had to serve,
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zelensky confirmed that ukraine received a f- 16, overdue published a video from the air. base in the kiev region thanked the partners of the usa, denmark and the netherlands, who agreed to supply their fighters; currently there are 10 aircraft in ukraine, the economist reports. a dozen more f-16s will arrive before the end of summer. ukrainian propaganda began to create a new ghost of kiev. the goal is to raise morale not only for its fighters, but also for the citizens in whose minds. the telethon began to lose credibility in favor of objective reality in the war. this is the stamp that ukropochta promptly issued. a pair of f16s shoot down a russian su-35. at the same time
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, the west has so far allowed the use of fighters only as a reinforcement of air defense, firstly turn, in the most missile-dangerous direction of ukraine, that is, in odessa, where the russian aerospace forces are located. on a weekly basis , air defense detection means are destroyed. will the appearance of an american fighter inspire confidence in victory? a very big question. at least two more. was captured during zelensky’s speech; if you look closely at the photographs of the aircraft, you can see that they are f16 adf and f16 am. this version can be distinguished by its characteristic alien antennas, that is, by their protruding part. the first photo shows an f16 adf on a second f16am. the last one modernization, these specific aircraft. took place at the end of the cold war, as air defense aircraft. even in the west they admit that
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fighters will not affect the dynamics of the course of the war either. instead of creating a pr video , zelensky is advised to build hangars as quickly as possible, disperse his fighters and be ready for a quick takeoff at any moment.
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thank you, denmark, the netherlands, the united states , all our sails to our people, glory to ukraine.
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iphone, but now kiev has more pressing problems, the ukrainian air force has only 20
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pilots trained to fly the f-16, and the planes themselves require painstaking maintenance too often. the general staff co proposes an innovation, but it does not concern combat operations, but the optimization of the capture of the population as part of mobilization. for. to simplify the mechanism for recruiting military citizens, it is necessary to delegate the powers of the tsk directly to the commanders of military units, they say they will be able to bypass the procedure currently established in the procedure to recruit personnel directly. it’s easy to guess what this will lead to. already , those who have succumbed to the stories of recruiting centers, citizens are surprised to find themselves not as clerks in headquarters, but as stormtroopers in the trenches. at the same time, the first anti-mobilization riots began in ukraine. the day before
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, an entire city rebelled against the shopping center for the first time. koveli in volyn, relatives came to rescue men caught on the street from the military registration and enlistment office, to support them, look, hundreds of people came out and eventually gave up the recruits. there was a massive reaction, other relatives came for theirs with popular support. special forces were sent from neighboring lutsk to suppress the riot, but even they did not help, and in the end everyone the men were freed from the clutches of the shopping center, which is funny. moscow was blamed for the riots, and the protesters were blamed for devaluing the slogan glory to the hero, because the people shouted it in support of the hecklers who did nothing to defeat putin, in general, an old tried and tested trick, we white fluffy ones act within the law, and the insidious russians are to blame ,
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they provoked all this and dispersed the information signal through their secret.
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the rally continues until late in the evening; it is known that the guys were eventually released.
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well, it looks like it's time for biden to start fear for your life even more. this conclusion can be drawn from the speech on cbs news. nancy suggested
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that sleepy joe be immortalized on the mount rushman memorial as soon as possible, without specifying that during his lifetime, and since all four presidents were immortalized in a giant bas-relief in south dakota, george washington, jefferson, lincoln and roosevelt were already dead. then something similar will probably await biden in the near future; against this background, the new york times reports that more and more ukrainians are ready to agree to negotiations with russia, and the point here is also the weakness of biden, who committed an unequal exchange of prisoners. critics of the white house have already said that the biden administration is encouraging dictators around the world to take more hostages.
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task, he tried to obtain secret data about the work of the ural carriage works, and willan was detained in a room at the metropol hotel in moscow while receiving a flash drive with data about fsb officers. well, how, how, what is the best way to do this? i asked for all this, i did it to myself, yeah. the only thing was that he came and complained a lot...
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he sits alone in a cafe, a man sits down next to him, they start a conversation, the american takes notes at the same time, at some point security forces enter the establishment, grab gershkovich and handcuff him, the detainee’s seized belongings, paper, writing utensils, and telephone are also shown. on the recording of the conversation, the anonymous contact asks gershkovich to be very careful, because this is classified information, the journalist assures him, we will not even write that we... documents, thus, according to him, they are not suspected of collecting and no one suspected of surrender. in the video of wheelon’s arrest,
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a man comes into the bathroom in his room and, after a short dialogue, hands him a flash drive. in the following frames, the already detained wheelon sits on a bed, surrounded by security forces, after which he is taken out of the hotel. the european press is literally suffering over the release. gave rise to a lot of speculation, to the point that biden’s stomach cramped and he decided to use the toilet, or did he thus
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want to fly away himself? as part of an exchange to moscow. help the american people understand this. the americans freed journalists and other innocent people. the russians freed one convicted murderer, several spies and other hackers. how does this balance innocent journalists in exchange for criminals? first, i think this says a lot about the different priorities of the united states, our allies, on the one hand, and russia, on the other. what do we value and what is valued? they are, but secondly, this is a difficult decision, as the president said. i would like to congratulate vladimir putin for striking another great deal. have you seen what did they make a deal? look, we wanted people back, we have 59 hostages, and i never paid for anything. they produced some of the best killers in the world, they got some of the most evil killers, and we got our people back, but we're making terrible, terrible deals. well
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american journalists, it was our moral duty to release evan, to release russian dissidents, but on the other hand there is a moral hazard here, we released a contract killer of a bunch of cybercriminals and spies, in return we got hostages, this is fundamentally unfair, and of course carries the risk that putin will think, well, now i can catch anyone at any time, if i need to bring someone back, that's the point big risk. is it surprising at what point this happened? my only guess is that maybe putin is now worried that trump won't win, and i think he really wanted his hit man, this krasikov, who was in germany, he wanted him back. tell us what he is did? he killed a chechen dissident in cold blood in broad daylight in the center of berlin, and putin really wanted him back because he was a secret
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police agent.
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democrats endorsed kamela haris as their presidential candidate at an online meeting of party delegates as one of the conditions for donald trump's participation in the debate scheduled for september 10 on abc. trump himself says that he will not be able to take part in this debate, due to the fact that he is suing abc news. instead, donald proposes a meeting on september 4 at conservative fox news channel. haris will announce his vice presidential candidate in the coming days. they
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are scheduled to perform together in philadelphia on tuesday. many have already rushed to say that since philadelphia, it means that haris chose pennsylvania governor josh shapira. the liberal media think so. called the words of donald trump , a video literally appeared on the internet, where at that time the future vice president says that she has to make a choice on a daily basis
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between being tough and to be a bitch, and then laughs infernally. trump proposes a debate with haris on fox news on september 4. haris accuses the former president of trying to avoid the debate, but trump says his commitment to abc was for a debate with biden, not the vice president. the vice president has officially won enough democratic delegate votes to secure her party's nomination. a new discussion begins about whether there will be a debate. trump said on friday that he had agreed to offer. from fox news while harris' company says it is sticking to its scheduled debate on abc on september 10. trump had promised to debate president biden on abc, but pulled out after biden withdrew from the race. in the arena, trump
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is focused on his opponent, vice president haris. we'll do it on fox news if it comes up. i don't think she 'll show up, she can't talk, she can't even read the teleprompter. i would give her a six out of ten. confront world leaders in a way that the energetic and restless mr. trump can. has anyone noticed that kamala haris doesn't give interviews. it's because she's really dumb. she can't speak properly without a teleprompter. she has an extremely low iq, our country doesn't need someone
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who can't put two sentences together. she can't do this. and besides, we just finished off one called sleepy joe biden. voters should consider kamola a human being who is learning new things things every day, and you shouldn’t worry about changing its position every day, no, a sudden change in position doesn’t bother you, our country is changing every day. a new cbs poll shows harris has something president biden hasn't been able to boast this year, a slight 1% lead over donald trump nationally, with the candidates tied in swing states. haris has brought new energy to the race, with the percentage of democrats who say they will definitely vote rising to its highest point in a year. she increased support among key groups such as black voters, youth and women.
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economic failure and soft liberal policies to hide her history on crime, now, as this analysis shows, they will even try to point to the scale of the poll to inflate the results for her. this analysis is the reason the american people will see the truth and not let this national gaslighting company win. despite the falsified result, it is worth noting that in july and august of the twentieth year. their data showed that biden was in the lead by 10% in the country, which reflects.
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new scandal at the paris olympics belgium will not take part in the mixed triathlon relay; e. coli was found in the body of one of the athlete claire michel. the belgian felt ill almost immediately after the swim, michelle has been vomiting for 4 days in a row, the woman was admitted to the hospital. formerly the swiss olympic team. stated that triathlete andrian brifaud, who competed in the seine, also contracted a stomach infection. and before that, kazakh triathlete ekaterina shabalina said that she felt sick on throughout almost the entire swimming stage. canadian styler mislavchuk said he vomited 10 times. the mixed triathlon relay is due to take place today and is cancelled. its french did not agree, as
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officially stated, so as not to spoil the image of the games, although, it would seem, much more. the show around female boxers of indeterminate gender continues in paris. on the eve of her new game, svetlana staneva from bulgaria played in it, losing in the quarter-finals of the tournament in the weight category up to 57 kg to a transgender person. there is no doubt that the action regarding lin, as well as her friend, iman khililif from algeria, will continue in the semi-finals, where both end up brutal. the young ladies passed safely, thus securing themselves at
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least bronze medals, and these will be the first medals for transgender people in the world. during the fight for the semi-final, this footage of the hungarian luca ahn, who eventually defeated the tranny from algeria, spread around the world, telling his coach that he could not win because her opponent khelif, a man. well, there is proof. see two photos on the right 2022, preparation for the olympics sparring with a woman, question: why does a heliph need cancer? kushka, look, if he is a woman, on the left, also 2022, khelif is resting after classes, if he is a woman in a muslim country, where is his hijab?
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no matter what difficulties we go through, we are not afraid to boldly go to the end of our path that we have chosen, now we have tasted the sweetness of victory, but it seems to me that today this is not a full stop, but only a comma, our goal has not yet been achieved, therefore we will not miss a single chance, i will continue to fight, and iman khalif guaranteed himself medals at olympic games in paris, this happened after yuiting qualified for the semi-finals in the women's 57 kilogram weight category.
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at the olympic games in paris. yes, these athletes get a lot of flak, but we want to focus solely on the sport. everyone wants to enjoy fair competition, and yes, we are aware that these athletes have become hated on social media because of their results. as far as i know, they were threatened, they wrote that they would be killed. this is very terrible. and in this regard , i want to state that we are not talking about participation transgender people. this problem doesn't exist here. both boxers were born girls. his daughter found herself at the epicenter of one of the most unpleasant olympic scandals in recent times. in response to the attacks, omar khalif claims that his daughter is a real champion; the father of the algerian boxer also claims that he has
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documents confirming that iman khalif is a woman. iman khalif, algerian champion. i thank god that i have such a daughter, i am very proud, she is a champion and i hope that she will win a medal in paris, this is our official family document may 2, 1999 year, imankhalifa is a woman, it is written here, you can read, this document does not lie, it was registered in 1999. i can't win, he's a man. khalif is not the only taiwanese boxer line to participate in the olympic games, but just like the algerian athlete, she was recognized by the international boxing union as a biological male. in that statement it was written that both athletes did not meet the necessary criteria and therefore they had an advantage over other athletes. iman khalif
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is guaranteed to leave paris with a medal, but how much more hatred will she have to endure, because the games will not end soon. olympic officials. are concerned about the hatred towards the algerian boxer, the reason was the fact that she participates in the women's division, the very person because of whom the algerian athlete is hated is oumar kremlev, the president of the international boxing association, which disqualified khalif at last year's world championship after how the algerian athlete defeated the russian. at the world championships we asked them to take a test, and this test showed that the caliph is a man, it’s sad that we... for the whole world, that we protect women for gender equality, and then destroy women’s sports, we should not allow this, if we remain silent now, this will become the norm. kremlev is one of vladimir putin's allies, and the reason for such increased attention from kremlev may be that russia was banned from participating in the olympics due to the war in ukraine. do you think that the russian
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government may be behind the spread of rumors regarding the gender identity of some athletes, especially thereby trying to provoke unrest in one form or another. long before the start of the game, they began a disinformation campaign against france, against the olympic committee of the games themselves. we are simply forced to accept the fact that female olympic athletes who have not passed a gender identity test are allowed to beat up women in the boxing ring at the paris olympics and if you dispute this, then in the opinion of some you are simply a bigot. on the contrary, you simply have to ignore the evidence that is before our eyes, namely speech is about x.
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she said she couldn't fight. when i am elected, i will do everything to ensure that there are no men in women's sports. on what planet is this behavior fair towards women? once upon a time, there was a time when men who beat women were considered cowardly, losers, they were brave and stunning guys. deserving of applause and olympic medals, as it has become now, seeing men with x chromosomes fight with real women is simply terrible, it should be nothing more than a joke from the cartoon south park. but no, it's takes place in paris, where they simply beat up their rivals. the fact that mock is allowing skits like this into the games only goes to show how insidious the lgbt movement is in sports. britain has forgotten that racism has been defeated and tolerance reigns everywhere, where now blacks beat
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whites, and whites beat blacks. the latter come out armed with hammers, machetes and axes, shouting allahu akbar. the bbc reports dozens of detainees injured. the trigger was a high-profile incident, terrible, nightmarish.
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these are scenes that play out daily in cities across the country, with clashes breaking out in bristol as police tried to contain the carnage between a group of far-right protesters and a much larger anti-fascist protest group. it was an unpredictable confrontation, and the situation became tense, as in many other places. the last few days, the police are right in the middle of the unrest, in the city center of hal, another confrontation between a large group of police protesters. some of them were filmed taking a piece of scaffolding, apparently to use it as a weapon. and this is what became the soundtrack for many participants in these protests. we need her, we want our country back. this is what residents saw after tires and trash cans were set on fire. by evening , only the sound
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of alarms remained in the stores that had been looted, and the streets were littered with rubble and debris left behind by the unbridled mob. in liverpool, two police officers were attacked by a far-right mob. here, as in other places, several policemen were injured. police are battling some of those on the city's streets and... it's just a few miles from southport, where an attack on children at a dance school appears to have lit the fuse of protest. i know that from the picture we are broadcasting, not everything is indicative, but a police helicopter is flying over us, and several people are standing behind me. and we see that someone has come to try to talk to us during our broadcast, but we will continue the conversation. hundreds of people gathered here on the other side of the holiday in hotel, they
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set fire to the facility that is in the middle. crowds of people, there are about 300 people there, and earlier today we saw police and security forces pushing this group, trying to stop them, while stones and wooden planks were flying at them in response. we know that the refuge hotel was attacked earlier in the day, and it appears that other groups of people were involved. billionaire elon musk commented. nationwide anti-immigration demonstrations in the united states kingdom, they began after a knife attack in southport last week that left three children dead. musk stressed that civil war is inevitable. violent clashes broke out between police and rioters across britain. bricks, bottles and flares were thrown into the streets of liverpool, the unrest was fueled by misinformation about the seventeen-year-old attacker,
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which spread on the internet and claimed that the criminal had arrived in the uk illegally, dozens of people were arrested in liverpool, sunderland, bristol, belfast and hull. i will take all necessary steps to ensure your safety, that's why i said what i said about muslims being attacked, just because they are muslims, the far right is showing who they are, we must show who we are in response to this . a familiar picture unfolds: the crowd grows to a thousand people or even more, although some do not like the violence, they condemn it, but they intend to organize hundreds. several cars were attacked today.
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we are transported to the front via direct communication by war correspondent alexander kharchenko. alexander, hello. so, the first planes are american f-16 fighters in ukraine. now there is video confirmation. takeoff, departure in the odessa region, flight over lvov. 10 pieces, this is the number of aircraft,
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for what. is it possible, can it affect our offensive in the donbass? this formulation will be used as air defense, what does it mean? hello, first of all i want to say that the appearance of any new weapon in in the hands of the kiev regime, this is enough, we need to take this seriously, we cannot treat it carelessly, the f-16 is a serious adversary, of course, it is not an f-35, not an f-22, but it is also an airplane that flies, it carries guided weapons, including air-to-air missiles that can fly hundreds of kilometers, so it is a very serious adversary, but the russian federation has the means to destroy these aircraft, and if you believe the reports of the ministry
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of defense, that is... we we assure you in the previous month, that is, in july, as a result of attacks on ukrainian airfields , an approximately comparable number of aircraft were destroyed; at airfields you can destroy at least a su-27, at least a mig-29, at least a su-25, just as at an airfield you can destroy an f-16, our the country is actively moving in this direction. the destruction of aircraft at airfields was put into the system, that is, we hit with girans, and with daggers, cruise missiles that are launched from russian airspace, in general, we were ready for this ready, now let's check in practice how quickly we can destroy these planes, i
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want to say one simple thing, f16... in ukraine, that's what these planes gave them now, it's just an opportunity to support the ukrainian spirit when at the front there are no victories, we need something to... replenish the ukrainian creation, so now the f16 toy has appeared again, they will come and defeat everyone, so the people’s faith in zelensky, well , for another month has increased, in fact, this is the same carrier of the controlled weapons, like the mik-29, which was used before, there is a su-27, so it won’t have a significant impact, but every effort must be made to...
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and even the enemy’s resources indicate that the front in this direction is crumbling, they, of course, cite such epithets as a huge number of enemy troops are climbing from all
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sides, we don’t, but in fact they simply admit that they cannot hold the front line, because the old fortified lines under apteevka, which have been built since 2014, have ended, at the moment they are clinging. just for the bare steppe of forest planting, well small settlements, that is, we are moving towards pokrovsk, we are moving inexorably, forward, step by step, and if this continues, then the ukrainians will very quickly run out of motivated units, because they complain that modern nato equipment, such as deliriums, are becoming a tasty prey for russian anti-tank crews, that is, as soon as it appears...
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through incredible effort , they were able to take control of this settlement, even if it had already been recaptured, but now 3 months the ukrainian troops are only at the end imagine, in one week we take three large enough populated areas there, so now the situation at the front is turning towards russia, well, in general, we prevail over our enemy. the situation is better than that of the armed forces of ukraine, especially since riots began in their rear, and this also adds points to us, so to speak, and we can move forward with even
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greater speed. thank you very much, military correspondent alexander kharchenko on direct line, front line. in terms of supporting morale, it’s really funny, let’s read it. better late than never, s from the very beginning of the full-scale russian invasion in february 2022, vladimir zelensky, the president of ukraine, begged for f-16 fighters. the first 10 fighters in the 79-year term arrived in ukraine on the last day of july, a year after a reluctant biden administration finally gave the green light to its more eager european allies to send them. incoming planes are a priority target for the russians, nikola says. former chief of staff of the german ministry of defense, how big will it be? real benefit from the f-16. douglas bury, an air power expert at the international institute for strategic studies, says the main immediate value is
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boosting morale. the initial number of aircraft is small; the ukrainians will use them sparingly to avoid losses that could give russia a propaganda victory. about propaganda victories. a few words for russia about the exchange, which our enemies have already recognized as a grandiose, great success, a victory for russia.
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open your mouth at a press conference as it began mass hate, like the fight between different currents of our opposition has only escalated, but most of all against this background, of course, the ukrainian so-called experts are trying, who used this speech for the next nazi slogans, such as all russians are bad, the best russian is dead russian, and so on and the like, partly due to insane jealousy. which ukraine feels towards everyone who, from their point of view, can divert the west’s waning attention, it is weakening towards ukraine, in connection with this zelensky is trying to imitate with all their might the prime minister of israel benthamina netanyahu, they really seem to be in a second literally in terms of the fight for the food supply, there is really an unimaginable squabble there, it is unclear who is in charge now, free-wheelers. just water, endless attempts
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to win over the agenda of the wolves, which, as he said, are in me, as if paws are sorting out a chipmunk, because i want to be involved in what is happening, well , that is, the free-spirited ones have gone into the shadows, either yashin is the main one, or the karamurza the main one who gets the money is amazing from our side move, they have all quarreled absolutely, absolutely, well, so... except for this move of ours, of course, as i already said, israel is complicating the situation for ukraine. netanyahu is in a similar situation to zelensky. he, too, like zelensky, understands that the end of the war is the end of his political career. and how does it work? it’s as if they’re telling him: let’s be gentle there , etc., etc., but on the contrary, he acts deliberately, harshly and provocatively. well, he could have made an assassination attempt on the chairman of the hamas politburo not in iran. it's clear. no, he hits exactly. so in order to
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provoke a crisis as much as possible, why? his logic is this: america will be forced to join in with israel, and after it joins in , it will be drawn in on the side of israel, well, it wo n’t matter, no one will stop, you can hit harder or you can hit weaker, zelensky is also trying to act, last week many experts reported that contact took place between the ministries of defense of russia and the united states of america.
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another global problem is looming, we in this studio they said many times that financial capital, inflated by the air on which america lives, may sooner or later burst, when this moment will happen, no one can predict, usually then economists with knowledge of the matter say, well, it’s understandable, it happened for this and that, no one ever predicts, but here are some of the symptoms we are seeing since this morning: the stock markets of japan and south
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korea have crashed. in japan the fall is 13%. in south korea , trading was stopped; in turkey, the fall was 6.7%. and everyone froze with bated breath and waited for trading to open in the united states of america. this will be our evening, i think you can talk about it in the evening program. but in any case, the big players. they began to dump shares of a number of american companies, including apple, so shocks can be expected. against this background , everything is fine in china; we have fluctuations in hong kong. within one and a half percent. this is what is called the benefits of sanctions. i think that now the whole world will be convinced that the sooner you get rid of the us dollar, the the more independent you try to make your
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economy, the fewer problems you will have when the soap bubble eventually bursts, and it is already giving, so to speak, air leaks, we are observing this. please, of course.
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they were in the journalistic expert circles of the states, but ukraine was not, and there the conversation already begins, why weren’t our prisoners exchanged, and how is it that, it turns out, there is a channel between moscow and washington through which they can agree on key important issues , completely ignoring kiev’s position, for them it’s easy the strongest signal the most important demoralizing factor, exactly the same thing is happening and, as they carefully said here, with emigrants, that is, with...
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the united states, germany agreed to participate in this exchange, questions are already being asked, where is germany’s sovereignty with ours? point of view, this is like the right decision, but from an attitude point of view. and berlin, washington once again showed berlin who is in charge here, in whose interests certain actions are being carried out. at the same time, there is a very dangerous factor for russians now, all this talk about the deal, the exchange fund, who else we have in the exchange fund, it’s the westerners who are saying who needs to be changed back in russia, this creates a real threat for russians who may, for one reason or another, be on the territory of the european union, primarily... the united states of america, there are fewer trips there, that is, the european union and their satellites. we will now observe an increase in provocations against russians, regardless of their political beliefs. in addition, if you look at all the latest measures that the european union is taking,
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the key point is the collective responsibility of both russians and belarusians. today, the european union introduced new sanctions against a number of belarusian and public journalists.
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before the presidential elections in the united states, at least there is no need to say, i’ll just remind you that the key exchanges that took place during the cold war did not at all lead to... structures between washington and moscow, this is fundamentally important, because at this time stage, especially in the conditions of turbulence coming to the united states, when we cannot understand who is giving the orders there. who moves the aircraft carrier groups, who orders austin, here is supreme commander biden, who
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believes that he makes key decisions, the us secretary of defense makes key decisions, the chief chairman of the joint chiefs of staff makes these decisions, so in this situation risk management comes first plan. we'll be back in a minute. congratulations on your new pastry shop. welcome. premiere at rdr. who is he such? why did he suddenly decide to help you? when i first met you, i was just shocked. chershelya fam, that is. she is married. has this ever bothered anyone? new challenges. even though you buy all the colored ones, she loves him, not you, understand? today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone, rest
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is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas rodomis sharmelsheikh - the perfect place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixsas sharma is
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only for adults 18 plus. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharmaelshey is not just a vacation, it’s a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinon belek, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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he doesn’t need to make an appointment, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to the house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, like an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take the medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings. or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, you sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but
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i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr. how i miss you, daughter, it’s so good that you came, you’re here for a long time, i left my husband, oleg, hello, what are you doing here, and have you forgotten about nadya? to say that they are dating, mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice, old love does not rust, yes, this summer she will take a risk, i won’t be able to give you what you are used to, believe, forgive me, please come home, i will never go back to him. if you ask me nicely, i will help you. one
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summer is a lifetime. on friday on rtr. so, the us nuclear arsenal in the twenty-third year was replenished with 200 modernized nuclear weapons, as stated by the us deputy secretary of energy, jill harube, this is a record delivery, this has not happened since the cold war. next year, the national nuclear security agency will receive another $21 billion for... designing and maintaining the country's nuclear stockpile, while there are big problems with personnel in the us armed forces, there are fewer and fewer recruits every year, so we have to resort, as they say to the help of civilian specialists, and this does not always end successfully. right now, with a scandal, the pentagon is trying to return
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$11 million that the us military the department paid dwayne scala. johnson for an advertising campaign in which the brutal film actor was supposed to promote army service. the hope was that new recruits would begin to besiege the military registration and enlistment offices in droves to sign up for service, but the effect was the opposite. at the start of the company, not only did no one come to the recruiting stations, but 308 people, who had already seemed to agree, refused to sign. look, the army conceded an own goal after breaking an advertising contract with dwayne the rock johnson, despite a price tag of millions dollars, the company did not bring a single recruit into the army, and although the rock is a major celebrity, wrestler and actor, even he was not enough to bring uncle samma soldiers. according to
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a document obtained by, the us army's $11 million advertising deal with... the rock johnson and his united football league to recruit new soldiers may have actually been detrimental to recruiting efforts, but the deal was reportedly so disastrous that it the army predicted that it could lose 38 recruits instead of getting thousands of new recruits and now she wants her money back. this is another symptom of what is being called a historic recruiting crisis in the american military, with jehovah's witnesses sending more men, if that's not enough for you, then a recent meeting in congress revealed that our troops, quote, are not ready for a major war, no surprises, especially when the threat of global conflict looms in the background. please, right now in the west there is literally a howl in which we are accused of taking hostages of the americans in order to have
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an exchange fund. well, of course, this is a lie, fsb footage showed how the same... gershkovich and whelan, their meetings with russian sources who gave them relevant information, were documented, after which the capture actually took place. it is important to understand that being caught red-handed is preceded by a fairly long period of operational development, which is carried out by counterintelligence, and this is the first service of the fsb that is supervised, from this point of view, the decision to seizure is accepted at the moment when it has... a person involved in crimes against the safety of materials incriminating one or another of the russian federation, the use
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of journalistic or other cover is, in general, any practice. usa, so the verdict was appropriate, because not all the footage was shown, just as not all the footage was shown about whelan, who was trying to obtain data on the intelligence apparatus of the russian fsb. as for denial, this is standard practice. let's remember the case of eston kohver, personnel
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an employee of the estonian counterintelligence, entered russian territory, where he had an intelligence meeting. with the person who was supposed to give him information about the intelligence network in the north-west and the fsb border service, there was a capture, a sentence, then again an exchange and the same accusations against russia that it had captured an innocent person. the struggle of the intelligence services is as old as the world, we will have new successes, obviously there will be new exchanges, well, this is the situation, but in conclusion i would like to say that the russian aerospace defense system is ready and waiting meetings with f-16s, they will shoot down, they will burn, this will be the best advertising feature on...
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men, you can be calm about your future, be my wife, our premiere, today on rtr, we present to you comfortable, durable and stylish sneakers artex, in which you will be comfortable in any situation, is a stylish and durable shoe that is suitable for both men and women, the sneakers have a soft heel and side panels. this design saves your feet from chafing. thanks to the wide velcro straps, the sneakers instantly adapt to any foot shape. high rise or protruding bone, and a comfortable back makes it easy to put on. the sole
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continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, the substation is watching, the first podcasts we watch are not different absolutely. so that girls in beauty grow up in prosperity, even if fate works out for you, daughter, a woman was lying in the ward of sanya, gave birth to a healthy girl, ran away, and the child, you can deceive people, lisa will never know that she is adopted, but not fate, she will never finds out that she is not your sister. “come to my office tomorrow, there is a proposal, i won’t tell my mother anything, but
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i will have one condition, i want to marry artyom, i love lisa and i can’t do anything about it, i can’t, what are you doing, go away, you she was deceived all the time, how could you, mom, there are already two girls, but which one is mine, fate cannot be exchanged. on saturday on rtr. i said, i want a white cat, so he comes up and you’re good, he loves to grab there, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, all the talk, guys, i should feed the hamster. you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, we have a murder,
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what’s your last name, mrs. marple, miss marple, get out of here, detective in a skirt, stand, police, hands up, i have a gun, raya knows how to identify a criminal. what kind of recklessness? i needed to hand over important evidence to the investigator. no more investigations. it’s as if you are going unmarried, into turkish captivity. well, something like that, yes. raya knows that... there is nothing more important than love, oh, kostyuki, kostyukov, what kind of person are you? you are in danger, you need to warn her, there will be no wedding anyway, and since i won’t get you, why do you need to live, i’ll kill them both at once, raya knows everything, today on rtr, well, and footage of an incredible photo hunt by a nasuri
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car enthusiast. managed to photograph an far eastern leopard, look, a young, spotted cat is running along the side of the road, and the car does not bother him at all, it is noteworthy that the animals could not be identified by the pattern of spots on the skin, there is no data about this cat in the database of registered individuals, the ved is on the verge extinction, according to data from april 24 , 129 of them were recorded in russia, another 8 to 12... cats live in china, so from the footage of the new leopard we can conclude that there is a new addition to the family, well, right now there is a premiere on our channel, our program, presenters and... i wish the guys
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good luck, let's keep your attention, let's watch about people who became heroes, about events that... will go down in history, our author's program with olga armyakova and nikolai dolgachev. hello. right now, our military is working in the hottest sectors of the front, pushing back the enemy in the kharkov, zaporozhye, seversk and other directions. well, special tasks from the first days of our paratroopers, blue berets of the elite and pride armies, we will talk about them today. but first , our correspondent, roman smogliy, is working at the front in the solidar area. good
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afternoon, colleagues, active work now. is carried out in all directions.


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