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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  August 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:31pm MSK

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the most famous melodies in the history of world music, according to the legend that was started by the people, the creator of the most famous financial pyramid of the nineties, sergei movrodi, it was this music that sounded in his apartment on komsomolsky prospekt when the omona group stormed his modest home in august ninety -four, and today when the sensational confessions of lawyer sergei mavrodi were heard, we decided to start our program with the music of brahms, absolutely.
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i know for sure that the man who was lying in the coffin did not look like himself. in these frames alexander molokhov, the lawyer of one of the most famous scammers in russia, sergei mavrodiy, makes a sensational statement. allegedly, in march 2018, the person who invented mmm was buried in a closed coffin at troekurovsky cemetery; he hid somewhere and went somewhere with this money. 30 years ago, in february ninety-four, muscovite mathematician sergei mobrodia. created a financial pyramid that had no equal in history; even a professor at oxford university, peter oppenheimer, flew to russia to study its phenomenon. if england offers, i don’t know, 50-60% per annum in dollars or pounds, no one will believe it. millions of victims, billions of rubles collected from the population, and even 6 years after the death of the great schemer, there is a strong belief that the legend could not have been interrupted so trivially on a bus.
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those... were buried on march 30, 2018, along with whether he believes that his father is alive and what secrets with whom the monument with the name of sergei pantileevich mavrodi is now located. lawyer alexander molokhov is in our studio today. good evening. so, 6 years this year, as mavrodi is gone, this whole mmm scam turns 30 years old this year. i have these share certificates in my hands. many people still have them. destroyed destinies, families, health. tell me, how long have you been a lawyer?
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mavrodi’s fingerprints, which are stored in the file cabinet of the ministry of internal affairs, he is also a criminal, he was in prison, they did not match the fingerprints of the person who was in the morgue, who was buried as mavrodi. there is a version that either mavrodi himself staged his own death, or they helped him stage it, because in fact, a person with such organizational skills, he couldn’t just disappear, just die, somewhere at a bus stop, his heart sank, and that’s where it all ended.
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with me then in 2012, my office, it was located on malaya nikitskaya street, this office, it was located next to the brazilian embassy, ​​that is, we had one yard, so when the death of mobrode was announced in 2018, one came to me the reporter said, i understand everything, all the media information says that he is in brazil, so it coincided that your office was also next to the brazilian embassy, ​​not just next to it, having one common courtyard.
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says: did you think that he died, or what? listen to the dialogue with her. i have known sergei since 1989, i will never believe that sergei just passed away due to health reasons. he was a strong man, despite everything, but he hid a lot. what i mean is that his death was unexpected, quick and ordered by someone, it was simply cut short.
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let's just say, according to the official version, it became the last refuge in the life of sergei mavrodi, sergei semeysko went there. it was at this very public transport stop on polikarpov street on march 26, 2018 that the body
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of the founder of russia’s largest financial pyramid, sergei mavrodi, was discovered. a random passerby discovered the body of a man lying right here. compassionate. the man immediately called an ambulance because mavrodi allegedly complained of pain in his heart, but the doctors who arrived did not take him to the nearest botkin hospital hospital, they were sent to a psychiatrist because they assessed the man’s behavior as inadequate, but what’s interesting is that, according to his closest relatives, sergei never used public transport, then how did he end up at a bus stop at night , and what was he doing here? ? so this is also the question:
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would you like this person to rot in prison and preferably in a cell - with maniacs, do you believe in death at a traffic stop, or is it really, as the lawyer claims, too simple, easy with those. connections, brains and finances that were stolen from the population, well, i would like to know, no matter how sensitively, the information that the prints did not match, because, in principle, this is the path of all scammers, to end up somewhere at a bus stop and be buried in a closed coffin, in addition to this program, i had experience communicating with him in the state duma, well, when he was there, for one term, he clearly did not sit at the meeting, but came on business ...
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naturally, since we know, he was an ascetic, he was a very paradoxical man,
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he believed in what he proclaimed, and for him, as i knew him in 2011-12, probably, money no longer mattered, but i would like to emphasize that in my opinion mavrodi from the times of the first pyramid is the mid-nineties, and of course, mavrodi from the times of the second pyramid on the internet mmm 2011, these are probably two different people, because between these. the events were 6 years that he was in hiding and 4 years in the prison of sailor silence, maybe, answering maria arbatova’s question about the prints, yes, this is a dark story, we can guess from the coffee grounds, the fact is that here this is a discrepancy, it may mean not only that these prints were deliberately replaced, but it may mean that, for example, there was some kind of negligence, that they were lost either in the file cabinet, or... during the identification procedure in the morgue, therefore, but it all
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seemed to have turned out too much like this, but it’s ugly to suspect when you’re quite sure, i’ll repeat this phrase again, but the most interesting thing is that when we arrived at the grave, yes, 6 years after death, the grave was not abandoned, unlike other graves, which are all in winter snow, look what sergei semeyskoy will show us now, pay attention. the founder of the largest financial pyramid in russia was buried here at the troekurovsky cemetery. they say that mavrodi’s brother vyacheslav did not allow sergei to be buried next to his father at the khovanskoye cemetery, and in general he did not appear at the funeral. the farewell ceremony for sergei mavrodi took place in secret; information about the place of the funeral was kept secret until the last moment. most likely in order to protect the grave of the great schemer from defrauded investors. here we see a monument sergei movroda. with the date of birth and date of death, in the very center there is a coin with the inscription united states of america, in the center
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of which there is a statue of liberty, the face value of this coin is 1 dollar, and this dollar is split not because it is some kind of defect, but from the very beginning was the artist’s idea, under the snow at the base of the monument there were sculptures of pages from goethe’s book faust with a famous quote: where those few who knew their age, did not hide their feelings or thoughts, with insane courage walked towards the crowd, they were crucified, beat, burned. apparently, such lines were considered appropriate for sergei movrodi. did he tell you something about his dream of destroying the american financial system, or is this just another myth - to create the image of a patriot? no, this is not a myth, moreover, during the period of our cooperation with him. there was a story when he wrote a letter to julian assange, and he wanted, in general,
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together, let’s say, to join forces in order to fight the global financial elite, bring down the dollar, arrange a financial apocalypse, and he sincerely believed in it, i emphasize, he wanted lawyers, his and asanja’s programmers, to collaborate with each other, he wanted to establish some kind of information interaction, in general, this project lasted, in fact, several months, i even had, so to speak, an autograph, like a letter, he signed assange, which i know for sure, asange received, well, i just contacted, i personally contacted asange’s lawyers, stephenson, robinson, that is, it was such an interesting story of the sample. 2012, well, it was cut short due to the fact that what happened happened there problems began at the pyramid in 2011, he would have been arrested, and then arrested, actor vladimir permikov, i think everyone recognized him today again in our studio, 30 years old, all television programs, the whole country
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associates you, of course, with the image of lenya golubkov, you you were at the funeral, weren't you? i wanted to go, i called my friends from mmm, they said: okay, we’ll call you back, then they called back, a few hours later, they said that volodya, sorry, only relatives are allowed to attend funerals there, so, yeah, but my brother wasn’t there, they let me in relatives, but brother he didn’t come, judging by, well, he did it at his own request, they had some kind of conflict with his brother, the fact is that he assumed that his older brother... was involved in his arrest in 2003, he suspected his older brother in betrayal, this story has been going on since those times, which is why the elder brother did not allow sergei pitelyevich to be buried with his parents in the grave, the family burial, so to speak, in the khovansky cemetery. okay, but here’s vladimir, he has become a symbol for you, yes, but how do you feel about the version voiced today by mavrodiy’s lawyer that he
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probably still alive and hiding in brazil? well, it’s fantastic, i think there. they are already doing an autopsy, the cause of death, well, let’s remember, yes, josef mengle, sventsem’s doctor, yes, who after all the events left for argentina, yes, according to all official documents, he was dead, yes, but he lived until 1979, he existed perfectly, everyone was absolutely sure that this doctor, who was famous for his cruel medical experiments on people, had long been in the grave, you know, i think that we could... easily set the record straight theoretically, because if they did exhumation, yes , there are relatives, there is mavrode’s own nephew, philip gazmanov, by the way, the adopted, adopted son of oleg gazmanov, yes, the fact is that vyacheslav mabrodi, the elder brother of sergei patilevich, he was at one time married to for marina gazmanovo, who
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is now the wife of oleg gazman, philip is their adopted son, so there is a nephew, please, it’s easy to compare. dna, what will it give? we will understand who lies in the grave, like sergei patelevich. that's all. okay, but speaking of brazil, i remember the videos, which were. we have one of the videos, part of it takes place in san francisco, part of it takes place during the world cup, which took place in 904, just in the usa, and there, of course, two teams meet. attention. this. america, this is the world cup, this is the brazilian national team, this is the russian national team, these are the fans of the russian national team, this is lenya golubkov, and this is his brother ivan, crying, what’s the matter, ivan, i’ve worked all my life, but got crumbs,
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aleyka idiot sold out, bought two tickets. and here i am at the russia-brazil match, sitting and i’m sick, don’t cry, ivan, don’t cry, oh mmm, did you go and film this in brazil or was it just the world cup in america in 1990, that is, you went, you really went, they filmed my brother and i there, and bakhyt i’ve already made videos,
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some kind of structure, advertising, something else, i always put myself in the place of the viewer, i always try to do exactly what i would like, that is, in the place of just an ordinary average person who watches this advertisement and i try so that this is it, it affects me, well, that’s why i probably would have probably been there, of course i would have bought billyats with pleasure, why do they grow, why not buy them? how could they not be bought at all, if they are rising in price, money is given for free, how can they not be taken, if they are not taken, it means the business is poorly organized. alexander, what do you say about today’s sensational statement that he... of his death,
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one high-ranking general behind the scenes made it clear that he was removed, so, unfortunately, this is the ending. another weighty argument for me why this is not staging. the fact is that such a large-scale personality as sergei pontileevich, who placed his image as a bas-relief on tickets, if he left the poor space, then for him it would be worse than any death. but i want to say that now we will make a short advertisement. immediately after her, mavrodi’s colleagues will appear, to whom even after death the founder of mmm called, post-rehnus. lyuba zatsepina had
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a difficult ordeal. well, can we come up with something? it's too late. her fiancé yuri causes a fatal accident. yura, how is this? i don't know, i haven't seen anyone. to save her lover's prosecutorial career, she takes the blame on herself. i will endure it, it will be better for the family. yuri betrays his bride and lyuba ends up in prison. what fun did you have? imagine everything as a team. let's. she will be able to overcome everything and regain her freedom, good name, and faith in love. now you are my prosecutor. i forgive you. are you doing something? because of whom, but a new test awaits her, what are you doing right, damn, where is my wife,
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today on rtr, old barrel cognac, product stellor group, sale, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade. for a fence at a special price from only 6.95, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, everything that you need to do - fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden... or metal, when it becomes dirty , just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for the fence bright
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horse chestnut, horse balm contains lavender officinalis, rosemary, comfrey extract, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, peppermint and peat extract. call to order horse balm with horse chestnut extract at a uniquely low price, from only 9.95. gin сnop product of stellor group, i didn’t manage to get pregnant again, once again, on saturday, we will cope with everything, even without outside help, this is with gratitude to you for a wonderful evening, congratulations, you can make your husband happy, you should know that the child is not yours, who is the happy father, don’t be my wife.
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i loved him, and he loved me, at your numerous requests, today in this studio there are lyrical songs about love, romances, i like that you are not sick with me, you understand that you have already been married for 31 years, but you would like to be stolen even more once again, i wish everyone love, let's go for a ride, beauty. hello, andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show, on saturday on rtr. good again!
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it was 2011-2012, naturally, to fulfill, let’s say, my lawyer’s debt, i needed a power of attorney, and in general famous people are extremely reluctant to write out such powers of attorney, i was amazed by the ease with which mavrodi wrote out the power of attorney, moreover, when i received it from a notary, i was simply amazed, the thing is, pay attention to the signature, and two letters s and m, yes, that’s usually how schoolchildren,
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illiterate people, put crosses. yes, instead of a signature, i was amazed at this circumstance and asked mavrodi sergei petrevich, what’s the matter, why such a simple signature, and he answered me so calmly, this is to make it easier to forge it, that’s what morodi is all about, people try to complicate their signature, to make it as difficult as possible to forge, ama seemed to be paradoxical, he signed this specifically to make life easier for those who would forge his signature ...
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also i think that they need to be banned, you know, because the population has gone far, okay, or take them under special control, mmm could afford to use such a character, lenya golubkova , yes, that everyone believed, that is, there was such a psychological influence, no, but lenya was also small let’s say, he understood, yes, he filmed for 3 kopecks, if he understood the scale of everything, by the third episode he would have named such fees that kozlovsky would nervously smoke
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today, yes, but... and his special position relative to other people , even if we figure out, as physiologists and psychologists say, this is his favorite position, in which he liked to sit, unfortunately, this is not in the interview, well, yes, this is everywhere, but this really shows that that a person dominates everyone, that is, like a kind of lion, but he has such an aura here, that’s all, that is, from the very beginning he put himself on...
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the first time i ran with sergei potileevich was when i refused to join mmm 2011, he always liked to say that i would be the last person on planet earth who would not join my own pyramid, and i very carefully told him sergei petelevich, but maybe there will be one more person on planet earth who will not join your pyramid, it will be me, he was offended, let's go back to komsomolsky prospekt now, our correspondent viktor nosov is going to this famous, as you say, bad apartment. attention. 6 years have passed since the death of a man whose name in our country became a household name. the only one, besides the president, who addressed the population with new year's greetings. millions suffered from his financial pyramid scheme. sergei mavrodi. he lived in this legendary house on
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komsomolsky avenue. our film crew set out to find out if the memory of this key figure of the nineties is still alive, what the neighbors say about him and, most importantly, who now lives in the apartment where plans for the great were born combinator sergei movrodiy. muscovite, a good person, from a good family, smart, i don’t remember, whether i was an excellent student, or at the institute, or at school, or somewhere, but we seem to be respected by the locals, i haven’t deceived a single one, after that, how 17 kamaz trucks of money were stolen from him, a table was placed between the seventh and eighth floors in our entrance, no matter who came here, no matter who he didn’t know, for a month after that...
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and today sarkist is here with an even more sensational statement that he heard mavrodi's voice on the phone after his official of death. wow! so you were even a fan of mavrodi for a while, right, if i know the story? you know, andrei, i was inspired by movrodi only after i read his books and realized that he was not just a person. and well, he can be assessed in unusual human categories, as everyone does, what was said just now, that is, in some sense it is not from this man’s world, i was of course imbued with the conviction that his goal is not money and not
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to rob people, but how do you like the phrase that this position of his hands always speaks about he’s such a lion, he announced the organization of the party. mine, yes, we discussed this with him, i said, we don’t get involved in politics, as soon as you start getting involved in politics, it will be the beginning of the end, in fact, that’s what happened, at that time i was just in the basement, well, i ’ll tell you this story, hands over your head - this is nonsense, i’ll tell you more, i personally have the same habit, so, at some second you are kidnapped, you are kept in the basement for 4 months, that’s right, in a residential building, you manage to escape - you believe in that mavrode ordered you? i i didn’t believe it for a long time, but after a while i, of course , came to this, because even the judge could not restrain himself, and even said to me during the court hearing that why are you so
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stupid, he ordered you, but i didn’t believe it for a long time, so they kidnapped me in 2001 in december of the twentieth and held me for 4 months, coinciding with that period, i, in addition to being a manager, i was also the largest investor in mmm, and 1.5 million dollars, that is, it was personally through me my friends put it, it’s time to pay this money, and well, it’s obvious, and this is the beginning happen, at this moment it coincides, i am kidnapped, kidnapped by unknown people, like unknown people, when i remember, you yourself said that it was lev konstantinov,
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ramazanov, a journalist, and you know the story, and about the fact that there was a voice on the phone, that sarkiz recognized, mavrodi, but sarkis recognizes different voices, mavrodi created his own structure, there were two people, one of them konstantinov, here he is, i remember, you said that you recognized the voice of this koroshnik, now somehow quietly , like i don’t remember who, there is a court order, there are deadlines, people have left, well, they called the customers, of course, they brought the customer. well, in fact, he may not be lying, because i had a case when
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i also had a situation where we introduced ourselves as the roof of mmm, they seemed to have a criminal structure around mavrodi, it’s clear where he got it from, he got hooked from prison, because remember, when he came out of prison, some people immediately met him, he said, this is my security service, with what money did he spend 6 years or whatever he spent there for 4 years, he supported it, it wasn't his security team, it was those people who were around. while in prison, they told him, listen, let’s stir up something new, now you’ll get out, our people will meet you, that’s it, his goals just coincided, body, they gave him a kind of carte blanche, let’s move in every city of the country, with us everywhere there the mafia will cover you, as they say, so you, accordingly , build your own apocalypse there, that is, they coincided, they had ideas to grab money, and he had, as it were, an apocalypse, that’s all, so these are karoshniks, they were always nearby and they stole it, that’s 100%. this is about this, i think, this conversation was about the stop, but 100% they gave him
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something to drink and threw him there and they just thought that he would die there, but in short he took him out, when they took him to the hospital, why was he in the hospital they took him away, but he was under a narcotic state, and then when they started there he came to his senses, so they finished him off there, and the fact that they buried the other one was 100% just to make ends meet, they may have promised him brazil, of course, but meaning there leaving her alive so that he could move somewhere in brazil, this... our mailboxes were hacked, he
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started the letter to me with this text, that is, he started the letter from a different account, only he could know, yes, well and i, that means, somewhere in the twenty-second year - while in the parking lot, i was warming up the car, a man was walking towards me, this man came up to me in a different guise, but the voice was the same, only his lips gave him away a little, sarkis said, well, here i am, we talked, i can’t get the exact text right now to convey and partially say that he said that everything will still happen and everything is still to come, that’s the very thing that i can convey. sarkis, perhaps you communicated with artificial intelligence, say, a live operator, you hear in your voice when a living person is standing in front of you, so what did you meet?
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how it all happened, because permikov says that only close relatives were named, how did you end up there, well, in fact, it turned out purely by chance, a friend from mmm 2011 was organizing a funeral, his ex
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-only wife elena pavlyuchenko was helping, yeah, and it so happened that they called me , too. okay, was the coffin open or closed? well, at the funeral service the coffin was open, naturally, so there was no brother, there was no brother, there was, there was his cousin, he was very much like him in the sense that it was immediately clear that this was a relative, he bent over the coffin, he said the following , literally, that he, he says, had a hump on his nose, during his life, he says, it didn’t exist, he ’s the spitting image of panteley, that is, he’s the spitting image of his father, and for me that was the key... perhaps the defining moment, which in my opinion is much more important than some kind of examination and other things, that is, you don’t really believe in what the lawyer is saying today, you think that it’s just andrey, there’s no question of faith here, there’s a question of knowledge , it is quite obvious that mavrodi died, since he is just a man, no matter how brilliant, wonderful a person he is, he is mortal.
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okay, how did he end up at this strange bus stop, according to your version, according to my version, he was just walking, no, well , first of all, it’s far from home, right? look, komsomolsky prospekt, here’s the bus, he was in a rented apartment, wait a second, he was hiding even then, he didn’t live in his apartment, there’s a story there, of course, i want to tell you an important detail, yeah, the thing is that when he was sitting right in the special block of sailor silence, his cellmate turned out to be a killer of a well-known group, who killed more than a dozen people there, and sergei ponyatelyevich consulted with him in general, they could remove him or not and... and what, how can you protect yourself, on what does he need this the killer replied that if he had been ordered for real, he would have been removed anyway, and he seemed to have a presentiment, you know, that most likely such an ending awaited him, which is why he focuses his attention on this
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conversation with the killer and even described it in the book . andrei, i also don’t believe that he came there and died, it seems to me that he was simply poisoned. these are different scales, 2011 is not a threat to anything, he first of all needed to be gone, well, at least for the public, so let us calm down now, short advertisement illegitimate son for the first time on television, why did the founder of the pyramid hide all this time? information about him after the advertisement, how i miss you, daughter, how good it is that you came, you are here for a long time, i left my husband, oleg, hello, what are you doing here, and about nadya, did you forget
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to tell me that they dating, mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice, old love does not rust, yes, this summer she... will take a risk, i won’t be able to give you what you’re used to, ver, forgive me, please come home, i i will never return to him if you if you ask nicely, i will help you, one summer all my life, on friday on rtr, rum, kastra. product of steller group. introducing the dremalina сvon pillow. a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees,
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a collection chamber for easy cleaning. whether you're traveling or in the office, you can always be sure that your feet will always be in perfect condition. even unsightly calluses on the hands are carefully but thoroughly removed with the help of peka. you will receive a complete set of peeds for silky soft, smooth feet. it's a great price at only 49.95, but wait if you order directly now, then you will receive a second set of peddyveg as a gift, this is a care that you can share with your loved ones, and the price will remain the same, only 49.95 and you save almost 50 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited, monte chococa cognac, stellar product group. hello, dear
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friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes today on rt. once again, good afternoon. his wife, elena pavlyuchenko, daughter, name, which generally differs in different sources, what is her name, well, irina, in my opinion, irina or? married to oleg gazmanov,
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however, for many years, and the families seem to know nothing at all, there are rumors that the brother and wife changed their names, they are so afraid of deceived investors, in february, on condition of anonymity, we were given an address in moscow, where the daughter of the great schemer, ekaterina or irina, lives, a... however, at this address this is what was waiting for our correspondents. ekaterina sergeevna, i apologize. no, sorry. does ekaterina sergeevna live here? i don't know, sorry. wait a second, we're just... you won't give us literally a couple of minutes. katya, talk to us, please, we have already arrived to you. they closed the door in front of us, they don’t want to communicate with us, so we’ll try to call. hello, we would like to chat directly with you for a couple of minutes, tell me, is this possible? victor, you are probably confusing me with someone, because i am not
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katerina sergeevna, i have my own business, please, you can leave me alone, i called the security now, but we decided to take a different path, as it turned out, for several years ago, in addition to a legitimate daughter, sergei mobrodiy also has an illegitimate one son, and today. for the first time on a talk show you will see maxim mernes, what he thinks about the mystery of the death of the one he calls his father. maxim, hello, we are glad to see you, thank you for being with us today, let's listen to what you told us before the program, and then we will come back to you, thank you, i got the mmm tattoo in 2016, then mmm still existed, as if in the foreign segment, the father was still alive, that is, everything was still good then. that my father sergei mavrodi, i knew from childhood that i knew that there was such a person, how would he be my father, well, that’s it, as if specifically, as if
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he didn’t take any particular part in my life, so to speak, never together... lived especially like that, never communicated closely, there weren’t any gifts or parties of all this in general, he appeared, so to speak, in my life only after he got out of prison there already in the tenth year, that is, he created a blog, you could write there and so on, so it turns out that i wrote to him there that how are things there then - that’s how he would answer me only later we we called on skype from that time and somehow started communicating, that is, in this mmm format, which means we have an old channel, it’s called sergey mavrodil, so i’ve been running it since 2014, well, plus there are domains there, everything is also like these all the names, then there’s this website here mmm there and so on, they all hung on me in general, we never met with my father sergei mavrodi, well, we regularly called each other on the internet, i’m sure that it’s as if this is the whole story there it would be
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interesting for him to be there again, in my opinion, it’s unlikely that i would i would hardly have connected it there at all. they communicated with him somehow very closed, as if he didn’t let anyone in, because there are very few adequate people in general, and in general he is such a very strange person, that is, as if, well, based on an ordinary person, it’s difficult to understand in general, i love this there , this is all somehow not his story at all, well, it’s not my story either, as life has shown, that is, somehow i don’t have this at all either, well, there were grievances in childhood, then when he already connected me with the whole story no offense at all it wasn’t, because, roughly speaking, he helped me build my life well, well , it’s like, then in the end i...
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no, i wasn’t, because i had a situation where i was held hostage, i then i also lived in thailand there, yes, you said that you were in a thai prison, let's listen to this page of your biography, the same as your father's prison sentence, well, now i 'll tell you what a thai prison looks like, this is it now my room, here i live alone, in a thai prison there can be 40 people, that is, everyone is sleeping right next to each other, the concrete floor. this thing here will seem like something divine, and compared to what they give you, well, i was just sitting at home, four police officers arrived, they just immediately loaded me into a paddy wagon, took away all the computers there, everything that i had some equipment there, you have a lot of money in your accounts, it’s unclear where it came from, everything was then brought there to the prison, this is this thing, it’s for sleeping, because it turns out that
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the light in the cell is on all the time, that is, when you get it you fall asleep like this and just put it on your head. that’s it, only then you fall asleep, as if so that the light would not shine, every 4 o’clock in the morning, it turns out that they have this prayer, a thai prayer, they have a buddhist prayer, they turn it on four times a day at 4 o’clock in the morning, you listen to it every day you wake up, a lot of people are sick, that is, there is all kinds of tuberculosis, everything else, that is, the horror is just unsanitary conditions, plus the food. that is, only water and rice , that’s all, again, why do they do this, that is, so that a person, when the first he is there for 3 months, he either already accepts the fact that he is in prison, he either pays bail, that is, there are 35-40,000 dollars and so on, they gave me the opportunity to pay for another cell, then it cost 70,000 baht, this about half a thousand dollars, there were prisoners from china, from australia, from belgium, that is, well, some kind of connection was made later, in principle, there were even some contacts
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left, now we are calling each other there, who has already left there. go to court trying to get compensation damage, now we will show you this, attention, near the khamovinsky district court of moscow, we are because today there will be a court hearing that concerns the questions of where mavrodi’s criminal proceeds are located. i am currently a claimant, previously i was a shareholder of one of
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his companies, then i became a victim, currently i... and 20 people who gave me powers of attorney, we are participating in trials, in total there are about 10,500 injured citizens according to the verdict man, so the total damage at that time was about 4 sec... rub. our group has a total loss of about 1 billion. regardless of whether it is a living or non-living movrodi, the bailiffs are obliged to execute judicial acts on the recovery of the smorrodi. we have information and evidence, documents, and the courts met us halfway, to examine these documents, we asked the court to make an appropriate decision, which the courts did, so we are doing it, but it seems to be living, we are trying to achieve the execution of judicial acts that have entered into legal force. recovery of criminal proceeds from the debtor. alexander petrovich, just deceived contributor here today. avm, as a version. hello. movrodi's money was found, the court
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established. so, if anyone is interested, i can document where the proceeds of crime are located. but even at the same time, as i understand it, if after all the first mmm, sergey opened it together with vyacheslav. vyacheslav is alive, can i ask him? it's possible, but that's it. i wrote this: bailiffs, you are obliged to recover money from this particular organization through the arbitration court, so the money is there,
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absolutely criminal, absolutely mafia, which means the structure is conspiracy theological, all these stupid talk about the financial apocalypse, well, what an apocalypse, this is the smokescreen under which these comrades then entered, those who stood behind the mavrod, i think these are people associated with thieves in law, then entered 107 countries, they entered africa, they entered india, they entered eastern europe and harvested, i don’t know, i think it’s not a penny. i didn’t get it, at that moment when all this had to be hidden by the end driver, at that moment the mavrodi were poisoned and thrown at the bus stop, all ends in the water, but it still seems to me that what the lawyer, alexander molokhov, said today is that
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sergei mavrodi may be alive, or according to dmitry matsanov, he was killed by bandits, if you have something to tell, dear viewers, call or write to our editorial office, we let's keep an eye on this one. stories, that's all for today, goodbye, hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. let's start with some incredible and absolutely sensational footage, family.


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