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tv   Ispitanie  RUSSIA1  August 6, 2024 12:05am-1:01am MSK

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doctor, what's going on? i don't understand, she 's in some kind of a stupor, she's not eating anything, she's not reacting to anything. are you not telling me something? you understand, all the internal injuries are healing slowly, but at the same time the tests are getting worse. and this is pure psychosomatics. the patient simply doesn't want to live, she can't walk. i recommended that she move more, she doesn't... she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to eat, she doesn't want to take medication, we invited a psychologist to see her, but it only got worse, you know, it seems to me that at one time she had some kind of connection with this negative experience, do you happen to know, well , it seems like something happened in childhood, i don’t know. i
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don’t understand, i swear, well, i, well, well, she doesn’t react to me at all, at all, well, okay, to me, but she could have reacted to girls, right, but she could, she should have reacted, the doctor says, she doesn’t want to live, i don’t understand at all, how is this possible, lyuba doesn’t want to live, what kind of doctor is that, no, of course, maybe they know something there, they understand something, they finish their opinion, but they’re just girls. you know, i i was sure that she would do this, that i was sure that she would react to them, quiet, quiet, stop, listen, everything will be fine, i don’t know, ir, thank you, come on, really, you, you’re just helping, with the girls, well, in general. you help me and you
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understand me, thank you, dad, when you came in, and your door was wide open, and forgive me, dad, dad, i don’t know what you thought, but then... i don’t know how you imagine it, but what i just saw, i really don’t like that you don’t like it, i have to, love, i will never forget this, listen, i also owe a lot to lyuba, she taught me to value life, why do you think i can betray her, i'm a grown boy, you don't need to teach me, okay, kiro, okay, live as you wish, keep whining, that's all you're capable of. how did you
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get on my nerves already? lucy, what kind of guy was he? that he was a guy right away, a handsome naked man, he gave me flowers, i saw what kind of car he drives, how long have you known each other, lucy? well, about two weeks ago, what? where did he even come from? where did he come from, where did the acquaintances come from, got it? how old are you, lucy, don't you know? you know that dating sites are only for psychopathic maniacs, wow, so you katya have a husband, a family, i have psychopathic maniacs, thank you, katya, husband, ate too much cargo, husband, come on, you can't come dressed in a beautiful outfit.
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you wanted something, you wanted to know how bad she is, it's better not to touch her now, she won't react to anything, why doesn't she even react to girls, well, i didn't take girls to her, i still don't want them to see her in such a state, they recorded a video saying hello, i showed it, but everything without... well, this video could still lead, but it can't be, so that lyuba doesn't react to the girls. maxim, let's sort it out, okay, unrequited, any! in general, an artist
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should be in the theater, i wrote this song myself, lyusya, what are you talking about, talent, no, well, i have a lot. talents, i 'll fry this shashlik, you know, i'll lick my fingers, i'm almost ready, you bought some meat, though it's not great, i just invested in one business now, yeah, we made a little money, here 's the profit, i'll buy everything myself, oh, come on vadik, what are you saying, what's the difference who bought it, the main thing is who cooked it? especially you guest, you need to be treated, meat in general does not like women's hands, a man should buy , marinate and fry, here is a woman who is just ready, yes, yes, oh,
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step, step, go, i will introduce you to uncle matik, step. he is good, amazing, step, go eat some meat, he is good, with character, well, never mind, we will go mushroom picking, we will become friends, i will teach him to distinguish edible from inedible, or maybe this... with shashlik, not lucky, i take care of my health and i do not advise you, give me the blood of dead tomatoes, well, let's drink to you, mom, mom, mommy, you are already
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recovered, mommy... i missed you so much, hi, mom, let's go home, yes, oh, say, yes, let's go home, girl, i'm very tired, kiril, send them home, they don't need to be here, well, how is your pastry chef, tell me, sanyvich himself. if a person is fading away before our eyes, can something be done? it's hard to say, it happens in all sorts of ways. in the almshouse my
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neighbor told me one story: in the sports veterans' house, will you listen? so, it happened. the guy has cancer, the doctors gave him a maximum of six months, this man decided, why should he all these six months to lie down and die, he sold everything , sailed on a cruise, around the world, so he sails on this cruise on a liner, a month, two, six months, dawned, having fun, taking everything from life. this is some kind of movie they told you, so i went to bed, okay, go on telling the story, you'll get by, well sanovich, okay, the cruise ended, that guy decided to get examined,
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it turned out that there was no trace left of his cancer, he really was left naked boss, but that's a secondary issue. hello, you have an additional mri scheduled in the neighboring case. where are you going? to marta?
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what are you doing? it has to be this way. why did you bring me here? to say goodbye to life.
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i'm tired, i'm now, oh well, you sit, and if you want to rest, i can organize it. no, thank you, thank you, yes, so young, and so
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useless, and what are you sitting around for, and work, come on, two cars are approaching, oh my god! do you want to jump? come on, be bolder, what are you standing there for? come on, jump, you don't want to live, do you?
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yeah, go on, what are you, come on, come on, jump, you'll feed the crayfish, someone else will raise your children, come on, come on, you're selfish, you only think about yourself, come on, come on, but no, i can't, i won't. well, that's it, that's it, it's because of you, mom, i didn't come home, you asked her badly, that's not true, okay, i asked, oh, no, it's all because of that. you don't love mabu, but i do, but you don't love, you don't love, dasha, stop
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, when i was little, i couldn't stand up for myself either, don't worry, it's not your fault, really, really. you're older, be smarter. we should be abroad already. baby, life doesn't always fit into the calculation, right? and what has changed since the moment we came up with this plan? it's okay, you always knew you had a daughter, but it's one thing to know, another thing to see in front of you, look, she has my eyes. and she wrinkles her nose just like me, and we should throw all the plans
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under the bus just because she wrinkles her nose in a different way, i think it's cute, very, legal, you're a lawyer, you should understand that now is not the right situation to take a child abroad, that's precisely because i'm a lawyer, i understand perfectly well that now is the most suitable situation, in the sense of. well, well and if, let's say, she doesn't get better, that idiot kirill won't have time for the child. wait, it turns out we're waiting for her to die, it turns out. it's luck, and what about the fact that you almost strangled me before that? ok, that's it, let's move on, now shut up, don't bother me, i need to think, okay,
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and what are you doing? what you asked for, i'm trying not to bother you. of course i don't understand your parents, how, how could you give this to a medical school, it's a direct road to theater, are you kidding me or something? no, no, no, i admire you. listen, you don't do you understand that i'm doing this for you? i know, i know, darling. i looked everywhere, yes, and there too, damn, where's my wife, i'm the doctor on duty and the patient
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zatsepina, around 12:30 they took her for a repeat mri, but they didn't prescribe it for her, she's in the department. she didn't show up, listen, what kind of mess is going on, i just can't understand, do you have a cctv camera, you have security, where are you looking, is this a private clinic or what? let's calm down, we've already called the police, the security is studying the video from the cameras, while you're studying something there, with my wife, god knows what could happen, but we are doing everything in our power, i was digging through my dad's papers, thank you. i found a letter and a photo there, i recognized her, my own mother, i began to remember her voice, her hands, some details, the next day i was hit by a car, clinical death, and there i
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heard a voice, a familiar voice, but... "i don't remember whose, she said that it was my fault for my mother's death, that she died because of me, i feel that this may be true, but what exactly happened there, i can't remember, maybe it's good that you can't, maybe something traumatic really happened in your childhood, but your consciousness is kind of blocked..." was it, why are you looking at me like that, thinking, i don't know such words, i'm just surprised how you managed to do what psychologists don't always manage, i just seem to be starting to return to reality, how are you feeling now, i'm hungry, i'm sleepy, great, and does kirill know that
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i'm here? didn't you warn him, are you crazy? it seems like you're really coming to your senses. come on, let's go back, i have to warn you. come on. thank you for these 15 years spent together , for the happiness of being together, on saturday we are being treated for infertility, we are incompatible, time is running out and soon it will be too late to give birth, and i
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want to ask you to help me with this, maybe i am already pregnant? well, miracles do happen, right? well, i am not here as a patient, i am as the mother of your future child. anastasia panina can't take it anymore. if you decided to leave, leave. alexander makagon. still , amazingly sensitive fingers. what did i do to deserve this? anatoly rudenko. i really miss you miss you. i'm doing well. great job, new relationship. let me introduce you to my ex-husband, don't be my wife on saturday on rtr. rixas premium seagate - family fun starts here,
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every detail is designed for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of the coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixos premium sea gate. rixos premium. invite you to the swiss-hotel sharm el-sheikh, the first swissotel in the world, working on the system, everything included. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. svisotel sharm el sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city, the baby decided to be cheerful all day long, even if he was not given a dog, but to receive a plush puppy as a gift was too much, when he
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remembered this, his cry turned into a real groan, silly, forgive me that this baby is a silly, the book is also silly, and i like it, what's next? why does he need a dog, when he has a whole carlson? carlson is not real, the dog is alive, yes tera, i don’t know, probably, when i was a child i really wanted a dog, but they didn’t let me, your mom, and why ? because the dog leaves hair all over the apartment, kralson is better, and i think if we ask dad nicely, maybe... he will allow us to get a dog, you need to ask mom when she gets better,
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you can be honest with me, you’re glad that lyuba disappeared, what, but you’ve come to terms with the fact that she won’t survive, no, so lyubov nikolaevna is now in hospital, i mean in the hospital, have you gone crazy there or something? damn, being discharged is
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good, i saw you in a dream, where are you, yeah, look, you've become more cheerful, otherwise i was thinking of dying, run, run. and girl, get out of here, we'll all have time to lie down, love, hello, love, the main thing is that this violation of the regimen has done you good, your tests have become much better, great, that means i can go home, right, but considering your anamnesis, i would stay a few more days, you yourself said that the tests are much better, that means i went to... home, in that case let's go defend yourself, let's go, damn, well i mean you 're driving up, you said 10 minutes ago that
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you'd be near the hospital, what traffic jams, forgive me, so if you're not there in 2 minutes, i'm writing a complaint and calling another taxi, okay, no need for a taxi, let me take you, and what did you come here for, and why did you drag lyuba? kirill, calm down, i explained to you that maxim, wait, why did you come, do you want to sort things out now, but it seems to me that this is not the best place, seriously, doesn't it seem to you, kirill, i'm asking you, stop it, calm down, no need, yes, we've arrived, great, let's go, i'll call you, hi, caught up. yes, what, mom has arrived, mom, mom, hi, mommy, mom! what happened, let's
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go out, yeah, lyubov nikolaevna, finally, hello, welcome home to you, kirill and i were so worried about you, i mean, i was worried, and kirill leonidovich too, and the girls and i made you a cake, yes, we did it ourselves, mom, go try it, mom, go, let's go, let's go. thank you, my dear, mom, you're finally home, i missed you so much, i missed you too, i missed you more, no, i, no, i, i, i, and you know that ira doesn't even know what mixed fractions are, but she's kind, she walked with us , fed us, those who didn't do their homework, well, we'll do it later, well , we'll do it later, i'll give it to you later, come on, quickly,
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later, later. mom, let's rest , come on, taiki, lie down, thank you, how are you, are you okay, i was really scared for you, but of course i got even more angry when this champion showed up, i beg you, don't, i'm so glad to see you , i missed you so much, "i missed you too, i love you, i love you, i'm sorry, right now, yes, hello, no, no, no, you can't fire me, i have a force majeure, wait, hello, listen, they shouldn't
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have done that. who? your boss. they shouldn't have fired you. you had your reasons for not coming to work today. nobody cares about my reasons. not everybody. ira. now lyuba's back and i want, don't worry, i understand everything, i'll go to the girls, dad, ira, ira, dad, let's play a board game, yes, it's very simple, we'll teach you now, you need to build a tower like this and pull out one piece at a time and put it on top, whoever's tower falls loses, let's play, dad,
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well... i didn't kill you, i know, honey, everything will be fine, sleep. don't be afraid of anything.
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he's cheating, he's cheating, no, i'm not cheating, where, where am i cheating, look, no-no-no, where are you, he always cheats, i don't cheat, i'm self-honesty, can i, whoever gets the apple, come on, op, come on, you're next, i'm next , no, well here we go in a circle, hey! can i, can i?
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the evening is warm, beautiful. i'm so happy that everything is fine with you, mom, forgive me, it had to be this way, no one should know, you really forgave me, don't say anything, you should know only one thing, i forgive you for everything. sometimes i it seems that for you i am ready to kill, you and i are one breed, mom, i don’t know,
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maybe it’s genetically transmitted, i am ready for anything, do you hear, you are my son dasha, your blood, she should be with us, well, the main thing is not to rush, she should get used to you, you are right, yura, can i ask you, please put the kettle on, i want to talk to mom. yeah, go, sweetheart, ivanovna, you think, i don’t understand what you
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are trying to achieve, you can’t keep yura, so you are trying to act through dasha, i want the father and daughter to communicate, daughter, yes he does not know this child, as ... on his, but this does not cancel the family relationship, yes, but this is not a reason to manipulate the child, this is called paternal instinct, this is called irrational behavior, to consider a child the only value of your life, every mother considers her child the only value of her life, i, for example, consider yura the only value of my life, i see, but not you. i was with him in prison when he was dying, but something tells me that you were guided by a crazy attitude love, it's a pity, yes, yes, the evening
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is beautiful. so that this would be the last time, okay? yes, thank you, thank you. are you going to order something? oh, lyuba, lyuba, how, is this necessary, lyuba,
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hi, how is it? yes, i'll be fine, you, how are we, how did you find out, we got off, is it true that i'll take you to maksim from the clinic? yes, lyusya is so nervous that... she almost sent three people to the burn center, max bought such equipment here, it's totally mind-blowing, let's go have a look, lyuva, hello, hello, you have to freeze them first, and then dip them in chocolate. otherwise nothing will work out, you won't have enough chocolate, exactly, thank you very much, and you , lyubov nikolaevna, yes, yes, you can just lyuba , yes, i so dreamed of meeting you, and
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now i'm so glad that you work with me, i mean i'm with you, well, that is, with you , don't worry, don't worry, i'm also very glad, oh my god, everything is fine, you're like this, table quickly , quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, everything is fine, everything is fine, why did you come, you still need to lie down, i missed you. at work, ugh, everything is fine, you're like this every time, masha, when i, when i just look at her, i see dasha, i i can't help myself, this is some kind of obsession, how many times have i told you, let dasha go, it's easy to say, "if i, as a mother, succeeded, then you
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can do it, you just don't try, you cling to the past, it's convenient for you, you feel like a traitor, don't you, kish!" it seems to you that you are betraying dasha, but you didn't think that in fact you are betraying lyuba, i don't know, i don't know, this similarity between ira and dasha, you made it up. there is no such thing,
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yes, probably, probably, you are right, you have something it was already, no, he was too worried about lyuba for there to be something between us, at least you succeeded in something, at least there is some progress, well, we became very close friends, and he looks at me in a special way and trusts me, it seems to me, listen, that's all, lyrics, i pay you so that he just looks at you in a special way, but he clearly wanted to kiss me several times, just something got in the way, so do something so that nothing gets in the way, i have an idea, no, but i 'll think of something. as always with me,
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okay, listen, listen, you interpret it interestingly doctor's orders for bed rest, i can't lie in bed anymore, well then i thought, it won't be so bad if i just walk to the pastry shop, and i'll give denis a master class, by the way, he's a great guy, thank you for hiring him, wow! it was worth hiring another pastry chef to get your gratitude, not only for denis, you brought me back to life, you know, this all reminded me of a story from my childhood, just don't laugh, i was little, show. "i was angry at my mother, and i
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it seemed like the whole world was against me." and then... i met one woman.
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it's just that no one had ever been so kind to me before. probably, then for the first time in my life i was happy, that's why i am like that. i remember. now it's clear why you chose the confectionery business? when i first met you, i was just struck by lightning. are you so similar to her? yes, it's all the cakes from childhood.
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or maybe fate? "i am very grateful to you for everything that you have done and are doing for me, but i am married and i love my husband, of course, just childhood memories, how i missed to you, daughter, how good that you came, you are for a long time, i left." from her husband, oleg, hi, what are you doing here, and about nadya, did you forget to tell me that they are dating, mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice, old love never rusts, yes, this summer she will take a risk, i will not be able to give you what you are used to, faith, forgive me, please,
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come home, i will never go back to him, if you ask me nicely, i will help you, and... one summer all my life, on friday on rtr. kalinon belek - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean. discover true. perfection, making dreams come true. calinan beel hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant
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details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of. treatments, a golden beach and azure waves. liu resorts, we are here for you. discover a true pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world wave. adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum, and where is lyuba?
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lyubov nikolaevna went to the pastry shop. "why am i not surprised, on the third day after discharge, that's exactly where you need to go, i was thinking, maybe i should throw a party for her, i mean a party, well, as a surprise, invite friends, relatives, i think she will be nice. tell me, why are you trying so hard for her, hm? because lyubov nikolaevna is a good person, it’s not her fault that you, that we, are you afraid of me, i
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’m afraid of myself, please, forgive me. listen, maybe i should walk you home now, no need, i’ll get there myself, i want to take a walk, and then she’ll look after me at home, irina, she too, listen, you’ll get better soon, there’s denis in the pastry shop now, you won’t be so busy. do you really need this assistant, she lives with you, spends the night, and day and night, what are you talking about, but it’s nothing. "wife in hospital, doctors' prognosis is disappointing, a young interesting man is alone in the house,
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i think kirill is not capable of such a thing, forgive me, i always say this, and then i think, in vain, kirill, he is trying so hard to atone for his guilt before you, do you think that only a sense of guilt keeps him from cheating? "i don't know, lyubochka, how glad i am to see you in good health, hello, hello, mutually, by the way, there is your favorite cheesecake, so come in, how nice that you remember, lyubochka, tell me, what do they say at the police, but they've already found those scoundrels who knocked you down, no, they haven't found them yet, it's a terrible century, you know, lyuba is very tired and is in a hurry to get home, yes, yes, i'm sorry, it's just such an unusual case. all the best, all the best, a very nice woman, i'll have to organize some kind of compliment for her from the establishment, you'll do it, of course, oh, and i
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still haven't told you about the little person, she found herself a groom, when she had time, well, you were gone for a month, sometimes your whole life turns upside down in a month, bye, bye. yura, i have news for you, good news, oh well, no, no, although why not, i could give birth to a daughter for you, you want a daughter, a good plan. for the future, look at dasha's profile,
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mommy is home, well if that's what you mean, this is really good news , yeah, yeah, even though after this our chances of taking her away are close to zero. we just need to change tactics, here we are in a vulnerable position, we need to go abroad and from there work without interference to transfer her, darling, you know that everything is ready, everything is ready, you just need to make a decision. what the hell,
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there are plenty of vacancies, i get rejected everywhere, i'm not even a good carpenter, my father says i'm a lousy husband, do you think so too? amazing! kira, you, you're not indifferent to her, i mean, to whom, to erina, lyub, what's wrong with you, you, yeah, what kind of nonsense is this, hey, stop it, what's wrong with you, i love you, luul, what's wrong with you?
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i made you coffee, thank you, good morning, and i 'm not late, good morning, how i've missed this process? getting the kids ready for school, and oh, and olya loves it when the chicken is trimmed, seriously, yeah, and what should i do, should i start cleaning or take the girls, i i'll take you myself, yeah, get ready, let's go to school, kirill leonidovich, yeah, can i come today? i'll come to the party too, um, okay, i understand, i
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organized everything with the girls from the confectionery, everything will go well. no, really, ira, of course, you can come, we, we don't mind slyuba, if you definitely want to come, especially since i'm very much obliged to you, here, uh, i'm waiting for you in the car, kirill, where are you taking me, i can't see anything, what 's going on, don't worry, you'll see everything now, be careful, there's a step here. you know that, that i don't like surprises, i understand, but you'll like it, so now here's the ear, kirill, what have you come up with, quiet, quiet, god, quiet, quiet, quiet, here, stand up, and one, and two, and three surprise,
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i always had a very weak belief in humanism, well , man is a friend to man, you made me believe, no, that's not it, you made me change, i realized that there is something else in life, well, something good, for a very good
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person, for you, lyuba, lyuba, lyubochka, for lyuba, wonderful, i'll come now, you see. loves, you're welcome, how do you like everything, liked, very much, such i organized the party, i tried, and
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just a minute, attention, dear ladies and gentlemen, another surprise, dear lyubov nikolaevna, this is a surprise for you, wow, i cooked it according to a new recipe, i hope you like it, thank you, it's very beautiful, knife, no, you're great, really, great, kirill leonidovich, please help me take out the shamk. okay, i'll be right there, so, where is katya, it's awful, i want cake so much, here it is, here it is.


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