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tv   Ispitanie  RUSSIA1  August 6, 2024 10:15pm-11:11pm MSK

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veda vodka, a product of stellor group. yours loved him, and he loved me. at your numerous requests. today in this studio we are listening to lyrical songs about love and romances. i like that you are not sick with me. you understand that you have been married for 31 years, but i would like to be stolen. this is some kind of holiday for the soul, because this is real, this is what nature gives, love a woman for the sin that she took out of paradise. hello, andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show. on saturday on rtr, the third position of the hands
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, beautifully hold your hands, pas with a leg stretched out and devlupe beautiful beautiful beautiful stretch your legs so your backs are straight keep your backs straight that you like old women are going to choose 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so well get together let's go let's go beautifully third position arms legs that my god it's scary to look at you hello, yes, hi, well where am i, where else can i be, of course, at the beautician's, listen, the new procedure is so cool, what should i tell you, you don't have enough money for it, what are we standing there for, doing a prank, come on, yes, yes, maybe, well these dances, i like it, but i don't, why she's lying, what's the procedure? adults often say it
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in their mouths, but you're a little one and you don't understand anything, why don't you understand, i don't understand it myself, just like i don't understand, why are we sitting here , and why are you lying, i mean, about the procedure, yeah, and i 'm not lying, i just embellished it a little, just don't tell churma, and i'll let you put makeup on for it , yeah, yeah, yeah, no, mom won't let you, well, we won't tell her, can we have a little secret? yeah, no, let 's go, mom, hi, let's dance, yeah, run, get ready, we're going to visit, forgot, exactly, well, how are you, good, the girls dance beautifully, what wouldn't you agree, there is no one more beautiful in the world, my soul met you in a dream, i remember how you were silent then, i remember your gaze, radiating light, now we are together, an angel for...
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apologies that he cannot be present in person, unfortunately, a lot of things to do, everything piled up at once, one on top of another and i couldn't come, denis also sent his regards, i was honored, lyuba, well, what did you give me, but heavy, coffee pot, coffee pot, will you bring me coffee in bed every morning, will you, let's see how you behave, vadik, the shashlik is burnt, girls, what shashlik? poor
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lyuska, she's running around with him, vadik, vadik, she came up with the idea that she and he have a family, she even took these rings on credit, what are you talking about, yeah, shashlik, shashlik, oh, girls, girls, that's it, stop being secretive, let me bring you something delicious, thank you. so thank you, thank you, vadik, the girls have some compote, come on, styopa, that's it, that's it, styopa, i'll invite him, yeah, maybe you'll join in, what are you doing here, yeah , i want to launch a kite, great, everyone's celebrating there. what's going on here
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to celebrate that mom brought another daddy into the house, and also made this dump, not a dump, but a momonku. tash, what difference does it make, we have the same crap, dad doesn't live with us anymore, mom said, that's what they decided, sometimes, they teach us themselves, but don't understand anything, let's go have her shashlik of course, let's go. now we'll bake a pie, which one do you like, open or closed? yeah, i don't know, maybe cinnamon and apple pies, let's make some pies, let's make some, maybe it'll be great, that's great, and kirill didn't call,
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he's been gone for a long time, he left puffed up like a... tych, and what's been happening to him lately? i don't know myself, he's always in a bad mood now, he doesn't answer questions, he avoids conversations and in general, ira, what's wrong with you and kirill? yeah, it's not that things aren't going well, it's just that i, i somehow imagined it differently,
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he doesn't love me, and in general, no one has ever really loved me, come on, baby, what are you making up, what do you mean no one loved me, well... i don't have any relatives, and i was raised by my cousin, she killed me by mortal combat for any offense, tore a tights, she's a slob, she lost a mitten, gape, broke something, some kind of clumsy little thing, oh my god, my poor girl, ran away from her at twelve and ended up in an orphanage, then ended up in juvenile detention. well, that's how it all went, irochka, my dear girl, but it's all over, it's all in the past, you'll have everything, and love, happiness, everything will be, dear ladies, i want to drink to you,
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uncle vazim, we have a snake stuck in a tree, a snake, what kind, green, no, red, red. "i'll be back, we'll continue, don't fall out of the tree, oh, girls, okay, why are you silent, well, you've seen it, what is he like, we see, we see, lyusya, i dreamed about the zone again today, at home in the morning. and how good it was that it was just a dream, that's for sure, girls, do you remember how we sang there, lyus, we didn't sing there, well lyub, well that's the song, birds, we don't remember
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we don't want to remember, lyus, oh, girls, let's drink, to love, to you, lyuba, squeek, squyuk, squeak, mom, i thought so, i don't want these dances, i don't want a car either, yeah, you don't want it today, you'll want it again tomorrow, you can't do that, this is a person, alive, not a toy, i understand, and are you going to get married a second time? well, i'm definitely not going to get married , i don't know about getting married yet, i understand, oh, maybe you 'll sleep with us all the time,
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please, it will be so sad, only sometimes, it's a pity, oh, do you remember that photo? uh, there was an aunt in it, she looks like you, who is she? i 'll tell you later, okay, let's go to bed now. okay, good night, i can, good night, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'll count the animals, i'm not afraid of anyone, except for one tiger. mom, it's your fault, you little brat.
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why don't you come in, hi, mood bad, didn't get enough sleep, want to get some fresh air, had bad dreams all night, oh, girls, it's so bad in the minibus, why aren't they giving you a ride again, katya, go, come on, are we planning an engagement, hello, hi everyone, lyuba, this is for you,
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women's whims, propose quickly, lyuba, hurray, look, it's simple. oh, how scary, don't touch her, or else what will happen, or else our dad will come and kill you, oh well, let's lie, i haven't seen him for a long time, he usually takes you to school, but now he doesn't, what's wrong with dad, did he find him a mom, you fool, do it yourself stupid, according to the class teacher... olya and dasha, adamenko don't run, olya and dasha
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have been lagging behind lately, maybe we should hire tutors, but it's not about the tutor, olya is uninitiative, her eyes are always in a wet place, and dasha is nervous, today she got into a fight with a classmate, dasha is very impulsive. "sorry, i have a pet council, she was offended at us
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for talking to me more, i need to apologize, i need to apologize, mom, i got into a big mess!" "i didn't think you would upset me so much, dasha is not to blame, this is everything senka, yes, he said that our dad found a new mom, and i defended him, i will not allow anyone to offend our dad, girls, if senka said so, then he probably has some problems in the family, well, yes, his parents got divorced. promise me that you will never fight again, i promise,
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dasha, i give you my word, it's dad, no, it's not dad, damn, it's all in vain, lyuba will not allow me to see dasha anymore, yes, it's all thanks to your mommy. oh well, let's forget it, mom did something stupid. it only means that i myself have to act more decisively. or maybe well in this plan, it seems to me that it complicates everything, maybe i should try, okay, i will not argue with you.
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"hello, you can act, i have dreamed about you for so many years, anatoly rudenko, glafira torkhanova, oleg was arrested, one girl was killed, the police decided that it was him, yuri batorin, i will help your oleg. if you promise that nick will stay with me, now oleg is definitely in danger, one summer all his life, on friday on rtr, allow yourself a first-class vacation with liorets,
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elegant details. a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. castro rum, a product of stellar group. rixas premium segate. family fun begins. here, here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens , the beauty of the coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixsos premium segate. rixos premium segate.
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mancacher whiskey - a product of stellar group real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lucshery collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in the world-exciting adventures of fiery entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum cognac. monte chococa, a product of stellar group, welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday, friends met here, one hundred percent confidence that friends will not let you down, your humble servant, i'm a bit thoughtful, well maybe it's those who lay asphalt, asphalt pavers, a hundred percent guarantee that
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it won't be boring, aren't you afraid, the light bulbs here can break, what are tourists looking for in the cave? we have one of the answers, maybe it's the right one, puddles: one hundred percent pleasure from the game, do you know how to measure, i'm just smart, yes 100 to one, let's go on saturday to sunday on rtr, yes, yes, hi, are you serious, are you kidding? he offers me a job? yes, i agree, of course, i agree, when? today? can i today? yes, yes, kostya! yeah, come on, come on, come on, i'm a big debtor, thank you. what are you jumping up for? are you being offered a job? can you
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imagine, kostya just called, he said he was looking for an experienced manager for a big project, when they mentioned my name, they were just. we came here on a whim, sorry, and i wanted to say, we're lucky, if you get this job, a lot of problems will be solved, definitely, definitely, everything will be fine, where are you going, where are you going, seriously? thank you, did something happen to you? listen. "you and i are friends, partners, but it just so happened that for me you more than a friend, don't you think i
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'm playing around, you're my ideal woman, the one i've always dreamed of, since childhood, it's cool." i don't know how it's done, anyway, i proposed to you , for real. plus, well,
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i'm sorry, i didn't mean to offend you, just... no hard feelings, okay, let's pretend that this conversation never happened, you can still rely on me in everything, everything is fine. now this is your new place of work, i won't hide it, we've been looking for a person with such experience and knowledge as yours for a long time, so the company
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sweet life, counts on the head of our office and expects from him the expansion of our confectionery successful promotion on the market, i got it, i got it, i understand, this is my workplace, you will be here, congratulations, ladies and gentlemen, a minute of your attention. i will have one question, tell me, do you have anything to do with the raider takeover, confectionery
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harmony of taste, let's sit down, sit down, kirillevich, my dear, well, what kind of raider, what kind of takeover, ordinary business, conflict, nothing more, a person experienced, you know how it is, but i'm glad you raised this issue first. yes, indeed, the sweet life company is a competitor to your wife's company. but that doesn't bother us. and you? let's do it this way, you 'll think about it carefully, and i'm sure you'll make the right decision. all the best, keep working, good luck in your new place. we didn't even have time to open, everything was already taken, no matter, i'll earn more money, let's start with croissants and then
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some puff pastries. lyub, and we heard that max proposed to you, yeah, you refused, lyub, well why did you have an affair, he gave you flowers, he took you for walks, well... we were so happy for you, you are the perfect couple, i don't think so, well, wasn't it because of him that you left kirill, denis, yes, we will need more croissants with almonds, they will be here soon, yes, i heard, i'm leaving for a tour abroad in a few days, yes, no, no, there will be no video, everything is very strict there, seriously, these are such people, what are you talking about, okay, only for you as
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a friend. this is a real oil prince, they have such a dynasty, they all love dancing, his father, can you imagine, plesetskaya herself danced in the palace, so okay, that's it, i have to go, i need to go to a beautician, that's it, that's it, let's do it later, yes, olya, what kind of folk art is this, this is some kind of vulgarity, at your age you're already learning to paint your fingernails, and not all this, and your mother says that painted nails are vulgar. and the grouse always has painted nails, well, so am i, what are you talking about, your mother would think differently, she wouldn't work from morning till night, but would enjoy what she has, so we're finishing everything, we're putting this away because of homework, show me,
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wow! cool, where did you learn that? they taught me that at my grandparents' house, well there's nothing cool here, tasya said that it's gross, don't pay any attention to this tasya, will you teach me that? yeah, and will you teach me how to play the tablet? yeah, peace, peace, woo! "listen, holy shit, have you seen, have you seen this beauty, oh my god, it's cool that you're so surprised, an ordinary apartment, now my business will go uphill, and we'll live in a different way, listen, let's celebrate the housewarming with champagne tonight, that's a good idea, but i can't
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tonight, i have..." some business meeting, here, but next time i 'll be glad, can i ask you to wipe off this lipstick, it doesn't suit you, okay, that's it, see you tonight. guy, give me some bread, please, thank you, what's wrong, lad, where's the ring, stop scaring me already, i don't like these rings, what's this,
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it's awkward in front of men. which one of these or what? which ones? well, one of those doctors starting with the letter p. watch your words. why is there a doctor here? why didn't you answer my calls? i've been calling all day, calling you, i missed you, and you're out of the zone, did you lose your phone? how did you lose it? well, i bought you the most expensive one, it was a good phone, and for me don't feel sorry, right? is it my fault, did they pull me out in the minibus? i don't know how to look for a job now, no problem, don't be upset, i 'll buy you an even better one, and for me, styupa, you have one, you've already learned your lessons, but why, well, you grow up, what are you going to do, when i grow up, i'll learn to play the guitar, i'll find
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myself a kind little girl who will buy me everything..., talk to me here, styopa, you've let the boy go, son, son, we've eaten, and that's it, but stop, stop, who gets which one? this one, this one, class, dad, who's going to hug him? me, you're my dears, but that's not the main gift, look what i have, is this not pink, wow, and this, thank you, thank you, quietly quietly, choke your father with yours, oh,
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huge locomotive, let's fly, quietly quietly, we have obstacles on the way, to the left, quickly, quickly, to the left! "i have to go, wait, do you know where aunt ira lives, aunt ira, yeah, well let's say i know, and what, can you tell her, and that this is
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a gift, yeah, yeah, of course, i'll tell her, thank you, bye, bye , do you hear, well don't be offended, he didn't mean to be mean, you understand, he wants the best, he's trying for us, the best, the best, that's you i saw the receipts for the pawnshop, here's your
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smartphone, here's your ring, where did you get it from, are you already rummaging through your pockets? it's my fault again, i took the jacket from the closet, it must have fallen out, oh, what is this, what is this, explain what i want, what is this phone that was stolen from you, it's embarrassing to wear this ring in front of men, yes they told me, i didn't believe it, you fool, i'm a fool, come on, tell me honestly, do you have another one, yes, what are you talking about, what other one, what am i talking about, you were lying to everyone, you bastard, you're a bastard, everything, everything, everything, calm down, calm down, forgive me, forgive me, i, i didn't mean to, lyus, forgive me, forgive me, come on
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, don't cry, come on, listen to me , i have no one, do you hear, i have no one, i only have you, you, i for yes, honestly, i try for us, i put everything into business, i want everything to be good for us, people, i love you, vony, forgive me, honestly, honestly, give me back, i have the main road, what, you're lucky, goat, i have a new car, we're watching rtr, yura tychkiva, irina aleksandrovna aksakova, maybe you know what kind of girl hit yuri's head like that zamorochila, so it means you, not you, but you mikhaloch, well help me, i will not remain in debt, do you at least understand what you are asking for? who is there? moscow novel from august 12 on rtr.
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we invite you to the swiss-hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss-hotel in the world working on the system. all inclusive. give yourself a vacation, where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in the heart. swissotel sharmel sheikh. your ideal place in the heart of the city. cognac old barrel product of stellor group. callinan beel. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making
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dreams come true. kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. pechora vodka. a product of stellar group titanic deluxe golf belleg hotel, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools. relax in the spa salon and enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday - your rules. titanic deлюx, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. gin cnop. product of stellar group. hello, dear friends. your favorite program 60 minutes is on the air. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, don't rush,
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to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear weapons, go to readiness number one, what is he an image of victory, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yany tryabka , see you, beauty, you are mine! styopa, well, imagine, at night i stand in the toilet, i think, well, why should i turn on the light, and so, door frame, and i drove into this hilarious, yeah, and how are you getting ready for work? styopa, i have a day off, lyuba tells me, she says: you work a lot, lyusya, take a rest, she says, i need workers who are rested, she says it straight out, so styopa, go to school, you're already on
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your way, one more, look, you need all the information about visiting the confectionery harmonies of taste, any little thing, their changes, the main thing is the work plan, yes, and how will i find out their plans, let's start with open sources, okay, well, okay, yes, thank you, hello, kir, hello, my god, what people. hi, dad, hi. what, have you come to see if my new office lives up to the distinguished name of sarin? let's go, i'll show you. well, no need. yes, our family is going through hard times. i was young before, lucky, now. now you finally admit that the loser in our family can be more than just me. i, yes, dad, look, i
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actually did a good job, you checked this company well, what kind of office is it, and what kind of questions are you asking, dad, we have a good lawyer, i think, no, it's just, don't you think it's strange, that you were thrown out of everything, and then bam, a fat piece of pie, why is that, maybe because i'm a good specialist, i didn't think about it, good, but there are many like that, kirill, you can't trust anyone in business, you checked this komarov out well. i collected information about him, you know, dad, i'll tell you this,
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i finally got a job, and a good one with growth prospects, unlike you, this is my chance, and i won't miss it, that's it, i don't like something there, the sweet life, amazing, i couldn't even imagine that i'll come with my business, it's your business, well, and i congratulate you, now your restaurant chain is a full-fledged satellite of my hotel chain, great, the contract, there is a contract, yes. you fulfilled my request, and i am fulfilling yours,
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thank you, you know, it's a pleasure to deal with you , just a masterpiece, all the best, thank you. "why aren't you answering the phone, where have you been? kirill, why did you go so far, you didn't tell me anything, i was worried"? sorry i didn't report, you, you 're upset about something, what happened, nothing what happened, besides the fact that you've got me fed up, that you're always whining, lenya, lenya, lenya, lenya, lenya, i'm healthy, i don't need your care, and will there be more, olya, where?
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i should eat very little, like thumbelina , half a tbsp a day, and my mother says that a growing body needs to eat well, yeah, you'll ruin your figure from childhood, then no one will marry you, by the way, high-status men love very thin, beautiful women, my dad said that high-status and rich men like him love smart women, that's how we end eat, i'll pick up the plates in 5 minutes, let's go do our homework, okay, hello, yeah, well... she told me, yeah, and she's on a top-secret tour with the prince, let's go listen, even, listen, okay, and what, and that's okay, do as you wish, and i'm leaving as
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soon as it's time. i'll bring her, yeah, about the car, i agreed, i'll make sure she doesn't resist, yeah, i'll do everything like you said, auntie masha, oh, kira, oh, my god, hello, my dear, oh my god, oh my god, yeah, what is this, why are you being so delicate, you're so like that you won't buy groceries, but i'm glad to give you gifts, okay, i'll feed you now, yes , i'll do it now.
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well, tell me, how are you settling in at the new place? auntie mash, well, i brought you groceries, and you keep putting everything on the table, so, go ahead and eat, don't make things up, okay, you've settled in, everything is going well, i'm generally planning to make my company a leader and everything will be like before, well , god willing, cheeses?
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yeah, i wouldn't even tolerate it, kira, stop comparing them, i'm not a flexible person, they tolerate all my antics, i compare. no, well, at first i had some kind of obsession, or something, it really seemed to me that dasha was nearby, but now i understand, they are different people, and in general a different person, and how are the girls, how is lyuba, everything is fine with them, lyuba is also
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fine with this champion, are you jealous? well , of course, yes, thank you to the master, mom, and dad and i will meet again, of course, you will meet, mom, and you are divorced forever , he will even leave you alone, mom, don't order me around, i'm older, but stupider, oh, mom, and dasha was eavesdropping on tasya when she was talking on the phone, dash, you know. that she is eavesdropping not good, i don't like tasya, she's bad and mean, at first you don't like anyone,
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then you get used to it, everything's fine, that's how it usually happens, mind you, i don't always get used to it, and in general i didn't hear anything like that there, yeah, and olya is the biggest snitch, you 're the snitch yourself, girls, don't quarrel, that's it, good night, good night, but good night, mommy. i didn't expect this from you, olya, girls, next week we're signing the contract, maxim will transfer the money, everything, hurray, we're expanding, girls, yes, and have you agreed with the builders yet? yes, the developer will be that same as here, well then we need to start advertising and recruit staff, if you want, i can
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do this work, oh, katya, she wants to be a boss, well why not, i think i can do it, i think so too, and what will your husband say, husband, i know perfectly well that volodya has long been out of his hands to decide what is happening to me now, hello, yes, i'm listening. how can you cancel the contract? we only agreed to sign it? what do you mean you were offered more favorable terms? how is that possible? who offered? no, i have the right you know, we were the first to offer? thank you, goodbye. so who bought it? sanin. kirillo leonidovich, a chain of confectionery stores,
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the sweet life. dasha, are you coming soon? hello. yes, everything is going according to plan, don't worry, yes, as we agreed, that's it, come on, wait, and what, as we agreed? oh, and this is a surprise, you'll find out soon, just like that, just like that, i didn't get it, where are you going, you have a fever, you can't go for a walk, no, i don't have a fever, i'm going to the park too. i want to, i know better what a fever is, come on, quickly undress, go to the room, girl,
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and where are you going, kirill, wait, i 'll talk to you, where are you, let's talk, kirilovich, excuse me, i, i understand everything, leave us, why are you doing this? what am i doing, love, what, i'm working, what do you want, that there's not enough space in the city, i don't know what to tell you, this is business, welcome, do you want to ruin my life again, will you seek my ruin, and then what will you steal the children, why are you playing the victim, you're not a little girl, you're a businesswoman after all, you have a handsome prince who can help you, you and i are like on equal positions, goat, this is my service
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dog, time of big premieres on rtr, they work in pairs, where to look, one listens. the other eavesdrops, i feel that something bad is happening, we will cope, yes, one sniffs, the other watches, quietly, the main thing is that we are not noticed, one digs, the other digs, come on, we found a corpse, they are catching criminals together again, there are many suspects, but you need to choose one, please, no amateur performance, lady... with a dog, a new trail, i'm going with you, no objections, siri with me, coming soon on rtr. immerse yourself in a world
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of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suits sharmaьshey. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style. lixos golf villas and suits sharma. burbon stirsman - a product of stellar group. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suths and villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas meet a golden sandy beach 1 km long. impeccable service,
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exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable riksas premium magavish uths & villas - the holiday you dreamed of, vodka veda, a product of stellar group. rum, castro, a product of stellor group. this is not a rite of worship to ancient spirits and not even a wedding ceremony, so in this country
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travelers devote. the earth is round. we will sort out everything else in detail, it seems that an old ship is about to disband a couple nearby, what a cool device, let's go, what to fill the piggy bank of travels, it's up to you, after all, lace suits me, and we 'll always help, the fact that this is a paradise is obvious to everyone, even to iguanas, come on, shake it, it's a secret to the whole world , you'll see it all for yourself now, on sunday, norta, dasha, come on faster, why, we went out for a walk, not to run, oh, you're so talkative, i know, yeah, hi, and what are you doing here, come on
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, quickly home, i said, why were you running so fast, quickly home, i said, well, let's go home? no, we can't go home now, why? what if there's a little taska there, i heard her talking on the phone, saying that everything would go according to plan and we wouldn’t resist, now you made all this up, no, why did you yell, you got scared for some reason.


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