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tv   Vasilisa  RUSSIA1  August 7, 2024 3:45am-4:39am MSK

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we are here for you, how i missed you, daughter, how good that you came, you are here for a long time, i left my husband, oleg, hi, what are you doing here, and about nadya, did you forget to tell me that they are meeting? mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice? old love never rusts, right? this summer she will take a risk, i will not be able to give you what you are used to. vera, forgive me, please, come home, i will never go back to him. if you ask me nicely, i will help you. one summer all my life. on friday on rtr.
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wow, the smell, it is so, one bolovstvo, i today zverev was detained, tried to rob a store, he covered his hand with his jacket, as if he had a gun there, threatened the seller.
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so most likely he is the one who romashkinov too, only we have no evidence, so far , well, your version about nastya, most likely also is not true, nothing is not true, everything fits, look, the delivery man zverev met with nastya, nastya wanted money for gifts? but zverev did not have any, then nastya hooked up with maksyusya, found out from him about the stash in the piano and told zverev everything, he broke into the apartment sprinkled, why did you take all this, and why else did she hide who her ex-boyfriend was? okay,
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i'll check your version, i have a surprise for you, oh, to be honest, i don't like surprises, they always made me go to bed, this is a pleasant surprise, anyway, look. "this is amazing, vladimir petrovich, it will fit, maybe on my nose, try it on first, what , don't i know my size or something, i didn't get it, do you think
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i'm fat? no, you have a perfect figure, of course, why did you bring such underwear then? all you men dream of a splinter, and what other splinter? yes, you got it all! mistakes, good morning, good, you're on time, my breakfast is just ready, wonderful, and that's all. and where are the pancakes, the bacon, the porridge with
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jam, it's all in the past, vladimir petrovich, it's all in the past. paradise, if it's about money, then i'm talking about the underwear you gave me, until i fit into it, we'll eat grass, grass, so grass, yeah.
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volodya, call petrov urgently, come to nastya, hurry here, stand still, police, hands up, i have a gun, that means you fix computers, right? wait, where are you going, kostyukov,
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call an ambulance after all, i'm fine, and the robber was lucky that it was only the third floor. ok, well, chizhov alexander kirillovich, tell me, how did you get into khilagina's apartment , opened it with keys, where did you get the key, did you make it public , came to fix a laptop, took advantage of the moment, made it out of keys on soap and hung it in the key place, surprisingly simple, right, the keys to the ramashkins' apartments? you got them the same way, what romashkins, you fixed their computer, vitaly romashkin identified you from the photo, and so what? and the fact that after your visit a large sum of money disappeared from their apartment, think about how
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chazhov could have gotten a duplicate of your keys, no way, i'm telling you, i never left him alone for a second, and what do you say he did?
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ramashkin's computer, our it guys checked it thoroughly and do you know what they found? see, do you have anything to eat? yes. and why don't they feed you at home? mrai went on a diet and
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put me on it too. lucky chance. so, this computer has some kind of tricky spy program. it records everything that is heard in the room on the microphone and sends it to a remote computer. to what remote computer? the recipient has not yet been found, but computer scientists are struggling. i am sure that the recipient is someone else. i think so too, can you, of course, come in, fikul, you will pay the client, hair wash, balm and festive styling, let's go, i was just an investigator, he told me everything, please, thank you very much, you are welcome, well, how is it that you are welcome, if it were not for you, this stranger would have stolen my crumbs, who knows, would they ever be found or not? thank you very much, goodbye, come to us again,
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of course, oh no, don't put it on yourself, actually, i caught him by accident, honestly, i was going to expose you, i thought you were screwing men, first you fooled zverev into giving him a ring, and then you switched to maksyu, what are you saying...
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chizhov installed in your computer could hear everything that was happening in your room. well, now everything is clear. vitalik, do you remember, maksyusya was going to the city to see a friend, and you left for work without the keys. yes-yes-yes-yes-yes. you called me then and said that you were leaving too, you'd leave the keys under the flowerpot on the personal cage. and did you call from your room? from your room? so, chezho heard everything. he knew that you wouldn't be home and knew where to get the keys. remember, maybe you... and the hiding place in the pyanins somehow accidentally mentioned, mentioned, well, you see, so
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he knew where to look, you can't prove, well , you can't prove what it is? this is what ruined you, stranger, and when you were looking for money, you groped in the piano, tore your glove on the string , scratched yourself, your blood remained on it. this is when did you manage to find out that the blood was mine, and we haven't found out yet, but we will find out, it's a matter of a few days, and you shouldn't wait for the results, you can write confessions on all five episodes.
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the duty officer is free today, we'll continue tomorrow.
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good evening, raya, i wanted to talk to you, you shouldn't have been alone, you 're better for me. explain how marina knows that you gave me underwear, huh? well, i consulted with her, consulted, but what 's wrong with that? and don't you think that this is a rather intimate issue to consult with some marina? well, i wanted to do something nice for you, and she also suggested the size, or tried it on first, maybe, but she didn't try anything on, she wasn't even in the store with me anymore, why are you making a scene over all sorts of nonsense, i'm making this,
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it's my fault, but look at yourself, you can't make a single decision. you always need someone's advice, i 'm tired of your endless accusations, i want to communicate like a human being, i'm tired, well, go away, get lost to your marina. i hope you're not here for long, well, you understand, lisa we are in such a state now, we live like on a volcano, any little thing can turn into a scandal, just
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like at my house, yes, only you have paradise, you are not expecting a child, i am even afraid to imagine what will happen if she is expecting a child. come on, is this the first time you are arguing? she has already called you a lodger and something else, hinted that this is her yellow square, yes, in general the problem, you will tell me, i have no idea how to live further, and here we are on top of each other, and what will happen in 7 months, i am even afraid to think about it. i am listening, victor sergeyevich, i'm from a stranger about your agreement with him, about the money. yes, i understand you. the sum suits me perfectly. no,
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just not at work. let's go, in the central park, fifth alley.
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police, thank you for your help, thank you for your support, let's go, how do you even understand this, i heard your conversation yesterday, signaled in time, introduced myself as you, thank you, with that kind of money i could easily exchange an apartment for a camera. he's like , well done, you forwarded the operational case to court, yes, the lab just worked quickly, sent the results of the alien's dna analysis, okay, lab, don't be modest, you solved five episodes at once, that's awesome,
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you're a good guy, we're trying, but this chezhov turned out to be a tough guy, i'll tell you, they told me here, he was doing the same thing in moscow, when they caught him there, he got bribed, but then, when they found out in moscow that we caught him red-handed, they immediately sent operatives, well, in a word, you're a good guy, you didn't give in to temptation, thank you, andrey evgenievich, thank you, of course i understand, thank you with this. you won't, especially you have a new addition to the family. petrov, we will give you a bonus equal to your salary at the end of the year. i will tell your wife, go and make her happy,
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thank you, drag, thank you for not letting me fall into the abyss of corruption. you are welcome, you know, i thought that if i had tried to dissuade you, you would have done it your way anyway, a wise decision, you are talking about renovation, what else, so here is what i thought, why should we do renovation if we are going to change the apartment anyway, a wise decision, very, yeah, the floors in the nursery are a wash, of course, i'll wash it, i'm not allowed to bend over, yes, you know, i know, but where? i'll find it.
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oh, kostyukov, kostyukov, what kind of person are you? good afternoon everyone, while the state duma continues to work on the law on domestic violence, today in our studio we have the story of another
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victim, a twenty-six-year-old model from abakan, tarina chebodayeva accuses her ex-husband dmitry of brutal beating. in this footage, vice-miss of the siberian university tarina chebodayeva, she assures that she miraculously survived. according to her, her ex-husband dmitry tried to beat a confession of infidelity out of her for several hours. there was a moment when he pulled out a knife, it got to such a point that he was already openly telling me that he was going to kill me now, that he was going to come here to his parents, and stab them, tarina assures that before the divorce she had suffered domestic violence for 4 years, which began as soon as her husband returned cheerfully after hot pole dancing, but tarina's loved ones had no idea about what was happening at her home, nothing like that happened, well, that could have alerted one to assault, there there was no talk at all, the person seemed to be under me... the husband admitted the fact of the beating, although he does not consider himself guilty, he assures that his wife herself provoked the aggression. dmitry recalls that once tarina even poured
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boiling water on him. my feelings are not important to you at all, you are the reason for my hysteria, a stranger is more important to you than me, experts are sounding the alarm, they are sure that other forms of crime pale in comparison to domestic violence. it is enough to recall the tragic story. from kazakhstan, where the ex-minister tortured his wife for a day and then beat her to death with particular cruelty. my actions caused the death of the person i loved, the cause of grief for her parents, her family, her friends. i ask them for forgiveness once again. i did not want my wife to die, i did not expect such an outcome. in kazakhstan , this high-profile trial influenced the adoption of a law on domestic violence. will such a law be adopted in our country? will it be able to stop the wave of domestic violence? now, when there is an active discussion of this law,
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95% of women and 83% of men voted for its adoption, it turns out that every fifth respondent was almost a victim of domestic violence. so, in our studio dmitry kiskidosov, it was he, according to tarina, who inflicted these... i tried to avoid conflicts, solved all family problems during the conversation, everything, how old are you, forgive me, i'm 20.
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to my mother, since her parents were busy, that is, that evening she had to go to a while watch, show some jewelry, you come to this club and what do you find in club? i find her her friend, started asking questions, because she went there with she told me that she went there with her manager, modeling agency, and upon arrival i did not see either her
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manager or models. and after my questions our mutual friend came out of the vip room, invited me to go to the vip room, after which she started crying, that is, she ran into a dark corridor, climbed into the phone, then i followed her into this dark corridor, felt the door there, i open it, go into this vip room, there are three men sitting, her a friend with a man, that is, they drink alcoholic beverages, flirt, hug and... at that moment i only realized that my wife was there, i, that is, stood in a stupor, all these my all the people who were there, these were all my acquaintances, these and what does your acquaintance explain to you, they answered me like this, dima, you are almost 30 years old, the girls are over 20, what do you think, if a man arrives in a car and picks up two girls, who themselves, that
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is... deliberately get into his car, bring them to the vip room, where we have there is only alcohol on the table, that is, you are not a stupid guy, you yourself understand why, such a phrase was said with a swear word, the purpose of bringing these girls is a distinction, like, well , to put it mildly, to put it mildly, excuse me, with all due respect to you and somewhere on...
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i did not want to leave from there without knowing the truth, well , is this some kind of contradiction, or am i wrong? no, but if, like, if you listen to dmitry briefly, then he says that he comes to the club, finds out the truth about his wife, who has been jealous of him all his life, he knows - let's say, the whole semi-dissolute world - of his city, because he earns extra money in the evenings by dancing on poles, she knows about it, yes, then she discovers that his wife is also in this crowd, and at the same time she is jealous of you for your profession, right? and can i ask you a question, was there such a thing when you had pole dancing, that a couple of women gathered who invited you to dance, and you were also in the vip room, exactly the same situations when you were in this role, well in general, i didn’t perform specifically on poles, pole is a separate sport, i was involved in sports, i performed once a month together with
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my wife, “we danced in pairs, that’s all, it’s different, we danced together, without, after all, she wasn’t jealous of you for this part of your life, no, okay, but when we have - there is a screenshot of the correspondence with your wife, ex, here’s what she writes to you, attention, you haven’t been holding on to me for a long time, if i see another option for life, i will leave, if you don’t appreciate me, there is a person in the world who will, "i hope the raspberries are delicious." "your jealousy will kill you, love me, i love you, if you want, i'll delete social networks, i love you, but i want to cut off your finger so that you can't like other girls, i won't let you go to clubs, we won't even go together, since you still have this dancer with a butt in your memory, what kind of desire is this to cut off your finger, dancer, my wife and i came to the club together, that is, my wife asked such a question,
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here..." all the dancers are so golgo in such shape that no one has a pumped up butt, but what i told her, i saw a dancer in the club, who obviously does fitness, that is, she is like her body, that is, it is obvious that she is in the gym all the time, to which my wife honestly wrote me this, but there is also a home video, where it also does not go without hysterics and throwing the phone out the window , all people are important to you except me, my feelings are not important to you at all, it is easy for you to get me going, you like it when i am like this , all crazy, you record me on video, so that you can show others later, you need to mock me, you don't understand that you are the reason for my hysterics, other feelings are important to you, a stranger is more important to you than me, you write to her, block, block, coffee, it costs money.
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and are you filming this or did you install the camera? i think my friends advised me, since i constantly had scratches, burns, bruises , you know what's scary, what are you saying, i'll tell you honestly, i'm not saying, but judging by what you're saying, we see on the video, most likely, they were bringing, bringing, bringing, bringing, twisting, the very last one the moment when the girl, you know her well, you turned on the video beforehand to protect yourself, this is my assumption, this is what it all boils down to, of course, i'm not saying, but since it wasn't like that, tell me, what 's the story when she poured boiling water on you, this is this, and these scratches - are those her nails?
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yes, all i managed to do was put my hands out and move her away from me, but she scratched where she could reach, with a chair on the head, it's true that you were beaten, not on the head, all over your body, how could i have gone to the police like that, in you should have contacted the police a century ago, if your friends advised you to shoot a video, then they should advise you to contact the police regarding the beatings that were inflicted on you, did you contact them? no, i only testified to the beating, it turns out, let 's see what your wife remembers about that morning in the ill-fated apartment, attention. in general, our apartment, when he was driving, he took his keys, i can't change the keys yet, because we divided our apartment in half, that is, this has already been through the court, our part was divided, he got the bedroom, the child and i got the hall, that is, in fact
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, i have no right to change the keys, this is our hall, there were some children's toys left, they didn't take all of this away from the child, our bedroom , our bed was here, all these things were under the bed. it turns out that i was sleeping, he came, turned on the light here, and then pulled me through all this space here to the kitchen, and sat me down here on a chair, stood opposite me, took off his shirt, it's still lying here, he started hitting me , i was the one who hit, that is, he didn't hit here, i could have additionally hit myself against the table, i hit it, it turns out , with... the back of my head against this wall, he took out a knife, we had a knife lying here, it was confiscated, well , my hair was still here, the remains of some coffee, it turns out, maybe it was even my blood that was left, i don’t know for sure, there were already
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manipulations with the knife, when i had already hit myself here enough, he took me to the bathroom to - like pour cold water on me so that i wouldn’t lose consciousness, i was lying in the bathroom, it turns out, everything was like in such a not very beautiful way, my head i was lying there, that is, i was also hitting this corner of my head, then he put me back in the bedroom, he took out ice , as if he was taking care of me, bringing me to my senses, well, in principle, that was the end of it, that is, our space was, this is the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom, it’s scary to be here, i don’t know how to spend the night here, let’s say, i’ll go to bed and...
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you’re not a person, a person can never do something like that to a person, when we hospitalized her in the hospital, she was seen by the head of the maxillofacial surgery department, he says: well, people can't do such things, this is what it should be, what kind of mind should be in the head, this is what, when i was talking to the child, she couldn't go to the toilet, because she couldn't see, she was all covered in bruises, imagine, if you had such a bad life with her, if she is so bad, how are you sitting here collecting all sorts of nonsense, we accepted you as our own son, you lived with us for 2 years, you were a normal person, we treated him with respect, we never said a bad word to him, what do you think?
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we didn't have any there, so do it, do it then, we didn’t take a penny from them, if they bought the products well, here he says that your daughter provoked him to these actions with her behavior and what did she do, look, i have a child, my daughter graduated from school with a gold medal, university with honors, she didn’t have boys as such, that is, she was a home child. she played sports, here it looks very much like the girl was not
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prepared, she was, she was raised like a flower, a beautiful girl, the girl knew that if she did everything well, then everything it will be good, she gets married, he is a handsome young guy who entered the family comfortably, conveniently, and at first they live in a rather infantile world, like two flowers, and then, when they move separately, there is a turnaround, because you are very powerful, you have a lot. you seem to be on the one hand outwardly very rational, very calm, but in fact, in fact, you are used to receiving emotions, receiving energy due to the negative emotions of another person, and your girl is fragile emotionally, she has become constantly hysterical, they have a cycle of persecution, an endless cycle, he provokes her, she is hysterical until her knees are white, he records all this with a smirk. and then a new cycle, yes, yes, that's true, but at the same time, as i
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understand it, the photos when you beat up tarina, she sent to all your students, all subscribers, she posted them on her page and sent them to two girls who studied at this studio, who now claim that he did not work there, maybe, you know, you can tell a very long story about how a grown man, a man got it, yes, yes, yes, how hysterical a woman is. although we adults understand perfectly well what an abuser is, he can grind down the victim drop by drop, bring him to a white knee drop by drop, but the proof of this, the cameras and everything else, but the main thing is not in this, but the main thing is how he beat his stomach and speech, how terribly and monstrously he beat her.
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to ruin her reputation, he came with this goal, so that now he can tell the whole world that he saw her with some three men, then how she will wash herself off from this is unclear, and then she is because she is a model and you envy her that she can be in demand, you understand?
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apartment since may 18th i have not been here, phew, this is where we lived, all this, my things are scattered, i am just afraid to even be here now, so if you were not here, i would not have come here, this basically lasted almost 4 years, there were threats, all sorts of words, here is my address, supposedly this is not your child at all. i will cheat on you, and then you will commit suicide, with every quarrel, that is, my wife told me that supposedly she will cheat on me or something else, i regret it very much, i left her many times, i told her many times that i need a family, i need a mother of my children, i don’t need this, i don’t need
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these situations in life, i don’t want, she always apologized, said that i would change throughout almost the entire relationship. the initial ones, then she got pregnant , there are absolutely no plans, my life is completely destroyed, i don’t know where to get a job now, next month i need to pay this apartment, the mortgage for this apartment, where no one lives, i don’t know what to do, i also can't be in the city, there were moments when i had a child in my arms, i was talking to her, aggression began, i couldn't protect myself or the child with one hand, because when she
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hits and scratches like that, she not only hits me, i had to step back, grab, that is, this person by... hair, because i had nothing else to grab, he pulled my wife down by her hair and, that is , stepped back from her so that she wouldn't scratch, the child was crying, i asked her to calm down, i always do this, i go in, i tie two handles, that is, i did this on a universal basis before going to bed, that is, i always did this the same way when i went to bed after a fight, because i was repeatedly threatened at night that she would cut up... my face, because she said, in a dream, you won’t be able to defend yourself, i think it’s my fault, well , it’s always like that with me, i don’t know why, i think it’s my fault, because from the very beginning i knew that i couldn’t live with such a person, she always said that she always apologized, she
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always said that she would improve, but this was enough for a month at most and after a month. she, that is, constantly threw something out. let's do a short commercial now, right after it, a face-to-face confrontation of dmitry with his ex-wife tarina. what will they say to each other after the commercials. it didn't work out to get pregnant again. how many times? on saturday, we 'll cope with everything. even without outside help. this. to you with gratitude for a wonderful evening, congratulations, you can please your husband, you should know that the child is not you, who is the happy father? don't be my wife, on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your
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favorite program 60 minutes is on the air. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, without rushing, to place nuclear weapons. i already demanded, give me back the nuclear weapons, go to readiness number one, what kind of image of victory is he, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yany is a rag, see you, once again, good afternoon, beauty queen against her ex-husband, if you just turned on... your tvs earlier in the program. tarina chebodayeva from abakan. the victim claims that she was beaten by her husband, the beating lasted 4 hours, each once, when dorina lost consciousness, dmitry. and brought her to her senses with cold water, and then continued the torture. dmitry repents, but in provocations he misses his ex-wife, who
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herself was not averse to making a scandal. today dmitry is in our studio, his wife tarina will appear in this studio now. let's hear her truth, which she hid for 4 years even from her own mother. let's meet. hello everyone. i thank everyone for the opportunity to be heard, because well, this situation is no longer an interpersonal conflict, as i i think it has already grown into a fight for the adoption of an adequate law on domestic violence. after this publication, it received a huge response, women write to me that they have experienced something similar, are now at such a stage that it was, will be, so far, that is, this issue will not be resolved.
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poor thing, she contacted, contacted, they poked and poked her, in the end he chopped off her hands, why did i ask this question, if this really took place, then
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a question arises for the police officers, what are you guys, how does one come to you with such statements, and you are just having a conversation, did you know that dima was married, yes, i looked at his stamp, i was surprised, they got married in march and divorced in july, that is, very quickly, after this situation, his ex -wife also wrote to me, said that if she were with him... she would have expected the same thing, well, of course, she wishes me support and all the best, but he has a suspicious character structure, that in general he often suspects people, everyone, yes, of course, all his women are bad, i always look for nuances, i see that the guy ours is in dissociation, he doesn't listen to us at all, that is, what we say here doesn't matter to him at all, because he is in his own space, but what i saw when you said that he is always thinking that... he did something, suspiciousness seems to be in the structure, if you see how he bandages the door, you will see that if a person thinks that his
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wife can stab him with a knife at night, then if a person thinks that god forbid someone might come, they might come in from outside, then he starts barricading the doors, that is also there will be a symptom of a certain accentuation, when a person is constantly expecting attacks from the outside, so there is something to react to here, and i am trying to understand. she helped him this year on march 8 to raise, raise money, not money, but so that he would again become in demand, you say,
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why didn't i get divorced right away, because i thought that i was a very strong person. that is, i thought that i could do it all, all the moments, if you need to wash the floors well, i will wash the floors well, if you need to cook every day, i will cook, tell me, you are a strong person, and you 4 hours, just tell me honestly now please, did they really beat her like that in the bathroom for 4 hours, it would simply be impossible to beat a person for 4 hours, when you told me that after the psychologist, that i was driving you crazy, that's why you take it out on the child. i went to a psychologist for the first time in april of '24 , my father sent me because he was already tired of seeing me in a constantly depressed state, i walk around always busy, that is, dima came back for a long period of time, he came back in december and we had been living together for almost half a year, we had never lived together for so long, the three of us, that is, for me it was serious stress, and my dad sent me to a psychologist, i
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went to her, that is, we talked for almost 3 hours and... well, she gave me, like, clear recommendations on what to do, you need to gently leave this person, not provoke, avoid conflicts, and that is, that evening, when he went to the birthday party, i saw that he had already drunk quite a lot, when he drinks, it always ends with something bad, that is, in september there was a similar case, he went to a bachelor party, also came drunk and decided that i was strangling my daughter, because he imagined it, and he also hit me, but at that moment... i managed to call my father, and this conflict was sort of resolved, tell me, my father did not come, did not talk , let's say, men's with dima, yes, how many times did i talk to him, they met separately in a cafe there near the house, that is, they constantly talked to him, dima said, everything will be fine, i do not offend her, she generally herself guilty, that is, telling my father that i am a bad daughter, that is, he raised me.


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