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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  August 7, 2024 4:38am-5:01am MSK

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for me it was a serious stress, and my dad sent me to a psychologist, i went to her, that is, we talked for almost 3 hours, and well, she gave me, like, clear recommendations on what to do, you need to gently leave this person, do not provoke, avoid conflicts, and that is, that evening, when he went to the birthday party, i saw that he had already drunk quite a lot, when he drinks, it always ends with something bad, that is, in september there was a similar case, he went to a bachelor party, he also came drunk and decided that i was strangling my daughter, because he imagined it, and he also hit me, but at that moment i managed to call my father, and this conflict was sort of resolved, he said that his father did not come, did not talk , let's say, like a man with dima, and how much did he talk to him, they met separately in a cafe there near the house, that is, they constantly talked to him, dima said, everything will be fine, i do not offend her, she is generally a wine ...
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daughter, that is, he did not raise me very well, and i think this happens too, of course, darina, please tell me, well, the situation here is quite clear, but still for the sake of honesty, yes, for the sake of those people who are looking from the outside, his shortcomings, we , that is, tell my father about me, that i am bad, understood, still your complexity, in what you are not enough, maybe, somehow did something wrong, because i... i see that you, in general, yes, very much, your family in many ways functioned more or less, because your parents replaced many factors, and financial factors, and some domestic moments, then you, when you started living separately, everything became very aggravated, because you both couldn’t stand these new functional repertoires , it’s clear about him, about you, what you did wrong, i don’t even know, it seems to me, it was necessary to finish all this after the first conflict,
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when the first conflict occurred, i washed the windows, that is, we literally lived together for a week, we moved into our apartment, i washed the windows, there are quite a lot of them in our apartment, he was sitting with his daughter, that is, they were just having fun, sat, i didn't touch them, i washed the windows, i 'm tired, i want to eat, i ask him, let 's order delivery, he says: go, you'll cook yourself, i go into the kitchen, there you just dumped your valuables, and that's not it, she shouldn't have cooked, well, if she was washing the windows at that time.
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80% of myself i'll add that she's still in a state of jealousy, which is inflated by this sexual industry, you know, all sorts of tv series, which essentially represent, you crammed everything in there, let's still, a picture today. look, yes, what is she
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survived for 2 years parents who replaced both the financial function and the function of introducing the household, and the function of parenthood, they are for the child, no, but we still do not know how they met, maybe she came and saw him in a striptease, you know, and thus, initially this family was already built on sex, which elina yuryevna says, and here the values ​​were different, yes, the girl is from a good family. came, saw, lost her head and as a result she is ready to walk on stage with him, if only to save the family, well, also in the modeling agency, she's the same, works in the industry of debauchery, in fact, well, because, because a person sells not his qualities, what is your diploma, red, i am with which one, where did you study, what did you study, in tourism, wait, you know what i want to say, here you are, mom and in general to those mothers who are watching us now, here you have it continued. as you just said, there
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was a year and a half, the father came more than once, talked, and you know, mom, that you could in principle lose your daughter, so in principle, this is the first, second, when you, from your words 4 this young man, well your ex-husband, beat me for hours.
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how are these victims born, they are born differently, these victims, you can never, for the future, who is watching us, allow these situations, although we are all subjected to this, we are kind, we are ready to forgive, but we women, especially we should be initially wary, if i get hit in the face, and this happens once, twice, three times, this is a pattern, you must leave this person for one simple reason,
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often among young girls this is, let my husband feeds me, and then they fall into a situation where they become economically dependent on their husband, god willing, if your husband is a decent person, but there are frequent cases when he begins to terrorize you economically, he does not give you money to buy food, he does it himself, you do not pay housing and communal services, he does it himself, and then it turns into something that is elementary on...
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he sorted it out with his wife, both of you , what did you do, what did you both do, what did you, young man, do, you understand, you destroyed your family, you destroyed your personal reputation, you humiliated your wife, you humiliated your child, you tore apart everything in your life that you had been building for the last 4 years, what kind of law do you need for you to simply be a human being, please explain to me what kind of law is needed so that... so let's do another short advertisement now, right after that we will be joined by a resident of chelyabinsk, who was forced to grab a knife to save her own life, how it all ended, you will find out in a few
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minutes, i will be a good wife, honestly, premiere on rtr, and why with murnaya like that everything seems to be as i wanted, but something is wrong, new tests, take away the leg, don't touch me, tomorrow the sled. 9 years ago, the famous director andrei konchalovsky made a film about the everyday life of a simple russian postman. received the venetian silver lion, after the premiere of the film quiet village life, alexei trepitsan changed dramatically, he became
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famous all over the world, but suddenly for everyone a simple postman who became a star, dropped everything and disappeared. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr. once again , good afternoon to everyone, if you just turned on their tvs, beauty queen vs. ex-husband, we are talking about domestic violence and here are the loudest. those cases of this year that we should remember today. on april 10 in cheboksary, deputy assistant markel egorov beat his wife from the hair and dragged her along the side of the road in front of eyewitnesses. later , police officers found out that egor regularly raised his hand to his spouse. an equally terrible story happened in yekaterinburg. on may 18, anna kashina was ambushed and stabbed right on the street by her ex-husband. zuev: a man stabbed a woman in front of eyewitnesses, in as a result of which she died on the spot. on june 1 in
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putilkovo near moscow, in the courtyard of a multi-story building, a husband brutally beat and dragged his wife along the asphalt. all this happened on a playground, in front of frightened children. another conflict occurred on june 8 in serpukhov. right in the shopping center, in front of a child, a man beat his wife. eyewitnesses managed to intervene in the family conflict, but the woman was already covered in blood. and such stories, of course, more joined us, victoria khaskovskaya, former shkolnikova, she was in our story in 2019. hello, vika. in short, you became a victim of your tyrant husband, it all happened on new year's eve. for your own protection, you grabbed a knife, which you used to stab your offender, you were given a suspended sentence, and
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as i understand it, the war continues, now the child is with him, yes, i came today first of all to support tarina and support her child, and i believe that the concept of preserving the family now for her is to preserve her full maternal rights, because my situation did not end there conditional... term that i received, now it is, well, it still continues, and that family actually deprived me of the opportunity to not just live with my child, but to see him, well, the court probably determined communication with the child, yes, our court determined the order of communication, the child's place of residence with him, the order of communication 2 hours on saturdays, in his presence i can only see my child, moreover,
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moreover, he also makes appointments for you at the theater, for example, he doesn't say which seats the tickets have been purchased for, you come, buy tickets, you see them sitting there in the third row, and you can't sit next to them, that is, such obstacles continue, also insults, constantly, you live with such a hole in your chest, because your child is just there, and he, okay, i don't care about my feelings, my emotions, but the little boy is growing up, he... he was deprived of the opportunity to be raised by both parents,
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you know? and how is he? the first meetings, when they scheduled us, i see him in front of dad, just in front of dad he plays out the situation, how he doesn't love me, he himself looks at me, he has this so there's a lump in his throat, he swallows like this so as not to cry, i saw it, now it 's all gone, now we just don't love mom and don't want to know, tell me, and you now say this, of course, god forbid you experience all this yourself, i'm of course sure, almost 100% sure that the supervisory authorities are watching now, they will of course react to your words, maybe it makes sense after this program, which the whole country is now seeing, to go to an appointment with this senior bailiff and explain such brutality on the part of these interested parties who deprive you of the opportunity to see your own boy, but still we are talking about this law... about domestic violence. elena vladimirovna, what do you think, as a member of the federation council, a deputy, who for many
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years were and always worried about our heroines? well, for the last year, probably, i have been receiving daily reports on children, what happens to children in such families. probably, one of the last cases, you all witnessed it yourself in kazan, how a father simply beat her child, who even lost consciousness, fell from the bench, he was picked up. mother and he still continued to do it, here you need to knock on all the authorities, if you want to protect your right to communicate with your child, so that your child knows
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in his family there may be the same later, if the mother does not urgently make an attempt to get rid of such a husband, to leave him, the more, families should preserve and fight the cause, moral violence, the more often physical violence occurs, when the victim becomes a criminal, this is your assumption, let's honestly, but this is not our assumption, let's say that in the statistics of such domestic violence there is practically no domestic
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violence at all. yes, tell me, please, then, how is the manipulation arranged, people on the street are asked, you don't like it when a husband beats his wife, they say, well, of course not, she says, so you are the law on domestic violence, she says, of course, yes, and these statistics are formed, wait a second, 90 there, 90 there, and the law on domestic violence, as it were, is set up so that all families turn this, so that psychologists intervene in any
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a family where people argue about wallpaper, they were bred like that, that's what it's for, so that ngos can profit. in this case, we're talking about seemingly simple things, but we can't find an answer to them. with all due respect, the law has been in place for 5 years, and ordinary people, our people, are suffering, so let's come up with something.
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and you think that we all don't care, once again, the law on domestic violence does not fight violence, the criminal and administrative laws fight violence, there are no laws yet, there is a criminal code, there is an administrative code code, i want to say something else.
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answer, yes, and it seems to me that this is exactly the point of no return, which should start and run, if at least he grabbed the knife.


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