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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  August 7, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm MSK

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bye, about people who became heroes, about events that will go down in history, our author's program with olga armyakova and nikolai dolgachev, hello! the armed forces of ukraine attack russian regions every day, but the confrontation did not begin yesterday, of course, after the events on the maidan in 2014, the nationalists chose the language of force to talk to the residents of donbass. the enemy is now using terrorist methods, choosing civilian targets. this is our story. shelling of civilians, city blocks, the signature style of the kiev regime playgrounds, hospitals, quiet streets
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of donbass cities, ukrainian nationalists have been beating since 2014, only because the residents of navorosiya, after the bloody coup in kiev, organized from the outside, loudly and clearly said that they were not on the same path as the maidan radicals. with weapons in hand, donbass was forced to stand up for the defense of its native land to repel attacks. in kiev, these strikes were called an anti-terrorist operation, which in fact grew into a civil... but the kiev regime went even further, aviation, real combat aircraft were hitting the center of lugansk, precisely. at the same time , the words about the exploding air conditioner, which became famous in their own way, were heard, so clumsily and unceremoniously they tried to explain what happened in kiev, and then, as if, they felt. into the blood
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, ukrainian nationalists in nazi uniforms began to fire a wide fan at the cities of donbass from everything they could get their hands on. 10 years ago, our colleagues, vgtrk journalists anton voloshin and igor kornelyuk, died near lugansk. they were filming their last report about people fleeing from shelling ukrainian militants. and this same ukrainian mine became deadly for them. they remained part of our large reporter family forever. it is unimaginably hard to look at these shots, a lump in the throat, words cannot be found. angels' alley in donetsk, in marble, the names of children who died over the past 10 years. there are many names, some are repeated, these are brothers and sisters, there are always fresh flowers here. kiev nationalists are still shelling peaceful
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cities of donbass, but ours are systematically dislodging the enemy from their positions, further and further, pushing back the front line. russian spring 2014 on donbass in novorossiya, in fact, became a prologue to a special military operation. our new regions will live to see their liberation. another monstrous crime of the kiev regime, the shelling of the beach in sevastopol. at the end of june, the ukrainian armed forces struck civilians with american missiles attacks with cluster munitions, five people were killed, three of them children, more than a hundred people were injured. these shots of the explosion of a missile filled with cluster munitions over sevastopol were recorded by surveillance cameras. on sunday, 23 june, there were hundreds of people, many children, on the uchkuevka beach. they were defenseless against the barbaric attack of the ukrainian armed forces. the first to rush to save
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the wounded were the vacationers themselves, they carried the wounded out of the sea, took them away from the beach before the medics arrived. that day, alexander timchenko, a paramedic at the local ambulance station , took over duty, an alarm call was made around noon. the dispatcher gives the call, saying quickly to nachkuevka, there is an explosion, there is of course chaos and confusion, there were three victims, a woman and two.
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as if it flew away from me, but i was, i thought that it was a very small fragment would have flown off, when i looked, there was a very large wound. a special board of the ministry of emergency situations flew out to help the victims, seriously wounded. were taken to moscow hospitals, arrived in moscow, radion svalov in a hospital bed for more than a month, his mother and grandmother are nearby 24 hours a day. at the time of the missile attack, the boy was seriously injured, the ammunition exploded a few meters from him. the doctor told me, we can not give you any prognosis, no one could say whether he will... how did they manage to save hundreds of lives, who provided assistance to the victims, risking themselves, stories of eyewitnesses of the crimean tragedy and caring people, today in our studio. we have in our studio now a resident of sevastopol, anastasia svalova, nastya, hello, that one hello, yes,
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we see, with tears in our eyes we watched this story, tell us about that day? well, i was not on the beach that day, he was with friends. with my family friends, that is, with adults, yes, i woke up from the explosion, that is, i realized that no one was home, i started calling the phone, no one picked up, then from the telegram channels that send notifications about attacks, that is, about danger, there was already a message that uchkuevka and lyubimovka, that is, i was already nearby, yes, that is, i already understood that since i wasn’t picking up the phone, it meant something serious, well, naturally. from home, what happened, while i was running through uchkuevka park, while i was running to the beach, i got through to the phone, to the family, that’s where, yes, my son’s friend, with whom he was, answered, that is, she said that they were in the fourth hospital, here in the northern one,
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that already from the beach, yes they will deliver, that is, i ran back, went to the hospital, that is, there they did an x-ray on him, literally there a few minutes i had on ... already he was lowered down into the ambulance, loaded, to take to the fifth hospital, remember what you felt then, this short call, where nothing is clear, run out to see, where the son is, of course, it is impossible to describe then, what i felt, there is fear, pain, and hatred, and anger, that is, well, of course, you would not wish this on anyone, on anyone, not even an enemy you wish for something like that, like, well, naturally, the first thing i asked was, is he alive or not ? they told me by his legs, that's when they had already done the operation, already in the fifth city children's hospital, that is, i thought that it could be some kind of mistake, that it's not like that, maybe it's like radion is feeling now, well, now he's certainly great, he's a fighter, a hero, we're not giving up, everything
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is fine with us, we'll go out on the field again, we 'll definitely sing songs, rejoice, yes, yes, in such a position, and he's a midfielder, a midfielder, the most sought after. he well done, fighter, he is cheerful, well, it happened, of course, it is hard, but everything will be fine, the whole life is ahead, so i generally wish everyone a speedy recovery, who of course suffered and thank you very much to everyone who helped, not only the teams of doctors, medics, who were generally not indifferent to everyone, who just happened to be nearby at that moment, who somehow helped in one way or another, even just...
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what was the first thing they told him when he woke up, i said, like, don't worry, mom is nearby, the most important thing, he had to be evacuated to moscow, serious injuries received, what kind of injuries, yes, very serious, there he had three operations in sevastopol at once, and so a team of doctors arrived, and a decision was made, yes, that he should be transported, we have a video from the hospital, let's take a look, at this helipad. they brought the most seriously ill children, five people, we took them to our institute, one of the most seriously ill is radion, who had multiple injuries, almost all segments of the body were affected,
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head injury, blind shrapnel wound, multiple foreign bodies and limb damage, how are you, i can now... well done, that's great, excellent, i'll shake your hand, that's it, excellent, get better slowly. so, have the doctors allowed us to go for a walk, shall we go? yes, yes, hello, we were looking at the sky, watching, suddenly cluster munitions started falling, we lay down on the ground to somehow take cover, i lay down, shrapnel flew around me, i finally lost consciousness, i... i don't remember anything from that moment, it's all hard, no matter how
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it can't be described, you know, in words, you have to go through this, you have to feel it in words at that moment, especially since no one could say whether he would live, i gave up everything in order to help nastya here, to support her, because there is nothing more valuable in life than my grandchildren, as soon as he was transferred from intensive care, that is, they immediately provided me with... here a folding bed, everything, that is, i am with him 24 hours a day, here i am with my son. ardeon is the most valuable thing, in general this is the only thing in my life, this is a completely different person, for whom i live and do everything possible so that he gets well rather, i am grateful to god that i have him. we wish radion a speedy recovery, we know that he is still undergoing rehabilitation in one of the moscow clinics, but the doctors have released him to us for the program, right now.
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yes, i have been playing football, yes i have shaken your hand for 6 years, hello, hi, you have been playing football for 6 years, a midfielder, yes, yes, a midfielder, we are in second place in sevastopol, we are starting, our team is starting to play for the crimean championship, well, you understand, we need to recover quickly, come back on the field, of course, yes, the guys are waiting, writing, calling. writes, calls, worries, and i sometimes write myself, to ask how they are doing,
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relatives are also worried, there are aunts, uncles, everyone is nearby, yes, radion, i ask you like a man, do you remember how it happened, i was on the beach, i had just come out of the water, i was swimming, cluster shells started falling, there were a lot of them, they were falling into the water, well , fragments were flying, you could see, yes, yes. and i was standing near the tower, the lifeguard tower, which is on the beach, yes, yes, there was a man who walked away, this is my friend, with whom i was, it turns out, he lay down, a fragment fell, a shell, i don’t know exactly, i don’t understand, so i got hit by a splinter, i don’t remember anything else, only my mother told me how i was there... that’s all, well , i had 2 seconds to take cover, it
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’s impossible, that is, i just managed to get my bearings, to see that everything was flying, everything, and how i came to, do you remember, well, i don’t remember exactly, but i came to somewhere around june, about the thirtieth, probably, when they delivered me to moscow, probably, yes, already from intensive care. calm down, weren’t you scared at that time moment? well of course it was scary, but it's all over now, in fact, the main thing is that i'm alive, my mother, grandmother are with me, and everything is fine with me, i am under the supervision of the best doctors, come on...
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at the moment they will soon remove the ilizarov apparatus, this is a victory, yes, they will remove the shivas. and they will transfer to another department, well, that is, rehabilitation begins from this moment and i will study with exercise therapy instructors, medical culture f we saw you have football, physical education will go well yes-yes-yes we saw in the ward you squeeze the ball yes
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like warming up the muscles in my arms now our task is to get up on a walker for now. that is, we have this one, well, and in general to go again, that is , we will have to learn again, his right side, unfortunately, does not work yet, we will have to learn to write again, well , that's all, all this will be restored, all this from the injury, yes, all a young strong body, the main thing is self-confidence, family support, everything will return, what do the guys write, your teammates, what do friends write? they worry about me, ask how things are, when will you return to the field, when will they cure, when they will write it out when you arrive, the situation that happened is clear, the enemy of the ukrainian armed forces often uses prohibited ammunition, cluster munitions, acting meanly against civilians, and as we have already said, choosing civilian objects, absolutely, here is a report, comments by andrey
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rudenko, our war correspondent, who has been living in donetsk all this time. is hushed up, in addition to this, today ukrainian militants are also using unmanned aerial vehicles to strike at the population, which is in gorlovka, the kuibysh district of donetsk, the petrovsky district donetsk, kirovsky district. today , unmanned aerial vehicles
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have begun to fly much further into the republic, this distance is 20 km plus, and this carries its own serious danger, in fact. the worst thing is that the militants who control these drones, they see perfectly well that they are hitting civilians, but this does not stop them, it's just that the kiev authorities have already become so dirty in the blood of civilians that their cruelty borders on madness, getting into such difficult situations, nevertheless, our people... have endurance, remain people, become heroes, like radion, radion, in this situation, you say, friends write, and girls write, yes, girls write, classmates, mostly, to a friend, can i say hello, i say hello, to sonya and korolina, they write to me every day,
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they call every day and support me more than anyone else, they write that they love me, that they are waiting for me, these are such good girls, of course, with such a one you have two girls at once, yes, a real one, well, what will you do first, when you get back on your feet, i'll go outside, hug the girls, and you will take the ball with you, what to training and for a walk, probably, yes, well, the first thing i will do is hug my mother, because she... this whole long journey is with me, she helps me in every way, and also colossal support, namely from my mother, we will immediately invite my grandmother, to look at how i begin to walk, take my first steps, there will probably be such
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a reaction, when i walked for the first time at the beginning of my life, it is true, a real hero, your radion is a real hero, anastasia zoya nikolaevna, radionchik, thank you very much for coming to our studio today, we wish i wish you a speedy recovery, and we will come to your first match, okay, definitely invite us, we are waiting for you to visit, we will see each other again, i think we will remember this more than once as a bad dream, but the situation that gave you the opportunity to show your spirit, you are really a very heroic person, you had to grow up very, very early. but what about you, now we are saying goodbye to you, thank you, we hope that now we will have new guests in the studio, also participants. these events of these events, in our studio vova danchenza with his mom and dad, with sergey and anastasia, we are greeting you, hello
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, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, feel how you are feeling, good, you told us about our film crew, how it all happened, you were eyewitnesses, let's look at the material now and continue the discussion, we somehow ran from this side, it seems to me, it seems here, this is what happened. we heard such a sound, as if an airplane was flying, and then we saw a big slab flying, it started to pour out these tapes around us, these very bombs exploded, we ran here behind this tree, somewhere here, and about 5 m away from us it exploded, but i remember that it seemed to fly off, i would think that it was a very small fragment that would fly off, when i looked there was a very large wound, first they washed the wound, then bandaged it, put me in a car and we went to the hospital. you learned early on in your shin to bend your leg at the knee, then so that it straightened out completely like this, then you gradually learned
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walk, our boy is quite energetic, that is, he doesn’t sit still, he goes to training, does hand-to-hand combat, leads such a fairly active lifestyle, this period... when it turns out he was lying on the bed, it was quite unusual, but he understood, i explained that it was too early to drag on, we need to wait a little longer , then they will catch up, we have bova danchenko with his mom and dad in the studio, another fighter, another hero, and most importantly another athlete, yes, you told our film crew about that day, how was it, so confidently, so calmly, tell me, what gave you strength then? well, i don't know, of course i wasn't scared by it, but if just a little, at first i didn't understand what it was, and only then
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i realized that it was a fragment, when they told me what it was, sergey, in that situation, how you acted, what happened then, it's hard for me to talk about now, i've already forgotten, they reminded me, it seemed like it had already passed, but it's still nearby, everything hurts, well, as we were just walking , well, already climbing up from the beach and heard two explosions above us, but we somehow got used to it already to all this, well we didn't attach any importance to it, we went further, and then we go and hear how an airplane seems to be flying, well, such a sound , let's see, then such a canopy flies and spins and we ran down, you could see , you could see the canopy, of course you can see, yes , everything is flying, it was scary there, well, so i think now it will all fall, explode, we ran down. these cassettes started falling, i covered it, but apparently, it was covered somehow vulgarly, yes, it went down, and i got hit a little, and he
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got hit hard on the ground somehow, i don't know how that happened it worked out, even in general, you then more son and of course, yes, i 'm worried even now, it's just hard for me to talk about it now, i then picked him up in my arms, we ran downstairs and well they said help there people immediately there who uh napkins there bandages there started offering and kind people there a man with two women immediately put us in a car we went to the northern fourth hospital we arrived there when we thought the first got to well the first maybe didn't have time to bring yet yes i think we were the first ho then how did it start there were still a lot of victims there were a lot of victims people yes yes yes and there were more with serious cases in the area we were immediately there well they re-brented us immediately say go to the children's hospital there. this hospital on the fifth, they took us, we went, thank you very much that the ambulance quickly took us and the people quickly took us in general very quickly,
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they immediately grabbed us all, immediately they started bandaging everything, we arrived there in the hospital, there they cut everything back, everything was bandaged again, then back there we felt this unity, yes how people behaved snow, people helped, a lot of people were immediately thrown there to help here and there, and a car arrived, well, a man with two women immediately took us there... they re-benched us, keriks burned everything and took us to the hospital from there we were already at speed there literally half an hour passed i don’t know there were a lot of wounded there were also children they loaded us all up and quickly drove to another hospital there who knows how the situation would have turned out if you had acted differently but you covered with yourself and yes you saved your son’s life that’s what you felt when daddy you then he hugged me, well i thought it would go up but it went down. i still don't understand how it happened, and somewhere about 5 meters away from us, literally somewhere another dummy exploded, only it went up, as if
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everything had already gone, i look how - vova is holding on bravely, dad is worried, dad is worried, mom is worried, and vova is holding on, another real hero, what amazing children we have, next in the program, ambulance paramedic , irina frolova, came with her family to rest in sevastopol, one of the first, she went to help the victims, we didn't understand whether the shelling had ended or not, that is, it seemed like the sound had died down, we quietly looked out the window, and there , accordingly, you could see... a column of smoke, thank you for these 15 years spent together and for the happiness of being close, on saturday, we are being treated for infertility, we have incompatibility, time is passing and soon it will be too late to give birth, and i want to ask you to help me with this, maybe i'm already pregnant, well , miracles do happen, right? well, i'm not here as
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a patient, i'm here as the mother of your future child. anastasia panina, i can't take it anymore, if you've decided to leave, go away, alexander makagon, after all , your fingers are amazingly sensitive, what did i do to deserve this? anatoly rudenko, i miss you very much, everything is fine with me, housing, a great job, a new relationship, a relationship, my love, let me introduce you to my ex-husband, don't be my wife. on saturday on rtr. we present you comfortable, durable and stylish artex sneakers, in which you will feel comfortable in any situation. these are stylish and durable shoes that will suit both men and women. the sneakers have a soft heel and side panels. this design saves your feet from rubbing. thanks to the wide velcro, the sneakers instantly adapt
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dr. myasnikov will definitely be added on saturday and sunday on rtr, they are not different at all, i want the girls to grow up beautiful, the rest, let at least your destiny serve, daughter, sanya was in the ward with a woman, gave birth
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to a healthy girl. ran away, and the child, you can deceive people, liza will never know that she is adopted, but not destiny, she will never know that she is not your real sister, come to my office tomorrow, i have an offer, i will not tell mom anything, but i will have one condition, i want to marry artyom, i love liza and i can’t do anything about it, what are you doing? go away, you deceived her all the time, how could you, mom, there as many as two, girls, only which one is mine, fate is not subject to exchange, on saturday on rtr. 9 years ago, the famous director andrei konchalovsky made a film about the everyday life of a postman in a simple russian village, and alexei trepitzson, not being an actor, played himself. for
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the film white nights. received a venetian silver lion. after the premiere of the film "the quiet village life of alexei trepitzin changed dramatically, he became famous all over the world, but suddenly." for everyone, a simple postman who became a star, dropped everything and disappeared. malakhov, today on rtr. i will be a good wife, honestly. premiere on rtr. admit that you still love lyuba, and you are taking revenge on her for being with maxima. i want to drink to you for something that happened in my life. and i for you. so, now you are our winner on all fronts. if he loves you, then everything is fine with us. and why with such a gloomy one? everything seems to be as i wanted. but something is wrong, a new test, put away the knife, don't touch me, today on rtr. earlier in the program, during the attack on uchkuevka beach,
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radion svalov was seriously wounded in head, a shell exploded next to him, the child was hospitalized. the first thing i asked was whether he was alive or not, they told me about his legs, that's when they had already done the operation. already in the fifth city children's there, that is, how could i even think that this could be some kind of mistake, that this is not like that, maybe sergey danchenko and his son vova were already getting ready to go home when the shelling began, the father covered the boy with himself to save his life, it was scary, well, i thought, now it will all fall and explode, we ran down, nastya, what did you feel then, everything happened? the guys aren't answering, probably, yes, i was already at work, of course, i couldn't find a place for myself, i was worried, asked for time off and came to them there at the complex, i already saw them, at that moment vova already, it turns out,
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they stitched up the wound, they were standing, it turns out in line for an x-ray, tell me what kind of wound it was, shrapnel, well, a torn one, this one at the top , it hit the thigh, a shrapnel hit there, and a torn one. it was very large there, well, so extensive, yes , it tore it out, there is his ecronemesis muscle, well, yes, it tore it out right there, so when i ran, i did it with my hand i held it, he asked how dad was, everything was fine, he said, yes, everything was fine , well, you walk briskly, well done, i didn't feel it anymore, i didn't feel it anymore, i just thought that it bounced off from above, not from below, vova, when during training, well, i don't know, doctors of course say that either in september or somewhere in august, towards the end in august, i haven't yet... the worst thing for your family is behind us, we overcame it, we coped, but let's see how vova was discharged from the research institute of children's surgery and traumatology, now we will raise the point for the fourth time, now, come on, come on,
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this is our fourth, when i was with you, it was painful for me to hit her and generally work with her, for example, to turn or something, or straighten, the right leg to take a step more than would. there was a very large wound, and the size is somewhere around this, like this, here are two small ones, a feisty guy, somewhere in a week the fears were already gone, well, and he, well, like an ordinary child, behaved already had a desire to play, smiled, there was nothing, what a great guy, discharge, yes, a document, i congratulate you, well, what hugs, well, you are a great guy, good, thank you very much, thank you, doctors are a truly special profession, which in this situation played a very significant role, fortunately for many,
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even in that situation on the beach in uchkuevka, even people with medical education who happened to be nearby could save people, now we invite you to the studio... in uchkuevka, what do you remember from that day? by a lucky chance, we were not on the beach that day, we were just at the hotel, that is , we were there late the day before on the beach until late, and accordingly slept, rested, and
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then went to the complex to the hotel, in hotel, yes there was a swimming pool and we were near the pool and we saw the air defense system working there, so we ran to the shelter with the kids, we ran into the hotel - i managed to change the kids in the bath, because everyone was wet from the pool, we didn’t understand whether the shelling had ended or not, that is , it seemed like the sound had died down, we quietly looked out the window and there, accordingly. a column of smoke was visible, so i decided that we needed to go, suddenly there was someone there who needed help, and what was leading you there, well, the thought was that there could be there were wounded and that they needed help, that there would be some kind of follow-up shelling, i didn't even think about it, there, when we were already at the epicenter of the explosion, when we saw the victims, how we started to provide assistance, you know, it's hard to provide medical assistance when you don't have any equipment, and no medications with you. to apply
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bandages correctly, because there can also be mistakes in applying bandages, well, what struck you the most then, when you found yourself on the beach, dozens of wounded, well, firstly, it's not even clear some who were wounded, because someone landed there, someone's hand is unclear, well , he held his hand, it's unclear whether he was wounded or not, yes, that is, they landed, someone was taken out directly to the civilians.
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well, some shops, something else, and all the dressings were actually from their first aid kits, because it is clear that no one carries bandages with them to the beach, and all the dressings were from the people who work there on the beach, who have some there or who came there in their cars, well, how are you professional how do you rate the help of people, your help, the help of people who are there? a medic, this is your calling, and you were not afraid
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and went to help. let's watch a story about you and your family. what happened to you, you tell? chest pain? we do not move, do not talk, breathe calmly. i wanted to become a doctor since childhood. the working day takes up everything, everything, all my time, sometimes i even think about work at night. after working in the ambulance. i have work here every day in a children's club, here i work as a speech therapist, rehabilitation specialist, with children with special needs, who will jump, say, me, me, me, what's your name, sasha, sasha, sasha, where are we jumping up, up, jumping, oops, well done, happiness, when you find that very exercise that he likes, when you find that key, that very key that will open the door to this child, then right... development happens in leaps and bounds,
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it can be very difficult to work here sometimes, i have four children myself, they also require attention, accordingly, and a lot of time is needed and to devote to yours, your move, my bunny, your bunny, yes, he came running, nikita, alena and artyom, and ksyusha was born later, she is the youngest in the family, some water to drink, let's drink some water , here, well, here we have the boys' room, nikita and artyom live here, nikita is older, here are his awards, his medals, here are artyom's medals, nikita is involved in track and field, artyom is involved in swimming and hockey, she is responsible for her studies, i am responsible for sports education, she spends enough time with her family, maybe, of course, i wanted more, it helps people, it's good, now we have your family as guests in the studio, come in, alexander, come in, take the children and let's, let's donate. ksyusha, this is family support, i
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know that while we were preparing for the program, ksyusha drew a very beautiful picture, yes, well done! alexander, when they let my wife go to the beach, already knowing that there was shelling, danger, she got ready herself, took a towel, everything she managed to take, ran away, said, i 'm going there, the only thing i told her was to be more careful, because another one is possible arrival, we didn't even know where it was happening, here she ran away, locked the children in the bathroom, gave them water, started waiting for the phones, watching what they would say on the federal channel, at least what was happening, what happened, alexander, well, you have a heroine? the wife saves lives every day in the ambulance, in general, we see a well-coordinated, strong family, which just raises children in this spirit and the husband and wife support each other like this, like this family, yes, we see our good, strong russian families, who can overcome everything together, everything too athletes, we somehow have all the athletes
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gathered today, do you go to sports sections, right artem? yes, where do you go, our, our people, i have been doing hockey, swimming, hockey for 5 years. swimming almost all my life since birth, my whole life i have been doing swimming, yes alexander, well, as i understand, it is hard to remember, yes, that day was scary, it was scary for the children, and of course for my wife, i think my wife and i were not scared, the children were scared, ksenia, especially said, while we were running, she says, dad, what happened, i say, war it started, she says, when will it end, i say, soon, well, that is, here she is, as if artyom was also scared of... in fact, because the sirens were constantly working, then in sevastopol itself they turned them on, apparently, they were testing some things, every evening, then we, when we were still there for a few days, and he was really worried that that's it, let's go to shelter, let's go to shelter, although it was clear that some training siren
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was going off there now, well, it will go off and turn off, it will go off and turn off, that is, it i didn't work all the time, guys, be proud of your mother, of course, who... ira, please marry me, marry for love, who is she, the best woman in the world or for money, the wedding is in a month, i've made arrangements with the registry office, what are you doing, am i a toy to you or what? and what, don't you like alisa, ivan ivanovich, a very wealthy man, it's not up to him to decide, yes, i'll destroy you,
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why don't you understand, alexey chadov, olga kros'ko, choose right now, either me or mom. svetlana nimalyaeva, what kind of naked descartes is this, maria shokshina, well, never mind, svetlana ustinova, moscow novel, here, he is getting married with us from august 12 on rtr, we present you with comfortable. and stylish artex sneakers, in which you will feel comfortable in any situation. these are stylish and durable shoes that will suit both men and women. the sneakers have a soft back and side panels. this design saves your feet from rubbing. thanks to the wide velcro, the sneakers instantly adapt to any foot shape, high instep or protruding bones, and
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saturday on rtr, how i missed you? daughter, how good that you came, you are for a long time, i left my husband, oleg, hi, what are you doing here, and about nadya, did you forget to tell me that they are dating, mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice, old love never rusts, yes, this summer she will take a risk, i do not i can give you what you're used to, vera, forgive me, please, come home, i 'll never go back to him. if you ask me nicely, i'll help you, one summer all my life, on friday the sled. people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they are united by one thing: a sincere
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, strong friendship. to love a white fluffy one? i said, i want a white cat, here he comes and oh, you're good, to pet the straptive one, he likes to grab there with his kukhtas, so tame the biter, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done! to play a stray, a pofugai flies from the sky to my key, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you rush everything, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on... rtr: something is wrong here, what exactly? i don't know, but something is wrong with the dead man, we are looking
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at rtr. girl, wait, a stranger in the room, and what is not allowed, these are the rules that i can't call my girlfriend to my number, your girlfriend for a long time, your paradise very temperamental woman, i don't know what's going on at all, i do everything so that she feels good, and she's a child. i want from you, you have good genetics, i don't need anything else from you, raya knows everything, i just found a good place to live, a good place to live or a good partner, today on rtr , hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on air, 60 minutes today on rtl. earlier in the program, anastasia svalova's son was injured during the attack on
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uchkuevka beach, radion has been undergoing rehabilitation in a moscow hospital for over a month, this is of course i can't describe what i felt then, there was fear, pain, hatred and anger. thanks to the coordinated work of local residents, tourists and doctors, hundreds of lives were saved. these beach people, everyone now understands how important training is, medical, tactical medicine may be needed now not only at the front, but anywhere, yes, in principle, it has always been like this, it's just that now there are more risks, skills are always necessary, yes, skills are always necessary and now we will tell you where and how you can get such skills, as now education is developing in terms of courses. you are unconscious, they were silent, they are unconscious, it is advisable
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to compose the armor channel, make a binding, loosen the horizontal bars, thereby the end and after you just clean this rune channel, your limbs will work completely, let's go, leave the boot, no need, we'll check how much the guys today. mastered the skills, we'll note the time, turning on the surprise effect, we'll quickly give them a command, bam, left leg, left leg injury, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, we didn't expect it that much, but then how everyone scattered in all directions, all the handsome guys, everyone, everything. it worked out, this is just a lesson on tactical medicine, today the head of the archangel center, fyodor
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gerashchenko, came to us. fyodor, come in, yes, these skills, by the way, should not only be for people in military uniform, but also hello, civilians, hello, hello, hello to see you, hello, hello, hello, how necessary are the skills, right now for this time, well , today they are necessary, of course, first of all - some war-torn regions, these are new regions, or regions that are nearby, these are krasnodar krai, crimea, rostov oblast, belgorod oblast, kursk, and so on, but in fact, it is not only border zones that need the skills to provide first aid or stop bleeding, because after all, in any situation in life it can come in handy and happen, anything in everyday life can happen to anyone. we are launching a project
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called the nf safety culture and krasnodar krai was chosen as a pilot project, well, because we are there and we are starting to implement it within the region, just yesterday we trained 32 activists from four municipalities, who will go to their municipality, train their circle there, their comrades, acquaintances, and so on, and scale it up as much as possible already in their own region, yes. knowledge, without which in general, well, in general , i went through, i believe that these are basic reporters who cannot go to the front, it is difficult to go to risky places without having skills, and medicine b driving
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vehicles, so that if something happens i can’t, but i think when i grow up, i’ll go either to work in the police, or in the special forces, i don’t know yet, to defend the motherland, the police, the police, to defend the motherland, fedor, the number of people wishing to receive such knowledge is increasing, well , we conduct these trainings on a mass scale, that is , for us it’s a free history that we introduce to the masses, and in general we have a desire,
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you know, to make it fashionable, so that it would be fashionable to ride a bicycle. showed how our people can unite in help each other in difficult times, thank god that there were people like irina nearby who have first aid skills, volunteers, volunteers, who arrived first on the scene, these are our people. fyodor, one more question, what should be in a family first aid kit, well, everyone, what do you think, that is, again, outside of
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a temporary situation, but in general, in principle, what should be in every family first aid kit in any. well, let's talk about the fact that yes, there should be, of course, some kind of first aid kit, a medicine kit, this is a completely separate story, when we go on vacation and mom collects anti -diarrhea, anti-nausea and so on, all these different pharmaceuticals, but for example, in the car there should not be a first aid kit, which unfortunately we now have practically at the plasters plasters. which in fact, well, like, are not particularly needed, but some hemostatic agents, yes, mechanical ones, which can be, yes, dressing packs, we have a first aid kit in the studio, now my colleague, natalia, natalia, hello, yes, that's right, natlya, let's look at the first aid kit, show us, tell me, if possible, let's join in,
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you just wanted to see how the lessons are going. young people are most interested, just the new generation, if we start this from the nails, then everyone will, he said that it would be fashionable, yes, in fact, this first aid kit is still a tactical, military, reinforced first aid kit, it is first of all, of course, applicable to civilian life, some things are not applicable here, of course, if we talk about this from the point of view of there road traffic from the point of view of a road traffic accident here hemostasis is primarily applicable to... hemostasis here there are two options in four versions, yes, that is, this is a horizontal bar, such a hemostatic tourniquet, yes , a tourniquet-type tourniquet, and for applying to a limb to stop bleeding in the shortest possible time in seconds, yeah, a good , convenient thing, absolutely right, yes, it comes off, tightens and fixes, twists with a crank, thereby stopping
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the blood, a completely non-traumatic option is very good. and accordingly, yes, here this type of rubber tourniquet rubber the same for hemostasis it is in two versions in this first aid kit are presented in two versions tourniquet. on the street to a complete stranger, then the first thing you need to do is to protect yourself, because we do not know, well , when working with blood, we do not know after all diseases, there are some shock, yes, probably,
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in civilian life we ​​do not use these stories, when providing first aid we do not have the right to administer any drugs to a person in civilian medicine this prohibited, accordingly only emergency medical workers can irina supports yes as a specialist.
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really it's not only useful, it's also interesting, it's great for yourself, what you said, yes, let it be fashionable, of course, to get new knowledge, necessary now in everyday life in the future self-development, of course, because you always need to develop yourself, thank you very much, we are very glad that such people came here, strong spirit, strong families, mutual love, real, it's clear how you support your parents, thank you great that we were there. and remember that the most important day of life is today. well, we
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will see each other already on the next broadcast on the channel russia, right now watch the program "vesti". hello on the channel russia vesti in the studio of irina rossius and the main topics for this hour on the border of the kursk region the enemy suffers significant losses, advancement of the vyasu deep into the territory of russia is not allowed, the fighting continues, the enemy is pulling the military into the sumy region. vladivostok has turned into the city of waterfalls, and on vreki street in the city there are the incessant levni is declared.


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