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tv   Ispitanie  RUSSIA1  August 7, 2024 10:15pm-11:11pm MSK

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so that you were with them, i won't go anywhere, no trial, then i'll make it so that you 'll be summoned by a subpoena, what subpoena, what to explain, we were just walking down the street, and my friend bought a car, drove up just then, i decided to take the girls for a ride in the car, that is , your friend somehow happened to be nearby, strange, was it he who asked you to put the girls in the car? he, that is, no one asked me, i just wanted to do the best for myself, she, dasha, started screaming like crazy, why did you leave, tell the truth, i'll strangle you, now, i'll call the police now, quietly, calmly, how much?
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how much, lyu, wait, let's do it with you, no need, i'll do it myself, why did you try to kidnap dasha, what were you going to do with her, stop? that 's exactly it, mortally ill, why do you need dasha , so that she can sit here and watch you suffer, how you die, you won't live long, my son will outlive you, mila ivanna has the right to deny her son's illness, i 'm telling you this as a doctor, hold on mom. peiti, did you
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arrange all this just for the sake of activation? lyuva, you got it all wrong, just mom it's very hard to get used to the idea that soon i'll be gone. i can't accept this truth, you can't keep your mouth shut, i ruined everything, calm down, everything's fine, she won't do anything, uh
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-huh, uh-huh. i thought, we haven't been communicating much lately, that's great, we just have something to celebrate, i've got my eye on a new apartment. what don't you like about my apartment? sit down, sit down, sit down, marinchik, don't lie around, but you know that i'm used to a certain level, i almost went crazy when i found myself not destiny, but thank god, the pot is still boiling, i was hired as a consultant in a very good company, it seems to me that we... years ago,
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yes, i am healthy and ready to start all over again, but i don’t want to start all over again, i’m not going anywhere, i understand that i suit you better as an invalid, what does this have to do with it, i just don’t want to, as before, come... to accept, no, okay, good luck, marion. what happened? why did he jump out
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like a skunk? you were right, mom! people don’t change, hello, hello, look at the menu, come in, choose something, i'll be right there, so, then, geography, excellent, math, excellent. look, well, you can, if you want, and what don't you eat, you liked it, no longer, is there any meat? styopa, what kind of meat will you eat at the confectionery at home, so styopa, and you know that mom will soon
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get a bonus, well, and you know what mom wants to spend it on, i can guess. be rude, here , eh, for one good boy whose name is styopa, she will buy a winter jacket, no, here, wow, that's a cool smartphone! hello, isachenko, lyudmila petrovna, yes, we are about debt on a consumer loan, there 's a pinya running up. hello, what loan? i didn't take out any loan. you didn't, and the person you're acting as a guarantor for took out one and missed the last
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payment. vadim. that's right. tkachenko, vadim sergeevich. how much? the principal of the loan is 14. together with the pinya, it's 15 with some change, i advise you to pay as soon as possible, otherwise we 'll go to court, love, i need to, let's do it later, what mom, everything styopa. what everything, is it really rich, let's not start, if he pulled this off with his illness, then he can take dasha too
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any moment, a medical examination is needed, it is needed, but it will take a day, it takes a long time, you know, i think i can help, i have a lot of fans in the authorities. i am sure you will have time, everything is fine, you should have gone earlier, we will have time, and the most important thing for you is that the hotel is booked for the first time, don't think about me at all, yura, don't take it, don't, suddenly you are from the bank, hello, bronitsky yuri alekseevich, yes, the investigative committee is disturbing. a check is required, in fact, parole, you need to undergo a medical examination, in what, actually, should i send a squad for you or after all, ourselves, myself, blood on the go, i'll send the lab address by text message, we didn't have time, that
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we didn't have time, it's all my fault, i haven't paid off the loan for the rings yet, what are these collectors going to bother me with now, you could have at least asked why i took this money, why, i need it, you acted meanly, meanly, you used my name, i'll pay you back five times more in a week, yeah, he'll pay you back, than you'll pay back, it doesn't matter, a winner and without judgment, a winner, because of your victories i can't buy my child a normal smartphone now, why do i need this... smartphone is needed, only ruin your eyesight, let him go outside, fresh air, football, everyone has one, he is alone, like an orphan, not an orphan, i will buy him your smartphone, and you know what i will buy, what was the last time you were at the sea,
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never, do you want a ticket to sharm lishi, right? well , go set the table, it smells so bad, 10:11. 12, this is all very strange, i just took the test this morning, and i already have the result, i have a feeling that someone is pulling the strings, it's okay, we have scissors on this string, let's go, listen, don't worry so much, i i found out, the salaries here aren't very high, everything will work out, now my head is just
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spinning, okay, i'll do it myself. so, bronitsky, bronitsky, bronitsky yuri alekseevich, the results are ready, but i can't give them to you, only to the expert commission, i don't need them in hand, i need the expert commission to get a very specific result. what do you have? by the way, here's a very interesting book. a chapter about
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the lives of oligarchs. villas, yachts, hats. what result do you need? well, for example, that bronitsky yuri alekseevich is terminally ill, anoplastic cancer, and he doesn't have long to live. is this a joke? this is not enough, and this result is not enough for you.
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what happened? why didn't he take the money? yura? what nonsense are you telling us? i'm telling you what i see, i don't know what you see there, who is behind you, but there is no disease, there isn't and there can't be, apparently they messed something up in the lab, check again, the procedure is technically designed in such a way that an error is excluded, that is, you want to say that this, no, this can't be. "i understand you, acute leukemia is a very
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a serious diagnosis, so you need to take the tests again anyway, wait, we really got too worried too early, let's do it again, everything will be fine, this is just some kind of mistake. "i love you, you can't even imagine how we look at rtr, ira, marry me, please, marry for love, who is she , the best woman in the world, or for money, the wedding is in a month, i agreed with the registry office, what are you doing, am i a toy or something, and don't you like alisa, ivan ivanovich is a very wealthy man, it's not up to him to decide, but i i will destroy you, you understand, alexey chadov, olga krasko, choose right now, either me
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or mom, svetlana nimalyaeva, what kind of naked dean is this, maria shokshina, well, never mind, svetlana ustinova, moscow novel, that's where he's getting married on august 12 on rtr. allow yourself a first-class vacation with liorets. elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rum, castro, a product of steller group.
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rixsas premium. family fun begins here, here every detail is created for your pleasure, enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of the coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixos premium segate. rixos premiumsi gate. mancacher whiskey. a product of stellar group. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic, luxury, collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome
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welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. secrets of paradise are revealed. stellar group product, wife for an hour service, called, and could you play a little on me, glory to the bfg, her eyes looked at each other with tenderness, with a smile, with kindness, once, expired yogurt, iron logic. humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr, marilochka, i left work early to pick you up, but enough of these childish whims, get ready, let's go home, i'm home, i'm not going anywhere, well then
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why, machka, you? "you are my wife, i am your husband, i rented a very nice apartment for us, not as spacious as our former home, but very decent, i'm very happy for you, and you 're happy, i'm alone there, marin, in an empty room, even if you scream, but you have no one to scream at, well, no need to twist it." "we are a family and i want us to live like before, but i don't want to live like before, why is that? you know, when we first met, i immediately fell in love with
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you, you were so big, beautiful, strong like a rock, and then it turned out that you are a press that crushes everyone, you know, when you became disabled, you suffered, but bravely endured the trials, and the pressure stopped, it became so easy and good, "i felt like a person, i wanted it to last as long as possible, you know, i understood you well, i don't want to argue with you. "we
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'll continue this conversation later, no, that i won't come back, i'm happy, we're great, we found an excellent place, despite the fact that sanin took away a pretty good one from us, and you know what i thought it would be good"? to open three pastry shops at once on the same day, while each pastry shop will have its own exclusive offer, and i'm afraid it may not be profitable, wait, for example, look, i've sketched out some ideas, imagine that people will come to their favorite cafe to order their favorite sweets, everyone will have their own preferences,
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that's what i want, and i want our wedding right after the opening, it seems to me that this will be a very strong advertising move, we need to do this in our new premises on the embankment, imagine there may be some beautiful photo shoot, what a beautiful video it will turn out to be, evening... then we can even go for a boat ride, river cruises work well for you, and forgive me, let's not talk about the wedding now, because my head is spinning, to be honest, i can't think about anything else except the court, forgive me. it's just that my lawyer advised me that it is very important now for our relationship
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with kirill to look perfect, so it would be better if you don't show up at the court. forgive me, i think it's right, it should be done this way, it's right, so, yuri alekseevich, unfortunately, your diagnosis was confirmed, how old am i left? well, ecology is hard to name anything specific, well, try as much as possible, if you start therapy in
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the coming days, then there are chances, and what are the chances, no one will give you guarantees, in the case of this disease, it is difficult to predict, a lot depends on the quality of treatment, the patient's condition, wait, wait, your conclusion.
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where were you? "i didn't sleep all night, i couldn't find a place for myself, then i drank sleeping pills and fell asleep,
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what are you doing, you can't, you can't do this, what difference does it make, mom, it's all the same already everything, the diagnosis..." was confirmed, yurochka, yurochka, my yurochka, i'm ready to give everything for a day of your life, not to mention ready for an hour, mom, this is retribution. for my sins, for deceptions, for betrayals, for murder.
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i love her, i ruined her life, she is the only woman who truly loved me, don't say that, don't say that, don't say that. yura, i can't talk to you now, i don't have time, i have a custody trial, and about the girls, thanks to you, by the way, wow, hello.
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well, you remember what we need look like a perfect couple? i remember, i suggest getting into character, my dear, let's go already, my dear, let's go, kirill leonidovich, the guardianship authorities refer to the fact that you left the family. no longer live with the citizen hooked, comrade judge, your honor, i beg your pardon, your honor, it's all in the past, my wife and i talked, discussed all the differences, and we really want to raise children together, besides, the girls are now at an age when they need a mother, and lyuba is a wonderful mother, she
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is caring, she is... attentive, i think, the girls were very lucky with her, yes, what can i say, i was lucky, love, honest, strong, good person, thank you, respected court, may i speak, yes, please, in addition to the materials already provided, i would also like to attach the results of the psychodiagnostician.
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the court accepts the results of the examination. zenaida stepanovna. yes, your honor. the examination conducted by your experts, what conclusions did they come to? the same, your honor. thank you. everything is in order, thank you, everything is in order, i ask everyone to stand, the court has decided to accept the case.
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a decision according to which the parental rights of lyubov nikolaevna zatsepina in relation to darya kirillovna sanina are fully restored, and guardianship over olga denisovna dymova is retained. at this point, the court session is declared closed. thank you very much, congratulations. thank you, and why did you come here, and lyubov, i wanted to confess, it was i who tried to kidnap dasha, yura, it's too late. thank god
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that everything turned out well, the girls will be home now, thank you for helping, well, i still think that divorce is... it's just our business, yes, yes, to let you down, no, thank you, i'll get there myself, got it, okay, then see you in court, see you. lyuba, wait, i wanted to help, i thought my confession would influence the court. yura, please leave us alone. lyuba, i'm really
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sick, this is not a joke. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system, give yourself a vacation where elegance and... native beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. swiss hotel sharmel sheikh - yours the perfect place in the heart of the city.
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old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. kalinon beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication. luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, pechora vodka, a product of stellar group, titanic deluxe golf bel hotel where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa salon enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is
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a journey to coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. jean sheaf. mothers, let's work as you say, you know better, the secrets of the investigation, and why don't you ask, or rather, because i know what you will answer, only after hiding, from august 12 on rtr, ol, where are you running, you
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haven't finished eating anything yet, i've finished everything, i've eaten soup, well , the second course, i'll eat at home, i'll wait for my mother, well it's still unknown when your mother will arrive, well , half an hour won't decide anything, olya, every minute is everything. tea olya, my dears, hello, hello, well, are we going home, yes, let's go, faster, faster, now, wait, darling, we need to pick up the documents, then we'll go, that's right, yes, all the documents are prepared, and we've also collected olenka's things, great, let's go then quickly, well olya waited, here's a surprise, and i know which one, which one, to the ice cream place, no, no, it's panna cotta, you didn't guess, open your eyes, wow, do you know what this is, no, capresa, cool, i'm in i read on the internet that caprese is very healthy, it has no flour, only almonds,
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some kind of a real pastry chef, you understand, mom, we missed your food, kirka can't cook at all, but she's kind, i already want to see her with dad too, well, we'll go somewhere together somehow, why not? can you imagine, dad liza bought a new bike, just huge, well , how huge, they call it a teenage bike, she let me and styopka ride it, i'm not very good at it, styopka is better, ok, i want to ride a teenage one too, i'm taller than you, i can do it, so what, and we also streamed a tear, imagine, this video got 5,000 views,
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cool, all this without hype and pranks, and also, and also chutira now lives with dad, they sleep together, they even kissed, i saw it and soon mom and dad will get a divorce, okay, i 'm going to bed, good night, good night. based on the above facts, the court confirms the impossibility of cohabitation of the spouses, since there are no disputes over the upbringing of children and the division of property, the court decided to dissolve the marriage, hooked love nikolaevna and sanin kirill leonidovich. the meeting is declared closed,
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congratulations, oh, hurray, forgive me, so. well, what about our divorce? well, yes, it's generally normal, to celebrate a divorce like this, i don't know, and i don't know, but thank you for everything, to you. thank you,
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stop, stop, stop, he said, well stop, where are you, what a flyer, you've jumped so far, alive, oh, what did he do, oh nothing , he stole a bike, but if he had gotten hit by the wheels, you would have had problems, no, it's his problems, hey, hey, man, what's wrong with you, this is my son, what's wrong with you? his dad, look, the same face, you don't
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look very much alike, stepan maksimovich galiev, 11 years old, yes, yes, yes, so you are that same maksim galiev, mma champion, yeah, wow, wow, and i didn't recognize you right away, we dads always rooted for you, listen, maksim timurovich, maksim timurovich, forgive me for the stupid request. "can we take a photo with you, come on, guys, well, in exchange for this scoundrel, i 'll deal with him myself, let's get in the car quickly, come on, come on, go kid, oh, i don't envy you, come on, come on, come on, everything went like yesterday, the judge didn't try to persuade us to save the family, he didn't persuade us, it turns out that getting a divorce is quick and easy. "yes, i know, but now
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you and maxim can file an application, have you already chosen the wedding day? lyus, fix the crooked clerks, we need to check on denis, how is he, yes, he's fine, denis is working, lyuba, i don't get it, are you not happy about the wedding, maxim, he's like that, well, he's rude, of course, but he's so strong, girls, i'm glad, i'm very glad that you're picking on me about this wedding, what are you don't you love him? i love him, it's clear as day. oh, girls!
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what's wrong, he's normal, katya, don't be offended, but he's salty, lyus', are you in love, what am i? this is the cook, come on in, it's so cool here, like in the movies, and
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who is this? it's me, and this is san sanych. let's go, i'll introduce you. san sanych, i'm with a guest, will you feed us? i thought you were with anyone, familiar here, san sanch, styopka, that is, stepan maksimovich, sansanovich is my coach, well, in the past, almost a father, make yourself at home, stepanovich, and father. will go to the kids, will peel the potatoes, like it's cool here, the atmosphere is cool, why did you steal the bike,
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come on, spill it, stepan, i won't tell my mother , did you want to ride it or sell it? i just wanted to change my smartphone, it will all pass in a minute, in a minute , we'll just wipe this off and everything will pass for us, everything will be fine, my dear, bring water, cold water, the third attack in 2 days, water won't help here, you bastard, shut up, i told you to bring water. we'll cope, we have a chance, we'll go to germany, germany has the best doctors in the world, they will help you, we have a visa,
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we have money, everything will be fine, that's it, we need to get ready, get ready, my dear, you just don't hear. don't drag it out, yes, everything is fine, everything is fine, we'll manage, well, i'm explaining to you, when you hook, you have to hook, and you were reaching for the street, so if it weren't for sansanoch, you would have been swimming there already, so what's his name, i showed you, when you cast, well , what's the matter, it's night outside, where have you been, don't swear, he was with me, well, how, well, he called , i'm going home, what's the matter, i come, no one's there, well, you can do it with your mother, sorry, it just happened, go into the house, everything is fine, well, call, you can call, listen, let's sit down, you have a good boy, you
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know what a difficult age he is now, if i lose him now, then later it will be very difficult to get him back, so what should i do, i'm alone, and what about vadik. well, he doesn't communicate with the child? well, vadik, we live well, we have everything, we're all together, we'll solve it. well, for example, why haven't you bought him a new phone yet, because he has a phone. listen, you don't have to buy him expensive clothes, but for a teenager, an expensive, cool smartphone is the first thing now. well, no i have money, i'll buy it soon. listen, i know your salary, what do you need it for? he goes, well, what is the house private, you see, one thing breaks, another, and do you know how much heating costs, skadi, why doesn't he bring anything, well, well, vadik is trying. here he is looking for a job, you love him so much, i don't know, i want
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everything to be like other people, i don't know, i'm just unlucky and unlucky, unlucky and unlucky, oh well, oh well, if anything, you can contact me with styopka, ok, good night, thank you. what an art critic, so that lebia's fans anyway, what will you please me with? everything
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is going according to plan, yesterday they had a divorce, kirill is now free, he constantly declares his love to me, shows signs of attention, what specific signs of attention does he show you, well... for example, recently we took a bath, in a new apartment with champagne, candles were burning, he sprinkled me with rose petals, what vulgarity, he is degrading with you, oh, well, rosemosa is good, here you go, keep up the good work, thank you.
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immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort in ricksas golf villas and suют sharmaь sheей. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green courses and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf.
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rixas premium magavish seats & villas the holiday you have been dreaming about. vodka veeta is a product of steller group.
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rum, castro, a product of stellar group, i am nikolay dolgachev and have been to the front lines more than once, i am olga armyakova, i know from my own experience what it feels like to have family and friends every day go to the feat. watch our program. hello, hello, it's late, where are you going, yes , so i decided to take a walk, i have insomnia lately, i thought night walks would somehow help, yes, dad, of course you don't drown. sorry, what? dad's business is going uphill. kirill, i, i wanted. to talk to you
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about a very important matter, listen, let's do it tomorrow, i'm just very tired, i understand that you have insomnia, but that's because you do nothing, sorry, my eyes are sticking together, good night, good night.
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you are the coolest, yes, that's also among other things, after this fight you may end up disabled, no, then i won't be in salo, i don't intend to watch this carnival, that's right, you have no business sitting in the stands, ruining your nerves, i'll send you to a sanatorium , to treat your heart, you could fix your brain, fragrance, at worst noise, let's say you refuse this fight, but this is a serious risk, listen, i'm a professional
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athlete, generally entering the ring is my job, i understand, but you have... different age categories, why do you need this? listen, you're worried about me now as for the man you love, or just for the love of your neighbor? wait, love, are you sure you want to marry me? of course, i've already decided, i'll marry you, you're reliable, noble, strong, well then you have nothing to fear, i'm invincible, ooh! so, tonight you'll see a rematch between the current champion, cannibal, and the challenger for the championship belt with max galiev. oh, look, this is cool, let
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the stronger one win. now uncle maxim will give him a beating, yeah, ready, ready? oh, okay, don't forget about protection, don't forget about protect, keep your distance!


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