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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  August 8, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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you will miss, about people who became heroes, about events that will go down in history, our author's program, our feelings, what was happening in my soul then, it is hard for me to talk about it now, our memories, i cannot describe then what i felt, our loved ones were more worried about my life than about themselves, one does not abandon one's own, our principles, we became for the russian world, our victories, this is our pride, our heroes, if necessary, i would give my life, ours, everything that we see with our own eyes, like in this military situation keep such kindness, positive, premiere from monday to thursday on rtr, how i missed you, so much, how good that you came, you are for a long time, i left my husband, oleg, hi, what are you doing here, and about...
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did you forget to tell me that they are dating, mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice, old love never rusts, yes this summer she will take a risk, i will not be able to give you what you are used to, faith, forgive me, please, come home, i will never go back to him, if you ask me nicely, i will help you i will help, one summer all life, on friday on rtr. welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday, friends met here, one hundred percent confidence that friends will not let you down, your assistant, i thought about something, well maybe it is those who lay asphalt, asphalt pavers, one hundred percent guarantee, it will not be boring, you are not afraid,
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here are the light bulbs that tourists are looking for in the cave, we have one of the answers, perhaps it is correct, puddles, one hundred percent pleasure from the game, what are you doing together, i just smart, yes, yes, 100 to one, let's go on saturday and sunday to rtr, shveytsova investigative committee, i would like to meet and clarify. what details, marya sergeyevna is changing, well, come on, spill the beans, no, not the profession, what happened, weapons, kidnapping , murder, time of going to work, and that this is also possible, i have a day without adventures, why put off until the evening what can be solved during the day, boys, let's work, as you say, machine operator, you know better, secrets of the investigation. from monday on rtr
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visky mancacher - a stellar product. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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cognac monte shokoka is a product of stellar group. good morning! says doctor mesyakov, we begin the program about the most important thing, that is, about our health, but not only about health, but just let's chat, you still know, a lot of interesting things, we begin, today in the program about the most important thing, rhythm disturbance hearts, why does it slow down in some people and speed up in others, and who needs to install pacemakers to restore their hearts. i'm scared by this story about
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a pacemaker, if the pulse generation is disrupted, then it will be like this, how often can you. eat semolina porridge without harm to health and what most often provokes a chronic runny nose? questions from a doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. answer first, then we'll think. wounds and scratches. why do they take a long time to heal, when diabetes is to blame, when incorrectly rendered first aid. and what to do so that there is no scar left after them. i have it early, more than six months after it. scratches do not heal, give the animal, come here, my paw, we will talk about arrhythmia, we will talk about the place of pacemakers in the treatment of arrhythmia, in general about pacemakers, today we
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are increasingly inclined to stop the pacemaker, which allows us to avoid the side effects of antiarrhythmic drugs in modern society. surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, hello, well, an introductory speech for you, then here we have two patients, they want your attention, hello, dear viewers, today we will talk about such a topic as bradyarrhythmia, yes, because if we are talking about pacemaker implantation, then these are
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patients who suffer from such a heart rhythm disorder as bradyarrhythmia, that is, this is a rare pulse, our heart can generate impulses on its own sinus node and conduct them through the heart on the ventricle, that's what you said, in the sinus node, we are talking about the sinus node, this seems to be clear, i am amazed at how many questions i get asked questions, doctor, i have sinus arrhythmia, i will live when i do not hear sinus, and also rhythm, yes, that in principle is a variant of the norm, for the most part, when you have written sinus rhythm - this is normal, because this rhythm is formed, as the doctor will say in the sinus, therefore sinuses, when you read, you do not write. occur here, it is cut off and the rhythm, accordingly, everything that should
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happen here, but this is a very rare rhythm that a person cannot tolerate, or there will be a conduction disorder, when the impulse is formed here, passes on the ventricle, but in this nodal world... but it can be carried out every other time, or every three times, which leads to clinical manifestations in the patient in the form of dizziness, loss of consciousness, fainting. by the way, i want to remind you right away, fainting never happens in
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a lying position, it is always nausea, dizziness, and you understand, i 'm about to fall, if you fell just like that. let's talk about risk factors, this is alcohol, smoking, diseases such as coronary heart disease, thyroid disease, hypertension, all this can lead to a violation of tissue trophism and thereby the emergence of problems in these structures that we talked about, we have two patients, let's see: what is their risk factor, what is their situation? hello, my name is elena, i suffer from hypertension, as part of a medical examination i underwent an examination, and for the first time i was prescribed arrhythmia and changes in the left ventricles, please tell me, should this
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be treated separately from hypertension, should the treatment regimen be changed, well, hypertonic with you they said yes, how is this, no one thought that it would be, look what is written. they were scared, yes, i was wary, there was no such diagnosis before, this is not a diagnosis, this is the beauty of the norm, live in peace. and maybe there are some options to solve this issue with medication, i used to do sports, cardio loads
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were quite easy for me, now my pulse immediately soars from the slightest load, and of course i feel very bad, well, lately, to be honest , better, but there are times when i'm not very ok, here's what you can advise me minimum 43, there are no pauses longer than 2 seconds, what do you say doctor here? the main thing we pay attention to the clinic, yes, which the patient presents, you kind of have complaints, in cases if, for example, the patient has brodycardia, then well it is expressed, clinical pauses are large or sharp brodycardia, then the doctor is definitely inclined to implant a pacemaker, why, because it is unsafe for your life, and a rare rhythm is unsafe, there are additional research methods that are carried out on the patient and there is an electrophysiological study of the heart. and also tests in order to say this individually from one holter, unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible, and well
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, if a pacemaker is needed, then it is needed. the doctor speaks very correctly, here it depends very much on the clinic, because it can interfere with life, it can lead to such fainting, as i said, such a situation, here it is necessary individually, because well , because, because, because everything must be done according to indications, and really from one holder to say, it is difficult to say. well, thank you big, as i understand it, we can get pacemakers under the compulsory medical insurance for free. today , a unique situation has developed in moscow, the health department, the moscow government allocates funding under the compulsory medical insurance, it is free for patients, in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, for the third.
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research based on our hospital we will put you, we will operate and you will actually go home healthy or if a person at home becomes very ill, he is taken away by ambulance accordingly we will conduct diagnostics they bring and we do the operation within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance again yes and for his treatment we have in the hospital. operating room and we discharge him pay attention to your elderly relatives, because here is a violation
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of conduction in patients who have had a heart attack, with cardiosclerosis, one way or another it violates the accompaniment, and if you yourself felt rare pulses, or he says: you know, i just can't, i switch off, here it is necessary to identify these pauses, because then except for installing a cardiac simulator, nothing and ... not will not prolong life, will not improve the quality of life, but well, we have popular questions here with you, how is it installed, how long does it last, a pacemaker is a metal box that is sewn either to the left to connect to the area, or to the right, to connect, depending on whether you are left-handed or right-handed, accordingly , a small 4 cm incision is made, a pocket, and a pacemaker is placed there, and the electrodes go through the subclavian vein. into the heart into the ventricle in the atrium, the operation does not last long, about 40 minutes, an hour, and this is minimally invasive
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procedure, well, it's just a puncture, yes, with you and me, well, yes, the patient goes to the ward, he does not lie after that in any intensive care unit, but after a few days he is discharged home under outpatient observation of cardiologists, in fact, he lives with him, that's what we have mrict with a cardiac simulator and through frames. seekers, at the moment there are two types of stimulators, this is a regular stimulator, which has metallized parts, you can't do an mri with it under any circumstances, and there are other stimulators that are made of... oncology, brain disease, and if he is shown repeated subsequent mri diagnostics, then he is implanted with an mri-compatible device, as for the frames,
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then all modern devices, they are kind of protected, yes, it is not recommended to stand in ... the frame of the metal detector, if possible, it should be bypassed, but if suddenly you come there is no such opportunity, the most important thing is not to stop in it, passed everything, there will be no problems with this, how to care for it, change the battery, test, and this device undergoes annual mandatory testing, in some cases twice a year, the devices work for about 6-8 years, then they need to be replaced, that is, this device is removed. there are none, there are restrictions such as contact sports, this is wrestling, karate, there is weightlifting, well, it is not recommended for patients to engage in professional swimming, but
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you can swim in the pool, you can do any kind, walk, stroll, run, and tennis, well, in general, a completely normal life, yes, lead a normal life, well, doctor, thank you, we have generally raised such an important topic, we will of course return to rhythms, we will be attentive to our health, everything will be fine with us, then, how often can you eat semolina porridge without harm to health, and what most often provokes chronic nasporok? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnyakov asks, you answer, answer first, then we will think, stand back, i have the main road, how lucky are you, goat, i have a new car, we are watching rtr, yurana, irina aleksandrovna aksakova, maybe you know what kind of girl confused yuri's head, so it means you, not you, but you
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mikhaloch, come on, help me, i won't stay long, do you even understand what you're asking for, who's there? and the moscow novel from monday on rtr, we present the pillow dremaliina swon, a comfortable pillow for rest, which embraces your entire body and optimally aligns it so that you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the pillow dremaliina svon offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head. and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable position for sleep without tossing and turning. unlike regular pillows, dremalinost keeps your spine in the perfect position. call and order the unique dremalin swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but
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wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you. and the dremalin swan pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and is valid for a short period of time. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creatures of ours. orientalism, this is some kind of parallel agenda. how is that not a reef? continuation of the conversation in the new issues of our podcasts. and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform watch. substation: the first podcasts that we watch. service wife for
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an hour, did you call? and could you play a little on me! glory to the airborne forces. her eyes looked at each other tenderly. with a smile, with kindness, once, expired yogurt. iron logic. humor, humor, humor. on saturday on rtr. thank you for these 15 years spent together, for the happiness of being together. on saturday, we are being treated for... fertility, we have incompatibility, time is running out, and soon it will be too late to give birth, and i want to ask you to help me with this, maybe i'm already pregnant, but miracles do happen, right? well, i'm not here as a patient, i'm here as the mother of your future child. anastasia panina, i can't take it anymore, if you decided to leave, leave. alexander
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makagon. still, amazingly sensitive fingers. tim, i deserve it, anatoly rudenko. i miss you very much. i'm doing well, housing, a great job, a new relationship. relationship? darling, let me introduce you. my ex-husband, don't be my wife, on saturday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on the air, vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, hurry, place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear weapons, go to readiness number one. "what image of victory will he destroy the ball in his head with zelensky yany rag, see you, time for our
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regular column questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on the previous broadcast, you answer correctly, then you climb for the key, open the closet, get a prize, you answer incorrectly, or you do the exercise, or i feel sorry for you and i forgive you, well, let's see how it goes, who 's ready, raise your hands, well, here you are, yes, let's get acquainted, hello, my name is marina, i'm an economist, marina, well, a good start, spin, so marina, here's which one these two, it's in the middle, choose this one, well done, come on, can you eat semolina porridge every day? i heard that no, write, and i myself don't eat semolina porridge, but the other one, and
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i like pearl barley, buckwheat, yeah, posh millet, yes, our man, i don't eat semolina either, but oddly enough, i really like pearl barley, buckwheat millet, also corn, really, well, yes, actually. no, well you can eat it, you can eat everything, every day and not every day, but it's clear that semolina porridge is the most wrong product, it mainly contains fast carbohydrates, very fast, starch and special benefit, well it will give the child energy, but it still lays the foundation for - excess weight and subsequently problems in the form of diabetes, here are those cereals that we are talking about, which we love, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, this is ideal.
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that there are always infections, okay, answer first, then we will think, you are smart, and what are you laughing at, hinting, hinting, hinting, hinting, hinting, hinting, yes, i am saying, why did i hint so and so in front of you, well, naturally, because what is nasok, there is an allergic reaction, and if this chronic gomorritis, let's say, there is generally, by the way, allergy, the most common cause, and so on, that is... answer: no, weak immunity, if it is really impaired immunity, it will manifest itself in many other diseases, but far from being in first, nor in second, nor in tenth place on this list, there is this really reduced
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immunity, and now how have you even heard the word antihistamines, no, honestly she said remember, you say, do you understand what the song is about, no, what are we going to do, can i ask a question? oh yeah, and i'll think about it, can antihistamines cause addiction? and i assume that the drugs they cause addiction, but antihistamines can cause? it is quite possible, well let's say it this way, antihistamines are what we treat allergies with, what we give for allergies, can anti-allergy drugs cause addiction? no, write. well done, happy question, i'm afraid, i have an allergy, i'm afraid to take antihistamines,
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because i'm used to what i will then. do, the only thing is that with such things as urticaria, for example, you need to understand that really small doses may not work, official doses, they should be taken two or four times higher, this is a recommendation for allergists, but this should be done under the supervision of a doctor, well, so, you have everything, so, so, so, everything worked, come on, get the key, but judging by the fact that your dress is the wrong color , get all three, well, it's clear, come on the second one, if the third one doesn't work, then don't come out to me in black, come on! well done, good, hold
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the microphone with one hand, give it to me, open it, choose, well, okay, come on, hold it, marina, thank you very much, it's very nice, please sit down, if you want.
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and while the viewers in the studio are pondering and voting, how effective is plantain for wounds and scratches? we'll find out the correct answer at the end of the column. doctor, have you used plantain? of course. of course i did, all people of my generation used plantain in childhood , everything healed for me like a dog, so either from the plantain, or, you know, when you're young, in fact, the topic is so interesting, not only summer, why summer, not summer, well yes, in the summer we are more at the dacha, poking around in the forest somewhere, injuring ourselves, let's get this straight away, so as not to return to this, we should all be vaccinated against the weakling, it's stupid to die from the weakling in our time, so if you
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have never... been vaccinated other than against the flu and covid in the last 10 years, then it means you have not received an update from the weakling, so get it, especially before the summer season, it may save your life, because all these wounds are all potentially dangerous, you know, well yes, that's how it was announced, really poorly healing wounds are when diabetes, heart failure, venous insufficiency.
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i rarely fell, than hit my chin with my hand, and we see that if the wound is really deep, yes, it needs to be stitched up, what's important here is time, a normal wound should be stitched up within 12 hours, well, in extreme cases, eighteen, that is, you can't sit, tie it up, wait, go there the next day in the evening, that's it, they won't stitch it up, it will be primary intention, if on the face, the face... the neck there up to 24 hours, there more, well, that is what i mean, that if you see that a wound, a flapped skin, a deep wound requires, usually it is obvious that it requires stitches, you should not put it off, because then you will just have a big scar on your face, well, because by primary intention it all goes completely differently, there they will choose what kind of stitch, it can be simple, there can be absorbable staples and so on and
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so forth, well, we do not put staples on the face, for example, depending on the lip, tongue, these are self-absorbable stitches, for example, an arm, a leg, with this, these cute animals, give the animals, give the animal. give the animal, come here, my paw, come here, my paw, this one will scratch you talandno, but bites, bites of dogs, cats, other animals, we never stitch up, but only if it's not a face, well, because cosmetically, because in general puncture wounds and so on, they can contain an infection, so it's tetanus, and you think a cat can't bite, how can it, yes i'm returning you to... this cute creature, this one, maybe, won't bite, and my mikun, today was not in the mood, when he is not in the mood, and i these shepherds, they would have killed bygo with just one
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breath, well, not with breath, he still weighs 15 kg there now, but they are poor, he hisses at them, he hits them, and what do they do, moreover, they lower their tail, ears and neck, and so ... they leave him half-bent, and both of them, and why did you come with him, why did you bring him her, it so happened that marquise became the main culprit of today's celebration, i have it early, more than six months after her scratch it does not heal, well, in principle, not only her wound, bruises take a very long time to heal, and well, nothing helps, not heparin, i even put leeches on these places, and somehow it doesn’t... i see, well, there’s something else, cat scratches and so on, they are usually infected, in general, if a wound doesn’t heal, then it’s an infection, contamination, infection, or some general general condition, i don’t think you have some kind of
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severe diabetes and so on, that’s a separate story, now let’s talk a little about broader things, then, when a wound needs to be kept open, when to put a bandage on... how useful is plantain honey for healing of scratches, the wound is purulent, it's scary to look at, these worms are put there, it becomes pink, clean, i love you, i want to try to start all over again, i also decided to start all over again, but with maxim, a new test, you look amazing, a real queen, lyuba is a woman worth fighting for, and why doesn't kirill come to the girls, are you afraid of not seeing each other? why are you asking about kirill? she has overcome a lot. lyubka still loves this kirill of hers. you can't command the heart. but how to overcome love. kirill went to the village.
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a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. at a special sale price of only 6.95. just choose the right design and create a unique look for your suburban area. "catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, let's try, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can useful be pleasant, fantastic"? can scientific be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, m, m, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every
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person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also useful, and this lifts the mood, that's for sure, the formula of food: on sunday! how i missed you, daughter, how good that you came, you are for a long time, i already. from my husband, oleg, hi, what are you doing here, and about nadya, did you forget to tell me that they are dating, mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice, old love never rusts, yes, this summer she 'll take a risk, i can't give you what you 're used to, believe me, forgive me, please, come home, i'll never go back to him, if you ask me nicely, i 'll help you. one summer, my whole life, on friday on
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rtr, and i loved him, and he loved me, at your numerous requests, today in this studio we're singing lyrical love songs, romances, i like that you're not sick with me, do you understand that you're already married?
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we need to leave things open, that when dries faster and indeed, but the latest views go against this century-old practice of keeping the wound open, it is believed that this fresh wound discharge has fibroblast growth factors that quickly tighten the wound, and if it is closed correctly with a bandage, there are no pockets, no air, and not too tight, then this content ... of an acute wound, it promotes the growth of fibroblasts, rapid healing,
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which is why, by the way, we do not recommend washing the wound with iodine and all these, otherwise, than water, it suppresses this growth factor on the first stage and can slow down healing, and there are, by the way, even artificial factors, a suit with these growth factors that make, it is believed that if you close the wound, it will heal faster, by the way, when the wound is chronic, not non-healing, here it already has... by the way, how to clean, there are possible crimea, these are either enzymes, there are special enzymes, they are sold, they are poured into the wound, here the wound is purulent, with uneven edges, inflammatory, we fill it with enzymes, they adsorb very quickly, it forms such a white coating, then it just once, pinkish, or if it is a large, completely dirty... wound - these are worms, this mogotherapy, it is very common in
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america, in africa, you can't imagine how it all works, here is a purulent wound, it is scary to look at it, these worms are placed there, they live, and after that, when they eat this nicotinized tissue, they secrete a special healing film, the wound becomes pinkish, clean, simply amazing, for thousands of years... in a diabetic, in fact, it would seem
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naive, but the person has diabetes, high sugar, got a wound, or he has a trophic ulcer, we know from the diabetic foot, if a diabetic's wound does not heal, the advice is this, a diabetic has a wound, insulin, intensively, reduce sugar, then it's early, at least you can't control it, control it now with insulin, keep it there for at least 2-3 weeks, lower the sugar. then it will heal faster for a diabetic, it is also very important to understand about a foreign body, a child often sat down somewhere, sat with his bottom on a chair, on glasses, that's it, he cut himself, don't stitch him up.
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they knocked us down so big, oleg was small, we with full, full of tesks. so, wash, bandage, change the bandage once a day, once every two days. a non-healing wound is the basis for the fact that you are doing it wrong, there is either an infection, or a person's body remains, or something else, and so on and so on and so on, you either need to open everything again, clean it, or there was a pocket, yes, a cat scratched it, it healed, there is a pocket, there is an infection smoldering, smoldering.
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okay, let's talk about plantain, 50/50 exactly. okay, let's do it this way, who did plantain help, raise your hands, who didn't, so, here's who he helped, those are optimists, we're good, whoever he helped, those are pessimists, that's what they deserve, so as a doctor i'm obliged to say that this is a myth, but as a practitioner. it's true, okay, let's move on, right now our traditional column: ask the doctor, raise your hands, good morning, alexander
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leonidovich, good, and a few years ago i was diagnosed with third-degree arthrosis of the knee joint, at the clinic level they prescribed me some kind of treatment, there was no improvement, then i tried to consult in medical clinics, commercial, each clinic, therefore, refuted all previous recommendations and offered something of its own, then i got to a rehabilitation center, i also tried to use injections as a kind of therapy, there was an improvement for some time, but then everything again and it kind of comes full circle.
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all this has only a temporary effect, short-term, interestingly, a cure, that there are no chondroprotectors, no, no, no, no, no, therefore you can go to consultations even until the carrot fast, as you yourself can already see, by the way, if you will how to recommend arthroscopy, that is , to introduce ringing here, to sew something, to sew, it also does not work, dekerativnye changes, you have erased, you yourself say, arthrosis of the third degree, all surfaces are erased. there was arthritis, only two things really help, this is weight loss and joint gymnastics, here we are talking about yoga, we are talking about tai chi, this is seriously a huge job for this, and so neither acupuncture understands anything, nor all these chondroitins and so on and so forth, short-term effect yes, so you have a question what, you if
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have you really had such changes, have you reached the point or not, if you have reached the point, you should see a surgeon, only joint replacement, thank you very much, well done, good morning, my name is tatyana, i was visiting you last year, here on the show, you and your recommendations really helped, you don't scare me, i may have forgotten, i think your recommendations really helped, really your advice, your recommendation for choosing a medicine, really helped me, you are great, everyone loves you very much, that's why you are very active in many regions. my father is watching you there in mordovia loves very much, also really wants to come visit you here, i have such a question now, as soon as i start to catch a cold, my lymph node on the left side becomes very inflamed, now. i passed several types of tests, a large list, the therapist prescribed me strong antibiotics just in case, after that
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the lymph node, it gradually resolved, but as soon as i catch a little cold or drink something cold, the same ice cream, it begins to inflame, how are there any risks and how to react to this, i do not see any risks, i do not i think it makes sense to drink antibiotics, if there is no purulent discharge, enlargement of other lymph nodes, and so on and so forth. but as you say, you just have pain when pressed, in fact, it is unlikely to increase to some unreasonable limits, this is just your reaction to hypothermia, to dry air, and so on and so forth, but in any case , there is no place for antibiotics here, that's for sure, yeah, thank you very much, thank you, good morning, doctor, i have a question about the thyroid gland, i have elevated tsh 6.0, t3, t4 free in normal,
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you could wait, so here's your answer, thank you very much, that's all for today's questions,
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i wish everyone health and good luck, next on the program: women's health, what is the danger of stress and what remedy will help get rid of insomnia, something is wrong here, i don't know what exactly, but something is wrong with the deceased. stream on rtr, girl, wait, a stranger in the room, and what is not allowed, and such rules are established that i can't call my girlfriend my number, your girlfriend has been yours for a long time, your raya is a very temperamental woman, i don't at all i know what's going on, i do everything so that she feels good, and she wants a child from you, you have good genetics, i don't need anything else from you, raya knows everything, i just found a good place to live. in a good place to live or a good partner, today on rtr.
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sneakers with velcro artex at a price of only 24.95, they are completely different, i want the girls to be beautiful, let at least your destiny serve, daughter, sanya was in the ward a woman, like. a healthy girl ran away, and a child, you can deceive people, lisa will never know that she is adopted, but not destiny, she will never know that she is not your real sister, come to my office tomorrow, i have an offer, i will not tell my mother anything, but i will have one condition, i want marry artyom, i love liza and nothing. i can do, i can't, what are you doing, go away, you've been deceiving her all along, how could you,
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mom, there are two girls there, but which one is mine? fate cannot be exchanged, on saturday on rtr. pelmeni is an ear made of dough, the chinese invented them, when the star five plays, erakli serves and evgenia scores, and i'm a fish, i'm a fish, very, very exciting, the whole world freezes in anticipation, wow, that's completely incomprehensible, but time doesn't wait, every second counts, you know what?
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good morning, a program about the most important things, me my name is ekaterina, i am 36 years old, i have been working as a human resources specialist for over 10 years , there is a lot of stress during the day, so i can’t fall asleep at night, i tried taking sedatives, but i felt like i was getting used to them, as if i felt even worse without them, i started taking natural medicines, which practically
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don’t help me, i want... you to help me suggest which modern, and most importantly safe natural remedy will help me fall asleep peacefully, and also be active during the day. ekaterina is in our studio today, please come in. good day morning, good morning, ekaterina. good morning, how long have you been suffering from insomnia? i work with shift workers, that is , there is a time difference, messages and calls are coming in around the clock, that is, i have been working for 10 years, how has your life changed with the onset of stress? as a habit already, we cannot change very many factors of our life, well, for example, work, what should we do? the issue of combating stress, of course, needs to be approached comprehensively, what is a comprehensive approach, what does it consist of, we will talk about this today, and i want to invite a doctor to the studio andexpert. elena igorevna korshun,
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md, phd, gerontologist, nutritionist, expert in the field. and weekends, this establishes a certain regime of the body maintains our circadian rhythms. it is important to fall asleep before 23:00, because only after this can you count on good melatonin production. what to do to fall asleep? give yourself a little physical activity, take a walk before bed, do not eat a lot of food before bed, do not use gadgets and tv, take a book,
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read, believe me, you will eventually work it out... at the time when you will fall asleep. increased arterial pressure. the stress hormone is cortisol. cortisol causes in us, first of all, a spasm of peripheral vessels, an increase in heart rate, and , accordingly, a reflex increase in arterial pressure. at the same time , pressure surges, such as these, not standardized, lead to the risk of developing cardiovascular complications, heart attacks, strokes and other consequences. gastritis and ulcers. indeed, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they are. such, you know, the trigger of our psychological state, first of all , reacts to stress, to anxiety, this is our gastrointestinal tract, that is, gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, dyspeptic disorders, such as constipation or loose stools, this is all associated with stress, weakened immunity, the fact is that the stress hormone cortisol, it causes a decrease in leukocytes, and we all know that
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a decrease in leukocytes also occurs with viral infections, it indicates a decrease in immunity, so the body becomes more vulnerable to various viral bacterial diseases, what needs to be done, here the whole secret lies in nutrition, nutrition should... should be complete, balanced, filled with microelements, and this gives our body reserve strength. pain in muscles and joints. you know, a very interesting fact: how do we react to stress? we shrink, and this is also the effect of the stress hormone, cortisol. we shrink, we develop a muscle spasm. over time, this spastic state of the muscles becomes long-term, does not pass until muscle pains appear at the end, and as a consequence. joint pains appear, because movement in the joints is also limited due to muscle spasms. problems with concentration, memory, stress provokes excitability, anxiety, and all this distracts us, accordingly, we get
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a decrease in concentration, performance, memory impairment, and a violation of thought processes in general. depression. the diagnosis of situational depression is now made quite often. this is a functional disorder, it is directly related to chronic stress, but unfortunately, depression also leads to changes in behavior: constant depression, lack of facial expressions, slow speech, and this condition is increasingly aggravated, no need to get to depression, but in addition to all the above factors, stress also leads to premature aging, and here swedish scientists helped us figure it out, they proved that the stress factor leads to a shortening of the body length.
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so-called co-methods, emergency methods. well, that's how ekaterina started taking sedatives, but are not thrilled with the consequences. is it even possible to calm down in 30 minutes? regular herbal sedatives really do not give a quick and proper effect. they act cumulatively. and many are afraid of synthetic drugs. they have very unpleasant consequences. they still develop an addiction. an allergic reaction may develop, concentration decreases during the day, excessive drowsiness appears, movements slow down, nausea, vomiting, headache may occur, after them it is not recommended get behind the wheel, that is, adverse
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reactions to these products are quite common, so when choosing sedatives, it is better to give preference to 100% natural products, for example, based on lavender, mint, valerian and hops, but with... a quick effect in the form of liquid capsules with co2 extracts, manufactured using a special production technology. what is co2 extract and how do they differ from conventional herbal remedies? co2 is carbon dioxide. co2 extract is a new generation of extracts that have the strongest biological activity, the greatest among all known extracts. they are obtained as a result of processing conventional co2 extracts. co2 extraction allows you to preserve without destruction the entire bouquet of processed substances from plants in their natural undamaged form allows you to isolate from plants a concentration more than
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10 times stronger than when processed using the usual method. these extracts are considered pure, sterile, because co2 evaporates completely 100%. that is why these extracts are considered environmentally friendly. there are no traces of the solvent, unlike other products, so these extracts are considered pure, do not go rancid and are extremely effective, this is what causes their fast-acting effect of 30 minutes, and once again i will draw attention to the fact that you need to choose a product in the form of liquid capsules. what are liquid capsules? these are soft gelatin capsules with a liquid active substance inside, and as a rule, liquid substances are absorbed faster, which means ... can have a much faster and more effective effect, while only in a soft gelatin capsule can be placed a liquid substance, if it is still an active substance of the new generation,
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essential oils and co2 extracts, then the effect will be maximum, they will act extremely quickly without side effects, which distinguishes them from synthetic sedatives. let's compare how quickly phytocapsules with co2 essential oils begin to act and conventional products: we lower the herbal product into the stomach, lower the phytocapsule. the liquid capsule dissolves in the stomach quite quickly. are released phytoextracts, which have the sedative and relaxing effect we need. but for ordinary herbal remedies, as we see, it will take a long time, from an hour or more. and where can i buy such capsules with such extracts? ask in the pharmacies of your city, but since the capsules are just starting to appear in pharmacies, we recommend that you order on the website of the online pharmacy and pick up the order where it is convenient for you. also, where to buy can be found on the website of the manufacturer. but at the same time pay
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attention, the packaging must necessarily have the words co2 extracts are written, also make sure the manufacturer's name is known, it is important that the manufacturer has many years of experience working with natural products, providing the consumer with unique products with maximum efficiency produced according to gmp standards. ekaterina, i hope that you will use our advice, reduce your stress level, start normally.
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back up, i have the main road, what luck to you goat, my car is new, we are watching rtr, yura tychkin, irina aleksandrovna aksakova, maybe you know that for the girl, so yuri's head was confused, so it means you, not you, but you mikhalich, well help , you will not remain in debt, do you at least understand what you are asking for, who is there, moscow novel from monday.
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ours, everything that we see with our own eyes, as if it were necessary, i would give my life, so in this military situation to maintain such kindness, positive prime minister from monday to thursday on rtr. on the channel rossiya vesti in the studio of tatyana remizova and the main thing by this hour. thank you for worrying about me, i always worry about you too. military correspondent vgtrk evgeny poddubny, who was seriously wounded the day before in the kursk region, got on the line and transmitted an audio message.


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