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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 8, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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red doctors, in general, do their job perfectly, thank you for worrying about me, i always worry about you too, we will definitely win, victory will be ours, everything is fine, watch the news, bye, thank you, on the rossiya bol'shie vesti channel, in the studio evgeny roshkov. hello, we have the whole information picture of this thursday. evgeny poddubny is already alive under the supervision of doctors from the sklefosovsky institute. what is the plan now? the plan now is to go to intensive care, we will check everything again, blood, tests, all the studies, then we will make a decision today. burn injury predominates, yes, so the experts have already looked at it and bandaged it. where was our
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war correspondent's car attacked by the ukrainian fpv drone? we ran to the car, the burning car, and it was already engulfed in flames so much that it was difficult to approach. how did they save zhenya? i constantly asked him to say something, to keep his head up, not to pass out, not to fall asleep. and why are they hunting war correspondents? they were being watched and could have used these drones to direct the kamikaze drone to the car itself. conversation between the president and the acting. governor of the kursk region. current situation requires a certain amount of courage and composure. about the situation in the border area and assistance to those who had to leave their homes. i ask you to support a one-time payment to those people who were forced to leave their homes. let's assume that the decision on a one-time payment has been made. our military is destroying groups of militants on the border, covering incoming equipment with fabs, fighting drones.
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i'm not at all sure, harris is going to fight, we are happy warriors, we are happy warriors, trump is sure, the us is not obliged to help europe, and he cares about the olympics in paris, the final of the two men came out to women's boxing, you said you felt sick 10 times, about yes, in swimming the settlement was only defeated with antibiotics. the situation in the kursk region
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requires courage and composure in solving complex and extraordinary problems that now face all levels of government. with these words, vladimir putin began his conversation with the acting governor of the kursk region today. alexey smirnov reported to the president on the situation in the region after the invasion of the ukrainian armed forces. about what measures are being taken to evacuate residents border areas of assistance to victims, about the conversation and the decisions made as a result, our observer alexey golovko. acting governor of kursk oblast alexey smirnov is on the line with the president. he has been heading the region since may of this year, and before that he worked there for almost 6 years, as deputy governor, but now the situation in the border areas is extraordinary. you were appointed to
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this position not so long ago, you have been acting governor of kurovsk oblast not so long ago, but life presents you with extraordinary complex tasks to help people, here it is not enough just your professional knowledge, skills and professional experience, which you certainly have, today's situation requires a certain courage, composure on the path to solving. these complex, difficult, extraordinary tasks that now face all branches of all levels of government, including the governor and your team. the president is waiting for a report on the current situation in the region and on the work of the headquarters coordinating all actions to save civilians who were attacked armed forces of ukraine. 5:00 am on august 6, the enemy attempted to break through with infantry and armored vehicles. our
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state border, the headquarters immediately gathered, and i, together with all the members of the headquarters, practically around the clock. coordinate this work, i am in constant contact with the chairman of the government, deputies, uh, i am in contact with the assistant to the president of the russian federation, dyumin aleksey yanavich, with the minister of defense. the authorities' primary task was to evacuate residents of populated areas located near the border. all forces were deployed for this, up to voluntary people's militias. in the ssu, they are firing at the civilian population, firing at the ambulance, uh, which...
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capacity. in conditions of round-the-clock evacuation, the uninterrupted operation of filling stations is extremely important. the regional authorities have already discussed the necessary measures with business representatives. today, i held negotiations with sechin ivanovich with our fuel and energy complexes so that all filling stations function, there is fuel, there are reserves. we are also carrying out systematic work with them so that all filling complexes are.
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accepted and the necessary resources will be sent, in addition, it will be necessary to assess other damage, please, together with colleagues from various departments, including the ministry of emergency situations, this work will need to be done, there is. before the loss of property, loss of housing, it is imperative to work directly with people, to reach each family. also , special attention to prices in kursk stores, which in some places began to rise against the backdrop of the emergency. there are cases when retail outlets, or in hotels, in catering
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unreasonably inflate prices, that is, profiting from these people who suffered. of course, we will stop this. kursk oblast received money from the federal budget to resettle residents from dangerous areas, lists have already been compiled, the work has begun, we planned to hold today's meeting in person, but circumstances have developed, so you, of course, need to be there now, but we will continue this work and these contacts, including this concerns the prospects for the development of kursk.
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up to 400 militants were eliminated today units of the northern group of troops, together with the russian fsb in two border areas, kursk region. footage of the defeat of enemy manpower is published by the ministry of defense, they show how a drone operator with ammunition dropped destroyed a group of ukrainian armed forces hiding in a forest belt. aviation is actively working on the video, the result of strikes by su-34 crews, guided by fap-500 aerial bombs on a cluster of military equipment. and this is the elimination of the ukrainian armed forces' field ammunition, despite the fact that the enemy tried to camouflage its warehouse, the ammunition was detonated by a precise shot from a d-30 howitzer crew. uses heavy drones in the kursk region, in this footage a russian operator neutralizes baba yaga
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by dropping a net on her from above, and our drone crews rammed two more hexocopters right in the air, both enemy drones were shot down, as reported by the ministry of defense, in one day the enemy lost 32 units of armored vehicles, including a tank, four armored personnel carriers, three infantry fighting vehicles and 24 cossack combat armored vehicles. as a result of the shelling, enemy attacks drones in the border areas of the kursk region, five people were killed, 34 people were injured, including nine children. local residents are being evacuated to safe regions, including moscow and the moscow region. the situation in the kursk border area, at alexander revunov's. they are shooting at us. we are leaving from here. this is footage of the evacuation.
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with the blessing of the head of the kursk diocese , metropolitan herman, first of all, we transported our main shrines to our courtyard in the city of kursk, the pokrovsky church, the shrines are located here, father. evgeny shestopalov, the rector of the holy trinity church in sudzha, he himself saved his flock. at first they hid behind the reliable walls of the church, then in his car, the priest began to take the parishioners to a safe distance. i brought some more people , soldiers, thank god, but the thing is that, uh , they call, while i have connections, they call, everyone calls and asks to pick up their relatives, i'm just torn apart, i'm honestly telling you, i'm not complaining, but i just don't have time to take everyone out. take out, whoever, whoever we can, of course, we will take out, if we have time, evacuate people from the dangerous sector
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ambulance crews are trying, but the terrorists perceive the red cross on the roof as a target. dasha, the only survivor from her team, the paramedic drivers, her shifts, died while trying to enter sudzha. many thanks to the ambulance doctors, the regional hospital. today it is already better, the worst is behind us. women and children, waited for a pause between the shelling, watched the sky and while there were no copters, broke through to kursk. old people, disabled people, mothers and fathers with infants, these are residents of border villages and villages of the sudzhansky district of the kursk region, they lucky they managed to get to the regional center alive, almost every seven has a story of miraculous salvation. only a good reaction saved them from death, they managed to release the gas a second before the ukrainian armed forces drone, loaded with explosives, dived. the drone was hanging above us. he braked in time, the girl was driving in front of us, not in front of us, he braked and he was right in front of
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us, well, there was an explosion and the asphalt rose, we ran into the yard there, many are still shaking from what they saw, children flinch from loud sounds, wake up crying, psychologists are working with them, but the rehabilitation will be long, better close, she is still very small, planes fly straight there and yes, they fly here, yesterday we met with... well, until the very morning , when the shells started flying, it was generally terrible. volunteers bring children's clothes, diapers, fruits, medicines to the temporary accommodation center, take orders, try to find things by size. humanitarian aid is brought to the region from all over the country, the onf and united russia. refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves have already been delivered here, water has been delivered,
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sanitary and hygienic supplies were delivered, two large trucks, sixteen tons, that's all that's needed, half just 5 minutes ago. where the drone fell, not on the rise, specially, won't you come with us, we have two places, we can take it, but not a dog where, risking their lives in their cars, volunteers are going to sudzha to help the remaining residents, nikolai ishkov is delivering water, canned goods, long-term storage products to the yards, yesterday he took out a family of pensioners, we came to pick up grandma, she is one soul says, i have a grandfather there, i won't abandon him, she started telling us the story right in tears, i've been with him since i was 16, we've been together since 18...
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seven ambulance teams and two dozen doctors have been sent from the voronezh region, from the moscow region to help residents of border areas, they will be evacuating the wounded and disabled. today , the capital region has already accepted 200 children, they have been placed in health camps in klin, podolsk and pushkino. in the oryol region
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, temporary points have been prepared for those staying, where everything necessary is available, three meals a day are provided food, 8 to... products, hygiene kits and much more were collected in tatarstan, aid is being delivered to points opened by local public movements and charitable foundations, volunteers sent a large batch of humanitarian aid from rostov-on-don, the cargo included more than a thousand food kits, as well as hundreds of pairs of children's shoes and other things, the russian red cross and the we are together movement announced a collection of funds, more than 13 million rubles were collected in 24 hours. and these are shots from magadan, where the support campaign took place. kursk, we are with you. city residents lit hundreds of lamps in support of the residents of the kursk region, fighters of the russian armed forces.
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five victims from the kursk region were admitted to moscow hospitals. as reported by mayor sergei sobyanin, the patient was transported safely and is currently in serious but stable condition. a seventy-year-old resident of the kursk region is in the priorov traumatology and orthopedics center; he has multiple leg injuries. doctors are planning to carry out several surgeries as soon as the wounded man's condition allows. reconstruction of the lower extremities. a patient with severe mine-explosive wounds was admitted to the pirogov center of the ministry of health . we will tell you more about the condition of those evacuated to the capital. victims from the kursk region in the moscow part of our issue. among those who were delivered to moscow for treatment today was our colleague, vesti war correspondent evgeny podubny. now he is in the sklifosovsky intensive care unit in a serious but stable condition. the first thing zhenya did after he regained consciousness was ask about his colleagues. the day before, the vgtrk film crew
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worked in the border area of ​​the kursk region. near sudzha, zhenya's car was attacked. the ministry of emergency situations has our wounded colleague on board, one of the most famous war correspondents in russia, evgeny poddubny. the doctors carefully transfer him to a gurney, even from the video it is clear that he has severe injuries, including his head, burns to his hands, but poddubny is not discouraged. how are you? i can't hear anything, just. they are taking him to a special elevator , accompanied by nurses and the attending physician. zhenya asks what they plan to do next. and what is the plan now? the plan is to go to intensive care now, that's it. we'll double-check everything, blood, tests, all the research, then we'll make a decision today, i accepted, i understood, so everything will be fine, the main thing is to get treatment, there is no brain damage, the doctors' prognosis
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is stable, in fact, the condition is serious, but it is conditionally stable, he breathes on his own, this is very pleasing, there is a lot of minor trauma, which is now being examined by specialists of various profiles, ophthalmologists and otolaryngologists, here, but the burn injury predominates, yes, therefore... they have already looked, bandaged, therefore this is the main part, the main problem. zhenya's car not far from the border of the kursk region , an fpv drone attacked, this is an unmanned aerial vehicle, the operator of which sees everything with his own eyes. ukrainian social networks were flooded with this photo, which allegedly captured the moment of the attack on poddubny's car. behind him in a second car were cameraman ruben mirobov and sound engineer stanislav yalovsky. the shelling with small arms began, it was audible, coming on the asphalt, well... such a peculiar high-frequency sound, this was already on us, well, on his wife, on his car, he was the first, so the first car, and then on the sides they already went
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queues, the closer, yeah, the denser it became, and very dense, here he went to turn around, that's when they were leaving, just - as it turned out, it was fp bucketron, a flash flashed ahead, a pickup truck of some kind was engulfed in flames, the car was burning, he was driving straight down the road. and it in the quet, once in the quet started to turn, we moved into the quet, because it is deep, and it is safer, we ran to the car, the burning car, and it was already engulfed in flames so much that it was difficult to approach, my head turned off at that moment, that it could explode again, we opened the doors broke the doors, yes opened the passenger, i opened the driver's, from there the flames just we thought that everything was already in general, because it turned over in the front seats... there was no one, i thought that after turning over, the car moved the body somewhere, that is, in principle , it is impossible to survive, but it is all ablaze
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inside, they thought that zhenya burned inside, the film crew, expecting a second air strike, rushed to the nearest safe zone, it turned out that the wounded war correspondent was thrown out of the car after the explosion, his accidentally saw nikolai rylsky we managed to contact him, he was driving to sudzha to pick up his parents, he was also attacked by a ukrainian drone, nikolai turned back and 200... he had burnt clothes, all covered in blood, i constantly asked him to say something, to keep his head up, not to pass out, not to fall asleep, i handed him over to the guys, you inko volunteers sorted out how it was, they told our channel, he talked to us all this time, behaved specifically like a man, that is, no screams, looks, that he was in pain, scared, nothing like that, he held on, talked to us, without fuss, without panic, all he asked us to do was to contact his wife and tell her that he
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was okay, at that moment everyone thought that poddubny had died, but the volunteers got to the kursk hospital, zhenya recorded an audio message for everyone from the ward, everything will be okay, wonderful doctors, in general, they do their job perfectly, thank you for worrying about me, i always worry about you too, we will win, victory will be ours, everything is okay. one of the first to come to his ward, was a military correspondent of komsomolskaya pravda, a friend of his wife , alexander kots. first of all, i immediately asked about his group, like stas, like ruben, these are people with whom he has been working for many, many years, it seems to me that they live together more than with their families, they do not think about themselves, first of all about their comrades, combatants, this is the most courageous military correspondent of the russian federation. he is always like this, military-like collected, a legend among journalists. cavalier of the orders of merit for the fatherland and courage, medals for bravery and other state awards, multiple
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winner of the tefi. over the past 20 years, he seems to have worked in the zone of most military conflicts in the world, but has always paid special attention to donbass. the tank supports the actions of assault squads that knock out. since 2014, he has traveled all over donbass and luhansk region, after 22 he worked in new territories, was where rarely any journalist managed to be, all because of the unconditional trust in him of our military, as soon as news appeared about the attack of the armed forces of ukraine on the border, he rushed from belgorod to kursk region, left at 5 am in two cars, moving from point to point, quickly the last... on enemy losses in the kursk region, more than 50 armored vehicles destroyed in 24 hours, all day he had live broadcasts, at 19:17 zhenya went on air to
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olga skobeeva in the program. 60 minutes, at that moment the military correspondent group was in the hottest zone in the sudzhansky district. this is the area where the most fierce fighting is taking place , and according to the plan of the militants, the formation of the kiev regime, if it had not been disrupted by units and divisions of the russian army, they had to take control of virtually the entire area to try to get to the key routes of the region. he told how our troops were knocking out the ukrainian armed forces from the kursk border, and the ukrainian. they were firing at civilian vehicles from armored personnel carriers, committing another war crime. he told about this in more detail already in the evening news at 20:11. that's how, having stopped on the road, right in the car, he recorded his text for the broadcast on his phone. the kiev regime unit got bogged down in battles in a number of border settlements in the kursk region. immediately after this, he had to to go live on the program solovyov live, but did not.
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a criminal case has been opened regarding the attempted murder of journalist yevgeny poddubny and obstruction of his professional activities. he was wounded as a result of criminal actions by ukrainian armed groups that attacked civilian targets in the kursk region. investigators from the investigative committee of russia are taking all possible measures to identify and bring to criminal responsibility those involved in the attempt on the journalist. most likely, he was targeted, ukrainian militants have been hunting reporters in the svo zone for a long time. they worked all day in that area, they set up a camera, went on... my broadcast, the enemy constantly has reconnaissance drones in the air in that area, leleks, valkyries, our intelligence officers note this, and of course, you can see from these drones that they are journalists, they were watching them and could use these drones to direct the kamikaze drone, the kamikaze drone operator, to the machine itself. the un secretary general's office said that they are concerned about the attack on the russian journalist,
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wished him a speedy recovery.
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business trips, each one keeps matters under personal control in the areas under his supervision. in russia, maximum efforts are being made to support participants in a special military operation who are signing a contract for the first time. the one-time federal cash payment has doubled to 4,000 rubles. the head of state recommended that the regions also pay the same amount. many entities provide even greater support. the government has approved the rules and deadline for providing federal funds to military personnel. changes
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have been included in the regulatory documents, those who will carry out the tasks of a special military operation in the territories of donetsk, lugansk, people's republics, zaporizhia and kherson regions will be able to take advantage of this measure. for this, their contracts with the ministry of defense must be concluded in the period from august 1 to december 31 of the current year. those who defend national interests must be provided with all social guarantees, and this is a whole package of measures, they concern payments, benefits, compensations. the state will help with admission to universities, with job search and, if necessary, treatment. today, the focus is also on supporting children's healthcare. the cabinet of ministers, on the instructions of the president, will allocate funds to the dmitry rogachev national medical research center. new tomographs will need to be purchased, especially since a new building opened there last year, and more oncological examinations will be performed. the new equipment will reduce the time of examination , improve their quality, and, what is important,
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ensure the uninterrupted work of all the specialists necessary for children, introduce therapy to an even greater number of young patients. we will continue to do everything necessary to develop pediatric medicine. the dmitry rogachev center provides assistance to children from all regions of the country. unique specialists perform even the most complex operations, and new equipment is eagerly awaited there. alexey petrov, natalya lundovskaya and ksenia ovyachina. vesti. a new batch of modernized t-80 bvm tanks has been sent from omsk to the svo zone. the vehicles left the workshops of one of the enterprises of the ural-vagonzavod, which is part of the state corporation rostec. engineers learned from the experience of a special operation from tanks. additional protection against enemy drones appeared, about what capabilities the updated machines from omsk now have, a report by ksenia klimina, this is how the tanks look before, and this is after
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a major overhaul and modernization at the omsk plant of transport engineering, a transformation in just a month, the eighties damaged on the battlefield are disassembled here. tests here the machine arrives after the complete assembly of the hull, mechanics check the operation of the power plant, transmission, fuel air systems, electrical equipment operation, well, let's start, start the engine, to fulfill the state defense order, the omsk plant works around the clock, the staff has been increased threefold.
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the product has a modernized fire control system, that is, new sights are installed, all new electronics are installed in the turret, all new systems, all this is configured, all this is checked. the t-80 bvm is equipped with dynamic protection kits along the perimeter, a kind of additional armor that neutralizes enemy strikes. one one of the main modifications of the tank is additional protection of the turret. people call it simply barbecues, mesh screens, hanging net, they will not give. the idea came from the troops, during the co it was shown that the most unprotected place in the tank is its turret with the upper projection, because when the tank was being developed, as a rule, they made protection from frontal impacts,
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it turned out that this is a very weak point and drones can easily hit it from above. the tank is now protected from all sides, the t-80 is not for nothing called flying, it accelerates to 80 km / h. omsk. vyacheslav volodin checked how social facilities for military families are being built in the saratov region. the head of the state duma visited the village of sokolovy, which he had previously taken under his patronage.
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during this time, a modern clinic, a stadium and an overpass connecting the village with the center of saratov were built there. there are several more projects in the pipeline, their implementation is in the final stage. here we
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are urged to exercise caution and be sure to transmit data about your routes to the ministry of emergency situations. large hail fell in transbaikalia, cyclone bater, which came to the region from mongolia, brought bad weather. residents of the region were urged to be prepared for heavy rains and flooding. meanwhile, buryatia is trying to cope with the second wave of flooding. from the scene of the event, alena fomina. it's going to fall through now. i take the most necessary things and leave my homes in a hurry. the river overflowed its banks and rushed into a small village in a turbulent stream. the main blow of the elements fell on the zarechka area. dozens of houses were under water.
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the hardest part, tatyana recalls with horror how she barely got out of the whirlpool, i have all life flashed before my eyes, and there was no one to ask for help, i was lucky to grab onto the fence in time, and even then i would have been carried away by the current , flocks, vegetable gardens and even houses went under water, everything floated away, all my beds there floated away, carrots, beets, meanwhile the flood is taking over new territories, a few hours ago all types of transport could drive here, but now the elements have covered a significant part of the regional... highway came close to the railway tracks,
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another village is under threat of flooding. sand the local took, dug out, made a dam, and it seems they managed to save it. the river flow is monitored from the air by a drone of the ministry of emergency situations, here is an alarm signal. the water has come close to another village. the work to prevent flooding does not stop for a minute. kamaz trucks with sand arrive one after another. and yet, here it is not possible to withstand the onslaught of the elements, one after another the elements cover the houses. comprehensive assistance is provided, evacuation is carried out - pets, uh, some valuable things, in order to save the property of citizens as much as possible. the situation in other areas of buryatia is difficult in the ivalginsky village of kibalina, 26 yards were flooded, some had their harvests flooded, others were washed away by hail. here's what's left: some, here's the crusts. and such consequences of the elements are being eliminated in several districts of the republic. 18 bridges, tens of kilometers of regional and russia
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vietnam intends to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership is increasing bilateral cooperation in various areas. this was discussed in a telephone conversation between vladimir putin and vietnamese president tolam. the russian leader congratulated him on election to the post of general. the central committee of the party and wished success in party and state work. vladimir putin and tolam expressed satisfaction with the progress of the implementation of the agreements reached following the russian president's june visit to vietnam, as well as with interaction on the world stage, including taking into account russia's chairmanship in brics. russia's cooperation with the cis countries in the fight against crime was discussed today in minsk, where vladimir kolokoltsev arrived at a meeting of the council of heads. the minister of internal affairs
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russia was given a ceremonial welcome at the minsk airport. from there, kolokoltsev immediately went to meet with his colleagues, the president of belarus, alexander lukashenko. the main topic of conversation was strengthening ties for the sake of common security. in the context of today's reconstruction of the world order, the demand for international platforms is very, very important. i can give you a specific example: in six months, we , the ministry of internal affairs of the cis countries , have found 213 wanted citizens together, of which 130 citizens are those who wanted by the russian federation. this is big news, here's what will happen next in our program. the first american 16s were spotted over the kherson region. ukrainians are actively being prepared for a reduction in the draft age. 18 years old. haris is going to continue fighting, and
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trump does not want to help europe. how the two men will look in the women's boxing finals, not only paris is in shock. and how residents of the moscow region clashed in hand-to-hand combat with cottage builders in a water protection zone. i love you. i want to try to start all over again. i also decided. to start all over again, but with maxim, a new test, you look amazing, a real queen, a woman worth fighting for, and what about kirill? comes to the girls, you are afraid not to see each other, why are you asking about kirill, she has overcome a lot, lyubka still loves this kirill of hers, you can't command the heart, but how to overcome love, sorry, i want to be alone, kira went to the village, give the address,
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new tests, final series, today on rtr. rest is to leave yourself alone. rest is not to think about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know. everything about rest. anexс. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts. elegant details. a feast of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment,
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are not sick with me. you understand that you have been married for 31 years, and to be stolen, i would like to once again. i wish love to everyone. andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr. not completely different, i want the girls to grow up in beauty and prosperity, let at least your destiny serve, daughter, a woman was lying in the ward with sanya, gave birth to a healthy the girl ran away, and the child, you can fool
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people, lisa will never know that she is adopted, but not her fate, she will never know that... she is not your sister, come to my office tomorrow, i have an offer, i will not tell mom anything, but i will have one condition, i want to marry artyom, i love lisa and i can not do anything about it, what are you doing, go away, you have been fooling her all the time, how could you, mom, there are two girls, but which one is mine? fate cannot be exchanged on saturday on rtr. rtr planeta is more than just television. on air
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your favorite program 60 minutes. news is on air. hello. current news, political investigations and impartial analysis. our strength is in unity, in a common cause, in one truth for all. vladimir putin is sitting in this chair, he, as we remember, enters the hall through these doors. everything without which it is impossible to imagine russia. only on the rtr planeta channel. big news is on air, we continue the release: russian air defense systems in the special operation zone shot down a ukrainian mik-29 fighter. also, as reported by the ministry of defense, missile forces drone assembly shops were hit. total losses in the ssu along the entire front line in a day exceeded 2,100 servicemen. units of the center group are increasing the pace
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of advance in the pokrovsk direction. seven enemy brigades were defeated near nikolaevka, tarasovka, toretsk, grodovka and panteleimonovka. footage appeared online of russian fighters entering another village - sergeyevka. there are also reports of the expansion of the zone of control of our troops in lisichnoye and desirable. the situation is developing especially difficult for the armed forces of ukraine near toretsk, where the encirclement of the ukrainian group is expected. unable to contain the advance of russian troops, the mobilized military of the ukrainian armed forces are surrendering en masse. active battles are currently underway at the junction of the zaporizhia region and the dpr. there , the vostok group of troops improved its position along the front line and prevented the enemy from strengthening at vodyanov, oktyabr, burlatskoye and gulya polya. marines of the pacific fleet are participating in the battles. report. samokhi must understand that this video was recorded by a reconnaissance and control group at the height of the battle for the harvest, the comments are very emotional,
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step back, what kind of a man is this, here is the hero of this video, the driver of an armored personnel carrier with the call sign mark, single-handedly broke through the line of defense, simultaneously pouring shells from a cannon into the enemy's firing points and landed a landing force, he says he was just doing his job, and was surprised ... only after returning to the location, as soon as i arrived from the exit, my commander drives up to me, keeps shaking my hand, says: well done, he says, you are just a smart guy, well, that you delivered all the infantry in general, well, without any losses, right in front of me the commander comes out to him, according to which higher, and the crew simply says we are applying for the hero of russia, the combat path of the marine of the technical oceanic fleet in the zone of the svo began from the first days, first as a simple attack aircraft, recently moved to the ... helm of an armored personnel carrier, his first armored vehicle was blown up by a mine a month ago. i refused hospitalization, well, and they gave me a second armored personnel carrier, i went
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on. yeah. well, well, and with the second armored personnel carrier there was a failure, i either had an incoming flight, or an rpg in the engine compartment. i honestly did not understand myself. well, the btru, in short, everything came to an end in the end, but the task was completed, the infantry was delivered. an injury, two damaged vehicles, all this in a matter of weeks in the seething vremevsky direction. this third apc became. the reconnaissance and control group, which conducted the hero's actions every day in work, reconnaissance drones transmit
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the entire picture of the battle to a large monitor. well, just recently this seemed like science fiction, but nevertheless, now it is reality, we are at the brigade command post, and here everything that happens on the battlefield is visible in real time, here the engineer eskopters see what is happening, where the enemy is where to move our fighters, based on experience. determine how many meters to the enemy position, how much time before the enemy drone flies in, when is it better to retreat? leave by the same route, leave by the same route, the command post maintains contact with the group commanders on the ground through dedicated channels, and this can be a very tiny unit, right down to a combat detachment. in the reality of modern battles, group commanders are simply people who are capable of managing, that is , this is not a mandatory officer, this is not a mandatory sergeant, this is a person who has which.
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can be described as stingy approval. washington pretends that it has nothing to do with the ukrainian operation, and kiev allegedly makes the decision independently. at the same time, both white house press secretary karine jeanpierre, the official representative of the european commission on foreign policy peterstan, believe that ukraine has a quote: legal right to self-defense. how this relates to indiscriminate strikes on civilian targets on russian territory is not specified. at the same time, it is obvious that without nato satellite. intelligence offensive would be impossible. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces widely use western-supplied equipment on russian territory, in particular the stryker,
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bradley and humvee armored vehicles. state department representative.
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sumy was evacuated. it was signed. i just signed an order to carry out the mandatory evacuation of twenty-three settlements in the sumy region. it comes into effect from the moment of signing. the tasks have been set, the forces and means have been prepared. advisor to the presidential office podalyak putin said that this could be useful for negotiations. today, their war is gradually moving deeper into the russian federation. will this scare them? yes, when they sit at the negotiating table , it will still be possible to squeeze something out. the rest is only tentative, maybe these words of zelensky about the kursk region? everyone sees that the ukrainian army knows how to surprise, knows how to achieve results. and the call from the commander-in-chief of syrsky to nato general kovola is connected with these events. i had a conversation with the supreme commander of the allied armed forces in europe, the commander of u.s. armed forces in europe, general christopher cavoli. he thanked us for the military assistance and voiced our basic needs,
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including long-range weapons and ammunition. today's visit to zelensky by another congressional delegation, both from the democratic party and the republican party, is also considered a sign of approval from the united states in ukraine. the new york times, however, quotes a military expert who is not too happy with what is happening. operationally and strategically, this attack is absolutely pointless. it looks like a gross waste of people and resources that are urgently needed elsewhere. they remind us that these forces also had to be redeployed from other areas where the ukrainian armed forces are doing very badly. this operation cannot be considered in isolation from the overall situation at the front. let's admit that we have huge problems in donbas. after the fall of avdiivka in february , neither the first, nor the second, nor the third line of defense were prepared in 5 months, as the authorities solemnly assured us. the ukrainian army needs to be replenished, and military registration and enlistment offices with new forces started recruiting. they don't let them out anywhere, we keep everyone locked up. this is a recruiting station in
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izmail and it looks almost like a prison. all the rest, so that no one escapes, especially when the draft age is lowered, which we are calling for, we need to call up ukrainian citizens from 18 to 25, this is really an age that is very suitable for war, another thing is that they will then need a longer rehabilitation, but these are generally the demands of the west, they are even trying to make conditions more difficult for ukrainian refugees, lithuania is coming soon will stop issuing residence permits to everyone except highly qualified specialists. on september 1, some benefits related to labor relations for foreigners who cannot return to ukraine will cease to apply. the german publication focus reports on the tricks that the authorities in germany have to resort to so that ukrainians do not linger there and join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the immigration authorities of the state of hessen, as a rule, do not issue german travel documents to ukrainian men of draft age; it makes sense for them to go to ukraine for
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receiving passports and undergoing compulsory military service, but the ukrainians made it up. as if they were actually participating in military operations, instead they were simply receiving monetary allowance for them. andrey grigoriev, maksim shchepilov, aleksandr ivankov, news. the united states is not obliged to defend the european union, this was stated by the republican vice-presidential candidate, jay. according to him, germany , one of the... largest economies in the world, should, quote, get off its ass and independently invest in its security. in the election headquarters of the democrats, the foreign politicians seem to be trying not to touch it at all. whoever becomes president will first of all be forced to solve domestic problems. the risk of a recession in the american economy by the end of this year has increased to 35%. from the usa dmitry melnikov. having shaken off
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biden's ashes from its wheels, the democratic election machine is rolling to the finish line. the type of vice-presidential candidate has already been dubbed, he will teach you how to drive a car and screw in a light bulb, it seems that the democratic voter wanted such parents. i am so excited, especially when walls, the governor, former governor or, with god's help , vice president, kamala harris's sidekick. this is the energy, this is the aggressiveness, to be able to answer the questions that america really asks its competitors, trump and vence.
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we are joyful warriors. having tracked these first campaign rallies of harris, opponents discovered that she was giving the same speech, which she reads from a prompter. however, when the presidential candidate deviates from the script, the already famous aphorisms from harris are born, the same ones that were dubbed verbal salad. this election is about a question that confronts each of us. and in this election, each of us confronts a question: how are republicans, predators in pursuit of prey
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, going to make his military past, a social media campaign backed by green beret veterans that began by slamming walz for this photo in a special forces cap. to which he has no connection, is now being discussed about walz's hasty dismissal from the national guard in 2005, after he learned that his battalion was heading to iraq. when the marine corps
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asked me to go to iraq to serve my country, i did. when tim walz was asked by his country to go to iraq, he left the army and let his unit go without him. i think that's shameful. the skeletons in vance's own closet are being pulled out by democrats, as the potential republican vice president is reminded of his correspondence with blogger and businessman charles johnson last october. in it, vance declares his intention to investigate the bombings of the northern streams and tells of how he refused to answer calls from kiev with an insistent request for assistance in providing military aid to ukraine, including the immediate delivery of f-16s. then wentz, by his own admission , did not even pick up the phone. buddy, i 'm not even going to answer. calls from ukraine, i had two very high-ranking guys, the head of their intelligence and the head of the air force, whining about the f-16 and it is possible that as november approaches, we should expect more details about the biden administration's allocation
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of tens of billions of dollars to kiev, as well as personal interests in this operation of the president's entourage. the investigation of corruption in the biden family continues and reveals more and more episodes of the connection of the son of the head of the white house with dubious businessmen. if trump wins, no, i'm not at all sure , i mean if he loses, i'm not at all sure, he really means what he says, and we don't take it
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seriously. all these words about how if we lose, there will be a bloodbath. this phrase of trump about a bloodbath, biden deliberately took out of context, that's what really could frighten the viewer, so what follows from the words of the president: civil confrontation in the usa can happen. with any outcome of the elections, thus, the democrats are preparing the voter for the fact that trump cannot win by definition, perhaps the dissatisfaction of his voters with the candidate's defeat is announced in advance. french ministry of internal affairs. washington. in the olympic paris , the number of crimes has sharply dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from has increased, this is reported by at the moment when it seemed that this olympics could no longer do anything. criminals
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take advantage of the influx of tourists who are simply not used to this kind of order, well , athletes continue to fight for medals with microorganisms, about the recipes for victory alexander khristenko: the numbers of the athletes are written directly on the shoulder blades, a mandatory warm-up before the swim, here's how to prepare for the almost inevitable meeting with e. coli and... at the same time, the participant, olympic champion of the sixteenth year sharon vander rouwendaal from the netherlands, openly stated that before the swim she would take a small dose of antibiotics to prevent diarrhea, which, by the way, ended up being the first to cross the finish line. but in terms of defeating bacteria, this may not be the end. along the entire ten-kilometer
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route, it was clear how dirty the water was, and a thick coating was clearly visible on the banks during the broadcast. the fact that the viewers' eyes were not deceiving them was confirmed by an investigation by french journalists who had access to water sample data. it turned out that most of the time the hay was unsuitable for swimming, and the organizers wanted to hide the bad data. despite the olympic organizers' version, the quality of the water in the seine remained significantly inadequate, since the start of the competition, it was...
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what happened, does that happen to you often, i wouldn't say, it happens sometimes, i just drank too much water. the canadian team at the paris olympics is almost an epidemic, track and field athletes and cyclists have fallen ill with gastrointestinal disorders, about 10 people in total. there are numerous reports of gastrointestinal disorders among canadian runners and cyclists. sprinter zoe sharar has been struggling with stomach virus before the 400m race and failed to reach the final. canadian race walker evan dunphy told the toronto star that he had been vomiting for eight hours before last week's race. the team doctor said the cause of the disorder was campylobacter, which lives in contaminated water and food that is not boiled or fried enough. canadian cyclist atwell blames the food, and the list of complaints about the food in the olympic village is already impressive, but the organizers of the games, judging by their...


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