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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  August 9, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

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no, she says that first you pulled her clothes, and then you loaded her, and tore her, why did you run after her with an axe, i showed her the axe, like this, i say, here is the axe, you see, i say, put it back , put it back in the same way, in court it is a threat of murder, all the time, all the time, what she, what she, she says all my life i was chased with an axe , she says, you shut up, you weren’t there then, what happened, it was, well this...
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after the trial zoe said: you stole the money, you stole the money, and zoe says, i bought it for you, why didn’t i buy it for you, but i bought it for her, and how did she attacked you, in february of the twentieth year, i came home from work, began to clean, we have cats at home, began to clean, cat food, not food, it's sawdust, take it out to the street, she arrived,
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was in the bedroom, sat in the bedroom , watched tv, in the bedroom tv, you were not you in the hall, no deception, i know better how it was, and what was, what was i don't want, i don't even want to see, i don't even want, i went in, we have, we have high ones, it was visible, it was visible there that i was going down the steps, she jumps in on me, i carry her out to the street, carried her out, we have a yard, she she ran up behind me, she arrived in a car, jumped in a car and started to grab me by the hair like this: grabbed me by the hair towards the barn and dragged me into a snowdrift, she is jealous, she is outrageous, she is a psychopath jealous of me, this is my dad and my grandmother, i want them to live, they survived, they were in debt, and dad, so that he would wear shoes, and not shabby ones, when he came for the court, i was ashamed that you stole the money bought him shoes, i was ashamed, yes, he washed me with dirt, that he was with me.
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my husband does not want to live, because he is here bad, uncomfortable for him, here on this mattress, when my husband comes, we sleep, there is my son's room, naturally we will not live there, we live in the hall, this is talya, this is me, yes,
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i used to be her favorite, my favorite daughter was, the first daughter, beloved, desired, now.
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she rewrote, and what did you call my husband from 9:00 in the evening until 12:00 at night, when he was at work, but the phone, i was at home with the children, and my husband was at home, but forgot the phone at home, and zoya called, take me, i'm on lenin, why weren't you with your father, show me why you
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were not with father, i have too, let's listen to what your ex -husband says about you, of course he will say, when you come home... you go, there is nothing on the table, they haven't even prepared food, they haven't put the rain on, what kind of man should go home, i came home from work, fed the children, well, i looked, they grew up without milk, with this powder, nothing, she didn't have any milk, guests come, she didn't even bring candy to the children, she is a single-handed person, so she sits, mni mni mni mni, she probably wants children to come to her place, but not younger... so i took my grandmother for 4 days, then tanzilya there she took me and started calling, “take the kids, why the hell did you bring them here, they’re making noise,” i have a grandmother, well
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, if you took custody of my grandmother, well, give the kids some time too , she cheated, the whole of tatarstan sends me funny messages and... i couldn’t take it anymore, i said, “get out of here already ,” my children, they come to me, i look after them, i dress them, graduation, i do everything for them, zoya got into my family, what does zoya have to do with it, your husband, your children, they come to us, they don’t let us live, i look after them, i also pay, that’s it, the children will live with me, until they let us live i will live.
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because of the house, it pisses her off that i live with my husband in the house that we built, and she has nothing, if in ninety-eight i was still a wife, so equal? ​​it turns out that you saw your grandchildren last time, and he does not communicate with them, children, in june or july i do not remember, it turns out that you have been living in this house for 20 years, how are you in 20 years like this, i will abandon the children, i will start to take care of the house, you also cannot remember the last time you saw your grandchildren, the foundation, walls and the cost of the windows are more important to you than children, so no one even mentioned grandma remember. why does no one remember grandma, i don't why you home, home, home, home, today sit-down, my children are completely
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safe, they are with my sweat, he is the same father as i am a mother, now a short pause, right after, did the son really rob his own mother, about this after the commercial, law enforcement agencies are sounding the alarm with the onset of summer holidays. the number of children killed injured from riding in train cars and electric trains is only increasing. what will thirty-two-year-old rustam nabiyev from ufa tell them, who, having survived a terrible tragedy, found the strength to live on. he set five world records and became a motivator for millions of russians. life doesn't end there, it's just a separate chapter. malakhov, coming soon to the russia channel. i love you. you can't even imagine how we watch rtr: ira,
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please marry me, marry for love, who is she, the best woman in the world, or for money, a wedding in a month with i agreed on it for me, what are you doing, am i a toy to you or something? and what, don't you like alisa? ivan ivanovich, a very wealthy man, decide not him, yes i will destroy you, why don't you understand? alexey chadov. olga krasko. choose right now. either me or mom. svetlana nimalyaeva. who is this naked dean? maria shokshina. oh well. svetlana ustinova. moskovsky roman. here. pam. he is with us. since monday. on rtr. we.
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where to look for help? you will need only five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, two decades pass, so the whole family should be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body in a comprehensive manner, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr. a man cheated on his wife with a masseuse, who
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is now taking the house away from his family. in our studio, two wives are sorting out their relationship and dividing the house. takhir, your niece, gulnara, has arrived in our studio. let's invite her. it's shameful that you are slandering here, sitting here, huh? where did you build this house, please tell me, i don't know you, i don't know you, but i know you. i don't know you , my late grandfather, my late brother built this house my second brother built where you built and the rest of the relatives helped where you built tell me did you even lift a finger there then my dear you are still a little snot great but your daughter remembers everything perfectly and knows you were still little with us but my brothers know well. and may god bless them, gulnara, are they fighting for grandma or
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for the house? no, no, for the house, for the house, she doesn't even need children, she doesn't even need children, it's elementary, children should grow up with their mother, i raise two children alone, my husband helps, she drinks more, my husband helps me, you prove that i drink, you prove - punish, that they lived for 22 years, where have you been in 22 years, okay, in 20 years. i came, they let me in, gulnar, they let me in, i'm like a kitten, that i'm not a dad, nobody, when the conversation turned to the house bill, the house bill , the conversation turned to the house bill, then you started running and walking, that you need a grandmother, that you need a father, why the hell do you need anyone except you, we
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have a neighbor on skype right now, rima, i think she has something to tell too. rima, hello, did safir raise his hand to his mother, when the guardianship arrived, grandma knelt down in front of the guardianship and said: it's better to hang myself than to live like this, she said they beat me up all the time, maybe our whole rooster knows , no matter how he raised me, it's a scam, let him dry up, just now grandma is sitting here, she's telling us that they took 360,000 out of a chest of money. grandma had been collecting this money for many years, now he's such a hero here, shameless, i've never beaten him, i 'm like this, here she is, for example, near the sofa, for example, we're arguing, i'm talking loudly, just like now, no, they get it when i say, like this, i can put her in jail like this, everything is just like
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dad beat up, grandma on august 6, he tore me apart, right then? naturally it will be after you in february there was a scandal , i don’t know about this, my husband says there was a fight in february , my daughter stopped eating , she got anorexia on my nerves, i put her in the hospital , my child is still suffering emotionally , the suffering only went to your daughter, no, and let tayer go to your daughter too, legally this is a house registered to grandma, an amazing thing happens, property, you say, built, invested money, in the end there is proof in court about how much money you spent on home improvement, you can present it, you could present it to your grandmother, you could also present it to
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tanzila, this is easily proven in civil proceedings, now you divide it as an inheritance, if a person disposed of it, moreover, i understand, the contract is notarized, before notarizing the notary, the notary verifies the legal capacity of the person who makes the donation, accordingly, to say that the grandmother is illiterate is wrong, therefore , divide and roll back something, if the tonsil does not beat the grandmother or kill her, which must be proven, and nothing can be rolled back, and first of all, the tonsil needs to take the children and live in this house with these children, she is the legal owner of this house, can we...
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this is my father, he beats me, beat my grandmother, this is my father, whoever he is , dad, i am already telling you here, you are my father and you will be with me, i am not abandoning you, i'm telling you, i'll help you solve your problems, i did it, you won't get it back, i understood, no, you're my father and i'm your beloved daughter , no more. i wasn't, i am, i am your beloved, that is, you're refusing your daughter, you can renounce your daughter, tahir, how can you, well, take a step towards her, i won't do it, i won't even do it, you can
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go out and hug her now, you'll be a real father for the whole country, go out to her, he didn't say. tahir, your daughter said that no matter what you do, you'll remain her dad, whom she's always ready to help.
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now it turned out that the father values ​​the house more than his daughter, it seems that the housing issue has spoiled not only muscovites, how important it is sometimes. just to hug your daughter, granddaughter and just a loved one, if this had happened, maybe it would not have happened, i am always ready, dad, i always even
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told zoya, i want to hug my father, give me this opportunity, how many times have i said, dad came, i say, you know, the most false thing, no matter what you say here, the house is more important to you than family ties, that's all for today.
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mother told, she communicated with them with shamans, so she said that there was one shaman, a good grandfather, there was a shaman, grandfather tutaev, so he kept telling her, let me pass on this shamanism to you, but the mother was afraid, she said no, she did not agree to this, dapalarakh... they have some places of power in the taiga, what is a place of power, the taiga is all alive, it is all alive, higher up there along
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the karaburina, there is a place called a zayaz, there was a tree there, and in general it was considered a sacred place, in that place we had a haymaking field and we... always, when we came to haymaking, here and they came to this tree, there the parents will tie something there, maybe something else, they quietly made their wish, each their own, each their own, god forbid! there are no cars in the summer, we don't have any here , why, and we only have a winter road, the ice freezes in the winter, we only drive on the road, and in the summer
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no, only on horses, to the tegi, that's it, we only have a helicopter. to date, all the information accumulated about this small people forces us to say that this population.
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it is unknown.


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