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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  August 9, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm MSK

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thank you for watching the 60 minutes program, all the best, goodbye, bye! about people who became heroes. it still remains difficult, the front line has been there for over a year, but the situation in this area is nearby, a fighter who fought in this direction, he was considered dead, but he survived against all odds, today he is in our studio, but first , our nikolai dolgachev was at the front in artemovsk with our military just recently, we are watching his report. the dust
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of the roads and the burning fields of donbass, the combat zone . everything is burning around artemovsk, closer to the city of chasov yar even hotter. the operational situation is quite complicated, the enemy is stealthy, and the enemy is cunning. the enemy is well prepared. at the forefront of the attack, volunteer assault troops. the assault units of the hispaniola brigade became famous in battles during the liberation of various settlements. now they are fighting in chasov yar. everyone is charged with victory. others do not come here, i am an assault medic, the medics' task does not end at all, both in positions, the guys where they are, so actually on the pvd, we have guys, no matter what happens, that is always in high spirits, cheerful, happy, that is, even if you take the recent moment of our flight at an hour on motorcycles when the orta with the fpivs started to work on us, yes, when the vs flew in, after...
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a young pretty girl, not at all like her call sign, extreme driving instructor yaga, 15 years of experience on a motorcycle, trains fighters and takes risks herself, in any unclear situation, open the gas, this is the golden rule that i try to instill in fighters from the first day, in the open air at the front in the frontline zone appears unsafe, basements dugouts, the main base underground operational...
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our fighters are pushing the front further and further to the west. our fighters have a strong spirit, a desire to win, the ability to overcome any difficulties. this is our hero, shooter gadzhimurad kazanbiyev. he spent 21 days in the fox nara, as they call a small dugout. an incredible story of salvation. right now. the phone, i turned it on, there was 70% charge. i understood everything, that i need to save. i. this
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recorded this video, i did not want to record, i hope this video stays alive, you will understand one thing, that apart from your parents and the almighty, your relatives, your loved ones, your wives, your sisters, no one else needs you, when private gadzhimurad kazanbiev recorded these shots, he did not know whether he would stay alive, in a moment of despair he thought about his family and his bride, who... was waiting at home in makhachkala, whenever possible, he always got in touch, when he disappeared, he would say in advance, we have a small movement there, uh, there may be no connection, 3 days have passed, the fourth day there already the fourth day passes, and there is no communication. in the special operation zone gadzhimurad was a senior shooter, but in february twenty -fourth during a battle in the artemovsk direction he was hit by a drone, received serious injuries to his arms and legs, miraculously he managed to hide in an abandoned dugout. then
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he did not yet know that he would spend 21 days there, they tried to pull me out twice, it did not work, because they did not let me near, in short, again drones, again artillery. and the risks were great, so he survived as best he could, on the sixth day he crawled, the neighboring dugout, an old one, found four cans of stew, a 1.5 liter bottle of water, and there was practically no chance that they would find him alive, but by chance two fighters also ended up in that very dugout, found me in the evening, said, hold on, brother, wait a little bit, we'll pick you up before the morning, they kept their word... they were walking in the morning. gadzhimurad did not see his saviors for almost six months. all this time he was undergoing a long rehabilitation. due to frostbite , it was not possible to save his leg. but today, despite all the difficulties, he especially values ​​life. and at home on the windowsill, a modest food set, that
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the most, as a reminder of his second birthday. a person has the ability to forget everything. and when you see this, you know where you were, what happened to you, and so that... 200 meters passed, drones appeared, drones appeared, everyone ran for cover, well, and me too, this place was also not very such, where you could of course hide, there are some old hills, some kind of trees, small
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bushes, all already covered with war, i also hid, but she got me, dropped a shell, three fragments flew into my left leg, then i looked through the boot, three holes there were and it flew into my hand here, here is my hand i noticed what i saw, the hand was hanging down and blood started coming out very profusely, so i didn’t panic, i immediately took my hand and somehow tie it with my hand, because well, there are tourniquets, but i just held it with one hand, i just had to watch what it was up there, but it flew off a little, there was a guard booth nearby. i thought, well , i’ll hide there, i got up, ran about 10 meters, my legs got tangled, collapsed, i had no strength, i was already short of breath , i had injections with me, painkillers military, gave himself a quick injection, in the leg, in the leg here, yes, there was a second ampoule,
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i took the second ampoule with my teeth, chewed it, tore it, i don’t know how, in short, i drank it, drank it, this hand doesn’t work, all i have is the left one, i took it out. the tourniquet was burned off, i’m more thinking, how could you even get to your feet and run to some guard booth, i myself don’t know how because, well, i had to hide somewhere, in general, i was lying in this position, i hear, she’s flying again, flying again, i realized that she’s flying to finish me off, i just pretended that i was 200, dead, lay down here so, i took a slightly non-standard pose. i lay there for about five minutes, i didn’t walk, i crawled and flew away, this was my chance, i was still in that booth, i knew that
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there would be people passing by in any case, and i lay there for about a day and a half, in the morning at 6 am i heard some voices, i started screaming, yelling, whistling, three guys came in, me, we’ll get you out now, in general, they came with a stretcher and dragged me into the hangar, a large room, there they found me a sleeping bag, a collimator, covered me, there - they got out their personal bandages, a colimat, well, under a bed, a bolster, yes, on the floor, so that i wouldn’t lie on the ground, someone found some ice, i started gnawing on the ice because i was thirsty, blood loss, of course, they gave me some cookies, we ate somewhere there for two, and they were already talking a little more calmly, yes. i calmed down, i even fell asleep, they bandaged me, something needs to be done with me, i need to be evacuated, there’s a special hole, a fox hole, it’s not a dugout, nothing, just a round hole that goes into the ground, a closed cell, well, as if instead of a door, so to speak, yes, that’s it, and me
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they threw me there, this is a hole, this is just before the evacuation, a special one, this is a special fox hole, an evacuation hole, which are only the three hundredth ones, that's where they were supposed to take me away from twice... i still have nothing with me for days, no food, nothing , the sixth day is already everything, i already understood all these 6 snow was falling, i ate snow, just on the sixth day you recorded a video saying goodbye to your family, let's watch it, i'm watching the video , the sixth day is in this hole, i'm sleeping over there, that's the exit, the kellenka, 2.5 km to my life on foot, but my legs don't work, i was wounded,
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shrapnel, in the back, i don't even know what's there, two in the leg, in the arm, i think i'll most likely be left without an arm, if i stay alive, this is my arm, here it is, which i don't feel at all, and they did the bandage a week ago. it was already all black ago, i collected snow to drink, here are dry packs, dry potatoes, i found wet wipes, here is a flashlight, oh, some ear sticks, i don't know, i dug them up somewhere, i haven't eaten, really, i haven't drunk, you can think about everything and be alone with the almighty, talk to him, if he forgives you. having created reasons, so that they would get me out of here, rakhman, i
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will return, there were still 15 days left, yes, what did you feel then, look now, i can see in your eyes that you remember those feelings, yes, every time i watch this video, and i go there, on the sixth day i filmed this video, yes, when they find the body, my family will see, at least, where i was, what happened to me, where, well, what happened, you showed just some dry rations, yes, small ones, there are potatoes, these are the soldiers left for you, no, no, these are these dry potatoes, they are there, this is i was lying in this hole inside, just on the ground, yes, in the ground, when they put me there, i just lay there for a day, then i thought, let me get up, let me see what's here on... a small knife, i found a flashlight, i found this dry pack of potatoes, then i
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opened it, tore it off, filled my mouth, that's where it was boiling, i ate it, then i realized that i wouldn't last long on it, there was a neighboring dugout nearby, a dismantled old dugout, no one lives there anymore, at 1:00 am, on the same day when i was filming the video, at 1 am i fell out, where do you get your strength from, it's hard to imagine? it's the sixth day you've had such serious injuries, well , if i had stayed there in the hole and not done anything, well, so what, i would have stayed there, i understood that of course you have to rely on the almighty, but you also have to do something, i see, after the dugout, a piece of a can is sticking out from under the ground, i crawled and started hitting it with my hand, to determine whether it was empty or not, yes, i see, there is something, that means everything is complete, now... i have to get it out, this hand doesn't work, the left one is all frostbitten, the ground
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frozen too, what does it do, found a stick, hammered, hammered, one, two, three, hammered them out, all in pockets, four cans of stew, with my left hand i opened one can for 15-20 minutes, here are four five of these i checked, everything and strictly five five spoons i close, although i wanted to eat, i understood that i can do all this now. quickly sit down in 2 days, and then what? i need to somehow exist, well, that's how i distributed these cans, on the seventeenth or sixteenth day these cans ran out, this is dry powder, dry powder has long been ran out, the eggplant kul'da that i found there, it ran out on the second day, because i just gnawed it, i ate this ice, but how much is safe, by the way, at that moment i was around for 5-6 days. i defined their regime a little, when they fly in, fly away, i roughly understood,
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from one to three, something is always some kind of lull, i think, here is this interval i will go, i will find something, but i did everything quickly, crawled, there was no strength, well, what to do, i was lying somewhere, resting, there are trees around a little and as if, if something it would fly, i could hide a little, there's an old man there. i could even crawl in there, i somehow managed to warm up, it's winter there, minus 15-12, well, it's cold, of course, warm up, warm up like there were under me. these bags, ordinary ones from under flour, from under sugar, white ones, and i spread them out like this under myself, lay down a jacket, a hood, well, there were days when my teeth chattered, well, it was freezing, boundless fortitude, on the twenty-first day, what feelings were inside, what were we thinking about, all feelings, probably, which i could feel, i lived through everything before
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that, probably, on the twenty-first day... that they were dragging me, that they were pulling me out, my brain didn't perceive it, remember that moment of rescue, when the guys came for you, yes, yes, i remember, of course, i was sleeping, i hear some noise, i just lifted myself up a little, i look, three are already there, well, healthy, healthy, that's it, it turns out a bird was chasing them, yes, these are our servicemen, they. on their mission and when they were running, they saw a hole, they flew in and found me there, what's there, how's my brother, how many are there, well they thought there for a day, two, there for one day, i say, the twentieth day, they say that they looked at me in general, at my appearance, in general, how i speak, they no longer had any doubts, i hear a voice up there, the commander
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of the senior group and there were other guys, they say, here are three hundred thousand, he says that's it, let him not worry. we'll take him in the morning, let him hold on , everything will be fine, so i woke up at 4, somewhere to 10:6 i hear a call sign shouting, chupa come out, chupa, i think, maybe in delirium, this is my call sign, and i well, this, this is from childhood your family is laughing, we have studios rashidat, this is sister, hello, very glad to see you?
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guys, well now i want to listen to you, yes remember that day, how we flew into this blend, saw gadzhimurat, well it wasn't us who flew in, but my group, they told me that there was a wounded man lying there, when i saw that a man had been lying there for so long, it wouldn't have been possible to pull him out that day, because it was already dawn, we didn't even... get halfway, they would have copied us and we wouldn't have come out, so yes, actually, we weren't ready for evacuation, yes, of course, 2.5 km on hand, without rape, without anything, and also when the birds are around, of course, and there is one road, there is an asphalt road, straight, on the right and on the left there are fields, all mined, the plantings on the sides are mown down,
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that is, there are no bushes there, that is why they call it the road of death, that's right, yes, there are 3 km of straight road. roughly speaking, we were somewhere at point 2 and a half, that's where they found it, they said that we would pull out the next day, in the morning we got together with the volunteer, at about five we only set out yes, and there it turns out that this concrete road completely mined and we went around it in a snaking pattern, we ran to the point with the car, yes, yes, yes, we had food and ammunition there, then he puts him in the car, we literally start moving and apparently the sniper started working on these. the mines are close, well, probably 200 meters from us , yes, 200-300 meters, it was just unnecessary noise, yes, we had to walk quietly so they wouldn’t spot us. exactly like that, because we were loaded, there was nowhere to hide from us at all, well, actually, we were caught at the end of the road, the armored vehicle, well, he burned us, i was walking
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ahead about 200 meters, probably, probably, yes from valentin, and chupa and i sat down there to rest, there was just a burnt-out car, i was already tired, we sat down, then we heard a bird flying, vova started shooting at it, it kind of reacted to him, and there turns out to be a concrete slab, it was going diagonally like this, i chupa po... to cover this concrete slab with this wheelbarrow, i understand, it would be an option for us to sit, i ran to vova, and vova says, there are still some dugouts 200 meters away, and we went in different directions with vova , we hid the govorata, the bird flies, looking for exactly where we were running along the communication passages, and we were all soaking wet, damn, just soaking wet, so we sat, waiting for the evening, until it starts to rain again, so we could pull out the zhemurad there under the stove covered with a wheelbarrow, right? you hid separately under the dugout, and because it was impossible to take him with you, something controls, but it cannot control all three in different places, it flew where the two ran, you pulled yourself out, at that
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moment you were left alone again, there was no fear, worry that salvation is gone again, it has failed, no, no, no, i remember valentina's words that that's it, you're staying here, we 're covering you, because so that she, even if she throws off, so that some, so that she...
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will have to go out there, and another thing, practically every day to go there, this, therefore without prayer there probably and not by chance you have the order of courage, the cross of st. george and other awards, yes practically on the edge of death, valentin, and you have a call tele, yes, why, and it's from his father that he was called that in childhood, that's what they called him, why there was some tv show a long time ago, the main character there, here's a tv guy, his father looked like him, and his... i'll tell you about our regiment in order, this is regiment 1428, it
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was originally a st. petersburg regiment, it was formed entirely from mobilized people, the documents have already been submitted for the guard, for the last 8 months we were stationed near bakhmut, the area is just kurdyumovka, that's where our positions are, our area of ​​responsibility. so, accordingly, for the courage shown by the regiment, i hope we will be honored with this unit becoming a guard regiment. next in the program: a few months after the miraculous rescue, vladimir and valentin flew to gadzhimurad's homeland in makhachkala, the fighter was waiting for them with his family. thank you back. "i love you, you can't even imagine how we look at rtr, ira, marry me, please, marry for
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love, who is she, the best woman in the world or for money, the wedding is in a month, i agreed with zak, what are you doing, am i a toy to you or something, and what about you, you don't like alisa, ivan ivanovich, a very wealthy man, it's not up to him to decide." on rtr, a vacation. this is leaving yourself alone.
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rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about rest. anex. welcome to the newest riksas hotel in sharm el sheikh. rodomis sharm el sheikh, the perfect place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of children and their parents, escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas rodomis sharm el sheikh. allow yourself
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a first-class holiday. elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, you don’t need to make an appointment, just kidding. he will come to your home, we are starting, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle.
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this is how a child sleeps, but you should not do this i advise you, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i don't guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr. shveytsova investigative committee. i would like to meet and clarify some details. marya sergeyevna is changing. no, not her profession. what happened? weapons, kidnapping , murder. time to leave. to work. and what, can i do that too? i have a day without adventures. why put off until the evening what can be solved
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during the day? machiki, let's work as you say, you know better, the secrets of the investigation, and why don't you ask, or rather, because i know that you will answer, only after hiding, since monday on rtr, earlier in the program, gadzhemurat kazanbiyev spent 21 days alone after the drone attack.
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well, it was very unexpected for us, you could say, even a shock, somehow, well, what to do, we were very worried, because - yes, it was behind him, he is alone, i have no parents, so it was scary, and they no one knew what
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at all. all the documents, everything, everything that is needed, i - collected, went, everything, and at the same time did not tell anyone anything, on the last day before i was just leaving at my sister's, everything, i 'm getting ready, putting on my backpack, she says, he said that he's leaving, leaving for the night shift, to work, you say, where, i say , to work, and what kind of work? i say, yes , a new job, i say, the night shift, so in general i didn't ask for permission, i left later at the training ground, when at the training camp, when i already understood that tomorrow there would be a departure for the tape, i already told my son-in-law with ... and told my sister , you just met with the guys in the studio as if you had seen each other recently, and this meeting really happened, guys just recently came to you in dagestan, let's look at the footage of that meeting. i'm nervous, i don't know my emotions,
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my reaction, when i see them, what will happen to me inside, all this will happen, because the last time i saw them, so to speak, in delirium, i remember their faces, here are the conversations. everything is salam aleikum, where did such beautiful popah come from, and this is you, it was you who prepared the gifts, yes, my handsome, uncles, my relatives close to me, also really want to see them, thanks to these two people, i today here alive, hello, dear, very happy, valeg on the next flight, damn , it'll arrive in 2 hours, bro, thank you brother, i remember how they dragged me 3 km, dragged me, that you're alive, the main thing is, i
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was sent by the almighty himself, that was probably his dream, he wanted to hug so much, here we met, i remember. with a beard like this, these are my nephews, show me, don't be shy, here for uncle, thank you, a lot of drawings come to us at the front, when you miss your children and in general just take it like this, open it, read it, at least somehow you'll get a little relief, i 'll take this with me, i'll show this to my children, this is our fighter, the almighty, as they say, deigned to do it, we pulled him out, yeah, come here, come, i'm just like a brother, come here, fuck, i 'm telling you, i love you with all my heart, this man 700 m, the last one dragged me, endure, brother, brother, endure, you can,
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he endured so much, he lay there for 20 days, now he says, don't give up, i'm very proud, he says, that he's a real fighter, comrade, not everyone could do that, he's a very strong person, emotional meeting, it was your first meeting after the evacuation happened. valentin, you had a birthday on the day you saved gadzhumurat, february 23, defender of the fatherland day, another birthday, the holiday was a success, yes, it’s better not to say, gadzhumurat’s second birthday you could say, that’s also true, yes, that’s true, how old are you, 24 years old, 24 years old, very young, and already such a feat, that february the situation in the artemovsk region, of course, was tense, but such... now it remains, yes, the city is completely ours, and the front pushed back, but now drones are flying in there and shelling, smoke over the city, a difficult situation, we also want to show the material, how now bakhmut in ukrainian
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toponymy artemovsk became shortly before the beginning of the svo, now that the ukrainian army has been finally thrown out of here, it is artemovsk again, so in all official russian documents, we went through it ourselves, we were shot from here, then they transferred us, transferred us from that side, we went into the experimental and started this house after house, quickly, the
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enemy infantry fighting vehicle, the crew acted boldly, brought out the bmp was actually at the front line, they were firing at our forces from cannons, well, the vehicle was destroyed. by a direct hit from a 152-mm artillery shell. artemovsk was liberated by the best, experienced assault units, it was not customary for them to show their faces, to communicate much either, to communicate. it was extremely rare to be able to talk to journalists, so not all of our colleagues managed to work in artemovsk on the hottest days. here is the westernmost point of artemovsk, the area of ​​the so-called plane, but the plane itself, of course, did not survive, it was blown up, it was on these houses that the flags were installed, marking the capture of the city, which became a famous photograph against the backdrop of the setting sun, what happened here would later be called the bakhmud meat grinder, ours.
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many people performed truly heroic feats before our eyes, here we had an employee who died, carrying a child in his arms, at that moment, it means, the ukrainian nazis see this whole picture, that the evacuation of civilians is underway , they just started laying down artillery, grads, heavy artillery there. the offensive potential of the enemy. even the propaganda was finally lost right here in artemovsk. it became clear that there was nothing to counter our military might with the ukrainian nazis. no matter what they were armed with, they couldn't. the front from artemovsk went to chasov yar, now this city has become an important point on the front line, where the enemy forces are being defeated. vladimir valentin, now in dagestan you are expected as if you were family, yes, you can say now. the family has become more of a big family, yes, how does it feel, by the way,
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when you are there, of course, great feelings, what else can there be, how they met, we met, well, it was just gorgeous, you saw it yourself, so many relatives, the administration too, which special thanks for the help to the head of the republic, who received us there, uh, organized everything, helped there, and gzhumurat, he helped, so let's see now how it was, what a holiday they arranged for you there in the republic, i am very pleased to see, among those awarded. census taker valentin petrov and machine gunner vladimir semenov, who risked their own lives, saved a seriously wounded bolz, our fellow countryman, a marine pihatintsamurada kazanbieva.
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praise be to the almighty, now i am calm and content, these are people who will remain, in my heart forever, a very warm meeting, and guys, you are on vacation now, yes, psychologically how difficult, after you have rested, again to the front, to return, of course, it is difficult to return, well, what can you do, you have to? and comrades in arms are waiting, well, by the way, about awards about this meeting, it seems to me that the most important award on vacation was a meeting with my family, of course, let's look at these shots, here he is, well, that's it, that's it, my dad, i am on so most of all i missed my family and home, the last time i was home was october of 1923, the children have changed a lot , firstly, they have grown up, that's the fact that they have become spoiled, dad, you know
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what it is, no, an armored personnel carrier, there is a machine gun, here is a cannon , you have cannons all around, i see, my wife was not waiting for me, she was not prepared, because i had kept it a secret until the very end, i wanted to make a surprise, dad came to us late at night, the children were really waiting, they were generally going to sleep in turns, so that when dad came one would wake up the other, the hardest thing, probably education. mom can't replace dad, the light bulb burned out, i can't reach it, only with a stepladder, please change it for me, while you're here the stepladders, we'll change them now, the vacation is too short to visit everyone, so i asked mom to come to me, well, she grew the crop, brought it, bragged that well, he knows that i love this business, that i always grow it, but my son is missing, can i help? there's no one to help, my father served in the war on the japanese front, so now
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it happened that now my son, the second war, i am going through it with him, i am fighting, i have lost you son, i will wait, everything will be fine with us, you know, as they say, a man should build a house, plant a tree and have sons, i have two sons, we planted two oak trees, now all that remains is... the hardest thing is to build a house, and accordingly raise sons, a tank, a tank of the dagestan donut, yes, this was passed on by uncle gyujumurat's nephews, they drew it for me as a keepsake. i give thanks for saving them, we will keep them, yes, those very drawings, you have a wonderful family, vladimir, very it's touching to see these shots, shots of the meeting, when you saw your family, after a long separation, we haven't seen each other for about a year,
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yes, yes, it's been almost a year since we met you, and these are the same drawings that you brought from dagestan, guys, i brought them, showed them to the children. so i will keep them, murad, are you married? yes, i got married right after i flew home from the hospital, i flew in on may 3 in the evening, i got married on may 4 the next day, right away in the morning, that is, you arrived on may 3, may 4 weddings, right away in the morning, so it's possible yes, so quickly organize everything, and then on with the program. camillo lived for 3 weeks without a single message from her fiancé, there were different versions that he was wounded, that he was in the madrassa, and that he left his position and went away. thank you for these 15 years spent together for the happiness of being
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together. on saturday we are being treated for infertility, we are incompatible. time is running out and soon it will be too late to give birth. i want to ask you to help me with this, maybe i'm already pregnant, well, miracles do happen, right, yes, well, i'm not here as a patient, i'm here as the mother of your future child, anastasia panina, i i can't take it anymore, if you decide to leave, leave, alexander makagon, after all, amazingly sensitive fingers, what did i do to deserve this, anatoly rudenko, i miss you very much, everything is fine with me, housing. great job, new relationship, relationship, darling, let me introduce you to my ex-husband, don't be my wife, on saturday on rtr, a hotel for
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and how she loved him and he loves me. at your numerous requests today in this studio lyrical songs about love, romances, me i like that you are not sick with me, you understand that you have been married for 31 years, and i would like to be stolen again, i wish love to everyone, let's go for a ride, beauty, this is some kind of
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holiday for the soul, because this is real, this is what nature gives, love! and a woman for the sin that israel endured, hello andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show, on saturday on rtr, where is kostyukov, and you don't know, he went to the bus station, raya knows everything, kostyukov, vladimir petrovich, you can't leave like this, do you hear, we decided file a report, the groom is today, which means this bride again, you need to control yourself , you won't even ask what's going on with the investigation, oh-oh-oh, it's none of my business, and even at the last moment anything can happen, darling, somehow it's not
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the right time, shoot, the girl hasn't had time to become a wife, as she's already a widow, raya knows everything, it's not funny anymore, the final series, today on rtr. good morning, dear comrades, listen to radio moya. we're starting a concert by request of workers in the working half. when you come home from school, please your neighbors. to everyone who's waiting for new hits from vladimir matetsky, i answer, it's not evening yet. it's not time for food, it's time for spiritual search, time passes, meanwhile
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olga will be ordered to make tea. good evening, this is your music, your letters and your congratulations. here is a new day on radio mayak, so says the lighthouse. earlier in the program, gadzhimurad kazanbiyev received several shrapnel wounds during a drone attack, and then survived alone in an abandoned trench for 3 weeks. she got me, dropped a shell, three shrapnels flew into my left leg, so i looked through boot, there were three holes. valentin petrov and vladimir semenov spent almost a day taking the displaced fighter out of the danger zone. then we heard a bird flying, vova started shooting at it, it was like...
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you met before gadzhimmurad left his place, yes, it turns out, you were waiting for him all this time. yes, tell us about those very difficult days when he disappeared from the radar, stopped communicating, you didn't even know where he was, nothing with him, well, you know, he had been moving around before too, and there were times when he didn't go out at all for 2-3 days connection, well, and he always warned me in advance that i would have something like this, that we would have a move, i would not go out of contact for 2-3 days, as soon as possible i would go out, 3 days passed. the check marks do not light up, i look, the calls are not coming, it turns out that it is already the fourth day, that's it,
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i already have some kind of feeling inside, but something is wrong, so i began to sound the alarm, i called, it was already late, well somewhere at twelve o'clock or the first hour, i called rashidat, i say, well, that's how it is, that's how it is, yes, that he does not go out with, she says, i i'm also worried, that's it, i say, well, we need to sound the alarm, we... already started sounding the alarm, started contacting the guys from his battalion, from his company, that's where almost all the information came from, there were different versions, that he was wounded, that he was in the madrassa, and that he left his positions and went away, and i say, there were different versions, well , you know, inside there was no such feeling that he was not alive, i didn't want to believe it at all and i didn't let others. rashidat, tell me, what are these days like for you, can we invite you too, as a group, yes these
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joint searches too, it is clear that they united you, although this unification was through sadness, through the difficulties that you experienced then , not understanding, not knowing what happened to your loved one, well, it turns out that the first days when we started looking for him, naturally we did not think about anything bad, we were just looking, we needed some information, where, because those guys who were with him in the position, they left the position, someone in the hospital, someone there, well, they have a certain place where they rest, as if after they they are leaving the intercom, but there is still no connection there, yes, everyone was telling us, everyone was talking about different things, there was a lot of different information, who was, someone said that he was in one hospital, someone said in another, someone said that... and he was in the medical troop, in general, a lot of different information, we went here to our unit, where he was, who was, here
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the units were given completely different information. in general, from different information, we did not know, we wanted to come to one thing, so we would push off from it, look for how what, so it turns out, all these days we were doing this, that they were calling the hospital around the clock, we had no day, no night, because we had already confused day and night, all we did around the clock was look for information, all this happened, and we were afraid to generalize, to tell our relatives, our uncle knew, yes, he also supported.
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he said the first words, well, he said that i 'm alive, i'm alive, yes, i'm alive, he began to tell everything that happened to him, that this is how the guys found him, evacuated him, all these moments, yes, he told everything in detail, and in the meantime, and i have a second phone nearby, i know that she is waiting, yes, here is some... news, news, i am rashidat pishov, he is alive, he got in touch and, i am talking to him, she is calling me, she naturally has already started to test everyone, yes, to calm down, to call, to write, yes, this is now part of your family, we have told them about this more than once, our doors are always open for them, like our brothers, like our uncles, you
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are close people to us, you and your family. i only talked about this, i don’t need anything, i want a vacation, even our assistant sergei ilimovich, when i had contact with him, he always he told him, said, the guys are on vacation, i don’t ask for anything else, you know, like no one else, valentin vladimir, probably never waited for your vacation, maybe even more than you, yes, yes, we certainly didn’t wait for it at all, because the team. that’s what she told us, it was just news for us, very joyful, well , of course, well, the regiment commander, he let you go, we let you go, dagestan first, yes, and then to your family, everything is not accidental, in war everything is not accidental, maybe it’s precisely these days that you are here and you are with us, you are all together, that’s for your happy family, well, probably, clearly lacked something so bright, spacious,
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beautiful, such as an apartment, a nest, a nest. and we know that thanks to the efforts of the head of the republic of dagestan, sergey melikov alimovich melikov, this happened, let's look at your cozy new place, we are still undergoing renovations, but there is very little left, i hope that next time, when you come, gadzhimrad will open this door for you, this is our new family nest, with which we started so this is a show doors, so we installed doors, like these interior doors, everywhere in every room, we changed them, gadzhamurad wasn't in the apartment yet, he'll be in the hospital for prosthetics for now, i'll be doing the housework, setting up the housework, buying everything, it 'll be a surprise and a gift for him, here we'll have either a corner sofa, or maybe a hall with armchairs, the first floor
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is good for gadzhamurad, and the lower floors. murat gave me the task that in the new apartment i'd put a can of stew, mashed potatoes and water on the windowsill, it's like a reminder of what he's been through passed and thanks to what he survived, for him and for me it is very important. gzhemurad, the apartment is probably not the only thing that is needed, here for understanding what you need now for rehabilitation, for arranging a normal, healthy family life, maybe, as far as we understood. refers to those who undergo special military operations, he is directly attention, one hundred percent, does not ignore anyone, here are some, if there are problems, he solves, when we were at a meeting, they invited us spyat, he
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asked a question, what are you like with housing, i i say: that we don’t have our own place to live, we’re renting an apartment now, well, he said that he would solve this issue, and he decided literally there, well , weeks, two or three weeks, you choose. just send us what you liked, and we’ll do everything there, here’s what the doctors say about rehabilitation, they’ve already managed to save my hand, they’ve managed, i’m going to the hospital in a few days, vishnevsky hospital, and they’ll go through, well , 2 months, first i’ll be on training prostheses so that i can start walking again, and then they’ll put them on, like, on a permanent basis. well, but it’s all the same from the ministry of defense, but you will definitely get back on your feet, yes, with such a character, with such aspiration, with such an ability to overcome difficulties, everything was not in vain, and
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in order to find such friends, in order to create such a strong family, the children will go, dzhimrad, and you yourself think about how to help the front further, when they put in prostheses, naturally. i will participate, it is definitely in terms of humanitarian aid, maybe in another direction too, because in dagestan we have such a community as the memory of the mountains, this is the svo community, they are looking for missing in all directions, sitting at home on the couch is definitely not about him, to retire, it's not about him, well, just now to recover a little, i now understand that you will definitely help your own, yes.
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this is personally from the regiment commander, from all of us, from guard colonel dzhumabaev, artur alishirovich, these are the banners of our regiment, who asked, great, thank you very much, thank you very much, motorized rifle regiment, guys, thank you very much, please take care of yourselves, come back soon with victory, with such heroes we are sure.
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hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, irina rossius in the studio and the main topics for this hour: a powerful attack by ukrainian drones was successfully repelled by our air defense forces. the operation by the podkursk continues, artillery and aviation are working in the sudzha area, and people are being sent to kursk from all over the country.


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