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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  August 10, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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knew everything, and the more versions, the more chances of winning, only not me, only not me would be called for this me, five against one, today on rtr, shveitsova investigative committee, i would like to meet and clarify some details, marya sergeyevna is changing, well, come on, repent, no, not profession, what happened? loads kidnapping murder, time of leaving, to work, and what is also possible, not a day without adventure, why put off until the evening what can be solved during the day? boys, let's work, as you say, masiri, you know better, secrets investigation, man, why don't you ask, or rather, because i know that you will answer, only after hiding, from monday to...
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rtr: an inconvenient and small plot is not a reason to give up your poultry, well, fresh eggs too, and if you show village ingenuity, then there will be enough farm goods for everyone, and even for sale a hard-working vietnamese girl dug a chicken coop on a steep slope, there is nowhere else, i just had to work hard, but an apartment building turned out. glory, spacious bright rooms, large terraces, the birds appreciated the new building and began to settle in warm nests, in gratitude they filled the hostess with fresh products, well, in our middle zone the berry season is coming, raspberries, gooseberries, what else currants, garden strawberries, crops are quite unpretentious and have long adapted to long-term cold weather, but in recent years grapes have become a frequent guest on the six hundred square meters, the rule of care ... for residents of southern latitudes in harsh
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conditions, vera krasova mastered. the hot south, pouring sun and dancing adriana celentana, this is what first comes to mind when mentioning this sweet berry: the grapes become sweet in august, the fruits acquire their varietal color and begin to ripen, so you will have to wait a little with dancing. andrey, good morning, here you go, vera, hello, some start their morning with water, and you with juice, yes, with grape juice, but it's a pity for now. not with your own, well , of course, it's still too early to get a mass harvest, although mid-august is the time to roll up your sleeves and work a little, but judging by the bunches, there is not that much work here, you are mistaken, vera, you are mistaken, if you work, then work, despite the fact that grapes are a heat-loving plant, in the central zone of russia, they are also actively grown, give preference to winter-hardy varieties such as veliand, muromets, krasa severa, amursky proryv, volga, ontario. the list can be continued
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further, breeders have worked hard. winter-hardy grapes ripen on average in 110-120 days. it is able to withstand a whole range of various environmental influences. and spring burn and temperature changes, damping off. but much depends on proper care, first of all timely pruning. please, where to cut? stop, stop, stop. remember this good saying: measure seven times once. cut once 1 2 3 4 - the fact is that one square meter of leaves works for one bunch, so how will we measure it with a ruler, in our region the leaf area is somewhere around a thousand with a kopeck, in the krasnodar territory they can be even more, so the more - it turns out, the better, this is about ten, let's count from a brush 10 leaves, we have one brush from the very the base where it grows 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9
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10 now this top can be shortened it is worth shortening those shoots that grow to the brush, they take too much strength from the bush, besides, pruning improves air exchange and opens access to sunlight to the ripening bunches, however, the grapes themselves experience this procedure very painfully, oh, what oh, andryu, it seems to me that i cut something wrong, look, he is crying, but really the juice is very well secreted by the grapes, but there are good products based on resins, and from my tears, these wounds can be easily smeared, such resin, it is also oleoresin, perfectly adheres to the surface of a live cut, quickly dries it and blocks access to pathogenic microorganisms, thereby eliminating unnecessary problems, just like that, summer residents are not used to getting rid of unnecessary shoots, you and i will now cut the cuttings, in the spring we will root them, they are well stored in ... on the bottom shelf in a bag, or
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they need to be tied in a bunch and cut off the leaves, tie the bunch and store in damp sand can be in basement. more mature woody shoots are used for these purposes, however, fruits from them can be obtained in the best case in five years, when the vine grows, and in order for the current harvest to ripen as quickly as possible, the plant must be fed with phosphorus and potassium in priority. phosphate has one but, it dissolves extremely poorly, so either the combing out must be done in advance, yeah, or it was necessary to scatter it in the fall. how can we speed up this process now? well, you can take potassium fertilizers, they dissolve several times faster, a tablespoon per liter of water, yeah, there's never too much potassium, it carries out other basic elements of mineral nutrition, the lack of which can greatly affect the fertility of the plant. the main indicator of various deficiencies in grapes,
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as in many other crops, are leaves , for example, yellowed shoots and the first signs of chlorosis signal a lack of iron, light yellow and bronze. indicate a zinc deficiency, with a lack of magnesium, leaf blades turn pale, and if the plant lacks boron, a brown border appears, the affected leaf curls, becomes rough, and the tops of the shoots begin to die off, if the plant needs urgent help, it is better to alternate root feeding with foliar feeding, processing damaged leaves allows them to absorb nutrients faster revive plantings, take the first berry, if it is ripe, then it is yours, famous grapes. the nobles say that if this berry is tasty, try it, try it, yeah, that means you can stop watering so that the maximum amount of sugars accumulates in the bunches themselves. ripe fruits should easily separate from the stalk, but those that sit firmly should not be offended by a lack of attention under any circumstances. there are probably,
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look, damaged berries here, they also need to be removed, otherwise the whole bunch will simply rot. yeah. well, in my opinion, the perfect bunch turned out. now it probably needs protection. we need to imagine a net tying it at the base, wasps won’t get through, well, the red color usually scares away birds, which only plays into our hands, the harvested crop can be sent for storage in a dark room with a high humidity and air temperature from 0 to 2°. the best option would be a cellar, although who are we kidding, the best option would be to eat it right away, phew, well, that's it, my lady fingers are tired, i need a boost. yeah, why not, and then we'll definitely have a celebration, like the ancient greeks did, in honor of the god dionysus, yeah, i think that's when the theater appeared, yeah, great, and then i'll play the role of a grapevine today, i can't do anything else, just don't forget that wasps always
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fly to ripening grapes, avid gardeners, how... how are you, even when you are almost 90, you will be able to maintain not only excellent physical shape, but also an excellent memory, unlike those who do not work in the country. this was confirmed by scientists from the university of edinburgh, they conducted one of the longest-term studies of longevity factors, from 1936 to the present day they observed fifty residents of scotland, so a third of the test subjects had never done gardening, and 43% cultivated a vegetable garden regularly.
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which is very important, with whom we compare and make some conclusions, and especially in medicine, in the medical field, in the medical community, if we are talking about young people, just starting to live, well of course yes, any physical activity, including a vegetable garden, a summer house, a garden, is great, a lot of energy, a large reserve, why not, but if we are talking about the elderly, here it is necessary to distinguish between age periods, they also start from their youth, this is a hobby for a long time, no, look, after all, as we usually say, i do not agree with you, it is customary to say, than we we get older, the more we are on the earth, of course, everyone knows this, everyone has heard this, everyone
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wants flowers, everyone no longer wants a disco, or a night club, everyone already wants somewhere, to nature, to barbecue. to look at flowers, to try your own onion, why not, right? well, maybe, here is the key thing that when you want, when you start, you start to be drawn to this earth, then it brings benefits, definitely. "yes, you are absolutely right, here it is taken into account, initially, a person generally loves, he do you like this activity, or is it torture, if we assume that this research is correct, yes, then how can it work, how is physical labor in general, yes, it is connected with the work of the brain, the wisdom of the spirit, well, in adulthood, this has been studied for a very long time, we always say that physical activity at any age is your cytokines, when..." we work physically, our body releases a huge amount of so-called active
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mini-substances, we call them cytokines, there are a lot of them, and of course, these are enkephalins, and endorphins, and many of those things that bring us pleasure, which bring us with the activity of the mind, brain cells, you are replanting something there, you are doing something with the earth there, you are doing some planting, leaves... late in the evening, yes, you don’t need to do this under the influence, it should be short-term,
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40 minutes, 30 minutes, maybe an hour, if this is still a physically strong person, why not, so that you and i remain ourselves until the end, you need to work not only with the body, you need to work with the mind, you need to work with the brain, and this is not always a stereotypical habitual action, if you have never done gardening in your life and suddenly remember: about your dream, and i want to grow roses, this is a change from the usual activity, these are new neural connections in your brain, and it will work, then what would you recommend to those who have never had such a hobby, are not drawn to the land, and are not going to do this in old age, but also want to preserve age, when you remember something?
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the heroes of our time are those who create
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the future with their own hands, lend a shoulder, i went to help volunteers, can i hug you, we are already in love with you in absentia, if you can help, then you should help, there were moments when it was very difficult and scary, and you understand, there was no time for any weakness, to extend a helping hand, i had to pull people out on my own, i got there at the moment of attack, at the moment of active... we cried a lot, people came to do their job, they came to help people, because we are one big country, we should look up to them, these people can do everything and even more, ours, of course, you won’t call yourself a hero, the premiere is from monday to thursday at 13:00 on russia channel, so good
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. morning rossi is the main thing. virtual girls turned the heads of lonely men, digital beauties, ready to be kind in the morning, remind about breakfast or warn about bad weather. japanese development will never forget to ask about health, send a caring message to work during the day. flirt a little and will never get jealous if a young man goes to a cafe with friends on the way home, and there a virtual geisha will entertain the company of japanese poetry all evening playing on a digital japanese bololaika simesn, and also make sure that there are never any drinks left in the glasses, or food on the plate. one thing, if you don't pay for the subscription on time, the hologram won't utter a word,
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which is also not bad. unlike holograms, a cartoon is not necessarily a multi-million dollar project, where hundreds of specialists are employed, the internet will tell you how to do everything yourself, creating an animation will help a child develop creativity, and an adult will find himself in creativity. alexander blinnikov was convinced of this. yes, it's beautiful, of course, but we will keep all these figures until tomorrow we will remove them from the workshop, yes, it is a pity that they do not move, otherwise they would have reached the closet themselves, well, it is not far from here, to animate an inanimate object, you do not need to be a wizard. it is enough to study the secrets of animation and then at least a clay or plasticine man will run forward on his own feet for adventures. plasticine animation is perhaps the most popular among internet masters, because it is quite simple to make, it is not necessary to sculpt perfectly beautiful heroes. to begin with, you can make
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such basic characters without faces, and then come up with an interesting story for them. life in the frame happens thanks to the camera, by the way, even an ordinary smartphone will do, it records every movement of the cartoon character. enthusiasts create hand-drawn cartoons on the same principle, but they require a lot of effort from the author, because any change in the character is a new image. and you will need a lot of paper, at least 50 sheets for a short five-second video. but such a short video can get more than 1,000 likes. viewers watch with delight for homemade cartoons. by the way, there is even a whole genre of cartoon notebook on the internet. we take our first sheet, its top points, draw a small circle. beginning animators draw on each sheet of the notebook, and quickly turning the pages creates a cartoon effect. the more paper, the more frames. by the way, you can simply copy them from
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the internet, there are ready-made schemes there. a couple of hours of painstaking work, but what a result. the story, by the way, can be shown with the help of an ordinary children's construction set, such animation is very popular on the internet, the principle creation of the same as with plasticine using a stop-frame, here the scenery turns out bright and unusual. making your own cartoons attracts not only young people, adults are actively involved in the process, because this is an opportunity to realize their creative. ambitions, and did you manage to do it on a large scale? listen, what are you filming a cartoon about, and i don’t see a script here, so stop, are you just playing with a construction set or something, and let me with you, music connected them, and by marriage, it’s not necessarily mendelssohn, in the moscow legislatures
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classics are being replaced by melodies from popular films, this happened after the introduction of a new service. customization of the ceremony, that is , changing the procedure to suit the client, is becoming increasingly popular, and even the first ratings of modern wedding compositions have appeared, they have designated two main themes at once, to say the cherished one and to exchange rings lovers can to the melody of the fabulous popey lord of the collection or from the dramatic crime tv series twin peaks, here is our...
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one of the founders of the orchestra virtuosi of moscow wrote a huge number of all sorts of pieces, to add to them and compositions, well, he was generally a brilliant pianist, as a pianist, arranger, harpsichordist, naturally, in the moscow chamber orchestra, he spent a lot of time and wrote a lot of good music, played with them, he passed away prematurely, but 36 years, just so you understand how much in a short period of life, creativity.
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what's the matter, we haven't finished yet, oh-oh-oh, wait, wait, please, you haven't finished yet, absolutely not, not yet,
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we continue. this is the souvenir we got, many thanks to our colleague muzykom today we have the stage of a wonderful museum, and of course alexander baklyansky as a soloist and conductor, i would also like to add about this composition, here is the souvenir he... how spevakov himself decided it, because here we suddenly had cleaning, because he thought that it would finish, and how was it originally supposed to be at concerts? i think that impromptu and applause, which
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the music asks for, were supposed, but if the audience did not clap, then the drummer could have helped us, today i wanted to be naughty, we were naughty on the channel rossiya studiya, you have the floor, thank you, andre, bravo orchestra, good choice, thank you, well, that's it for now. that's all for today, i wish you an interesting weekend, we'll see you on monday, be with us, bye, happy, hello, this is the host in the studio alexander efremov, about the main topics of our issue briefly: the counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced in three regions of russia. in the kursk region, our aviation carried out strikes on a concentration of ukrainian militants.


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