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tv   Yuzhnie nochi  RUSSIA1  August 11, 2024 4:05am-5:52am MSK

4:05 am
look where i have to go, hurry up, kirill, don't yell, hurry up, before they take my last shoes off, get away from my car, i have a gun in the glove compartment, you won't get away, i'll shoot your ear off, no, kirill, i'm laughing... do you think i'm joking, i never joke, i have no sense of humor, understand? you're blocking my way, get away from my car, kirill, this is some kind of jungle, there are wild monkeys around me, they don't understand human language, kirill, here... no,
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the road is straight ahead, there's a fork, you understand, what does your map have to do with it, i'm doing this with my own i see it with my own eyes, hey, hey, shit, shit, shit, yes, kirill, i don't understand what happened to you there? what happened? nothing, some idiot just smashed my car off the road, along with me. yes, i'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, yes, i'm spinning my wheels. the main thing is, just don't get nervous, okay, no, i'm not nervous. no. i don't smoke, you know, i quit.
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are you by any chance viktor lapin, are you by any chance on private property, okay, lady, my name is yulia kovalevskaya, i'm a senior analyst at financial trust incorporated, i'm looking for viktor lapina, you know what, senior analyst, i am not viktor lapin, he is not here. in that case , you will immediately take a cane, get into your tractor and go pull out my car, okay? yeah, run and get your gun. listen, by the way, you pushed my car off the road. by the way, you blocked my way. and by the way, normal people ask with words. normal people ask normal people with words. i'm asking you, when will viktor
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lapin come back? okay, i'll wait for him here. get up, let's go, and take the axe, too, me?
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we don't have a sewer system here, this lady is manure, well, sit down, what are you standing there for? "i'm not going to drive with manure, eh, what are you standing there for?" "can you go faster, then step on the gas, well, well, step on the gas, i say, step on it, it's hard
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to get going normally, and start it up, let's go, i'm not going with a new car. maybe you can tell me where i can wash myself here, of course i can, the shower is in the yard
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, should i do a striptease here?
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was it in moscow that they taught you to steal curtains and put dirty bags on tables, listen you, i didn't come here to visit, i came here on business and not to you, to viktor lapin, to buy his damn vineyard, so that he won't sell anything, we 'll discuss this without you somehow, because i'll wait for him here. wait somewhere else, and why am i bothering you here, everyone, pull out the car, take me to the shower, now you'll ask me to press, go away, it's a pity, i'll pay.
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do you wash down your lard with wine? i'd prefer still mineral water, you have water, a glass.
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what is moonshine, you have normal one here, of course, in the well, the well is outside. be careful, damn, a dock, you're alive, look at rtr, irina aleksandrovna, how did you find me, you said yourself that you are an art critic, maybe you will take me, students, i didn't even know that it was possible to fall in love like that, but incredible, clever, she is such a beauty , just a savior, who is irisha, irochka, mine, irina. lord, what do you know about love, every month a new girl, now i know, mom,
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i, from whom, get married, give birth, will love, not you so a child, not his child, will take in his arms, will be his, no, i forbid you, moscow novel, so that we answer, a prayer, great, who's getting married, you, to whom, to... from monday on rtr, allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. leo rizards, we are here for
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you, who have you become, look at yourself, spoiled, boring, kept woman, any man would have got himself a mistress a long time ago, any, not you, my dear, the first , not you the last, yes he'll get into any married woman, you'll hit her with a finger into a deceived wife, i don't know how i'm unguarded. you shouldn't knock on the door closed door, and what brought you to our wilderness, one day something new will open, i'm olga, kostya, the blacksmith is looking at her, surprise, it was impossible to approach a married woman, and even a mosmechka, we can still fix everything... true, the forge of happiness, on friday on rtr, i don't know how men fall in love, but
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his gaze rested on me, i'm sitting here in the corner, surrounded myself with pillows and am silent, lidiya fedoseyeva shukshina, about her beloved husband, and how did you tell him that you fell in love, a deaf girl lived in our communal apartment, she taught me all... the most terrible days in your life, when vasily makarych passed away, and there was such a thing, once like a premonition, no, i didn't have any premonition, it was terrible, of course, the death of such a close, beloved person, i certainly didn't want to live, after vasily makarovich passed away, what didn't they say, that... poisoned, killed, how it really happened, the fate of a man with boris
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korchevnikov on friday on rtr. at least there's a bed here, strangers are not allowed into the house, and should i sleep on the street? okay, let's go, where are we going? to the guest house, and
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the guest house? quiet!
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what is this, who is this? take it away, take your hands off me, and get away from me, dirty! i'm the devil! "lapin, are you crazy, what kind of loan is it to ride around your vineyard in debt up to your ears, mesh, when i started i didn't know about this debt, then new equipment, now this tax, i need a loan to get rid of all the debts, if you want to get rid of all the debts, get into new ones, what are you even thinking, i think that if i don't pay my taxes, this bastard will squeeze me."
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she dreams of buying my vineyard as quickly as possible in my barn, which i, by the way, am not going to sell, i have already explained this to three idiots who called me every day, who sent me some sons, because of whom i did not have time to do anything, misha, now this bastard does not want to imitate, i am forced to lie to her that i am not the owner, although i am the owner. tell me a simple thing, why do people not want to understand such simple things, you ask them, ask them, they stubbornly do not want, thank you, friend, you are real friend, are you a real idiot, no, mish, i'm not an idiot, i'm a genius, look what i came up with, i have a great plan, this is bordolis, a famous moscow restaurateur, and you know what i
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came up with, i sent him a bottle of my wine to try, and you think that he will come running to you for wine, that's all. there is nowhere else to buy wine.
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you see, he can only buy such wine in italy, but i have different prices, you are a dreamer, not a winemaker, mikh, any business should start with a dream, here you go, that's it, i'm leaving, bye.
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"you can set off, there's your car, firstly, i need some clothes, secondly, i need to call viktor lapin, but my phone doesn't work here, firstly, put the tulle back, secondly, i called latin, he's not going to sell anything, and since you called him, that means there's a phone line somewhere, yeah, there is, there's a line there, up in the tree, you're kidding, no, i have no sense of humor at all."
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yes, how i got settled, i got settled perfectly, up in the tree, yeah, you could say that. he didn't get that damn loan, and he 'll be on his knees begging you to buy it his fucking vineyards, and so hold on, hold on, i'm holding on, holding on, don't worry,
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i'll be fine, the stairs. not enough, thanks for your sympathy, you can get up, i can, it's my leg, it hurts, it hurts. if there was a fracture, i'd be screaming like i was cut, let's consider it a dislocation, i never scream like i'm cut, yeah, we'll check now,
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three, one, tough nut, let go of my leg.
4:31 am
i'm about to faint from hunger, lard and moonshine there. do you have anything else besides lard and moonshine, of course, fish, fish, yeah, i like fish, there's a lot of phosphorus in fish, phosphorus is good for the brain, where are your fish? in the sea, i mean, i mean, if you catch it, i will fry it, or maybe it’s better the other way around, if you catch it, i will cook it, too easy, you’re not looking for easy ways, are you?
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if you cry like this, the sea will overflow its banks and flood my vineyard. he drowned,
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you know, he drowned, oh well, you shouldn’t be so upset about the spinning top, he’s not the last one, and what does your spinning top have to do with it, my bracelet, it drowned in your nasty sea, so it’s because of a trinket, or something, a trinket, at least you do you know how much it costs? but if it's that expensive, then you can cry, it's my lucky bracelet, i wore it to all the meetings, to all the negotiations, it never let me down, never, yes, it would be better if my prada drowned, it would be better if the sea drowned, it would be better if my car drowned here to hell, well, it would be better if i drowned myself, just not him...
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slept with pigs, didn't cry, flew down the stairs normally, here because of some sprout, here not some, here is my friend, my grown-up friend, okay? hey, how are you, do you hear? hey, hey,
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i'm you myself. hey, who are you talking to? take this your stupidity. thank you! and what about the fish? no fish, we'll fry a frog, you like french cuisine, but this is a joke, you really don't have a sense of humor?
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apparently mikhail, yeah, nice to meet you, yul, why do you need this vineyard, there are so many shops in moscow, buy whatever you want, well , maybe i like wine.
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muscat, muscat, any fool knows, deep fruity tone, oily aftertaste with a distinct sourness.
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i'll say a good toast, i'd like to drink to one spectacular girl who visited my vineyard, no, no. listen to me, i want to drink, i want to drink to nine, to you, hurray!
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you see, mish, this man, he is not exactly a bad man. but rather stubborn, does not want to talk to him, you are the owner, yes, well, i am leaving until i talk to the owner, well , i said that i am just a hired worker, well, now say that you are not just a hired worker, then it turns out that i led the man around by the nose for 2 days, and this man did not let you live in peace for 2 days, when the man thinks that i am a liar, and do you care what this man pro... gata thinks, misha,
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breakfast? good morning, how did you sleep? like home, my head is not
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it hurts, i brought you a dress, it will suit, whose is it, it belongs to a girl. don't you want to go for a walk? are you hinting
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that it's time for me to go to moscow? no, i wanted to show you the vineyard, why? aren't you interested in seeing how what you drink grows? sunday! marya sergeyevna is changing some details,
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come on, spill the beans, no, not her profession, something happened, a weapon, a kidnapping, murder, time to go to work, and what can i do like that too, i don't have a day without adventures, why put off until the evening what can be revealed during the day, boys, let's work, as you say, you know better, secrets with... from monday on rtr, you don't need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he'll come to your home himself, we're starting, he'll always help, we'll train, how to walk on ice correctly, he'll always tell you how to raise low blood pressure, how to refresh...
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your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov is on rtr tomorrow. sell and make every effort to extract water from the soil, and if there's a lot of water, the sugar content increases and that's what happens, you see, but in general, grapes are like people, alive, you understand, they are born, laughs, rejoices, gets sick, gets old, each vine has its own norm on the bunch, this one has a maximum of 15, smell, smell, smell, here, here it is up to twenty, compare, feel,
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each variety has its own character, each vine requires a special attitude, tenderness or... look at these berries, try, try, but the main thing is not to water during ripening, otherwise the berries begin to burst, in general, uh... in fact, it is a terribly ancient thing, here, oh, thank you, can you imagine, the first wine appeared in the nealite era, thank you, you found the place where you found the jug earlier, in which wine was stored, so, this place was
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inhabited more than 7,000 years ago, imagine, 7.0 years, for a simple worker you know a lot, because i also... can read books, here you go, oh, no , no, no, no, thank you, yesterday is enough for me, really, listen, everything we sang yesterday is not worth a sip of this drink, you know, i drink very rarely, i have never been drunk in my life, well, well, until yesterday evening, okay, yes, that's what i understood, what did you understand, that until yesterday evening, you have never been drunk in your life, here you go, listen, it is not necessary to drink, just try it, one sip, okay.
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it can't be. it's like antinori, but it's made from a grape variety, right, but orde doesn't grow here, i know for sure, you just poured yourself too much expensive wine, you hate when people fool me. let's go somewhere, you'll like it, let's go, this is ardenza, yeah, like, the owner brought a cutting
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from italy, i didn't believe myself that... it would take root, it did, you're a genius,
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"your employer is a shameless bastard, he's a normal guy, really, they just got him, how could they take such a huge one vineyard dump all the work on one person, a whole team worked here, he just has temporary financial difficulties now, he doesn’t have temporary financial difficulties, but permanent ones, not only does he have problems with the tax office, but now he also has problems with a loan”? how do you know that? i know everything, i even know that they will refuse him a loan, how will they refuse, from what article are you? “listen, mish, 2 days ago i would have bought this vineyard at a very good price,
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now the situation is completely different, the investment holding company i work for, is friends with the tax office, there is no problem calling the bailiffs and confiscating all this, then your viktor lapin will not get anything, you will do it, yes, this is business, of course, he had the opportunity to negotiate with me, he did not want to". and now i have the opportunity to solve the problem without him at all. good. and you can solve this problem, well , at least in two days. i do not understand what will change in 2 days. he will come here, this viktor lapin. and give me the calculation. i am sitting without money. okay, i will wait 2 days.
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talk to the second, the matter is urgent, he does not wait, well she won't let me out of the house now, well, let's go through the window, mish, mish, close the window, it 's drafty, ninochka, darling, i'm already closing it, who are you talking to here, and i, well, what are you talking about, i wasn't talking, i was just thinking, hearing, yeah, well, what were you thinking about? and you know, i was thinking here, i was thinking, it would be nice
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to have some potatoes with onions now, and potatoes, looking at the night, well, not zero, that's the thing, well, it happens, appetite, appetite woke up, well, i won't run to the garden, yes, i'll run myself, yes, i'll quickly, i 'll be right there. so, this person is not a person, but a girl, mikha, this is not a girl, this is a shark, imperialism, she wants to devour me along with my vineyard, and what can stop her? bordolis press, who is this? well, i told you, a restaurateur from moscow, to whom i sent a bottle of wine to try, he
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tried it and liked it, now he dreams of a personal meeting, if i make deliveries, i will be able to pay off my debts, and he will come to me, if i buy him a plane ticket, that's good, misha, that's not good, that's fucking good, and the tasting needs to be arranged more effectively to produce he was impressed, well what do you want from me? money to spend on this adventure, and if ninka finds out, he 'll bury me right here along with the potatoes, the family budget is sacred, okay, mih, i'll think of something, let's do it for now, i don't understand, why are you still there, well, it just came up... some unforeseen circumstances, what circumstances, what, what, different, understand,
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this isn't for you to sit in the office with papers, it's, it's all clear there, but here, here everything is somehow confused, you understand that this vineyard is a gold mine, you don't... is it a pity to roll it in concrete? yul, have you been eating too many grapes? understand, this vineyard is just an abstraction for you, you are far away, and i saw it with my own eyes, do you even know what kind of grape variety grows here? do you know what ardenza is? yul, are you even sober there, huh? did you go on a business trip or were you tasting wine? hello, i can't hear well, hello, i 'll call you back tomorrow, okay, go ahead, kisses.
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so this is what you are, viktor lapin, i don't,
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yeah, so this is how you do business, huh? "hello, come on, take off your dress, i say, take it off, excuse me, and who are you, who is this in general, i am his legal wife, that's who you are, you wear my best dress, you squeeze money out of my husband, i don't see your husband, i came to him on business, i
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see what business you came to him on, this is this..." tell me who your friend is, and i 'll tell you who you are, your victor, you're a stud, you're the same, you got involved with this girl, and he covers for you, they set up a house of assignations here, why are you looking at me, pick up money, well, nin, ninochka, well, this is absolutely not how it seems, you understand, she is this woman, she probably lives here with victor, and to me, to i have nothing to do with her, and why does she wear my dress, i don’t know, wait, aren’t you viktor, why are you giving her money?
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thank you, thank you, come on.
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kukariku, and you, kukariku, and i sold the truck, and i made up with nina, yeah, i didn’t know you had a fight, trust me, you’ll assure me, you’ll come through the door, no, i can’t, i don’t have time, i ’ll bike home. to rip off, tomorrow
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i ’m throwing a show for muscovites, you’ll come and support your friend, it was you who stole nina’s dress, no, yeah. she’s just a girl, she had nothing to wear, i won’t she's walking around naked, there was a dress hanging right there, you know what, please, don't drag nina and me into your relationships with girls, i'm just so confused, at first i was messing with her head, and now she doesn't like me, she wants to take away my vineyard, and i want to set up a business. and tomorrow important people from moscow will arrive, she'll see that, that i'm, in general, a good guy, then i'll confess everything to her, she 'll forgive me, girls love spectacular
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confessions, right, why is everything so serious, no? yeah, listen, i didn't get it, are you on a business trip or on vacation, in business trip, i'll be back soon, and the vineyard has been confiscated, no, not yet, but it will be , i've already called the bailiffs, well, why is your voice so joyless, it's a victory for you, a bottle of blue. what's connected with it, maybe you can explain to me what's going on, maybe i'll explain
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when i get back, yur, where are you going, actually i live and work in moscow. and did you want to leave like that, without saying goodbye? i've already stayed here too long, wait, i thought you liked it, maybe you'll stay another day? i don't see the point, tomorrow you'll see the point, i promise, and what will happen tomorrow, the owner of the vineyard is coming, yeah right, yeah right, you wanted to meet, right? with the owner of the vineyard, tomorrow you'll have that chance, besides i've prepared a surprise for you, you know, i think i'll stay, i
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've prepared a surprise for you too.
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this is mine, what are you saying, what are you saying, this is my dress, this is my dress, i have lots of those. and i'll sell the suitcase, this is my suitcase, this is my suitcase, girl, wait, oh my god, it was stolen from me, you know, money, you have money, and it's expensive. how much, how much, how much do you have?
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5:09 am
my friends, thank you, just a moment of attention, just a moment of attention, once a friend of mine said, every business begins with a dream, my friend dreamed of growing grapes, a special grape variety, the variety that had never grown in...
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i would like to name this wine, julia, in honor of the girl who inspires me, and whom i foolishly deceived, and now i regret very much.
5:11 am
which of you is victor lapin, he is here with us , here he is our new star, come on in, take glasses, join me, i am victor. do you have another diploma there? it would be better some kind of cash prize is issued, all your property is subject to confiscation, including the land on which you are all here, hey, what confiscation, trembling, what are you doing, we have guests from moscow here, hello, oh my god, oh my god, why are you so drunk, oh my god, what have i done, was it something important, how drunk, please let me ask, did i get dirty, do you understand? i got you
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dirty, i got you dirty too, let me help you yourself, and do you think this will help you, tomorrow i will have a new one, let's go, goodbye, where you, i don't know how men fall in love, but his gaze is fixed on me, i'm sitting here in the corner, surrounded myself with pillows and silent, lidiya fedoseyeva shukshina about her beloved husband. how did you tell him that you fell in love? a deaf girl lived with us in a communal apartment, she taught me all this sound, he said: "well , tell me something, and i, i will you..." the most terrible days in your life, when vasily makarovich passed away, and there was such a thing, once like a premonition, no, i didn't have any premonition, it was scary, of course, the death of someone so close,
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beloved person, i certainly didn't want to live, after vasily makar passed away, what they didn't say, that he was poisoned, killed, how did it really happen, fate? a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i love you, you can't even imagine how we look at rtr, ira, marry me, please, marry for love, who is she, the best woman in the world or for money, the wedding is in a month, i agreed with zaks, what are you doing, am i a toy to you, or what, and what about you, don't you like alisa, ivan ivanovich, very wealthy man. it's not up to him to decide, yes, i'll destroy you, don't you understand? alexey chadov , olga kros'ko. choose right now, either me or mom. svetlana nimalyaeva, who's this naked dean? maria shukshina, well, never mind. svetlana
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ustinova, moskovsky roman. here's pam, he's ours to marry. from monday on rtr: i have 10 higher educations, and why do you want to build a pizza delivery man? i've always admired people without complexes, i'm monogamous, i love only myself, what a giant he's grown up to be, 152 cm tall, 43 kg, giraffe, i think that some man would finally take off his me the crown of ugliness, the pit of humor.
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listen, if the tax office takes everything, it’s not clear at all who will become our supplier, why do we need these problems? are you right? but we got some fresh air at his expense, let’s go! mish, that is, i, i’ll think of something, i, i’ll come to an agreement with...
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you think it grows itself, yes, that’s how grapes grow, you think ardenza grows everywhere, it just took and grew here, right? why the hell did you even come here, don’t arino me, i ’m trying to figure out how to help you, thank you, i helped, why did you call the tax office, if if you hadn't pretended to be someone else, i wouldn't have dressed up and called the tax office, if you hadn't been pushing like a tank, i wouldn't have pretended to be someone else, if i hadn't been pushing like a tank, i wouldn't be working where i'm working now, go ahead and quit your job, you've already done everything you could here, okay?
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i can't leave like that.
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please don't pretend. anyway, this vineyard is my problem, don't say that, it's my grandfather's vineyard, i spent my entire childhood here, everything my grandfather once learned. he taught me this, he believed that his grandson would follow in his footsteps and
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will become a winemaker, the grandson followed in his father's footsteps, graduated from college, got a job in a large advertising company, his father, earned normal money, lived without denying himself anything, when he remembered his grandfather, he died and bequeathed... the grandson and the vineyard, in short, i came to the funeral, stayed here for 3 years, during these 3 years i have not regretted a single day lived, the vineyard is of course a disaster, but it is also a joy, i am a lousy businessman, well, it's not true, in my life everything has always been according to plan, except for you.
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when i see you my heart goes to sky. flying so high, don't be so shy, do one more try, you finally get to open my heart, you are so smart, we can't be ever, i'm going crazy. feel about you and day together for the rest
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left day forever never say goodbye you always all my money now that it's true you the walk on me let's do i relax i dream can you um you have to leave, and you have to stay, yes, i have here at home, a harvest, a lot of work, and i have a lot of work there, i have a house there, i will sit on a tree for you, no, why on
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tree, i have a phone at home. why did you make me climb there? i wanted to look at your legs. are you sure, sure, listen, one more thing,
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here, is this for you, what is this? then why did you come, it's yours, i don't understand, your vineyard, it's a deed of gift, yul understand, i'm not a businessman, but i love this vineyard, in addition to love, you also need to invest money here, let's divide the responsibilities equally, your company will invest in this land, and i will heal the grapes. it will be better this way, believe me, go!
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the family ran away, but i didn't come to visit, you see, here's the thing, i don't even know how to say it, and you tell it like it is, and what, don't you watch the news? your yulka, she, tell me, no, everything is fine with her, in general, there won't be a vineyard here, there will be a hotel, what hotel, what did you get, there was a big story about this in the news, in place of your vineyard they will build a large
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hotel complex with tennis courts, parking, a swimming pool. golf course, are you kidding, mih, hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on the air, vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, no in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back nuclear weapons, go into readiness number one, what is he an image of victory, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yany is a rag, see you, provocation is
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treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. yes, it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new issues of our. podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform watch, the first podcasts we watch.
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the sales contract is on the table, but i would ask you to forget about this contract for a minute and try this: this wine is made from the ardenza grape variety, dry streams are the only place in our country where this variety grows. this vineyard is unique, in front of each of you. there is a folder with calculations of profit in case of investment in this project. in my opinion, investing in the creation of a domestic
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wine product, comparable in quality to a cheaper one, in comparison with global brands, allows investors, that is, us, to occupy a unique niche, practically free from competition, let me and guarantee high profits, page 17. i. i did not understand, but what about the construction of the hotel, this is our main project, and the hotel, kirill sergeevich, we can build here, you could at least warn me about your brilliant calculations plans, forgive me, kirill, you came out spontaneously, what spontaneous, listen, don't twist my brains, you are a calculating person, you know everything perfectly well, when, why and why, wait, well tell me, well tell me, really, and kirill, you don't know me well, i mean, and i don't know you well, and you tell me, tell me, tell me, i
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'll get to know you better, and we, we're still planning to get married, and kirill, yes, i don't believe in marriage of convenience anymore, are you refusing me or something? forgive me! well, where are you going to go, it doesn't matter, the main thing is to get away from here, there are few places in the country where there is an advertising agency, stay, live until
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you find a good offer. maxim olegovich, it's not entirely convenient for me to talk about this, but everything is not as yulia described it vladimirovna. this antinori, as we know, is an expensive italian brand, can you compare? this is a forgery, there is no vineyard, there is a scorched wasteland where nothing grows, but i think that it is somehow pointless
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to invest in an empty place, and yulia vladimirovna entered into a corrupt conspiracy against our company, i will provide all the evidence.
5:34 am
here, tyaninka baked some pies. thank you. at least come on vacation. of course. mikh , keep an eye on the patch, otherwise ninka will use it for cutlets. of course. well there. how will you get a job? i'll call. who will i climb through the windows with now? teach ninka, it's not that difficult.
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help me, victor, victor, victor!
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it's not cold, how will we live now, we'll plant a new eye, we'll sleep in the guest house, yeah, and wash ourselves with a hose outside, grow
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grapes, grapes and children, children, a good investment, i suggest we plan three. wow, i suggest we act spontaneously.
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the events that will be told in this film began with the appearance of a rocky cape off the coast, mysterious and strange creatures. it looked like a man with fish scales and huge toad eyes. fishermen called it the sea devil. one day , traces of the sea devil were found on the shore of the bay. local residents claimed that at night the sea devil rushed like a dolphin and loudly trumpeted vrom.
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gyol, sea, what's the matter, parasites, why did you quit your job, what the hell are you doing in your throat, back?
5:47 am
listen, valtozar, how much do i owe you, you're joking, don pedro, i owe you a lot of money, then why is your daughter pretending to be a princess? i wouldn't wish it on guterre, a better groom than you, that's why i persuaded her to stay with you on the schooner, so that you could, well, court her, look after her, that's all i 've been doing lately. you don't want to notice me, gutierre? why, i noticed very well how you threw poor crist overboard? listen, gutierre, yes, i 'm often a group with others, but with you, i love you, i'll give you everything, my name, my fortune, gutierre, you're not one of those who give anything for free, well, you pay for my attitude towards you, ah, i should be paying already, and... well, don't build it up
5:48 am
i won't touch it, oh so, that's your character, dad, send my things to the shore, shame on you, come back right now, it must be returned. shark, gutier, gutier, help, help, razii, you can't see, help, but there's a sea devil, you bastards!
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"i saw a shark with my own eyes, we all saw it, and i saw it too, i ripped open its belly from the tail to get there, well, well!"


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